Oral Presentation: Opening Expression Example

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A. Good Morning, Ladies and Gentlemen. I would like to say thank you for coming in my
presentation. Its great to see you all. My name is Syaibani Dita Ardella
B. Assalamualaikum... Good morning guys? How are you? We are/ Iam fine too, thanks...
With all respect to my teacher and all of my beloved friends who join this lesson.
Frist of all, let us thank to Allah SWT which gave us blessing and healthy, so we can gather on
this lesson.
And the second is to our greatest prophet Muhammad SAW who guided us to the right way.
In this case, we/I will present about Inaccuracy of Inventory.". We are from group <..> My name
is Syaibani Dita Ardella, and ( semuanya memperkenalkan diri )

C. Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb ,Thank you for coming to this class, / I am glad to see you all.
D. Good morning / afternoon/ evening everybody / friends/ guys.
E. Good morning / Afternoon ladies and gentlemen. an honor to meet you here.



I would like to talk about inaccuracy of Inventory,Inventory is the storage of Inventory of

commodities that will be used to to fulfill requests in the queue,time and how many materials
were booked optimally to meet the requests,in the other words,minimum inventory control so
that the company can run smoothly

a. Any question?

b. Anybody would like to ask?


A. In conclusion ....
B. In summary ....
C. Thank you very much for your great attention, ladies and gentlemen.
Maybe that's enough from us/me.
We do hope that our information we have share would be very usefull to us all. We are really sorry for
our mistakes. Thanks for your attention. See you next time and Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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