Job Stress Modified

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REG NO: 90406631005



Final Project Report submitted to the

Faculty of Management Studies
In partial fulfillment of the requirements
For the award of the degree

June 2008


This is to certify that this project titled A study job stress in T V Sundaram Iyengar &
Sons ltd Madurai is the bonafide work of Mr. M.B.ARJUN who carried out the research
under my supervision. Certified further, that to the best of my knowledge the work
reported herein does not form part of any other project report or dissertation on the basis
of which a degree or award was conferred on an earlier occasion on this or any other

Prof A.K.S. SUKUMARAN Mr.S.N.R.Srikumar

Director, Faculty Guide
Dept. of Management Studies,
K.L.N College of Engineering,
Sivagangai 630 611


Name: M. B. ARJUN
Reg. no: 90406631005
Department of Management Studies
K.L.N College of Engineering
Sivagangai District 630611

I hereby declare that this project titled as A study on Job Stress in T V Sundaram

Iyengar & Sons ltd Madurai submitted for the award of degree of Master of Business

Administration of Anna University, Chennai has been carried out under the guidance of

Mr. S.N.R. SriKumar, Senior Lecturer, Department of Management Studies, K.L.N

College of Engineering and the entire research is my original work which has not found

part of the award of any degree of diploma.



I take this opportunity to thank our Principal, Dr. S. Ganapathy, Principal,

K.L.N. College of Engineering for providing me this opportunity for doing this project.

I greatly indebted to my faculty guide, Mr.S.N.R.Srikumar, Senior Lecturer, who

greatly supported me, encouraged and helped me to complete this project a successful
one. Also I thank all of my other faculty members for their guidance.

I sincerely thank Mr. Rajkumar, Deputy Manager, T V Sundaram Iyengar &

Sons ltd Madurai, for his assistance and help in getting me this project done successfully.
I also thank all staff members for helping me in all activities.

My deep sense of gratitude goes to my parents and my friends for their

encouragement throughout my academic pursuit.

Last but not the least, I remember with appreciation the respondents of my
questionnaire for their kind Co-operation.


The project report is a study conducted in T V Sundaram Iyengar & Sons ltd
Madurai, topic for the study was A STUDY ON JOB STRESS.

The study was conducted to find out the nature and extent of job stress
experienced by people working at different levels in organizational hierarchy and to
suggest remedial measures to overcome the problem of job stress for organizational

A standard questionnaire was designed. The opinion gathered through

questionnaire were classified and interpreted meaningfully. Both the primary and
secondary data were extensively used. By analyzing the study it was found that 70% of
the staff counteract less stress and more than 60% of the employees are satisfied with
their present job.

In addition it was found that most of the employees require effective training
programmes, recognitions, and welfare schemes. It was found that higher officials require
empathy rather than being work oriented.



List of Tables/Charts 7
About the study 10
Objectives 15
II Research methodology 16
Research Design 17
Sources of Data 17
Sample Design 17
Sample size 17
Statistical Tools Used for Analysis 17
Scope of the Study 18
Limitations of the Study 19
III Review of literature 20
Summary Of Findings 54
Suggestions 56
Conclusion 57

Appendix 58
Bibliography 63



3.1 Machineries and equipments in good working 30

3.2 Good lighting and ventilation 31

3.3 Employed near machinery emitting heat 32

3.4 Accidents in the company 33

3.5 No frequent shifting or transfer 34

3.6 Good promotion policy 35

3.7 Quality of canteen menu 36
3.8 Drinking water 37

3.9 Rest room lockers are comfortable 38

3.10 Latrines and urinals in good sanitary conditions 39
3.11 Good medical facilities 40
3.12 Good relationship between management and 41
3.13 Relationship with co workers 42

3.14 Department provides good training to develop 43

the skill
3.15 Good relationship with supervisors 44

3.16 Continuation with the present job 45

3.17 Job security 46

3.18 Satisfaction with career prospectus 47

3.19 Position in the society is better after joining the 48

3.20 Wages/salary sufficient to lead the family 49

3.21 Provision for employment of dependents 50

3.22 Concern for personal safety 51

3.23 Machineries and workplaces are good to 52

perform better




Stress is the general term applied to the pressure people feel in life. The
presence of stress at work is almost inevitable in many jobs. However, individual
differences account for a wide range of reactions to stress: a task viewed as a challenging
by one person may produce high levels of anxiety in another. When pressure begins to
build up, it can cause an adverse strain on a persons emotions, thought processes, and
physical condition. Stress affects both physical and mental health and results in burnout
when it occurs chronically. The conditions that cause stress are called stressors and
include work overload, time pressures, role ambiguity, financial problems, and family
problems. The stress performance indicates that excessive stress reduces job
performance, but a moderate amount may help employees respond to job challenges.

Both organization and individuals are highly concerned about stress and its
effects. In attempting to manage stress, they have 3 broad options-prevent or control it, or
learn to adapt it. Organization can seek to improve managerial communication skills,
empower employees through participation, redesign job to be more fulfilling, or
implement organizational development programs. These steps are aimed at reducing or
eliminating stress for employees. Some employees can escape stress by requesting job
transfers, finding alternative employment, taking early retirement etc. several approaches
also exists for coping with stress. These often involve cooperative efforts, bio feed back,
and personal wellness programmes.
Factors that Lead to Job Stress:

Types of Job Stressors

Specific work factors

Excessive workload.
Tedious or meaningless tasks.
Long hours and low pay.

Infrequent rest breaks.

Unreasonable performance demands.

Physical environment

Noise and overcrowding.

Poor air quality.
Ergonomic problems.
Health and safety risks (heavy equipment, toxic chemicals).

Organizational practices

Unclear responsibilities or expectations.

Conflicting job demands.
Multiple supervisors.
Lack of autonomy or participation in decision-making.
Inefficient communication patterns.
Lack of family-friendly policies.

Workplace change

Fear of layoff.
Frequent personnel turnover.
Lack of preparation for technological changes.
Poor chances for advancement or promotion.
Tensions brought about by greater workplace diversity.

Interpersonal relationships

Distant, uncommunicative supervisors.

Poor performance from subordinates.
Office politics, competition, and other conflicts among staff.
Bullying or harassment.
Problems caused by excessive time away from family.

Job stress can be defined as the harmful physical and emotional

responses that occur when the requirements of the job do not match the capabilities,
resources, or needs of personnels. Job stress can lead to poor health even injury. The
concept of job stress is often confused with challenge, but these concepts are not the same
challenges energize us psychologically and physically and it motivates us to learn new
skills and master our jobs.

A persons work and occupational stature play a critical role in an individuals sense of
identity, self-esteem, and psychological well-being. Work is the central and defining
characteristics of life for most individuals. Work may have intrinsic value, instrumental
value, or both. The instrumental value of work is in providing the necessities of life and
serving as a channel for the individual talents, abilities and knowledge.

Five major components have been examined for Stress.

1. Affected well-being :

It has to separate two dimensions, pleasure and arousal. A

particular level of pleasure may be accompanied by high or low levels of arousal, a
particular level of arousal may be either pleasure or unpleasurable.

2. Competence :

Good mental health is viewed as acceptable degrees of success or

competence in different spheres of activity, such as interpersonal relationships,
problem solving, paid employment, and so on. The competent person has adequate
psychological resources to deal with lifes pressures.

It has been suggested that good mental health becomes apparent only when a person
faces adversity. A successful response to pressures requires having appropriate

cognitive and psychomotor skills, as well as beliefs and opinions that more
consistent with reality.

3. Autonomy:
Autonomy refers to a persons ability to resist environmental
influences and to determine his or her own opinions and actions. The tendency to
strive for independence and self regulation is a fundamental characteristic of a
mentally healthy person. Autonomy is a tendency to feel and act on the assumption
that one is influential rather than helpless in the face of life difficulties.

4. Aspiration:
The mentally healthy person is viewed as someone who engages
with the environment. The person should establish a goal and makes active efforts to
attain them. A raised aspiration level is reflected in high motivation, alertness to new
opportunities and a commitment to meet personal challenges. Conversely low levels
of aspiration are exhibited in reduced activity and an acceptance of the present state
no matter how unsatisfactory it appears.
In striving to achieve personal goals, one may face stressful situations, and indeed
one may create them through pursuing difficult challenges. The importance of a
raised aspiration level to good mental health is particularly clear in circumstances
adverse to the individual where the desire for change is likely to be viewed as
central to a healthy response.

5. Integrated functioning:
The final component of mental health is the most difficult to define
and is most unlike the other four. Integrated functioning refers to the person whole.
People who are psychologically healthy exhibit balance, harmony, and inner
relatedness. Integrated functioning may also be considered across time, typically as
a balance between accepted strain during difficult phases of goal attainment and
relaxation during the intervening periods.

Psychological disorders in the workplace have been identified among the ten leading
work-related diseases and injuries in the United States (national institute of
occupational safety and health 1988) ilgen (1990) stated the health of the work force
is one of the most significant issues of our time. Recognition of the psychological
risk of work has prompted research on medical, psychological, and behavioral
stress. Pelletler 1977 reported that stress and psychological factors play a far more
central role in chronic disorders than they do in acute and infectious diseases.

Consequences of stress:
The consequences of stress typically affect the performance of the
individual on the job and in other life roles. Other ramification involves the health of
the individual as affected by prolonged exposure to physical stressors and through
responses to recurrent psychological stressors.

Stress Mediators:
Certain situations can mediate or buffer the effects of a
stressor. The buffering effect reduces the tendency of organizational properties to
generate specific stressors, alter the perceptions and cognitions evoked by such
stressors, and mediate the responses that follow the appraisal process or reduce the
health damaging consequences of such responses. The extent to which the onset of a
stressor is predictable, the extent to which it is understandable and the extent to
which aspects of the stressor are controllable by the person who experience it.
If the occurrence of a stressful event can be predicted, its absence can also
be predicted. Thus, the individual knows when it is safe to relax and need not
maintain a constant state of vigilance or anxiety.


To find out the nature and extent of job stress experienced by people
working at different levels in organizational hierarchy.

To suggest remedial measures to overcome the problem of job stress for

organizational development.


Research Design:
A research design is the arrangement of condition for collection and analysis of
data in a manner that aims to combine relevance to the research purpose with economy in
It is conceived with decision regarding what, where, when, how much, by what
means covering and inquiring or a research study constitutes a research design.
Research design is needed because it facilitates the smooth sailing of the research
operation, there by making research as efficient as possible yielding, most information
with minimal expenditure of effort time and money.
The researcher has used Descriptive Research Design. Descriptive researches are
those studies that are concerned with the characteristics of a particular individual or a
group. It has chosen to make an investigation with specific prediction of characteristics
and attitudes of the employees.

Sources of Data:
Primary data was collected through structured questionnaires.
Secondary data include Company brochures, Internet and magazines.

Sample Design:
The Sampling technique used was Convenient Sampling method.

Sample size:
The Sample size includes 150 employees of all the departments in the company.
Statistical Tools Used for Analysis:
Percentage Analysis:
It is a commonly used analysis where the choice of each is converted into
percentage when analyzing the data.
Diagrammatic Representation:
Bar Diagram


The study was conducted in various sectors at T.V.Sundram Iyengar &

sons Ltd., Madurai by choosing Job Stress as the study topic.
The study was conducted to evaluate Job Stress among the
employees. A standard questionnaire was designed and was circulated to the employees.
The researcher thought that only experienced employees know about the company well
and was taken as the sample. The research was done by directly interviewing the

Limitations of the Study:

Some of the respondents were hesitating to co-operate as they believed that

the information given by them may be used against then in future. They
were also suspicious about the genuineness of the research.

The inherent demerit of questionnaire is also considered to be a limitation.



Job stress is a problem for both workers and organizations. It
undercuts meaning and joy in work, has negative health consequences, and reduces
organizational effectiveness. Understanding the full range of determinants of job stress
has been difficult, however, because in-depth information on both jobs and organizations
is difficult to acquire. New findings include positive roles for organizational coherence
and local ownership. The effects of some job stressors are mediated by social
involvement in the workplace, both through informal coworker relations and through
more formal participation programs. Overall, organizational effects on stress are as
significant as or more significant than job effects suggesting the importance of giving
further attention to organizational characteristics as a less examined set of determinants
of job stress.

Job stress has been a relatively neglected area of research among

industrial/organizational psychologists. The empirical research that has been done is
reviewed within the context of six facets (i.e., environmental, personal, process, human
consequences, organizational consequences, and time) of a seven facet conceptualization
of the job stressemployee health research domain. A general and a sequential model are
proposed for tying the facets together. The following study involves the consideration of
important factors such as role demands, political uncertainty, technological change, task
demands, etc.,



TVS & Sons Limited established in 1911, is the parent and holding company of
the TVS Group. TVS & Sons Limited is the largest automobile distribution company in
India with a turnover exceeding US $ 450 Million (Over Rs.15000 Million). It employs
over 5000 persons. The Company operates through three divisions. TVS & Sons,
Sundaram Motors and Madras Auto Service.

1911-The organization has its origin in road transport when Sri.T.V.Sundram

Iyengar started the first ever rural bus service between Madurai and Pudukottai, in the
state of Tamil Nadu. This Transport Company grew to be the largest of its kind in India.

1919- T.V.Sundram Iyengar started an automobile spare parts and service unit in
Madurai which diversified in to a variety of trading and service lines. He realized as early
as in 1920 the importance of marketing spare parts, and organized their distribution
through every available channel. This firmly established the dominance of the country in
the auto industry.

1929-General motors appointed TVS as their authorized agents which was a

major break through and as an evolution of a new era. Also his trip to the US in year
1947 is worth mentioning during his trip, he made a practical study of the agricultural
activities and implemented the same in his home loan.

1946-TVS merged transport companies acquired earlier to form Southern

Roadways, a road transport and Parcel Service Company


TVS & Sons distributes Heavy Duty commercial vehicles, Jeeps and Cars. It
represents various leading manufacturers like Ashok Leyland, Mahindra and Mahindra
Limited, Fiat and Honda. The company has more than 100 outlets and is also the largest
distributor of spare parts in India, handling more than 70 suppliers and 25000 parts him.
grown into a leading logistics solution provider and has set up state-of-the-art warehouses all

over t The logistics division at TVS & Sons arose from the backward integration of the
existing parts distribution business. Recognizing the great demand for streamlined,
efficient logistics services, the division has rapidly evolved into a successful, independent
profit centre.
Today, their clients include automotive majors like Ashok Leyland, Ford India,
Telco. Mahindra & Mahindra, Sundram Industries and Escorts. We provide the entire
basket of logistics services required for supply chain management that includes:

Inbound logistics (components)

Plant/After market warehousing
Outbound logistics (finished products)
Export warehousing (KD/After market)

The companys warehousing operations encompass 400,000 sq. ft. in thirteen

fully operational centers. The total volume handled per year for both warehousing and
inbound logistics is approximately Rs.1000 crores.


In enterprise and in business as in life, it is the team spirit that succeeds. Setting
out aims and objectives in words may limit our targets. Yet we may state what we firmly
believe in.

1. To place at the service of the public all our technical equipment and intelligence
in automobile and allied industries at a truly national cost- a cost that is
commensurate with the interest of employees and shareholders.

2. To provide the greatest satisfaction possible to our employees within our

competitive economy through proper personnel practices.

3. To be a good member of the community and nation.

Supply of helmet

Cash award

Accident leave

Marriage present

Hearing aid

Cashier allowance

Washing allowance

Education assistance scheme

Attendance incentive scheme

Compassionate allowance


Service memento

Leave travel assistance



Sri T.S. Santhanam

Sri R. Ramachandran, Chairman

Sri. Suresh Krishna

Sri. K. Ramesh

Sri. S. Ram

Sri. K. Mahesh

Sri. S. Viji

Sri. Venu srinivasan

Sri. Gopal srinivasan

Sri. T.K. Balaji

Sri. R. Haresh, Joint M.D

Sri. R. Dinesh, Executive Director

Sri. B. Ganapathy sarma - Company Secretary

Sri. N. krishnamoorthy - Commercial

Sri. S. Santhanagopalan - Finance

Sri. M. Gunasekaran - Business process and analysis

Sri. R. Chandrasekar - HR

Sri. L. Ramasamy - Infrastructure

Sri. S. Venkatanarayanan - Insurance

Sri. T. Srinivasan -P&A


Company has very good industrial relations. TVS workers
union is the only representing body of the employees in union cadre. The union has
branches in all outlets of the company. The elections are conducted in a highly
democratic way and the tenure of the office of elected body is 3 years. The IR climate is
conductive for the past several years.


There are 3 categories of employees. They are as follows,

1. Executives

2. Staffs

3. Workmen

All the workmen are governed by the code of conduct and the staff and workmen by
the standing orders.



1. Vehicle dealership SBU



c) M & M SBU


2. Parts distribution SBU

3. Customer centric business

a) My TVS- 24*7 Emergency Services

b) My TVS- All car Service


c) My TVS- Quality used cars

4. Logistics SBU

5. Special products SBU

6. Tools and Garage equipments SBU

7. International operation SBU

At TVS, care for their employees is a time honored tradition.
From recruitments to retirement, they are committed to enhancing the quality of their
lives. Their welfare initiatives range from continuous training and skill up gradation
programs to well-planned townships, medical centers and educational assistance.

TVS Primary School - Madurai-11

TVS Higher Secondary School - Madurai-11

TVS Lakshmi Matric Higher Secondary School - Madurai-11


All their operations are geared towards insuring that customer

satisfaction is maximized. Continuous expansion of our network ensures that their
customers have convenient access to a TVS outlet. They have also pioneered the concept
of mobile vans that provide service for customers at remote locations.

All their showrooms and service centers are manned by experienced, courteous
and well-trained staff. Their objective, always, is to ensure that all their interactions
culminate in a memorable experience. It is this emphasis on customer care that has
helped us retain and expand our loyal client base.



I. working conditions:-

3.1. Machineries and equipments:

category No of % of employees
Strongly disagree 3 2

Disagree 3 2
Neither agree nor 18 12
Agree 69 46
Strongly agree 57 38

Out of the 150 employees,
2% of the employees strongly disagree with the
condition of machineries and equipments.
2% of the employees disagree with the condition
of machineries and equipments
12% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
with the working conditions of equipments
46% of the employees agree with the working
conditions of equipments
38% of the employees strongly agree with the
working conditions of the equipments.

It is inferred that 84% of the employees agree with the working
conditions of equipments.

3.2 Good lighting and ventilation:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 9 6

Disagree 12 8
Neither agree nor disagree 6 4
Agree 48 32
Strongly agree 75 50

Out of the 150 employees,
6% of the employees strongly disagree about the
lighting and ventilation in the work place.
8% of the employees disagree about the lighting and
ventilation in the work place.
4% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
about the lighting and ventilation in the work place.
32% of the employees agree that the lighting and
ventilation in the work place is good.
50% of the employees strongly agree that the
lighting and ventilation in the work place is good.

It is inferred that 82% of the employees agree that the lighting and
ventilation in the work place is good.

3.3. Employed near machinery emitting heat (if so company provides safety

Category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0

Disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 12 8
Agree 54 36
Strongly agree 84 56

Out of the 150 employees,
0% of the employees strongly disagree that the
company provides proper safety measures.
0% of the employees disagree that the company
provides proper safety measures
8% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that the company provides proper safety
36% of the employees agree that the company
provides proper safety measures
56% of the employees strongly agree that the
company provides proper safety measures

It is inferred that 92% of the employees agree that the company provides
proper safety measures

3.4 No accidents in the company:

Category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0

Disagree 8 8
Neither agree nor disagree 22 22
Agree 42 42
Strongly agree 28 28

Out of the 150 employees,

0% of the employees strongly disagree that there

are no accidents in the company.
8% of the employees disagree that there are no
accidents in the company.
22% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
regarding the occurrence of accidents.
42% of the employees agree that there are no
accidents in the company.
28% of the employees strongly agree that there
are no accidents in the company.


It is inferred that 70% of the employees agree that there are no accidents in
the company.

3.5. No frequent shifting or transfer in the company:

Category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 6 4

Disagree 3 2
Neither agree nor disagree 18 12
Agree 84 56
Strongly agree 39 26

Out of the 150 employees,

4% of the employees strongly disagree that there is

no frequent shifting or transfer.
2% of the employees disagree that there is no
frequent shifting or transfer.
12% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that there is no frequent shifting or transfer.
56% of the employees agree that there is no
frequent shifting or transfer.
26%of the employees strongly disagree that there is
no frequent shifting or transfer.


It is inferred that 82% of the employees agree that there is no frequent shifting or

II. Welfare Activity:

3.6 Good promotion policy:

Category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 18 12

Disagree 24 16
Neither agree nor disagree 30 20
Agree 60 40
Strongly agree 18 12


Out of 150 employees,

12% of the employees strongly disagree about the

good promotion policy
16% of the employees disagree about the good
promotion policy
20% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
about the good promotion policy.
40% of the employees agree about the good
promotion policy.
12% of the employees strongly agree about the
good promotion policy


It is inferred that 52% of the employees agree that the promotion policy is

3.7. Canteen menu is good in quality:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 3 2

Disagree 24 16
Neither agree nor disagree 60 40
Agree 45 30
Strongly agree 18 12


Out of 150 employees,

2% of the employees strongly disagree that the
menu provided in the canteen is good in quality.
16% of the employees disagree that the menu
provided in the canteen is good in quality.
40%of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that the menu provided in the canteen is good in
30% of the employees agree that the menu provided
in the canteen is good in quality.
12% of the employees strongly agree that the menu
provided in the canteen is good in quality.
It is inferred that 40% of the employees neither agree nor disagree that
the menu provided in the canteen is good in quality

3.8. Drinking water is hygienic:

Category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0

Disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 15 10
Agree 90 60
Strongly agree 45 30


Out of 150 employees,

0% of the employees strongly disagree that drinking
water is hygienic.
0% of the employees disagree that drinking water is
10% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that drinking water is hygienic.
60% of the employees agree that drinking water is
30% of the employees strongly agree that drinking
water is hygienic.

It is inferred that 90% of the employees agree that drinking water is hygienic.

3.9. Rest room lockers are comfortable to all employees:

Category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 3 2

Disagree 12 8
Neither agree nor disagree 45 30
Agree 75 50
Strongly agree 15 10


Out of 150 employees,

2% of the employees strongly disagree that the
rest room lockers are comfortable.
8% of the employees disagree that the rest room
lockers are comfortable.
30% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that the rest room lockers are comfortable.
50% of the employees agree that the rest room
lockers are comfortable.
10% of the employees strongly agree that the rest
room lockers are comfortable.


It is inferred that 60% of the employees agree that the rest room lockers are

3.10. Latrines and urinals in good sanitary condition:

Category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0

Disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 15 10
Agree 105 70
Strongly agree 30 20


Out of 150 employees,

0% of the employees strongly disagree that the
latrines and urinals are in good sanitary condition.
0% of the employees disagree that the latrines and
urinals are in good sanitary condition
10% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that the latrines and urinals are in good sanitary
70% of the employees agree that the latrines and
urinals are in good sanitary condition
20% of the employees strongly agree that the
latrines and urinals are in good sanitary condition


It is inferred that 90% of the employees agree that the latrines and urinals are
in good sanitary condition.

3.11. Good medical facilities:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 45 30

Disagree 39 26
Neither agree nor disagree 36 24
Agree 24 16
Strongly agree 6 4

Out of 150 employees,

30% of the employees strongly disagree that the

company provides good medical facilities.
26% of the employees disagree that the company
provides good medical facilities.
24% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that the company provides good medical facilities
about the HR department
16% of the employees agree that the company
provides good medical facilities
4% of the employees strongly agree that the
company provides good medical facilities.

It is inferred that 56% of the employees disagree that the company
provides good medical facilities.

III. Industrial relation:-

3.12. Good relationship between management and employee:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0

Disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 6 4
Agree 104 69
Strongly agree 40 27

Out of 150 employees,
0% of the employees strongly disagree that
there is good relationship between management
and employee.
0% of the employees disagree that there is good
relationship between management and
04% of the employees neither agree nor
disagree that there is good relationship between
management and employee.
69% of the employees agree that there is good
relationship between management and

27% of the employees strongly agree that there

is good relationship between management and
It is inferred that 96% of the employees agree that there is good relationship between
management and employee.

3.13. Relationship with co workers:

Category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 0 0
Agree 30 20
Strongly agree 120 80

Out of 150 employees,
0% of the employees strongly disagree that there
is good relationship with co workers.
0% of the employees disagree that there is good
relationship with co workers.
0% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that there is good relationship with co workers.
20% of the employees agree that there is good
relationship with co workers.
80% of the employees strongly agree that there is
good relationship with co workers.


It is inferred that all employees agree that there is good relationship with co

3.14. Department provides good training to develop the skill:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 5 3
Neither agree nor disagree 24 16
Agree 90 60
Strongly agree 31 21

Out of 150 employees,
0% of the employees strongly disagree that the
department provides good training.
4% of the employees disagree that the
department provides good training.
16% of the employees neither agree nor
disagree that the department provides good
59% of the employees agree that the department
provides good training.
21% of the employees strongly agree that the
department provides good training.


It is inferred that 81% of the employees agree that the department provides good

3.15. Good relationship with supervisors:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 00
Neither agree nor disagree 15 10
Agree 96 64
Strongly agree 39 26

Out of 150 employees,

0% of the employees strongly disagree that

there is good relationship with supervisors.
0% of the employees disagree that there is good
relationship with supervisors
10% of the employees neither agree nor
disagree that there is good relationship with
64% of the employees agree that there is good
relationship with supervisors
26% of the employees strongly agree that there
is good relationship with supervisors.


It is inferred that 90% of the employees agree that there is good relationship with

IV. Career development:

3.16. Continue with the present job:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 15 10
Agree 105 70
Strongly agree 30 20

Out of 150 employees,

0% of the employees strongly disagree that they

would continue with the present job.
0% of the employees disagree that they would
continue with the present job.
10% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that they would continue with the present job.
70% of the employees agree that they would
continue with the present job.
20% of the employees strongly agree that they
would continue with the present job.
It is inferred that 90% of the employees agree that they would continue with the
present job.

3.17. Job security:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 7 4
Neither agree nor disagree 16 11
Agree 97 65
Strongly agree 30 20

Out of 150 employees,

0% of employees strongly disagree that there is job

security in the company
4% of employees disagree that there is job security in the
11% of employees neither agree nor disagree that there is
job security in the company
65% of employees agree that there is job security in the
20% of employees strongly agree that there is job
security in the company


It is inferred that 85% of employees agree that there is job security in the

3.18. Satisfaction with career prospectus:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 8 5
Agree 112 75
Strongly agree 30 20


Out of 150 employees,

0% of employees strongly disagree that there is

satisfaction with career prospectus.
0% of employees disagree that there is satisfaction
with career prospectus.
5% of employees neither agree Nor Disagree
that there is satisfaction with career prospectus.
75% of employees agree that there is satisfaction
with career prospectus.
20% of employees strongly agree that there is
satisfaction with career prospectus.

It is inferred that 95% of employees agree that there is satisfaction with
career prospectus.

V. Society:-

3.19. Position in the society is better after joining the company:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 0 0
Neither agree nor disagree 15 10
Agree 120 80
Strongly agree 15 10

Out of 150 employees,

0% of the employees strongly disagree that the position in the

society is better after joining the company.
0% of the employees disagree that the position in the society
is better after joining the company.
10% of the employees neither agree nor disagree that the
position in the society is better after joining the company.
80% of the employees agree that the position in the society is
better after joining the company.
10% of the employees strongly agree that the position in the
society is better after joining the company.


It is inferred that 90% of the employees agree that the position in the
society is better after joining the company.

VI. Expenditure:-

3.20. Wages/Salary sufficient to lead the family:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 29 29
Disagree 39 39
Neither agree nor disagree 27 27
Agree 5 5
Strongly agree 0 0

Out of 150 employees,

29% of the employees strongly disagree that the wages/salary

is sufficient.
39% of the employees disagree that the wages/salary is
27% of the employees neither agree nor disagree that the
wages/salary is sufficient.
5% of the employees agree that the wages/salary is sufficient.
0% of the employees strongly agree that the wages/salary is

It is inferred that 68% of the employees disagree that the wages/salary is

3.21. Provision for employment of dependents in the company:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 0 0
Disagree 15 15
Neither agree nor disagree 36 36
Agree 41 41
Strongly agree 8 8

Out of 150 employees,

0% of the employees strongly disagree that there is provision

for employment of dependents.
15% of the employees disagree that there is provision for
employment of dependents.
36% of the employees neither agree nor disagree that there is
provision for employment of dependents.
41% of the employees agree that there is provision for
employment of dependents.
8% of the employees strongly agree that there is provision for
employment of dependents.

It is inferred that 49% of the employees agree that there is provision for
employment of dependents.

VII. Health:-

3.22. Concern for personal safety:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 30 20
Disagree 107 71
Neither agree nor disagree 14 9
Agree 0 0
Strongly agree 0 0

Out of 150 employees,

20% of the employees strongly disagree that there is concern

for personal safety.
71% of the employees disagree that there is concern for
personal safety.
9% of the employees neither agree nor disagree that there is
concern for personal safety.
0% of the employees agree that there is concern for personal
0% of the employees strongly agree that there is concern for
personal safety.


It is inferred that 91% of the employees disagree that there is concern for
personal safety.

3.23. Machineries and Workplaces are good to perform better:

category No of employees % of employees

Strongly disagree 6 4
Disagree 9 6
Neither agree nor disagree 22 15
Agree 83 55
Strongly agree 30 20

Out of 150 employees,

4% of the employees strongly disagree that the machineries

and workplaces are good to perform better.
6% of the employees disagree that the machineries and
workplaces are good to perform better.
15% of the employees neither agree nor disagree that the
machineries and workplaces are good to perform better.
55% of the employees agree that the machineries and
workplaces are good to perform better.
20% of the employees strongly agree that the machineries and
workplaces are good to perform better.


It is inferred that 75% of the employees agree that the machineries and workplaces are
good to perform better.





Based on the study conducted titled Job stress the following
enlisted are the major findings.

It is inferred from the study that 84% of the employees agree that the machinery
and equipments are in good working conditions.
It is evident from the study that 82% of the employees agree that workplace is
provided with good lighting and ventilation.
The study conducted reveals that 92% of the employees agree that the company
provides proper safety measures.
It is inferred from the study that 70% of the employees agree that there are no
accidents in the company.
It is evident from the study that 82% of the employees agree that there is no
frequent shifting or transfer.
It is inferred that 52% of the employees agree that the promotion policy is good.
The study conducted reveals that 40% of the employees neither agree nor disagree
that the menu provided in the canteen is good in quality.

It is inferred from the study that 90% of the employees agree that drinking water
is hygienic.
It is evident from the study that 90% of the employees agree that the rest room
lockers are comfortable.
The study conducted reveals that 60% of the employees agree that the latrines and
urinals are in good sanitary condition.
It is inferred from the study that 56% of the employees disagree that the company
provides good medical facilities.
It is evident from the study that 96% of the employees agree that there is good
relationship between management and employee.
The study conducted reveals all the employees agree that there is good
relationship with co workers.
It is inferred from the study that 81% of the employees agree that the department
provides good training.

It is evident from the study that 90% of the employees agree that there is good
relationship with supervisors.
The study conducted reveals that 90% of the employees agree that they would
continue with the present job.
85% of employees agree that there is job security in the company.
It is evident from the study that 95% of employees agree that there is satisfaction
with career prospectus.
It is inferred from the study that 90% of the employees agree that the position in
the society is better after joining the company.
The study conducted reveals that 68% of the employees disagree that the
wages/salary is sufficient.
It is evident from the study that 49% of the employees agree that there is
provision for employment of dependents.
91% of the employees disagree that there is concern for personal safety.
It is inferred that 75% of the employees agree that the machineries and
workplaces are good to perform better.


Based on the study conducted titled Job Stress the

following suggestions are put forth for perusal and implementation.

It is suggested that the management may consider revising the structure of

wages of the employees.

It is recommended that the organization can seek to improve managerial

communication skills, empower employees through participation, redesign job
to be more fulfilling, or implement organizational development programs.

It is suggested that the menu provided in the canteen shall be improved.

It is recommended that Group allotment can be done in service sector to

decrease the workload of the employees to relieve stress.

It is suggested to consider the opinion of the senior employees while taking vital

It is recommended that the equipments and workplaces shall be frequently

monitored to improve the effectiveness of the job.

It is suggested that the counselor may be appointed to have an insight regarding

the personal opinion of the employees and render valuable suggestions that may
help to relieve stress.

It is suggested that more emphasis has to be given to medical facilities.

Special provisions have to be made for the dependents.

General suggestions for stress are put forth for the betterment of the

Management Games
Counseling programmes
Psychological training.


The analysis and strategies presented in previous chapter are based on the study
conducted in T V Sundaram Iyengar & Sons ltd, Madurai Division Though there are
certain limitations the researcher feels that justice has been done to the subject and an
attempt is made to present an overall picture about the Job stress of the employees.

Job stress is one of the major factors that help to maintain peace and harmony
in an organization. To restore cordial and effective working force it is essential to keep all
factors that influence the stress in control.


1. How do you feel about the working conditions in this organization?
Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

2. What do think about the companys personnel policies?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

3. How do you feel about the nature of the job?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

4. What is your opinion about the promotion opportunities in your organization?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

5. What is your opinion about the wage and salary in your organization?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

6. What is your satisfaction level regarding the welfare programmes in your


Highly satisfied Neither Dissatisfied Highly


satisfied nor
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

7. What is your opinion about the recruitment policies in your organization?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

8. How do you feel about the training and development in your organization?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

9. How do you feel about the top management of this organization in making efforts
to identify and utilize the potential of the employees?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

10. What is your opinion about the top level employees guidance to their juniors?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

11. How do you feel about the HR department?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

12. What is your opinion about the current affairs of the organization?

Highly Highly
satisfied satisfied nor Dissatisfied
satisfied dissatisfied
1 2 3 4 5

13. Development of subordinates is seen as an important part of their by the


Strongly Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree nor Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5

14. Before taking any decision, the management consults the


Strongly Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree nor Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5

15. Company recruits people after objective assessment of the merits of each case.

Strongly Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree nor Disagree Agree

1 2 3 4 5

16. The management here is always willing to take into consideration of employee
feelings, interests, and personal needs of his/her originality and creativity.

Strongly Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree nor Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5

17. The employees of this company have many opportunities to the advancement.

Strongly Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree nor Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5

18. The company provides adequate general and technical education to its

Strongly Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree nor Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5

19. The company plans on a regular basis for career development of its employees.

Strongly Neither Agree Strongly

Disagree Agree
Disagree nor Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5

20. Employees belonging to different categories and departments are treated

Impartially by the management of this company.
Strongly Neither Agree Strongly
Disagree Agree
Disagree nor Disagree Agree
1 2 3 4 5



Kothari, Research Methodology,

vikas publications

Uma sekaran, Research Methodology.


Prentice hall of India

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