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International Journal of Operations Research (Accepted, Forthcoming)

A novel hybrid MCDM model combined with DEMATEL and ANP with
Yu-Ping Ou Yang1,a, How-Ming Shieh1, Jun-Der Leu1, Gwo-Hshiung Tzeng2,3

Department of Business Administration, National Central University,
300 Jhongda Road, Jhongli City, Taoyuan Country 320, Taiwan
Department of Business Administration, Kainan University,
No. 1, Kainan Road, Luchu, Taoyuan Country 338, Taiwan
Institute of Management of Technology, National Chiao Tung University,
1001 Ta-Hsueh Road, Hsinchu Country 300, Taiwan

Abstract: In multiple criteria decision making (MCDM) methods, the analytic network process (ANP) is used to
overcome the problems of interdependence and feedback between criteria or alternatives. The ANP method
currently deals with normalization in the supermatrix by assuming each cluster has equal weight. Although the
method to normalize the supermatrix is easy, it ignores the different effects among clusters. Therefore, we
propose a novel hybrid MCDM model combined with DEMATEL and ANP to solve the dependence and
feedback problems to suit the real world. In addition, we also give an example to illustrate the proposed method
with applications thereof. The results show the proposed method is more suitable in real world applications than
the traditional ones.

Keywords: Analytic network process (ANP), DEMATEL, multiple criteria decision making (MCDM)

1. INTRODUCTION cluster (inner dependence) and among different

clusters (outer dependence). The ANP is a nonlinear
The analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was proposed structure, while the AHP is hierarchical and linear
by Saaty (1980). It has been widely used in multiple with the goal at the top and the alternatives at lower
criteria decision making (MCDM) to evaluate/select levels (Saaty, 1999). The ANP has been applied
alternatives for many years. However, using the AHP successfully in many practical decision-making
must assume that the information sources involved problems, such as project selection, product planning,
are non-interactive/independent. This assumption is green supply chain management, and optimal
not realistic in many real-world applications. In order scheduling problems (Meade and Presley, 2002; Lee
to solve this problem, Saaty (1996) proposed a new and Kim, 2000; Karsak et al., 2002; Sarkis, 2003;
MCDM method, the ANP, to overcome the problems Momoh and Zhu, 2003).
of interdependence and of feedback between criteria In ANP procedures, the initial step is to compare
and alternatives in the real world. The ANP is an the criteria in the whole system to form an
extension of the AHP; indeed, it is the general form unweighted supermatrix by pairwise comparisons.
of the AHP. The ANP handles dependence within a Then the weighted supermatrix is derived by

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transforming each column to sum exactly to unity weights to obtain the relative importance.
(1.00). Each element in a column is divided by the In conclusion, the contribution of this study is to
number of clusters so each column will sum to unity propose a novel method which combines the
exactly. Using this normalization method implies DEMATEL and ANP procedures to deal with the
each cluster has the same weight. However, using the problems of criteria interdependence and feedback.
assumption of equal weight for each cluster to obtain We also illustrate a numerical example to show the
the weighted supermatrix seems to be irrational steps of the proposed method with applications
because there are different degrees of influence thereof. The results show this method not only deals
among the criteria. Thus, the purpose of this paper is with the problems of interdependence and feedback
to establish a model to overcome the problems of but also improves the normalized supermatrix to suit
interdependence and feedback between criteria and the real world.
alternatives in the real world. This study adopts the The remainder of this paper is organized as
DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation follows. Section 2 describes the hybrid model. A
Laboratory) method to determine the degrees of numerical example with applications is illustrated in
influence of these criteria and applies these to Section 3. Discussions and conclusions are presented
normalize the unweighted supermatrix in the ANP. In in Section 4 and Section 5, respectively.
practice, the DEMATEL method (Fontela and Gabus,
1974, 1976; Warfield, 1976) is applied to illustrate
the interrelations among criteria and to find the 2. A HYBRID MCDM MODEL
central criteria to represent the effectiveness of
factors/aspects. It has also been successfully applied According to above descriptions, a hybrid MCDM
in many situations, such as marketing strategies, model combined with DEMATEL and ANP for
control systems, safety problems, developing the evaluating and improving problems is more suitable
competencies of global managers and group decision- in the real world than the previously available
making (Chiu et al., 2006; Hori and Shimizu, 1999; methods. The procedures of this hybrid MCDM
Liou et al., 2007; Wu and Lee, 2007; Lin and Wu, model, a combination of the DEMATEL and ANP
2008). Furthermore, a hybrid model combining the procedures, are shown and explained briefly as
two methods has been widely used in various fields, follows (see Fig. 1).
for example, e-learning evaluation (Tzeng et al.,
2007), airline safety measurement (Liou et al., 2007),
and innovation policy portfolios for Taiwan's SIP
Mall (Huang and Tzeng, 2007). Therefore, in this
paper we use DEMATEL not only to detect complex
relationships and build an impact-relation map (IRM)
of the criteria, but also to obtain the influence levels
of each element over others; we then adopt these
influence level values as the basis of the
normalization supermatrix for determining ANP

Step 1 a11 L a1 j L a1n
DEMATEL method to clarify M M M
| interrelations of components/criteria
Step 4 A=ai1 L aij L ain (1)


an1 L anj L ann
Using ANP procedures as follows.
Step 5 (1) To form an unweighted
supermatrix by pairwise
(2) The weighted supermatrix is Step 2: Calculate the initial influence matrix. The
Step 6
obtained by multiplying the
total-influence matrix, which is initial direct influence matrix X
derived according to ( X = [ xij ]nn ) can be obtained by
DEMATEL method.
Step 7 (3) Limit the weighted supermatrix normalizing the average matrix A.
by raising it to a sufficiently
large power k until the weights Specifically, the matrix X can be obtained
have converged and become a
long-term stable supermatrix. through equations (2) and (3), in which all
principal diagonal elements are equal to zero.

Fig. 1. Hybrid MCDM model procedures X = s

A (2)

2.1. DEMATEL 1 1
s = min n
, n (3)

The DEMATEL method is used to construct the

max | aij | max | aij
i j

j =1 i =1
interrelations between criteria to build an IRM. The
method can be summarized as: Step 3: Derive the full direct/indirect influence
Step 1: Calculate the initial average matrix by matrix. A continuous decrease of the indirect
scores. In this step, respondents are asked to effects of problems along the powers of X ,
indicate the degree of direct influence each
e.g., X 2 , X 3 ,..., X k and klim X k = [0]nn ,

factor/element i exerts on each
factor/element j , which is denoted by aij . where X = [ xij ]nn , 0 xij < 1 and
We assume that the scales 0, 1, 2, 3 and 4
0 i xij or j xij < 1 only one column or
represent the range from no influence to
very high influence. Each respondent would one row sum equals 1. The total-influence
produce a direct matrix, and an average matrix is listed as follows.
matrix A is then derived through the mean of
the same factors/elements in the various direct T = X + X 2 +L + X k =
matrices of the respondents. The average X ( I + X + X 2 + L + X k -1 )( I - X )( I - X ) -1
matrix A is represented as following equation: = X ( I - X k )( I - X ) -1 ,

then T = X ( I - X ) -1 when klim X k = [0]nn


from matrix T converts to the IRM, the map
where T = [tij ]nn , i, j = 1, 2,..., n. In would be too complex to show the necessary
addition, the method presents each row sum information for decision making. In order to
and column sum of matrix T. reduce the complexity of the IRM, the
decision-maker sets a threshold value for the
n influence level: only factors whose influence
r = ( ri )n1 = [ tij ]n1 (5)
j =1 value in matrix T is higher than the
threshold value can be chosen and converted
n into the IRM. The threshold value can be
n = [
c = ( c j ) n1 = ( c j )1 tij ]1
n (6)
i =1 decided through the brainstorming of
experts. When the threshold value and
where ri denotes the row sum of the i th relative IRM have been decided, the IRM
row of matrix T and shows the sum of direct can be shown.
and indirect effects of factor/element i on
the other factors/elements. Similarly, c j In order to illustrate clearly the procedures of
denotes the column sum of the j th column the DEMATEL method, this study proposes a case
of matrix T and shows the sum of direct and (Case 1). We assume Case 1 has 3 factors, Cluster 1,
indirect effects that factor/element j has Cluster 2 and Cluster 3 (here, factor could be
received from the other factors/criteria. In element, cluster or criterion; however, in order to
addition, when i = j (i.e., the sum of the illustrate the following steps in the ANP procedures,
row and column aggregates) ( ri + ci ) we replace factors with clusters). First, we operate
provides an index of the strength of from Step 1 to Step 4 above to derive the total-
influences given and received, that is, influence matrix T; then we set a threshold value, a ,
( ri + ci ) shows the degree of the central role to filter the minor effects in the elements of matrix T,
that factor i plays in the problem. If as in Eq. (7). If the circled parts are higher than the
( ri - ci ) is positive, then factor i is value of a in the following equation, then their IRM
affecting other factors, and if ( ri - ci ) is can be shown, as in Fig. 2.
negative, then factor i is being influenced C1 C2 C3
by other factors (Tamura et al., 2002; Tzeng C1 t11 t12 t13

T = C2 t21 t22 t23 (7)
et al., 2007).
t31 t32 t33

Step 4: Set a threshold value and obtain the IRM.
Setting a threshold value, a , to filter the
Cluster 1
minor effects denoted by the factors of
matrix T is necessary to isolate the relation
structure of the factors. Based on the matrix
T, each factor tij of matrix T provides
Cluster 2 Cluster 3
information about how factor i affects
factor j . In practice, if all the information

Fig. 2. The structure of Case 1. denotes the mth element in the nth cluster,
and Wij is the principal eigenvector of the
We will use the following steps of the ANP influence of the elements in the jth cluster
method to overcome the problem of interdependence compared to the ith cluster. In addition, if
and feedback between criteria. the jth cluster has no influence on the ith
cluster, then Wij = [0] .

2.2. The ANP Step 6: Obtain the weighted supermatrix by

multiplying the normalized matrix, which is
The ANP is the general form of the analytic hierarchy derived according to the DEMATEL method.
process (AHP) (Saaty, 1980) which has been used in The traditional method is used to derive the
multicriteria decision making (MCDM) to release the weighted supermatrix by transforming each
restriction of hierarchical structure. The method can column to sum exactly to unity. Each
be described in the following steps. element in a column is divided by the
Step 5: Compare the criteria in the whole system to number of clusters so each column will sum
form the supermatrix. The original to unity exactly. Using this normalization
supermatrix of column eigenvectors is method implies each cluster has the same
obtained from pairwise comparison matrices weight. However, we know the effect of
of elements. This is done through pairwise each cluster on the other clusters may be
comparisons by asking How much different, as described in Section 2.1.
importance/influence does a criterion have Therefore, using the assumption of equal
compared to another criterion with respect to weight for each cluster to obtain the
our interests or preferences? The relative weighted supermatrix is irrational. This
importance value can be determined using a study adopts the DEMATEL method to
scale of 1 to 9 to represent equal importance solve this problem. First, we use the
to extreme importance (Saaty, 1980, 1996). DEMATEL method (Section 2.1) to derive
The general form of the supermatrix can be the IRM. Next, this study uses the total-
described as follows: influence matrix T and a threshold value a

C1 C2 Cn
to generate a new matrix. The values of the
e11L e1 m1 e21L e2 m2 L L en 1L enmn
W11 W12 W1n clusters in matrix T are reset to zero if their
C1 M
e1 m1 values are less than a , i.e., they have a

C2 e22
W12 W22 W2 n (8) lower influence on the clusters if their
W= M L
values are less than a , the value of which is
e2 m2
e n1 M M MMM M
Cn en 2
decided by decision-makers or experts. The
Wn1 Wn 2
L Wnn
new matrix with a - cup is called the

a - cut total-influence matrix Ta , as Eq.

where Cn denotes the nth cluster, enm

t11 L t1aj L t1an d1 = t1aj
j =1 t11s W11 t21s W12 L L tns1 W1n
Ta = tia1 L tija L tina t12 W21 t22s W22 M M
Ww = M L t sji Wij L tni Win

a M M M
tna1 L tnja L tnn
t1sn Wn1 t2snWn 2 L L tnns Wnn

where if tij < a , then t = 0 , else t = tij ,
a a
ij ij

Step 7: Limit the weighted supermatrix by raising it

and tij is in the total-influence matrix T.
to a sufficiently large power k , as Eq. (13),
The a - cut total-influence matrix Ta until the supermatrix has converged and
needs to be normalized by dividing by the become a long-term stable supermatrix to
following formula. get the global priority vectors or called

d i = tija (10)
j =1 lim Wwk (13)

Therefore, we could normalize the a - cut If the limiting supermatrix is not the only
total-influence matrix and represent it as Ts . one, such as if there are N supermatrices, the
average of the values is obtained by adding
t11a / d1 L t1aj / d1 L t1an / d1
the N supermatrices and dividing by N.
Ts = ta / d L a
tij / d 2 L tina / d 2 This study demonstrates an example to
i1 2
M M M illustrate the above steps. We continue to use the
tna1 / d3 L a
tnj / d 3 L a
tnn / d3
structure in Fig. 2 to demonstrate Step 5 to Step 7.

First, if the unweighted supermatrix is described by

t11s L t1sj L t1sn
the following equation
=ts L tijs L tins (11)
C1 C2 C3
tns1 L tnjs L tnns
C1 0 W12 W13
W = C2
W21 0
0 W32 W33

This study adopts the normalized a - cut
total-influence matrix Ts (hereafter
abbreviated to the normalized matrix) and then the a - cup total-influence matrix Ta , as in
the unweighted supermatrix W using Eq. Eq. (9), is
(12) to calculate the weighted supermatrix
Ww . Eq. (12) shows these influence level
values as the basis of the normalization for
determining the weighted supermatrix.

C1 C2 C3 ANP procedures to deal with the problem of
C1 0 t12 0 d1 interdependence and feedback among the
a = C2
t21 0 t23
subsystems/criteria; the proposed model described
31 0 33
t t d3 above is more suitable and rational in real world
applications than the traditional method.
Then d i = tij is used to divide its rows, as in
j =1

the following matrix Ts . 3. NUMERICAL EXAMPLE WITH

C1 0 1 0 1 0 1 0
Ts = C2
t21 / d 2

0 t23 / d 2 = C2 t21 0 t 23s In this section, we provide a numerical example with
t31 / d 3
0 t33 / d 3 t31s 0 t33s
application to demonstrate the proposed method. We
(The normalized matrix Ts ) construct the network structure using the DEMATEL
Next, we adopt the normalized matrix Ts and procedures, i.e., from Step 1 to Step 4. Next, we
the unweighted supermatrix W and use Eq. (12) to calculate the limited supermatrix using Step 5 to Step
calculate the weighted supermatrix Ww , as Eq. (16) 7 to obtain the weights of the features in the network
structure of the ANP.

C1 C2 C3 We assume a simple example (Case 2) for

C1 0 t21s
W12 t W13
31 DEMATEL Step 1 to Step 3 to obtain the total-
W w = C2
W21 0 0 influence matrix T, as Table 1. Using Step 4, if a
0 t s
23 32 t33s W33
threshold value of 0.1 is chosen, then the IRM of the
relations is as listed in Fig. 3.
Finally, the weighted supermatrix Ww is limited
until it has converged and become a long-term stable Table 1. The total-influence matrix T of Case 2.
supermatrix, as in Eq. (13). In addition, if the limiting
supermatrix is not the only one, for example if N=3 Cluster 1 Cluster 2
Cluster 1 0.1 3
Cluster 2 0.4 0.1
and lim Wwk = {W 1 , W 2 ,W 3} , the final weighted

limiting supermatrix is presented as the following

matrix: Cluster 1

1 1 1
Wf = W 1 + W 2 + W 3 (17)
3 3 3

Cluster 2
In short, a stable limiting supermatrix can be
derived using the above steps. The overall priorities
are also obtained. This aim of this paper is to propose Fig. 3. The IRM of relations in Case 2.
a feasible model which combines the DEMATEL and

we can obtain the unweighted supermatrix (here, we
We know the degrees of influence of Cluster 1 assume a loop for the element/criterion by simply
and Cluster 2 on each other are different from Table connecting each element/criterion to itself on Cluster
1. Therefore, using the traditional normalized method 1 and Cluster 2) as follows.
is irrational. In this research, we combine the
DEMATEL method, which is used to obtain the C R D A E J
C 1
0 0 0.634 0.25 0.4
normalized matrix Ts , and the ANP method to solve W11 R 0 1 0 0.192 0.25 0.2
this problem. In this case, we first normalize the D 0 0 1 0.174 0.5 0.4

A 0.637 0.582 0.105 1 0 0
total-influence matrix T, as in Table 2. W21 E 0

0.105 0.109 0.637 0 1

J 0.259 0.309 0.258 0 0 1

Table 2. The normalized matrix Ts of Case 2.

Next, the weighted supermatrix is obtained by
Cluster 1 Cluster 2 Eq. (12), as below.
Cluster 1 0.032 0.968
Cluster 2 0.800 0.200 C R D A E J
0.032 0.000 0.000 0.507 0.200 0.320
0.032 0.000 0.154 0.200 0.160

0.000 0.000 0.032 0.139 0.400 0.320
Ww =
0.616 0.563 0.102 0.200 0.000 0.000
According to the IRM of relations obtained E
0.102 0.106 0.616 0.000 0.200 0.000

above (Fig. 3), we assume Cluster 1 has 3 J
0.250 0.299 0.250 0.000 0.000 0.200

elements/criteria, C, R and D, and Cluster 2 has A, E, (18)

J. They are shown in Fig. 4.

Cluster 1 Finally, using Eq. (13) to obtain the limiting

0.032 supermatrix Wf, the weights are as follows.
0.212 0.212 0.212 0.212 0.212 0.212
0.096 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.096 0.096

0.968 0.8 D
0.149 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.149
Wf =
0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250 0.250
0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154 0.154

0.149 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.149 0.149

Cluster 2 In order to compare the traditional methods and

this research, we also calculate the weighted
Fig. 4. The structure of Case 2. supermatrix and the limiting supermatrix using the
traditional normalized method; the results are
presented in Eqs. (20) and (21), respectively. In Eq.
Then, using the structure of Case 2 as in Fig. 4, (20), we find all feedback values are 0.5 (because
each cluster use the same weight), which is

unsuitable in a real-world situation. Therefore, our In Eq. (19), using the DEMATEL method to
method adopts these influence level values as the normalize the unweighted supermatrix (our proposed
basis of the normalization to adjust the weighted method), the ranks of weights (the limiting
supermatrix to obtain a suitable weighted supermatrix) are A > C > E > J = D > R . On the
supermatrix, as Eq. (18). other hand, in Eq. (21), using the traditional
normalized method, the ranks of weights are
C R D A E J C > A > D > E > J > R . This study further analyses
0.500 0.000 0.000 0.317 0.125 0.200
0.000 0.500 0.000 0.096 0.125 0.100 the weights obtained with the two different methods

0.000 0.000 0.500 0.087 0.250 0.200 and shows them in Table 3 and Fig. 5, respectively.
Wwtra =
0.318 0.291 0.053 0.500 0.000 0.000
0.052 0.055 0.319 0.000 0.500 0.000

0.129 0.155 0.129 0.000 0.000 0.500

(20) Table 3. Comparisons of weights of each element

C R D A E J between the traditional hybrid method and our
0.232 0.232 0.232 0.232 0.232 0.232
0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 0.105 proposed method

0.163 0.163 0.163 0.163 0.163 0.163
W ftra =
0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226 0.226
0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 0.140 Traditional The

0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 0.135 Elements hybrid proposed Difference
(21) method method
C 0.232 0.212 0.020
According to the above two matrices, we find the R 0.105 0.096 0.009
ranks of weights for the two matrices are different. In D 0.163 0.149 0.014
the next section, we provide a detailed discussion and A 0.226 0.250 (0.024)*
comparisons between the abilities of the traditional E 0.14 0.154 (0.014) *
method and the proposed method to cope with J 0.135 0.149 (0.014) *
normalized problems in the ANP. *
: Parentheses represent negative values.

Fig. 5. Comparisons of weights of each element between the traditional hybrid method and our proposed

From Table 3 and Fig. 5, the weights of elements and DEMATEL have been widely used in MCDM.
C, R, and D in the traditional method are higher than The DEMATEL method is used to construct
in the proposed method, but the elements A, E, and J interrelations between criteria/factors, and the ANP
in the traditional method are lower than in the can overcome the problems of dependence and
proposed method. Table 2 and Fig. 4 reveal that the feedback. However, using the assumption of equal
effect of Cluster 1 on Cluster 2 is 0.968 and the effect weight in each cluster in the procedures of the ANP is
of Cluster 2 on Cluster 1 is 0.8. Therefore, Cluster 1 irrational. This study adopts the normalized matrix of
has a higher effect on Cluster 2 than Cluster 2 does DEMATEL to improve this problem. Several
on Cluster 1, which implies Cluster 2 is affected more examples are demonstrated to illustrate this proposed
than Cluster 1. Cluster 2 would then be paid more method, and the results show this method is suitable
attention than Cluster 1 in the real world, i.e., it and effective.
should have more weight than Cluster 1. Thus, if we
use the assumption of equal weight for each cluster to
normalize the unweighted supermatrix to gain the 5. CONCLUSIONS
weighted supermatrix, the results of the assessed
weights would be higher or lower than the real Most decision-making methods assume independence
situation. Fig. 5 shows the elements of Cluster 2 (A, between the criteria of a decision and the alternatives
E, J) are under-estimated, whereas the elements of of that decision, or simply among the criteria or
Cluster 1 (C, R, D) are over-estimated if we adopt the among the alternatives themselves. However,
traditional method. Therefore, we use the DEMATEL assuming independence among criteria/variables is
method combined with the ANP to obtain better and too strict to overcome the problem of dependent
more accurate results in real world applications. criteria. Therefore, many papers have discussed ways
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