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Smart Materials 1 Tine Magon

Smart Materials 2 Tine Magon

Smart Materials
Smart materials are materials that change its charachteristics (mechanical, electrical,
appearance), size and even shape when exposed to particular external condition (temperature,
light, magnetic field, electric power etc.) There are many different types of smart materials and
can be used in many different ways (from fashion to nano technology).

Color Changing Materials

An effect known almost to everyone is color change. Both Photochromic and

Termochromic materials react in this way and are used in paints, inks and other different
applications. Photochromic materials react when exposed to UV liht, and termochromic
materials react to heat.

Photochromic effect

This is UV Photochromic T-shirt that burst into colour

when exposed to UV light

Thermochromic effect

This is wet Offset, Blue to Colourless, 47C (high

temperature) ink. Its being used to hide message on this
coffee cup. The message appears when the coffee is too hot
to drink

Light Emittin Materials

Next group of smart materials is called Light Emitting Materials. When exposed to particular
external condition it emitts light. The colour of the light depedns on the structure of material and
the type of external condition it is beeing exposed to.

Electroluminescent materials. When stimulated electronically they

produce a light of different colours. While they are emitting light no heat is
producet, which means that their transformation of electric power to light is
werry good. It is beeing used for decoration of diferent buildings, cars,
safety equiptment,..

Elecroluminescent effect
Similar result is achieved with use of Fluorescent materials. The
difference is that this type of material reacts only to UV rays or X rays.
It only lasts as long as it is exposed to the light.
Smart Materials 3 Tine Magon

Fluorescent effect

These eyes on the picture apearce only when the picture is exposed to the UV light

Phosphorescent or afterglow materials produce visible or

invisible light as a result of light of a shorter wavelength, like UV rays
and X - rays. The effect is seen after the source of light is remove. These
materials are being added to paint and different casting materials.

Phosphorescent or afterglow effect

Moving materials

Next group of smart materials changes its shape when exposed to external conditions.

Conduction polymers when exposed to electic or chemical stimulations electrons can

move from one end of the polymer to the other. Material extracts on one side and contracts on
the other. It is beeing used for building artificial muscle for robots.

Dielectric elastomers (also called electrostrictive polymers) it can reduce or increase its
volume by 30%, when exposed to electric field. It is also being used for artificial muscles but it
is more firm and can carry larger burdens.

Piezoelectric materials are used mostly for sensors. The moment their shape is changed
or it is exposed to mechanical force, an applied electric field produces a small mechanical stress.
It transfers energy from mechanical to electrical adn ice-versa. Air-bag sensor is made of
piezoelectric materials. It sences the fource of car collision and sends off a signal for air-bag to

Smart gels are

made of cross
Smart Materials 4 Tine Magon

linked polymer network inflated with solvent such as water, and can reduce or increase its
volume up to 1000x. They can be programed to absorb or release fluids in response to almost any
chemical or physical stimulus. Gels are very firm an can endure approximately as much as
human muscle.

Smart gel

Shape memory alloys or Thermoresponsive materials are metals and are the most
important type of smart materials. When are curved and than heated to defined temperature it
returns back to their original shape. Because they can endure
extreme burdens are used in medicine, car industrie and in producton
of parts of aeroplanes and helicopters.

Shape memory alloy used for surgical tools

Rheological materials

The last two materials are changing its state are Rheological materials. Magneto
rheological and Electro rheological fluids. These materials are originaly liquis, (similar to
engine oil), and can change state instantly (they become rubber) through the application of an
electric or magnetic charge. When charge is removed it returns back to previous state. These
liqids are used mostly for shock absorbers, dampers for vehicle seats and exercise equipment.

Magneto-rheological effect (on the left side is magnet OFF, on

the right picture is magnet ON)

Smart Materials 5 Tine Magon

Alter - to change something, usually slightly or to cause the characteristics of something to

We've had to alter some of our plans.
Giving up our car has radically altered our lifestyle.

Slovenski prevod: spremeniti, spreminjati (se); prekrojiti, prenarediti

Converse adjective FORMAL - opposite:

a converse effect/opinion/argument

Slovenski prevod: nasproten; vzajemen

Conduct (ALLOW THROUGH) verb [T] - to allow electricity or heat to go through:

Copper conducts electricity, but plastic does not.

Slovenski prevod: prevajati (tok)

Clutch (MACHINE PART) noun [C] [singular] - a device, which allows turning movement to be sent
from one part of a machine to another:
I've booked the car into the garage because the clutch is slipping.

Slovenski prevod: sklopka; kritien poloaj, stiska;

Compound (COMBINATION) noun [C]

1 a chemical that combines two or more elements:
Salt is a compound of sodium and chlorine.
Many fertilizers contain nitrogen compounds.

2 FORMAL something consisting of two or more different parts:

Then there was his manner, a curious compound of humour and severity.

Slovenski prevod: meanica, zmes;

Develop (GROW) verb [I][T] - to (cause something to) grow or change into a more advanced,
larger or stronger form:
This exercise is designed to develop the shoulder and back muscles.
I'm looking for a job, which will enable me to develop my skills/talents.

Slovenski prevod: razvijati; izdelovati, sestavljati, pripraviti, pripravljati; natanko razloiti,

odkriti; mil zaeti napad; nakopati si;

Emulate verb [T] FORMAL - to copy something achieved by someone else and try to do it as well
as they have:
They hope to emulate the success of other software companies

Slovenski prevod: tekmovati, kosati se (s.o. s kom); oponaati

Environment (SURROUNDINGS) noun - the conditions that you live or work in and the way
that they influence how you feel or how effectively you can work:
The office is quite bright and airy - it's a pleasant working environment.
As a parent you try to create a stable home environment for your children to grow up in.

Slovenski prevod: okoliki

Smart Materials 6 Tine Magon

External adjective -of, on, for or coming from the outside:

the external walls of the house
This cream is for external use only

Slovenski prevod: Zunanji

Embedded - fixed into the surface of something:

The thorn was embedded in her thumb.

Slovenski prevod: vloiti, vlagati; vtakniti, vtikati; vstaviti, vstavljati; zakopati;

Interrelate verb [I]: - to be connected in such a way that each thing has an effect on or depends
on the other:
Children need to be educated about the way that diet and health interrelate

Slovenski prevod: biti v medsebojnem odnosu

Inherent adjective - existing as a natural or basic part of something:

There are dangers/risks inherent in almost every sport.
I have an inherent distrust of lawyers.

Slovenski prevod: naravno, svojstven, pripadajo;

Insulate (COVER) verb - to cover and surround something with a material or substance in order
to stop heat, sound or electricity from escaping or entering:
You can insulate a house against heat loss by having the windows double-glazed.

Slovenski prevod: loiti, osamiti, izolirati; el izolirati

Mould UK - to make a soft substance a particular shape:

This plastic is going to be moulded into plates.
The children moulded little pots out of/from clay.

Slovenski prevod: ulivati (vosek); modelirati, oblikovati

Measurable adjective able to be measured, or large enough to be noticed:

The service produces clear, measurable benefits to people's health.

Slovenski prevod: izmerljiv; dogleden;

Property (QUALITY) noun [C] - a quality in a substance or material, especially one which means
that it can be used in a particular way:
One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.
We value herbs for their taste, but we forget that they also have medicinal properties.

Slovenski prevod: lastnost; karakteristika, svojskost,

Piezoelectric adjective SPECIALIZED: producing electrical power by putting pressure on

particular types of stone:
a piezoelectric device

Slovenski prevod: poseben material,ki ustvari el.napetost, ko nanj deluje sila

Smart Materials 7 Tine Magon

Precaution noun [C] - an action which is done to prevent something unpleasant or dangerous
Many people have been stockpiling food as a precaution against shortages.
They failed to take the necessary precautions to avoid infection

Slovenski prevod: previdnost, opreznost, svarilo, varnostni ukrep;

Stimulate verb to encourage something to grow, develop or become active:

The government plans to cut taxes in order to stimulate the economy.

Slovenski prevod: spodbuditi (to k), spodbosti, bodriti, podgati, stimulirati; animirati

Significant (IMPORTANT) adjective - important or noticeable:

There has been a significant increase in the number of women students in recent years.
The talks between the USA and the USSR were very significant for the relationship between the two

Slovenski prevod: znailen, vaen (for za), ki ima kak pomen, pomemben, pomenljiv;

Strain (PRESSURE) noun a force or influence that stretches, pulls or puts pressure on
something, sometimes causing damage:
The hurricane put such a strain on the bridge that it collapsed..
Their constant arguments were putting a strain on their marriage.

Slovenski prevod: deformacija, poklina, razpoka, lom; izbruh, ploha (besedi), tirada, ton

Viscous adjective SPECIALIZED - describes a liquid that is thick and sticky and does not flow

Slovenski prevod: lepljiv, lepek; gost; idek; viskozen

Valve noun [C] - a device which opens and closes to control the flow of liquids or gases, or a
similar structure in the heart and the veins, which controls the flow of blood:
The valve failed to open/close.
It was a weak heart valve that caused her death

Slovenski prevod: ventil, zaklopka; pokrov; pipa; zapah; vrata zatvornice; (redko) krilo
(vrat), vratnica


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