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Report on the impact of projects

implemented under Priority Axis 2

Statement 2.2

April 2013
The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "


Priority Axis 2 "Environment, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure and common services
for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including joint emergency intervention "...............................2
1.1. General information about the projects Implied in the analysis ..............................................................2
1.2 General objectives of the project ...............................................................................................................2
1.3 Consistency with CBC Programme strategy Ro-Bg .....................................................................................3
1.4 Target Groups .............................................................................................................................................4
1.5 Indicative operations "Preventing joint natural and technological risks" ..................................................5
1.5.1 Ensuring conditions for effective risk management joint prevention and environmental protection
in the border area Giurgiu-Ruse, joint development of the database of information for planning and
monitoring a common crisis management ..................................................................................................5
1.5.2 Improving existing information on natural and technological hazards in both Romania and Bulgaria
in the border area and increasing the transparency regarding the availability and dissemination to all
stakeholders (local governments, municipalities, emergency inspectorate, etc.); .....................................7
1.6 Indicative operations joint warning and emergency response " .............................................................12
1.6.1 Creating a favorable socio-economic development of the communities Mehedinti-Vidin border
area by implementing a common contingency management ...................................................................12
1.7 Impact Indicators ......................................................................................................................................14
1.8 Conclusions...............................................................................................................................................16

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

Priority Axis 2 "Environment, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing

infrastructure and common services for the prevention of natural disasters
or crises, including joint emergency intervention "

1.1. General information about the projects Implied in the analysis

In this stage, subject to impact assessment Priority 2 "Environment - Key Area of Intervention
2.2"Development of infrastructure and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or
crises, including joint emergency intervention " were all projects completed by 30.10.2012, and a
project in progress to November 2013 (350 - ROBUHAZ-DUN). The analysis went into 3 projects
whose total value accumulated EURO 2,977,443.21. Among the projects in the two analysis were
coordinated by organizations / institutions in the Romanian RO-BG cross-border region, and one
project was coordinated by organizations / institutions in the Bulgarian area. The analyzed projects
totaled 8 partners (5 partners from Romania and 3 partners in Bulgaria).

1.2 General objectives of the project

The projects entered in the analysis had the following objectives:

Ensuring necessary for effective risk management joint prevention and environmental
protection in the border area Giurgiu-Ruse, joint development of a database of information
for planning and monitoring a common crisis management;

Improving information existing natural and technological hazard in both Romania and
Bulgaria in the border area Calafat-Vidin-Turnu Magurele-Nikopole and increasing the
transparency regarding the availability and dissemination to all stakeholders (local
governments, municipalities, emergency inspectorate, etc.);

Creating a favorable socio-economic development of the communities Mehedinti-Vidin

border by implementing a common contingency management.
The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

1.3 Consistency with CBC Programme strategy Ro-Bg

Reasoning about consistency with CBC Programme strategy as objectives in the projects analyzed
are shown in the table below:

No.. crt. General objectives proposed in Consistency with program strategy

the project
1. Ensuring necessary for effective The activities followed:
risk management joint prevention - creating conditions for effective risk
and environmental protection in management in common;
the border area Giurgiu-Ruse, joint - strengthening government capacity to plan
development of a database of and pursue a policy of monitoring, preventing
information for planning and and managing crises, natural disasters and
monitoring a common crisis emergencies;
management; - ensuring urban and information necessary
basis for developing a strategy for crisis
management, disaster and emergency action
plan that would improve risk management and
prudent exploitation and effective protection
of the environment.
2. Improving information existing They should be seen as opportunities for all
natural and technological hazard in interested users (local authorities, civil protection
both Romania and Bulgaria in the agencies, environmental protection, citizens, etc.)
border area Calafat-Vidin-Turnu to be informed correctly and easily in order to be
Magurele-Nikopole and increasing able to take the best decisions in case of
the transparency regarding the dangerous events. In order to increase awareness
availability and dissemination to all about the potential disastrous consequences of
stakeholders (local governments, natural and technological disasters were joint
municipalities, emergency operations, such as roundtables, awareness
inspectorate, etc.); campaigns in schools, universities, municipalities,
and undergraduate courses in the Calafat-Vidin-
Turnu Magurele-Nikopole.
3. Creating a favorable socio- We can not talk about "the need to live, work and
economic development of the cooperate together" without regard to possible
communities Mehedinti-Vidin adverse effects on human life dangerous, but it
The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

border by implementing a common would create such a framework, which provide

contingency management. more security.
Creating an effective platform for emergency
response, socio-economic effects by turning the
border into a region of cooperation and
communication, a more attractive place for
investment and not least, a region better and
safer for citizens its. It also increases the level of
corporate social responsibility and community
involvement enhances business Mehedinti-Vidin
border area.

1.4 Target Groups

The target groups for projects implemented by general objectives are presented below
No.. crt. General objectives proposed in Target groups
the project
1. Ensuring necessary for effective
- The population in the border region Ruse - Giurgiu
risk management joint
(about 270,000 inhabitants)
prevention and environmental - Authorities public crisis management,
protection in the border area environmental protection and safety
Giurgiu-Ruse, joint developmentrepresentatives of institutions responsible, for
of a database of information for
example, police departments, civil defense, fire,
planning and monitoring a emergency, etc.. RIEW (15 institutions);
common crisis management; -Legal entities are objects of critical infrastructure
owners and allocated forces (300 entities);
- NGOs working in the field of ecological
environment and sustainable development,
academic society of the Faculty of Ecology of the
University Ruse, students, local media;
2. Improving existing information - The population of the border area Calafat-Vidin-

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

on natural and technological Turnu Magurele-Nikopole

hazard in both Romania and - Local governments (municipalities and County
Bulgaria in the border area Councils);
Calafat-Vidin-Turnu Magurele- - Civil Protection Inspectorate;
Nikopole and increasing the - Environmental Protection Agencies;
transparency regarding the - Local actors (local stakeholders) - businessmen,
availability and dissemination to companies;
all stakeholders (local - NGOs;
governments, municipalities, - Students and young researchers.
emergency inspectorate, etc.);

3. Creating a favorable socio- - 50 companies Mehedinti-Vidin border area;

economic development of the -Public institutions responsible for providing
communities Mehedinti-Vidin environmental information and public
border by implementing a administration Mehedinti-Vidin border area;
common contingency -The whole community Mehedinti-Vidin border
management. area

1.5 Indicative operations "Preventing joint natural and technological risks"

1.5.1 Ensuring conditions for effective risk management joint prevention and environmental
protection in the border area Giurgiu-Ruse, joint development of the database of information for
planning and monitoring a common crisis management

Results obtained in the course Impact of projects in the border region Ro-Bg

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

Creating a fund of information Information for jointly managing risk Giurgiu-Ruse border area
to achieve common risk were collected in a field study to observe the state of critical
management to protect the infrastructure targets around 250 goals.
local population, business, the The study includes:
environment and infrastructure, Flood-risk assessment;
potential natural crises and -Assessing the risk of pollution of the Danube;
manmade. -Evaluation of smuggling;
-The number of firms that can cause major pollution accidents;
-Only solutions for emergency early warning;
-Number of solutions for emergency response in the event of
-Number of solutions for emergency early warning of risk of
pollution of the Danube;
-The number of common solutions for early warning in case of
major accidents;

Developing a strategy and Thereere developed a strategy and an action plan for
action plan in the Ruse-Giurgiu developing the strategic planning and implementation of a
border area. common crisis management capacity and to provide the
conditions for joint management of risk prevention and
environmental protection of the Ruse-Giurgiu border area.
The Strategy and Action Plan have been translated and
published in 600 copies (200 in English, 200 copies in Bulgarian
and 200 copies in Romanian).

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

Organizing a seminar for the Training sessions and seminars have focused on increasing
development and promotion public awareness in the planning, coordination and
strategy. implementation of the common risk management in the Ruse-
Giurgiu region.
-Organizing training sessions for representatives (at least 50
participants), legal entities;
-Organizing a seminar for 2 days ("Ruse-Giurgiu Euroregion a
safe living and business"). The seminar was attended by at
least 70 people.
Information and promotion 1000 -3000 brochures and posters;
-2 Events (press conferences reultatelor who promoted the
-600 Copies of the strategy and action plan.

1.5.2 Improving existing information on natural and technological hazards in both Romania and
Bulgaria in the border area and increasing the transparency regarding the availability and
dissemination to all stakeholders (local governments, municipalities, emergency
inspectorate, etc.);

Results obtained in the Impact of the results of the projects in the border region Ro-Bg
indicative operation

Creating a database on Information about the dangers natural and technological

Natural and technological transfrontalir the Calafat-Vidin-Turnu Magurele-Nikopole are
risks in the Calafat-Vidin - contained in a comprehensive database and GIS current means
Turnu Magurele-Nikopole (data, maps, charts, documentation, etc.) which also provides an
cross-border area. economic approach, ecological and socio-cultural integrated area
Calafat-Vidin - Turnu Magurele-Nikopole.
The database contains data needed to assess natural and
technological risks in the cross border area Romania - Bulgaria
Calafat-Vidin - Turnu Magurele-Nikopole and include the following:
Geophysical data (about peculiarities relief).
To obtain these data there were used the following methods and
DEM (digital evaluation model 30 m) - digital elevation model
is a digital model or 3D representation of ground surface;
Topographic maps, hydrogeological and geological maps
The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

Program Corine Corine Land Cover-program was initiated in

the EU and is an inventory of the 44 land cover classes, and
presented as a cartographic product on a scale of 1:100 000;
The LANDSAT (Land + satellite) - to obtain the land using
satellite images;
Technology scanning LIDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) - is
an active remote sensing technique by which we can obtain very
accurate data about topography, vegetation, buildings, etc.
With these systems and programs data there were obtained:
1.1. Hypsometric (measuring heights relief), slope gradients and
slopes (slope lands) - DEM data from 30 m;
1.2. The hydrographic network (data obtained from 1:25,000
scale topographic maps);
1.3. Type and soil texture (data obtained from soil maps at scale
1: 200,000)
1.4. Lithology (sediment study) - obtained from 1:200,000 scale
geological map);
1.5. The piezometric (water depth) - the hydrogeological map
scale 1:100000);
1.6. Land use and cover them-in program CORINE LAND COVER
1990, 2000, 2006 and LANDSAT images of land 30 m (2011);
1.7. Flooded land - obtained from DEM (digital evaluation
model 30 m) and topographic maps at scale 1: 25,000, in
Bulgaria floodplains, data from DEM (30 m) and topographic
maps at scale 1: 25000;
1.8. Morphological data obtained by scanning LIDAR technology
with 30 m DEM, topographic maps at scale 1: 25000, ortho
(satellite images - 2009 scale 1: 5000)
1.9. Protected areas in the world, data from the Ministry of
Environment and Forests of Romania and the Ministry of
Environment and Water of Bulgaria
1.10. Site - Natura 2000 sites of the Ministry of Environment and
Water of Bulgaria
1.11. Rainfall (monthly average from 1961 to 2010 -
Meteorological Yearbook of Romania)
1.12. Air temperature (monthly average from 1961 to 2010 -
Meteorological Yearbook of Romania)

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

1.13. Wind speed (monthly average from 1961 to 2010 -

Meteorological Yearbook of Romania)
1.14. Days with high frequency of dangerous weather events
(blizzards, drought, heat wave and tropical days - the monthly
average from 1961 to 2010 - Meteorological Yearbook of
2. Socio-economic aspects:
2.1. Cities and towns
2.2. Rural settlements (1:25000 scale topographic maps and
statistical data)
2.3. Transport Network (1:25000 scale topographic maps and
orthophotos (satellite images - 2009 scale 1: 5000)
2.4. Irrigation and drainage network (1:25000 scale topographic
maps and orthophotos (satellite images - 2009 scale 1: 5000)
2.5. Demographic Statistics (Statistical Yearbook of Romania -
2.6. Agricultural statistics (in polls farms 2005-2010)
3.1. Samples of water, soil and sediment (obtained from the
acquisition of samples)
3.2. Values of NO3 nitrate concentration of heavy metals, pH,
electrical conductivity (data provided by NIRD for
Optoelectronics INOE 2000 - Bucharest and Research Institute
for Analytical Instrumentation, ICIA Cluj - Napoca
Hydrological parameters in the border region are:
Annual average water flow is between 5491 and 6430 m3 / s,
depending on the area (2007), the maximum value of 13710
m3 / s in 1970, and the minimum of 1450 m3 / s in 1964.
Water current velocity between 0.8 and 1.1 m / s (depending
on the area)
Annual average flow of silt in suspension is between 711 and
1358 kg / s (depending on area)
The maximum depth of river is 24 m
To determine the water quality, measurements were made on
water acidity, electrical conductivity, dissolved oxygen,
temperature, depth to groundwater. The measurements were
carried out on the river both suprafa water and underground

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

waters (surface and depth).

Determinations were made on existing sediments along the rivers
Olt and Jiu and soil quality in the area (for possible use in

Preparation of hazard Hazard maps shall enter into local government. There is great
maps at different spatial interest from the Mayor on these maps in order to effectively solve
scales the problems that arise as in the case of critical situations, eg. in
case of flooding. In order to inform the citizens, hazard maps will
be placed in several areas, posters and brochures will be
distributed to each municipality in the area. Bilingual hazard maps
at different scales have been designed to be used by policy makers
and institutions involved in the mitigation of natural and
technological risks.

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

There were developed maps showing water pollution by nitrates,

soluble substances with metals.
In the time remaining until the termination of the project, there
will be produced maps on metal soil pollution.
There will be developed climate hazard maps that include the
following climatic factors:
Extreme rainfall (heavy rain)
Now, people are jointly working at a database that includes data
on these parameters, given that there are some different elements
determination in Romania and Bulgaria.
There are two people from Craiova University who develop the
thesis of geomorphic hazards related to soil, given the fact that at
University of Craiova there are courses on the subject.
Data on soil and water Data on the surface water and groundwater quality and soil quality
quality will be presented in order to inform citizens and policy makers to
find better solutions in the field.
It relies on the support of the authorities particularly high in these
situations, as when the survey was established previously.
According to the map drawn from field research in Romania, in the
Danube floodplain area, the localities with the highest degree of
pollution of groundwater are Islaz Grojdibodu and Ciupercenii Noi.
Support for decision Providing relevant and useful data in terms of risk assessment, the
making settlements located in the study area as well as supporting the
development of a manual for the evaluation and management of
risks and can be seen as a way to encourage European regions to
submit plans for risk reduction.
Organization of two In November 2011, there were two round tables with experts from
workshops to present risk Romania and one in Bulgaria where concrete discussions took
assessment database. place on Risk Assessment Database.
Representatives were from:
National Institute of Hydrology and Water
"Babes-Bolyai University - Faculty of Science and
Environmental Engineering
Institute of Geography of the Romanian Academy
The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

Geology Institute of the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences

Environmental Protection Agency - Romania
Romania Hyperion University - Department of Geography
Ministry of Agriculture and Food in Bulgaria
National Institute of Geophysics, Geodesy and Geography,
Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
Division of Emergency Management of the Ministry of
Environment and Forests - Romania
National Institute of Research and Development for
Optoelectronics INOE 2000 - Bucharest
General Inspectorate for Emergency Situations (ISU)
National Administration "Romanian Waters"
The most interested in the project and its implementation
possibilities were the local administrations, civil protection and
ISU. The maps shown were an essential element in discussions
about the future of the Danube floodplain area of Romania and
Bulgaria in terms of water and soil pollution.
Information and publicity More information can be found on the website www.robuhaz- / en.

1.6 Indicative operations joint warning and emergency response "

1.6.1 Creating a favorable socio-economic development of the communities Mehedinti-

Vidin border area by implementing a common contingency management

Results obtained in the indicative Impact of the results of the projects in the border
operation region Ro-Bg
An Eco-Business Functional Operations This center has the following functions: information
Centre in a building rehabilitated, and communication, monitoring, alarm system type
equipped with ICT equipment, "contact center" and "early warning" education and
training for prevention.
software, furniture and vehicles (in
Drobeta Turnu Severin) Eco-Business Centre is in itself, a system of joint
management of the emergency response

By implementing this system of joint contingency

management, the cross-border region Mehedinti -

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

Vidin becomes safer for people, investors and tourists,

thus making it more attractive.

The experience gained in this project will be used to

implement a similar system in the Bulgarian area.

It has been created a partnership with ISU Mehedinti

and a collaboration with the Institute of Meteorology
of Craiova.

Joint Center (Romania and Bulgaria) In this respect, creating an ICT portal (newsletter) was
Functional Eco-business (based on the the most efficient solution to overcome distances and
operational center of Drobeta Turnu to create links between public institutions, businesses
Severin) contingency management in and citizens.
the border area Mehedinti - Vidin, with
The information provided by users of the center, in an
the following components: portal,
emergency on the Danube will be made available for
newsletters, informative, Contact
the entire Eco-Business network and also key players
Center for early warnings
in the field of emergency response activities
throughout the area CBC Romania Bulgaria.

The existence of this center, the Mehedini-Vidin

became safer therefore more attractive to investors
and tourists (increasing the attractiveness of the
region by about 70%).

An extensive network of users, easy to Implementation platform for users (who are members
develop in the future of the network) and core components (portal,
newsletter, written materials and contact center)
gave the information and publicity for the project.

ICT system users (network members) are represented

by 50 private companies Mehedinti County and
District Vidin, public institutions responsible for
environmental protection and the provision of
environmental information required by the partners
and the institutions that support this project.

Information and promotion There were 3 outreach events (seminars) in Mehedinti

and Vidin.

About 20,000 people received awareness activities

regarding environmental protection.

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

There were made documentaries and short films for

various other publications and promotional material:
Eco-Business newspaper, EcoBusiness user guide,
manual procedures emergency response, information
folders, promotional shirts, posters, roll-ups, panel
visibility press releases.

1.7 Impact Indicators

Impact of projects related to Priority Axis 2 "Environment", Key Area of Intervention 2.2
"Developing infrastructure and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises,
including joint emergency intervention" was quantified in the areas "Information - Environmental
Awareness and common systems management," and "Studies and Strategies", along with the
results of other projects related to these areas.

Impact indicator values recorded in the analysis of projects completed by 30.10.2012 are shown in
the table below.
Type of
Curren Impact indicators UM Value
Assessment of coverage Danube flood warning Qualitativ Review
1 Hi
systems. e s
Quantitati Numbe
2 Number of experts trained 53
ve r
Number of promotional materials (brochures, Quantitati Numbe
3 4000
guides, videos, posters, etc..). ve r
Quantitati Numbe
4 Number of events. 2
ve r
Quantitati Numbe
5 Number of participants in these events. 202
ve r
Number of people benefiting from awareness Quantitati Numbe
6 392 459
raising activities on environmental protection ve r
Quantitati Numbe
7 Number of information events. 3
ve r

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

Assessment of target groups on the effectiveness Qualitativ Review

8 Hi
of awareness / consciousness. e s
Quantitati Numbe
9 Number of persons receiving outreach activities. 20000
ve r
Satisfaction of target groups on existing
Qualitativ Review
10 partnerships between universities, research Hi
e s
institutes and companies in the border region.
The assessment of target groups on projects under
Qualitativ Review
11 the Programme that contribute to risk prevention High
e s
in the border area
Number of individuals who have completed Quantitati Numbe
12 20
training border ve r
Number of people participating in the "people to Quantitati Numbe
13 20000
people" actions ve r
Number of companies with potential pollutant Quantitati Numbe
14 2500
(chemistry, metallurgy, etc..) ve r
Quantitati Numbe
15 The number of people using ICT facilities 2000
ve r
Number of common management systems Quantitati Numbe
16 1
implemented ve r
The degree to which the eligible area is covered by Qualitativ Review
17 Satisfactory
common systems of risk prevention e s
The degree to which the Danube is covered by joint Qualitativ Review
18 Satisfactory
early warning flood emergency e s
Number of partnerships created for early warning Quantitati Numbe
19th 1
and emergency response activities ve r
Quantitati Numbe
20 Number of SMEs benefiting from business facilities 50
ve r
Qualitativ Review
21 Increasing attractiveness for investors and tourists Hi
e s
Increased technical and strategic capacity of local
Qualitativ Review
22 authorities in the border area of environmental Very Good
e s

The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

1.8 Conclusions

In this stage, subject to impact assessment Priority 2 "Environment, KAI 2.2 "Development of
infrastructure and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including joint
emergency response", were 3 projects whose cumulative total was of 2,977,443, 21 EURO.
These were represented in the project by the beneficiary organizations in the Romanian area,
Mehedinti (3 Representation), Giurgiu (1 representation), Dolj (1 representation), Bucharest (1
representation), Cluj (1 representation) and in the Bulgarian districts Ruse (1 representation), Sofia
(2 representations), Vidin (1 representation). Within this area there is a project that relates to the
border area of the Danube and its partner, Romanian organizations in Bucharest, Craiova, Cluj, and
in Bulgaria in Sofia. It can be concluded that the Romanian partners have a higher presence (5
partners) than the Bulgarians (3 partners).
It was implemented a common management system energy (Dolj-Vidin) for environmental
protection and pollution prevention Danube and created a partnership for early warning and
emergency response activities (Mehedinti-Vidin).
In the border area there were held three information events. Approximately 20,000 people have
benefited from activities in the awareness campaigns. They considered the effectiveness of these
campaigns as good.
Projects undertaken have contributed to the improvement of public awareness regarding the
management and protection of the environment and the effectiveness of common interventions
and response to emergencies. Some projects have the potential to generate other projects, and
some results are continued after completion of the projects (such as eco-business center and
formal networks).
The number of people who have benefited from awareness raising activities on environmental
protection was of 392,459. The number of people trained in areas the projects implemented was of
20 and the number of experts in projects was of 53.
The increased technical capacity and strategic local administrative authorities in the border area of
environmental management is good. Their satisfaction from training conditions was high, and the
The impact of PCT Ro-Bg priorotar Axis 2 "MEDIUM, Key Area of Intervention 2.2" Developing infrastructure
and common services for the prevention of natural disasters or crises, including common services
emergency intervention "

view of the target groups on effectiveness of partnerships designed to work early warning and
emergency response was very good.
It should be noted that in Mehedinti County, there are over 5,000 private companies, while in Vidin
district, the number rises to 3000 and for achieving sustainable economic development and job
creation, private companies are the "engines" that can change society, but their strategic action
must be established in an integrated and long-term. Also, in Vidin district and Mehedini are over
2,500 companies active in the industry. These businesses need to be aware of their power to affect
in a positive or negative environment.
Also, a significant number of people (2000), 50 private companies in Mehedinti County and Vidin
distrct, public institutions responsible for environmental protection that provides environmental
information system use ICT facilities. This leads to better increase the attractiveness for investors
and tourists. A total of 20,000 people attended the "people to people" actions.
The number of promotional materials (brochures, guides, videos, posters, etc.) was high (4000)
which is a positive factor on the activities carried out during the course projects.


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