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Location Planning of Vintage


Location Planning of Vintage Restaurant

Prepared for

Professor Dr. Md. Motaher Hossain,Director,IBA-JU

Adjunct Professor

School of Business Administration

Prepared by

Serial Name ID
1. Tahjib Shamsuddin Kolpo 1530374
2. Zahir Uddin Ahmed 1610695
3. Bithi Rani Das 1721370
4. Zabin Zakir 1610700

IUB- Independent University, Bangladesh

Date: 3rdApril, 2017

Letter of Transmittal

3rd April, 2017

Prof. Dr. Md.MotaherHossain
Adjunct Professor
School of Business
IUB- Independent University, Bangladesh
Plot 16, Block B, Aftabuddin Ahmed Road, Bashundhara R/A, 1229 Dhaka, Bangladesh.

Subject: Application for the submission of Report.

Dear Sir,

We are students of MBA program of IUB. We are happy and delighting to submit here with a copy of report for your kind
evaluation and appreciation.

We would be honored if you go through our report and find it worthwhile as really put in a lot of effort while preparing it.
We have immense pleasure to have the opportunity to prepare the report entitledLocation Planning of Vintage
Restaurant. We believe that this report has enriched ourknowledge.

If you have further queries regarding the report, please let we know. We would be obliged to avail at your convenience.

Thank you

Sincerely Yours,


First of all I would like to show my heartiest gratitude to the Almighty God who makes us able to successful compilation
of this Business Plan. Then my gratitude goes to Dr .Md.MotaherHossain, Our honorable supervisor andAdjunct Professor
in School of Business, who always supported us to make this Business Plan appropriately and those friends who gave me
essential information to make this Business Plan.

Table of Content

SL. Description Page No.

Preparatory Part

Title Fly i

Title Page ii

Letter of Transmittal iii

Acknowledgement iv

Table of Content v-vi

Executive Summary vii

Background 1

Vision 1

Mission 1

Objective 1

Goal 1

Methodology 2

Limitations 2

Target market 2

Description of Premises & Facilities 3

Analysis of the Restaurant 3

Reason for choosing Dhanmondi location 3

Financial Analysis 4-7

Sales Analysis 4

Weekly Sale 5

Monthly Sale 5-6

Cost Analysis 5-6

Break Even Analysis 6

Conclusion 6

Executive summary:

This Business plan has played an important role regarding to the commencement of Vintage Restaurant, a casual

Bangladeshi cuisine restaurant. The proposed business plan forecast approximately TK. for total finance,

launching and subsequent growth of the themed Bangladeshi Restaurant in Dhaka city in Bangladesh and Located in

Dhanmondi.The 120 seat restaurant will offer A la Carte meat, fish and vegetarian-based menu for breakfast, lunch and

dinner. The owners of the business build up his assurance of the viability of the business built upon the secondary research

data, including statistics on the demography analysis, movement patterns and socio-economic restructuring of the

population. The concept is to supply authentic Bangladeshi food in the exotic environment. Providing cultural experience

for the locals and maintaining the interest to the Bangladeshi Cuisine among foreigners. Opinion of the owner supports the

current publications that the growing high class & middle class population seek quite different food service experience,

rather than that is currently offered. The highly priced upscale themed restaurant rarely patronized by the middle class

families and business people, mainly due to the prohibitive pricing. Our purpose is to tap this target markets through

carefully designed marketing and sales program, current and future market analysis, staff training and positioning of the

business. Emphasis is to be made on the creating cultural, rather than purely food experience through bringing to play

various artifacts of the Bangladeshi culture.

The main aim of this restaurant is to attract the business people around Dhanmondi area as well as the business passers-

by. For breakfast, different kinds of bread will be offered as well as varieties of pulses, meat vegetables because these can

be made quickly and served. The targeted markets for the breakfast are heavy vehicle owner, whole seller, shopkeepers,

local business people, and so on.

For the lunch, we will attract official staffs (university & college students) as well as teacher, local businessmen and

businessmen passing through Dhanmondi. To get the good value of money of customer, background music and excellent

environment, quality of service and food will be provided in order to reach customer expectation


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