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BePRO-Seminar#827 The Comprehensive IT Security Audit

BeProfessionalTheClub Instructor: DR, Ir. Fauzi Hasan, MM, MBA, PMP, CISA, Course Contents & Description
PT. Proesdeem Indonesia Utama APICS, Cert. Change Management (APMG) The class session will focus on IT audit concepts and processes, which
46th-50th Floor Wisma 46 includes: review of some of the key fundamentals of IT auditing,
Jl. Jenderal Sudirman Kav.1 This course will delivered in Indonesian and/or English including general auditing standards, risk-based auditing, pre-audit
--------------- objectives, determining scope and audit objectives, and the process of
Jakarta 10220 performing an IT audit. The class session will include discussion on IT
performance, controls, control self-assessment, risk analysis, and the
Tel : +62 21 574 8889 The IT Security Audit course is designed to provide objectives of the IT audit or assurance report.
Fax : +62 21 574 8888 practical view in conducting IT audit and assurance in 2. Building an Effective Internal IT Audit Function
M/SMS/WA : +62 811 959 1124 one organization. The course is designed to support The class session will focus on management issues regarding how to
professional staffs to expand their understanding of manage IT audit and assurance functions. The class material will include
information technology (IT) audit. developing and assessing staff knowledge and skills, competency
Email :
measurement, assignment of staff, documentation and continuing
Websites : education requirements. The course presents a more in-depth view on the 3. The Audit Process
fundamentals of IT auditing by highlighting on topics Perform IT audit in accordance with IT audit standards, guidelines and
Tentang BeProfessionalTheClub such as: IT audit and control analysis, examination of best practices to assist the organizations in ensuring that its information
control evidence in conducting IT audit, application technology and business system are protected and controlled.
BeProfessionalTheClub dan CareerTrack- control, Operating System and IT Infrastructure audit, 4. Auditing Techniques
Describing all techniques which are available to implemented for IT
Training adalah divisi pelatihan and management of IT audit. infrastructure auditing
manajemen dari PT.Proesdeem 5. Auditing Entity-Level Controls
Indonesialembaga konsultan The course will include discussion and exercises related Describing all entities control level which encompassing embedded
manajemen yang sejak tahun 1995 to general control examinations and application system controls in the areas such as:
memfokuskan kegiatannya pada auditing. The course will also focus on control research Operating system control in UNIX-, Linux-, and Windows-based
and analysis for IT-related topic areas. In addition, operating systems
penyelenggaraan pelatihan profesional. Controls in network routers, switches, firewalls, WLANs, and mobile
Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh through discussion and exercises, participants will gain a devices
CareerTrack Training dan working understanding of the process of developing Entity-level controls, data centers, and disaster recovery plans
BeProfessionalTheClub senantiasa audit work programs encompassing all elements of IT Controls in Web servers, platforms, and applications
memadukan aktualitas dan kualitas infrastructures. Database critical controls
6. Auditing Data Centers and Disaster Recovery
kurikulum (modul) pelatihan, pelayanan Describe how to conduct data center as disaster recovery site with all
Participants will be expected to gain a working
yang prima, dan kapabilitas instrukturnya. supporting infrastructures
understanding of how to identify, reference and 7. Auditing Switches, Routers, and Firewalls
Pelatihan yang diselenggarakan oleh implement IT management and control policies, Describe how to perform auditing on network infrastructure and network
BePRO dan CareerTrack senantiasa standards and related auditing standards. Regarding the appliances
mengacu pada perkembangan mutakhir latter, the objective is to learn how to identify and 8. Auditing Windows Operating Systems
interpret the requirements of the standards and. Describe how to conduct auditing on operating system using effective and
dalam pengelolaan perusahaan yang saat control-piercing methodology within the Windows operating system
ini berorientasi kepada terciptanya good implement the standards in auditing process. environment
corporate governance. 9. Auditing Unix and Linux Operating Systems
IT Secuity Auditing covers the latest auditing tools Describe how to conduct auditing on operating system using reliant and
BePRO dan CareerTrack sejak berdiri alongside real-world examples, ready-to-use checklists, control-focus methodology within the Unix operating system
tahun 1995 senantiasa berusaha and valuable templates. environment
10.Auditing Web Servers
mempertahankan kualitas professional Describe how to perform auditing on Web Servers infrastructure and net
Each class session will include discussion on an IT audit
training yang tinggi dengan menerapkan DMZ devices
management, security, control or audit issues that
adanya check dan control, sehingga 11.Auditing Databases
participants should be familiar with. Describe how to perform auditing on organizations Database and all
professional training yang
diselenggarakan dapat operating support elements
Objectives & Benefits 12.Auditing Applications
menjawab kebutuhan para peserta Describe how to perform auditing on organizations Enterprise
secara komprehensif dan dengan At the completion of this course, the participants should Applications and the supporting modules
pendekatan aplikatif be able to : 13.Auditing WLAN and Mobile Devices
memfokuskan terhadap solusi yang Describe how to perform auditing on Wide Area Network infrastructure
Participants shall obtain an expanded understanding and interface able mobile devices.
spesifik dan relevan terhadap
on the role of IT auditors in evaluating IT-related
perkembangan terkini
operational and control risk and in assessing the
memberikan aspek teknik dan
appropriateness and adequacy of management
aplikatif yang dibawakan oleh para
control practices and IT-related controls inside Investment/
instuktur yang mumpuni Your Schedule Location
participants organization, with the focus on IT Person *)
memfasilitasi kebutuhan soft skill
infrastructures February 15-19, 2016 Bandung IDR 11.250.000
dalam pengembangan karir dan
bisnis The partipants shall obtain the capabilityon how to April 25-29, 2016 Jakarta IDR 11.250.000
analyze Windows, UNIX, and Linux systems; secure June 13-17, 2016 Yogya IDR 11.250.000
Melalui professional traning, BePRO dan databases; examine wireless networks and devices;
August 22-26, 2016 Jakarta IDR 11.250.000
CareerTrack dapat membantu perusahaan and audit applications. Plus, participants get up-to-
yang ingin berkembang ataupun date information on legal standards and practices, October 17-21, 2016 Bali IDR 11.250.000
memperkuat posisi strategisnya dengan privacy and ethical issues, and the CobiT standard. December 19-23, 2016 Jakarta IDR 11.250.000
memberikan expertis yang dapat Participants shall obtain the capability in conducting
meningkatkan kemampuan dalam *Exclude Tax, Transportation & Accommodation
IT audit and implement techniques in performing
Mengelola prioritas secara efektif assurance, attestation, and audit engagements
Membangun budaya kerja yang Lokasi & Ketentuan Pelaksanaan:
Capability to build and maintain an IT audit function
within the organization with maximum effectiveness
Meningkatkan job value Jakarta: 46th-50th Floor Wisma 46 Jl. Jend Sudirman
and value
Menyelaraskan kemampuan dengan Kav.1 Jakarta Pusat, Sofyan Hotel Group, ASTON Hotel
perkembangan serta kebutuhan Participants shall obtain an expanded familiarity with Group atau hotel lainnya;
terkini the principle references in IT governance, control and
security as related to IT audit Bali: B-Hotel atau hotel lainnya;
Menciptakan proses, dan professional
terbaik bagi perusahaan. Participants shall obtain the working ability to plan, Bandung: KAGUM Hotel Group / ASTON Hotel Group atau
conduct, and report on information technology audits hotel lainnya.
with specific focus on infrastructure vulnarability Yogyakarta: ASTON Hotel Groups atau hotel lainnya.
Web Service Links: assesment and assurance, and drill down upon application vulnarabilities Perubahan lokasi/tempat akan dikonfirmasikan melalui undangan seminar. Participants shall obtain an understanding of the role
of IT auditors regarding IT-related compliance and Jumlah peserta minimal (kecuali ditentukan lain) untuk
regulatory audits, such as evaluating control pelaksanaan di Bali 9(sembilan)orang, Yogya 7(tujuh) orang,
standards Bandung 5(lima) orang, Jakarta 3(tiga) orang sesuai
Capability to use best prractices and methodologies konfirmasi yang kami terima seminggu sebelum
such as: COSO, CobiT, ITIL, ISO, and NSA INFOSEC pelaksanaan. Dalam hal jumlah peserta kurang dari
ketentuan minimal tersebut maka keputusan pelaksanaannya
Target Audience dapat dibicarakan kedua belah pihak untuk mendapatkan
solusi terbaik.
IT Managers Bila Anda menginginkan judul training, jadwal dan lokasi
Security Managers yang berbeda dengan yang telah ditentukan di atas silahkan
Auditing Staffs hubungi Service Center kami melalui Tel: 021-574-8889,
IT Operation Staffs. Fax: 021-574-8888, Mobile Phone/SMS/WA: 08119591124
atau email: atau

2016 BeProfessionalTheClub - since 1995

Supported by: | | | | | www.Informasi.Training |

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