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Pamantasan ng Cabuyao

College of Business Administration and Accountancy 1






The purpose of this study was to assess the performance of the grain

production enhancement services offered by the Office of the City Agriculturist

(OCA) in the selected Barangays of the City of Cabuyao to identify a basis for rice

production improvements. Another intention is to find out if these benefits given by

the OCA can merely affect the harvest of the respondents.

The descriptive method was applied in this study. These involved gathering,

observing, classifying and organizing necessary datas to provide the anticipated

outcome. Through the use of questionnaire for survey and conducting unstructured

interviews, primary information was able to be collected from the respondents and

the gathering of the secondary data needed from the OCA for this study. The

respondents comprises of the 41 registered farmers which 23 out of it harvested

only in year 2015 from the two selected Barangays in Cabuyao which were

Barangay Butong and Baclaran.

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy 2

Using chi square as statistical treatment in determining whether there is a

significant relationship between the grain enhancement services of the OCA

received by the respondents and the level of performance of the rice production of

the farmers in Barangays Butong and Baclaran, City of Cabuyao, Laguna, the result

showed that there was a weak relationship.

Data collected are analyzed and interpreted to come up with

recommendations for all the parties involved that would benefits in this study.
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College of Business Administration and Accountancy 3


Agriculture is the refinement of animals, plants, and other life forms

for food, fiber, biofuel, medicinal and other products used to sustain and enhance

human life. Agriculture is the key development in the rise of sedentary human

civilization, whereby farming of domesticated species created food surpluses that

nurtured the improvement of civilization.

At the present time, Philippines is still predominantly an agricultural country.

Most citizens still live in rural areas and sustain themselves through agriculture.

The country's agriculture sector is made up of 4 sub-sectors: farming, fisheries,

livestock, and forestry. Among the sub-sectors of agriculture, Farming in the

Philippines is widely used due to its vast area of cultivated lands.

Rice is the single most important agricultural crop as it is considered as the

staple food of its inhabitants and is, therefore, a major source of income for millions

of Filipino farmers. It is part of Filipino culture and is a way of life. Rice production

in the country of Philippines is important to the food supply in the country and

economy. The Philippines is the 8th largest rice producer in the world. The

Philippines is also the world's largest rice importer.

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy 4
Farming runs in the blood of most Filipino. We either grew up in the province

and witnessed this profession personally or we ourselves were once involved in

farming. Maybe our parents are farmers, or some of our relatives are.

Nevertheless, farming is perchance the most familiar and ironically enough, the

most avoided profession in the Philippines. The cynical stereotypes coupled with

the wrong beliefs that it's not profitable may have caused some of these negativities

about farming.
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College of Business Administration and Accountancy 5


Research Design

The researchers used the descriptive method. As stated by Calderon and

Gonzales (2003), it is designed for the researchers to gather information about

present existing conditions needed in the chosen field of the study. This method

entitles the researchers to interpret the theoretical meaning of the findings and

hypothesis development for further study.

Respondents of the Study

The setting of this study was in Barangays Butong and Baclaran, City of

Cabuyao, Laguna. The respondents of the study were the total registered farmers

in Butong and Baclaran. This information was taken from the OCA stating that as

of 2015, there were 42 registered farmers in the two barangays. 20 of the 42

registered farmers were from Butong and the remaining 23 is from Baclaran but

only those who have planted and harvested crop rice in the year 2015 are chosen

as the respondents of this study which comprises to the total of 23 respondents.

Sources of Data
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The researchers considered primary and secondary data to acquire

sufficient information needed in the study.

Secondary data such as the list of the registered rice farmers, monthly report

of harvest of the farmers during their operation in 2015 taken from the OCA and the

respondents profile and relevant information were gathered from the registered

farmers of Barangays Butong and Baclaran.

The researchers used books, articles, theses and dissertation, and

informations from electronical sources to gather the necessary information needed

to supplement this study.

Instrumentation and Validation

The research instrument that was used by the researchers to gather all the

information of the respondents was a survey questionnaire. It intended to gather

relatively number of cases. This instrument involved in determining the information

about the variables rather than about individuals. It was the easiest way to gather

data. The questionnaire and the secondary data were major instruments in

collecting data for the survey studies. These consisted of questions or indicators

that could answer the statement of the problem. The questionnaire were distributed

to all farmers of Barangays Butong and Baclaran.

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy 7
Validity of the survey questionnaire will be obtained after being presented to

the people with professional expertise. According to Amin (2005) content and

construct validity will be determined by expert judgment. The researchers referred

to references, reading materials, and an unpublished theses.

Thereafter, the researchers made the first draft of questionnaire and

presented it to their research adviser, Prof. Wernan P. Peralata and other people

who were concerned or qualified to evaluate as definitely reliable instrument to be

used in this study.

Data Gathering Procedure

The data gathering techniques systematically allowed the researchers to

collect necessary information. The information was the basis for evaluating the

performance of the grain production enhancement services of the OCA to the

productivity of the farmers beneficiaries.

In this research, the researchers went to the Cabuyao Municipal to conduct

an interview concerning the idea about the agriculture. As the researchers

conducted an interview with those knowledgeable people, they came up with this

study. Essential data were taken from the OCA. Questionnaires were distributed to

gather up other needed information to complete this study. The researchers

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gathered an exact data as perceived by the registered farmers of Barangays Butong

and Baclaran and intended for the researchers to assess the relationship between

the grain enhancement services of the OCA and the level of performance of the rice

production of the registered farmers.

Statistical Treatment of Data

The statistical tools used in the analysis of data and their corresponding

formulas were enumerated as follows:

1. The percent formula is as follows:

%= x 100
total no. of

2. Chi-square formula is as follows:

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is the value for chi square.

is the sum.

O is the observed frequency

E is the expected frequency.


1. Demographic Profile of the Respondents in terms of:

1.1 In terms of Age

Majority of the respondents belong to the 55-64 years-old age bracket with

39.1%. Followed by the respondents in 35-44, 45-54, 65-74, and 75-84 years-

old age bracket have the same percentage of 13% and 34 and below and 85

and above year-old age bracket each comprises 2.4% of the population.

1.2 In terms of Sex

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College of Business Administration and Accountancy 10
78.3 percent of the respondents comprising 41 of the total respondents are

male and 21.7% are female.

2. Ecosystem of the Respondents

2.1 In terms of Size of Operation

Majority of the respondent owned an area of 1.1 1.5 hectare of land with a

percentage of 30.4%.Followed by 6 respondents owning a 2.1 hectare and above

of land with a percentage of 26.1%. Respondents held a land with an area of 1.6

2.0 hectare and a 1.0 hectare and below have a same percentage of 21.7%.

2.2 In terms of the Types of Farmland

Majority of the respondents are part of irrigated area with a percentage of

60.9%. This is because they were benefited with the water supply coming from

irrigation system. However, 39.1% of the respondents are part of the rain fed area

which most farmers relies only on rain falls for water supply.

2.3 In terms of Seeds

Majority of the farmers uses certified seeds for planting which shows a

percentage of 43.5. This for the reason that Certified Seeds availability, affordability

and at the same time easier to use and nurture but can product a good quality and

quantity of crop. As for Good Seeds, a percentage of 34.8 uses this type of seeds.

Hybrid Seeds are used by 3 out of 41 with a percentage of 13. This because this
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type of seeds is laborious and expensive to use but it produce a great quality and

quantity of crops. Lastly, 8.7% of the respondents use Farmers Saved Seeds.

2.4 In terms of Fertilizers

The respondents used any of the three types of fertilizers which are urea,

complete and organic fertilizer. Majority of the respondents uses urea fertilizer with

a percentage 52.2%, followed by complete fertilizer with a percentage of 39.1%.

Lastly, 8.7% uses an organic fertilizer in cultivating crops.

3. Benefits received by the farmers in Barangays Butong and Baclaran, City

of Cabuyao, Laguna

3.1 Farm Plan and Budget

22% availed the Farm Plan and Budget while 78% of the respondents did

not availed this benefit due to the reason that most of the farmers tend to avoid in

making loans because of high interest rate involved and long and complicated

process in compliance to the requirements.

3.2 Irrigation Management

For monitoring and installation of the shallow tube wells, 4.9% experienced

this benefit given by OCA while 95.1% were not able to experience this benefit. For
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the seminars conducted by the OCA about irrigation management, 51.2% of the

respondents were able to attend and participate while the 48.8% of the respondents

did not participate.

3.3 Seed Selection

For seed subsidy, majority of the respondents availed this benefit with a

percentage of 97.6% due to 50% off for the cost of the seeds. There is a 2.4% for

those were not able to avail. For the supply availability and accessibility of seeds,

92.7% of the respondents agree that this need were addressed and accommodated

while 7.3% did not. For varietal suitability, a percentage of 80.5% of the respondents

preferred and adapted the seeds given while 19.5% did not.

3.4 Fertilizers

For urea fertilizer, 95.1% of the respondents received this kind of fertilizer

while a percentage of 4.9% were not able to receive from the OCA. For organic

fertilizer, 14.6% were able to receive this fertilizer and the percentage of 85.5 of the

respondents was not able to receive an organic fertilizer because it is inconsistent

availability in the OCA. For complete fertilizer, 90.2% of the respondents did not

receive this is due also to its availability in the OCA.

3.5 Pest Management

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For trainings and seminars provided by OCA, Majority of the respondents

attends to this program having a percent of 87.8 to them to have knowledge

regarding to new practices or procedures related in handling pest control. For the

routine monitoring of OCA for pest activities, 100% of the respondents agreed that

the OCAs obligation to recurrently monitor their land for pest manifestations and

activities are done on a regular basis.

3.6 Seminars, Trainings, and Demonstration Trials

For providing technical assistance in rice farming by the OCA, Seminars

conducted by OCA for dissemination of useful informations, and for monitoring of

planting and the harvesting of farmers all have a percentage of 100 of the

respondents comprising a total of 41 farmers. This reveals that the OCA provides

this programs that had been effectively reach all the respondents.

4. Performance of the grain production enhancement services by the OCA in

Barangays Butong and Baclaran, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

As can perceived by the researchers, the butong has lower production than

those farmers in Baclaran. Most of the harvest in Butong is ranging from 80 to

109.4 Cavans per Hecetare. Most of the harvest in Baclaran are ranging from

197.7 to 227 cavans per hectare.

5. Significant relationship between:

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5.1 the grain enhancement services of the OCA received by the

respondents and the level of performance of the rice production of the

farmers in Barangays Butong and Baclaran, City of Cabuyao, Laguna

For the grain enhancement services of the OCA and the harvest, the

computed chi-square values of the grain enhancement services and the harvest of

the respondents is 16.039 were less than to its critical value of 27.587. The two

variables presented no significant relationship.

This explains that there is no relationship to the amount of benefits

received by the farmers to the quantity of their harvest. Farmers do not only rely to

the services given by the OCA for their production. There are also other factors

that affect the productivity of the harvest of a farmer.

5.2 the Ecosystem of the Respondents and level of performance of the

rice production of the farmers in Barangays Butong and Baclaran, City of

Cabuyao, Laguna

For the ecosystem and harvest, the area used had a computed chi square

of 34.64 that was greater than its computed critical value 9.48 and the fertilizers

used had a computed chi square of 20.17 that was greater than its computed

critical value of 9.48. This showed that there was a significant relationship among

the two variables to the harvest of the respondents. This explains that the size of

the area and the fertilizers that were used in their farming had an impact to the

amount of harvest that the famers would produce. The type of farmland had a
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computed chi square of 0.77 that was less than to its computed critical value of

5.99 and the seeds used has a computed chi square of 13.30 that is less than to

its computed critical value of 14.44. This showed that there was no significant

relationship among the two variables to the harvest of the respondents. This

explains that the type of farmland and seeds that is used dont demonstrate an

effect to the harvest of the farmers.

6. After the findings, what can be drawn for the improvements of rice

production in the selected barangays of the City of Cabuyao?

The highest yield harvest among the farmers, are the one that receives

benefits regarding irrigation. Since the OCA only provides seminars about

irrigation and monitoring of it, they should help NIA in expanding the irrigated

area. This is to lessen the shortcoming in water supply.

As stated in the earlier chapter, According to Piedad Moya et al (2012), In

Central Luzon is one of the regions in the Philippines where there is a distinct wet

season and dry season in which the rainfall during the dry season is minimal;

without any source of water, the rice crop cannot survive. Meanwhile, the dry

season has an advantage in terms of higher solar radiation and less pest and insect

prevalence, thus allowing higher yield as long as irrigation water is properly

provided. Rain fed farms that depend on rainwater alone have no dry season rice

crop. Only irrigated parcels are planted in the dry season; hence, a much smaller

sample is obtained than for the wet season. This states that water is substantial in
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the cultivation of plants. The OCA should give importance for this could greatly help

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The main emphasis of this study is to know if the grain production enhancement

services has an effect on the number of harvest of the farmers and if their

ecosystem has also an effect to the amount of harvest that the famers would

produce and to know what improvement could be made.

Using the chi-square goodness of fit test, the researchers found out that there was

no significant relationship between the harvest and the grain production

enhancement services. Thus using also chi square test of independence, the

researchers found out that there was both a significant and not significant

relationship depending on the variables affecting the harvest of the famers.

Based on the afore-stated findings, the researchers can therefore conclude that

the grain production enhancement services offered by the OCA does not directly

affect the output or harvest of the famers. Some other external factors could be

the reason of this outcomes. This reasons are delimited to the study.


For the Office of the City Agriculturist:

They must continue the existing services and provide additional services

for the betterment of the lives of the farmers, continue to monitor and be able to

properly address the needs and concerns of the farmers. They should keep the
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coordination from other government agencies to provide assistance and support

to the farmers in maximizing their profit and minimize their cost as much as


For the farmers:

They should have more cooperation and intact communication to the Office

of the City Agriculturist for them to address their needs in regards to have a good

quantity of harvest. Farmers who have high yield for harvest must continue their

ways and practices on planting and cultivating plants and they should continue to

learn and adapt new methods for agricultural concerns. For others, they must

exert more effort and time to their works to achieve the desire harvest.

For the community:

They must be aware on things in regards with status of the rice production

of their locale. As a member of the community, they should patronize first their

own grain products that would result in increasing the income of the community as

well as it would help their local farmers.

For the students:

They must have further knowledge about the rice production in their

community that would help them to know the importance of farming in their lives.

They should not abandon the significance of farming in the Filipino family; instead

they must afford to give enthusiasm on the topic.

For the future researchers:

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They may be able to use this study as a reference in conducting a similar

research. This may serve for them as a basis or a reference as they can continue

what the researchers had started or improved this study for a further research.

They can also focus on other factors or variables and extend the scope of the

study that can be beneficial for farmers.

They may continue on the topics regarding rice production on which they can give

depth and profound study about seeds, fertilizers, irrigation or other management

factors that can directly affects the harvest of a farmers.

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