Job Descriptions & Compensations Tumbling Program

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Job Descriptions & Compensations

Tumbling Program
Tumbling Director Responsibilities

Reports to Program Director / Owner

Must be USASF (level 5), AACCA & CPR / First Aid Certified
Responsible for hitting and / or exceeding tumbling budget goals by overseeing monthly marketing
plans set on an annual basis
Responsible for hitting and / or exceeding monthly camp / clinic goals set on an annual basis
Oversee all tumbling classes to ensure that policies and lesson plans are being followed
Handle any parent / athlete questions / concerns that are not addressed to satisfaction by the head
Develop lesson plans (review them quarterly making necessary changes)
Develop Warm Up lesson plans
Total hours per week 3 hours per week
Total hourly compensation - $17 per hour for planning & tumbling class head coaching

Tumbling Manager Responsibilities

o Process any pending enrollments, drops, wait lists for tumbling classes & private lessons
o Monitor enrollment totals vs employees schedule
o Contact any tumbling students that have dropped / missed 3 classes
End of month
o Report month end retention (drop report)
o Review & update evaluation book
o Post report of promoted / demoted students
o Collect all private lesson reports & submit final report
Follow up with any injured athletes
o 1 day after injury
o If still injured after 1 day follow up, contact again after 5 days then weekly
o Document any feedback in the injury log
Hours per week = 6
Compensation = $15 per hour

Tumbling Marketing Manager

Develop & process monthly marketing initiatives to increase enrollment

o Work with Tumbling Director on the annual plan
o Set budget 60 days prior of intended plan
o Finalize all marketing materials 45 days prior
o Roll out marketing plan on the 1st of every month
o Report on effectiveness of plan by the 7th of the following month
Build community recognition of the program by attending schools, community events, & programs
targeting children and / or families
Plan & facilitate monthly camps / clinics set by Tumbling Director
o Set budget for camp 90 days prior
o Make all arrangements for camp 60 days prior including any travel needed for guest coaches
o Announce & market camp 45 days prior
o Set up camp on iclasspro at time of announcement
o Report final financials & effectiveness of camp 3 days after
o Contact any trial athletes that have not returned after 1 week (within 13 days of trial)
o Report month end trial retention (trial report)
Build a social media presence on all platforms throughout the year
Plan monthly Little Explorer themes
o Plan stations & lessons to coordinate with themes
o Decorate area to enforce theme
o Have paperwork / goodies for students
Hours per week = 7 hours
Compensation = $15 per hour + 10% commission on net revenue of camps (revenue after expenses) &
10% commission over budget of tumbling classes

Tumbling Coach Responsibilities

Report to the Tumbling Manager / Program Director / Owner

Must be USASF (level 5), AACCA, and CPR / First Aid Certified
Work with Tumbling Manager to ensure class is following lesson plans
o Provide Tumbling Manager with ideas as to new / improved stations
Oversee assistant / junior coaches to ensure policies are followed and classes are effective
Work with other assigned tumbling coach as to who will be the floating coach and who will be the
stagnant station coach
Introduce stations to athletes
Do evaluations during week 4
Document any injuries in the injury log
Talk with warm up coach during switch
o Learn names of any students that are trials / make ups (if you are not familiar with them)
o Discuss any students that are not proficient in prior level skills
o Discuss any other issues students may be having that day (injuries, illness, behavior)
o Be sure to brief other Coach on any pertinent information
Coach #1 - First contact for enrolled students / parents
o Escort students out of class while creating dialog with students / parents
o Return any phone calls
o Acknowledge accomplishments via email / postcards
Coach #2 set up stations in between classes. No stations / mats should be moved once athletes are in
your care
Ensure (to the best of your abilities) that all athletes are having a good time & are progressing in their
Recommend additional programs to parents (private lessons, camps, other classes, etc) that you feel
the athlete may benefit from.
Tumbling coach compensation = $15 per hour / $8.50 for junior coach
Warm Up Coach

Report to Tumbling Coach / Tumbling Manager / Program Director / Owner

Greet athletes as they wait for class to start
Bring athletes in on time, collecting cards. Pay special attention to any trial / make up students. Make
sure you know their names
Ensure no jewelry, gum, food, drink is brought into gym
Follow warm up lesson plans
Review all skills in prior level. Critique each athlete.
Take note of any athlete that is not proficient in any prior level skill.
$15 per hour / $8.50 for Junior Coach

Little Explorer Coach

Must be USASF level 1 certified

Work with Tumbling Marketing Manager to understand themes & stations
Distribute papers
Build excitement based upon themes
Compensation = $17 per hour

All Star Program

All Star Director

Must be USASF (level 5), AACCA, and CPR / First Aid Certified
Placement Clinic (80 hours during May)
o Give All Star Manager information for the all star recruitment booklet
o Prepare Placement Clinic material
o Responsible for all activities during Placement Clinic week. Work with Head Coaches at the
conclusion of the week to compile rosters ensuring each team has potential success
o Meet with any parents that have questions / concerns after 2 weeks of practices
Monthly (min. 6 hours per month)
o Evaluate weekly lesson plans from Head Coaches to be discussed at monthly meetings
Put lesson plans in coaches books at the beginning of every week
o Hold Monthly All Star Meetings with all Head Coaches
o Meet with All Star Team (owner, Manager & Marketing Manager)
o Meet with any parents that have questions / concerns after meeting with head coach
Summer Preparation (45 hours)
o Put together skill list for stunt camp from Head Coach suggestions
o Coordinate stunt & choreography camp
o Contact for Music Producer
Competition Season (1-2 hours after every competition day)
o Meets with head coaches at the end of every competition day to review scoresheets
o Evaluate ways the team may be more successful by using strategic planning
Select all uniforms & accessories to be used for all the various teams (15 hours)
Conduct monthly parent meetings
o May = additional 80 hours (40 during placement clinic week & 5 office hours per week)
o June, July, Aug = 5 additional office hours per week
o September April = 4 hours booked on own, 2 hours scheduled meeting times
o 5 hours per week month for parent meetings
Compensation = $17 per hour

All Star Manager Responsibilities

Enter all students in the usasf database including collecting and uploading birth certificates
Compile a list of all star athletes registered for placement clinics. Upload details & scores into a
spreadsheet to be used by the coaches during team selection
Register athletes for the appropriate team after placement clinics
Register athletes for all competitions. 45 days prior to the competition ensure this registered number is
still accurate. Make any changes that are needed.
Set up housing accommodations for teams and / or coaches
Set up transportation for teams and / or coaches
Distribute competition times to parents within 5 hours of receiving it
Plan & Coordinate Star Day
Produce the handout for parent meetings
Compile attendance charts & tumbling credit charts. Distribute to all head coaches & All Star Director
Print rosters / paperwork needed for competitions
Hours = 5 hours per week
Compensation = $15 per hour

All Star Marketing Manager

Complete the All Star packet for distribution March 1st

o Track distribution and follow up of current athletes & potential athletes
Responsible for recruitment initiatives during the months of March-July
o Contact all past students
o Invite current tumblers
o Work with current schools to promote in their program
o Other marketing initiatives to build enrollment
Work with the graphic design manager for appropriate advertisements
Responsible for recruitment of half year teams during the months of July & Aug
Responsible for the recruitment of expo teams during the months of July & Aug
Schedule appearances / community service for teams throughout the year
Oversee Welcome Wagon distribution
Build a social media presence on all platforms throughout the year
Oversees monthly team building activities
Hours = 2 hours per week Sept February, 5 hours per week March August
Compensation = $15 per hour

All Star Head Coach

Schedule in addition to scheduled practices Head Coaches are expected to dedicate 25 minutes for
every hour of class time to plan. At least half of this planning time must be done in the gym. This
compensation is already included in your hourly pay
Reports to All Star Director / Program Director / Owner
Responsible for building a positive, fun, successful team
o Answer parents questions / concerns within 24 hours
Parents must be able to contact you via cell phone you will be awarded a $20
reimbursement per month for cell phone usage
Must have all parents cell phone numbers programmed into phone
o Provide weekly Lesson plans to All Star Manager due by noon on Saturday
Tracks athletes / team progress
Addresses any concerns
o Attend Monthly All Star Meeting to be held on the 30th of every month
o Have a thorough knowledge of the scoresheet for each division you will be competing in, the
top competitors in this division & what makes them successful. Know where you team falls
each month
o Responsible for Assistant & Junior Coach(es)
o Plan 1 non-cheer activity per month (with team parent)
Placement Clinics
o Work with All Star Manager in evaluating and selecting teams during Placement Clinics
o Distribute Welcome Wagon Gift to all team athletes
Summer Preparation
o June 15th provide list of skills you would like incorporated into routine.
o July 15th - Provide 3 music suggestions for each section of the routine (intro, jumps, running
tumbling, stunt, pyramid & dance)
o Plan team building activities for stunt & choreography camp (with team parents)
Competition Season
o Have a send off celebration for each competition
o Review scoresheets at following practice. Plan celebrations when appropriate
Encourage athletes to enroll for next season
Hours = as scheduled
Compensation = $21 per hour
Competition Pay = $100 per competition day for 1st team, $40 for each additional team
Bonus Opportunity
o Competitive Success
1st place
$75 for a 2 day competition with 2 or more competitors
$25 for a 1 day competition with 2 or more competitors
$10 per competition with only 1 competitor
2 place
$25 per 2 day competition with 4 or more competitors
$15 per 1 day competition with 4 or more competitors
3 place
$20 per 2 day competition with 9 or more competitors
$10 per 1 day competition with 9 or more competitors
o Retention Bonus (final percentages will not be rounded up). This number will be calculated
from Aug of previous year to Aug of following year. Graduating seniors are not factored into the
$500 bonus per team that has a 90% retention rate for the following season
$250 bonus per team that has an 85% retention rate for the following season
$100 bonus per team that has an 80% retention rate for the following season

Half Year Head Coach

Half Year Head Coach follows the same responsibility / pay as All Star Head Coach except retention
bonus is

Expo Team Head Coach

Expo Team Head coach follows the same responsibility / pay as All Star Head Coach without bonus
opportunities. Competition pay will be the same as All Star Head Coach

All Star Assistant Coach

Make sure each team starts / stops on time

Assists head coach as needed
Always hands on circulating throughout the floor. Never at the front of the floor
Compensation = $15 per hour.
Competition Pay = $75 per competition day for 1st team, $25 for each additional team
Other Roles
Pro Shop Manager
Work with All Star Director for instructions on which mandatory items to order for teams
o Coordinate any fittings needed
Enter all items in Shopify
Work within a budget to provide new items while maximizing profits
Monitor orders
Handle all distribution
Hours = 3 per week
Compensation = $15 per hour

Graphic Design Manager

Continuously build website to ensure it is state of the art and loaded with the most recent information
Produce & design flyers as needed
Produce a monthly newsletter on the 10th of every month
Hours = 2 per week
Compensation = $20 per hour, flyers will be compensated $50 per piece to include a web version,
Facebook version & print version)

Birthday Party Coordinator Email next months birthdays and mail postcards for 2 months prior

Follow up inquiries
Confirm the birthday party
Staff party accordingly giving employees 2 months notice
Follow up with client and staff the week of
2 days after, follow up with survey monkey
Hours = 5 per month
Compensation = $15 per hour

Birthday Party Coaches

Ensure area is clean & ready for guest

Set up gym & upstairs area a minimum of 30 minutes prior
Greet hosts & help set up upstairs area
Greet guests, take forms, stamp hands
Be sure to start / end party on time
Conduct structured activities during gym time
Assist with food distribution, recording of gifts, clean up during presents
Help carry presents / other items to car
Collect final payment
Clean up upstairs & gym area & restore to original condition
Enter all registration forms in the computer
Turn off all lights / heat / air & lock doors
Compensation =Head coach $13.30 per hour, assistant = $8 per hour

Private Lessons
Enter availability into iclasspro
Monitor private lesson sign ups
Start & end every private lesson on time with the same standards as all other classes
Compensation $30 per hour

Front Desk

Answer phones during working hours

Process paperwork as needed
Hours = as needed (approx. 10-15 per week)
Compensation = $8 per hour

Camp / Clinic Instructor

Prepare lesson plans / material

Take attendance
Compensation = $25 per hour

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