Oumh 2203

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OUMH 2203

1. Complete your assignment in the English language only.

2. The assignment you submit should be rendered in the MS-WORD format only, unless
specified otherwise. Do not convert your text into any picture format such as .gif / .jpeg /
print screen / etc.

3. Your assignment should be typed using 12 point Times New Roman font and 1.5 line

4. Do not include the assignment question and instructions in the assignment you submit.

5. Your assignment must be submitted ONLINE via the myINSPIRE. Refer to the portal for
instructions. You are advised to keep a copy of the assignment you submit for personal

6. You can submit your assignment online ONCE only in a SINGLE file.

7. Ensure that you keep the RECEIPT issued upon submission of your assignment as proof of
submission. Your assignment will be considered as NOT submitted if you fail to produce the
submission receipt in any dispute.

8. Your assignment must be submitted online between 26th June 9th July 2017. Submission
after 9th July 2017 will NOT be accepted.

9. Any assignment detected to have been plagiarised will be marked down, failed outright,
and/or referred to the Universitys disciplinary committee for further action.

This is the first of two short assignments for English for Workplace Communication. Building
on Topic 3 of your course module, this assignment provides you with an opportunity to apply
diplomatic language.

Suggested Preparatory Activities

1. Start by reading a short online article titled How to Use Diplomatic Language in Your
Next Business Meeting in English. As you read, think about how you may use the given
tips in your workplace interaction.

The article may be accessed at:


2. Then, watch a short video clip on Using Diplomatic English at Work at:

The Assignment
For each of the following conversational snippets, rewrite the underlined text using the
specified technique so that it comes across as more diplomatic. The first one has been done
for you.
Note: Your answers will be marked for appropriate use of diplomatic language, as well as
grammar and mechanics (spelling, punctuation, capitalization, etc.).

Snippet 0 (Example)
Amran: I look forward to receiving your feedback during our meeting scheduled for this
Harry: I have to cancel the meeting. [Using softeners]
Answer: Unfortunately, something has come up and I have to cancel the meeting.

Snippet 1
Hari: Mr Chan, when do you need the signed contract to be delivered to you?
Mr Chan: I want it today. [Using modal verbs]
Answer: ______________________________________________

Snippet 2
Naimah: Please could you email me the documents by this Friday?
Haikal: I cant do it. [Rephrasing a negative sentence]
Answer: ______________________________________________

Snippet 3
Seng Tat: Are we going to deliver the urgent parcel on time?
Michael: We are having problems with the packaging.[Using qualifiers]
Answer: ______________________________________________

Snippet 4
Angelina: We should change the way we do things instead of changing the people we put
in charge. [Using negative question form]
Anita: Please could you explain a bit more?
Answer: ______________________________________________

Snippet 5
Anita: I plan to call for a meeting next week. Can you help to set it up? [Using the past
Hamid: Certainly.
Answer: ______________________________________________

Snippet 6
Anwar: My apologies, but when can we meet?
Nathan: You said we were meeting today at 5 p.m. [Using the passive voice]
Answer: ______________________________________________

Snippet 7
Selvi: Could you share your views on Anwars proposal?
Umpang: I disagree! [Using softeners]
Answer: ______________________________________________

Snippet 8
Terence: How much time do we have to resolve this?
Siew Peng: Give me a solution by the end of the day. [Using modal verbs]
Answer: ______________________________________________

Snippet 9
Fattah: Any discount on these items?
Maulana: No. [Rephrasing a negative sentence]
Answer: ______________________________________________

Snippet 10
Tan Sri: Will you be able to arrive here on time?
Ganesh: Im going to be late. [Using qualifiers]
Answer: ______________________________________________

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