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USP/Your Name: Connie Wallace USP/Your ID #: 004752689

Candidate Name: Chris Gomez Candidate ID #: 023748070 Ob. Date: 5.17.17

Domain A: Making Subject Matter Comprehensible to Students

Score: Integrating
TPE 1: Specific Pedagogical Skills for Subject Matter Instruction
Mr. Gomez purposefully met his students at the door, handing out a three-question, warm-up activity.
Using the warm-up activity to assess the students prior knowledge of the topic, Mr. Gomez asked the
students to orally share their answers with the class. Discussing the definition of exploration and why
people explore, Mr. Gomez introduced the topic The Age of Exploration. Mr. Gomez clearly directed
the students to partially complete K.W of a K.W.L chart, leaving the L for later in the lesson. Mr. Gomez
used the students responses to form his brief lecture. He then clearly introduced a geography challenge
assignment in their text which the students needed to complete by the end of the period.
Domain B: Assessing Student Learning
Score: Integrating
TPE 2: Monitoring Student Learning During Instruction
TPE 3: Interpretation and Use of Assessments
Mr. Gomez consistently uses oral questioning to assess how well the students are understanding the
lesson. He also uses the results of the written bell work. While the students are working, he moves
around the room answering questions and assessing the students progress.
Domain C: Engaging and Supporting Students in Learning
Score: Integrating
TPE 4: Making Content Accessible
TPE 5: Student Engagement
TPE 6: Developmentally Appropriate Teaching Practices
TPE 7: Teaching English Learners
Mr. Gomez purposefully held a discussion to be sure that everyone understood the definition of the word,
explore; he intentionally led them to realize that we all explore a place, an idea, a subject. He
competently engaged his students through discussion and questioning. For this geography challenge
assignment, the students worked independently with extensive individual help from Mr. Gomez. Mr.
Gomez teaches his English language learners through repeated teaching of vocabulary.
Domain D: Planning Instruction and Designing Learning Experiences for Students
Score: Integrating
TPE 8: Learning About Students
TPE 9: Instructional Planning
Mr. Gomez consistently works to bring creative lessons to his students. He lessons are exceptionally well
organized and prepared; his supplemental materials are well prepared and ready to be distributed. He
consistently moves from introductory material to prior knowledge, to the days activities, and to the final
activity. He intentionally works to provide variety in activities to engage his students.
Domain E: Creating and Maintaining Effective Environments for Student Learning
Score: Integrating
TPE 10: Instructional Time
TPE 11: Social Environment
Mr. Gomezs classroom is consistently neat and materials are readily accessible. He is highly organized
with all of the supplies that he will need for the lesson at hand. He begins class promptly, meeting his
students at the door, either handing out the bell work or pointing to an assignment on the smart board. He
ends his class in a timely fashion, telling the students what they need to be prepared for tomorrow. The
students are well aware that Mr. Gomez is supportive of them and likes them; this is evident by the
number of students who come by to see him after school to get help in other classes or just visit.
Domain F: Developing as a Professional Educator
Score: integrating
TPE 12: Professional, Legal and Ethical Obligations
TPE 13: Professional Growth
Mr. Gomez is always professionally attired while modeling an ethical commitment to quality teaching as
demonstrated by his thoughtfully organized lessons. He welcomes constructive criticism and practices
suggestions that are made. He has worked systematically to improve his teaching by learning what
engages middle-school students. He works tirelessly to develop a lesson format that will engage all of his
students. During our after-class discussions, he has told me that he works with other faculty members to
get suggestions and ideas for improving his lessons.
Summary Statement
Mr. Gomez has made great strides toward becoming a fine teacher. He is consistently well prepared. He
works constantly to improve his lesson plans in order to engage his students. He works well with the
faculty of the school.

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