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1. What is Food?
Ans: Any substance that, when ingested, will supply nutrients such as
carbohydrates, Proteins, Mineral Vitamins, H2O that nourish the
2. Define Nutrition?
Ans: Nutrition is a science that deals with the fate or path of the food in
the body.
3. What is Canning Technology?
Ans: Principle of Canning is sterilization by heat.
Four important steps in this method are
a. Placing the food to be preserved in bottles.
b. Closing the bottles with utmost care.
c. Subjecting bottles to the action of boiling H2O for the certain
length of time.
d. Removing the bottles from the H2O bath at the end of the
prescribed period.
4. What is Canning?
Ans: The preserving method in which food is preserved in hermetically
sealed container.
5. Which Chemical is responsible for Heat production in
Ans: Capsicin
6. What is the most common method of food preservation
in Pakistan?
Ans: Cold Storage and Sun-drying.
7. Whats Synersis?
Ans: The Separation of Liquid phase from the solid phase (mostly in Jam
Jellies, Marmalades) is known as synersis.
8. What is Blanching?
Ans: Blanching is the heating of some plant food material in hot water or
steam for a very short time mainly to destroy active food enzymes.
9. Why we expel. extra cellular spaces by blanching?
Ans: To reduce the volume of material.
10. What is the function of Blanching?
Ans: A) It loosens the skin
B) It cleans the product by removing adhering contaminants.
C) It removes tissue gas from leafy vegetable.

D) It helps to fix the green color.

11. Differentiate b/w aseptic canning and conventional
Ans: Aseptic Canning: Food is first heat processed and then filled or
packed aseptically into suitable sterile containers. Commercial
Thermal Processing/Conventional Canning: Food is filled into the
container which is sealed hermetically and then subjected to high
12. Differentiate b/w Cold Storage & freezer Storage?
Ans: Cold Storage: refers to the storage condition where food is held at a
temperature around its freezing point.
Freezer Storage: Describes the Situation where food is held in
frozen state at a temperature below freezing point.
13. What is the difference b/w spoilage &-deterioration?
Ans: Spoilage: The spoilage of foods as a result of microbial enzymatic
Deterioration: Deterioration in foods caused by physical phenomena
that occur during processing handling &-storage.
14. Differentiate b/w baking & barbecuting?
Ans: Baking: Cooking in an oven with dry heat (100-232oC).
Barbcuting: Direct heating over glowing, smokeless wood
15. Differentiate b/w roasting &-broasting?
Ans: Roasting: Cooking by dry heat in oven or closed vessel with just a
little fat.
Broasting: Pressure frying
16. Whats the Difference b/w Pasteurization &
Ans: Pasteurization: Pasteurization treatment (65oC-88oC) is applied to
kill pathogenic organisms including bacteria &-yeast (Vegetative
form of bacteria are killed).
Sterilization: Sterilization employs much higher temperature (100oC
or above) to destroy all microbial forms (Vegetative + Spores).
17. Define Tyndallization?
Ans: Tyndallization is the process by which vegetative forms of
microorganisms are Killed at 80oC-100oC the germination of
resistant spores(37oC)germinated spores are subsequently Killed by
reheating at the same temperature.
18. What foods called commercially sterile foods?

Ans: For a food stuff to be declared commercially sterile all

pathogenic &-target spoilage vegetative microorganisms present in
food must be destroyed Additionally, microbial spores that may
thrive under the subsequent handling &-storage conditions must
also be eliminated.
19. In which areas the primary taste is detected?
Ans: Sour Taste: Is most readily detected on the sides of the tongue.
Salty Taste: On the Sides &-tips
Sweet Taste: On the tip
Bitter Taste: On the back of the tongue on the pharynx.
20. Differentiate b/w dyes & lake?
Ans: Dyes: The dyes water soluble and produced primarily from coal tar,
the dye adsorbed on aluminum hydroxide.
Lakes: Lakes are fat-soluble &-color by dispersion.
21.. Name some Oxidizing/bleaching agents used in flour?
Ans: Benzoyl peroxide, nitrogen dioxide.
22. Whats meant by bound water?
Ans: The water which is physically or chemically bounded which can be
or can not be removed, it is unavailable as solvent & it is also non-
23. Whats meant by Crude fiber?
Ans: The fiber which can not be digested by human digestive system.
24. What is the significance of digestible carbohydrate in
human diet?
Ans: These provide readily available energy to the human body.
25. What is the significance of total solid in foods?
Ans: Amount of total solids determines the quality & nutritional value of
a food.
26. Why are total solids important in dehydration of
Ans: In dehydration we decrease available water so as to increase total
solids for better quality & storage stability of food.
34. What measure is employed to control browning in
Ans: 1. Use of SO2, Citric acid &-ascorbic acid.
2. By Blanching
3. Reducing the PH 3or below.
35. Which acids cause acidity in fruits?
Ans: Tartaric acid (grapes), Citric acid (Citrus) malic acid (apple) etc.
36. Which organic acid is a vitamins as well?

Ans: Ascorbic acid (vit. C).

37. What is the Composition of Nutrient agar?
Ans: Peptone, Beef extract, NaCl, Agar Agar, yeast extract.
38. Why agar agar is used to Solidify the media?
Ans: Because most of the bacteria on earth cant utilize agar so media
remain solidify.
39. What is homogenization?
Ans: Homogenization is a process in which fat globule size is reduced to
2500 fat globules under high pressure for its uniform mixing.
40. Define Cheese?
Ans: Cheese is a fresh or ripened product obtained after coagulation and
whey separation of milk.
41. What is the Composition of Cheese?
Ans: Protein, Fat, Water, Salt.
42. What is the Chemistry of milk Clotting?
Ans: 2Casein (Soluble) rennin2Paracasein (Soluble) + Ca++
3Calcium Paracaseinate.
44. Why flavors are not added at the initial Stages of
processing of foods?
Ans: Because they are Volatile in nature and escape away on
45. Why Colors are added at the end of Cooling?
Ans: B/c color denature at high temperature.
47. What is the effect of too much sugar in Cakes?
Ans: Too much sugar causes a sticky crust & a gummy texture.
48. Whats the purpose of high mixing in high sugar Cakes than
low-Sugar Cakes?
Ans: To achieve optimum volume during baking and prevent falling
when removed from the oven.
49. What is meant by rendering?
Ans: Rendering is a process by which fat is removed from a
tissue by heat.

50. Examples of Oil in Water are?

Ans: Mayonnaise, Butter, Margarine.
51. What is the difference b/w Yoghurt and Curd?
Ans: Yoghurt: Desired Culture is used
Curd mixed culture is used
52. What is difference b/w Lassi and Whey?

Lassi Whey
Contain all soluble and During Cheese formation
insoluble materials, only Casein is separated and
fat is removed. remaining liquid is whey.

53. Define Butter?

Ans: Fat Concentrate which is obtained by Churning of milk.
54. What is the Composition of butter?
Ans: Fat 80-85%
Moisture 15-16%
Salt 2.5%
Curd 1%
55. Define Ice Cream?
Ans: A frozen dairy Product made by suitable blend and Processing of
cream and other milk product together with sugar, flavor with or
without stabilizer and color and with the incorporation of air during
57. Differentiate b/w sanitation &-hygiene?
Ans: Sanitation: The physical cleaning is simply called sanitation.
eg. Proper Drainage, Removal of Waste material etc. The reduction
of microbial load upto the maximum possible level is hygiene. It
includes cleaning of environment and all the working conditions
58. Why some fruit Juices rich in natural colors are not
preserved by SO2?

Ans: Because SO2 bleaches the natural color of the fruit Juices, so fruit
Jucies rich in natural colors are preserved by Sodium benzoate.
59. What is meant by Smoke Point?
Ans: The smoke point is the temperature at which a fat or oil gives off a
thin bluish smoke.

60. What are the types of separation techniques?

Ans: 1. Chromatographic technique
2. Electromigration technique.
61 Define term Chromatography?

Ans: Chromatography is a dynamic physical process in which

molecular components in a mixture are separated because of their
different affinities for two substances referred to as phases, one
being fixed or stationary and the other mobile phase.
62 What are the types of Chromatography?
Ans: 1. Liquid Chromatography
2. Gas Chromatography
63 Enlist Modern Separation Techniques?
Ans: 1. High Performance/Precision/Pressure liquid
Chromatography (HPLC)
2. Thin Layer Chromatography (TLC)
3. Gas Chromatography (GC)
4. Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer(AAS)
5. Flame Photometry(FP)
6. Fourier Transform infrared Photometer (FTIR)
64 What is HPLC?
Ans: HPLC is high Performance/Precision/Pressure liquid
chromatography. It is a separation technique used to separate Non-
volatile compounds and high molecular compounds e.g, Antibiotics.
65 Define the Term Gas liquid Chromatography (GLC)?
Ans: Gas Chromatography is a technique for separating volatile
substances by percolating a gas stream over stationary phase is
liquid so called gas liquid chromatography.
66. Define the term Electrophoresis?
Ans: Separation of substances under high voltage (1.5kv).
67 Briefly Explain Spectrophotometery?
Ans: UV-Vis light absorbed by the sample as a function of Wavelength
and radiated in the form of light spectrum which is detected by
Photocathod tube and the signal is recorded.
68 What is thin layer Chromatography (TLC)?
Ans: TLC is a separation technique in which compounds are separated
between two phases namely stationary phase and mobile phase.

69.. Define the term lipolysis?

Ans: The breakdown of fatty material into free fatty acid and
glycerol, with the heat of lipolytic enzymes, called
70. Define the term proteolysis?

Ans: Proteolysis is the term that describes the break down of

proteinaceous material.
71. Briefly explain the term fermentation?
Ans: Fermentation is the anaerobic or partially anaerobic oxidation of
carbohydrates. During this process enzymes elaborated by
microorganism, breakdown carbohydrates or carbohydrate like
material into substances that are less subject to undesirable
microbial activity than the original material.
72 Give the names of industries which are included in
Ans: Baking, brewing, wine making, vinegar manufacture.
73. Enlist the fermented foods?
Ans: Yoghurt, Cheese, Sauerkraut, Pickles.
74. What is alcoholic fermentation explain with equation?
Ans: In this fermentation sugars are converted into ethyl alcohol and
carbon dioxide with the help of several yeasts most common
according to this equation species of genera (Saccharomyces)
C6H12O6 Yeast 2C2H5OH + 2CO2
Glucose ethyl alcohol
75. What is acetic acid fermentation?
Ans: Acetic acid bacteria (Species of the genera Acetobactor and
Acetomonas ) are capable of oxidizing ethyl alcohol into acetic acid
and water.
C2H5OH Acetic acid bacteria CH3COOH + H2O
Ethyl alcohol Acetic acid
76. What is Lactic acid fermentation?
Ans: Lactic acid bacteria utilize sugars present in the foods and convert
them into lactic acid.
C6H12O6 lactic acid bacteria Lactic acid + H2O


1. _______________ is the Science that deals with the Path of the food in
the body.
a) Food Science b) Nutrition
c) Food Processing d) Food Technology
2. It is estimated that -------------------% of world production is lost after
a) 25 b) 40
c) 30 d) 45
3. Food losses in Pakistan range from about ________ % in cereals.
a) 80 b) 20
c) 40 d) 35
4. Food supply can be increased ________% by reducing post harvest
a) 20-30 b) 30-40
c) 10-20 d) 40-50
5. _____________ includes all treatments given to a foodstuff from the
place of production to the point of consumption.
a) Food Preservation b) Food Processing
c) Food Science d) Food Technology
6. ____________ is the application of scientific & engineering principles to
extend the shell life of food &-prevent deterioration.
a) Food Processing b) Food Science
c) Food Technology d) Food Preservation
7. ____________ involves knowledge about the nature of food, its
composition, behaviour under different conditions of processing,
preservation & storage, the causes of spoilage & the principles
underlying methods of processing & preservations.
a) Food technology b) Food Science
c) Food Preservation d) Food Processing
8. Cane sugar is called ______________
a) Fructose b) Sucrose
c) Galactose d) Maltose
9. Sugar cane is an example of ______________
a) Complex Food b) Simple Food
c) Nutritive Food d) All above
10. Meat, Fruits, Vegetables & cereals are example of ______
a) Simple Food b) Complex Food
c) Functional Food d) Nutritive Food

11. ______________ is concerned with food supply, food Quality

and Food safety
a) Food Science b) Food Technology
c) Nutrition Food d) Food Processing
12. ______________ was the father of canning.
a) Gay-Lussac b) Nicolas Appert
c) Pearson d) Louis Pasteur
13. Apperts work was the discovery of the principle of ______________ by
a) Pasteurization b) Sterilization
c) Tyndallization d) Filteration
14. ______________ are among the oldest food preservation techniques.
a) Drying and dehydration b) Irradiation
c) Sun drying d) Cold storage &-freezing
15. In dairy industry, a process for producing evaporated milk was patented
a) 1896 b) 1835
c) 1840 d) 1842
16. The ______________ have been used as the basis in all common wealth
countries including Pakistan.
a) American food laws b) Russian food laws
c) Arabic food laws d) British food laws
17. In Pakistan, Food processing industry is the ________largest employer
of labour.
a) 1st B)2nd

c) 3rd d) 4th

18. Deficiency of Vit. _____ is associated with night blindness & skin
a) Vit. A b) Vit. D
c) Vit. C d) Vit. E
19. Cholecalciferol is the natural form of ______________
a) Vit. A b) Vit. D
c) Vit. C d) Vit. K
20. ____________ is produced in the body by the action of ultraviolet rays
of the sun.
a) Vitamin D b) Vit. B
c) Vit. E d) Vit. A

21. Rickets in Children is the result of deficiency of ______________

a) Vit. D b) Vit. A

c) Vit. C d) Vit. E
22. ______________ act as antioxidants.
a) Vit. E b) Vit. D
c) Vit. C d) Vit. A
23. ______________ is associated with normal clotting of blood.
a) Vit. C b) Vit. D
c) Vit. K c) Tocopherol
24. ______________ deficiency causes beriberi.
a) Vit. B-1 b) Vit. B
c) Vit. C d) Vit. D
25. ______________ is a yellow, crystalline, water soluble compound.
a) Riboflavin b) Niacin
c) Cholecaliferol d) Folic acid
26. Folic acid deficiency cause______________
a) Night blindness b) Rickets
c) Beri Beri d) Anemia
27. Biotin is the name given to Vit. ______________
a) Vit. H b) Vit. C
c) Vit. D d) Vit. E
28. Vit. C is also called ______________
a) Malic acid b) Citric acid
c) Ascorbic acid d) Tartaric acid
29. Ascorbic acid deficiency cause ______________
a) Scurvy b) Night blindness
c) Rickets d) Beri Beri
30. Cystein, Cystine &-methionine are ________amino acid.
a) Sulphur containing b) Hydrogen containing
c) Copper containing d) Mg: containing
31. ______________ classifies all foods into 3 broad categories: Stable,
semi perishable and perishable.
a) Chemist b) Nutritionist
c) Food processor d) All above

32. The foods in which the moisture contents and less than/below 15% is
a) Stable foods b) Semi Perishable foods
c) Perishable foods d) Acid food

33. The moisture content of natural semi-perishable foods ranges

b/w ______________
a) 50-60% b) 70-80%
c) 60-90% d) 50-70%
34. The foods in which the moisture content ranges b/w 80-95% is called
a) Perishable foods b) Semi-perishable foods
c) Stable foods d) High acid foods
35. Apple Guava, Mango, Orange, Pineapple, Tomato are______________
a) Acid foods b) Low acid foods
c) Medium acid foods d) High acid foods
36. Lime, Lemon Juice and Pickles ______________
a) Low acid food b) Acid foods
c) Medium acids foods d) High acid foods
37. Okra, Green Peas, Green beans &-leafy vegetables ______
a) Low acid foods b) Medium acid foods
c) Acid foods d) High acid foods
38. Foods having pH of below 3.7 called ______________
a) High acid food b) Acid foods
c) Medium acid foods d) Low acid foods
39. Foods within the pH rang _________ are called acid foods.
a) Below 3.7 b) 4.5 3.7
c) 4.5 5 d) 5 &-above
40. ______________ includes all foods that fall within the pH range of 5.0
to 4.5.
a) High acid b) Acid foods
c) Medium acid foods d) Low acid foods
41. Foods with a pH range of ______________ are called low acid foods.
a) Below 3.7 b) 4.5 3.7
c) 5 4.5 d) 5 - above
42. Most food poisoning organisms prefer to grow in the pH rang of
a) > 4-5 b) < 4-5
c) 5 d) above 5
43. Clostridium botulinum &-clostridium sporogenes are______________
a) Thermophilic spore forming b) Mesophilic spore forming
c) Psychrophilic d) None
44. The fruits &-vegetables contain an insoluble stiffening material called

a) Pectin b) Lignin
c) Proto Pectin d) Gums
45. The term ______________ means self-destruction &-refers to the
deteriorative changes originating from within the food system.
a) Hydrolysis b) Proteolysis
c) Putrification d) Autolysis
46. The oxidative rancidity in oils &-fats is a typical example of
______________ induced deteriorative process in foods.
a) Microbiologically b) Bio-Chemically
c) Chemically d) Physically
47. Oxidative rancidity can be accelerated by the presence of certain
divalent &-polyvalent______________
a) Metals b) Light
c) High temperature d) All above
48. When fresh meat in a butchers shop is cut, the newly exposed surface,
on coming in contact with oxygen, becomes ______________
b) Pinkish b) Brownish
d) Bright red c) Red
49. Color changes leading to brown, grey &-others in fresh &-cured meat
can also arise from ______________
c) Biochemical changes b) Physical changes
c) Microbial activity d) Enzymes activity
50. When sugars heated under controlled conditions in the absence of water,
they form anhydro sugar, that readily polymerize to give typical taint &-
brown pigment this processs called ______________
d) Maillard reaction b) Caramalization
c) Browning d) Purification
51. Dairy product regularly suffers from rancid, goaty &-unclean taints due
to excessive concentration of ______________ fatty acids.
e) C11 C2 0
f) C20 C22
g) C18 C20
h) C 4 C10
52. Some bacteria like ______________ produce toxins that cause food
i) Clostridium b) Staphylococcus aureus
c) Mycodesmavin d) A & B
53. Chemically or bio-chemically, enzymes are primarily ______________
in nature.
j) Carbohydrate b) Lipids

c) Vitamins d) Proteins
54. Cytochrome oxidase &-alcohol dehydrogenase are the example of ____
k) Oxidoreductases b) Transferases
c) Hydrolases c) Lyases
55. Transminase is an example of ______________ enzyme.
l) Hydrolases b) Oxidoreductases
c) Ligases d) Transferases
56. Esterases, Proteinases, alkali &-acid phosphates belong to
______________ enzyme.
m) Hydrolases b) Transferases
c) Oxidoreductases d) Ligases
57. Fumerase is an example of ______________enzyme.
n) Ligases b) Isomerases
c) Lyases d) Hydrolases
58. Racemases belongs to ______________ enzyme.
o) Isomerases b) Ligases
c) Lyases d) Oxidoreductases
59. Pyruvate carboxylase is an example of ______________ enzyme.
p) Ligases b) Isomerases
c) Lyases d)Hydrolases
60. The efficiency of an enzyme is greatly influenced by the
q) pH b) Environmental temperature
c) Concentration of enzyme d) All above
61. ____________ bacteria grow best within the temperature range of 45oC
r) Mesophilic b) Thermophilic
c) Psychrophilic d) All above

62. ______________ bacteria grow best at room temperature 20oC - 30oC.

s) Mesophilic b) Thermophilic
c) Psycrophilic d) All above
63. ______________ bacteria grow best at refrigeration temperature 4oC
t) Thermophilic b) Psychrophilic
c) Mesophilic d) All above
64. Pure water has an Aw (water activity)______________
u) 0.99 b) 1.0
c) 1.5 d) 2.0

65. Fresh foods have Aw ______________

v) 0.99 b) S1.0
c) 1.6 d) 2.0
66. Dried foods have Aw of ______________ or even less.
w) 1.0 b) 1.5
c) 0.6 d)2.0
67. ________ is commonly applied to plant material in order to destroy
some enzyme systems prior to canning, cold storage, freezing or
x) Blanching b) Pasteurization
c) Sterilization d) Tyndallization
68. Tyndallization is more reliable than ______________
y) Sterilization b) Pasteurization
c) Blanching d) Canning
69. ______________ is the method of food preservation in which food
contained in a permanently sealed container is subjected to an elevated
temperature for a definite period of time and then cooled.
z) Canning b)Sterilization
c) Pasteurization d) Blanching
70. Some substances are added intentionally to foods for the purpose of
making more profit generally termed as ______________
aa) Food contaminations b) Food adulterants
c) Food additives d) All above
71. Many substances enter foodstuffs accidentally during production,
processing, storage & handling often referred to as food ______________
bb) Food contaminants b) Food adulterants
c) Food additives d) All above
72. Many chemicals and added intentionally during production,
processing or storage to improve or enhance the qualities of the foods
stuff termed as______________
cc) Food adulterants b) Food additives
c) Food contaminants d) All above
73. ______________ is used to whiten the color of fresh whole for the
production of some kinds of cheese.
dd) Hydrogen peroxide b) Sulphurdioxide
c) Sodium benzoate d) Potassium Sorbate
74. ______________ is naturally occurring antioxidant.
a) Vitamin. K b) Vit. A
c) Vit. B d)Vit. E
75. BHA & BHT are the example of ______________

a) Antisprouting agent
b) Antiripening agent
c) Antioxidants
d) Antimicrobial agent
76. ______________ is the example of antiripening agent.
a) 2, 4, 5 trichlorophenoxy acetic acid
b) Maleic hydrazide
c) Sulphur dioxide
d) Sodium benzoate
77. The examples of thickening agents are ______________
a) Agar b) Amylose
c) Guargum d) All above
78. The most Commonly used leavening agents in bakery are
ee) Yeast b) Sodium bicarbonate
c) Sugar d) a & b
79. In the production of Carbonated beverages CO2 and ______________ are
common additives used as preservative.
ff) Sodium Propionate b) Sorbic Acid
c) Benzoate d) Nitrates
80. Sorbic Acid and ______________ are the preservatives used in bread
a)Sulphur dioxide b) Nitrites
c) Propionic Acid d) Benzoic Acid

81. The Final Products of alcoholic fermentation are ______________

a) Acetic acid + Water
b)Ethyl alcohol + Carbon dioxide
c)Ethyl alcohol + Water
d)All above
82. Saccharomyces cerevisiae is the example of ______________
a) Bacteria b) Fungi
c) Yeast d) Molds
83. Beer is produced from ______________
a) Wheat b) Barley
c) Corn d)Rice
84. Soy Sauce is the fermented product of ______________
a) Barley b) Wheat
c) Oat d) Soy beans

85. Cereals are fermented to produce ______________

a) Coffee b) Seasoning
c) Bread d) CHAPATTI
86. Tea is the example of fermentation______________
a) Alcoholic b) Non-alcoholic
c) Acetic d) None
87. The examples of fermented dairy products are ______________
a) Cheese and Yoghurt b) Butter and Cream
c) Cream and Ice Cream d) All above
88. ______________ is the acetic acid producing bacteria.
a) Acetomonas b) Saccharomyces
c) Streptococcus d) None
89. Vinegar is a product of ______________ fermentation.
a) Lactic b) Acetic
c) Alcoholic d) None
90. In dairy Industry ______________ bacteria are most often used to
convert milk sugar to lactic acid.
a) Streptococcus b) Lactobacillus
c) Acetobacter d) a & b
91. The term ______ is sometimes used to denote both sensation and the
a) Taste b) Aroma
c) Flavour d) All above

92. ______________ is present in rancid butter.

a) Propionic acid b) Pentanoic acid
c) N-butyric acid d)Caproic acid
93. Esters are similar to ______________
a) Alcohols b) Fatty acid
c) Aldehyde d) Ketones
94. Ethylbutyrate is well known for its ______________ like aroma.
a) Banana b) Grape
c) Pineapple d) Guava
95. ______________ is well known for its banana like aroma.
a) Diacetyl b) Iso-amyl acetate
c) Nerol d) Ethyl butyrate
96. Diacetyl is present in ______________
a) Cultured butter b) Sour Cream
c) Butter milk d) All above

97. Delta lactones are important in ______________

a) Jams b) Jellies
c) Milk & milk products d) Pickles
98. Eugenol is important ingredient of oil of ______________
a) Olive b) Cloves
c) Nutmeg d) Cumin
99. ______________ is the example of flavor enhancer in meat products.
a) Mono Sodium glutamate b) Sorbitol
c) Lecithin d) None
100. The enzyme that destroys Vit. B-1 is ______________
a) Oxalate b) Phenolase
c) Thiaminase d) None
101. _______________is the anaerobic or partially anaerobic oxidation of
carbohydrates with the help of enzymes.
a) Preservation b) Fermentation
c) Dehydration d) Pasteurization
102. Fermentation industries include
a) Baking b) Brewing
c) Wine making d) All above
103. Yoghurt, Cheese, Pickles are included in
a) Fermented foods b) Dehydrated food
c) Simple food d) Preserved food

104. C6H12O6 yeast 2C2H5OH + 2CO2

a) Lactic fermentation
b) Acetic fermentation
c) Alcoholic fermentation
105. _______________ is applied in the production of leavened bread
and alcoholic beverages.
a) Lactic fermentation b) Acetic fermentation
c) Alcoholic fermentation
106. The fermentation in which sugars are converted into ethyl alcohol and
a) Lactic fermentation b) Acetic fermentation
c) Alcoholic fermentation
107. Beer is produced from.
a) Corn b) Barley
c) Oat d) Wheat
108. Wine is produced from
a) Lemon b) Avocado

c) Grapes d) Grape fruit

109. Vinegar is a product of
a) Acetic fermentation
b) Lactic fermentation
c) Alcoholic fermentation
110. C6H12O6 Bacteria CH3CHCOOH + H2O
a) Acetic fermentation
b) Lactic fermentation
c) Alcoholic fermentation
111. Lactic acid bacteria utilize the sugars present in the foods and convert
them into lactic acid this process is called.
a) Acetic fermentation b) Lactic fermentation
c) Alcoholic fermentation
112. Streptococcus Thermophilus and Lactobacillus bulgaricus are Lactic
fermentar in.
a) Meat industry b) Dairy industry
c) Fruit and Vegetable industry
d) Beverage industry
113. Lactic fermentation product from coagulated milk in dairy industry is
a) Cheese b) Ice Cream
c) Skimmed Milk d) Milk Cream

114. Several yeasts can be used but most commonly species of genus.
a) Streptococcus b) Lactobacillus
c) Leuconostoc d) Saccharomyces
115. Saccharomyces Cerevisae & Saccharomyces carlbergensis are
common species of yeast which are used in
a) Acetic fermentation b) Alcoholic fermentation
c) Lactic fermentation
116. _______________ is used in alcoholic fermentation
a) Yeast b) Bacteria
c) Algae d) Blue green Algae
117. C6H12O6 yeast 2C2H5OH +2CO2
a) Alcoholic fermentation
b) Acetic fermentation
c) Lactic fermentation
118. C2H5OH CH3COOH + H2O reaction take place in the
presence of
a) Yeast b) Acetic acid bacteria
c) Lactic acid bacteria

119. C6H12O6 CH3CHCOOH + H2O reaction take place

in the presence of
a) Yeast b) Acetic acid bacteria
c) Lactic acid bacteria
120. The breakdown of protienaceous material is referred to as
a) Autolysis b) Lipolysis
c) Proteolysis d)Radiolysis
121. The break down of fatty material is referred to as
a) Autolysis b) Lipolysis
c) Proteolysis
122. Naturally vinegar contain acetic acid
a) 8% b) 4%
c) 2% d) 5%
123. Radiolysis, a process by the application of ionizing radiation may occur
a) Carbohydrates b) Protein
c) Water d) Lipids

124. Oxidation as well as condensation reactions similar to non enzymatic

browning due to irradiation have been observed
a) Protein b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids d) Water
125. Deamination, Oxidation, Polymerisation and decarboxylation have
been observed during irradiation in_______________
a) Water b) Carbohydrates
c) Protein d) Lipids
126. Many reactions similar to oxidative rancidity during irradiation
have been observed in _______________
a) Water b) Carbohydrates
c) Lipids d) Protein
127. Which set of Vitamins in food are relatively sensitive to application
a) A, E, K, b) A, E, C, Riboflavin, B-1
c) A, Niacin, D, B-1, E d) D, A, E, K, C

128. The spinning process in fruits such as bananas, Tomatoes,

pears, Mangoes, Guava and others can be delayed by low dose
a) 280 380 GY b) 250 350 GY
c) 220 350 GY d) 200 300 GY


1. b 51. d
2. a 52. d
3. b 53. d
4. c 54. a
5. b 55. d
6. d 56. a
7. b 57. c
8. b 58. a
9. b 59. a
10. b 60. d
11. b 61. b
12. b 62. a
13. b 63. b
14. d 64. b
15. b 65. a
16. d 66. c
17. b 67. a
18. a 68. a
19. b 69. b
20. a 70. b
21. a 71. a
22. a 72. b
23. c 73. a
24. a 74. d
25. a 75. c
26. d 76. a
27. a 77. d
28. c 78. d
29. a 79. c
30. a 80. c
31. c 81. b
32. a 82. c
33. c 83. b
34. a 84. a
35. a 85. c
36. d 86. d
37. a 87. a

38. a 88. a
39. a 89. b
40. c 90. d
41. d 91. c
42. a 92. c
43. b 93. a
44. c 94. c
45. d 95. b
46. c 96. d
47. d 97. c
48. c 98. b
49. c 99. a
50. b 100. c
51. d
101. b 116. a
102. d 117. a
103. a 118. b
104. c 119. c
105. c 120. c
106. c 121. b
107. b 122. b
108. c 123 c
109. a 124 b
110. b 125 c
111. b 126 c

112. b 127 a
113. a 128 b
114. d
115. b


1. Milk is the ________________ of mammary glands from
different animals.
2. Milk Proteins is called________________
3. Fat % age in milk is ________________
4. Butter is an example of ________________ in ________________
5. Margenine is an example of ________________ in
________________ emulsion.
6. . lactoglobulins and. .Lactalbumins are ________________
7. Favorable temperature for the microorganisms to grow in the milk
is ________________ oC.
8. Critical temperature for milk, is ________________ oC.
9. pH of milk ranges from ________________
10. Prepasteurization process is also called ________________
11. Heat treatment at 121oC to kill the spore forming &- vegetative cells
also called ________________
12. During homogenization one globules of fat converts to
________________ fat globules.
13. Casein is stable at ________________ oC .
14. ________________ enzyme used in cheese making.
15. Casein is separated from the milk at pH ________________ and
temperature of ________________
16. The globular structure of casein is due to the presence of
________________ amino acid.
17. Milk proteins are --------and----------
18. Whey protein denatures at ________________ oC.
19. Whey proteins ________________ , ________________ ,
20. Pectin is a polymer of ________________
21. Casein ________________% whey protein ________________%
of total milk.
22. ________________ casein is the only protein which contains
carbohydrate moiety.
23. Main constituent of carbonated soft drink ________________ ,
_______________and, ________________
24. Milk fat contain about ________________% unsaturated fatty
25. Fructose is also called ________________
26. ________________ is also called corn sugar.

27. Fructose is also called ________________

28. ________________ is also called D-glucose.
29. ________________ is the only non-reducing sugar.
30. ________________ is called milk sugar.
31. ________________ is also called invert sugar.
32. ________________ is also called table sugar.
33. Non-nutritive sugar used in foods ________________ &-
34. Fats and oils are the esters of ________________ and
35. Fats and oils are commonly called as ________________
36. Fats are ________________ fatty acids and solids at room
37. Unsaturated fatty acids called________________ are liquid at room
38. Lipids are Soluble in ________________
39. Waxes are ________________ in nature.
40. ________________ are esters of fatty acids with alcohols other
than glycerol.
41. Lecithin, the most commonly used emulsifier is ________________
in nature.
42. Butter is called ________________ fat.
43. Margarine is called ________________ fat.
44. Naturally occurring emulsifiers are ________________ and
45. Saturated fatty acids have ________________ melting points.
46. Removal of Solids from fats and oils at selected temperature is
called ________________
47. Hydrolytic rancidity in fats &- oils is due to ________________
48. Flavour of butter is due to ________________
49. Collagen & elastin are collectively called as ________________
50. In meat curing, NaNO3 is used for ________________
51. ________________ and ________________ are the examples of
Proteolytic enzyme.
52. ________________ is also called cane sugar.
53. Crude oil contains ________________ % of triglycerides.
54. Oil from animal is extracted by ________________
55. Fat &- oil are good source of vitamin ________________

56. Any thick liquid in which tiny drops of fat &- oil are evenly
distributed is called ________________
57. The ratio of density of substance to the density of water is called
58. The ratio of the sin of angle of incidence to the angle of reflection at
a given temperature is termed as ________________
59. The residue remaining after incinerating the product is called
60. World used method of meat slaughtering are ________________ ,
________________ , ________________
61. The changes take place after slaughtering is called
62. The organic acid present in apples ________________
63. Organic acid present in spinach is ________________
64. ________________ is present in grapes.
65. ________________ is present in black berries.
66. ________________ is the period when the anabolic biochemical
process given way to catabolic process.
67. ________________ is the final stage of maturation &- initial stage
of senescence.
68. ________________ is precursor of ethylene.
69. ________________ is lipid soluble coloring pigment.
70. ________________ color pigment is formed during browning.
71. ________________ is called dietary fiber.
72. Gluten is a combination of two subunits (proteins)
________________ &- ________________
73. Protein ________________ gives elasticity to the wheat flour.
74. Protein ________________ gives strength/resistance to the wheat
75. ________________ is a reproductive part of the wheat grain.
76. Botanical name of wheat ________________
77. Addition of nutrients which are lost during processing is called
78. Addition of nutrients which already absent/naturally absent in food
is called ________________
79. ________________ is polymer of plant material which can not be
digested by human digestive tract.
80. ________________ is the listing of characteristics which
considered to be important by buyers & sellers.
81. ________________ is prepared from common wheat.

82. ________________ is prepared from durum wheat.

83. Straight Grade Flour (SGF) is ________________% of the flour.
84. SGF Stands for ________________
85. ________________ is 2nd in the production in the world after wheat.
86. ________________ are those Kernal which do not break after
cooking &- during cooking.
87. Benzoylperoxide is ________________ agent in wheat flour.
88. 20% of difference of short &- long patent flour is
89. ________________ is 45% of the total product.
90. ________________ is 67% of the total product.
91. In composition of wheat bran is ________________ %, germ
________________ % &-endosperm ________________ %.
92. In apple disorder due to deficiency of calcium is
93. Deposition of fat in muscle fibers &- make them tender is called
94. Fruit generally contains ________________ % water.
95. ________________ have higher sugar than all other fruits.
96. Avocado &- olive contain ________________ %,
________________ % oil droplets respectively in cells.
97. ________________ &- ________________ are pre-dominant acid
in the fruits &- vegetables.
98. ________________ is the process in fruits &- vegetables take off
O2 (oxygen) &- give off CO2 (Carbon dioxide).
99. ________________ is synthetic phase in senescence.
100. ________________ is destruction phase in senescence.
101. The difference b/w Climetric &- non-Climetric fruit is due to the
differences in ________________ &- ________________ .
102. Food which are except the main oil dishes are
103. ________________ is the stage when starch is converted into
104. Water absorption capacity of flour depends upon the
________________ &- ________________ of protein.
105. The ability of flour to withstand fermentation process &- to produce
a satisfactory loaf over a period of time is called
________________ of flour.
106. Flour with pH value below ________________ is generally too
acidic &- give poor results in bread making.

107. The range of pH for satisfactory bread making flour is

108. ________________ is also called as bread mold.
109. Honey contains 20% moisture but does not show the growth of any
mold or yeast because water in honey is ________________
bounded & have a ________________ water activity.
110. In both plants &- animals the primary source of energy is
111. Copper, Iron, Light, heat & oxygen ________________ in
112. ________________ small organic molecules required for growth,
development &- maintenance of human body.
113. ________________ soluble includes Vit. A, D, E & K.
114. ________________ soluble include B1, B2, Niacin B6, B12 folic
acid, biotin.
115. Vit. ________________ is also called retinol.
116. Vit. ________________ is also known as visual pigments.
117. Vit. ________________ is used to fortify margarine &- skimmed
118. Vit. ________________ is used to fortify vegetable ghee,
margarine &- other milk products.
119. Vitamin C as also known as ________________
120. Vitamin B3 is also called ________________
121. Folic acid is also known as ________________
122. ________________ inorganic elements in food have been
classified into 2 groups according to their requirement in the body.
123. Na, K, Ca, Mg, P, S &- Cl are the ________________ group of
124. Fe, Cu, CO, MO, Zn, I2, Fl, Se are the ________________ group
of minerals.
125. Al, B, Ni, Sn, Cr used as packaging material are
________________ metals.
126. Deficiency of I2 cause ________________ in man.
127. When certain fruits & vegetables cut & placed in air for sometime
they become brown. This is called ________________ browning.
128. When sugar heated above 300oC, a brown insoluble colloidal is
formed. This is called ________________
129. In ________________ the amino group of protein & aldehyde
group of reducing sugar condense together & produce 4-
hydroxymethyl furfural whichs brown in color.

130. Digestion occurs in ________________

131. Below or above consumption of one or more nutrients than the
requirement of body is called ________________
132. ________________ is the consumption of nutrients less the
requirement of body.
133. ________________ is that diet which contains sufficient amount
of all the nutrients (Water, CHO, Proteins, Fat, fiber etc).
134. SNF stands for ________________ in milk.
135. Milk mainly consists of three main component as
________________ , ________________ , ________________
136. ________________ is present in the form of calcium casenate
phosphate complex.
137. Yeast reproduce by ________________ , &- ________________
138. ________________ , ________________ important industry
139. HACCP stands for ________________
140. Fermentation in cereals &-cake is ________________ due to
production at acid &- alcohols.
141. Ropiness problem in bread is caused by the bacteria.
142. Liquid medium for bacterial growth is termed as
143. Nutritional material used for the growth of microorganisms is called
as ________________
144. ________________ is a branch of analytical chemistry which
deals with the determination of chemical composition or change in
composition or additives or adulterants or contaminants in food by
using various techniques.
145. ________________ is also called as proximate or routine analysis.
146. ________________ is done by senses, it requires panels of experts
which may be trained or untrained.
147. Expectation error, stimulation error, logical error, Hallo effect,
suggestion, contrast effect &- positional bias the factors that effect
148. IFST Stands for ________________
149. NFE stand for ________________
150. AA0CC Stands for ________________
151. Equiv wt. of citric acid is ________________
152. Equiv wt. of tartaric acid is ________________
153. Equiv wt. of Malic acid is ________________
154. Equiv wt. of acetic acid is ________________

155. ________________ acid is a vitamin as well.

156. N2 is multiplied with ________________ to obtain percent protein.
157. HPLC stands for ________________
158. ________________ is a separation technique in which a mixture is
separated into its constituent parts.
159. GLC stands for ________________
160. Ratio of the water vapor pressure (at a given temperature) in
equilibrium with a food to the vapor pressure of water at the same
temperature is called ________________
161. Many fruits contain a gelling or thickening substance,
________________ , which incidentally is responsible for the
setting or getting of conserves Jams.
162. ________________ enzyme break down the pectin.
163. The most common scale for preference testing is the nine point
164. ________________ is animal starch.
165. The most abundant carbohydrate component of plant cell wall is
166. Glycolysis takes place in ________________
167. Anaerobic breakdown of glucose into pyruvic acid in cytoplasm of
cell is called ________________
168. All the enzymes ________________ in nature, except RNA.
169. Amino acids which are not synthesized in the body according to its
requirement are called ________________
170. The Amino acids which can be synthesized in the body according to
the requirement of system called ________________
171. A pH value at which a molecule has both positive &- negative
charge &- have no net charge &- molecule is electrically neutral is
called ________________
172. Ethylene production in case of climetric fruit is ________________
173. The real cause of degreening in nature fruit is ________________
174. Natural Ripening agent in fruits is ________________
175. Moldiness in bread is caused by ________________,
________________ , &- ________________
176. White spots on bread is the indication of ________________
177. ________________ Yeast like fungi cause chalky.
178. ________________ bread is resulted from the growth of pigmented
179. For bread making, the dough pH should be ________________

180. Ca or Na propionates or sorbic acid is used to inhibit

________________ growth in bread.
181. ________________ is a rich source of Vit. C.
182. ________________ is father of canning.
183. Protein is present in milk as ________________
184. ISO stands for ________________
185. Pickles are preserved by ________________
186. Bacteria involved in pickle preservation are ________________
187. Sugar, act as preservative at concentration of above
________________ %.
188. Blanching is also known as ________________
189. CAS stands for ________________
190. ________________ , ________________ are lost during the
process of milling of wheat flour.
191. Use of sulphurdioxide &- benzoic acid is common in the
________________ , &- ________________ industry.
192. In baking, where mould growth is feared ________________ are
193. Two immiscible solution make miscible is called
194. Mayonnaise is the example of ________________
195. In the production of vegetable Ghee ________________ catalyst
is used.
196. ________________ is the only sugar whichs not fermented by
197. ________________ is a heat treatment (65oC 68oC) to kill
vegetative forms of cell life in liquid.
198. High % age of sucrose will ________________ the rate of
199. Generally sucrose % age used in fermentation of flour
________________ %.
200. Starch may be composed of ________________ &-
201. LTLT stands for ________________
202. HTST stands for ________________
203. UHT stands for ________________
204. Dextrin is hydrolytic product of ________________
205. Starches ________________ in cold water.
206. Stickiness/buckiness in the dough is the result of
________________ of flour.

207. ________________ is the precursor of pectin.

208. Propectin is ________________ in water.
209. Pectin is ________________ in water.
210. The brine is tested by a hydrometer commonly called
211. All the egg cholesterol is present in egg ________________
212. Flavour is a combination of ________________,
________________ , & ________________
213. ________________ is flavour intensifier used in meat & meat
214. FDA stands for ________________
215. ________________ is any edible part of in striated muscle of an
216. ________________ is the reserve form of energy in plant.
217. Principal pigment present in muscle cells of meat is
218. Myoglobin, a red emulated protein closely related to
________________ of the RBC.
219. -amylase converts starch into ________________
220. - amylase converts Dextrin into ________________
221. Starch is hydrolysed by ________________ &-
222. Yellow color of corn is due to the ________________ color
223. White color of milk is attributed by ________________
224. ________________ is the instrument used to measure TSS. (Total
soluble solids).
225. Refrectometer is calibrated at ________________ oC.
226. ________________ is that slow whose concentration is known.
227. H2SO4 is standardized by ________________
228. Oxidizing agent ________________ the gluten strength.
229. Reducing agent ________________ the gluten strength.
230. Ash contents more in ________________ portion of the wheat
231. Brown color of flour is due to ________________ portion.
232. Baking powder is composed of ________________ , and acid, salt
&- starch.
233. ________________ in baking powder act as ________________

234. In case of fruit canning ________________ is filled in b/w

in spaces of the pieces of fruits.
235. In case vegetable &-meat canning ________________ is filled in
236. Suitable head space ________________ to ________________
inch is left n can. so that when can closure is finally accomplished,
it will help in further processing.
237. ________________ and ________________ are important meat
238. Lettuce &-spinach grouped under ________________ vegetables.
239. Artichoke &- asparagus are under the group of ________________
vegetables, respectively.
240. Cucumber, egg plant &- tomato are ________________ as well as
241. Carotenoid are ________________ in water but
________________ in lipid.
242. ADA (Azodicarbon amide), Potassium bromate, ascorbic acid,
cystene are the example of________________ in flour.
243. Salometer is used to measure ________________ % in a
244. ________________ analysis gives useful information, particularly
from the nutritional &- biochemical point of view.
245. ________________ analysis refers to the determination of a
particular element or a compound present in the material.
246. The ___________ consists in determining the % ages of the
moisture, ash, acidity, crude fat or other extract, protein, sugars &-
crude fiber, the sub total subtracted from 100 represents the amount
of carbohydrates other than sugars, but includes, gum, starch pectin
247. ________________ reduces the copper in Fehlings solution to
red, insoluble cuprous oxide.
248. Lane &- Eynon Method is used to determine the
________________ in a food sample.
249. Nitrogen content is estimated by the ________________ method
which is based on the determination of the amount of the reduced
nitrogen present in the sample.
250. The crude fiber consists largely of ________________ together
with a little ________________
251. Agar Agar is used to ________________ the medium.

252. Most of the earth bacteria cant utilize the agar so media
remain ________________
253. The needle use for inoculating the culture is made up of
254. ________________ is called Pre-Pasteurization process.
255. Enzyme ________________ is used for cheese making.
256. Flavors are ________________ compounds.
257. Red color of tomato is due to ________________
258. Food processor classifies all foods into three broad categories
________________ , ________________ , &-________________
259. Cakes in which the weight of sucrose is equal to or exceeds that of
the flour are called ________________
260. Cakes in which the wt. Of sucrose is less than hat of flour called
261. In cakes &- cookies ________________ is one of the principal
ingredient, which makes for tenderness.
262. High sugar cakes very sweet &- have ________________ texture
with few tunnels.
263. Fullers earth is used to remove ________________
264. Mayonnaise is an emulsion of ________________
265. ________________ is called pig fat.
266. ________________ is called animal fat.
267. ________________ is the example of H2O in oil emulsion.


1. Lacteal Secretion 40. Waxes

2. Casein 41. Phospholipid
3. 4-8% 42. Animal
4. Water, Oil 43. Vegetable
5. Water, Oil 44. Lecithin &-
6. Whey Protein 45. High
7. 20oC 40oC 46. Fractionation
8. 10oC 47. Lipase
9. 6.8 6.9 48. Butyric acid /
10. Thermization 49. Stroma
11. UHT- Sterilizaton 50. Fixation of red
12. 2500 51. Trypsin &-
13. 140oC 52. Sucrose
14. Rennet 53. 95%
15. 4.5, 20oC 54. Rendering
16. S-Containing Amino acids 55. Vit. E /
17. Whey, casein 56. Emulsion
18. 80oC 57. Specific gravity
19. -lactoglobulins, - 58. Refrective index
lactalbunnins, Blood Serum
albumins, Immunoglobulins
20. Rhamnoglactrurons 59. Ash
21. 80%, 20% 60. Sticking, Kosher
22. Kepa (K-) 61. Rigor Mortis
23. Flavoured syrup, water &- 62. Malic acid
24. 30% 63. Oxalic acid
25. Fruit sugar / Levulas 64. Tartaric acid
26. Dextrose 65. Isocitric acid
27. Laevulose 66. Senescence
28. Dextrose 67. Ripening

29. Sucrose 68. Methionine

30. Lactose 69. Carotenoid
31. Sucrose 70. Quinone
32. Sucrose 71. Hemicelluloses
33. Sorbitol, Sacchrine, 72. Gliadin &-
Aspartame, Cyclamate ghutenin
manitol, Acesulfamek
34. Glycerol &- fatty acids 73. Gliadin
35. Triglycerides 74. Glutamine
36. Saturated 75. Germ
37. Oils 76. Triticum
38. Organic Solvent 77. Enrichment
39. Lipids 78. Fortification
79. Hemicelluloses 120. Niacin
80. Grading 121. Pteryolglutemic
81. Farina 122. Minerals
82. Semolina 123. Major
83. 72 124. Minor
84. Straight grade flour 125. Inert
85. Rice 126. Goiter /
86. Intact Kernal 127. Enzymatic
87. Bleaching 128. Non Enzymatic
88. Cut of flour 129. Maillard
89. Short patent 130. Elementary
90. Long patent 131. Malnutrition
91. 15,23,83 132. Under nutrition
92. Bitter pit 133. Balance diet
93. Marbling 134. Solid Not fat
94. 80 135. Water, fat,
95. Dates 136. Casein
96. 20,15 137. Budding, fision

97. Citric acid &- Malic acid 138. S-Cerevisae, S.

98. Respiration 139. Hazard analysis
and critical
control points.
99. Anabolic 140. Undesirable
100. Catabolic 141. Bacillus Subtilis
101. Respiration rate, ethylene 142. Broth
102. Snack foods 143. Culture media
103. Gelatinization 144. Food analysis
104. Quality, Quantity 145. Chemical
105. Tolerance 146. Sensory
106. 5 147. Sensory
107. 5.5 6.5 148. Institute of food
Science and
108. Aspergillus oryzae 149. Nitrogen free
109. Physically, low 150. American
Association of
cereal chemists
110. Carbohydrate 151. 70
111. Pro-oxidant 152. 75
112. Vitamins 153. 67
113. Fat 154. 60
114. Water 155. Ascorbic acid
115. Vit. A 156. 6.25
116. Vit. A 157. High
117. Vit. A 158. Chromatography
118. Vit. D 159. Gas liquid
119. Ascorbic acid 160. Water activity

161. Pectin 203. Ultra heat

162. Pectinase 204. Starch
163. Hedonic scale 205. Insoluble
164. Glycogen 206. Over mixing
165. Cellulose 207. Protopectin
166. Cytoplasm 208. Insoluble
167. Glycolysis 209. Soluble
168. Protein 210. Salometer
169. Essential amino acids 211. Egg yolk
170. Non essential 212. Taste, smell &-
171. Isoelectric point 213. Monosodium
172. High 214. Food &- drug
173. Ethylene 215. Flesh
174. Ethylene 216. Starch
175. R. nigrican, R. Stolonifer P. 217. Myoglobin
176. Chalky 218. Haemoglobin
177. Trichosporum variable 219. Dextrin
178. Red, Seretia marcescence 220. Maltose
179. 5 5.15 221. Acid, enzyme
180. Mold 222. Carotenoid
181. Guava 223. Calcium
182. Nicolas Appert 224. Refrectometer
183. Suspension 225. 20
184. International standard 226. Standard soln
185. Fermentation 227. NaOH
186. Lacticacid producing 228. Increase
187. 50 229. Decrease
188. Scalding 230. Bran
189. Controlled atmosphere 231. Bran
190. Iron, Vit. B-complex 232. NaHCO3
191. Fruit, Vegetables 233. Starch,

192. Propionates 234. Sugar Syrup
193. Emulsion 235. Brine/Salt soln
194. Emulsion 236. 1/8, 3/16 inch
195. Nickle 327. Collagen, elastin
196. Lactose 238. Leafy
197. Pasteurization 239. Flower, Stem
198. Slow down/decrease 240. Fruit
199. 1 2% 241. Insoluble,
200. Amylose, Amylopectin 242. Maturing
201. Low temperature long 243. Salt
202. High temperature short 244. Proximate
245. Ultimate 257. Lycopene
246. Proximate 258. Stable, Semi
247. Invert sugar 259. High sugar cakes
248. Sugar content 260. Low sugar cakes
249. Kjeldahal method 261. Surose
250. Cellulose, Lignin 262. Fine
251. Solidify 263. Pigments
252. Solid 264. Oil in H2O
253. Platinium 265. Lard
254. Thermization 266. Tallow
255. Rennin 267. Milk
256. Aromatic volatile

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