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Scheduling and Performance Characterization

on Heterogeneous Computing Systems
Giorgis Georgakoudis

Doctor of Philosophy, Graduate Program in Electrical and Computer Engineering,

University of Thessaly, Greece.
May 2016
Prof. Spyros Lalis, Chairperson

The era of performance and power efficiency scaling through transistor shrinking and
frequency scaling, characterized by Dennards law, has come to an end. Nevertheless,
transistor doubling still withstanding, computing architectures have moved to the multicore
and manycore era for improving performance through parallelism. However, this scaling
of computing architectures exposed power consumption to be an important limiting factor
and a key concern to sustain further growth. Heterogeneous computing architectures are the
next evolution step and promise to improve the performance, power and cost efficiency of
systems. They promise to do so through hardware specialization, by including components
which exhibit different performance and power consumption characteristics. The potential for
improved performance and power efficiency from heterogeneous architectures has rendered
them ubiquitous in every aspect of computing, from mobile devices such as smartphones
and tablets to large-scale computing installations such as supercomputers and datacenters.
However, the efficient allocation of heterogeneous resources to match workload requirements
with their capabilities, thus achieve their performance and power efficiency potential, is an
open and challenging problem.
In this dissertation we contribute novel solutions, techniques and insight on efficient
resource allocation for heterogeneous systems. At the level of heterogeneous processor
architectures, we present new techniques for managing instruction-based heterogeneity on

state-of-the-art, shared-ISA architectures. These include binary adaptation techniques to

enable software portability and thread migration across heterogeneous cores despite their
binary incompatibilities. Following, we present a novel, heterogeneous-aware scheduler for
maximizing the speedup of a workload through dynamic re-allocation of heterogeneous cores
between co-executing programs. The evaluation of our methods on a hardware prototype
platform shows that the dynamic scheduler we propose outperforms significantly previous
state-of-the-art solutions. Moreover, we scope resource allocation for performance and
energy efficiency on heterogeneous datacenter architectures. We present new methodologies
and define iso-comparison metrics to fairly and accurately characterize the performance and
energy efficiency across diverse, heterogeneous server platforms in the context of online data
analytic services. We evaluate several heterogeneous types of servers, including standard
servers, micro-servers and manycore accelerators. Our methods provide new insight by
assessing resource allocations in heterogeneous datacenter architectures under the prism
of meeting Quality-of-Service requirements of online data analytics while characterizing
their energy efficiency. The application of our methodologies can effectively guide efficient
heterogeneous resource allocation and provisioning in the datacenter.
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