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Read me How to use this:

1 Only enter numbers in the yellow column.

2 The number is the percentage chance that a given skill will trigger.
3 For heroes with two or more skills enter the the group skill first and then enter their primary sk
4 The number in the final column is the actual chance (given that no skill before it triggers) that
5 I am not sure how the random number generation works or how fixed it is from my experience
6 My source for the calculations is found in walkthough user guides (Brave diggeres team buildin
7 You can test this by using the test column to generate random numbers just take the first colum
8 There is another column one can add that calculates the probability that a skill will trigger in re
Team/Skill position number Random Number Generation Upper limit Skill Trigger Chance
1 100 6.00
2 94 10.00
3 84 16.00
4 68 4.00
5 64 5.00
6 59 10.00
7 49 1.00
8 48 3.00
9 45 8.00
10 37 5.00
11 32 7.00
12 25 7.00
13 18 10.00
14 8 10.00
15 -2 18.00
16 -20 6.00
17 -26 2.00
18 -28 6.00
19 -34 15.00
20 -49
21 -49
22 -49
23 -49
24 -49
25 -49
26 -49
27 -49
28 -49
29 -49
30 -49
31 -49
32 -49
33 -49
34 -49
35 -49
ll first and then enter their primary skill (given that group skill is active)
n that no skill before it triggers) that your heroes skill will trigger
or how fixed it is from my experience it seems their might be a seed number added to the generator since many battles I find that skills trig
r guides (Brave diggeres team building guide)
dom numbers just take the first column and fill down or just change the value of any cell
probability that a skill will trigger in relation to the trigger of other skills but my stats knowledge is a bit too low to figure out that formula
% Probability to trigger Test Skill triggered
6.00% 10 0
10.64% 85 0
19.05% 80 0
5.88% 35 0
7.81% 42 0
16.95% 36 0
2.04% 36 0
6.25% 22 0
17.78% 12 0
13.51% 2 0
21.88% 27 0
28.00% 24 0
55.56% 2 1
125.00% 4 1
-900.00% Err:502
-30.00% Err:502
-7.69% Err:502
-21.43% Err:502
-44.12% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
0.00% Err:502
many battles I find that skills trigger in the exact same manner

low to figure out that formula

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