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Terann Edwards

MATH 1040

Skittles Term Project, Part 1


For this project I am taking a 2.17 oz. bag of Skittles and organizing multiple

concepts of analytic data. First in the procedure I have taken the bag of Skittles and

divided the colors into groups. The colors are red, orange, yellow, green and purple.

First I have turned in my portion of my Skittles count. The rest of the class also will

do the same. I have a hypothesis of how many candies are in the specific color

category. I will be including in my next paragraph categorical data of the combined

Skittles count with charts.

Organizing and Displaying Quantitative Data: the Number of Candies per Bag

Mean number of candies per bag: 58.6 Sample size: Total number of bags: 16
I am surprised because my hypothesis was not what the graph represents. I

would have thought that red Skittles would be the highest amount in each bag. But

looking at the graphs, green was the highest amount of Skittles. The information

from the whole class does seem like we all got the same amount of Skittles.

My own Bag of Skittles:

Mean: 12

Standard Deviation: 3.16

5-number summary: minx: 9, Q1: 9.5, Median: 11, Q3: 15, MaxX: 17

Organizing and Displaying Quantitative Data: The number of candies per bag

Mean: 58.6

Standard Deviation: 3.86

5-number summary: minx: 49, Q1: 56, Median: 59, Q3: 61, MaxX: 64
Frequency Histogram:


The two graphs above give the same kind of information as the other graphs.

Letting us know that the green Skittles is the highest amount in the students bag of

candy. My bag of candy had a total of 60 candies. There were a total of 16 bags of
candy in the sample. I decided that my bag of candy is not typical because the mean

is around 58 candies. And mine was 60.


The difference between categorical and quantitative is that categorical

mainly describes the quality or characteristic of something for example, age,

educational levels, sex and much more. Quantitative data measures and can be

written down with numbers. Examples for quantitative are like shoe size,

temperature, an amount of people in a restaurant, percentage of rain in a month,

and many more. The issue categorical data has is that it needs more calculations

and more advanced graphs.

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