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SPE/lSRM 47272

An Investigation of Leak-off Test Data for Estimating [n-situ Stress Magnitudes:

Application to a Basinwide Study in the North Sea
S.T. Edwards. P.G. Meredith. S,A. F. Murrell, Rock and I@ Physics Laboratory,
. Department of Geological Sciences,
University College London, Now at Schlumberger 1PM.

CO* !~, S*ky of P*bohum Engin0*r5. Inc equated directly with ~h. From a consideration of the
Thb p~r - ~rkd far prc-ti!ion at SPEfiSRM Eurock W held in Trondheim physical background to the LOP within the theoretical
NoIw8y, S-TO ~Ufyl=
fimework established to analyze HFSM data 34S8,
it is
~ pWr ~8 *h*d for prcsntatkan by an SPE Progmm Commiite folfowl~ review clear that individual LOPS can have a value anywhere
of infonnaVwncvmtriwd h sn bsmcf wMRfed by lhe aumor($) Contents of me mwr, as
~Md, havo nti bmfi rowti by fhe Soq of Psbobum Engineers 8nd are Wqed between oh and the formation breakdo,~n pressure (pb)
to rntibn by fhe author(s) % mt6ft81 *# F?wmad does not .emniy re~d any which can be significantly ~eater than oh .
- of me SO.bfyof Petr.bum gnglnefs ifa Ommm or mambem Papers prec.anted
c! SPE meefinw m Wbpti to ~bi~on -by Editorial Commlm?esof the SOCWVof
Palrokum Engineers Ebtfronlc fmpmduti!on titibutlon or storage of any pati of thrs We have analysed datasets consisting of LOT
~~r for cdmmetil p~ wtfhouf tha wfitbn of Ihe Society of Petroleum
Sngheera b PIutiWed FetmInbn la rewuce b Print m ~ed to n *bstract of WI pressure/volume records and HFSM records from boreholes
mom than 3Q0 WONJS,Inutir*llOn% may not be copied The must conlal
rnnSPkUOIIS tiowhdgment of tiere and by whom the paper -S presented Wte
in which both tests have been performed, From examination
&rIan. sPE, P O %x 633SSS R@hard80n, ~ 7S0S3-3636 U S A fix 01 .972.9S2. of the shapes of the LOT records, two classes of
pressure/volume behavior have been identified. By analogy
Abstract with HFSM studies, the two classes correspond to ( 1)
The Ieak-offtest (LOT) procedure has been examined within formation breakdown where a fracture is initiated in
the theoretical fimework pertaining to hydraulic fracturing previously intact rock, and (2) re-opening of a pre-existing
s&ess measurements (HFSMS). LOT records have then been fracture. It is seen that class I LOPS are signiticandy higher
compared with the results of HFSMS where both than 01,, and that class 2 LOPS are close to ~b. ln some of
measurements have been made in the same boreholes. From these LOTS, two pressurization cycles were performed, and
this comparison, we make recommendations on the use of the second LOP was invariably a better estimate of 6h than
LOT data, and suggest a new method of estimating the the first LOP. It is concluded that class 2 LOPS are good
minimum horizontal stress magnitude (oh) from LOT estimates of oh and that even better results can be obtained
pressure/voIume plots. m-situ stress magnitudes ha~e been by performing two pressurization cycles, Clearly, in order to
investigated by applying these methods to data from over determine if an individual LOP can be used as an estimate of
1000 LOTS in North Sea boreholes. The results of this oh. the full LOT pressure/time or pressure/vohune record
investigation imply that tectonic stress increases must be carefully examined. Where full LOT records are not
significantly with depth in some parts of the North Sea. available a lower bound to the majority of LOPS from a
which is consistent with the mapped distribution of bore hole large (50 or more LOPS) dataset can be used to define the
breakouts trend of ah with depth 1.

Introduction Almost 200 fill LOT pressure/volume records have been

Quantitative estimations of the complete stress tensor are examined from the North Sea, and the class 2 tests have
very usefuI for a number of geomechanical applications been extracted. The mend of oh with depth in the North Sea
within the petroleum industry. Stress orientations from estimated from these LOPS has been compared to the trend
borehole breakouts have been widely studied in sedimentary defined by the lower bound to a much larger dataset of
basins (discussed below). However. the knowledge of stress single LOPS (where pressure/volume plots were not
magnitude variation in these rocks has lagged behind. Only available) and a good match between the two trends is seen.
rarely (e.g. prior to reservoir fracturing stimulation) are
stiss magnitude measurements actualIy made. Although the Using both the new method of picking class 2 LOPS and the
LOT is not perfiirmed for the purpose of measuring in-situ previously existing method of fitting a lower bound to large
stress, it has long been recognized that usefil information LOP datasets, we have examined the variation of stress
relating to stress magnitudes is contained within LOT ma~tudes in the North Sea.
records 2, The large number and widespread distribution of
LOTS in the North Sea constitutes a datset which is more The Physical Background to the LOP.
suitable for a basinwide study of ~h, than the much smaller During a LOT, an open section of borehole ( typically
HFSM dataset. between 15 and 60 R) is pressurized. This section is between
the base of the casing and the bottom of the hole, and is
Ref. 1 presents empirical evidence which shows that Ieak- therefore effectively an isolated section such that the
off pressures (LOPS) can be close to, but are on average process is very similar to the breakdown or re-opening
around 11% higher than cr~.However the LOP is commonly pressurization cycle of a HFSM. In both the LOT and the
2 S.T. Edwads, PG. Meredith,S.A.F. Murrall 472R

HFSM, the pressure is recorded against either time or crack in the borehole wall in an orientation perpendicular to
volume pumped (where pumping is at a constant rate). An ah. Here, a fracture mechanics analysis has been used to
outline of the HFSM breakdown and fracture re-opening derive Pb, which is now defined as the pressure at which the
proccssm is given beIow. The pressures recorded during a stress intensity at the crack tip overcomes the mode 1
LOT are then considered (in terns of in-situ stresses) within ticture toughness of the rock.
this *ework.
pb= I/~b) [KIc + Oflb)+Obg(b)] .................................(3)
HFSM Breakdown During a HFSM, an intact section of
borehole [i.e. one in which no pre-existing fractures exist) is Where h, j and g are Rummels stress intensity factors. KIC
generally chosen. Pb bm such a test is usua]iy cIearIy seen = mode 1 fracture toughness and b (normalized crack
as a distinct peak aRer an essentially linear pressure build length) = 1 + l/A where 1= crack length, a = borehole radius.
up, followed by a rapid pressure drop (Fig. I). Pb is
generally interpreted as the pressure at which a fracture
initiates at the borehole wall and propagates rapidly. The For a crack of zero length, equation 3 reduces to an
fact that Pb is higher than the propagation pressure (p,) ~d expression comparable to equation 1. However, for a crack
closure pressure (Pi) is due at least in part to the stress of length roughly equal to the diameter of the wellbore, and
concentration ~ the wellbore wall (the hoop stress ), and to assuming that this crack is permeable to the pressurizing
the fact that the intact rock has finite tensile strength (or fluid prior to fracture opening (i.e. the crack is mechanically
mistance to picturing). closed but hydraulically open) the Pb is very close to oh.

Tire value of pb depends on the nature of the borehole wall HFSM Fracture Re-opening. During a HFSM, following
and the borehoIe/fluid interface. Therefore various the sequence of breakdown, fracture propagation, and
breakdown equations have been derived according to the fracture closure, a second pressurization cycle (the re-frac)
assumptions about the boundary conditions which apply. is performed. The re-opening pressure (P,) is generally
defined as the pressure at which the pressure/time curve
At this stage we make some assumptions which we will deviates from linearity (Fig 1.)
apply to all firther considerations of the processes during
HFSM and LOTS considered here. Mre assume that the rocks The pressure at which the fracture re-opens (relative to the
m which these tests are pefiormed behave as isotropic, linear in-situ stresses) depends on how much pressure is
elastic materials, that the borehole walls are smooth and transmitted from the borehole to the walls of the fracture.
initially circuIar, and that the boreholes themselves are This is governed by several factors, namely; the
vertical and driIled into rock in which one principal stress is permeability of the ficture, the rate of pressurization and
vertical, aud the minimum principal stress is horizontal. the viscosity of the fluid. Assuming that for a given
Compressive stresses will be taken as positive fracturing job, other parameters remain constant, two end-
member re-opening pressures can be measured. the fast re-
The classical breakdown equation is generally attributed to fiac pressure and the slow re-frac pressure. The fist re-frac
Refl 3 and is the breakdown equation which applies to the pressure has been assumed to be equal to the Pb - T. The
case where the borehoie wall is intact, and non permeable. slow re-tic pressure on the other hand is generally taken 6
In this case pb is assumed to be the pressure at which the as being a good estimate of ~h, and th$ has been shown
effective circumferential stress at the borehole wal~ (the experimentally to be a vaIid assumption . During the slow
hoop stress minus the weilbore pressure) becomes less than re-tic, the pressunsing fluid has time to penetrate the crock
the tensile strength of the rock, and is given by: along at least some of its length such that the wellbore
~sure opens the ficture against the stresses acting across
pb=30h.0.1.p+T ............................................................(l) its walls (~b) and is much less influenced by the hoop stress.

Where ~H = maximum horizontal stress, p = pore fluid LOP in the Framework of HFSM Theo~. During a LOT,
~. ~d T = tensile strength, the section of borehole wall that is pressurized may or may
not contain pre-existing fractures. The LOP is defined as the
Another breakdown equation has been derived in ref 4 for point at which the pressure/time plot (or pressure volume -
the case in which the borehole wall is again intact, but where where the pressurization rate is constant) deviates from
m extra stress compottmt is introduced by the effect of the linearity (Figs. 2a and 2b). As end member cases, the LOP
weIIbore walI being permeable so that fluid flows radially can therefore correspond to either pb in the case where the
into the rock. Again, Pb is assumed to be the pressure at wellbore wall is intact (i.e. crack length is zero), or to P,
which the circumferential stress at the borehoie wall where pre-existing permeable cracks exist. Thus, in practice,
becomes less than the tensile strength of the rock, and is the LOP can have a vsthse anywhere between pb and ~b.
given by:
As the LOT generalIy pressm-zes a large section of open
pb = [30h-O\{+T - CtP(l-2VY(i-V)] 1 [2- ~(1-2V)/( 1-V)].....(2) hole which has not been specifically selected to be intact, it
is likely that pre-existing fractures will often ew-st. The
Where ~ = Biots poroelastic parameter, and v = Poissons pumping rate during a LOT is typically around 0.25-0.5
ratio barreltirninute which, (taking into account the huge volumes
of open hole during a LOT) corresponds to a slow
A third breakdown equation is derived in Ref. 8 in which the pressurization rate in HFSM terms. It seems likely then that
boundary conditions allow for the presence of a pre-existing 358 in many cases a LOT may correspond to a breakdown with a
SPE 47272 A n Investigaf@nor Leak-offTest Data for EstimatingIn-situStress Magnitudes:Applicationto a BasirrwideStudy in the NorthSea 3

pre-existing hcture (equation 3 where 1> 2a) or a slow re- which both LOPS are class 2 LOPS, but the second LOP is
fiac, end thus the LOP will often be close to oh. lower than the first.

A Comparison of LOPS ~ u~ fmm HFSMS. Whew a first LOT yields a class 2 LOP, it is probable that,
Original unpublished records have been obtained for 21 although fluid has penetrated a pre-existing crack, there is
leak-off tests from 9 boreholes (of depths up to 1800m still some influence on the LOP from the tensile strength of
within an area of approximately. 5 km x 5 km) from the the rock, snd the hoop stress. This influence is likely to
Nirex test site at SeIIafieId. In 5 of these boreholes between decrease with progressive crack opening cycles.
3 and 7 (a total of 28) HFSMS have also been performed 9
epmfically to measure stress magnitudes over a range of Suggested Empirical Relationship. We have examined the
depths (primmly o, has been determined from estimates of empirical relationship between Nirex class 2 LOPS and oh
both Pc through pressure decline analysis, and from P, from values together with vaiues of tensile strength which have
step-rate tests). Thus, 21 LOT records exist within a body of been measured on core and estimated horn fmt re-fic tests.
rock in which the magnitude of oh is very well known. Although such a relationship might be better examined in
terms of fracture toughness and crack lengths, such that the
(A &her, aIthough less complete dataset &om 27 boreholes hoop stress effect could be included, we have derived an
in the Ravenspum fieIds of the southern North Sea empiricaI relationship based on the data that was available.
comprises 27 HFSM (mini-fiat) records and over 50 LOP The nirex data can be described by the following empirical
has also been examined but are not discussed in detail equation:
LOPch.z = o, + ~T ...........................................................(4)
Because the LOTS were not performed at the same depths as
the HFSMS, we have perfomted a regression analysis with Where ~ is a coefficient of between O and 1 which will
depth on the HFSM derived oh values to establish the trend depend on a variety of factors related to fluid/crack
of oh with depth in this area. A 3D regression analysis was interaction,
initiaIIy performed to determine both the lateral variation of
~k and its vmation with Iithology. However, since these The HFSM and LOP dataset from the southern North Sea
vmations were seen to be very small compared to the can also be described by equation (4) if typical values of
inherent variability in the measurements, a simple 1D depth rock tensile strengths are taken. More data is required to
regression is considered sufficient, test and refine equation (4). As rock tensile strengths are
generaity Iow {typical values for sandstones and shaIes are
The pressurelvohsme plots from the 2 I leak-off tests have 300-600 psi ) it is clear that the effect of tensile strength
been caretily examined. The shapes of the LOT records fall will be of relatively little importance at greater depth.
into two classes, ( 1 and 2), Class i LOT records show a
linear pressure build up. a peak and then a rapid pressure Recommendations for using LOT Datato Estimate
drop (resembling a Hydro-fiat breakdown pressure/time oh,
curve). Class 2 LOT records show a linear pressure build up In view of the analysis presented above, recommendations
and then a gradual decrease in gradient as the curve rolls for the use of LOT data for estimating oh are summarised
over. foIlowed sometimes by a plateau of almost constant here.
pressure (resembling a hydro-fiat re-opening pressure/time
curve). There were 2 tests in which there is no deviation (I) Where two-cycle LOTS have been performed. use the
from linearity, and thus it is assumed that the LOP has not second LOP as the estimate of oh. In fact two-cycle LOTS
been reached. These two tests can be described as limit tests are rareIy performed 2. (Extended LOTS are occasionally
(LTs). Figs. 2a and 2b show schematic representations of performed. and these also provide better estimates ofs?h than
these classes of LOT record. standard LOTS).

The 21 values of the LOPS from the two classes of LOT and (2) Where full standard (one-cycle) LOT records are
the LTs are plotted together with the best fit linear available pick the LOPS from tests which show a linear
regression ofah measurements (from the 28 HFSMS) in Fig. pressure build up foIIowed by a class 2 LOP. Some small
3. [t is clear that the class 2 LOPS are much closer to the correction can sometimes aJso be made to account for the
values of oh from the HFSMS than class 1 LOPS. As rock stren~h using eq, 4.
-ted. class 1 LOPS are generally higher, since they
mchsde an element of formation breakdown. (3) Where fill LOT records are not available, it is likely that
the lower bound to a Iarge number of singIe LOPS (i.e. those
Two-CycIe LOTS. Some of the Nirex LOTS are two-cycle where only a single pressure value is given as opposed to a
LOTS. A two-cycle LOT is the similar to a standard LOT record of pressure/volume) will form a reliable estimate of
except that a second pressurization cycle is performed the trend of oh with depth. Care should be taken not to
immediately afier the pressure has been bled back to include pressures from LTs.
hydrostatic from the first cycle. In all the two-cycle LOT
records obtained from Nirex, the second LOP is a class 2 Stress Magnitudes in the North Sea.
LOP. In all cases (including the cases where both the first Over 180 LOT pressure/volume plots have been obtained
and second LOP are class 2 LOPS) the second LOP lies (from Amerada Hess Ltd. and BP) for the North Sea. A
closer to the HFSM remssion line than the first LOP. Fig. 4 further 980 single LOPS (i.e. without pressure/volume plots)
represents a typical (;dealized) two-cycle LOT record: in 359 have been sele;ted from a database of over 2500 North
4 S.T. Edwards, P.G, Meredith,S.A.F. Murrell 47272

Sea LOTS. Of the 2500, LT and ambiguous values were has been shown0 that an even better agreement between the
removed. These datasets have been divided into subsets two methods would be obtained if data tiom only a single
consisting of data from the northern (Viking Graben and Iithology were used,
East Shetland Basin). central (Moray Firth. South Halibut
Basin. Mitch Ground and Central Graben) and southern The Trend of ah with Depth in the North Sea, a
(Southern North Sea Basin) North Sea Discussion. Trends of o,, with depth are best investigated by
examining the gradients of ah with depth. The gradient of oh
The datasets comprise: can be expressed either as a tangent gradient (the first
Central North Sea: 100 pressure/volume plots, plus 53o derivative of the lines of best. fit in Fig, 5) or (as is more
single LOPS common e.g. the fracture gradient) as a secant gradient,
Not-them nonh Sea: 48 pressure/volume plots, plus 300 which is simply the value of any LOP or ~b magnitude
aingIe LOPS divided by depth. Gradients discussed here are secant
Southern North Sea: 32 pressure/volume plots, plus 150 gradients.
single LOPS -
It is clear from Figure 5 that the gradient of ah in the central
The LOT pressure/volume plots and single LOPS have been North Sea increases with depth. Horizontal stress in
analysed to estimate oh according to recommendations 2 and relaxed sedimentary basins is generated by the weight of
3 (given above) respectively. The data from the central overburden or rather the vertical stress (c,). The North Sea
North Sea is presented as an example as this is where most is general Iy thought to be a relaxed sedimenta~ basin and it
of the pressure/volume plots are from. would therefore be expected that the trends in ma~itude of
oh with depth could be explained by trends in the magnihlde
Of the 100 pressure/volume plots obtained for the central of c, with depth.
North Sea 38 were selected in which a class 2 LOP could be
confidently identified. Of the remaining pressure volume Vertical Stress, Magnitudes of a, have been calculated
plots from this subset. approximately 15 clearly showed down to the depths of all the LOPS for which
class 1 LOPS, whi Ist many of the others were probably class pressure/volume plots are available. The calculations have
2 but were slightly ambiguous, or showed no leak-off. been performed using a combination of density and sonic
Equation 4 has not been applied to the data presented here. logs which were obtained for a total of 80 wells born the
A best fit through the 38 class 2 LOPS (as opposed to a northern. central and southern North Sea
lower bound) has been added. This data is presented in Fig.
5. In the northern and central North Sea. the gradient of a, is
clearly seen to increase from average values of around 0.95
Fig. 5 also shows the single LOPS selected tiom the Central psi/ft at depths of around 3.000 ft, to values of around 1.05
North Sea data with a lower bound fitted to 98?0 of the data. psi/ii at depths of :iround 12,000 ft. In the southern North
The LOPS which fall below this lower bound probably Sea, the gradient of cr, is also seen to increase. but, the
represent tests in which an apparently low LOP was amount of increase is less. with typical values being close to
obtained either through fluid loss to a poor cement seal or to 1 psi/fi. The increase in IS, with depth is easily explained by
a highly permeab[e formation and are therefore thought to compaction. The large thicknesses of Cenozoic sediments in
be spurious. the central and northern North Sea compact rapidly with
depth yielding significant increases of o, gradient with
Second order polynomials have been used here to describe depth. whereas in the southern North Sea. most of the rocks
both the lower bound to the single LOP data and the best tit at shallow depths are of Mesozoic age. and have generally
to the class 2 LOPS, although other functions (e.g. a power been buried. compacted and brought back to the surface
law relationship) are also capable of reasonably describing through basin inversion processes.
these trends.
ah /a, Ratios. The increase of o, gradient with depth goes
~ ba~e shown that there is a clear
Previous studies r some way to explaining the increase in 6h gradient with
correlahon between ah and pore pressure, with higher values depth, However, in order to investigate if the trend of oh
of crh in over pressured formations. In order to avoid with depth can be entirely explained by the effects of
ambiguities, data tiom over pressured formations have been compaction. the ratios of crh/m,have been investigated. ~h/~\
removed from both datasets presented in Fig. 5. ratios have been derived by combining the results of
analysis using methods 2 and 3 (above) with log derived
It can be seen &om Fig. 5 that these two methods (2 and 3) vertical stress calculations.
of estimating the trend of stress with depth yield results
which are in good agreement. If values of tensile strength Fig. 6 shows the best fit trends to the ratios of otirs, for the
for these rocks were known (or reasonable estimates were northern. central and southern North Sea. The increase in the
taken). the application of equation 4 to the class 2 LOPS value of ~h/~, with depth in the northern and centraI North
wotid further improve this match. Sea could be explained by either (1) Changing rock
properties with depth such that the vertical stress generates
It should be noted that, in order to most clearly illustrate the more horizontal stress, or (2) The presence of a component
way in which the lower bound can be deiined in a dataset, , of stress additional to that generated by the o,, such as a
the LOPS dispIayed in Fig. 5 are horn a variety of Iithologies tectonic component of stress.
(mainly shales and some san~~ones). As oh is often seen to
vary according to Iithology , it would be expected, and 360 Explanation ( I ) requires that some rock prOpeW mUst
SPE 47272 A n Investigation of Leak-off Test Data for EstimatingIn-situStress Magnitude: Applicationto a Basinwide Study in the Noflh Sea 5

change with depth. The ;~~k property in question depends T = Tensile Strength
on what stress model is assumed to describe the a = Biots Poroelastic parameter
relationship between u, and oh, i.e. an elastic model (e.g. the v = Poissons Ratio
uniaxia3 strain model) or a failure model (e.g. the Mohr- h. f g = Rummels Stress Intensity Factors
Codomb normal faulting filure model), The elastic model b = Normalised Crack Length ( 1 + / /a)
wotdd require Poissons ratio to increase with depth, and the / = Crack Length
ftilure model wodd require the friction angle to decrease a = borehole diameter
with depth to explain the observed ratios. These changes are ~ = Empirical coefficient (0<~<1 ) of Tensile Strength
broadly equivalent to the rock becoming less stiff or
weaker with depth, which seems intuitively unlikely, Acknowledgments
We thank Atnerada Hess, BP. Petroleum Information Erico,
Explanation (2) seems intuitively obvious, Deeper in the and Nirex for providing the data used in this study, We also
crust of the northern and central North Sea. the rock is more thank the following individuals who provided valuable
closely coupled to the underlying lithosphere in which advice and discussion. Graham Dean, Mike McIean, Stuart
tectonic stresses are transmitted. The shalIow rocks of the Thomas, Pip Squire, Hans de Pater, Keith Katahara, Tony
southern North Sea, having been generally buried and Batchelor.
inv~ed, and are thus more strongly coupled to underlying
crust. ~is explanation is consistent with the pattern of References
borehole breakouts mapped throughout the North Sea lX9. t Breckds, I.M & van Eekelen, H.AM Relationship between
In the southern North Sea and in the deeper rocks of the horizontal stress and depth in sedimentary basins. SPEPaper
northern and centra[ North Sea. breakouts show a uniform 10336 Presented at t he 56[h Annual Fall Te~nicaI
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Enginrers. San ,4rtonio, Tmas 5-7 October, 1981
stress mapped throughout most of NV Europe and is clearly
2 Bell, J S Invesrigatirrg stress regirms in sedimentary basins
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~y~ influenced by local slruct ural feat ures and other factors Geolo~cai Socidy, London, Special Publicatirsr, 199048,
3. Hubbert, M & Willis. D.G. Mechanics of h ydraulic
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1. We have presented a method of estimating o,, from filgitlwrs o~fl~j I957210, 153
4 Haimson B C & Fairhurst C. Initiation and extension of
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,I[>ttr)tal, Sept 1967, 310
Estimates of ah using this method are more accurate than 5. Zoback, M.D. & Haimson, B.C. Status of tbe hydraulic
simply equating a single LOP (i,e a single \alue where no fracturing method for in-situ stress measurements
presstsrefwlurne record is a~ailable) with Isl,. Pr(xeedlttgs of the 23rd [IS Sympoxltfrn ott Rack Me~hat)!cs,
2. Two-cycle LOTS are rarely performed but for a small 1982. 143.
amount of additional time and effort they can yieId 6. Econotides, M. J,& Noltq K.G 1989 Rese!~arr S/iml~/affo)/
significantly better estimates ofo,, than standard LOTS, Schlufierger Educational %rvices, Wuston, T=as
3. If LOT pressure/voIume plots are not available. the lower 7. Ito, T. & Hayashi. K Relationship hewn r e-opening
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Sociey q~h{echmticol fitgmeers. 199158,72
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8. Rummel. F. Fracture mechanics approach to hydraulic
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significantly with depth in the central and northern North 217.
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LOT = Leak-offtest 13. Kunze, K.R., & Stiger, R.P. Extended leak-off tests to
LOP = Leak-off pressure measure in-situ stress during drilling, Praceedmgs of the 32tsd
HFSM = Hydrtiic Fracturing Stress Measurement (JS Rock Mechattics Sympost(tm, Rock Mechatlics as a
~h = Minimum Horizontal Stress Magnitude mldldlsctphtflav sctetlce, 199 I, 33.
UH= Maximum Horizontal Stress Magnitude 14. Enco. The North Sea Pressure Atlas Press?{re Sit(dies 1,2
O,= VerticaI Stress Magnitude and5. 1993-1995 Petroleum Information (Enco) Ltd. Uk
15 Plumb, R A Variation oft he least horizontal sfsess
pb = Bre&down pressure
magnitude in sedimentety recks. Procetii)?gs of dse firsr
P,= Re-opening Pressure 361 North Americntt fick Mechatrics Sy~ossttm, Austin.
p = pore ~ssure

6 S.T. Edwa~s, P.G. Meredith, S.A.F. Mumll 47272

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Fig. 1 Schematic pressure/time record from a HFSM showing breakdown pressure (Po),
propagation pressure (PP), closure pressure (Pc) and re-opening pressure (P,).

Volume Volume
(a) b)
Fig. 2 Schematic LOT records illustrating two commonly obsetved classes of pressure
voIume behavior (a) Class 1 LOP and (b) Class 2 LOP.
SPE 47272 A n Investigationof Leak-offTestDataforEstimating
In-situSVessMagnitudes: Applicationto a Basimde Study in the North Sea 7

5000 !
4500 I
I I 1
4000 .
Class 1 LOP
I 1 (

g 3000
~ 2500 .- .. .x Class 2 LOP . .. . .

q 2000 -


500 .- . . . .-

0 Linear (Sh
0 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 HFSM)

Depth (TVD) / ft
Fig. 3 CIass 1 and class 2 LOPS extracted from Nirex LOT pressure/volume records are
compared in this plot with a linear regression through oh values from 27 Nirex HFSfvlS in
the same boreholes.

1 1st LOP 2nd LOP

I .......... ..lj . . . . . . . . . . ..f . . ... ... . . .. . .. . ..l

. \


x \
u 1

Fig. 4 Schematic pressure/volume record from a two-cycteLOT
8 S.T. Edwsrds, PG. Merecfith, S.A.F. Murrell 47272
. .



a 10000



0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000
Depth (TVDSS) / ft

0 Single LOP I
x Class 2 LOP 1
------- Poly. (Lower Bound to Single LOPS) I
Poly. (Class 2 LOP) 1

Fig. 5 LOP data from the central NorthSea. A lower bound to single LOPS, and a best fit
to class Mo LOPS.

SPE 47272 A n Investigationof Leak-offTest Data for Estimating In-situ Stress Magnitudes: Application to a Basirswide Study in the North Sea 9

-. - -

Linear (Northern
North Sea)
------ .--=

Linear ( Central
> North Sea)
0.7 .._ .. .
0.6 .
. ... -. ..- .
---- Linear (Southern
North Sea)
0.5 .. -
. --- ---

0 5000 10000 15000
Depth / ft
Fig. 6 Trends o~la, (S,/S,) with depth in the North Sea.


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