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Picture Topic: Caring and Sharing B2 DB1 E1

Teacher can show the picture for lesson and for the activities can use the word card to paste together
with the picture.

Teachers References:

1. Teacher jumbles up different word cards on the table.

2. Teacher calls pupils to pick up the word cards and say out the word.





Name: ________________________

B6 DB3 E1( Able to read and comprehend simple texts by answering wh questions.)

The Smart Rabbit

One day a rabbit was in the garden eating carrots. When he was
about to go home he saw the farmer. The farmer is wearing a tie.
He needed to hide from the farmer. But where could he hide? The
carrots are under the ground only the leaves were out. He could
not hide there but the farmer was coming closer to him, then he
had an idea to dig a hole and cover the top of the hole with leaves
and twigs and wait until the farmer leaves.

But the farmer did not leave because he needed some carrots to
make soup. Then the rabbit had another idea, he would dig under
to the lettuce patch and go home, he will get muddy if he did that
but if that was the only way to go home he will do it. And that was
the only way to go home. So he did it but by the time he got
home he was very muddy and tired. So he went to bed. When he
got up he took a bath, when he got out he had a nice meal and
pie with his family.


1. Who was eating the carrots?

2. Why the farmers need the carrots?

3. How the rabbit escape?

4. List the words that have ie and ea sound.

a) d)

b) e)

c) f)

B3 DT7 E1 (Able to use correctly: (a) Capital letters (b) Full Stop (c) Question marks),
B3 DT8 E1(Able to write simple sentences using correct penmanship.)

Read. Write polite request. Write with cursive writing.

Could you give me some cream pie please?




Heart -warming Crafts for Little Hands

Who doesnt need more love and kisses in their life? Heres a
sweet gift you and your child can make together-- sure to please
the most finicky valentine!

What You Need:

Assorted chocolate kisses and hearts
Pink, white and red construction paper
Gold, silver, red or black pens
Clean, empty jars
Red or pink ribbons
What You Do:
Cut small hearts, strips, and other shapes out of the paper,
using all different colours.

If your child can write, have him write loving sayings on the
paper. If not, he can dictate to you. Encourage him to be
specific to the intended recipient: Grandma, I love you
because youre funny. Daddy, you make the best pancakes

Toss the sayings with the chocolates and layer them in a jar.

Put on the lid, tighten, and top with ribbon tied in a pretty

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