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GEO3Z03 Lab 2: Introduction to Stereonets Due Feb.

1st, 2002

This lab explores the use of stereonets for solving some simple geometrical problems in
structural geology. The first three questions cover basic tasks of plotting lines and planes on a
stereonet. These methods were covered in last lecture; review your notes if necessary before
proceeding with the lab. Be sure you read the sections in SGRR on stereographic projections
(pg. 691-720).

Plot the solutions to each question on a separate piece of tracing paper and label all
structures plotted on the stereonet with a name (e.g. bedding plane) and orientation (e.g. 095/24).
Be sure to apply the right-hand rule for all orientation data.

1. Measure the strike and dip of the rock slabs located on the front desk. Plot the strike and dip
of each sample on the stereonet. Check that the declination is properly set on your compass
before you make your strike measurements (declination approx. 10- W).

2. Given a plane oriented at 010/45, find the plunge of lines contained within the plane which
have trends of 042-, 090- and 176- respectively. Find the pitch of these lines within the

3. A coal bed strikes at 050- and is dipping 50- to the SE. What would be the apparent dip of
the coal bed in an outcrop exposure with a strike of 080-?

4. A dipping limestone bed is exposed in two vertical outcrop faces. The bed has an apparent
dip of 30- toward 260- in one outcrop and 22- degrees dip towards 346- in the second
outcrop. A) What is the true dip and strike of the limestone bed? B) What is the angle
between the two outcrop faces?

5. Cross-beds are exposed on two faces of a vertical sandstone outcrop as shown below.
Measurements of the plunge (angle of inclination) and trend of individual cross-laminations
in each face yields a mean plunge and trend of 23-/179- for the west face and 44-/088- for
the south face. Determine the paleocurrent direction for the sandstone.

23/179 44/088

5. Non-parallel planes always intersect along a line (see figure). The orientation of such a line
can be found by locating the intersection of two great circles on a stereographic projection.
Find the plunge and trend of the line of intersection of two planes whose attitudes are 040/60
and 120/30. Find the angle between the two intersecting planes (hint: requires plotting poles
to the planes).


7. The limbs of a fold are oriented at 025/46 and 053/79. Find: A) the plunge and trend of the
fold axis (line of intersection of the fold limbs), B) Find the strike and dip of the fold axial
plane (plane bi-secting fold limbs and containing axial line), C) the angle between the two
fold limbs.

8. A fault plane (shown below) strikes east-west (090) and dips to the south at 55-. Slip along
the fault plane has displaced a dike (000/25) and a quartz vein (160/40). Determine the
amount (distance in metres) and direction of slip along the fault plane. In order to do this you
will need to draw a structural cross-section from A to B showing the attitudes of the dike and
quartz vein on both sides of the fault. Hints: 1). Use the stereonet to find the pitch of the dike
and quartz vein in the fault plane, 2.) Use the displacement of the intersection between the
dike and the vein to find the direction and amount of slip on the fault.

A 25

25 40

0 500 m VEIN

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