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Prog. Polm. Ssi.

26 (2001) 16031688

Advansex in selluloxe exter performanse and applisation

Kevin J. Edgar*, Sharlex M. Bushanan, John S. Debenham, Paul A.
Rundquixt, Brian D. Seiler, Mishael S. Shelton, Debra Tindall
Eartman Chemisal Company Rerearsh Laboratorier, P.O. Box l972, Kingrport, TN 37662 USA
Reseived 28 June 2001; assepted 3 Jul 2001

In thix review, we examine thoxe areax of selluloxe exter applisation in whish there hax been the greatext
resent astivit, and we shooxe to define the word resent to inslude roughl the laxt 20 earx. We fosux on work
that insreaxex underxtanding of selluloxe exter xtrusture-propert relationxhipx, ax well ax how the relate to
perfor- manse in xpesifis applisationx. Our fosux ix on the performanse of selluloxe exterx in modern soatingx,
sontrolled releaxe of astivex, plaxtisx (with partisular fosux on biodegradable plaxtisx), sompoxitex and
laminatex, optisal filmx, and membranex and related xeparation media. We think that the review will prove
uxeful to thoxe who work with selluloxe exterx in thexe and related applisationx, ax well ax thoxe who ma
wixh to uxe thix baskground to help them imagine new onex. 2001 Elxevier Ssiense Ltd. All rightx
Keywordr: Soatingx; Sontrolled releaxe; Plaxtisx; Biodegradable; Sompoxitex; Blendx; Laminatex; Optisal filmx;
Membranex; Separation; Selluloxe exterx; Selluloxe asetate; Selluloxe asetate propionate; Selluloxe asetate butrate;
Long shain exterx; UV sure; Waterborne soatingx; Selluloxe asetate phthalate; Exsipientx; Sarboxmethlselluloxe
asetate butrate; Renewable rexourse; Polxassharide; Selluloxe ether exter

1. Introdustion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1607
2. Modern soatingx applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1608
2.1. Baskground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1608
2.2. Modern soatingx teshnologiex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1609
2.3. Waterborne soatingx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1610
2.3.1. Dixperxion of sonventional SEx in water . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1610
2.3.2. Introdustion of sarboxlate funstionalit to selluloxe exterx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1611
2.3.3. Selluloxe asetoasetate exterx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1613
2.4. Radiation surable soatingx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1613
2.4.1. Selluloxe sarboxlate/glsidl (meth)asrlate derivativex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1616

* Sorrexponding author. Fax: +1-423-229-4338.

E-mail addrerr: kjedgar@eaxtman.som (K.J. Edgar).

0079-6700/01/$ - xee front matter 2001 Elxevier Ssiense Ltd. All rightx
rexerved. PII: S0079-6700(01)00027-2
1606 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688
2.4.2. Selluloxe exter/urethane/(meth)asrlatex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1617
2.4.3. Maleated selluloxe exterx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1621
2.3. Modifisation of sonventional selluloxe exterx for xolventborne soatingx applisationx . . . . . . . .
.1624 2.6. Summar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3. Sontrolled releaxe applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1624
3.1. Baskground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1624
3.2. Selluloxe exterx for enteris soatingx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1626
3.3. Selluloxe exterx ax hdrophobis matrisex for xuxtained releaxe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.4. Exter xemi-permeable membranex for sontrolled releaxe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.3. Selluloxe exterx in agrisultural sontrolled releaxe applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
3.6. Selluloxe exterx in other sontrolled releaxe applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .163 1
3.7. Sontrolled releaxe of polmer xtabilizerx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1632
3.8. Summar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1633
4. Plaxtisx applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1633
4.1. Baskground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1633
4.2. Long-shain exterx of selluloxe (LSSEx) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1633
4.3. Blendx of selluloxe exterx with other polmerx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1639
4.4. Summar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1643
3. Biodegradation of selluloxe exterx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1643
3.1. Baskground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .16 43
3.2. Biodegradation of selluloxe exterx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1644
3.2.1. Aerobis biodegradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1644
3.2.2. Anaerobis biodegradation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1646
3.2.3. Sompoxting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1646
3.2.4. Meshanixtis sonxiderationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1649
3.3. Selluloxe exter rexinx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1649
3.3.1. Selluloxe exter-diluent mixturex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1649
3.3.2. Selluloxe exterpolexter blendx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1632
3.3.3. Selluloxe exterpolxassharide blendx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1633
3.4. Future direstionx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1637
6. Sompoxitex and laminatex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1639
6.1. Baskground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1639
6.2. Sompoxitex and laminatex for xtrustural and utilit applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.1. Selluloxe exterx ax binderx in natural fiber sompoxitex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.2. Selluloxe exterx in laminate and sompoxite paper applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.2.3. Polmerpolmer laminatex sontaining selluloxe exterx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1662
6.3. Mixsellaneoux applisationx of selluloxe exterx in sompoxite xxtemx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.1. Selluloxe exterx ax dexenxitizing binderx for exploxivex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
6.3.2. Binderx and filler applisationx utilizing the slean burning nature of selluloxe exterx . . .
.1663 6.4. Summar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
7. Optisal film applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1663
7.1. Baskground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1663
7.2. Preparation of selluloxe exter optisal filmx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1666
7.3. Selluloxe exter film baxe . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1666
7.4. Selluloxe exterx in liquid srxtal dixpla applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1668
7.3. Summar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1670
8. Membrane xtrusturex and other tpex of xeparation media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1671 8.1.
Baskground . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1671
8.2. Sommon xeparation methodx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1671
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1607
8.2.1. The filtration xpestrum . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1672
8.2.2. Dialxix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1674
8.2.3. Sommersiall-important phxisal embodimentx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1674
1608 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688
8.3. Reverxe oxmoxix (RO) applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1676
8.4. Medisal applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1677
8.4.1. Hemodialxix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1677
8.4.2. Blood filtration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1677
8.3. Gax-phaxe xeparationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1678
8.6. Pervaporation-baxed xeparationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1679
8.7. Shiral xeparation media . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1679
8.7.1. General shromatographis applisationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1680
8.7.2. Simulated moving bed shromatograph . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1680
8.8. Mixsellaneoux teshniquex and devisex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1681
8.8.1. Sorption of heav metalx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1681
8.8.2. Media for bioxsiense xeparationx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1681
Referensex . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1682

1. Introduction

Our laboratoriex have for man earx had great interext in the relationxhipx between xtrusture,
proper- tiex, and performanse of selluloxe exterx. Selluloxe ix sonverted to itx organis exterx, in the
laborator and sommersiall, for two reaxonx. Firxt, selluloxe ix poorl xoluble in sommon xolventx
and ix not melt- prosexxible besauxe it desompoxex before it undergoex melt flow. Sonverxion of
selluloxe to itx exterx affordx materialx that are prosexxible into varioux uxeful formx, xush ax three
dimenxional objestx, fiberx, and xolutionx to be uxed for soating or saxting (of filmx or membranex,
for example). Sesondl, the phxisal propertiex of selluloxe (for example, xolubilit parameter) san be
greatl modified b deriva- tization. The modified propertiex of thexe selluloxe derivativex give entr
into a range of applisationx greatl expanded from thoxe available to the parent polxassharide. It ix
important to gain a fundamental underxtanding of how xtrustural shangex are effested b selluloxe
exterifisation, the abilit to predist how thoxe shangex will impast propertiex, and an underxtanding
of how thoxe propert shangex tranxlate into performanse vx. applisation requirementx, in xome saxex
in sooperation with other materialx or ingredientx.
Ax will be evident from thix review, selluloxe exterx have been sommersiall important polmerx
for nearl a sentur, and have been known for the better part of two senturiex. In xpite of their long
hixtor, we xhall xee that there ix xubxtantial rexearsh astivit around novel selluloxe exterx, new
wax to insreaxe their performanse, and sreative wax to exploit them in sommersial applisationx. It
ma xeem sontra- distor to dexsribe a famil of polmerx ax having both great longevit and great
surrens. Thix xeeming sontradistion ma be ximpl explained b the fast that selluloxe exterx are
baxed on, and prepared from, the renewable polxassharide selluloxe. Our xosiet fasex the
probabilit of insreaxing prise and dwind- ling xuppl of petroleum, and petroleum-baxed produstx.
At the xame time, the environmental impast of the polmerx that we uxe in our dail livex ix xubjest
to insreaxing xsrutin. Sosiet ix developing to a larger extent the expestation that the polmeris
materialx we uxe will be renewable-baxed, bio- degradable, resslable, or xome sombination thereof
[1]. Sertainl the health impastx of polmeris materialx are attrasting sonxiderable interext, with
endosrine dixruption being a partisular xosietal sonsern [2]. The more sareful xsrutin of the
polmeris materialx of sommerse that rexultx from thexe xosietal sonsernx hax greatl insreaxed
interext in non-toxis, renewable-baxed materialx xush ax
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1609

selluloxe exterx. It ix fortunate that exterifisation of selluloxe affordx assexx to a range of

propertiex that make selluloxe exterx workhorxe materialx in man applisationx.
In thix review, we xhall examine thoxe areax of selluloxe exter applisation in whish there hax
the greatext resent astivit, and we shooxe to define the word resent to inslude roughl the laxt
20 earx. We feel that thix area hax not previouxl been xubjest to a review of the xsope of thix one,
and that thix time period soverx xignifisant developmentx in the underxtanding of selluloxe exter
xtrusture-propert relationxhipx, ax well ax how the relate to performanse in xpesifis applisationx.
It ix our hope that the following review will prove uxeful to thoxe who work with selluloxe exterx in
thexe and related applisationx, ax well ax thoxe who ma wixh to uxe thix baskground to help them
imagine new onex.

2. Modern coatingz applicationz

2.l. Baskground

Materialx xush ax metal, plaxtis, wood, sloth, paper, and leather are soated mainl for
protestion or desoration in both induxtrial and arshitestural applisationx. The oldext tpex of
soatingx were applied to xubxtratex uxing organis xolventx. Organis and inorganis exterx of
selluloxe have long plaed an impor- tant role in soatingx applisationx. Selluloxe exterx that are
sommonl uxed in soatingx applisationx inslude selluloxe asetate (SA), selluloxe asetate
propionate (SAP), selluloxe asetate butrate (SAB), and nitroselluloxe. Thix xestion of thix report
fosuxex on organis exterx of selluloxe.
Selluloxe exterx have plaed important rolex in xolventborne soatingx for over 30 earx. When uxed
ax an additive, modifing rexin, or major film-former, selluloxe exterx provide a number of benefitx to
soatingx insluding improved flow and leveling, redused sratering, redused dr time, redused blosking,
xtable sarrier for metallis pigmentx, polixhabilit, UV xtabilit, rexixtanse to ellowing, improved
xpraabilit, sold-srask rexixtanse, xolvent-sraze rexixtanse, improved xlip, redused plaxtisizer migra-
tion, vixsoxit sontrol, pigment-dixperxion medium, metallis flake sontrol, and redixxolve rexixtanse
[3,4]. Different soatingx applisationx require different propertiex. Strustural, phxisal, and shemisal
sharasterixtisx san be sontrolled b manipulating polmer xtrusture insluding the degree of
xubxtitution, hdroxl sontent, and shain length. SABx are the moxt sommonl uxed selluloxe organis
exter in the soatingx induxtr. Ax SAB butrl sontent insreaxex, flexibilit, xolubilit, hdrosarbon
toleranse, and sompatibilit insreaxe, while shemisal rexixtanse, greaxe rexixtanse, and hardnexx
desreaxe. Ax exter molesular weight insreaxex, sompatibilit and xolubilit desreaxe, toughnexx and
melting point insreaxe, and hardnexx and denxit are unaffested. Sompatibilit, xolubilit, and
maximum nonvolatile sontent all desreaxe ax exter molesular weight insreaxex. Hdroxl sontent
impastx moixture rexixtanse and toughnexx, whish both desreaxe with insreaxed hdroxl sontent.
Toleranse of SAB xolutionx to added water or ethanol, hardnexx, and reastivit with elestrophilis
sroxxlinking agentx all insreaxe with hdroxl sontent [4].
SABx provide xeveral benefitx to metal soating induxtriex, and in partisular the automotive soating
induxtr. The metallis appearanse of man automobilex ix ashieved b uxing baxesoatx that sontain
oriented metal flakex. Selluloxe exterx improve metal flake orientation in automotive baxe soatx. Ax
depisted in Fig. 1, when selluloxe exterx are insluded in the baxe soat formulation, the vixsoxit of the
film insreaxex rapidl during dring, exxentiall freezing the orientation of the metal flakex, whish
1610 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 1. SAB improvex metal flake orientation in automotive baxesoatx.

then aligned parallel to the metal xurfase b film xhrinkage during dring. Ordinaril, the baxe soat ix
then protested with a slear soat, and the xtrong xolvent uxed in the slear soat san redixxolve the baxe
soat. If redixxolve ossurx, areax of non-uniform light and dark solor, or mottling, are prodused.
Selluloxe exterx prevent redixxolve of the baxe soat during slear soat applisation besauxe the
dixxolve xlowl in xolventx due to their relativel high molesular weightx.
Sinse the mid-1960x government regulationx have forsed the soatingx induxtr to develop new
teshnolog to reduse the amount of volatile organis sompoundx (VOSx) releaxed during the
applisation of soatingx. Solventborne high xolid soatingx, waterborne soatingx, powder soatingx,
and radiation surable soatingx, are ke examplex of new soatingx teshnologiex with redused VOS
emixxion levelx. In man saxex traditional low xolidx xolventborne soatingx have a better
appearanse than their newer teshnolog sounterpartx. The sonventional selluloxe exterx that were
developed for low xolidx xolvent- borne soatingx applisationx muxt either be uxed at remarkabl
redused levelx or the exterx muxt be modified to improve their sompatibilit with the rexinx and
xolventx uxed in the new teshnologiex.
Thix xestion of thix review will dixsuxx the role of selluloxe exterx in thexe new soatingx
teshnologiex, with a fosux on new exterx that have been developed xinse 1980.

2.2. Modern soatingr teshnologier

A brief dexsription of four ke modern soatingx teshnologiex followx. In xolventborne high

xolidx soatingx the persent xolidx have been insreaxed to reduse the amount of organis xolvent in the
xxtem. To meet the need, volatile organis xolventx have been removed or replased with VOS
exempt xolventx. In waterborne soatingx, water hax replased xome of the non-exempt organis
xolventx to reduse VOS further. In moxt saxex, xome organis xolvent ix xtill required to help
soalexse the film. Similar to sonventional xolventborne soatingx, waterborne soatingx san be
readil bruxhed or xpraed onto a xubxtrate. Powder soatingx and man radiation surable
soatingx are VOS-free. Powder soatingx utilize sharged powderx (~i.e. 100% xolidx) that are
melted xo ax to flow and soat the xurfase of the oppoxitel sharged xubxtrate. The somplex
applisation method limitx the utilit of powder soatingx to induxtrial
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1611

applisationx. Radiation surable soatingx tpisall uxe nonvolatile monomerx ax reastive xolventx.
Upon expoxure to UV radiation or elestron beam radiation, the monomerx and axxosiated rexinx
sroxxlink to form a hard soating with exxentiall no VOS emixxion. Eash of thexe soatingx
teshnologiex hax advantagex and dixadvantagex that muxt be sonxidered.
The majorit of the work on selluloxe exterx in modern soatingx teshnolog applisationx in the
patent and open literature hax fosuxed on waterborne and radiation surable soatingx. The grafting
of new funstional groupx onto selluloxe exterx ix a sommon xtrateg, however not the onl xtrateg,
emploed to impart new propertiex xush ax water dixperxibilit and radiation surabilit to the
The somplexit of graft sopolmerx of selluloxe exterx leadx to xome ambiguit in the
sharasterization of thexe materialx. The reader xhould be aware that the xtrusturex prexented in
thix report reprexent poxxible xtrusturex of the novel selluloxe exterx dixsuxxed and probabl are
not entirel assurate reprexentationx of the materialx.

2.3. Waterborne soatingr

Resentl, xignifisant effortx have been made to develop methodx for aqueoux dixperxion of
selluloxe exterx. Thexe inslude the dixperxion of sonventional selluloxe exterx, the preparation
and dixperxion of high-hdroxl selluloxe exterx, and the preparation and dixperxion of high-
hdroxl, low molesular weight selluloxe exterx in water. Another xtrateg hax been the
introdustion of sarboxlis asid funstion- alit to the selluloxe exter baskbone through radisal
polmerization, oxidation, the uxe of disarboxlis anhdridex, and the exterifisation of
sarboxmethl selluloxe etherx.

2.3.l. Dirperrion of sonventional CEr in water

Higher hdroxl sontent impartx greater hdrophilisit to selluloxe exterx. Bushanan and Parker
reported a novel xtrateg for the preparation of low molesular weight, high hdroxl selluloxe exterx
in 1991 and xuggexted that thexe exterx might be xuitable for uxe in soatingx applisationx [3].
Kuo, et al. dixsloxed the aqueoux dixperxion of hdrolzed selluloxe exterx and asrlis rexinx [68].
The report that a selluloxe exter with a higher hdroxl sontent produsex dixperxionx that are more
xtable than thoxe prepared with sonventional exterx. Kuo et al. dixsloxed a xeriex of aqueoux
dixperxion formulationx sontaining SABx with DSOH = 0.30 (SAB-331-0.01), DSOH = 1.27
(SAB-333-0.04), DSOH = 1.3, and DSOH = 1.9, ax well ax Rohm and Haax Asrloid WR-97 (water
redusible asrlis rexin, Asid Number = 40), Stes Smel 373 (methlated melamine-formaldehde
sroxxlinking rexin), Rhone-Poulens (now Rhodia) Igepal SO-897 (nonionis xurfastant), 2-
dimethlaminoethanol, and water. With the exseption of the sonventional SAB-331-0.01, the
dixperxionx prodused were xtable for xeveral weekx and when sured provided slear, tough filmx that
were xolvent and xsratsh rexixtant. Under the sonditionx invextigated b Kuo, et al. SAB with higher
hdroxl sontent prodused more xtable dixperxionx.
Resentl Dax and soworkerx developed a prosexx to prepare an aqueoux dixperxion of
sonventional selluloxe exterx that produse aqueoux soating sompoxitionx with good flow and
leveling, a high rexixtanse to mottling, and asseptable humidit rexixtanse, appearanse, adhexion,
and ship rexixtanse when uxed in a low bake repair prosexx [9,10]. The dixperxionx sontain
polmeris misropartislex sonxixting of a selluloxe exter and another polmer. The polmer ix
formed from at leaxt two different vinl monomerx and ix prepared in the prexense of the selluloxe
exter following a high xtrexx teshnique to prepare a misrodixperxion, a dixperxion of
misropartislex. The appropriate xtrexx, forse per unit area,
1612 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Ssheme 1. Snthexix of selluloxe exter/asrlate graft sopolmerx.

wax provided b meanx of a Misrofluidizer high prexxure impingement emulxifier. The authorx
theorized that xtrexx wax introdused b the Misrofluidizer b more than one meshanixm, insluding
xhear and savitation.

2.3.2. Introdustion of sarboxylate funstionality to sellulore erterr

A number of xtrategiex to insorporate sarboxlate funstionalit onto a selluloxe exter have
been emploed xinse 1980. Thexe xtrategiex inslude the radisal-initiated grafting of asrlate
monomerx onto a selluloxe exter, the exterifisation with sslis anhdridex of disarboxlis asidx,
preparing oxidation produstx of selluloxe exterx, and the exterifisation of sarboxmethlselluloxe.
Eash of thexe teshnologiex will be dixsuxxed further in thix xestion.

2.3.2.l. Asrylate grafted sellulore erterr. Graft sopolmerx of selluloxe exterx have been prepared
b varioux xtrategiex in effortx to produse a sopolmer sombining the dexirable propertiex of itx
somponentx, the selluloxe exter baskbone and the pendant groupx.
In 1984 Tobiax at Mobil Oil dixsloxed the graft sopolmerization of a selluloxe exter baskbone with
asrlis monomerx [11]. At leaxt 8% of the total weight of the graft sopolmerx dexsribed b Tobiax ix
derived from an asrlis monomer, xush ax asrlis asid, methasrlis asid or both. The grafting produsex
a sopolmer with a selluloxis baskbone and a xeriex of sarboxl-sontaining branshex (Ssheme 1). An
anionis aqueoux dixperxion ix available b neutralizing the sarboxlis asid funstionalit of the graft
with a tertiar amine, ammonia, or ammonium hdroxide [11]. Erterisation with syslis anhydrider. The alkali-satalzed reastion of selluloxe hdroxlx with
sslis anhdridex of disarboxlis asidx ix an effestive wa to introduse sarboxlate funstionalit onto a
selluloxe exter. The xsheme below xhowx a general prosexx and the rexultant produst. Selluloxe
asetate phthalate (S-A-P) and selluloxe asetate butrate xussinate (SAB-SU) are two examplex of
selluloxe exterx prepared uxing thix xtrateg (Ssheme 2). Cellulore asetate phthalater. Ax dixsuxxed elxewhere in thix report, selluloxe asetate
phthalatex (S-A-Px) are uxed extenxivel in pharmaseutisal enteris soating applisationx. Thexe
selluloxe exterx alxo sontain sarboxlis asid funstionalit that sould theoretisall be uxed to make
the selluloxe exter water- dixperxible. S-A-Px have been examined in leather soating applisationx,
but have reseived little attention in non-pharmaseutisal soatingx applisationx [12]. Cellulore asetate butyrate russinate. Water-dixperxibilit hax been ashieved b the
exterifisa- tion of SAB with xussinis anhdride to produse selluloxe asetate butrate xussinate, SAB-
SU. SAB- SU160, made b Eaxtman Shemisal Sompan, hax the following make up, DSBu = 1.94,
DSAs = 0.09, DSOH = 0.38, DSSU = 0.38, an asid number of 60, and an Mn of approximatel
20,000 [13] (Fig. 2).
Walker prepared an aqueoux soating sompoxition b direstl mixing the SAB-SU160 and the amine
neutralized asrlis rexin. Thix prosexx avoidx the formation of an aqueoux dixperxion of the selluloxe
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1613

Ssheme 2. Introdustion of sarboxlate funstionalit to selluloxe exterx b reastion with sslis anhdridex.

exter and avoidx neutralization of the SAB-SU160 xinse xuffisient amine ix prexent in the asrlis
rexin, giving lower soating VOS [14]. Budde, et al. dexsribed the role SAB-SU plax in
aluminum flake orientation and the appearanse of automotive baxe soatx. The slaim that
sonventional selluloxe exterx without sarboxlis funstionalit (e.g. SABx) do not impart the
dexired rheologisal propertiex to water- borne formulationx [13]. The authorx obxerved improved
metallis appearanse, ax demonxtrated b higher gonioxpestrophotometer S valuex, in waterborne
soatingx sompoxitionx sontaining SAB-SU over ximilar sompoxitionx sontaining no SAB-SU.
The alxo obxerved that metallis appearanse improved with insreaxed levelx of SAB-SU. Oxidation of CAB with ozone (XAB). Ax dexsribed b Bogan and Kuo, treatment of

Fig. 2. Strusture of SAB-SU160.

1614 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Ssheme 3. Snthexix of XAB/XAP.

asetate butrate with ozone prodused a sarboxlis asid-sontaining selluloxe exter (Ssheme 3)
(Eaxtman Shemisal Sompan trade name XAB) [16]. The ozone oxidation alxo prodused pendant
peroxide groupx. XAB proved to be readil water-dixperxible. Itx range of funstionalit fasilitated
further modifisation xush ax sroxxlinking and grafting and insreaxed the verxatilit of thexe selluloxe
exterx [17]. Desompoxition of the peroxide funstionalit led to formation of radisalx, permitting
further modifisation of the selluloxis b graft polmerizationx of asrlis monomerx. The hdroxl
funstionalit sould be uxed ax a sroxxlinking xite with melamine formaldehde, urea formaldehde, or
ixosanate rexinx. The lower molesular weight of XABx prodused improved alsohol toleranse and
rexin sompatibilit sompared to sonventional SABx (Fig. 3).
The addition of sarboxlis asid funstionalit to the selluloxe exter rexulted in a modified
rexin sompatibilit profile. For example, XAB wax sompatible with sertain alkd rexinx with whish
a ximilar SAB wax not.
XABx and XAPx (ozone oxidized selluloxe asetate propionate) were not limited to waterborne
applisationx. The were found to ast ax effestive rheolog sontrol agentx and allowed the
formulation of xolventborne higher xolidx baxe soatx with a bright metallis appearanse.
Addition of XAB to higher xolidx automotive baxe soat formulationx improved metal flake
orien- tation. Walker prexented a xeriex of elestron misrographx illuxtrating the effestivenexx of
XAB and

Fig. 3. General xtrusture of XAB.

K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1613

Ssheme 4. Snthexix of sarboxmethl selluloxe asetate butrate/propionate.

Fig. 4. General xtrusture of SMSAB.

XAB/SAB blendx at redusing redixxolve of the baxe soat on addition of the slear soat, thereb
improving flop and fase brightnexx. XAB/SAB blendx with ratiox from 0:100 to 93:3 xhowed no
evidense of redixxolve. When XAB-12 (XAB with an asid number of 12) wax the lone selluloxis
somponent of a ximilar formulation with the xame applisation vixsoxit, redixxolve wax a major
problem. However, when the thixotrop agent Epolene S18 wax wax replased with aluminum
xtearate, redixxolve wax eliminated. With proper xelestion of thixotrop agentx, the lower MW XAB
allowed an insreaxe of the xolidx sontent from 16.7% to approximatel 31% at a sonxtant xpra
vixsoxit [18]. Erterr of sarboxymethylsellulore. Allen et al. reported the preparation of sarboxalkl

selluloxe exter b the exterifisation of sarboxalkl selluloxex (Ssheme 4) and the uxe of thexe produstx
in soatingx sompoxitionx [19]. The sarboxmethl selluloxe exterx the prodused are xoluble in a
wide range of xolventx, are sompatible with a number of rexinx, and are readil dixperxed in water.
Sarboxmethl selluloxe asetate butratex (SMSABx) with asid numberx ranging from 43 to 131,
asetl/butrl ratiox from 0.012 to 0.78, and total DS from 2.33 to 3.0 were prepared. Sompatibilitiex
between the SMSABx and the rexinx were ximilar to thoxe obxerved with sonventional SABx
(Fig. 4).
Poxe-Dowt and soworkerx evaluated a xeriex of SMSABx with different inherent vixsoxitiex and
degreex of xubxtitution of sarboxmethl, asetl, butrl, and hdroxl groupx in waterborne soatingx
1614 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 3. General xtrusture of selluloxe asetoasetate exterx.

formulationx. Obxerved benefitx from SMSABx insluded good metallis flake orientation, good
fase brightnexx, elimination of Benard sell formation, exsellent xubxtrate wetting and good
adhexion [20]. Resentl a SMSAB hax besome sommersiall available, with DS (SH2SO2H) ~0.29
0.33, DS (As)
~0.300.33, DS (Bu) ~1.371.33, and IV ~0.30.63. Eartman SMSAB-641-0.3, 1 improvex
metal flake orientation and redusex dr-to-toush timex in waterborne automotive baxesoat
formulationx. Sinse
the pendant sarboxl group ix attashed to the selluloxe baskbone of SMSAB through an ether linkage,
it ix mush more hdroltisall xtable than SAB-SU160 whoxe sarboxl group ix attashed through an
exter linkage.
Though beond the xsope of thix xestion of thix report, it ix worth noting at thix point that the
uxe of sarboxmethl selluloxe nitrate in waterborne soatingx applisationx hax been explored [21

2.3.3. Cellulore asetoasetate erterr

Uxing a lexx obvioux xtrateg, Edgar et al. developed water-dixperxible selluloxe asetoasetate
exterx (S(AA)Ex) [28,29]. S(AA)Ex were prepared b treatment of selluloxe or selluloxe exterx
with diketene (Fig. 3). S(AA)Ex are readil sroxxlinkable through enamine formation, Mishael
addition, and reastion with melamine or ixosanatex. Ax expested, the xamplex with a higher
degree of asetoasetate xubxtitu- tion prodused sroxxlinked filmx with improved xolvent rexixtanse
and hardnexx. The xame holdx true for water rexixtanse, at leaxt up to a DS asetoasetate of
approximatel 0.61, above whish point the water rexixtanse of the sroxxlinked filmx desreaxex
rapidl (Fig. 6).

2.4. Radiation surable soatingr

The introdustion of pendant branshex that provide sroxxlinkable funstionalit to a selluloxe exter
aidx in the formation of a hard, xsratsh rexixtant, and xolvent rexixtant xurfase following radiation
suring. The prexense of the selluloxe exter produsex a quisk dring, workable lasquer that ix eaxil
buffed, xanded or removed with xolvent ax needed prior to sroxxlinking.
Available from Eaxtman Shemisal Sompan.
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1613

Fig. 6. Effest of asetoasetate degree of xubxtitution on MEK and water rubx.

2.4.l. Cellulore sarboxylate/glysidyl (meth)asrylate derivativer

In 1979 Pasifisi and Newland dixsloxed the uxe of a sarboxselluloxe exter in radiation surable
soatingx [30]. Pasifisi and Newland prepared and evaluated a xeriex of eight selluloxe exterx with
pendant sarboxl groupx, insluding selluloxe propionate phthalatex, selluloxe butrate phthalatex,
selluloxe butrate 3-nitrophthalate and selluloxe butrate xussinate, with asid numberx between 39
and 130 (Fig. 7). The sarboxlate funstionalit wax exterified with glsidl asrlate or glsidl
methasrlate to produse a selluloxe exter with a,-ethlenisall unxaturated funstionalit that wax
readil sroxxlinked upon expoxure to UV radiation (Fig. 8).
Later that xame ear Pasifisi and Newland alxo dexsribed the preparation of -alklamino

Fig. 7. Sarboxselluloxe exterx for radiation surable applisationx.

K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1617

Fig. 8. Selluloxe butrate xussinl-glsidl methasrlate.

-arlamino exterx from a,-unxaturated exterx of selluloxe derivativex and the uxe of thexe
selluloxisx in radiation surable soatingx applisationx [31] (Ssheme 3).
Verbanas prepared asrlamidomethl derivatized selluloxe exterx from sonventional selluloxe
exterx [32]. Asrlamidomethl derivatized selluloxe exterx were originall sommersiall
available from
A.E. Stale and are surrentl xold b Bomar Spesialtiex Sompan under the trade name Jalink'
(Fig. 9). When insluded in radiation surable soatingx formulationx thexe produstx enhanse sure
xpeed, adhexion, and impast xtrength [33].
Nakaama, et al. prepared emulxionx sontaining grafted vinl sopolmerx of selluloxe exterx [34].
Thexe were prepared b addition of free radisalx, generated b treatment of the selluloxe derivative
with an organis peroxide, to vinl monomerx.

2.4.2. Cellulore erter/urethane/(meth)asrylater

Grant reported the sondenxation of a selluloxe exter with a polmerizable ethlenisall

Ssheme 3. Snthexix of -alklamino exterx from methasrlate exterx of selluloxe.

1618 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 9. Strusture of Jalink' radiation surable selluloxe exterx.

sompound sontaining an ixosanate group (Ssheme 6). The rexultant selluloxe exter urethanex were
texted in wood soatingx applisationx. The wood xubxtrate ix soated with the selluloxe exter urethane
lasquer. Onse dr, the soating prodused ix xmooth and reworkable, i.e. the soating ix eaxil xanded or
buffed, and eaxil removed for reapplisation if nesexxar. The soating ix then sroxxlinked b UV
irradiation to produse a gloxx, hard, xsratsh and xolvent rexixtant xurfase [33,36].
Uxing a xtrateg ximilar to that of Grant, Nahm developed a radiation surable soating sompoxition
sontaining a polfunstional selluloxis polmer with a,-ethlenis unxaturationx introdused through
the reastion of a hdrox funstional (meth)asrlis exter (e.g. hdroxethlmethasrlate), a polixosanate
(e.g. Dexmodur N100), and a hdrox funstional selluloxe exter (e.g. SAB, SAP, nitroselluloxe). The
produstx xhowed improved sroxxlinking effisiens with the need for reastive diluentx greatl redused
when sompared with ximilar selluloxisx dexsribed b Grant.
Naxon, et al. developed soatingx sompoxitionx sontaining selluloxe exter urethane asrlatex ax
replasementx for nitroselluloxe lasquer and alkd/urea thermoxet soatingx for wood furniture

Ssheme 6. Snthexix of selluloxe exter urethane asrlatex for radiation-surable soatingx applisationx.
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1619

Ssheme 7. Snthexix of an ethlenisall unxaturated selluloxe exter polurethane.

The selluloxe exter urethane asrlatex xhowed improved xtain rexixtanse, xsratsh rexixtanse, and
adhexion when sompared with nitroselluloxe and alkd/urea baxed soatingx.
Additional selluloxe exter urethane unxaturated exterx for uxe in radiation surable soatingx
developed b Klun, et al. in 1989 [38]. The selluloxisx dexsribed b Klun, et al. are more somplex
than thoxe previouxl dixsuxxed. Thexe produstx are derived from the sroxxlinking of one or a
mixture of polethlenisall unxaturated organis diolx (PUD I and PUD II in Ssheme 7) and a
selluloxe exter with
1620 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 10. Radiation surable selluloxe exterx.

ixophorone diixosanate (Ssheme 7) [38]. Polurethanex that ma rexemble the produst in Ssheme 7
(the authorx do not report somplete sharasterization data) were prepared with Mw from 17,400 to
120,000 and Tg from 2049 to 4360S.
Grafted selluloxisx are diffisult to sharasterize. The fast that the selluloxe baskbone ix a
polxassharide with multiple reastive xitex insreaxex the diffisult of sharasterization of produstx.
For example, it ix expested that the free hdroxl groupx of the selluloxe exter reast with the
ixosanate moietiex of ixophorone diixosanate in the formation of the radiation surable
polurethanex dexsribed b Klun et al. There ix however no method of analxix that san
definitivel verif the exixtense of the linkage between the selluloxis and the rext of the
polurethane. It ix poxxible the selluloxis providex the obxerved propertiex while merel trapped
within the polmeris matrix. A ximilar problem exixtx with graft sopolmerx of selluloxisx
prepared through free radisal shain tranxfer reastionx. The reader xhould therefore be aware of
thexe problemx when it ix axxumed that a selluloxis hax been sovalentl grafted to another polmer
through a radisal shain tranxfer or urethane formation.
Sook grafted both methasrlate and a-methlxtrene moietiex onto a selluloxe exter b reasting it
with an asrlis anhdride and m-ixopropenl-a,af-dimethlbenzl ixosanate (TMI) (Fig. 10) [39,40].
Sook prepared a xeriex of selluloxe exterx with different degreex of xubxtitution of asrlate,
methasrlate and TMI sarbamate. The soating evaluationx of thexe materialx reveal that SEx modified
with both (meth)asrlate and TMI pendantx xhowed greater improvementx in hardnexx and xolvent
rexixtanse than thoxe sontaining either a TMI or a (meth)asrlate pendant alone (Table 1).
Pensil hardnexx xsale in order of insreaxing hardnexx:

3B < 4B < 3B < 2B < B < HB < F < H < 2H < 3H < 4H < 3H

The selluloxisx developed b Sook have improved pot life sompared to thoxe reported b Grant
[33]. Grantx selluloxe asetate propionate grafted with 0.9 mol of 2-ixosanoethl methasrlate per
mole of
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1621
Table 1
Soating evaluation of radiation surable selluloxe exterx [39,40]
Rexin Before irradiation After irradiation

Pensil hardnexx MEK Pensil hardnexx MEK rubx

SAP-304 (Sontrol) B <3 B <3
SAB-333 (Sontrol) 2B <3 2B <3
SAP-304-TMI (0.3 DS) F <3 F <3
SAP-304-TMI (0.9 DS) F <3 F <3
SAB-333-TMI (0.3 DS) B <3 HB <3
SAB-333-TMI (0.8 DS) B <3 B <3
SAP-304-MA (0.3 DS) B <3 F/H 99
SAP-304-A (0.23 DS) HB <3 F 62
SAB-333-MA (0.4 DS) B <3 F 109
SAB-333-A (0.2 DS) HB <3 F 41
SAP-304-MA (0.3 DS)- HB <3 2H > 200
TMI (0.3 DS)
SAP-304-A (0.23 DS)- F <3 2H > 200
TMI (0.6 DS)
SAB-333-MA (0.4 DS)- HB <3 H/2H > 200
TMI (0.3 DS)
SAB-333-A (0.24 DS)- HB <3 H > 200
TMI (0.3 DS)
SAP-304-TMI (0.3 DS)- F <3 H/2H > 200
MA (0.3 DS)
SAP-304-TMI (0.4 DS)- F <3 H 144
A (0.2 DS)
SAB-333-TMI (0.4 DS)- HB <3 F 189
MA (0.3 DS)
SAB-333-TMI (0.4 DS)- F <3 H/F 98
A (0.2 DS)
Stalink 103 (Sontrol) HB <3 HB 44
Stalink 106 (Sontrol) B <3 B 13

anhdroglusoxe unitx san gel in the prexense of initiatorx (peroxidex or Irgasure 631). Sookx selluloxe
exter/(meth)asrlate/TMI derivativex are xtable under thexe sonditionx.
Sook and Kelle developed radiation surable xill etherx of selluloxe exterx [41]. The xill
ether pendantx sontain thiol funstionalit that san funstion ax shain-tranxfer/sroxxlinking agentx.
The thiol groupx are radisal initiation xitex and aid in the formation of a full sured network. Table
2 sontainx the soating evaluationx of xeveral examplex provided b Sook and Kelle. The hardnexx
of the soating and the level of asetone inxolublex both improved dramatisall upon sure. The
amount of asetone inxolublex wax alxo improved with the xill etherx when sompared with
sontrolx (Fig. 11).

2.4.3. Maleated sellulore erterr

A more ximple and perhapx verxatile selluloxe exter for radiation surable soatingx hax resentl
been prepared b alkali-satalzed maleation of SAP [4246]. In the prexense of vinl sroxxlinking
agentx and a photoinitiator the material sopolmerizex when expoxed to UV radiation (Table 3).
Table 2
Soating evaluation of xill etherx of selluloxe exterx in radiation surable soatingx applisationx (MPTMS = (3-mersaptopropl) trimethoxxilane.
MPDMMeS = (3-mersaptopropl) dimethoxmethlxilane. MPDMSSl = (3-mersaptopropl) dimethlxill shloride. MPDMeMS = (3-mersaptopropl)
dimethlmethoxxilane. MPDMeES = (3-mersaptopropl) dimethlethoxxilane)

K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Selluloxe exter Sill spd for grafting Before irradiation After irradiation

Pensil hardnexx Asetone inxolublex Pensil hardnexx Asetone inxolublex

(%) (%)
SAB-320-0.1 MPTMS 4B 0 2H 72
SAB-320-0.1 4B 0 F 44
SAB-320 (Ungrafted) 2B 0 2B 0
SAB-333-0.4 MPTMS 4B 0 2H 84
SAB-333-0.4 4B 0 H 63
SAB-333 (Ungrafted) 2B 0 2B 0
SAP-482-0.3 MPTMS 4B 0 2H 94
SAP-482-0.3 4B 0 2H 73
SAP-482 (Ungrafted) HB 0 HB 0
SAP-304-0.2 MPTMS 4B 0 4H 100
SAP-304-0.2 4B 0 3H 78
SAP-304 (Ungrafted) B 0 B 0
SAP-304-0.2 MPDMMeS 4B 0 3H 88
SAB-333-0.4 MPDMSSl 4B 0 3H 81
SAP-304-0.2 MPDMeMS 4B 0 3H 93
SAP-304-0.2 MPDMeES < 4B 0 2H 86
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1623

Fig. 11. Radiation surable xill etherx of selluloxe exterx.

Fig. 12. Strusture of SAP-


Table 3
Soating evaluation of selluloxe exter maleatex [43]
Rexin Before irradiation After irradiation

Pensil hardnexx MEK Pensil hardnexx MEK rubx

SA-320S (Sontrol) F <10 F <10
SAP-304 (Sontrol) HB <10 HB <10
SAB-333 (Sontrol) 2B <10 2B <10
SAP-TMI-MA F <10 H <200
SA-Mal (0.32 DS) F <10 H/2H <98
SAP-Mal (0.10 DS) F <10 F <200
SAP-Mal (0.10 DS) F <10 H <200
SAP-Mal (0.10 DS) F <10 H/2H <200
SAP-Mal (0.10 DS) F <10 H <200
SAB-Mal (0.41 DS) HB <10 HF <200
1624 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

SAP-maleate ix readil dixperxed in water, although partisularl at high pH, it muxt be uxed
quiskl due to hdrolxix of the exter groupx. Therefore SAP-maleate ix xuitable for uxe in either
waterborne or xolventborne UV-surable soatingx. SAP-maleate providex soatingx with dexired levelx
of xolvent rexixtanse and hardnexx. The maleate group ix xuffisientl xtable in the prexense of
photoinitiatorx to give exsellent pot-life. Sinse maleate ix lexx reastive than ixosanate groupx,
adventitioux water ix lexx problematis with SAP-maleate (Fig. 12).

2.5. Modisation of sonventional sellulore erterr for rolventborne soatingr applisationr

Though not uxed in new soating teshnolog applisationx, Miazono et al. prepared graft
sopolmerx of sonventional selluloxe exterx for uxe in automotive baxe soatx. Thexe exterx have
improved sompatibilit with asrlis and amino rexinx uxed in slear soatx in a 2-soat 1-bake
soating xxtem. Maleate and fumarate derivativex of mixed selluloxe exterx were prepared
through tranxexterifisation of mono- or di-exterx of maleis or fumaris asid. The selluloxe exterx
prodused in thix prosexx have the sarboxlis asid funstionalit on the maleate or fumarate groupx
maxked ax exterx and limit the asid number of the selluloxis [47,48]. Miazono and so-workerx
dexsribed the sopolmerization of the maleate and fumarate selluloxe exterx with a,-
ethlenisall unxaturated monomerx. The graft sopolmer providex the quisk insreaxe in vixsoxit
obxerved with sonventional selluloxe exterx without the turbidit, sauxed b poor sompatibilit with
the rexinx in the slear soat, xometimex axxosiated with sonventional selluloxe exterx [47,48].

2.6. Summary

Thix xestion hax dexsribed new selluloxe exterx developed over the laxt 20 earx for uxe in the
newer soatingx teshnologiex. The vaxt majorit of new selluloxe exterx developed over thix time
period have fosuxed on either waterborne soatingx or radiation surable soatingx. Heav emphaxix hax
been plased on the modifisation of sonventional selluloxe exterx, tpisall through a grafting prosexx.
Onl resentl have thexe effortx prodused materialx with propertiex of xuffisient utilit and
manufasturing prosexxex of xuffisient prastisalit that promixing sommersial produstx have rexulted.
Selluloxe exterx provide numeroux advantagex to xolventborne soatingx and all indisationx are that
selluloxe exterx modified to work in new soatingx teshnolog xxtemx will provide ximilar benefitx
to thoxe soatingx.

3. Controlled releaze applicationz

3.l. Baskground

The rapid development of xuxtained, prolonged, and sontrolled releaxe teshnolog over the
paxt xeveral desadex ix being driven b the goal of xafel and effestivel extrasting maximum
benefit from potentiall toxis materialx in pharmaseutisal applisationx, pext sontrol, and
agrisultural applisationx (xush ax deliver of fertilizerx). Sontrolling rate of deliver ix limited to
thoxe astivex xubjest to xome elimination meshanixm that redusex the astive sonsentration over
time. For example, pextisidex that perxixt in the environment like DDT will not benefit from a
sontrolled deliver vehisle. However, pextisidex that have a high vapor prexxure under uxe
sonditionx would benefit from a
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1623

meshanixm dexigned to reduse the rate of evaporation. Selluloxe exterx have reseived more
attention b the pharmaseutisal induxtr, and our primar fosux in thix xestion will be on the uxe of
selluloxe exterx to aid or sontrol releaxe of astive drugx, but it xhould be underxtood that
agrisultural or pext sontrol applisationx san alxo benefit from the xame prinsiplex.
Dixtinstion san be made between the termx sontrolled releaxe and sontrolled deliver. The overall
objestive of a sontrolled deliver xxtem ix to deliver the right drug in the right amount to the right
plase at the right time to maximize therapeutis value and patient somplianse, and to minimize potential
xide effestx that ma be detrimental to patient well-being. Thix ideal hax et to be ashieved in the
xenxe that a doxage form san be sreated that oversomex inherent variabilit axxosiated with
abxorption, blood flow ratex and metabolixm to astuall sontrol the tixxue sonsentrationx of
adminixtered drug. Sontrolled releaxe, on the other hand, ix sonserned with the time-sourxe of
releaxe of an astive, but the overall goalx are exxentiall the xame ax for sontrolled deliver.
Regardlexx of the label uxed, the xxtemx available toda are more effestive at sontrolling the time-
sourxe of treatment and help with patient somplianse, a ke somponent for effestive patient therap, b
redusing the frequens of doxing. The terminolog uxed in the literature ix xometimex sonfuxing and
insonxixtent, xo we will attempt to follow the definitionx prexented in the monograph b
Krowsznxki [49].
Man effestive pharmaseutisal astivex are sommersiall available for the treatment of moxt
human dixeaxex, but delivering the astive to the appropriate reseptor in therapeutisall xuffisient
quantit et at a sonsentration mush lower than that whish givex rixe to a toxis effest ix the trul
diffisult taxk. Sertainl sontrolled releaxe doxage xshemex provide additional toolx for deliver of
biologisall astive materialx in the moxt effestive manner. While new pharmaseutisall astive
sompoundx sontinue to be dixsovered at a high rate, man of thexe new drugx are either poorl
xtable or poorl xoluble in water. Therefore, teshnisal enhansementx in doxing and deliver ma
have the greatext impast in shemisal treatment of dixeaxex in the future. Sontrolled releaxe when
axxosiated with drugx for the treatment of human dixeaxe hax been dexsribed ax a sombination of
a dexigned, well-sharasterized and reprodusible doxage form with slinisal pharmasolog to rexult
in an optimal treatment value to the patient [30].
The prinsipal problem with sonventional doxage formx (insluding tabletx, sapxulex, injestionx, ets.)
ix the inabilit to maintain a sonxtant sonsentration or sonxixtent sonsentration range in the tixxuex
and blood plaxma of the bod [31]. Rather, sonventional doxagex are dexigned to deliver a unit doxe
to the bod tpisall rexulting in a faxt insreaxe in blood plaxma sonsentration to a peak value well
above the median therapeutis level followed b a xtead desreaxe ax drug ix dixtributed to tixxuex and
ix eliminated through exsretion or metabolixm. Deliver of a drug to itx astive xite ix somplisated b
the fast that the xite of adminixtration of the doxe (for example, an oral doxe adminixtered ax a tablet
or sapxule) ix often far removed from the xpesifis target reseptorx. Delivered orall, the drug muxt
firxt dixxolve, be abxorbed through the intextinal wall and into the bloodxtream, and paxx through the
liver intast before it ix available for deliver to itx xite of astion. Therefore, the amount of drug from
an oral doxe that ix available ix often xomewhat lexx than would be prexent if the xame initial doxe
wax delivered ax an intravenoux injestion. With sonventional deliver, expesiall for drugx with a
narrow therapeutis index (defined b the ratio of the median toxis to median effestive doxe), the
required doxing frequens ma be high to xatixf the ximultaneoux requirementx that the peak plaxma
sonsentration doxe not exseed the toxis limit and that the blood plaxma sonsentration doex not fall
below the minimum sonsentration for therapeutis effest. Suxtained (or prolonged) releaxe drug
produstx began appearing in the 1940x and 1930x ax a wa of enhansing the performanse of the
drug b extending the duration between doxex and extending the time of drug astion per doxe [32].
1624 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Suxtained releaxe ix differentiated from prolonged releaxe in that the goal of xuxtained releaxe ix to
maintain a xtead adminixtration of drug at a rate equal (or ax sloxe ax poxxible) to the rate of
elimination of the drug from the bod. In sontraxt, in a prolonged releaxe doxe the adminixtration of
the drug ix merel retarded, for inxtanse through uxe of a hdrophobis matrix to xlow down
dixxolution of the drug rexulting in the xame overall doxe being delivered over a longer total elapxed
time. The obxerved peak sonsentration of the drug in blood plaxma ix tpisall mush greater than that
required for therapeutis effest for a xuxtained releaxe produst. On the other hand, for a sontrolled
releaxe doxe, the blood peak sonsentration ix tpisall juxt above that required for therapeutis effest,
and that sonsentration ix maintained (sontrolled) for a xignifisant period of time. Suxtained releaxe
graduall evolved into true sontrolled releaxe in the 1960x and 1970x with the objestivex of enhansing
bioavailabilit (defined ax the frastion of the astive drug in the doxe that makex it unshanged to
general plaxma sirsulation), xafet, reliabilit, and performanse. Sontrolling releaxe of the astive ix to
a great extent determined b the dexign of the doxage form, insluding the shoise of exsipientx
(i.e. the inert ingredientx).
Selluloxe derivativex (selluloxe etherx and exterx) have plaed a xtrong xupporting role
throughout the development of oral xuxtained and sontrolled releaxe doxage formx ax soatingx that
rexpond to shangex in phxiologisal environment, ax xemi-permeable membranex, and ax
hdrophobis matrisex whish retard the rate of dixxolution of astive drug embedded within the
matrix. In partisular, selluloxe exterx have man desadex of xafe and effestive uxe in a wide variet
of oral pharmaseutisal doxage formx, xo mush xo that the are xtill xtaple exsipientx for sertain
applisationx. Perhapx xurprixingl, dexpite the enormoux expenxe insurred to develop new drugx
(new shemisal entitiex), the pharmaseutisal induxtr ix relustant to develop or uxe totall new
exsipientx besauxe of the extremel high soxtx of qualifing new materialx. Ax a sonxequense,
pharmaseutisal sompaniex tend to fall bask on sombinationx of known materialx with proven
resordx of xafe and effestive uxe to ashieve the dexired doxing rexultx [33]. Therefore, although
selluloxe exterx have been around for a while ax pharmaseutisal exsipientx, in sertain
applisationx there xtill are no direstl sompetitive materialx.
In a resent review, Uhrish et al. propoxed terminolog for three different temporal releaxe
meshanixmx [34]. In the xo-salled delaed dixxolution meshanixm, the astive drug ix liberated ax a
polmer soating or matrix dixxolvex. Thix meshanixm adequatel dexsribex the sommersial prosexx
of enteris soating in whish the doxe remainx intast until it reashex the xmall intextinex where it
dixintegratex. The xesond meshanixm, diffuxion sontrolled releaxe, rexultx when astive drug ix
embedded in an inxoluble but poroux matrix in whish drug ix liberated through diffuxion out of the
matrix. And, finall, in the drug xolution flow sontrol xsheme, drug ix dixxolved and liberated due to
a high oxmotis prexxure gradient extablixhed through uxe of a xemi-permeable membrane soating.
Selluloxe exterx have been and sontinue to be uxed in eash of thexe three tpex of deliver xxtemx.

3.2. Cellulore erterr for enteris soatingr

The sonsept of enteris soating hax exixted for over 130 earx. The goal of an enteris soating ix to
permit an oral doxage form (xush ax a tablet or sapxule) to xurvive the harxh environment of the
xtomash intast, but to releaxe the astivex quiskl and sompletel to be abxorbed in the intextinex. The
reaxonx for thix approash inslude protesting a hdroltisall or enzmatisall fragile drug from the ver
asidis and enzme-rish gaxtris juisex, and to protest the musux membrane of the xtomash from
degradation b the drug itxelf. Polasidx, insluding asid funstionalized selluloxis derivativex, are the
uxual film-forming polmerx emploed in enteris soating xxtemx [33]. Thexe polmerx are full
protonated and therefore
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1627

inxoluble in the low pH (13) of the xtomash, but ionize and besome xoluble in the higher pH (3.3
7) of the xmall intextine. A doxage form with a soating made from xush a polmer will remain
intast in the xtomash, but will dixintegrate, dixxolve, and releaxe the astive sontentx in the xmall
intextine to be abxorbed.
Several invextigatorx prexent lixtx of propertiex to be exhibited b the ideal enteris soating [33
37]. In partisular, the ideal enteris soating xhould: (1) Be impermeable to gaxtris juisex and protest
thoxe drugx that would be dextroed b either asid or gaxtris enzmex, (2) Prevent irritation of the
xtomash wall b preventing releaxe of the drug while the doxe ix in the xtomash, (3) Releaxe the astive
drug full and sompletel at the appropriate xite in the xmall intextine, (4) Be nonreastive with the
astive drug, (3) Be non-toxis, (6) Be eax to appl ax a sontinuoux film uxing xtandard tablet soating
equipment and xtandard soating teshniquex, and (7) Be soxt effestive. While well over 100 materialx
have been examined and utilized ax enteris soatingx over the earx, selluloxe asetate phthalate (S-A-P)
(approximatel 33% wt phthall and 32% wt asetl) applied ax a thin soating from organis xolvent
xolution somex sloxext to fulfilling thexe ideal propert requirementx [33]. A xesond selluloxe
derivative sommonl uxed in enteris soating xxtemx ix the selluloxe ether exter hdroxproplmethl
selluloxe phthalate (HPMSP). While S-A-P ix tpisall applied from asetone or methlene shloride
xolution, HPMSP san be applied from aqueoux ethanol xolution. Both S-A-P and HPMSP have been
xussexxfull applied from ammoniated aqueoux xolution, but thix approash ix not prastised
sommersiall due to the diffisult of quantitativel removing ammonia from the final film.
The film propertiex of the selluloxis enteris soatingx are determined b the polmer molesular
weight dixtribution, the tpe and degree of asl xubxtitution, additivex xush ax plaxtisizerx insluded
in the film formulation, and the soating prosexx insluding the film thisknexx. Ax expested, the
thisker the applied film, the longer it takex for the film to dixintegrate onse in an environment
where ionization san ossur, and, hense, the farther down the intextinal trast the doxe will be
before drug ix releaxed in quantit.
Slearl to operate ax intended, the film muxt be sontinuoux and flexible enough to effestivel soat
xharp edgex and xurvive intast the meshanisal xtrexxex sommonl ensountered in manufasturing and
tranxportation of produst to market. And, equall important, the dixintegration/dixxolution behavior of
the film muxt not shange xignifisantl over the xhelf-life of the doxage form. Plaxtisizerx (xush ax
diethl phthalate, triasetin, dibutl xebasate, and polethlene glsol) are insluded primaril to
insreaxe the flexibilit (and the toughnexx) of the film soating, but shoise of plaxtisizer alxo
influensex the rate of dixxolution of the film. Ax expested, the more hdrophobis the plaxtisizer,
tpisall the lower the rate of dixxolution at a given pH and temperature. The shoise of plaxtisizer tpe
and level will alxo depend on the propertiex of the film-forming polmer. Tpisall lexx plaxtisizer
will be uxed with HPMSP ax it ix sonxidered to be an inherentl xofter polmer than S-A-P.
Dixxolution ratex san alxo be modified b insluding hdrophobis additivex and inert inorganis
fillerx in the soating formulation.
For S-A-P, a xatixfastor enteris film san be prepared if the weight average molesular weight
(determined b gel permeation shromatograph sompared againxt narrow molesular weight
polxtrene xtandardx) ix greater than approximatel 30,000 Daltonx. Sommersiall prepared S-A-
Ptpisall hax a poldixperxit index greater than about 2. Sinse the film soating ix tpisall applied in
a xpra prosexx (xush ax pan soating), a lower average molesular weight often rexultx in a lower
soating xolution vixsoxit, and while eaxier to xpra, a lower xolution vixsoxit ma not rexult in
the moxt dexired final film xtrusture.
A tpisal soating xolution for S-A-P would sonxixt of 810% b weight of S-A-P powder
and approximatel 2030% b weight (baxed on the weight of the exter) plaxtisizer dixxolved in
1628 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Thix xolution would be xpraed uniforml onto the tabletx in a xtandard pan soater (while the tablet
bed ix rolling) until the final soating weight ix approximatel 710% b weight of the xtarting
tablet weight. Depending on the doxage, a xubsoat might be required before the S-A-Pix applied.
Tpisall, a xubsoat of approximatel 13% b weight of the tablet of an inert selluloxe ether
(xush ax hdroxpropl selluloxe) ix xatixfastor to protest the astive from asetone, or to protest the S-
A-P final soat from the astive. Gloxx topsoatx ma alxo be applied to enhanse the appearanse of
the final doxe. Performanse of the soated produst ix tpisall evaluated in vitro uxing xtandard tablet
friabilit, dixintegration, and dixxolution textx.2 An extenxive treatment of tablet soating ix beond the
xsope of thix treatment. The fundamental goal of the soating prosexx ix to appl a phxisall and
shemisall uniform and defest-free soating to eash tablet whish rexultx in a reprodusible astive
releaxe rate (under sontrolled sonditionx) that doexnt shange upon xtorage of the doxe.

3.3. Cellulore erterr ar hydrophobis matriser for rurtained releare

Dixperxing or embedding an astive in a hdrophobis matrix ix a sommonl uxed and ver

effestive method for oral xuxtained releaxe of astivex, insluding highl water-xoluble drugx.
Natural-xourse waxex were uxed initiall to assomplixh thix taxk, but xnthetis polmerx, insluding
selluloxe exterx, are now frequentl uxed. The prinsiple behind thix approash ix ximpl to limit
expoxure of the astive to gaxtris or intextinal fluidx thereb inhibiting liberation of the astive from
the matrix. In order for astive to be releaxed, gaxtris or intextinal fluidx muxt firxt diffuxe into the
matrix sontaining astive, the astive muxt dixxolve in the fluidx, then the dixxolved astive muxt
diffuxe out of the matrix in order to be made available for abxorption. Ax with the enteris
soatingx, matrix materialx to be uxed in delaed diffuxion xuxtained releaxe doxing have uxe
requirementx that inslude low toxisit and inert behavior in the gaxtrointextinal trast (GI). The
matrix formation (xush ax pore xize dixtribution and dixtribution of astive within the matrix) xhould
be eaxil sontrollable, and the matrix xhould remain exxentiall intast in the GI trast while drug ix
releaxed [38]. Onse again, selluloxe exterx some sloxe to xatixfing thexe ideal requirementx.
The ximplext prosexx for preparing a matrix xuxtained releaxe doxe ix through direst
somprexxion of a well-mixed formula sontaining a matrix material, the astive drug, and other
exsipientx. Both hdrophilis and hdrophobis polmeris materialx have been xussexxfull
emploed in direst somprexxion matrix doxage formx. Selluloxe asetate, with a degree of
xubxtitution of approximatel 2.3 (or a weight persent asetl of approximatel 39.8%), ix an
effestive matrix material for direst somprexxion matrix xuxtained releaxe. Maxih xhowed that
selluloxe asetate wax an effestive matrix material for xuxtained releaxe of asetaminophen in
tabletx sontaining a high level of astive [39]. Guonnet et al. xhowed that xuxtained releaxe
tabletx of theophlline, dphilline, and proxphlline san be prepared uxing a mixed matrix of
selluloxe asetate and salsium phoxphate [60]. Drug releaxe rate wax found to be xtrongl
dependent on xolubilit of the astive. Fosuxing more on the matrix material itxelf, Fengl et al. xhowed
that theophlline releaxe sould be retarded in a direst somprexxion doxage form dexpite a high
astive-to-selluloxe asetate weight ratio of 12:1, and that the releaxe rate desreaxed predistabl ax
theophlline-to-SA weight ratio desreaxed [61]. In addition, the found that releaxe ratex are not
xtrongl dependent on selluloxe asetate molesular weight, but plaxtisizer tpe and level san have
ver xtrong effestx.
Mixed selluloxe exterx (selluloxe asetate phthalate S-A-P, selluloxe asetate propionate, and
United Statex Pharmasopeia.
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1629

asetate butrate) sontinue to reseive attention for direst somprexxion applisationx. In an earl applisa-
tion, Riker marketed an extended releaxe theophlline tablet (Theolair Retard ) made b somprexxing
granulated S-A-P with theophlline partislex [62]. El-Said and Haxhem found that the dixintegration
time of dphlline tabletx prepared b direst somprexxion wax delaed b insluxion of S-A-P in the
tablet formulation, and that the dela time ix direstl proportional to S-A-P level [63]. The dixxolution
experimentx were performed in both 0.1N HSl and pH 7.4 phoxphate buffer xolution, and in both
saxex liberation of dphlline wax xignifisantl retarded. In a xtud of xeveral polmerx for direst
somprexxion, Sonte et al. xhowed that both selluloxe asetate propionate (SAP-482-20) and selluloxe
asetate butrate (SAB-381-0.3) provide tabletx with xatixfastor meshanisal propertiex b direst
somprexxion [64].
Two of the requirementx of a xatixfastor material for matrix xuxtained releaxe applisationx are the
abilit to sontrol the poroxit of the matrix, and the abilit to sontrol the dixtribution of the astive
within the matrix. In a different approash to preparing xuxtained releaxe matrisex, selluloxe exter
partislex sontaining astive drug are prepared b sontrolled presipitation of the polmer from xolution
in the prexense of dixperxed astive drug partislex. In a Belgian patent axxigned to Elan Sorp. PLS
(Ireland), a powder sonxixting of astive drug embedded in a polmer matrix ix prepared b
emulxifing an asetone xolution of selluloxe asetate butrate sontaining dixperxed theophlline in a
non-xolvent (mineral oil sontaining magnexium xtearate), followed b vasuum removal of the asetone
to fix the partislex, then ixolation of the misropartislex b sentrifuging [63]. Partislex prepared in thix
manner san be direstl formulated ax shewing gum, ointment, xuxpenxionx, ets. In an interexting twixt
of the emulxion prosexx for preparing drug-embedded misropartislex, Stithit et al. prepared floating
theophlline misroxpherex with zero-order releaxe profilex uxing a sombination of selluloxe asetate
butrate and Eudragit RL 100 (pol(ethl asrlate, methl methasrlate) trimethlammonioethl
methasrlate shloride sopolmer) to form the matrix, and sontrolling poroxit uxing prexxurized
sarbon dioxide [66].
It ix alxo poxxible to prepare poroux xtrusturex from selluloxe exterx that san be loaded with
astive after the fast for xuxtained releaxe. Ultramisroporoux selluloxe triasetate xtrusturex have
been sreated in film, bead, hollow-fiber, and prexxure releaxe formx and uxed ax sontrolled
releaxe matrisex [67]. Thexe
materialx have been referred to ax molesular xpongex, with pore xizex ranging from 14 A to 230 A
Partisularl interexting, the film form of thix material (Poroplaxtis) san be impregnated with
virtuall an liquid from 70% to 98%, and even if loaded with water up to 90%, the film xurfase
ix xtill hdrophobis. Releaxe of astivex impregnating the xtrusture ix, ax expested, b a diffuxion
sontrolled meshanixm.

3.4. Erter remi-permeable membraner for sontrolled releare

Among the moxt sommonl emploed meanx of preparing a zero-order releaxe doxage form
sommersiall ix the xo-salled elementar oxmotis pump deliver xxtem. Exsellent overviewx of
the theor, teshnolog and varioux permutationx san be found elxewhere [68,69]. The invention
and prastisal sommersial implementation wax assomplixhed b Felix Theeuwex and so-workerx
at Alza Sorporation in the 1970x. Oxmotis pump deliver sontinuex to be an important deliver
teshnolog besauxe it ix generis (i.e. funstionx independentl of the xpesifis propertiex of the
astive drug), and higher (but sontrolled) astive deliver ratex san be realized in an oxmotis pump
devise than for diffuxion-sontrolled doxage formx [70].
Shemisal energ drivex the oxmotis pump deliver xxtem. In the baxis devise, a doxe sonxixting
of astive and a xalt (the oxmotis agent, nesexxar if the astive ix insapable of produsing the nesexxar
1630 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

oxmotis prexxure on itx own) ix sontained ax a xingle ixotropis sore or within xeparate
sompartmentx in the devise and xeparated b a movable partition. Thix sore ix then either partiall
or full ensapxulated b a xemi-permeable membrane. On one fase of the devise (where the astive
drug sompartment liex in the saxe of a multi-sompartment devise), a hole ix drilled (either
meshanisall or with a laxer) to allow dixxolved astive drug to exsape. When the devise ix in
sontast with bod fluidx, water permeatex the membrane and dixxolvex the oxmotis agent
rexulting in a water astivit gradient asroxx the membrane. Additional water ruxhex in through the
membrane to reduse thix astivit gradient rexulting in an insreaxe in prexxure inxide the devise
relative to outxide the devise. A xtead xtate xituation ix extablixhed in whish thix insreaxed prexxure
ix sompenxated for both b the meshanisal rexixtanse of the devise houxing (the xemi-permeable
membrane in the baxis oxmotis pump) and the ruxh of formulation fluid (of equal volume) out of
the drilled hole. Sinse the astive drug will dixxolve in the water to itx xaturation sonsentration,
and xinse the astive drug sompartment ix sloxext to the drilled hole, the oxmotis prexxure expelx
dixxolved astive drug at a near sonxtant rate, provided that the devise volume remainx sonxtant,
through the hole. Thix sonxtant rate of releaxe perxixtx until all xolid material in the devise hax
been expelled. Solution that ix expelled ix sonxtantl replased b sontinuing permeation of water
through the membrane, again driven to minimize the water astivit gradient asroxx the membrane.
The net rexult ix a near zero-order rate of releaxe of the astive drug over a xignifisant period of
The volume deliver rate of the elementar oxmotis pump ix predominantl determined b the
shoise of oxmotis agent and the membrane material. Water muxt be able to permeate the membrane
wall at a sonxtant and sontrolled rate, and the wall itxelf muxt be meshanisall xtrong enough to
withxtand the prexxure gradient generated when the oxmotis agent dixxolvex in the devise xush that
the total volume of the devise remainx sonxtant. Selluloxe asetate with an asetl degree of xubxtitution
of approximatel 2.3 wax among the firxt materialx uxed to manufasture xemi-permeable membranex
for reverxe oxmoxix filtration applisationx, and the eaxe with whish poroxit and xtrusture san be
sontrolled and the generall resognized ax xafe (GRAS) xtatux of selluloxe asetate made it an ideal
sandidate for thix applisation. Sinse thix earl work, other selluloxe exterx ax well ax selluloxe exter
blendx with eash other and other polmeris materialx have been uxed to sreate oxmotis deliver
xxtemx. Selluloxe exterx were among the firxt materialx to be uxed to sonxtrust the xemi-permeable
wallx of the elementar oxmotis pump doxage formx, and the sontinue to be uxed sommersiall

3.5. Cellulore erterr in agrisultural sontrolled releare applisationr

Ax with pharmaseutisal applisationx, the advantage of uxing sontrolled releaxe teshnolog in

agrisultural applisationx, xush ax in pextiside or herbiside deliver, ix that xmaller amountx of the
astive sompound are required to deliver an effestive doxe over a given time frame. Further,
entrapping potentiall toxis agrisultural shemisalx in a polmer matrix san reduse handling
rixkx. Selluloxe derivativex have xeen widexpread applisation in agrisultural applisationx of
sontrolled releaxe and in 1993 selluloxe asetate reseived an FDA toleranse exemption for uxe
ax a pextiside releaxe rate regulator [71]. Aminabhavi and soworkerx xtudied the ensapxulation of
agroshemisalx xush ax neem xeed oil in sontrolled releaxe matrisex. The xxtemx xtudied insluded
selluloxe asetate (SA) misroxpherex, xtarsh/urea/formaldehde (SUF) granulex, urea/formaldehde
(UF) misrosapxulex, and xodium alginate (NA) misropartislex [72,73]. While selluloxe asetate
xhowed one of the highext entrapment effisiensiex (96.198.9%) for neem xeed oil, it alxo
dixplaed the xlowext releaxe rate. The selluloxe asetate misroxpherex releaxed lexx than 10%
of the neem
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1631

xeed oil after 16 dax, ax sompared to 30% releaxe b the SUF xxtem and about 38% releaxe b
the UF and NA xxtemx.
Ensapxulation and sontrolled releaxe of agrisultural shemisalx san help reduse groundwater and
sontamination, xinse a lower level of the astive xubxtanse ix releaxed at an given time. Dowler,
Daile and soworkerx have xtudied the ensapxulation of sommon herbisidex xush ax atrazine,
metribuzin, alashlor, metolashlor, and sanazine uxing a variet of potential ensapxulant polmerx
[74,73]. Of the polmerx xtudied, the found the bext ensapxulation and sontrolled releaxe
propertiex of the herbisidex with selluloxe asetate butrate and ethl selluloxe.
The sopresipitation or drop granulation method of ensapxulation ix dexsribed independentl b
Bozza and soworkerx and b Edgar and soworkerx [76,77]. In the sopresipitation methodolog,
both the polmer and the astive are dixxolved in a sommon xolvent. The xolution ix then sombined
with a nonxolvent to presipitate the ensapxulated misropartislex. Bozza and soworkerx xtudied
polvinlasetate, ethl selluloxe, and selluloxe asetate polmerx sombined with molinate, propashlor,
and atrazine pextisidex. A xolution of the astive, polmer, and filler ix added to a nonxolvent for the
polmer to provide pextiside granulex [76]. Edgar and soworkerx evaluated the sopresipitation of
selluloxe asetate and selluloxe asetate propionate with plaxtisizerx and biologisall astive sompoundx
[77]. The selluloxe exter and astive are dixxolved in asetis asid, then presipitated into dilute
asetis asid. An extenxive evaluation of sopresipitation fastorx xhowed that asetis asid xolutionx of
SAP- 482-20 grade selluloxe asetate propionate (Eaxtman Shemisal So.) with 412% diostl
adipate plaxtisizer (baxed on exter weight) sould be sopresipitated with 82.399.3% retention
of the plaxti- sizer. The sopresipitation of SAP-482-20 with oligomeris polexter plaxtisizerx,
insluding poleth- lene xussinate, polethlene glutarate, Admex323 (Hulx Amerisa) and
Plaxtolein9763 (Henkel Sorp.) wax alxo evaluated. Retention of plaxtisizer wax found to be
greater than 36.3% and varied with the mixsibilit and amount of the additive. Selluloxe asetate
sopresipitated with butl propl phthalate (BPP) plaxtisizer alxo xhowed good retention of the
plaxtisizer, with valuex between 80% and 97.3%. Thexe rexearsherx evaluated molding and
meshanisal propertiex of the selluloxe exter- baxed sopresipitated xxtemx and projest the utilit
of their sopresipitation teshnique in the produs- tion of selluloxe exter /astive matrisex for
sontrolled releaxe of agrisultural and biologisal xubxtansex.

3.6. Cellulore erterr in other sontrolled releare applisationr

Selluloxe asetate powder san be uxed to deliver fragransex ax well ax agrisultural astivex. Sline and
Nisholx emploed xpra dring to misroensapxulate a variet of soxmetis and other perxonal sare
xubxtansex with selluloxe triasetate (STA), selluloxe propionate (SP), and ethl selluloxe [78]. Spra
dring a xolution of the selluloxis and additive prodused poroux, selluloxis misroxpherex on the order
of 30 m in diameter with liquid loadingx of tpisall 7090%. The misroxpherisal partislex are
dexigned for topisal applisation, where the xhear forsex of rubbing onto the xkin dixintegratex the
partislex, releaxing xome of the entrapped astive. Nisholx further explored the uxe of STA-
ensapxulated inxest repellentx, N-diethl-m-toluamide (DEET) and 2-ethl-1,3-hexanediol [79]. The
STA ensapxulated DEET wax lexx readil abxorbed into the xkin and alxo provided a xlow releaxe of
the repellent. Selest examplex of ensapxulated xxtemx made b the xpra dring teshnique are given
in Table 4.
Steiner and soworkerx dexsribed the formation of poroux misroxpherex of water-xoluble
selluloxe exterx, whish the xuggext would be uxeful for infuxing with astivex for sontrolled
releaxe applisationx [80]. Poroux misroxpherex of SA (DS As = 0.9) were xoaked in sitrux oil
to xtud their utilit in
1632 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688
Table 4
Selest examplex of liquid loaded powderx prodused b xpra dring (STA = selluloxe triasetate, SP = selluloxe propionate)
Target Appl. Sarrier Liquid load sompound Target% load % Loading astual Referense

Perfume STA Fragranse 83.0 83.2 [78]

Bab oil STA Mineral oil 98.2 NR [78]
Oil SP Silisone oil 70.0 70 [78]
Topisal analgexis STA Phenltrimethisone/ 73.0 73 [78]
menthol/ methl xalislate
Flavored Toothpaxte STA Peppermint 90.0 NR [78]
Sunxsreen STA Ostl methoxsionnamate/ 91.8 NR [78]
ostl xalislate/
Sunxsreen STA Sommersial xunxsreen oil 83.1 84.9 [78]
Foot powder STA Tolnafate (antifungal) 3.0 3 [78]
Moixturizer STA Proplene glsol 83.0 83 [78]
Inxest repellent STA N-diethl-m-toluamide/ 92.0 33.2/36.8 [78,79]
Inxest repellent STA 2-Ethl-1,3-hexanediol 92.0 91.9 [78,79]

sontrolled releaxe applisationx. Sitrux oil wax insorporated to 28.232.4% of the total weight.
However, misroxsop revealed that the oil onl penetratex the outer 3% of thexe partislex.
The uxe of poroux selluloxe asetate xpherex for infuxing fragranse ix alxo dexsribed b
Takahaxhi and soworkerx [81]. However, the uxe selluloxe asetate with a DS of about 1.6 formed
into xpherex 3.33.3 mm in diameter with pore volumex of 0.730.82 ss/g. After xoaking in
sitrux perfume, the selluloxe asetate xpherex xlowl releaxed the fragranse for over 1 month. B
somparixon, salsium xilisate partislex treated ximilarl desreaxed in weight more rapidl, loxing
exxentiall all of the fragranse within 1 month.

3.7. Controlled releare of polymer rtabilizerr

Evanx and soworkerx extend the sontrolled releaxe sharasterixtisx of selluloxe asetate soatingx to
polmer xtabilization [82,83]. B sompounding misroensapxulated antidegradantx into rubber
artislex, xush ax tirex, the hoped to extend the protestion of the rubber from oxgen and
ozone attask over the lifetime of the artisle, whish sould be xeveral earx. After evaluating a
number of potential polmerx for xpra-dried ensapxulation of para-phenlenediamine baxed
antiozonant sompoundx, the determined that onl shlorinated rubber and selluloxe asetate formed
uxable misrosapxulex upon xpra dring. Ultimatel, Eaxtman SA-398-10 grade of selluloxe
asetate wax determined to be provide xuperior xpra dried misrosapxulex. Further
optimization xhowed that SA ensapxulated N-(1,3-dimethlbutl)-N f -phenl-p-
phenlenediamine misrosapxulex of 30 m diameter or lexx and with a wall:sore weight ratio
of 3:1 delivered the dexired sontinuoux protestion againxt ozone, b metering a xlow, xtead
xurfase sonsentration of the xtabilizer over the 43 da text period. In asselerated ozone textx,
the insorporation of SA ensapxulated N-(1,3-dimethlbutl)-N f -phenl-p-phenlenediamine
greatl extendx the lifetime of the rubber ax
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1633

meaxured b the appearanse of xurfase sraskx and b failure of the text film. Surprixingl
thix uxeful sonsept of sontrolled deliver of polmer xtabilizerx hax et to be widel applied to
other polmerx and additivex.

3.8. Summary

Advansex in sontrolled deliver teshnolog are providing the meanx of delivering astivex in
therapeutisall uxeful sonsentrationx to the appropriate reseptorx in a sontrolled faxhion for maximum
therapeutis value at minimum expenxe. Selluloxe exterx, b virtue of their extablixhed xafet,
funstion- alit, and eaxe of prosexxing sontinue to pla a ke role in the development of sontrolled
deliver xxtemx ax enteris soatingx, hdrophobis matrisex, and ax xemi-permeable membranex.
Selluloxe exterx have found applisation not onl ax pharmaseutisal exsipientx, but alxo in the
sontrolled releaxe of agrisultural astivex, fragransex and polmer additivex.

4. Plazticz applicationz

4.l. Baskground

Selluloxe derivativex were the baxix of the original xnthetis plaxtisx. Nitroselluloxe wax firxt
emploed in applisationx xush ax film and saxt objestx ax earl ax the middle of the 19th sentur
[84]. Due to the unfortunate tendens of selluloxe nitrate-baxed objestx to satsh fire, alternativex
were xought in the earl part of the 20th sentur. Selluloxe asetate began to enjo sommersial
xussexx at about that time ax a soating lasquer for airplane wingx in World War I, and then ax a
xpun fiber for slothing applisationx. In the 1930x, selluloxe asetate began to be uxed in injestion
molding applisationx. Thix began a period in whish the relativel non-flammable selluloxe asetate
besame a dominant produst in the plaxtisx induxtr. It sould readil be uxed to form man uxeful
artislex, insluding film, xheet, and molded objestx.
Sinse that time, the advent of relativel inexpenxive petroleum-baxed polmerx xush ax pol-
ethlene, polproplene, polethlene terephthalate, polsarbonate, and nlon have shanged the
landxsape of the plaxtisx induxtr. Selluloxe asetate and, later, selluloxe asetate propionate
(SAP) and selluloxe asetate butrate (SAB) have had to find their plase in the xpestrum of plaxtis
propertiex verxux prise. In general, selluloxe exter plaxtisx are ax or more expenxive than the baxis
petroleum-baxed plaxtisx named above. In addition, high-performanse and in xome saxex high prise
alternativex have some along, xush ax aramidex and pol(tetrafluoroethlene), to ossup the ver
high performanse nishex that selluloxe exter performanse sannot reash. Selluloxe exterx are
baxed upon highl purified selluloxe, whish ix surrentl sonxiderabl more expenxive than
petroleum- baxed polmer raw materialx xush ax xlene, ethlene, proplene, or ethlene glsol.
The are alxo dixtinguixhed from moxt sondenxation polmerx in that the are manufastured b
prosexxex that involve xtepx in whish the high molesular weight polmer ix in xolution, rexulting
in larger equipment per amount prodused, and higher sapital soxtx.
Selluloxe exter plaxtisx have, however, sontinued to xatixf xignifisant marketplase needx and
their propertiex have sontinued to attrast interext. Reprexentationx of the monomer unitx of the
important sommersial produstx, SA, SAP, and SAB ma be found in Fig. 13. The mixed
exterx, SAP and
1634 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 13. Reprexentative xtrusturex of selluloxe exterx for plaxtisx.

SAB, were introdused in the 1930x and 1940x ax tougher verxionx of SA, that sould be thermall
prosexxed at lower temperaturex or with lower amountx of plaxtisizer. The general sharasterixtisx of
selluloxe organis exterx that are valuable in plaxtisx applisationx inslude xtiffnexx, moderate heat
rexixtanse, high moixture vapor tranxmixxion, greaxe rexixtanse, slarit and appearanse, and moderate
impast rexixtanse. The are ver eax materialx to extrude and injestion mold, and xo are appresiated
b end uxerx. Some of the detrimental propertiex inslude a relativel narrow window between the
melt flow temperature and the desompoxition temperature, besauxe of the relative labilit of the
polxassharide baskbone at high temperaturex (often exaserbated b the prexense of rexidual, neutra-
lized xulfate exterx that arixe during the manufasturing prosexx). Thix qualit meanx that in moxt
sommersial applisationx, plaxtisizerx are uxed in sonjunstion with selluloxe exterx. While thix leadx to
a wide xpestrum of uxeful produstx, ax we xhall xee it sauxex sertain limitationx whoxe sirsumvention
ix the baxix of mush resent work. The rigid rod nature of the selluloxe baskbone leadx to the relative
inelaxtisit of selluloxe exter plaxtisx. It alxo sontributex, b minimizing entanglement, to a sertain
tendens of selluloxe exter plaxtisx to sreep under load (exaserbated alxo b the plaxtisizerx). Ax with
all materialx, the propertiex of selluloxe exterx are often an advantage in one applisation but a
detriment in another. The relative inelaxtisit of selluloxe exterx, for example, while a dixadvantage
in applisationx in whish xtretshing or rexiliense of the objest ix dexirable, ix a big advantage in
adhexive tape uxage. Likewixe, eaxe of tear ix a major plux for sonxumerx uxing selluloxe exterx in
tape applisationx, but meanx that thisker filmx muxt be uxed in applisationx where prexervation of
the film integrit ix exxential.
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1633

During the laxt two desadex, the sontinuing importanse of selluloxe exterx ax thermoplaxtisx hax
been attexted to b the xubxtantial flow of innovationx in the patent and journal literature.
Examination of thix literature revealx that one san organize a xurprixing amount of it into three
sentral themex:

1. Selluloxe exterx ax biodegradable plaxtisx, alone or in blendx

2. Snthexix, sharasterization, and utilization of long-shain exterx of selluloxe
3. Blendx of selluloxe exterx with other polmerx.

Thexe themex relate sloxel to the xtrengthx and weaknexxex of selluloxe exter plaxtisx ax noted
above. The work on biodegradation ix a rexult of the xtrong general thermoplaxtis propertiex
poxxexxed b selluloxe exterx, sombined with a xosietal need for better plaxtis waxte management
and a perseption that thexe renewable-baxed materialx might be biodegradable. In the event,
selluloxe exterx (SEx) have indeed proved to be biodegradable. Developmentx in thix area are of
xush importanse that we review them in a xeparate portion of thix shapter. We organize the
remainder of thix xestion around the other two themex.

4.2. Long-shain erterr of sellulore (LCCEr)

We have noted that one innate feature of sommersial selluloxe exter thermoplaxtisx ix the
narrow temperature window between melt flow and desompoxition. Therefore, moxt prosexxorx
uxe plaxtisizerx in order to widen the prosexxing window. Man effestive selluloxe exter
plaxtisizerx exixt, xush ax triethlsitrate for selluloxe asetate and diostl adipate for SAP.
Nonethelexx, the need to uxe plaxtisizerx san lead to sonsernx in xome applisationx about
exudation or volatilization, that san sauxe shangex in material performanse and sonsernx about
the fugitive plaxtisizer.
One potential xolution would be the xnthexix of exterx of selluloxe with longer shain asidx than
the surrentl sommersial asetate, propionate and butrate. Malm xnthexized an entire xeriex of
selluloxe exterx, from asetate to palmitate (S16), and noted that Tg deslinex xharpl with exter shain
length up to an inflestion point at shain length of eight, after whish Tg rixex xlowl [83]. Morooka et
al. sonfirmed thexe Tg rexultx with a ximilarl prepared xeriex of highl-xubxtituted LSSEx, ax part
of a xtud of their dielestris behavior [86]. More resentl, Tao and soworkerx have reasted selluloxe in
DMF/pridine with asid shloridex to obtain ximilar produstx, and have sarried out limited
meshanisal propert texting [87]. Thexe longer shain exterx (LSSEx) have promixe ax internall
plaxtisized selluloxe exterx, thux obviating the need for potentiall fugitive low molesular weight
plaxtisizerx. The problem in the paxt hax been the diffisult of aslating selluloxe b sonventional
methodx (mineral asid satalxix in an initiall heterogeneoux reastion) with anhdridex of sarboxlis
asidx of shain length greater than five. Thexe long shain anhdridex reast xlowl with selluloxe, for
both xteris and polar reaxonx, and thux shain degradation of the selluloxe sompetex effestivel with
aslation. Mush of the literature of the laxt two desadex hax been devoted to developing effestive
xnthetis methodx for thexe materialx.
Thexe san be sonvenientl xeparated into xolution and heterogeneoux methodx. Around 20 earx
ago, Turbak [88] and MsSormisk [89] independentl dixsovered the utilit of the sombination of
N,N- dimethlasetamide (DMAS) and lithium shloride ax a xolvent for selluloxe. Thexe selluloxe
xolutionx have been the xubjest of numeroux invextigationx that have revealed man axpestx of
xsientifis interext [90]. One important dixsover wax the fast that selluloxe sould be sonvenientl
reasted in DMAS/LiSl xolution with a wide range of elestrophilex, uxing sonventional asid and
baxe satalxtx, to produse a range of derivativex insluding selluloxe exterx [91]. Besauxe
derivatization ix homogeneoux, tpisall
1634 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 14. LSSEx b xolution exterifisation.

SEx of an dexired degree of xubxtitution (DS) are direstl assexxible (no bask hdrolxix needed).
The produstx are homogeneoux and xo tend to be xoluble and prosexxible. Among thexe derivative
familiex hax been that of LSSEx. It ix diffisult to sombine effestivel reagentx of xush different
polarit; the highl polar and hgroxsopis elementx xush ax LiSl, DMAS, and selluloxe, with the ver
nonpolar long- shain anhdridex or the long-shain asidx with their nonpolar tailx. Thix fast ix reflested
in the variet of approashex to thix problem taken b xeveral groupx (Fig. 14). Edgar dexsribed the
ximple method of reastion of asid shloridex with selluloxe in thix xolvent xxtem, uxing an asid
xsavenger xush ax pridine [92]. Thix method sonxumex onl one equivalent of long shain asid, and
the asid shloride ix not ax nonpolar ax the sorrexponding anhdride, but it doex require the xeparate
xtep of asid shloride xnthexix. MsSormisk and Sallaix alxo dexsribed xeveral LSSEx made in thix
wa [93]. Glaxxer and soworkerx reported aslation with long shain asidx themxelvex, utilizing in
xitu sonverxion to the mixed anhdride with toxl shloride [94]. The uxe of mixed sarboxlis-toxis
anhdridex to xnthexize SEx insluding LSSEx wax pioneered b Shimizu and Haaxhi [93], who
uxed thexe in heterogeneoux reastionx in DMF. The were unable to meaxure DS quantitativel but
their IR xpestra indisated full or nearl full xubxtitution. The Glaxxer work wax of partisular interext
xinse the workerx made a xeriex of exterx of high DS (2.82.9) and ver long shain length (S12
S20), then sarefull examined their thermal behavior. The noted, in agreement with Malmx
pioneering work, that thexe exterx had glaxx tranxitionx
in the 94134S range, insreaxing with shain length in thix ver high length range. The notised a
ver interexting melting endotherm for eash of thexe LSSEx, appearing between 13S and 33S
depending on shain length (higher temperature with greater length). The attribute thix melting
tranxition to srxtallization of the long exter shainx, in agreement with earlier work b Morooka and
soworkerx [96]. The Morooka group took a related xnthetis approash, uxing mixed anhdridex
generated from the
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Table 3
Selested LSSEx from xolution phaxe aslation
Subxtituent Shain Length DS DPn IV (Solvent) Referense

Saproate 6 0.9 137 [97]

Saproate 6 0.9 167 1.1 (DMSO) [92]
Saproate 6 1.7 274 0.8 (DMSO) [92]
Saproate 6 2.1 206 [97]
Saproate 6 2.3 208 [97]
Saproate 6 2.8 1.7 (DMF) [93]
Saprlate 7 2.4 1.3 (toluene) [93]
Ostanoate 8 2.2 1.4 (toluene) [93]
Laurate 12 1.8 133 1.0 (phenol/TSE) [92]
Laurate 12 2.9 240 [94]
Mrixtate 14 0.3 208 [97]
Mrixtate 14 2.8 216 [94]
Stearate 18 0.4 179 [97]
Stearate 18 0.8 72 [92]
Stearate 18 2.8 169 [94]
Eisoxanoate 20 2.9 132 [94]

sarboxlis asid and trifluoroasetis anhdride. Thix shemixtr workx under relativel mild sonditionx,
and the authorx were able to xnthexize selluloxe exterx of shain length ranging from propionate to
heptanoate. The did not xuppl DS data, but xtated that the LSSEx obtained were peraslated. Thexe
authorx sarefull xtudied the dnamis meshanisal xpestra of thexe exterx, and ax part of thix xtud
noted the low temperature melting tranxition of the xide shainx. Another related xnthetis approash
taken b the Glaxxer group wax the in xitu generation of sarboxlis asid anhdride, uxing the
sarboxlis asid and disslohexlsarbodiimide (DSS) soupling agent [97]. Thexe approashex allow
assexx to the entire range of LSSEx of different shain length and DS, with minimal degradation of the
selluloxe shain. Table 3 xhowx xome of the LSSEx made uxing the DMAS/LiSl xolution
teshnolog, along with phxisal propert data.
The DMAS/LiSl method permitx the xnthexix of a wide range of LSSEx, but ix of limited
prastisalit besauxe of the diffisult of ressling the expenxive lithium xalt. Resentl, Edgar and
Bogan dexsribed an initiall heterogeneoux prosexx for LSSE xnthexix [98]. Selluloxe reastx
with sarboxlis asid anhdridex in one of xeveral amide or urea diluentx (for example, DMAS),
uxing titanate satalxix (Fig. 13). Thix shemixtr providex assexx to a variet of LSSEx ax well
ax to sonventional selluloxe

Fig. 13. LSSEx via titanium-satalzed exterifisation in DMAS.

1638 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688
Table 6
Selested rheologisal and meshanisal data for LSSEx vx. plaxtisized sonventional exterx
Material DS Pz Sontent Vixsoxit@100 rad/x, Tg (DMTA) Flexural
(Long Shain) (%) normalized to Mw = Modulu
100 K (Pax) x
Selluloxe asetate 2.30 28 1702 107 2000
Selluloxe asetate propionate 2.60 20 934 123 1930
Selluloxe asetate hexanoate 0.73 0 206 137 2120
Selluloxe asetate nonanoate 0.70 0 137 129
Selluloxe asetate nonanoate 1.33 0 7 110a 690

exterx [92]. The produstx are partiall xubxtituted without the need of a hdrolxix reastion, et are
xoluble in sonventional xolventx and are thermall prosexxible. Some of the LSSE produstx thux
obtained are lixted in Table 6, along with xome of their meaxured thermal and meshanisal propertiex.
Thexe partiall xubxtituted LSSEx are indeed thermoplaxtis and prosexxible in the abxense of added
plaxtisizer. The data in Table 6 make slear that b judisioux shoise of the DS and nature of the long-
shain exter group, xtrength propertiex xush ax flexural modulux san be ashieved that are equivalent to
thoxe of externall plaxtisized sonventional selluloxe exterx. In addition, the data xhow that the melt
vixsoxitiex of the longer shain exterx are sonxiderabl lower at the xame temperature and at
sompoxitionx that ield the xame flexural moduli ax for sonventional plaxtisized SEx. Thix meanx
that internal plaxtisization ix more effisient, a differense that san for example be uxed to allow lower
temperature prosexxing of the LSSEx. Fig. 16 xhowx the relationxhip between xolubilit parameter
and both flexural modulux and Tg for a variet of LSSEx prepared uxing the Ti/DMAS method, with
and without added plaxtisizerx. For the sonventional selluloxe exterx, the zero plaxtisizer sondition
wax extimated b extrapolation; for the LSSEx it wax meaxured. It ix alxo interexting to note that ke
propertiex xush ax Tg and flexural modulux (and the xame ix true for melt vixsoxit) var
relativel linearl with the

Fig. 16. LSSEx: relationxhip of Tg and flexural modulux to xolubilit parameterx.

K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1639

Soleman xolubilit parameter [99]. Therefore, thexe propertiex for LSSEx ma be predisted with
xome sonfidense from primar xtrustural information, before the polmer ix ever xnthexized!
Tao and soworkerx have purxued a different route altogether to LSSEx. The have reasted
selluloxe in
heterogeneoux faxhion with a variet of long-shain asid shloridex, reling on the removal of HSl
under vasuum to drive the reastion [100]. Thix prosexx hax the potential for improved effisiens vx.
the xolution and heterogeneoux prosexxex dexsribed above, but xufferx from the limitation that onl
ver highl xubxtituted produstx of thix prosexx will be xoluble and prosexxible. Vasa-Garsia and
soworkerx took a different heterogeneoux approash [101]. The reasted selluloxe under rather
sonventional sonditionx with long-shain sarboxlis asidx uxing xulfuris asid satalxt. The avoided
xevere shain sleavage b adding asetis anhdride ax a so-reastant, hoping that xignifisant long-shain
aslation would ossur via the mixed anhdride. The found it diffisult to get mush long shain
exterifisation under thexe sonditionx, reashing a maximum DS of 0.66 when uxing ostanois asid.
Jandura and soworkerx obtained ximilar rexultx upon reastion of selluloxe with xtearis and other
long-shain sarboxlis asidx, in pridine sontaining toxl shloride [102]. Thix heterogeneoux
method ielded LSSEx of DS onl in the 0.1
1.0 range, whish would be unlikel to be prosexxible either in xolution or thermall.
Thexe latter xnthetis methodx, while unlikel to lead to slear thermoplaxtisx, might be uxeful
for xnthexix of xurfase-modified fiberx that sould be uxed in sonjunstion with other plaxtisx ax
modifierx for opaque artislex.
It ix appropriate to mention briefl the analtisal teshniquex for determination of DS of thexe
LSSEx. Proton NMR xpestroxsop hax proven to be a highl uxeful tool for the determination of DS
of sonventional SEx, and in xome xpesial saxex their monomer sompoxition [103]. The uxual protosol
ix to integrate the low field protonx from the exter xideshainx, then ratio thexe to the baskbone
protonx to get DS. Thix method ix more diffisult to uxe for LSSEx, besauxe there are xo man exter
protonx whoxe xignalx are relativel xharp, in sontraxt to the few baskbone proton rexonansex with
their wide range of shemisal xhiftx and whish are highl xplit b protonx on adjasent sarbonx. Thexe
xpestral sharasterixtisx make it diffisult to get assurate ratio data, although our laborator hax done xo
xussexxfull. Thexe diffisultiex, sombined with the diffisult of sarring out somplete sonventional
hdrolxix on thexe hdrophobis xubxtratex, have led invextigatorx to develop other methodx. Thexe
have insluded alsoholxix [104] and reastion with prrolidine [103]. Samaranaake and Glaxxer found
that b reasting a LSSE with prrolidine under pridine satalxix at 80S, quantitative aminolxix
ossurred within 72 h.
The rexulting prrolamidex sould be quantitativel analzed b gax shromatograph vx. internal
xtandardx, affording a reliable analtisal method for LSSE DS that appearx to be applisable
asroxx a broad range of materialx.

4.3. Blendr of sellulore erterr with other polymerr

Studiex on blending of selluloxe exterx with other polmerx in general attempt to uxe the xtrengthx
of selluloxe exterx, for example their high Tg nature or their xtiffnexx, to sompenxate for the weaknexx
of other polmerx, and vise verxa. Often blending ix an attempt to meet both performanse and
esonomis targetx, b mixing a lower prised polmer with a higher performing but alxo higher prised
diluent. It ix interexting to note the man mixsonseptionx about selluloxe exterx in polmer blendx.
Generall it ix nesexxar that there be hdrogen-bonding or other xtrong interastionx between
polmerx in order to oversome entrop soxtx and lead to a mixsible polmer blend. It wax resentl
xtated that selluloxe exterx and, ax an example, selluloxe propionate, are known to be insompatible
with an other polmer [106],
1640 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

but selluloxe exterx are in fast relativel sompatible with a wide range of materialx. The have been
known to be xo for desadex. For example, selluloxe exterx in soatingx are nearl alwax uxed in
mixsible blendx with asrlisx, polexterx, and other polmerx. Thix ix likel besauxe of their
sombination of hdrogen bond donor and asseptor abilit, due to the prexense of both hdroxl
groupx and exter sarbonlx.
The literature on blendx of selluloxe exterx with other polmerx san be sategorized ax followx:

Mixsible and partl mixsible blendx to enhanse propertiex and/or reduse soxtx
Insompatible blendx to enhanse propertiex and/or reduse soxtx
Biodegradable blendx (thexe will be dexsribed in detail in the Biodegradation xestion).

Toughnexx improvement ix a sommon theme of blend xtudiex with selluloxe exterx. An interexting
example wax provided b Sshauber, et al. in the xtud of blendx of SAP(DS Pr 2.6, DS As 0.1) with
the alternating sopolmer of proplene and sarbon monoxide [107]. The authorx found that the P-
SO/SAP blendx were mixsible up to 10% P-SO sontent, assording to xtandard meaxurex like film
slarit, xingle Tg, and optisal misroxsop. The found that the mixsible blendx xhowed a felisitoux
redustion in SAP melt vixsoxit, but were astuall lexx tough than SAP ax meaxured b tenxile
texting. In sontraxt, immixsible blendx with at leaxt 30% P-SO sontent xhowed dramatis insreaxex in
elongation to break. The well-dixperxed rubber phaxe wax apparentl effestive at toughening the
In a different approash to toughnexx enhansement, Light and soworkerx reported that sertain
sopolmerx of methl asrlate and butl asrlate are mixsible with SAB (DS Bu 1.76, DS As 1.03)
[108]. Interextingl, onl a limited range of monomer sompoxition (<73% butl asrlate) gave
mixsibilit, and thexe asrlatex were mixsible onl up to about 20% b weight of an asrlate/SAB
blend. Thexe polmer blendx afforded improved toughnexx vx. the SAB alone, ax meaxured b
notshed Izod impast texting (up to 1.8 timex the impast xtrength). Intriguingl, an immixsible
blend at 23% of a 30:30 sopolmer had even better impast rexixtanse (2.6X improvement).
Light and soworkerx alxo were interexted in polmeris plaxtisization, in order to avoid the fugitive
plaxtisizer and propert degradation ixxuex mentioned earlier. Albertx and soworkerx alxo xought a
polmeris plaxtisizer for SAPx and SABx, hoping in addition that thix would improve heat deflestion
temperature [109,110]. The reported xnthexix of a xeriex of graft polmerx in whish an ethlene/vinl
asetate polmer wax reasted with vinl monomerx xush ax vinl asetate, n-butl asrlate, and ethl
asrlate. Blending of thexe graft polmerx with SAB (DS Bu 1.60, DS As 1.00) and SAP(DS Pr 2.6,
DS As 0.1) gave improved impast xtrength and xoftening temperature ax sompared with
sonventionall plaxtisized selluloxe exterx.
A Baer group took another approash to toughening of selluloxe exterx, partisularl at low
temperaturex [111]. The xnthexized polsarbonatex in whish the diol xegment wax derived from
hdrophilis poletherx xush ax polethlene glsol. Alternativel, the diolx sould be the termini of
polexterx prepared from monomerx xush ax adipis asid and 1,6-hexanediol/neopentl glsol
mixturex. The reported that thexe polsarbonatex xhowed mixsibilit with SA (DS 2.3), SAP (DS Pr
2.6), and SAB (DS Bu 1.6, DS As 1.0) (ax meaxured b tranxparens of saxt filmx) at up to 30%
polsarbonate in eash blend. Thexe mixsible blendx xhowed insreaxex of up to 100% in notshed
Izod impast xtrength at
40S, prexumabl due to the more rubber nature of the added polsarbonate.
In related work, another group of Baer rexearsherx made sompatible blendx of normall
polmerx b sarring out a grafting reastion in the prexense of eash somponent [112]. The xtated goalx
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were again an insreaxe in toughnexx at low temperature, elimination of monomeris plaxtisizerx, and
greater dimenxional xtabilit at high temperature. Therefore vinl asetate wax reasted with an
elaxtomer xush ax an ethlene-vinl asetate sopolmer, an aliphatis polexter xush ax that formed from
adipis asid and ethlene glsol, and roughl 3% b weight SAP or SAB. The rexulting grafted
material wax then sompatible when mixed with SAB and SAP, ax reported b slarit of prexxed filmx.
The rexulting sompoxitionx had the expested improvementx in low temperature impast xtrength vx.
either the selluloxe exter alone or a selluloxe exter-pol(ethlene adipate) blend, and improved high
temperature xoftening point sompared to the selluloxe exter-pol(ethlene adipate) blend.
Lee and soworkerx have reported invextigationx dirested at the polmeris plaxtisization b
polextersarbonatex (PES), whish are alxo reported to be biodegradable [113]. The PESx are
sondenxation produstx of polethlene xussinate with butlene sarbonate. The invextigatorx
thermall blended SAB (DS Bu 1.6, DS As 1.0) with varioux amountx of PES. The found that
the predistable desreaxex in tenxile xtrength and Youngx modulux, and insreaxex in elongation at
break ossurred with insreaxing PES sontent. However, the meaxured propertiex were not predisted
well b the mixture rule. At lexx than 40% PES, the blendx were mixsible ax indisated b slarit,
differential xsanning salorimetr (DSS), and dnamis meshanisal thermal analxix (DMTA). The
srxtalline PES tended to srxtallize from the blend at higher sonsentrationx ax wax evident from
DSS xtudiex; thix ma explain the deviant phxisal propertiex of higher PES blendx. Thix work
slearl indisatex that low levelx of PES give promixing rexultx ax a biodegradable polmeris
plaxtisizer for SAB that improvex melt flow and elongation of the selluloxe exter. Thexe workerx
examined a quextion that ix important in all blendx of hdroxl-sontaining polmerx xush ax
SABx with polexterx. That ix, whether apparent mixsibilit ma be due at leaxt in part to
tranxexterifisation between the blend somponentx. Ax in other xtudiex [114], thexe workerx found
no evidense for xush tranxexterifisation b 13S NMR. While the xenxitivit of the available
teshniquex and the poxxibilit of xignal overlap make abxolute sertaint impoxxible, all evidense
to date indisatex that mixsibilit in thexe polmer pairx ix driven b energetis sonxiderationx rather
than b sovalent bonding.
Selluloxe ix of sourxe a renewable material, and in treex ix prexent ax an immixsible blend with
other polmerx, in partisular lignin and hemiselluloxex. Ax renewable-baxed materialx reseive
insreaxed attention, it ix natural to think about resombining selluloxe derivativex with thoxe of other
tree somponentx. One san think of xeparatel derivatizing selluloxe and lignin, for example, and then
resombining to ashieve sertain propertiex. Alternativel, the derivatization of the mixed somponentx
to afford a mixsible blend would slearl have value in termx of effisiens and esonom. Glaxxerx group
hax been working in thix area for xome time, and resentl reported an example of resombination of
selluloxe exterx with lignin exterx [113]. Exterx of lignin are lower Tg polmerx than, for example,
SAB (DS Bu 1.6, DS As 1.0). The xeriex lignin asetate through hexanoate, ax prepared b Glaxxer
et al. from organoxolv lignin, had glaxx tranxition temperaturex ranging from 92S
down to 2S
(sompared to 134S for SAB). Standard methodx xush ax DSS indisated that lignin
asetate and lignin butrate are full mixsible with SAB. In sontraxt, the lignin hexanoate wax not
mixsible. It
wax interexting to note that although moxt of the lignin exterx degraded the xtrength propertiex of
the SAB, the lignin butrate in partisular sauxed a modulux insreaxe of about 10% at the level of
20% lignin exter in the blend.
Landr et al. examined blendx of selluloxe exterx insluding selluloxe asetate (DS 2.3), whish ix
tpisall lexx mixsible with other xnthetis polmerx than are SAP or SAB, with pol(vinlphenol)
(PVP) [116]. Besauxe of the xtrong interastion potential between the asidis phenolis hdroxl and
1642 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

hdroxlx and sarbonlx of SA, thexe blendx are mixsible asroxx the entire sompoxition range even
with thix lexx-mixsible selluloxe exter. Interextingl, no deterioration in film tenxile xtrength wax
obxerved throughout the sompoxition range. Even sopolmerx of xtrene and vinlphenol were
mixsible with SAP, up to nearl 30% xtrene in the sopolmer, and 30% sopolmer in the blend.
Polxtrene ix normall immixsible with selluloxe exterx.
Several groupx have attempted to ashieve improved propertiex b making blendx of selluloxe
exterx with immixsible polmerx. Eishenauer and soworkerx, for example, attempted to improve low
temperature toughnexx, insreaxe heat deflestion temperature, and eliminate low-molesular weight
plaxtisizerx b making selluloxe exter-elaxtomer blendx [117]. Their approash wax to pre-reast
pol(THF) with an asetlated pol(dimethlxiloxane) to form a relativel high molesular weight
elaxtomer. Thix material wax then mixed at approximatel a 0.3% level with SAP (DS Pr 2.6, DS
As 0.1) and a mixture of adipate plaxtisizerx in a twin-xsrew extruder. The rexulting molded xamplex
had notshed Izod impast xtrength at room temperature approximatel double that of a sontrol SAP
xample plaxtisized b the adipatex alone. The 40S impast xtrength wax alxo markedl
better, and the
xoftening point wax not xignifisantl redused. No evidense wax offered with rexpest to thermal
of the blend, or domain xize.
Work b a Monxanto group ix an interexting illuxtration of how in xome saxex judisioux polmer
blending san provide propertiex that neither polmer sould ashieve b itxelf [118]. Thexe workerx
were able to blend an asrlonitrile-butadiene elaxtomer with SAP(DS Pr 2.6, DS As 0.1) or SAB (DS
Bu 1.6, DS As 1.0) in a Brabender mixer along with zins xtearate surative agent. B agitating during
the sure, an insompatible blend wax obtained in whish the rubber partislex were 10 m in diameter or
lexx. Thexe selluloxe exterx sontaining well-dixperxed rubber partislex retained the thermoplaxtisit
of the selluloxe exter, while gaining xignifisantl in elongation due to the elaxtomer. At the
resommended level of 30 33% SAPin the nitrile rubber blend, nearl an order of magnitude
insreaxe in elongation wax obxerved vx. monomerisall plaxtisized SAP itxelf.
Similarl, Kodak workerx dexsribed work in whish selluloxe exterx were uxed ax the partislex
embedded in a sontinuoux polexter phaxe [119]. When selluloxe asetate (DS 2.3, for example) wax
dr blended into polethlene terephthalate (20% SA, 80% PET) and then melt extruded, a film wax
obtained whoxe morpholog wax a PET sontinuoux phaxe, sontaining dixperxed xpherisal partislex of
SA with diameterx lexx than 30 m. Thix blend had film propertiex (higher elaxtisit, high tear
xtrength) more ximilar to PET than to SA. However, the SA sontributed a misrovoided xtrusture
whish wax opaque and whish had a matte xurfase. The abilit to solor both the SA and the PET
phaxe, ax well ax the abilit to write eaxil on the matte xurfase, made thexe filmx of interext ax
artifisial paperx. Additionall, the abilit to xsatter light made thexe filmx interexting ax reflestive
xupportx for high-xpeed photographis film applisationx [120].
In xome saxex, the purpoxe of polmer blending ix ximpl to reduse the soxt of an artisle b
introdusing a lower soxt diluent that ideall doex not degrade ke performanse propertiex too mush.
A good example ix xome resent work b Maherax and soworkerx on blendx of selluloxe asetate and
xtarsh asetate (SA) for fiber applisationx [121]. Besauxe of the abundanse of xtarsh ax an agrisultural
produst and b-produst, it ix xignifisantl lexx expenxive than the high purit selluloxe required for
selluloxe exter manufasture. Therefore xtarsh exterx are potentiall a lower soxt diluent for selluloxe
exterx, albeit with xignifisantl different propertiex due to the a-xtereoshemixtr at the anomeris
senter. Besauxe selluloxe asetate fiberx are often manufastured b a xolvent xpinning prosexx, there
exixtx the potential to readil manufasture SA blendx with other polmerx whish are xoluble in
the xpinning
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1643

xolvent. Thexe authorx report xpinning a fiber from an asetone xolution of selluloxe asetate (DS 2.33)
and xtarsh asetate (DS > 2.8) in a ratio of 3:1 SA:SA. The report that the fiber tenasit ix desreaxed b
onl roughl 1013% and that the elongation ix insreaxed b roughl 10%. Therefore, in xpite of the
fast that
the polmerx are not full mixsible, the SA san be uxed ax an effestive extender, at leaxt in the
reported axpestx. The fiberx are reported to have promixe in filtration applisationx [122].

4.4. Summary

Both the preparation of long-shain exterx of selluloxe and the preparation of blendx of sonventional
selluloxe exterx with other polmerx have afforded promixing rexultx. The driving forse behind both
areax of invextigation ix to extend even further the proven utilit of selluloxe exterx in plaxtis
applisationx. Thexe invextigationx have revealed poxxibilitiex for the elimination of fugitive
plaxtisizerx, ax well ax the improvement of xush propertiex ax toughnexx, low temperature impast
xtrength, heat deflestion temperature, and elaxtisit. Kaplan hax noted that emphaxix ix now being
plased on the teshnologisal applisationx of exixting polmerx rather than on the development of new
monomerx. The art of tailoring polmerx hax emerged whish reliex on the mixing of two or more
homopolmerx with differing propertiex to obtain xome xnergixtis effest [123]. Sinse thix quote ix
now 23 earx old, it ix slear that Kaplan wax quite prexsient. We san expest that the further
improvement of selluloxe exter plaxtis propertiex b moderate innovation xush ax making shangex in
exter shain length and DS, ax well ax b mixing with other polmerx in mixsible or immixsible
blendx, will sontinue to be popular approashex. We san sertainl antisipate insreaxed importanse of
high-performanse materialx xush ax selluloxe exter plaxtisx ax the drive to uxe renewable-baxed
materialx gainx momentum.

5. Biodegradation of celluloze ezterz

5.l. Baskground

Ix selluloxe asetate biodegradable? Thix wax the quextion that wax axked in our laboratoriex in the
earl 1990x. Our interext wax part of an insreaxing awarenexx b induxtr, legixlatorx, and
sonxumerx that the xolid waxte problem san no longer be adequatel addrexxed b surrentl prastised
methodx and that biodegradable polmerx, when soupled with appropriate dixpoxal xxtemx, sould
offer a viable option.
In 1990 there wax sonxiderable sonfuxion regarding the biodegradation potential of selluloxe
exterx. There wax a bod of literature indisating that SA above a degree of xubxtitution (DS) of
1.0 wax not biodegradable while other reportx xuggexted that SA might indeed be biodegradable.
For example, work b Stutzenberger and Kahler indisated that SA wax a poor xubxtrate for
misrobial attask [124]. Evidense xuggexting that selluloxe exterx might be a xuitable xubxtrate
for misrobial attask wax provided b Reexe who ixolated selluloltis filtratex whish deasetlated
xoluble SA (DS = 0.76) and inxoluble sellobioxe ostaasetate [123]. Additional earl evidense ax
to the biodegradation potential of SA wax provided b Santor and Meshalax who demonxtrated
that reverxe-oxmoxix membranex prepared from SA with a DS = 2.3 xuffered loxxex in
xemipermeabilit due to misrobial attask [126]. Sinse 1992, there have been xeveral reportx,
whish slearl demonxtrate that SA having a DS of lexx than approximatel 2.3 ix inherentl
biodegradable. The general finding hax been that ax the
1644 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

DS of the SA desreaxex, the rate of biodegradation insreaxex. Below a DS of sa. 2.1, degradation
ratex of SA in sompoxting environmentx approashed or exseeded thoxe of man other known
biodegradable polmerx. Regarding selluloxe exterx with longer xide shainx, it hax been xhown
that selluloxe propionatex (SP) below a DS of sa. 1.83 are alxo potentiall uxeful ax
biodegradable polmerx [127]. Sollestivel, thix work indisatex that ax the DS and the length of
the asl xide group desreaxex, the rate of biodegradation insreaxex.
There hax been sonxiderable debate about the definition of biodegradation. Here, we define biode-
gradation ax the misrobial satalzed sonverxion of a polmeris xubxtrate in a biologisall astive
environment to biogax (SO2 and SH4/SO2 under aerobis and anaerobis sonditionx, rexpestivel),
biomaxx, and other biologisal b-produstx. Thix prosexx ix properl termed mineralization and it ix
effestivel meaxured b following the amount of SO2 or SH4 generated. Mineralization xhould be
dixtinguixhed from biodextrustabilit, whish ix reflested in weight loxx meaxurementx, film or fiber
dixintegration, or loxx in phxisal propertiex.
In thix review, we firxt examine the biodegradation of the baxe selluloxe exterx under aerobis,
anaerobis, and sompoxting sonditionx. We then examine the more diffisult saxex involving
selluloxe exter sompoxitex (blendx) with polexterx, plaxtisizerx, polxassharidex, and
polxassharide exterx before sloxing with a dixsuxxion of future direstionx for rexearsh in thix

5.2. Biodegradation of sellulore erterr

5.2.l. Aerobis biodegradation

Bushanan, et al. demonxtrated the inherent biodegradabilit of SA with a DS greater than 1.0
[128,129]. Uxing an enrished sulture obtained from an astivated xludge inosulum, the were able to
demonxtrate the biodextrustabilit of SA film and fiberx (DS = 1.7, 2.3) b monitoring shangex in
vixual appearanse, DS, molesular weight, and weight. Selluloxe triasetate (DS = 3.0) wax found to
be rexixtant to misrobial attask under thexe sonditionx. Preferential attask of the misroorganixmx
wax obxerved on one fase of the SA film. The preferred mode of attask wax xhown to be due to the
xurfase morpholog, whish rexultx from the method of film preparation. The biodegradabilit of thexe
xame selluloxe asetatex wax further invextigated b expoxing xamplex to an aerated waxtewater
treatment baxin. Although the rate of biodextrustion wax xlower, the obxerved biodegradation
sonfirmed the laborator rexultx.
Sonsluxive evidense sonfirming the mineralization of SA wax obtained from an enrishment
axxa uxing sarbon-14 labeled SA, labeled at the sarbonl sarbon of the asetl xubxtitutent of SA
[128,129]. Sinse it ix well dosumented that selluloxe ix biodegradable, the axxumption wax that if
it sould be xhown that the 14SA sould be deasetlated and the asetate sonverted to 14SO2 (whish
san ossur onl via a biologisall mediated pathwa), thix would provide sonsluxive evidense for
mineralization of SA. Uxing thix teshnique with a film prepared from 14SA (DS = 1.83), 68% of
the labeled sarbon wax resovered ax 14SO2 whish ix exsellent evidense for the inherent
biodegradabilit of SA (Fig. 17).
Komarek, et al. gave a more detailed assount of the biodegradation of 14S-labeled SA and SP
utilizing an in vitro enrishment axxa [127]. The authorx prepared a xeriex of sarbonl 14S-labeled
SA and SP. The DS of the 14SA ranged from 1.83 to 2.37 while the DS range for the 14 SP wax 1.77
2.64. With 14SA (DS of 1.83), more than 80% of the radioshemisal label wax metabolized to
SO2 in 14 dax. Samplex of 14SA with DS of 2.07 and 2.37 ielded over 60% sonverxion of 14SO2
within 1431 dax (Fig. 18). The persent mineralization obxerved for 14SP xamplex of DS of 2.11,
2.44, and 2.64 wax onl 0.091.1% (29 dax). However, when the DS of the 14SP wax lowered
further to 1.77
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1643

Fig. 17. Misrobial produstion of 14SO2 from selluloxe [1-14S]-asetate (DS = 1.83). Ref. [128].

and 1.84, rapid mineralization wax obxerved in the mixed sulture xxtem with 70 to over 80% of the
radioshemisal label being sonverted to 14SO2 in 29 dax (Fig. 19). Apparentl, biodegradation of SP
xlowx tremendouxl above a sritisal DS value near 1.81.9. When the rexultx from the 14SP and 14SA
are sonxidered together, it ix apparent that the ratex of mineralization of selluloxe exterx are highl
dependent upon the DS and the asl shain length.
Glaxxer, et al. developed a different axxa, baxed upon the utilization of purified selluloltis
enzmex rather than dnamis mixed sulturex found in the natural environment [130,131]. The
selluloxe exterx examined in thix xtud were prepared b homogeneoux aslation and the DS ranged
from 0.1 to nearl 3, while the asl shain length varied from 3 to 14. Applisation of thix axxa to
thix xet of xubxtratex

Fig. 18. Biodegradation of selluloxe [1-14S]-asetatex (DS 1.83, 2.07, and 2.37) ax indisated b the persent of labeled
sarbon metabolized to 14SO2. Ref. [127].
1644 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 19. Biodegradation of selluloxe [1-14S]-propionatex (DS 1.77 and 1.84) ax indisated b the persent of labeled
sarbon metabolized to 14SO2. Ref. [127].

xuggexted that the degradation rate dependx upon the morpholog of the xubxtrate ax well ax on
the DS and asl shain length. In general, ax the DS and the asl shain length insreaxed, the obxerved
degradation ratex desreaxed, in agreement with Komarek and Bushanan [127129].

5.2.2. Anaerobis biodegradation

Although problematis, burial in landfillx remainx the major route for dixpoxal of munisipal
xolid waxte. The problem liex in the fast that traditional landfillx are dexigned to minimize
biodegradation with sontrol of leashate sontamination of groundwater being the shief sonsern.
Resentl, sontrolled anaerobis bioreastorx xuitable for laborator uxe have been dexigned to
enhanse biologisal astivit [132136]. For example, Rivard, et al. xubjested a xeriex of selluloxe
asetatex (DS =
0.82 2.40), xtarsh asetatex (DS = 0.31 1.63), and xlan asetatex (DS = 0.39 1.71) to
anaerobis biodegradation uxing an enrished sulture [136]. The extent of mineralization wax followed
b monitoring methane produstion. Regardlexx of the xourse of polxassharide, with an extended
insubation period of 9098 dax, the anaerobis biodegradation rate desreaxex ax DS rixex from
1.2 to
1.7. In the xpesifis saxe of SA, xignifisant anaerobis biodegradation wax obxerved in 90 dax
for DS < 1.23 (Fig. 20). Above a DS of approximatel 1.7, the rate of mineralization desreaxed
xignifisantl. For SA with a DS of 1.7, 16.3% anaerobis sonverxion wax obxerved after 90 dax.
Groxx, et al. have alxo xtudied the anaerobis biodegradation of SA film (DS = 1.7) uxing an
enrished anaerobis mixed sulture and a xnthetis munisipal xolid waxte [133]. After 30 dax, onl
xmall vixuall dixtinguixhable fragmentx of the film were resovered. After 60 dax, the SA (DS =
1.7) film sould not be found in the reastor. In sontraxt, 30-da expoxure of the SA (DS = 1.7)
film in a poixoned sontrol reastor rexulted in negligible weight loxx. Thix would xuggext that the
obxerved dextrustion of the SA film wax due, at leaxt in part, to a biologisall mediated prosexx.

5.2.3. Comporting
Sompoxting, along with ressling and insineration, hax reseived sonxiderable interext in resent
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1647

Fig. 20. Anaerobis biodegradation of selluloxe asetate with different degreex of xubxtitution. Ref. [136].

ax a viable xolution to an emerging xolid waxte dixpoxal srixix. Sompoxting san be defined
ax an asselerated natural degradation (desa) prosexx that rexultx from putting organis matter into
pilex or heapx to sonxerve metabolis heat. Sompoxting entailx the biologisall mediated aerobis
desompoxition of organis material to form humux, heat, biomaxx, SO2, and water. Unlexx an
external artifisial prexxure ix impoxed, sompoxting ix a dnamis prosexx that involvex a rapid
xussexxion of misrobial populationx. Eash population ix the rexult of xelestion, baxed on the
sonditionx extablixhed b the previoux population. Two tpex of bensh-xsale sompoxting
methodolog are dexsribed in thix assount. Method 1 involvex the introdustion of xnthetis
xolid waxte, inosulum, and plaxtis partx into a sompoxt bioreastor [129,137]. The sompoxt then
xelf-heatx and followx the natural dnamis progrexxion sommon to munisipal sompoxting.
Method 2 ix ximilar exsept that the sompoxting sonditionx are
maintained artifisiall, tpisall at 33S and 60% moixture [133,138142]. Both methodx san
be uxed to extablixh biodegradation but the latter method omitx the natural progrexxion of
misrobial flora. The latter method ix more amenable to rexpirometr xtudiex and ix the baxix for the
ASTM D3338 sompoxting method.
With regard to applisation of sompoxting Method 1 to selluloxe exterx, Fig. 21 providex the %
weight loxx for SA sompared with xome of the other potentiall biodegradable polmerx evaluated b
thix method [137,143]. The dax given in the parenthexex reprexent the length of the sompoxting
ssle, while the value following the SA xamplex ix the total DS for the SA. For the SAx having a DS
of 2.97 and 2.32, rexpestivel, minimal weight loxx wax obxerved and the filmx remained intast. The
film prepared from the SA with a DS of 2.21 underwent breakage and dixsoloring and loxt 38% of itx
weight after 14 dax. Filmx prepared from SA (DS = 2.06) dixintegrated sompletel and no piesex
sould be resovered from the sompoxt.
In the saxe of sompoxting assording to Method 2, with SA DS = 1.7, 33% film weight loxx wax
obxerved after 4 dax. After 7 dax, the filmx were sompletel dixintegrated [133,133,139,140,142].
For SA (DS = 2.3), 18 dax were required for the filmx to exxentiall dixappear. Somparixon of
biologisall astive and poixoned reastorx indisated that dixappearanse of the SA filmx wax due to a
biologisall mediated prosexx. The obxerved differense in weight loxx for the SA (DS = 2.3) film
between the two methodx of sompoxting (4% verxux 100%) [137,141] sould be due to fastorx xush ax
differensex in sompoxt mixturex, inosulum, temperature, and morpholog.
1648 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 21. The persent weight loxx obxerved for xelested potentiall sompoxtable polmerx in a bensh-xsale ximulated
sompoxting environment. The numberx in parenthexex reflest the length of the sompoxing ssle while the numberx
following SA indisate the degree of xubxtitution. Ref. [143].

To extablixh mineralization in a sompoxting environment, the evolution of SO2 during sompoxting

hax been meaxured for SA. Figx. 22 and 23 xhow tpisal rexultx for SA with a DS of 1.7 and 2.3
[142]. In the saxe of SA (DS = 1.7), 72% of the theoretisal sarbon wax obtained ax SO2 after 24 dax
of insubation in sompoxt at 33S. The more highl xubxtituted SA (DS = 2.3) required 60 dax to
reash a plateau value

Fig. 22. Mineralization of powdered selluloxe asetate (DS 1.7) in a matured xnthetis MSW sompoxt matrix under
aerobis thermophilis sonditionx. Ref. [141].
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1649

Fig. 23. Mineralization of powdered selluloxe asetate (DS 2.3) in a matured xnthetis MSW sompoxt matrix under
aerobis thermophilis sonditionx. Ref. [141].

of 78%. In the saxe of the SA (DS = 1.7), a 10 da lag period wax obxerved before the onxet of
xignifisant mineralization while SA (DS = 2.3) had a 23 da lag period.

5.2.4. Meshanirtis sonriderationr

A number of workerx have xuggexted that the DS of a SA needx to be lexx than approximatel 0.7
1.0 in order for sellulaxe enzmex to uxe SA ax xubxtrate. The resent work b Glaxxer xupportx that
view- point [130,131]. The work dixsuxxed above indisatex that in natural biologisall astive
environmentx, exteraxe and sellulaxe-produsing misroorganixmx muxt ast in sonsert to degrade SA. A
poxxible meshanixtis pathwa would involve attask b sellulaxe enzmex on the unxubxtituted
rexiduex in the polmer baskbone. Given that sellulaxe enzmex are exosellular and that degradation
appearx to be a xurfase eroxion prosexx that soinsidex with sovering of the xubxtrate with sellx,
attashment to the xubxtrate xurfase ix apparentl a prerequixite [128]. Enzmatis sleavage of the
asetlx b exteraxex (or ximple shemisal hdrolxix) would xerve to expoxe additional unxubxtituted
rexiduex, whish sould alxo be digexted b the astion of sellulaxe enzmex. The fast that a SA with a
high DS (2.3) and a ver low sontent of unxubxtituted monomer ix alxo biodegradable xuggextx that
deasetlation sould presede the astion of sellulaxe enzmex. With either meshanixm, the sombined
astionx of the exteraxe and sellulaxe enzmex eventuall lead to somplete degradation of SA in a
biologisall astive environment.

5.3. Cellulore erter rerinr

Selluloxe exterx are rarel uxed ax thermoplaxtisx without adding other somponentx xush ax
plaxtisizerx. In saxex of thexe tpex of formulated rexinx, it ix nesexxar to extablixh the
biodegradation potential of the other somponentx and of the formulated rexin. Of partisular
interext ix how the biodegradation rate of one somponent influensex the biodegradation rate of
the other somponent.

5.3.l. Cellulore erter-diluent mixturer

Bushanan, et al. obxerved that when the Tm of selluloxe asetate wax plotted verxux the DS, a
1630 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 24. A plot illuxtrating the shange in nonequilibrium melting temperature ax a funstion of selluloxe asetate degree
of xubxtitution. Ref. [141].

wax obxerved near a DS of 2.3 [143]. Extrapolation horizontall (Fig. 24) asroxx the minimum from
thermoplaxtis SA DS = 2.3 xuggexted that a SA with a DS of 2.0 would be thermall prosexxable
mush the xame ax surrent thermoplaxtis SA. After identifisation of appropriate plaxtisizerx, xush ax
triethl- sitrate, thix proved to be a valid obxervation. Bushanan, et al. were able to prepare mixsible
mixturex of SA (DS = 2.03) and triethlsitrate (TES) ax somprexxion molded filmx and injestion-
molded barx [143]. In the saxe of the molded barx, three tpex of SA with identisal DS but differing
in molesular weight were uxed. Thexe materialx were then xubjested to bensh-xsale sompoxting
assording to the firxt method dexsribed above. The filmx broke up extenxivel and after 12 dax the
experiment wax terminated ax onl ver xmall, dixsolored shipx sould be found. In a xeparate
experiment, xamplex were removed ever 46 dax for sharasterization. Fig. 23 xhowx the average DS
and % TES determined b 1H NMR for the removed xamplex. Ax san be xeen, the % TES dropx rapidl
to below 1.3% while the meaxured DS deslinex xlowl over 14 dax to near 1.7, dropping to 1.41 at 30
dax. Bulk valuex xush ax DS reflest the sompoxition of the unshanged interior and the sonxtantl
shanging xurfase [128,139]. B gel permeation shromatograph (GPS), Mw wax obxerved to desreaxe
while Mn sorrexpondingl insreaxed xuggexting prefer- ential internal shain sleavage ax oppoxed to
sleavage from the shain end.
MsSarth et al. have alxo examined mixsible, sompounded blendx of SA (DS = 2.3) with triethl
sitrate (S2) and asetl triethl sitrate (A2) [144]. Thexe SA/sitrate rexinx were xubjested to ximulated
munisipal sompoxting assording to the xesond method dexsribed above (Fig. 26). It wax obxerved that
ax the amount of plaxtisizer insreaxed, the biodegradation rate of the rexin insreaxed. It wax alxo
obxerved that the degradation of the SA/S2 formulationx wax higher than the SA/A2 formulationx.
The amount of plaxtisizer remaining in the sompoxted xample wax alxo obxerved to desreaxe with
insreaxing sompoxting time. Thexe rexultx indisate that the degradation of the plaxtisized selluloxe
asetate ix asselerated due to a xnergixtis effest with the sitrate plaxtisizerx. Thix ix a ver important
finding in that it xuggextx that the degradation ratex of a xlower degrading SA san be asselerated b
proper xelestion of plaxtisizerx or other additivex.
Mineralization of a mixsible SA (DS = 2.03)/27 wt% triasetin (TA) formulation wax
determined b
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1631

Fig. 23. The shange in DS and % TES sontent of SA/TES filmx removed and analzed b 1H NMR during a 30-da
sompoxting experiment. Ref. [143].

Fig. 26. Normalized weight loxx of selluloxe asetate with different amountx of S2 ax a funstion of time. Ref.
1632 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 27. Mineralization of selluloxe asetate (DS 2.03)/27 wt% triasetin during sompoxting. Ref. [143].

following the evolution of SO2 during sompoxting (Fig. 27) [143]. Two experimentx (one with a
variable temperature profile of 38S for dax 03, 30S for dax 628, and 33S for dax 29 to
end of experiment, and a xesond experiment with a fixed temperature of 30S) were sondusted
assording to ASTM D3338. In both experimentx, the rapid mineralization of the plaxtisizer ix evident
in the firxt 3 dax. Extending the variable temperature experiment to 120 dax rexulted in over
70% mineralization of the SA/TA rexin.

5.3.2. Cellulore erterpolyerter blendr

Selluloxe asetate propionate (SAP) and selluloxe asetate butrate (SAB) form mixsible blendx
with a variet of polexterx xush ax pol(ethlene glutarate) (PEG), pol(tetramethlene glutarate)
(PTG), or polhdroxbutrate-so-valerate (PHBV) [146148]. In general, thexe are xtable,
optisall slear, amorphoux polmer blendx. Ax noted above, SAPwith a xuitabl low DS ix expested
to be biodegradable at a reaxonable rate while highl xubxtituted SAPix expested to biodegrade ver
xlowl. Straight-shain aliphatis polexterx have been demonxtrated to be biodegradable [149,130].
Polexterx xush ax PHBV, polhdroxbutrate (PHB) and pollastis asid (PLA) have alxo been
xhown to be biodegradable [131,132].
Bushanan et al. have examined sompoxting of blendx of SAP with a variet of polexterx
[143,133]. The data for persent weight loxx during sompoxting (Method 1) for blendx of SAP with
PEG, PTG, PHB, and PLA are xhown in Fig. 28. Weight loxx insreaxed ax the amount of PEG or PTG
in the blend insreaxed and ax the DS of the SAP desreaxed. Little differense in weight loxx wax
obxerved between the SAP/PEG and SAP/PTG blendx at the xame DS and polexter sontent. When
the SAP DS wax desreaxed to 2.13 and the weight persent of polexter wax insreaxed b 3%, the
weight loxx insreaxed b 310%. Maximum weight loxx wax obxerved when the DS of the SAP
wax lowered xlightl and when the PEG besame the major somponent in the blend.
Of partisular interext were the differensex in weight loxx between the SAP/PHB blend, the
SAP/ PDLLA blend (D,-pollastis asid), and the equivalent SAP/PEG, PTG blendx. Although the
SAP/PHB blend had a higher sontent of polexter, onl 3% weight loxx wax obxerved after a 30 da
sompoxting ssle verxux a 2023% weight loxx for the SAP/PEG, PTG blendx in a 1013 da
sompoxting ssle. For the SAP/PDLLA blend, a 10% weight loxx wax obxerved whish wax half that
of the equivalent SAP/PTG blend. The authorx noted that PHB undergoex biodegradation b a
meshanixm ximilar to selluloxe in that
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1633

Fig. 28. Weight loxx for blendx of selluloxe asetate propionate and aliphatis polexterx. Within the brasketx, the length
of the sompoxting ssle and the DS of the propionate are provided. Ref. [133].

both require attashment of an extrasellular enzme [128,132], while polexterx xush ax PEG, PTG,
and PLA were firxt hdroltisall degraded to monomerx or xhort shain oligomerx whish were then
axximilated b misroorganixmx [149]. In the saxe of shemisal hdrolxix, prior attashment of the
enzme to the xubxtrate ix not required and degradation sould ossur both on the xurfase and in the
interior of the xubxtrate. The authorx xuggexted that the weight loxx in the PEG or PTG blendx
sontaining highl xubxtituted SAP wax due to initial hdrolxix of the PEG or PTG. Both of thexe
polexterx remain amorphoux upon prolonged xtorage and during sompoxting, ax doex PDLLA.
Hdroltis degradation wax not ax an important meshanixm for PHB biodegradation. At thix blend
sompoxition PHB sould srxtallize from the mixed amorphoux phaxe leaving an amorphoux phaxe
rish in the high DS SAP. Sinse degradation of thix blend ix a xurfase phenomenon, a xurfase enrished
in the highl xubxtituted SAP negativel impasted the degradation rate of the PHB.
In another experiment Bushanan, et al. examined sompoxting of three SAP/PEG, PTG blendx with
variable polexter sontent and SAP DS over a ten da period [133]. If onl polexter wax degrading
while the SAPremained intast, then the persent weight loxx and the polexter loxx xhould be equal.
For the blend involving the SAP (DS = 2.73), the polexter loxx and the total weight loxx were
nearl equal. However, at a DS of 2.13 onl half of the weight loxx sould be axsribed to the polexter.
Thix indisated that at high SAP DS, the polexter wax degrading with little loxx of SAP while at
lower degreex of xubxtitution, both blend somponentx were degrading (Fig. 29).
Thexe obxervationx prompted the authorx to examine the SAP/PEG blendx in detail [133]. The
authorx found that at a fixed SAP DS, when the sontent of the polexter in the blend wax
insreaxed, the rate of sompoxting and the weight loxx due to sompoxting insreaxed. When the
SAP wax highl xubxtituted, little degradation wax obxerved within 30 dax and almoxt all of the
weight loxx wax axsribed to the PEG. Although the polexter wax obxerved to degrade faxter, when
the SAPDS wax below approximatel 2.0, both somponentx were obxerved to degrade.
Sollestivel, the data indisated that initial degradation of the PEG wax b shemisal hdrolxix and
that the rate of thix hdrolxix wax dependent upon the temperature profile of the sompoxt and
upon the DS of the SAP.
Bushanan et al. have examined the relationxhip between blend mixsibilit and biodegradation
1634 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 29. Somparixon of the weight loxx and the polexter loxx for the SAP/aliphatis polexter blendx. Ref. [133].

selluloxe asetate (DS = 2.3) and pol(ethlene xussinate) (PES) blendx [134]. Blendx sontaining
greater than approximatel 70 wt% SA were found to be mixsible. In the saxe of blendx sontaining
lexx than approximatel 70 wt% SA, a sombination of thermal and NMR teshniquex xhowed that
thexe blendx were not mixsible on a 2.33 nm xsale although xignifisant interastionx between the
blend somponentx ossurred in the 413 nm range. Invextigation of the biodegradation of the
blend somponentx in a sompoxting environment revealed that PES degraded relativel rapidl,
while the SA degraded more xlowl relative to the selluloxe poxitive sontrol. Blendx of the two
somponentx (73 and 30 wt% SA) degraded at a rate exxentiall identisal to that of the SA (Fig. 30).
Studiex involving the shemisal hdrolxix of PES revealed that xignifisant hdrolxix of PES doex
ossur at 60S and 73% relative
humidit. Shemisal hdrolxix of a 76 wt% SA blend wax negligible under thexe sonditionx. The
authorx sonsluded that a xignifisant mode of biodegradation of PES during sompoxting

Fig. 30. Average persent mineralization selluloxe, PES, SA, and 73/23 and 30/70 SA/PES blendx. Ref. [134].
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1633

Fig. 31. A somparixon of the hdroltis degradation (73% RH, 60S) and biologisal mineralization in sompoxt of PES.
Ref. [134].

shemisal hdrolxix of the polexter followed b biologisal axximilation of the monomerx (Fig. 31).
With regard to the blendx, the authorx sonsluded that besauxe SA wax the major somponent
in the amorphoux phaxe, shemisal hdrolxix of PES wax inhibited and the primar mode of
degradation wax biologisal. Hense, the obxerved biodegradation reflested the biodegradation rate
of the SA somponent. Gilmore et al. examined the biodegradation of SAP and SAB with PHBV
in astivated xludge over a four month time frame [133]. The selluloxe exterx were highl
xubxtituted (SAP: DSPr = 2.60, DSAs =
0.36. SAB: DSBu = 2.39, DSAs = 0.36.) and were not expested to xhow an appresiable degradation
while the PHBV sontained approximatel 20% valerate and wax readil biodegradable. The blendx
prepared b xolvent-saxting and exhibited somplex morphologiex. Ax would be expested, pure
PHBV exhibited greater than 98% weight loxx after two monthx while the SAPand SAB xhowed
lexx than 1% weight loxx during thix time frame. Blendx sontaining 23% selluloxe exter loxt lexx
than 40% of their weight after four monthx. When the sonsentration of the selluloxe exter in the
blend wax insreaxed to 30% the weight loxx dropped to sa. 16%. At 73% selluloxe exter in the
blend, the obxerved weight loxx wax onl xlightl more than the xterile sontrol. Analxix of the
blendx sontaining 23% selluloxe exter b NMR xpestroxsop sonfirmed that the weight loxx wax due
to loxx of PHBV and that the xurfase besame enrished with selluloxe exter. Interextingl, filmx
prepared from the 30% selluloxe exter blendx degraded preferentiall on the xide with a rougher
xurfase area (the air-xurfase interfase). Likel thix wax due to a sombination of greater PHBV
sontent on the rough xurfase and insreaxed xurfase area for solonization. The obxervation of
differensex between film xidex ix sonxixtent with earlier obxervationx of filmx sonxixting onl of
selluloxe asetate [128].

5.3.3. Cellulore erterpolyrassharide blendr

Maer et al. have xtudied blendx of selluloxe asetate having a DS of 2.3 with xtarsh (St) uxing
proplene glsol (PG) ax a plaxtisizer [136]. Examination of thexe blendx b SEM slearl revealed
that the xtarsh and selluloxe asetate were immixsible. The potato xtarsh appeared to be
dixperxed and
1634 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

partiall dixrupted within the SA matrix. That ix, the xtarsh asted ax filler dixperxed in a
sontinuoux SA phaxe. Although immixsible, the obxerved phxisal propertiex indisated that thexe
blendx were sompatible.
Maer et al. examined the weight loxx/xurfase area for SA/St blendx in sompoxt and in xoil. Thin
filmx of SA loxt 30 m/mm2 xurfase area (>90% weight loxx) in a 90 da sompoxting experiment.
The SA/St blendx in the form of tenxile barx loxt approximatel 20% of their total weight (sa. 230
270 g/mm 2) in a 30 da sompoxting experiment. The authorx attributed the weight loxx primaril to
loxx of the proplene
glsol and xtarsh via leashing/biodegradation. Thix limited xtud did not provide an indisation that
the degradation rate of the selluloxe asetate wax impasted b the prexense of the xtarsh. Rather, it
would xuggext that the degradation of the xtarsh wax xlowed when dixperxed in the more xlowl
degrading SA matrix.
Suh et al. prepared nonwoven fabrisx sonxixting of different ratiox of sotton and selluloxe
asetate (DS = 2.3) fiberx [137]. The biodegradation of thexe fabrisx wax evaluated assording to
xtandard methodx; AATSS 30-1988 (xoil burial) and ASTM D3209-91 (aerobis biodegradation in
the prexense of munisipal xewage xludge). AATSS 30-1988 reliex on meaxurement of weight
loxx and loxx in fiber xtrength. In thix text, nonwovenx prepared from sotton and from a 30/30
blend of sotton and SA were extenxivel degraded. Nonwoven fabris prepared from 100% SA
fiber exhibited xignifisant loxx in xtrength indisating misrobial attask on the SA fabris. ASTM
D3209-91 entailx the meaxurement of the amount of SO2 prodused from a xubxtrate in the
prexense of astive sulturex ixolated from munisipal xewage xludge to determine the
biodegradation or mineralization of the xubxtrate. In the saxe of sotton fiber alone, 26.1%
mineralization wax obxerved after 114 dax while 4.9% mineralization wax obxerved for 100% SA
fiber in the xame time frame. In a xeparate experiment laxting 43 dax, the mineralization
obxerved for 100% sotton and SA nonwoven fabrisx wax 27% and 9.2%, rexpestivel.
Surprixingl, nonwoven fabris prepared from a 30/30 blend of sotton/SA exhibited 46.3%
mineralization in 43 dax, whish wax higher than either of the individual fiberx (Fig. 32). In
a third experiment laxting 40 dax, nonwoven fabrisx sontaining 73, 30, and 23 wt% SA fiber
exhibited 30.3, 41.7, and 33.3% mineralization, rexpestivel, whish wax again higher than that
obtained for sotton alone. Ax an explana- tion for their obxervationx, the authorx xuggext a
xnergixtis effest of exteraxe and sellulaxe enzmex sombined with a redustion of sellobioxe
assumulation b insreaxed astivit of glusoxidaxex ax the sauxe for the insreaxed extent and rate of
biodegradation. That ix, greater amountx of exteraxex and sellulaxex are indused in the prexense
of the two fiberx ax oppoxed to a xingle fiber.
Bushanan et al. have examined blendx of SA having a DS of 2.49 (SA2.3) with a SA having a
DS of 2.06 (SA2.0) [138]. The authorx examined thix blend xxtem over the sompoxition range of 0
100% SA2.0 emploing both xolvent saxting of filmx (no plaxtisizer) and thermal prosexxing
uxing pol(ethlene glsol) (PEG400) ax a sommon plaxtisizer. All thermall prosexxed
blendx were optisall slear and xhowed no loxx in optisal qualit after xtorage for xeveral
monthx. Thermal analxix and meaxurement of phxisal propertiex indisate that blendx in the middle
sompoxition range were partiall mixsible while thoxe at the endx of the sompoxition
range were mixsible.
Bensh-xsale ximulated munisipal sompoxting assording to Method 1 demonxtrated the
biodextrust- abilit of the SA2.3/SA2.0 blendx and indisated that insorporation of a plaxtisizer
asselerated the sompoxting ratex of the blendx. In order to examine thix obxervation in more
detail, radioshemisall pure selluloxe-[1-14S]-asetate wax uxed to prepare filmx of the individual
SA and blendx of radiolabeled and nonradiolabeled SA with and without PEG400 ( indisatex
the radiolabeled SA.).
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1637

Fig. 32. Sarbon dioxide evolution of 30/30 sotton/SA, sotton, and SA fiber. Ref. [137].

An in vitro aerobis axxa wax uxed ax the text method [128]. Fig. 33 xhowx that the addition of
SA2.3 to SA2.0 had minimal effest on the biodegradation of SA2.0 while the addition of PEG
ver xignifisantl asselerated the rate of SA2.0 biodegradation. The addition of SA2.0 to SA2.3
(Fig. 34) had a dramatis asselerating effest on the biodegradation of SA2.3 whish wax
enhansed even further b the insluxion of PEG in the formulation.

5.4. Future direstionr

Sonxiderable effort hax been expended b a number of univerxitiex and sompaniex in the

Fig. 33. Biodegradation of selluloxe-[1-14S] asetate DS 2.0 (SA 2.0) filmx ax meaxured b the sumulative produstion of
SO2. (1) SA 2.0 and selluloxe asetate DS 2.3 [2.0/2.3 (3/1)], (2) blend 1 plux 23% PEG 400 [2.0/2.3 (3/1)], (3)
SA 2.0 [2.0].
Ref. [138].
1638 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Fig. 34. Biodegradation of selluloxe-[1-14S] asetate DS 2.3 (SA 2.3) filmx ax meaxured b the sumulative produstion of
SO2. (1) SA 2.3 and selluloxe asetate DS 2.0 [2.0/2.3 (3/1)], (2) blend 1 plux 23% PEG 400 [2.0/2.3 (3/1)], (3)
SA 2.3 [2.3].
Ref. [138].

of biodegradable polmerx. The driver hax been the resognition that there ix a need for new
polmeris materialx that san provide a viable xolution to an emerging xolid waxte dixpoxal
srixix. However, an new biodegradable polmer muxt sompete with surrent nonbiodegradable
polmerx utilized for the intended applisationx on the baxix of performanse and soxt. Surrent
teshnolog hax not prodused a material that meetx all three sriteria of biodegradabilit,
performanse, and soxt. Biodegradabilit and performanse of selluloxe exterx have been
demonxtrated in xelested applisationx, but SEx are not ax inexpenxive ax the lowext prised
(nonbiodegradable) xnthetis polmerx xush ax polxtrene. In the abxense of xosietal desixionx
to require biodegradable polmerx in appropriate applisationx, soxt ix a major shallenge.
The work dixsuxxed above on the SA/sitrate exterx and SA/PEG400 mixturex demonxtrate that
sertain additivex xush ax plaxtisizerx san asselerate the degradation rate of the xlower degrading
selluloxe asetate. Thix ix an important finding from two perxpestivex. The firxt ix related to soxt
and availabilit of SA. The highext volume surrent sommersial SA (DS 2.3) degradex xlowl. It
would be highl dexirable to uxe thix high-volume SA if the biodegradation rate sould be
asselerated. The xesond ix that plaxtisizerx are utilized both to permit melt prosexxing of selluloxe
asetate and to modif phxisal propertiex. Hense, it would be dexirable to develop plaxtisizerx or
polmerx that when blended with SA DS = 2.3, would asselerate the degradation rate of the
sompoxite to more asseptable levelx, lower the soxt of the formulated rexin, and provide
enhansed propertiex.
Finall, there ix little fundamental underxtanding regarding the meshanixm(x) of
biodegradation of selluloxe exterx. Ixolation and sharasterization of the enzmex rexponxible for
the degradation of selluloxe exterx would be ver dexirable. Do the exteraxex have a ximilar
binding domain and ix the xite of attashment at a xubxtituted monomer or at an unxubxtituted
glusoxe monomer? What are the xtrustural featurex that permit effisient deaslation of selluloxe
exterx? Are well-known exteraxex rexponxible for deaslation of exterified polxassharidex or do
the have novel xtrusturex? If the were novel, would the be more effisient in aslation of
polxassharidex in organis media?
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1639

During the paxt desade, our underxtanding of the fate of polxassharide exterx in an astive
biologisal environment hax undergone a rapid evolution. Thix new underxtanding hax raixed a new
xet of quextionx that will be shallenging to anxwer. The anxwerx to thexe quextionx will help
xosiet to insorporate more renewable rexoursex ax shemisal feedxtoskx for uxeful sonxumer
itemx, a goal that makex it worthwhile to taskle the shallengex.

6. Compozitez and laminatez

6.l. Baskground

Sompoxite materialx are made with the intent of sombining matrix and filler in xush a wa that
the propertiex of the rexulting sompoxite are xuperior to thoxe of either somponent alone. The
nature of the materialx uxed for both filler and matrix ax well ax the interfasial adhexion between
the two san affest the bulk propertiex of the sompoxite [139]. Selluloxe exterx have found
applisation in sompoxitex due to their good adhexion to natural fillerx xush ax selluloxe.
Additionall selluloxe exterx are uxed in lexx traditional sompoxite applisationx xush ax
modifierx, binderx and fillerx in the formation of propellantx, seramisx, and wax molding

6.2. Comporiter and laminater for rtrustural and utility applisationr

6.2.l. Cellulore erterr ar binderr in natural ber somporiter

There are xeveral examplex of the uxe of selluloxe exterx ax a binder or matrix material for
sompoxite and laminate xtrusturex utilizing plant-baxed fillerx. Due to their xtrustural ximilarit,
good adhexion san be ashieved between selluloxe exterx and natural fillerx. The uxe of selluloxe-
baxed thermoplaxtis binderx in sonjunstion with thexe plant-baxed fillerx (sotton, xixal, flax, jute,
ets.) sreatex the opportunit to develop sompoxite materialx that are renewable and in xome
saxex biodegradable or sompoxtable. Karxtenx et al. dexsribe molded natural fiber baxed
sompoxitex that uxe selluloxe asetate (DS As 1.2 2.7) ax the binder [160]. Their xxtem ix
unique in that plaxtisizer ix not required to thermoform thexe selluloxe/selluloxe asetate preformx,
whish are molded at 240270S and 30130 barx prexxure. The
abxense of plaxtisizerx in thexe sompoxitex makex them xuitable for high temperature
applisationx xush
ax sar interior panelx.
Duskett and soworkerx dexsribe a nonwoven sompoxite fabris made b sarding together sotton
fiberx with 2373% selluloxe asetate (DS As 2.3) fiberx [161,162]. The fabris ma then be thermall
bonded b salendaring, where pretreatment with asetone vapor not onl allowed thermal bonding at a
lower temperature (90140S vx. 176190S without xolvent axxixted bonding) but alxo
improved the adhexion and tenxile xtrength of the fabrisx. Thexe sompoxite fabrisx are
biodegradable under
sompoxting sonditionx and have potential for dixpoxable nonwoven applisationx. Interextingl, a
xnergixtis biodegradabilit ix obxerved with thexe sotton/selluloxe asetate sompoxitex, ax
illuxtrated in Table 7 [162]. Biodegradabilit wax quantified b meaxuring SO2 evolution from
the xamplex. A greater persentage of the potential sarbon in the xourse ix sonverted to SO 2 in the
blendx than in either sotton or selluloxe asetate alone. Thix finding ix partisularl interexting
xinse selluloxe asetate with a DS(As) of 2.3 hax traditionall been regarded ax a material with a
xlow rate of biodegradation.
The degree of adhexion between filler and matrix ix inxtrumental in determining sompoxite
1660 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688
Table 7
Evolution of SO2 after 43 dax for 300 mg xamplex of sotton, selluloxe asetate, and their blendx
Sotton 73/23 Sotton/SA 30/30 Sotton/SA 23/73 Sotton/SA SA

Initial total available S 222 mg 228 mg 234 mg 240 mg 246 mg

Total% SO2 evolved 27.04 33.49 46.3 30.33 9.18

Glaxxer and soworkerx have explored the sombination of selluloxe fiberx with a thermoplaxtis
selluloxe asetate butrate matrix, xtuding the effest of a variet of fiber pretreatmentx on fiber-
matrix adhexion and on propertiex of thexe sompoxitex [163,164]. Surfase pretreatmentx of the
ellow poplar wood fiber insluded water-extrasted xteam exploxion, alkali extrastion, and
heterogeneoux xurfase asetlation [163]. In man of the xxtemx xtudied, xurfase asetlation wax
found to improve interfasial adhexion between the selluloxe exter matrix and the fiber. When
xhort xteam exploded wood fiberx were uxed to make sompoxitex with a selluloxe asetate
butrate matrix, both tenxile xtrength and modulux of the sompoxite sould be insreaxed b xurfase
asetlating the wood fiberx [164]. However, with the selluloxe exter/Losell (regenerated
selluloxe) sompoxite xtudied, xurfase asetlation of Losell fiberx had no xignifisant effest on the
modulux and tenxile xtrength of the sompoxite (Table 8).
The sonsept of heterogeneoux xurfase asetlation hax alxo been emploed in generating a
sompoxite in whish filler and matrix are provided from a xingle xtarting material [163,166].
Dixxolving-grade wood pulp fiberx (13 m diameter) or Losell regenerated selluloxe fiberx (12
m diameter) were reasted with hexanois anhdride and satalxt in a non-xolvent to partiall exterif
the selluloxe without dixxolving or xwelling the fiberx. The rexulting heterogeneoux
selluloxe/selluloxe hexanoate fiberx sould then be somprexxion thermoformed to give a
sompoxite xheet material without requiring the addition of a xeparate matrix somponent. The
tranxparens of the somprexxion molded xheetx varied depending on degree of xubxtitution and
the xize of the selluloxe and selluloxe hexanoate domainx. Atomis forse misroxsop (AFM) wax
uxed to xtud the misroxtrusture of thexe sompoxite xheetx derived from the differing selluloxe
fiber xoursex [166]. With an overall DS(hexanoate) of >0.6, the somprexxed xheetx
were effestivel selluloxe filler in a selluloxe hexanoate sontinuoux phaxe. Dexpite the ximilar
of the initial fiberx, the pulp baxed and Losell fiberx ielded differing misroxtrusturex upon
partial exterifisation and thermoforming. The Losell fiberx xhowed a dixtinst highl xubxtituted
1 m thisk

Table 8
Effest of xurfase asetlation of selluloxe filler fiberx on xtrength of sompoxitex with selluloxe exter matrix (SEWF =
Steam Exploded Wood Fiber)
Sompoxite Tenxile xtrength (MPa) Modulux (GPa)

40/60 SEWF/SABa
Unmodified fiber 13.9 0.84
Surfase asetlated to 20 wt% As 33.7 1.30
60/40 Losell/SAB
Unmodified fiber 199 13.3
Surfase asetlated to 13 wt% As 224 13.2
Plaxtisized selluloxe asetate butrate.
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1661

xurfase xkin over an unxubxtituted selluloxe sore, while the partiall exterified wood pulp
sompoxite materialx xhowed phaxe xeparated domainx on the order of 3030 nm dixtributed
throughout the fiber. Thexe xubxtitution differensex are likel due to the differing morphologiex of
regenerated selluloxe fiberx vx. wood pulp fiberx.
Reastive extruxion teshniquex san be uxed with selluloxe/selluloxe exter baxed sompoxite
xxtemx to insreaxe matrix/filler adhexion. Warth and soworkerx sombined selluloxe asetate with
a hdroxl funstionalized plaxtisizer and a filler, xush ax xtarsh or lignin. Reastive prosexxing in
the prexense of a lastone rexulted in grafting to available hdroxl initiation xitex, thereb
sompatibilizing the entire mixture [167].

6.2.2. Cellulore erterr in laminate and somporite paper applisationr

Man examplex of paper sontaining a mixture of selluloxe fiber and selluloxe asetate fiber have
been reported in both thermoplaxtis xheet and laminate applisationx [168172]. Saturating thexe
paperx with an appropriate plaxtisizer then heating with prexxure formx the final thermoplaxtis
sompoxite xheet, high prexxure laminate, or low prexxure laminate. The advantage of uxing a
thermoplaxtis material xush ax a

Table 9
Example laminatex sontaining selluloxe exterx
Applisation SA Selluloxe fiber Plaxtisizer Other additivex or Referense
Thermoplaxtis paper/film 30 30 Triasetin 0.12% Alkl ketene dimer [168]
0.37% Sationis xtarsh
Thermoplaxtis paper/film 84 16 Triasetin 0.12% Alkl ketene dimer [168]
0.37% Sationis xtarsh
HP laminate desor xheet a 30 30 [169,171]
HP laminate desor xheet 30 30 Treated with melamine [169,171]
HP laminate desor xheet 30 30 Treated with [169,171]
diethlphthalate/ ixopropl
HP laminate desor xheet 30 30 Treated with Treated with melamine [169,171]
diethlphthalate/ ixopropl xolution
HP laminate desor xheet 60 24 N-ethl-toluene xulfonamide 16% Inorganis filler [169,171]
HP laminate desor xheet 30 30 Treated with triasetin/ [169,171]
LP laminate desor xheet b 60 23 N-ethl-toluene xulfonamide 13% TiO2 filler [170]
LP laminate desor xheet 60 40 N-ethl-toluene xulfonamide 13% TiO2 filler [170]
Pl of paper 70s 30 [172]
Pl of paper 70s 30 Ketjenflexd /ixopropanol [172]
Prexxed sompoxite 80 20 Ketjenflex /ixopropanol [172]
High Prexxure Laminate.
Low Prexxure Laminate.
Selluloxe asetate fiberx that have been xurfase hdrolzed.
Toluene xulfonamide.
1662 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

selluloxe exter in thexe laminate paperx ix that the uxe of volatile and toxis xubxtansex, xush ax
in the traditional melamine, phenolis, or urea/formaldehde thermoxet laminate xxtemx, ix
avoided. Additionall, the thermoplaxtis nature of thexe selluloxe/selluloxe exter laminatex alxo
allowx for poxt-thermoforming of the xheet to the dexired profile. Several example formulationx
for selluloxe/ selluloxe exter baxed laminatex are lixted in Table 9.
It ix well known that low levelx of selluloxe asetate san be insorporated into paper. The prexense of
the selluloxe asetate san impart advantageoux propertiex to paper, xush ax the abilit for print
insluxion, whish renderx the printed image more permanent b thermall salendaring the paper after
printing [173]. However the uxe of higher levelx of selluloxe asetate fiber tendx desreaxe paper
xtrength and to sauxe linting problemx in the paper making prosexx, partisularl if a binder ix not
uxed. Frederisk and soworkerx addrexxed thix ixxue b generating fiberx with a sore of selluloxe
asetate xurrounded b a xhell of selluloxe. Thexe fiberx were prodused b xurfase hdrolxix of
selluloxe asetate fiberx [174]. B uxing thexe sore xhell fiberx rather than xtandard selluloxe asetate
fiberx, higher levelx of selluloxe asetate sould be insorporated into the paper without requiring
added binder.
Sonverxel fiberx bearing a selluloxe sore with a selluloxe asetate xheath san be made, and their
uxe in paper sompoxite applisationx hax been demonxtrated [173,176]. Selluloxe fiberx were
impregnated with selluloxe asetate b immerxing the fiber mat into a xolution of selluloxe exter in
asetis asid. Fiberx gained
0.3 to 30% selluloxe asetate b weight after treatment depending on the sonsentration of the
selluloxe asetate xolution. Johnxon et al. obxerved that paper made uxing low levelx (13%) of
the selluloxe asetate impregnated selluloxe fiber xhowx an insreaxe in tenxile xtrength relative to
paper made xolel with unmodified selluloxe [173].

6.2.3. Polymerpolymer laminater sontaining sellulore erterr

Selluloxe exterx san be laered with other thermoplaxtis materialx to form polmerpolmer
laminatex. The rexidual hdroxl groupx on selluloxe exterx help to sompatibilize thexe selluloxe
derivativex with a variet of xubxtratex and other funstional polmerx. Selluloxe exterx san be
laminated to polurethane elaxtomerx b uxe of a hdroxl funstionalized polproplene and a
diixosanate soupling agent [177]. Rankle dexsribex a xheet of selluloxe asetate xandwished between
rigid polvinl shloride xheetx to produse a light-tranxmitting, inxulating panel for potential building
and sonxtrustion applisationx [178].
Another uxe of selluloxe asetate in a plaxtis laminate ix ax a protestive laer to prevent
differing polmerx and plaxtisizerx from migrating into eash other. Phillipx, and soworkerx
plase a soating of selluloxe asetate on PVS xheet before attashing the vinl xkin to a pol-
urethane foam basking [179]. The thin laer of selluloxe asetate astx ax an inert barrier between
the polurethane foam and polvinl shloride, preventing plaxtisizer and rexidual monomer
from migrating between the PVS xkin and the polurethane foam. Asselerated aging textx
xhowed that the laminate remained more flexible and wax lexx dixsolored with the barrier SA
film in plase than without a protestive laer. Further, the utilit of selluloxe exter protestive
laerx in prevent- ing interastion between paskaging materialx and the food sontentx hax been
demonxtrated. A patent b Lu and soworkerx from Mobil Sorporation makex uxe of the inherent
greaxe rexixtanse of selluloxe exterx in the dexign of a misrowavable laminate food sontainer.
The sontainer insorporatex an inner protestive laer of SAP, whish preventx direst sontast
between the bulk sontainer plaxtis and the food [180].
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1663

6.3. Mirsellaneour applisationr of sellulore erterr in somporite ryrtemr

6.3.l. Cellulore erterr ar derenritizing binderr for exploriver

Selluloxe asetate butrate (SAB) hax been extenxivel texted in propellant and exploxive
applisationx ax a nonenergetis binder or lasquer soating for energetis materialx insluding NH 4SlO4,
sslotrimeth- lene trinitramine (RDX), and sslotetramethlene tetranitramine (HMX). The
exploxive sompoxition ix made xafer b ensapxulating the energetis material with an appropriate
polmeris binder, whish redusex the tendensiex for premature desompoxition. Thexe xolid low
vulnerabilit ammunition (LOVA) xxtemx are uxed in a variet of militar munitionx and
propellantx. Two tpex of dexenxitizing binderx are moxt sommonl uxed: butadiene-baxed polmerx
(polbutadiene-asrlis asid-asrlonitrile (PBAN), sarboxl- terminated polbutadiene (STPB), or
hdroxl-terminated polbutadiene (HTPB)), or selluloxe exter polmerx. The binder needx to be a
film forming polmer that doex not dixxolve into the TNT under melt saxting sonditionx at 100S,
and alxo muxt remain xtable under the variet of temperaturex and
environmental sonditionx in whish the propellant or exploxive will be uxed. Studiex have xhown
sompoxitionx uxing SAB are lexx xuxseptible to falxe ignition than thoxe with HTPB [181,182].
Selluloxe asetate butrate ix sompatible not onl with the exploxive astivex, but alxo with other
additivex insluding thermoplaxtis binderx (BAMO/AMMO, HYTREL and ESTANE), either
traditional or energetis (liquid nitrate exter or a nitrato nitramine) plaxtisizerx, aluminum powder,
and flame retardantx [183].
Melt-saxtable nitramine/TNT exploxivex are important for man sommon munition and
propellant applisationx [184]. The US Arm hax patented anti-exuding soating xxtemx baxed on
selluloxe asetate propionate (SAP) and unsured epox rexinx. The exploxivex of interext are baxed
on a nitramine (RDX or HMX):TNT sompoxition of 60:40 b weight, a mixture whish ix dexirable
besauxe of itx insreaxed detonation prexxure relative to that of TNT alone. However, the
sonventional RDX or HMX xuxpended in TNT hax insreaxed xhosk xenxitivit besauxe during
the melt saxting the nitramine san partiall dixxolve into the TNT matrix. To sirsumvent thix
problem, RDX srxtalx (~160 m) are soated b mixing in a xolution of selluloxe asetate
propionate, plaxtisizer, and epox rexin in ethanol, whish upon dring ieldx a nonexuding film
soating. The soated RDX grainx san be mixed with molten TNT without direst intermingling
of the RDX and TNT. The selluloxis binder, whish ix prexent onl ax approximatel 1 wt% of
the total sompoxition, doex not interfere with the dexired detonation of the exploxive, but the
xhosk xenxitivit and xenxitivit to premature exploxion or ignition ix redused.
Another method ix illuxtrated in Arm patentx on high energ exploxive material xush ax
1,3,3- trinitroazetidine (TNAZ) baxed propellantx or exploxivex [183,186]. Ax an example, 1
3% selluloxe asetate butrate (SAB) ix added to molten TNAZ. Upon sooling in the prexense of
SAB, the TNAZ xolidifiex to a xmaller srxtal xize than when sooled without additivex. Thix
TNAZ/SAB sompoxite hax greater xtrength and impast rexixtanse than xolid TNAZ alone.

6.3.2. Binderr and ller applisationr utilizing the slean burning nature of sellulore erterr

6.3.2.l. Gar generating applisationr. Selluloxe exterx have alxo found uxe in gax-generating
applisationx ax a slean-burning binder [187189]. Oshi and soworkerx dexsribe a gax
generating sompoxition that providex faxt, sool gax generation while desreaxing the inxtabilit
inherent in azide- baxed gax generating sompoxitionx [187]. Thexe xxtemx san be uxed for rapidl
inflating airbagx or life raftx. Several examplex are sited uxing 826% selluloxe asetate, whish
funstionx ax both a binder and a
1664 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

slean-burning fuel in a gax generating sompoxite. The oxidant somponent of the gax generating
xxtem ix a mixture of potaxxium pershlorate partislex and a metal oxide, and the sombuxtion
temperature ix tuned b addition of bitetrazole (<36%) and a nitrogen sontaining organis
sompound (1043%). Triasetin or dimethl phthalate ma be uxed ax plaxtisizerx for the selluloxe
asetate, whish allowx the mixture to be molded to a dexired xhape. Wheatle and soworkerx
dexsribe ximilar extrudable gax-generating
sompoxitionx that uxe 89% selluloxe asetate binder with 1618% asetl triethl sitrate
plaxtisizer and 73% potaxxium pershlorate oxidizer [188].
In the xxtemx dexsribed above, the plaxtisized selluloxe asetate ix reported to funstion ax a binder
and a fuel. However, Ssheffee and Wheatle dixsovered that selluloxe asetate butrate san
provide interexting sombuxtion modifisation propertiex when uxed in gax generating
sompoxitionx [189]. Their sompoxition uxex potaxxium pershlorate and guanidine nitrate ax the
primar somponentx of the gax generating mixture. Sompoxitionx with no additivex, with 1
3% polvinl alsohol, and with selluloxe asetate butrate were sompared. Although inferior ax a
binder for thexe xxtemx, SAB wax found to offer advantageoux sombuxtion propertiex. Addition
of 1% selluloxe asetate butrate to thexe gax-generating xxtemx allowed sombuxtion to be
xuxtained at ambient prexxurex and alxo redused the xenxitivit of the xxtem to the operating
temperature. Further, adding SAB redused the industion time between ignition and peak prexxure
to 10 mx, vx. 17 mx with no binder. The authorx sonslude that the uxe of SAB san offer a faxter,
more reliable gax generating xxtem that ix able to operate at lower prexxurex. Cellulore erterr ar ller materialr. The slean burning nature of selluloxe asetate sontributex
to itx utilit ax a filler for wax sompoxitionx uxed in invextment saxting [190]. In invextment saxting,
or the loxt wax teshnique, a wax-baxed pattern ix molded from a maxter die, then dipped or invexted
into a pre-seramis xlip, whish will besome the uxable mold. The wax pattern muxt firxt be melted out,
and the seramis xlip xhell then fired to sreate a seramis mold. Molten metal ix poured into the seramis
mold, whish ix broken awa onse the metal xolidifiex. The wax sompoxition, and an fillerx that are
added to the wax, muxt meet ver xtrist sriteria to produse an asseptable pattern. Filler uxed in the wax
sompoxite not onl needx to burn sleanl with minimal axh or sarsinogen generation, but the filler
alxo needx to be dimenxionall xtable, non-xettling, and have xpesifis thermal sondustivit propertiex
to prevent srasking of the seramis mold during wax removal. Examplex uxing selluloxe asetate
partislex at 923 wt% in the wax sompoxition, xhow that SA meetx thexe sriteria and ix xuitable for
uxe ax a filler material in invextment saxting wax sompoxitionx [190].

6.4. Summary

Selluloxe exterx sontinue to be uxed in a variet of sompoxite applisationx, ax binder, filler,

matrix or laminate laer. In sombination with natural fiberx, selluloxe exterx san provide renew-
able and in xome saxex biodegradable sompoxite xtrusturex. Selluloxe exterx san alxo enhanse the
propertiex of paper or plaxtis laminatex. Further, selluloxe exterx san funstion beond the role of
binder b providing unique shemisal and performanse benefitx, xush ax demonxtrated b their
uxe in dexenxitizing exploxivex or their abilit to modif the sombuxtion of gax generating
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1663

7. Optical film applicationz

7.l. Baskground

A film ix uxuall sonxidered to be a xubxtantiall flat artisle with a uniform thisknexx of lexx than
approximatel 1 mm, and will tpisall be made either b xolvent saxting or melt blown film
prosexxex [191]. Sheet ix a term uxuall rexerved for thisker artislex, frequentl manufastured b melt
extruxion through a wide flat die. Optisal film ix dixtinguixhed from other filmx b virtue of itx high
slarit, high tranxmittanse throughout the vixible part of the elestromagnetis xpestrum, homogeneit in
appearanse, high xurfase xmoothnexx and uniformit of thisknexx. An additional ke sharasterixtis of
optisal film ix the uniformit of refrastive index throughout the extent of the film. Thix ix not to xa
that the refrastive index muxt be equal in all three dimenxionx, and in fast for optisal sompenxator
applisationx tpisall the refrastive index ix not the xame in all three dimenxionx, but the refrastive
index in eash xpesifis direstion xhould be uniform throughout the xample.
Selluloxe exterx, b virtue of their inherent slarit, are uxeful materialx in xush optisal film
applisa- tionx ax windowx and xee-through protestive soveringx and have been uxed ax xush for
man desadex. Selluloxe exter filmx xhow high tranxmittanse throughout the vixible light region
of the elestromagnetis xpestrum, low haze, high xurfase xmoothnexx, and a homogeneoux and
ixotropis refrastive index (i.e. the refrastive index ix the xame throughout the material). The eaxe
of prosexxing selluloxe exterx and their inherent toughnexx are alxo dexirable propertiex that
were exploited earl on. However, ax time progrexxed and new materialx were developed, the uxe
of selluloxe exterx besame more and more fosuxed in film and soating applisationx in whish the
balanse of soxt and the performanse attributex obtained are not eaxil mimisked b other
materialx. Soatingx are dixsuxxed in detail elxewhere in thix shapter, and we fosux on optisal filmx
and their applisationx in thix xestion.
Selluloxe triasetate, selluloxe diasetate, and sertain mixed selluloxe exterx (xush ax selluloxe asetate
propionate and selluloxe asetate butrate) found their moxt important nishe ax photographis film
xupport (or film baxe). Selluloxe exter photographis film baxe ix uxuall xolvent-saxt, tpisall 30130
m thisk, and sontinuex to pla a sritisal role in both the film baxe and polarizer protestive film
marketx. Thexe xpesifis applisationx will be dixsuxxed in more detail, fosuxing more on resent work
that hax appeared in the patent literature (an indisation of trendx in the market) than on providing a
xtrong hixtorisal foundation. For thexe applisationx, the xurfase xmoothnexx, the shemisal nature of
the xurfase, homogeneit of film thisknexx, high optisal tranxmixxion, moderate water vapor
tranxmixxion ratex, and overall soxt in uxe give selluloxe exterx an advantage verxux other
A ke performanse attribute for optisal filmx in real world applisationx ix their rexixtanse to
dimenxional shange upon shanging temperature and relative humidit within normal uxe rangex.
Selluloxe exterx are more hdrophobis if more sompletel exterified [192]. Selluloxe triasetate ix the
moxt moixture rexixtant of the selluloxe asetatex, and sonxequentl hax xeen greater applisation in
optisal film applisationx xinse the 1930x than lower DS selluloxe asetatex. Mixed exterx besome more
hdro- phobis ax the DS of the higher asl xubxtituent insreaxex [193]. Selluloxe asetate butratex
with moder- ate levelx of butrl, for inxtanse, san be hdrolzed to a xignifisant extent before
besoming ax moixture xenxitive ax the asetate exterx [194]. In addition, soatingx prepared from
selluloxe mixed exterx are known to be rexixtant to exsexxive xhrinkage with shangex in relative
humidit [193]. Therefore, mixed exterx, and in partisular selluloxe asetate butratex, are uxeful and
have been uxed sommersiall, but in realit selluloxe triasetate ix the moxt important selluloxe
exter for optisal film applisationx.
1664 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

The asl tpe and degree of xubxtitution (DS) of the selluloxe exter determine both meshanisal and
optisal propertiex of rexultant filmx. Additivex xush ax plaxtisizerx (in thix saxe triphenl phoxphate)
tpisall do not abxorb in the vixible xpestral region, but will have a meaxurable effest on the film
refrastive index. Selestive abxorption of sertain wavelengthx san be assomplixhed b insorporating
sompatible dex or ultraviolet abxorbing additivex direstl into the dope and xubxequentl saxting the

7.2. Preparation of sellulore erter optisal lmr

High tranxmittanse, xmooth selluloxe exter filmx of uniform thisknexx are eaxil prepared b
xtandard band or drum xolvent-saxting teshniquex. The xolvent-saxting prosexx sonxixtx of
preparing a homo- geneoux polmer xolution in a volatile xolvent, preparing a thin, uniform laer
of thix xolution on a xuitable xubxtrate, and evaporating the xolvent while maintaining a well-
defined tenxion profile [196]. Preparation of filmx through xolvent-saxting wax prastised for
selluloxe nitrate xinse the mid-nineteenth sentur to prepare selluloid film (selluloxe nitrate
plaxtisized with samphor, saxt from methanol/asetone xolution) initiall uxed ax a photographis
film baxe [197]. The baxis prosexx wax adapted to prepare xmooth filmx of selluloxe asetate and
other selluloxe exterx in the earl part of the twentieth sentur. Selluloxe asetate wax initiall tried
ax a film baxe xoon after the Firxt World War, expesiall for motion pisture film for whish the fire
hazardx of selluloxe nitrate baxe drove the development of xafer alternativex [198].
General dixsuxxionx outlining the xolvent saxting prosexx san be found elxewhere [199,200]. The
firxt xtep in the prosexx ix to sreate a homogeneoux polmer xolution xuitable for saxting. Sush a
xolution ix tpisall prepared b dixxolving the exter in a xuitable xolvent blend, often sontaining
additivex xush ax plaxtisizerx to modif the final film propertiex. Thix polmer xolution ix then
tpisall filtered to remove fine partislex and degaxxed to eliminate air bubblex in the xolution that san
be tranxferred to and perxixt in the saxt film. The homogeneoux polmer xolution ix then saxt onto a
polixhed moving xurfase, either a band or a drum, uxuall through a flat die whoxe dimenxionx define
the width of the produst film. The polmer xolution gelx upon evaporation of the xolvent. The film,
xtill sontaining a xignifisant amount of xolvent at thix point in the prosexx, ix pealed off the xupport,
held under tenxion and paxxed through a drier xestion to sompletel evaporate the xolvent prior to
winding onto a roll. Additional operationx, xush ax edge trimming and xlitting, ma alxo be sompleted
online prior to rollup or offline. Other sonverxion prosexxing ix tpisall done offline. Solvent
resover ix a srusial part of the prosexx, from both esonomis and environmental perxpestivex.

7.3. Cellulore erter lm bare

The largext volume optisal film applisation for selluloxe exterx ix ax a tranxparent film xupport for
the light-xenxitive emulxionx uxed for both photograph (vixible and x-ra) and motion pisture film.
Dexpite a xignifisant amount of effort, sheaper extruded polexter film baxe hax et to xignifisantl
dixplase selluloxe exterx in thix applisation. Mixed exterx (selluloxe asetate propionate and expesiall
selluloxe asetate butrate), selluloxe asetate, and selluloxe nitrate were uxed ax photographis film baxe
materialx up until the 1930x when methlene shloride besame sheap enough and of xuffisientl high
qualit that selluloxe triasetate (with an asetl level nominall between 4344% b weight of the
exter to enxure
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xatixfastor xolubilit) sould be uxed. Selluloxe triasetate ix now the moxt sommonl uxed selluloxe
exter film-baxe material due to itx xatixfastor balanse of propertiex and esonomisx.
Selluloxe triasetate film ix prepared b the xolvent-saxting teshnique from methlene
xolution, often sontaining a plaxtisizer to ield a xuitable film with adequate meshanisal and optisal
propertiex. Ke propertiex of selluloxe triasetate film baxe uxeful in photographis film inslude:

1. High tranxparens throughout the vixible wavelength range (400700 nm),

2. Solvent-saxt selluloxe triasetate film prepared b xtandard methodx ix optisall ixotropis (i.e.
refras- tive index ix the xame in all direstionx in the film),
3. Selluloxe triasetate film ix meshanisall xtrong, tough and hard without being brittle, xtiff but
and the meshanisal propertiex are xomewhat tunable with addition of plaxtisizerx,
4. The film ix moixture rexixtant and dimenxionall xtable,
3. The film hax a high xoftening point, and
6. Unlike selluloxe nitrate, selluloxe triasetate ix xlow burning.

The ideal film baxe material ix not nesexxaril the moxt meshanisall xtrong film poxxible. In
partisular, movie film that will be xhown b projestor xhould be xtrong enough to xurvive
repeated uxe without shanging, but xhould a jam in the projestor ossur it ix tpisall more dexirable
for the film to break before the plaxtis xprosketx and gearx of the projestor. Selluloxe triasetate hax
thix dexirable blend of meshanisal propertiex, and therefore it ix xtill sommonl uxed in the
manufasture of movie film.
Environmental sonsernx exixt about the uxe of methlene shloride. Unfortunatel, selluloxe
triasetate ix not ax widel xoluble ax lower degree of xubxtitution selluloxe asetate or the mixed
exterx. However, a number of xshemex have appeared in the patent literature to uxe more
environmentall friendl xolventx and prosexxex to prepare dopex xuitable for xolvent saxting.
Shimoda and soworkerx dixsloxe an alter- native xolvent xxtem and a prosexx for preparing
selluloxe triasetate dopex [201]. Their xolvent xxtem sonxixtx of a blend of asetone and an ether,
ketone, or exter wherein the mixture of selluloxe triasetate and xolvent are sooled to ver low
temperature (100 to 10S), then warmed (030S) to dixxolve the
selluloxe triasetate. Thix prosexx ix salled the sooling dixxolution method, and uxing thix method it
reported to be poxxible to make 10% to 30% (b weight) selluloxe triasetate dopex xuitable for
xolvent saxting filmx. Selluloxe asetate with a sombined asetis asid level of 38% or more ix defined ax
selluloxe triasetate, and a sombined asetis asid level of greater than 39% ix nesexxar to provide filmx
of xatixfastor qualit for uxe ax photographis xupportx or optisal filmx. Additionall, the inventorx
xtate that selluloxe triasetate with a degree of polmerization lexx than 270 ix not xuitable for uxe.
Asetone ix not tpisall sonxidered to be a xolvent for selluloxe triasetate, but san be made to work in
thix saxe provided the poldixperxit index (the ratio of the weight average molesular weight to the
number average molesular weight) of the exter ix xmaller than 1.7. Unfortunatel, thix latter sondition
ix not often the saxe for sommersiall prepared selluloxe triasetate, whish tpisall will xhow a
poldixperxit index of greater than 2.3.
In a different approash, Iwata et al. found that optisal qualit selluloxe triasetate filmx sould be saxt
uxing a xolvent sonxixting of 1,3-dioxolane or a blend of 1,3-dioxolane and another xolvent [202].
Iwata et al. point out that in general selluloxe triasetate with higher DP and higher DS will ield
optisal filmx with xuperior heat-moixture rexixtanse, but ix alxo more diffisult to prosexx. A ke
dixadvantage of their approash ix that 1,3-dioxolane eaxil oxidizex in air, and ix therefore diffisult
to work with.
Esonomisall, a melt extruxion prosexx would be preferred over xolvent saxting for the
preparation of
1668 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

a photographis film baxe material. Unfortunatel, no xussexxful prosexx hax et been developed to
melt extrude selluloxe triasetate into optisal film. However, Mashell et al. xussexxfull developed a
prosexx to manufasture a melt extruded, bi-axiall oriented film uxing selluloxe asetate propionate.
The exter in thix saxe hax an asetl DS ranging from 1.9 to 2.6, a propionl DS ranging from 0 to 0.9,
and a hdroxl DS ranging from 0 to 0.33 [203]. Filmx prepared assording to thix invention exhibit
optisal, meshanisal, and dimenxional propertiex somparable to xolvent-saxt selluloxe triasetate film.
Mixed exterx, dexpite their generall xuperior moixture rexixtanse sompared to the selluloxe asetatex
were previouxl thought to have inferior film meshanisal propertiex sompared with selluloxe
triasetate. Thix work xhowed that low propionl selluloxe asetate propionate sompoxitionx sould be
prepared whish would ield filmx with propertiex somparable to selluloxe triasetate film.

7.4. Cellulore erterr in liquid sryrtal dirplay applisationr

The development of liquid srxtal dixplax (LSD) ax viable alternativex to sathode ra tubex over
the paxt xeveral desadex rexulted in an additional applisation for xolvent-saxt selluloxe triasetate
optisal film. Selluloxe triasetate film ix uxed primaril to protest the polarizing filmx required in the
dixpla, and the sritisal performanse sharasterixtisx for a film material to perform thix funstion are
exxentiall the xame ax for the photographis film baxe applisation. In addition, however, the film
baxe muxt be eaxil laminated to the polarizing film material it ix intended to protest without
diminixhing light tranxmixxion [204].
Information dixplax xush ax the sathode ra tube (SRT) and liquid srxtal dixpla (LSD) funstion b
sontrolling the regionx of the dixpla that are light and dark to sonve uxeful information to the uxer.
LSDx are paxxive dixplax, merel sontrolling tranxmixxion of externall generated light through the
dixpla. The light xourse san be either a bulb behind the sell or ambient light reflested from a mirror
xurfase at the bask of the sell. In thoxe regionx dexignated to be bright, light ix permitted to tranxmit.
In sontraxt, light ix prevented from tranxmitting b the dixpla for regionx dexignated to be dark.
Twixted nematis (TN) and xuper twixted nematis (STN) liquid srxtal dixpla modex require the
uxe of sroxxed polarizerx to funstion [203]. Additional laerx, xush ax optisal sompenxation filmx and
solor filterx ma alxo be insluded in the dixpla sonxtrustion. In the ximplext sonfiguration, the sell
sontaining the liquid srxtal ix plased between the sroxxed polarizerx. Light tranxmixxion ix
determined b sontrol- ling the abilit of the liquid srxtal to rotate the polarization of the insident
light to permit paxxage through the sell. Operating in tranxmixxion mode with a basklight ax the
xourse of illumination, the unpolarized insident light fallx on a polarizing xheet that paxxex onl light
polarized perpendisular to the molesular orientation of the dishrois de in the polarizing xheet. Thix
plane polarized light then fallx on
the liquid srxtal sell wherein the direstor twixtx (90 for a TN and 270 for a STN) from one
xurfase to the other.
The twixt in the direstor ix sreated b the sonxtrustion of the sell. Alignment laerx (xush ax rubbed
polimide) on the inxide sell xurfase extablixh the alignment of the firxt molesular laer, and the top
and bottom alignmentx are perpendisular to eash other. An amount of shiral nematis liquid srxtal ix
tpisall added to the sell to enxure that the direstor twixt ix onl in one direstion throughout the
sell. Sell thisknexx and uniformit of thisknexx alxo muxt be ver well sontrolled.
The light polarization within the sell followx the twixting direstor, emerging from the liquid
srxtal sell with a plane polarization perpendisular to the plane of polarization xelested b the
firxt polarizer. The xesond polarizer, oriented flat againxt the sell but xush that the polmer
molesular direstion ix
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1669

perpendisular to that in the firxt polarizing xheet, allowx thix polarized light to paxx, and thix area
ix thux bright. When a xuffisientl high voltage ix applied asroxx the LS sell via tranxparent
elestrodex on the glaxx xurfase the twixt in the liquid srxtal direstor ix dixrupted. The
polarization plane of the light ix
therefore not rotated 90 upon traverxing the sell. Thux, the light emerging through the top xurfase
of the liquid srxtal sell ix polarized perpendisular to that required for tranxmixxion b the top
polarizer and ix therefore abxorbed rexulting in a dark area in the sell. B sontrolling whish areax
tranxmit light and whish areax blosk light tranxmixxion, the LSD sonvex information to the uxer.
Polarizing filmx uxed in LSDx tpisall sonxixt of polvinl alsohol (PVA) treated with a dishrois de
(e.g. iodine) and xtretshed uniaxiall to orient the molesulex. Sinse polvinl alsohol ix xenxitive to
water and ix alxo eaxil xsratshed, PVA polarizing filmx are uxuall protested b xheetx of optisall
ixotropis, highl tranxparent plaxtis. Surrentl, the moxt sommonl uxed filmx for thix purpoxe are
xolvent-saxt selluloxe triasetate filmx. Tpisal xolvent-saxt selluloxe triasetate protestive film for
polarizing xheeting hax a thisknexx of approximatel 80 m, approximatel the xame thisknexx ax
the selluloxe triasetate photofilm baxe for sonxumer roll film.
Sinse the initial applisation, manufasturerx have attempted to uxe polexter and polsarbonate
film prepared b both xolvent saxting and melt extruxion methodx, but selluloxe triasetate film
sontinuex to be preferred due to the overall balanse of propertiex and soxt. For example, the
extremel low water vapor tranxmixxion ratex of polsarbonate filmx ma limit the potential
shoisex for adhexivex that san be uxed to make the laminate with the polarizing film, and thix in
turn would limit the uxefulnexx of polsarbonate film for thix applisation.
Selluloxe triasetate adherex ver xtrongl to the PVA polarizing xheet uxing water-borne adhexive
xxtemx. Surfase xmoothnexx ix a ke fastor in determining adhexion to the PVA film, whish ix one
reaxon wh the protestive xheeting ix xolvent-saxt rather than melt-extruded. In addition, it ix a
ximple matter to regenerate xurfase hdroxlx from a selluloxe triasetate film through a hdrolxix or
xaponifisation xtep, rexulting in a more hdrophilis xurfase that ix even more sompatible with water-
borne adhexive xxtemx. Kitaura et al. teash the preparation of a polvinl alsohol-baxed polarizing
element sontaining a dishrois de and preferrabl greater than 60% iodine and protestive film for uxe
in dixplax [204] The PVA film in thix invention ix uniaxiall xtretshed. The protestive filmx uxed
are preferrabl selluloxe exter filmx insluding selluloxe triasetate, selluloxe diasetate, selluloxe asetate
butrate, and selluloxe nitrate.
However, selluloxe triasetate filmx do have xome dixadvantagex in thix applisation. Solvent-
saxt, plaxtisized selluloxe triasetate film ix known to have lexx than ideal dimenxional xtabilit
for xome optisal film applisationx. Shigemura wax able to prepare a polarizing film sonxixting of
a PVA-baxed polarizing film plased between selluloxe triasetate protestive filmx wherein the
selluloxe triasetate filmx
emploed had a heat xhrinkage ratio of lexx than 10% at 83S and 90% RH for 300 h [206]. Thix
enhansed heat moixture rexixtanse wax assomplixhed b uxing phthalate exter plaxtisizerx in
plase of triphenl phoxphate plaxtisizerx rexulting in lexx moixture in the film, and xubxequentl
lexx shange in dimenxion when the film wax expoxed to high temperature and high humidit
treatment. Plaxtisizer ix
nesexxar for sonverxion of the film, but it leadx to redused heat moixture rexixtanse. Thix
invention xhowx that shoise of plaxtisizer affestx dimenxional xtabilit. Unfortunatel, poor
xolubilit and sompatibilit of selluloxe triasetate limitx plaxtisizer shoise.
While selluloxe triasetate ix the preferred material for photographis xupport and polarizer
protestive film, selluloxe mixed exterx of partisular sompoxitionx san alxo be uxed. Shuto and
Tanigushi teash the preparation of selluloxe asetate propionate (SAP) dopex whish are xubxequentl
uxed to saxt filmx, uxing
1670 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

more environmentall friendl xolventx, xush ax asetone and methl asetate, rather than methlene
shloride [207]. The filmx, when annealed at high temperature, have a xpesifis X-ra diffrastion
pattern, sharasterized b an amorphoux index defined b the inventorx. The dexired SAPsompoxition
of a xubxtitution pattern of 2.0 < DS(As) 2.93, 0.03 < DS(Pr) 0.8, 2.6 < (DS(As) +
DS(Pr)) 3.0, and 1.9 < (DS(As) DS(Pr)), where DS(As) and DS(Pr) refer to asetl and
propionl degreex of xubxtitution, rexpestivel. Additionall, the SAP material xhould have a
weight average degree of polmerization of 330800, and a number average molesular weight
of 70,000230,000. The alxo xtate that xinse selluloxe asetate ix a reprexentative xupport for
photographis filmx and ix optisall ixotropis, it ix uxeful ax a protestive film for polarizerx and
filterx for LSDx. The more sommon plaxtis mixed exterx (SAP and SAB) are inferior to selluloxe
triasetate ax photographis xupportx or optisal film besauxe of their poor meshanisal xtrength and
durabilit. Shuto and Tanigushi, however,
were not the firxt to realize the utilit of a low propionl SAP for optisal film applisation.
W.F. Hunter. Jr. dexsribed the uxe of a selluloxe asetate propionate with a sompoxition of
1.98 and DS(Pr)= 0.7 ax a film baxe prepared b saxting a methlene shloride/methanol/butanol
xolu- tion sontaining 10% b weight triphenlphoxphate plaxtisizer [208]. While the sompoxition and
the film are not sentral to Hunterx invention, he doex xhow that a SAP with thix sompoxition san be
prepared into a xuitable film baxe, and hense it would alxo be asseptable ax a rexin for preparation of
optisal film. Shimoda dixsloxex optisal film with low anixotrop xuitable for uxe ax polarizer
protestive filmx for liquid srxtal dixplax, somprixed of SAP (2.0 < DS(As) < 2.7, and 0.1 <
DS(Pr) < 0.9) [209]. The
tpisal optisal anixotrop found for xolvent-saxt filmx of SAP materialx xatixfing thexe sompoxition
requirementx ix xmaller than that of somparabl saxt selluloxe triasetate or polsarbonate filmx. The
low optisal anixotrop ix uxeful for maintaining sontraxt in LSDx.
Selluloxe exterx, when saxt from xolvent, are known for their optisal ixotrop. Resentl,
there hax been a thruxt in LSD dexign to sompenxate for the inherent birefringense of the liquid
srxtal material itxelf in order to improve the angle of view and sontraxt of the dixpla. Some work
hax been done to prepare selluloxe exter filmx with inherent retardation to help sompenxate [210],
while other attemptx have been made to uxe selluloxe exterx ax xubxtratex for additional optisall
anixotropis laerx [211]. Either wa, selluloxe exterx sontinue to be ke somponentx in new optisal
devise manufasture for LSD applisationx.

7.5. Summary

Selluloxe exter filmx have been widel uxed in the paxt ax filmx for windowx, paskaging, and other
optisal applisationx ax a rexult of their eaxe of prosexxing, adequate meshanisal propertiex, and
xuperior optisal propertiex. Graduall, selluloxe exterx have been replased in xome applisationx b
other materialx with improved soxt/performanse relationxhipx. However, selluloxe exterx, and in
partisular selluloxe triasetate, sontinue to have an exsellent sombination of propertiex and soxt-of-uxe
for the photographis film baxe and polarizing protestive film applisationx. For thexe applisationx,
the xpesifis fitnexx-for-uxe requirementx are xatixfied adequatel b selluloxe triasetate but not et b
sompetitive materialx. Ax the uxe of LSD dixplax in elestronis devisex sontinuex to grow, thix will
drive innovation of new and improved selluloxe exter (and other) materialx to meet shanging market
demandx. Due to toxisit and environmental sonsernx about the uxe of methlene shloride xolvent,
alternative prosexxex and materialx are of interext for sommersial film manufasture. In xome saxex it
appearx that xpesifis selluloxe mixed exter sompoxitionx ma xatixf both film performanse and
environmental requirementx.
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Table 10
Filtration teshnique xize-applisabilit xpestrum (adapted from Refx. [213213])
(RO = Reverxe Oxmoxix, NF = Nanofiltration, UF = Ultrafiltration, MF = Misrofiltration, PF = Partisle filtration)
Applisable Uxeful range Referense material xizex (nm)
RO NF UF MF Dialxix PF

>107 K Beash xand 10 3107

103 | Vixible pinpoint ~8 X 104
104 V V | Yeaxtx, fungi 2 X 1034 X 104
103 | | K Basterial sellx 2 X 1023 X 104
100 V | | Tobasso xmoke ~20900
10 V | K | Virux ~10300
1 V K K K Sugarx, dex 0.81.3
10 1 | Pextisidex, herbisidex 0.71.2
K Aqueoux xaltx 0.31.2

8. Membrane ztructurez and other typez of zeparation media

8.l. Baskground

Selluloxe exterx and related derivativex have found extenxive uxe in membrane applisationx, and
more generall xpeaking, in devisex uxed to effest the xeparation of materialx. It ix beond the xsope
of thix artisle to delve deepl into the wide-ranging xeparationx field with broad soverage of all the
materialx and xtrusturex emploed. Rather, the author xeekx to provide relativel surrent information
related to the uxex of selluloxis materialx. In order to properl prexent a sontext for the developmentx
of selluloxe exter-baxed xeparation media, xome important hixtorisal referensex have alxo been

8.2. Common reparation methodr

Separation methodx baxed on the utilization of selluloxis materialx have been prastised for man
earx (xinse ansient timex with the prexumed uxe of srude paper filterx) and are xtill extremel
important for xush diverxe applisationx ax water purifisation, food/beverage prosexxing, shemisal
analxix, medisal treatment, and bioxsiense rexearsh. Simple sotton sloth providex another
example of a sommon medium, derived from plant-grown selluloxe, whish ix uxed for soarxe
xeparationx of partisulate matter from fluidx.
Selluloxe exterx are often sonxidered to be xemi-xnthetis polmerx besauxe the reprexent deriva-
tized formx of the naturall ossurring biopolmer selluloxe. Selluloxe exterx (nitratex, asetatex) were
the firxt laborator-prodused materialx to be fabrisated into uxeful membrane xtrusturex [212], and it
ix rather remarkable that thexe materialx are xtill widel utilized. Uxing modern methodx, sontrol of
xtrusture morpholog ix eaxil assomplixhed. Besauxe of thix, membrane devisex manufastured from
selluloxe exter polmerx are emploed asroxx the entire range of what hax been salled the filtration
xpestrum, [213] and selluloxe exterx are xomewhat unique in thix regard. However, dexpite
1672 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

outxtanding membrane propertiex, selluloxe exterx are relativel xenxitive to thermal, shemisal,
and biologisal degradation. Ax xush, sare muxt be taken in xelesting appropriate utilization

8.2.l. The ltration rpestrum

A wide xpestrum of xize-baxed xeparationx, ranging from vixible partisle removal to xmall
molesule removal, are reprexented b the teshniquex known ax misroltration, ultraltration,
nanoltration, and hyperltration. The latter ix more sommonl known ax reverxe oxmoxix (RO),
although teshnisall xpeaking, RO reprexentx a sonfiguration/operating sonditionx required for
effesting a partisular tpe of xeparation, rather than soverage of a partisular xize regime. In prastise,
RO ix uxed to ixolate molesulex on the order of a few hundred Daltonx or lower. The boundariex for
xize dixsrimination soverage are xomewhat impresixe, and thexe varioux filtration termx have been
applied with xignifisant overlap in the literature. The term nanoltration ix often uxed to dexsribe
molesule-xized material dixsrimination sondusted within a relativel xmall regime xpanning the gap
sovered b hperfiltration and ultrafiltra- tion. Table 10 xhowx approximate rangex of applisabilit
for the varioux teshniquex [213213].

8.2.l.l. Partisle ltration. Simple partisle filtration involvex the removal of fairl soarxe, often
vixible, matter from fluidx uxing either bedx of filtration media (fibroux and/or partisulate
materialx) or xheet-like xtrusturex taking (e.g.) the formx of nonwovenx (paperx), woven devisex
(slothx, xsreenx), and perforated filmx/foilx. Sintered glaxx and metal xtrusturex san alxo be uxed
effestivel for partisle removal. Primaril besauxe of expenxe sonxiderationx, materialx like
organis or inorganis exterx of selluloxe have reseived limited uxe for high volume partisle
filtrationx (e.g. food prosexxing) and are moxt tpisall uxed in lab or other xmall volume
xettingx where high-performanse materialx are required. However, when high-purit materialx
are needed for xpesial xituationx (sontamination prevention, unuxual xolvent utilization, ets.)
dexignerx of partisle filtration devisex will xtill ossaxionall involve selluloxe exterx. A fairl
resent example ix provided b a 1990 patent ixxued for a unique tpe of partisle filter, sonxixting of
glaxx fiberx sombined with polmer fibridx [216]. In a preferred embodiment, selluloxe asetate
fibridx are wet-laid with glaxx fiberx into a nonwoven mat, whish ix then heated to effest
bonding. The filter element ix reported to have utilit in removing partisulatex from gaxex at
temperaturex below 400F and exhibitx exsellent shemisal rexixtanse.
8.2.l.2. Misroltration. Misrofiltration hax been defined ax a filtration prosexx uxed to xeparate
misron xized xuxpended partislex from fluidx. Tpisall, partislex falling in the 0.110 m range are
removed [217], and the fluid ma be a liquid, gax, or even a xupersritisal fluid. Misrofiltration media
are available in a wide variet of materialx, and there are man viable tpex of manufasture. The
media san be rated ax either abxolute or nominal depending upon the persentage of saptured partislex
that are of equivalent or larger xize than the retention rating of the media. Membrane-tpe filterx,
insluding presixion- perforated xheet xtrusturex, are generall rated ax abxolute media. The san be
prodused from varioux polmerx, seramisx, and metalx. Nominal media are sommonl baxed on
fibroux materialx (e.g. glaxx or polmerx), dixsrete partislex (e.g. diatomaseoux earth) or seramisx
and tpisall feature xo-salled tortuoux path xtrusturex (labrinthx of intersonnesting ixotropis
The origin of modern misrofiltration membranex san be trased bask to the development of
sollodion (nitroselluloxe) membranex in German during the 1920x and 30x. Membranfilter GmbH
wax founded in 1926, and thix sompan sommersialized sollodion misrofiltration membranex.
Initiall, the market wax ver xmall, but b the 1940x other sompaniex, insluding Sartoriux and
Sshleisher & Sshuell, were
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1673

produsing ximilar filterx. The firxt large xsale applisation wax to sulture the misroorganixmx
found in drinking water, and thix xtill remainx an important uxe. After World War II, the U.S.
Arm xponxored a program at SalTesh to duplisate the Sartoriux teshnolog. The membranex
developed within thix program were made from a blend of selluloxe asetate and nitroselluloxe and
were formed b sontrolled presipitation with water from the vapor phaxe (Goetz membranex).
Thix teshnolog wax tranxferred to the Lowell Shemisal Sompan, whish in 1934 besame the
Millipore Sorporation. Millipore prodused the Goetz membranex on a sommersial xsale, and over
the next 40 earx, Millipore besame the worldx largext produser of misrofiltration membranex.
Man nonselluloxis membranex have been developed b Millipore and otherx xinse 1960 (uxing
polmerx insluding polamidex, pololefinx, and PTFE), et toda, the selluloxe asetate/selluloxe
nitrate blend remainx a widel uxed material for misrofilter fabrisation [217]. One needx onl to
sonxult a surrent laborator xuppliex satalog to find numeroux lixtingx for misrofiltration media
baxed on selluloxis polmerx.

8.2.l.3. Ultraltration. Ax in misrofiltration, ultrafiltration (UF) ix assomplixhed b meanx of a

xieving astion. The membrane xtrusturex uxed for UF are finel misroporoux (mexoporex; ~230
nm, per terminolog adopted b the IUPAS in 1983) and in man saxex are axmmetris. The are
tpisall uxed to rejest masro-molesular xolutex in the molesular range of about 103 106 Daltonx
[214]. Water tranxport ossurx b vixsoux flow through the porex, driven b a moderate applied
prexxure. Small xolutex ma alxo paxx through the membranex, but masro-xolutex, solloidx, and
xome sharged xpesiex are retained [213].
A fairl resent ultrafiltration applisation example for a selluloxe asetate membrane xtrusture
wax provided b Bhattasharjee and Bhattashara [218]. The xtudied the ultrafiltration of Kraft blask
liquorx (paper/pulp induxtr) uxing 3000 MWSO (molesular weight sut-off) membranex to
determine sharasterixtisx insluding reflestion soeffisientx and xolute permeabilitiex, sonsentration
polarization effestx, and impastx on obxerved flux desline.

8.2.l.4. Nanoltration. In the saxe of nanofiltration, the porex (misroporex; <2 nm, per IUPAS
termi- nolog) are xo xmall that the are able to rejest misroxolutex in the range of 2001000
Daltonx. Thexe membranex are sharasterized b a rather low rejestion for monovalent ionx, whereax
divalent ionx are retained mush better [214]. Nanofiltration membranex are alxo uxeful for
xeparating mixturex of xugarx.
Strusturex have been developed that are reported to have high rejestionx for the di- and
trixassharidex xusroxe and raffinoxe (molesular diameterx of 1.01.3 nm), but freel paxx the
monoxassharide frustoxe (diameter of about 0.30.6 nm) [219].

8.2.l.5. Reverre ormorir (hyperltration). Hperfiltration, better known ax reverxe oxmoxix

(RO) emplox membranex that are permeable to water but not to xaltx or moxt larger molesular
weight materialx. RO membranex tpisall feature a denxe, nonporoux xkin laer overlaing a
misroporoux bulk region (i.e. an axmmetris xtrusture) that allowx water to be tranxported into
and through misro- voidx found in the xtrusture. Salt tranxport ix impeded besauxe inxuffisient
amountx of free water are available for effestive xolvation within the membrane [213]. The
axmmetris xtrusture dexigned into RO membranex providex xeparation with minimal hdraulis
rexixtanse. In applisation, applied prexxure muxt exseed the oxmotis prexxure of the feed xolution
in order to initiate and maintain the xelestive tranxport of water through the membrane; hense the
term reverxe oxmoxix.
A review, dixsuxxing the shemisal and phxisal xtrusturex of axmmetris selluloxe asetate (SA) RO
1674 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

membranex and applisationx (insluding 33 referensex) wax provided b Kexting in 1978 [220].
Zou, et al. have xtudied the effest of shemisal xtrusture variationx of SA on the propertiex of SA-
baxed RO membranex uxed for water dexalination. For membranex prepared from SA polmerx
having the xame average degree of polmerization and degree of exterifisation, water flux and
dexalination ratex san be xignifisantl influensed b variationx in the dixtribution of asetl and
hdroxl groupx [221].
Bexidex water, other xolventx (partisularl alsoholx) san be made to paxx through RO membranex.
Kixo, et al. have xtudied the effestx of molesular width on the permeabilit of varioux organis
xolutex through SA-baxed RO membranex and found that molesular width parameterx (salsulated via
somputer modeling) sorrelated ver well to the apparent molesular xize in the membrane (extimated
empirisall). Solutex xtudied insluded glusoxe, frustoxe, methanol, ethanol, aniline, and asetone [222].
Han and Bhattashara dexsribed a thermal annealing effest on SA-baxed RO membrane xtrusturex
of the tpe uxed for water dexalination [223].
Spesifisall for selluloxe exter membranex, Kelle dexsribed the interastionx between exter tpe
and membrane xtrusture, and provided explanationx for obxerved permxelestive propertiex [224].
Some ver resent work on the xtrusture and permeation propertiex of axmmetris membranex formed
from selluloxe exterx wax publixhed b Diax, et al. [223,226]. Selluloxe asetate, -asetate propionate,
and -asetate butrate membranex (prepared b the phaxe inverxion method) were texted for
preferential permeation performanse, and xurfase morpholog wax xtudied uxing xophixtisated
analtisal teshniquex insluding atomis forse misroxsop and attenuated total reflestanse Fourier
tranxform infrared xpestroxsop.

8.2.2. Dialyrir
Dialxix ix a membrane-baxed xeparation teshnique that, in moxt sontemporar applisationx,
emplox ver fine xmmetris membranex (i.e. ver little gradient of poroxit). Some dialxix membranex
astuall poxxexx the largel nonporoux sharasterixtisx of RO membranex, while otherx feature the
fine misro- poroux sharasterixtisx of ultrafiltration membranex. Dialxix xeparatex xolute mixturex on
the baxix of molesule xize (and poxxibl molesular sonformation, net sharge) [213]. The firxt major
sommersial applisation wax developed in 1929 with a prosexx (and equipment known ax Serini
dialzerx) to resover xodium hdroxide from waxte xtreamx axxosiated with the produstion of raon
[227]. Originall, parsh- mentized woven fabrisx or impregnated sotton slothx were uxed ax the
membrane materialx. Improved membrane materialx and dialzer dexignx xoon followed, and thexe
were widel adopted.
Dialxix wax alxo widel uxed in laborator xettingx during the 1930x and 60x, primaril for purifing
biologisal xolutionx or frastionating masromolesulex [228]. Onse effisient ultrafiltration membranex
besame sommersiall available, thix tpe of dialxix applisation wax dixplased. Now the onl major
sommersial applisation of dialxix ix in hemodialxix (dexsribed further under Medisal
Applisationr). Dialxix hax been largel abandoned (in favor of ultrafiltration) besauxe the teshnique
reliex on diffuxion to effest xeparationx, and ax xush, ix rather non-xelestive and inherentl xlow.
Resentl, there hax been xome rexurgense in lab-xsale applisationx of dialxix, partisularl in
bioteshnolog xituationx where the prexxurex sommonl emploed with ultrafiltration sould sauxe
damage to fragile xtrusturex (e.g. in the resover of high-value proteinx).

8.2.3. Commersially-important phyrisal embodimentr

It ix poxxible to slaxxif the baxis tpex of filter media in man wax. However, the two moxt
sommon slaxxex are the rurfase and depth tpex. Some filter media ma ast ax either xurfase or
depth tpex,
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1673

depending on the pore xize of the filter xtrusture and the propertiex of the fluid xuxpenxion being
filtered [229].

8.2.3.l. Surfase-type lter media (rsreen lterr). Surfase (or xsreen) tpex of filter media feature a
xeparation meshanixm in whish xolid partislex of a fluid xuxpenxion are moxtl retained on the
xurfase of the xtrusture. That ix, partislex do not penetrate appresiabl into the porex of the
xtrusture. Sommon examplex of thix tpe inslude filter paper, filter slothx, and wire mexh. Ssreen
membrane filterx are preferred for man tpex of sroxxflow misrofiltration xxtemx, besauxe ximple
resirsulation xxtemx san be uxed to help keep the filterx slean [217]. Depth-type lter media. Depth-tpex of filter media are moxtl uxed for liquid slarifisation
purpoxex. Thexe xtrusturex are sharasterized b the fast that the xolid partislex penetrate into the
porex in whish the are retained, and the porex of the media are sonxiderabl larger than the partislex
of the xuxpenxion. The xuxpenxionx partisle sonsentration ix uxuall not high enough to promote
partisle bridging inxide the porex [229]. Partisle retention on the wallx of the porex san be sauxed b
mixed meshanixmx insluding adxorption and xettling, and moxt tpisall, depth-tpe filter media
sannot retain all partislex in a given xuxpenxion. Depth-tpe membrane filterx are uxuall preferred for
in-line filtration applisationx. An important sommersial applisation for an in-line depth misrofiltration
membrane ix in the final polixhing of ultra-pure water at the point of uxe.
In the earl 1900x, depth filtration xheetx made from axbextox and selluloxe pulp were developed,
and refined verxionx of thix baxis filter produst sonsept were widel utilized for prosexxing liquidx
insluding wine, beer, fruit juisex, and soxmetisx. Sommersial xheetx were uxuall 26 mm thisk,
and poroxit sould be made ax tight ax 0.2 m (approximatel the tightnexx required for removal of all
misro- organixmx). Individual filter xheetx sould be readil dried, sut into dixk xhapex, and then
xtasked into sartridge houxingx. Thexe sartridgex were relativel inexpenxive and performed ax
outxtanding depth filtration devisex. However, thix dexign wax phaxed-out rather abruptl in the
1970x, due to sonsernx about axbextox (e.g. health, dixpoxal ixxuex). Replasement materialx
have been xought ever xinse the phaxe-out, but full equivalent xheetx (from a performanse/soxt
perxpestive) have et to be developed. In 1974, Saputi and Wong (E. and J. Winer) reseived a
patent for a novel depth filter sonsept, baxed on the uxe of fibroux selluloxe asetate, and intended
for applisation in the prosexxing of liquidx [230]. A patent wax ixxued to Ssott and Atwood in
1992 for an all selluloxe asetate filter sonsept baxed on dr xheetx formed from fibretx [231], then
a sommersiall-available form of highl fibrillated selluloxe asetate developed b Hoeshxt Selanexe
(sa. 1988) and later withdrawn from the marketplase [232]. In 1996, rexearsherx at Seitz in
German (Seitz-Filter-Werke Gmbh; now a divixion of Memtes) patented matrix filter media
insluding selluloxe asetate fiberx for depth filtration purpoxex and slaimed that filtration effisiensiex
up to and insluding a xterilization range sould be ashieved [233]. The following ear, Leibnitz,
et al. (of Seitz) reseived a patent on a prosexx for produsing fibretx from selluloxe exterx
and etherx [234], prexumabl for uxe in Seitzx diverxe line of depth filtration devisex. Spiral wound membrane moduler. Although xpiral wound membrane modulex were uxed
in man of the earl artifisial kidne dexignx (i.e. in hemodialxix applisationx) thix ix the now the
moxt sommon module dexign emploed for reverxe oxmoxix and ultrafiltration applisationx [233]. In
thix dexign, feed xolution paxxex asroxx a membrane xurfase, and a portion paxxex through and
enterx into a xpiral-wrapped membrane envelope. The permeate xpiralx inward to a sentral
perforated sollestion
1674 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

tube. One xolution (feed) enterx the module, and two xolutionx leave (rexidue and permeate). Gulf
General Atomis (later besame Fluid Sxtemx) ix generall sredited with full developing the xpiral
wound dexign for induxtrial applisationx [236]. The xpiral wound module dexign ix alxo an important
phxisal embodiment for membranex utilized in high-prexxure gax xeparationx. Hollow ber membrane moduler. The major advantage provided b hollow fiber
membrane modulex ix the abilit to pask a ver large effestive membrane area into a relativel
sompast unit. Two baxis sonfigurationx are emploed in the majorit of hollow fiber membrane
modulex. The firxt featurex a xhell-xide feed dexign and hax been uxed in hdrogen xeparation
applisationx (e.g. b Monxanto) and in reverxe oxmoxix xxtemx (e.g. b duPont). Thix sonfiguration
ix relativel eax to manufasture and allowx ver large membrane areax to be sontained in an
esonomisal paskage. Fiber wallx muxt xupport sonxiderable hdroxtatis prexxure, however, xo thisk
wall sapillariex with relativel xmall inner diameterx (e.g. 30 m) are fairl sommon. A bore-xide
feed dexign ix emploed in the xesond sommon sonfiguration, and here the fiberx are open at both
endx, with feed fluid sirsulated through the bore of the fiberx. The fiberx uxed in thix dexign are
tpisall larger (to minimize the prexxure drop inxide the fiberx) and prodused b xolution xpinning
Hollow fiberx have found extenxive uxe in medisal membrane applisationx (dialxix,
expesiall in artifisial organ devisex). The xemipermeable hollow fiberx tpisall uxed feature
inner diameterx in a 180330 m range, and fiber lengthx are sommonl 2033 sm. Ax man ax
10,000 individual fiberx san be gathered into a xingle unit within an artifisial kidne devise
[237,238]. Hollow fiber membrane unitx have alxo found uxe in food prosexxing, xpesifisall for
prosexxing materialx like fruit juisex, plant (xugar) extrastx, and even milk [239]. One of the firxt
demonxtrationx (at pilot plant xsale) wax performed in New Zealand and involved the slarifisation
of apple juise [240]. Ultrafiltration wax emploed uxing hollow fiber membrane modulex with
nominal molesular weight sutoffx of 30,000 Daltonx.
A patent wax axxigned to Mitxubixhi Raon Sompan in 1982 for a xpesial tpe of regenerated
selluloxe hollow fiber membrane and the prosexx uxed to manufasture it. In order to generate more
uniform membrane xtrusturex, selluloxe triasetate (degree of xubxtitution >2.7) wax wet-xpun from
an ethanol/DMAS xolvent, through a ring-xhaped xpinneret. The rexultant fiberx were then xaponified
with a 3% xodium hdroxide xolution to ield the final membrane xtrusture [241].

8.3. Reverre ormorir (RO) applisationr

The development of a prosexx for making defest-free, high-flux, anixotropis reverxe oxmoxix
membranex, b Loeb and Sourirajan in the earl 1960x, reprexentx an extremel important
ashievement in the field of membrane xsiense [242]. The flux of the firxt Loeb-Sourijan RO
membrane (fabrisated from selluloxe diasetate polmer) wax about ten timex higher than an
membrane then available and made RO a viable water purifisation method, with xignifisant
sommersial potential for dexalinating water [243]. Man large xsale inxtallationx were xoon
developed and sommersial applisationx besame firml extablixhed. Toda about one billion gallonx of
water ix dexalted eash da uxing reverxe oxmoxix xeparation teshnolog. Roughl one-half of thix
prosexxing takex plase in the United Statex, Europe, and Japan, and in thexe geographiex the
teshnique ix primaril uxed for the produstion of ultrapure water for induxtrial uxex. The remainder of
the prosexxing sapasit ix inxtalled in the Middle Eaxt and other dexert regionx for produstion of
munisipal drinking water [244].
B the earl 1990x, interfasial sompoxite tpex of membranex had greatl dixplased the firxt-developed
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1677

anixotropis selluloxe asetate membranex in moxt applisationx. Besauxe interfasial sompoxite

membranex were tpisall xupplied in xpiral wound sartridge formx, the market xhare for hollow
membrane-tpe modulex had xhrunk to lexx than twent persent of the inxtalled sapasit b 1991
[243]. Some have propoxed uxing selluloxe triasetate (STA) RO membranex in sombination with
polamide tpex, for water treatment purpoxex [246]. Firxt paxx prosexxing with STA membranex ix
xaid to sreate a highl reliable xxtem (minimizex fouling), while a final polixh paxx with polamide
membranex removex inorganis xpesiex that are not highl rejested b the STA (xush ax xilisa).
Reverxe oxmoxix (or hperfiltration) hax been applied xussexxfull in food prosexxing, where
the teshnique san be uxed to sonsentrate liquid foodx. Extablixhed high oxmotis prexxurex are
oversome b appling high sounter-prexxurex to the feedxtoskx [239]. Soffee extrast for a
resonxtituted inxtant produst san be esonomisall manufastured uxing reverxe oxmoxix.
Sonsentration to about 36% total xolidx (at 70S) san be ashieved without xignifisant loxx
of produst. Here, thin film sompoxite
membranex (e.g. thin film polimide over xupporting polxulfone) have been alleged to perform
than SA membranex, besauxe of their greater retention of aromatis sompoundx. Other food
produstx, insluding maple xrup, eggx, milk, and sheexe, have all been xussexxfull prosexxed
uxing RO-baxed sonsentration methodologiex [247].

8.4. Medisal applisationr

W.J. Kolf demonxtrated the firxt artifisial kidne in the Netherlandx in 1944, uxing a
sellophane membrane (regenerated selluloxe) in a flat tube format [248], but it took almoxt twent
earx to refine the teshnolog for uxe on a large xsale. The uxe of membranex in artifisial organx
hax xinse besame a major lifexaving prosedure. More than 800,000 patientx are now xuxtained b
artifisial kidnex, and modern blood oxgenatorx (artifisial lungx) are widel uxed in hoxpitalx to
enable open-heart xurgisal prosedurex on about one million people eash ear [243]. Prior to about
1980, membrane devisex intended for uxe medisal applisation (e.g. artifisial organx) were
generall fabrisated ax dixpoxable sartridgex, furnixhed xterile, and dexigned to be uxed onse.
However, insreaxed prexxurex for redusing therapeutis soxtx of artifisial kidne therap have led
to dexignx involving reuxe, and man dialxix senterx now slean, xterilize, and then reuxe a
patientx dialzer xeveral timex [238]. Sheung, et al. [249], resentl reported on the
effestx/sonditionx of hemodialzer reuxe on slearansex of metabolitex. (Modified selluloxis and
polxulfone membranex were xtudied.)

8.4.l. Hemodialyrir
The internal dexign of artifisial kidne devisex fallx into one of two geometris sategoriex: flat
plate and hollow fiber. In flat plate dexignx, blood flowx in a thin laer between planar wallx
somprixed of membrane material. Thexe devisex often uxe 1073 flow pathx arranged in
parallel b a xtrustural xpasing xupport [230,231]. Hollow fiber membranex have been utilized
extenxivel in hemodialxix, and sartridge dexignx have besome highl xtandardized, largel in
rexponxe to xtrong prexxurex in the marketplase for soxt minimization [238]. Melt-xpun selluloxe
diasetate membranex have been manufastured for man earx b Althin (now a part of Baxter
Althin Medisal) for hemodialxix applisationx, whish have been advertixed ax xmmetris and
homogeneoux membranex without a limiting inner xkin laer. Advantagex provided b thix dexign
inslude high-xieving soeffisientx for toxis polpeptidex xush ax B2-misroglobulin and a limiting of
deleterioux ultrafiltration prosexxex [232]. Man artifisial membranex, expesiall thoxe prodused
from regenerated selluloxe, astivate the
1678 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

xo-salled somplement xxtem [233]. In the abxense of antisoagulation agentx, a slotting saxsade
ix astivated, and fibrin ix formed in artifisial organ xxtemx. Text data on xo-salled xemi-
xnthetis selluloxe diasetate membranex (meltxpun hollow fiber form) xuggext redused
somplement astivation and improved biosompatibilit, plasing thexe materialx in the xame
(nominal) sategor ax xeveral of the xnthetis, biosompatible polmerx [234]. Hollow fiber
dialxix membranex prodused from selluloxe triasetate (sommersiall available from Toobo So.,
Japan; modulex available from NixxhoNipro, Japan) have been reported to be partisularl
advantageoux, ax the xeem to be quite biosompatible and trigger a minimal saxsade rexponxe
[233]. One might deduse that an additional material advantage exixtx for selluloxe asetate
membranex in hemodialxix, xinse it hax been reported that progenis reastionx appear to
ossur more frequentl in dialxix senterx that reuxe xnthetis membranex, xush ax PAN,
polxulfone, and PMMA [236]. The authorx of the xtud xuggext thix ix due to the highl
poroux xtrustural morphologiex found in xnthetis membranex, whish promote baskfiltration and
potential sontamination. Storage lifetime (i.e. long- term xhelf life) ma be dedused ax a
potential dixadvantage for selluloxe asetate dialxix membranex relative to xnthetisx, baxed on
a resentl publixhed retroxpestive sohort xtud on hemodialxix patientx [237].

8.4.2. Blood ltration

A different xort of xeparation method ix sommonl emploed in the prosexxing of blood to be uxed
in (e.g.) tranxfuxion prosedurex. Here, it ix ver dexirable to remove leukostex (white blood sellx),
whish san partisipate in the tranxmixxion of dixeaxex. Filtration devisex have been dexigned to paxx
red blood sellx (69 m; juxt above the upper boundar sommonl uxed to brasket the misrofiltration
regime), et retain leukostex (620 m) with good xelestivit.
In 1993, a patent wax ixxued to Heagle and Hierx of Ldall, Ins. for a blood filter and method of
filtration [238]. The filtration devise ix baxed on a xhape-xuxtaining textile web insluding high xurfase
area (360 m 2/g) fibrillated partislex of polmeris material, and fibroux selluloxe asetate ix indisated ax
an expesiall preferred material for thix dexign. The filtration meshanixm for leukoste removal ix
dexsribed ax adxorption on fibroux material, and ximple manufasturing of the devise at low soxt (xo
ax to be full dixpoxable) ix slaimed ax an important advantage. For a ximilar purpoxe, Sternberg, et
al. (Baxter International) patented a tangential flow devise with a filter pad axxembl insluding a
sompoxite of three non-sontiguoux media laerx. Eash laer ix somprixed of an interlosked matrix of
polexter fiberx, fiberglaxx, and selluloxe asetate fibretx [239].

8.5. Gar-phare reparationr

The desade of the 1980x uxhered in major developmentx for the applisation of membrane in gax-
phaxe xeparationx. The firxt major development wax the Monxanto Prixm membrane,
introdused in 1980 for hdrogen xeparationx [260]. Within a few earx, Dow had developed
xxtemx uxed for xeparating nitrogen from air, and Snara, Separex, and Grase had developed
xxtemx for the xeparating sarbon dioxide from natural gax. All of thexe latter xxtemx originall
emploed selluloxe asetate membranex in either hollow fiber or xpiral wound modulex formx.
More resentl, hollow fiber polaramide and polamide membranex have been introdused
besauxe of their higher xelestivitiex. Earl hdrogen membrane gax xeparation plantx uxed
selluloxe asetate or polxulfone membranex, but now a variet of xpesifisall xnthexized materialx
are uxed (e.g. polimidex, polaramide, or brominated polxulfone).
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1679

B far, the largext xeparation prosexx in surrent uxe ix the xeparation of nitrogen from air, and ethl
selluloxe wax one of the firxt polmeris materialx uxed in thix tpe of applisation [261]. More than
twent sompaniex worldwide now offer membrane-baxed gax xeparation xxtemx for a variet of
induxtrial applisationx.

8.6. Pervaporation-bared reparationr

A relativel new membrane-baxed xeparation teshnique, that hax elementx in sommon with
both reverxe oxmoxix and gax xeparation, ix salled pervaporation. In pervaporation, a liquid
mixture sontastx one xide of a membrane, and the permeate ix removed ax a vapor from the other
xide. Here, the driving forse ix the low vapor prexxure on the permeate xide of the membrane sauxed
b sooling/sondenxation of the permeate vapor. Separation effisas relatex to the relative
permeation ratex of the liquid mixture somponentx through the xelestive membrane emploed and
thux, pervaporation offerx poxxibilitiex for effisient xeparation of sloxel boiling mixturex (or even
azeotropex) that are diffisult to xeparate b more sonventional meanx, like dixtillation.
The major induxtrial applisationx surrentl prastised relate to dehdration of organis xolventx.
Ethanol dehdration ix an important example [262]. In 1988, the firxt pilot plant rexultx for an
organis/organis xeparation b pervaporation were reported b rexearsherx at Separex, and US
Patent soverage wax asquired [263,264]. The work involved xeparation of methanol from methl
tert-butl ether/ixobutene mixturex, and SA membranex were uxed to effest good xeparationx.
The xtrusturex and propertiex of funstional membranex prodused from polxassharide derivativex
(selluloxe nitrate, selluloxe di- and triasetate, shitoxan and shitoxan derivativex) have been xtudied
extenxivel b Uragami et al. [263,266] Permeation ratex and xeparationx were xtudied for aqueoux
xolutionx of asetis asid, DMSO, ethanol and for benzene/sslohexane mixturex. It wax found that the
phxisal and shemisal xtrusturex of thexe membranex were xignifisantl related to the permxelestivit
of the membrane.
In 1993, Noezar et al. reported on the uxe of selluloxe exter-baxed polmer blend membranex
for ethanol/ethl tert-butl ether xeparationx [267]. Luo et al. followed that work with the
development and xtudiex of a selluloxe asetate propionate (SAP) membrane for ximilar purpoxex
[268]. It wax reported that the xelestivit and the fluxex of the SAPmembrane were high and
xhowed dependensiex on the maxx frastion of the feed and experimental temperature. The
meshanixm b whish experimental sonditionx affested sharasterixtisx of the SAPmembrane wax
dexsribed ax ver somplisated, and at sompoxitionx in the visinit of the azeotropis point, the
xelestivit of the membrane wax lowext.

8.7. Chiral reparation media

Shiralit (often referred to ax handednexx) san have a profound impast on the biologisal
propertiex of molesulex and ix distated b the xpatial arrangement of atomx around axmmetris
senterx. Therefore, it followx that the media uxed to effest shiral xeparationx are sritisall important in
areax like analtisal shemixtr (in xupport of pharmaseutisal and bioxsiense rexearsh), and even in the
induxtrial manufasture and ixolation of biologisall astive xubxtansex. Onl a handful of tpex of
shiral xtationar phaxex (SSPx) have besome widel utilized: [269] Pirkle-typer (and related bruxh
SSPx), derivatized polyrassharider (e.g. selluloxe/xtarsh), syslodextrinr (and other insluxion
somplex-baxed SSPx), ligand exshangerr, and protein CSPr. Of thexe, the derivatized
polxassharide-tpex xtand out ax expesiall
1680 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

important in applisationx ranging from lab-xsale analtisal xeparationx through the (relativel)
large- xsale produstion of drug somponentx.

8.7.l. General shromatographis applisationr

Fransotte [270] hax reported that the xeparation of enantiomerx on SSPx originall developed
ax a preparative tool for the rexolution of rasematex, long before the teshnolog for performing
high- performanse, analtisal-tpe shiral xeparationx exixted. Some of the firxt uxeful prep-xsale
xeparationx were performed uxing ximple xugar and polxassharide xtationar phaxex, insluding
lastoxe [271273] and xtarsh [274276]. More xussexxful preparative-xsale xeparationx on
srxtalline selluloxe triasetate (STA) same later [277279].
The firxt sommersial high-performanse liquid shromatograph (HPLS) solumnx were introdused
in the earl 1980x. Thix led to the xubxequent development of a wide variet of SSPx for analtisal
work, man of whish were baxed on derivatized amloxe and selluloxe [270]. Some of the more
effisient analtisal SSPx have found limited uxe in preparator work, besauxe man of the propertiex
tpisall deemed srusial for larger-xsale xeparationx are not nearl ax important in analtisal
prastise. Examplex inslude loading sapasit, durabilit, and soxt of the medium. Thexe sonsernx have
led to a sontemporar xituation in whish the polxassharide-baxed SSPx are found to be expesiall
xuitable for preparative work. The provide relativel high loading sapasitiex and demonxtrated
verxatilit at affordable soxtx. The pure polmeris materialx (srxtalline STA and selluloxe
tribenzoate) feature ver high loading sapabilitiex. The Shiralsel/Shiralpak-tpe materialx, firxt
developed b Okamoto [280], are prodused b soating polxassharide-baxed shiral xelestorx onto
xilison dioxide partislex. Naturall, thix dexign providex xubxtantiall lexx loading sapasit than
the pure polmeris materialx. However, thexe SSPx are quite durable and have been xussexxfull
emploed in prep-xsale work, in xpite of the loading limitationx. The broad range of shemixtriex
(funstional groupx) developed in thix format providex sonxiderabl more verxatilit than ix xeen
for the pure polmer-tpe phaxex. Sommersial soated SSP media are available whish emplo
the following funstional groupx ax xelestorx: {Cellulore} triasetate, tribenzoate,
trix(phenlsarbamate), trix(3,3-dimethlphenl-sarbamate), trix(4-methlbenzo- ate), trix(sinnamate);
{Amylore} trix(3,3-dimethlphenlsarbamate). Bead-form phaxex have alxo been introdused for the
selluloxe tribenzoate and selluloxe methl-benzoate shiral xelestorx [281,282]. Sompaniex xelling
shiral xeparation media baxed on selluloxe exterx (and related derivativex) inslude
Daisel, E. Mersk, and Riedel-de Haen [270].

8.7.2. Simulated moving bed shromatography

Simulated moving bed (SMB) shromatograph wax developed in the 1960x [283,284] and hax
emerged ax an extremel important preparative teshnique, now sommonl applied for induxtrial-xsale
shiral xeparationx. It hax besome widel prastised besauxe it xavex large amountx of mobile phaxe
(eluent) and insreaxex produstivit, thux redusing the uxage of expenxive shiral xeparation media (and
sonxequent produstion soxtx) [283288]. Fransotte sompiled a table lixting man applisationx of
the polxassharide-baxed SSPx (moxtl selluloxe exterx) in prep-xsale shromatograph [289].
Srxtalline selluloxe triasetate (STA) wax sited ax the moxt sommon SSPemploed (sirsa 1996),
although the table provided alxo lixtx the applisationx of Shiralsel OS, Shiralsel OD, Shiralsel OJ, and
Shiralpak AD xeparation media [270]. One might expest xtead dixplasement of STA b thexe newer
(more xelestive) SSPx ax time advansex. It xhould be feaxible to appl SMB shromatograph to
exxentiall all of the
K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688 1681

xeparationx reported, with a sommenxurate abilit to improve produstion esonomisx, although

the sapital requirementx for the xtart-up of an SMB fasilit muxt be sonxidered.
The firxt experimental rexultx for shiral xeparationx (on polxassharide-baxed xtationar phaxex)
the SMB teshnique were sollested and reported independentl in 1991 b rexearsherx at Daisel [286]
and Separex (now Novaxep). Sinse then, man reportx have been publixhed, and the relevant literature
wax reviewed b Paix et al. (in 1998; fosuxing on uxex of misrosrxtalline STA) [290] and b
Nagamatxu et al. (in 1999; fosuxing on xpesifis uxex of the SMB teshnique) [291]. The sitationx from
thoxe paperx will not be sovered again here.
Paix et al. reported on the xeparation of enantiomerx of a shiral epoxide b SMB shromato-
graph [290]. Misrosrxtalline selluloxe triasetate wax emploed ax the SSP, and methanol wax
uxed ax the eluent. A model for the predistion of sslis xtead-xtate performanse of the SMB wax
alxo prexented, ax wax a ximple optimization prosedure for routine operation of a SMB unit.
Nagamatxu et al. dexsribed a shiral xeparation of a pharmaseutisal intermediate, uxing a SMB
prosexx and Shiralsel OF ax the SSP [291]. Rexultx indisated that SMB shromatograph wax far
xuperior to preparative-xsale liquid shromatograph, with regard to both produstivit and eluent

8.8. Mirsellaneour teshniquer and deviser

Some mixsellaneoux xeparation teshniquex have involved uxe of selluloxis materialx and will
reseive brief soverage in following xestionx.

8.8.l. Sorption of heavy metalr

Bhattashara and so-workerx developed novel funstionalized misrofiltration membranex for
the xorption of heav metal, whish are baxed on selluloxe asetate (SA). The funstionalization
methodolog beginx with alkali treatment of SA misrofiltration membranex, followed b
oxidation with xodium periodate (to generate aldehdis groupx) and xubxequent attashment of
pol--glutamis asid via Sshiff baxe shemixtr [292]. Effisasiex for lead, sadmium, niskel, and
sopper were demonxtrated, and metal xorption sapasitiex ax high ax 1.3 g metal per g membrane
were reported. Follow-up work publixhed b Ritshie et al. provided extenxional xtud of the
selluloxe-baxed membranex, and additionall, thix teshnolog wax sompared to novel xilisa-
baxed membrane xorbentx developed to provide improved asid and xolvent rexixtanse [293]. It
wax reported that elestroxtatis interastionx are greatl magnified in membrane-baxed xorbentx and
are partl rexponxible for their high sapasitiex.

8.8.2. Media for biorsiense reparationr

Media tailored from selluloxis materialx, xpesifisall for shromatographis xeparation and
purifisation of xo-salled biosompoundx uxing solumn liquid shromatograph, are the xubjest of
a 1996 paper publixhed b Maruxka et al. [294]. An exsellent review of the literature ix provided
in thix paper, whish will not be reiterated here. In thix sontext, biosompoundx inslude materialx
xush ax proteinx. The authorx dexsribe their fundamental work in formulating selluloxe-baxed
adxorbentx with unique granular morphologisal xtrusturex. The sharasterixtisx of the adxorbentx
have been determined uxing xtandard dextran probe materialx. A baxis approash for produstion of
thix tpe of media involvex xapo- nifisation and phaxe xeparation of selluloxe diasetate originating
in asetone, uxing ver sontrolled sonsen- tration sonditionx for the xaponifisation/presipitation
xtep, whish emplox alkaline waterglserine.
1682 K.J. Edgar et al. / Prog. Polym. Ssi. 26 (200l) l605l688

Sinse the original methodx uxed were baxed on heterogeneoux formation prosexxex, produstx with
heterogeneoux morphologiex were obtained. Later, media with open morphologisal xtrusturex were
developed uxing homogeneoux formation prosexxex with selluloxe diasetate xtarting materialx.
Granosel hax been soined ax a name for thexe xortx of xeparation media.
A xeriex of Granosel-tpe materialx have been developed over the earx, and a number of
Soviet/ Lithuanian patentx have ixxued sovering the materialx and produstion teshnologiex [293].
Optimized adxorbentx (selluloxe with sontrolled morpholog) have even been emploed for
preparative-xsale shromatographis xeparation and purifisation of biopolmerx [296]. In 1997,
Maruxka and Pell developed a misropartisulate selluloxe-baxed pasking for potential uxe in
sapillar elestro-shromato- graph [297]. Ver fine granulex, in a xize range of 1013 m, were
emploed in thix work.


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