Quiz Questions

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Question 1:

Economic historians usually attribute the start of the great depression to the sudden devastating
collapse of US stock market prices on October 29, 1929.

This is known as

Answer: Black Tuesday

Question 2:

Name the first Indian woman CEO of a Foreign Bank.

Answer: Tarini Vaidya (KBC Bank India and South Asia)

Question 3:

Who is known as the oracle of Omaha?

And his famous quote is Rule No. 1: Never lose money, Rule No.2: Never forget the Rule No. 1

Answer: Warren Buffet

Question 4:

These two deutsche bank towers have a very crafty name, the two aspects of every financial
transaction. What are the names?

Answer: Debit and Credit

Question 5:



No Significant movement---------???

Answer: Chicken Market

Question 6:

Slogan of Reserve Bank of India is_______________

Answer: Indias Central bank

Question 7:

An investment fell by 50% during the 2008 financial crisis. What percent increase does it need to
earn to get back the entire 50% loss? ____

a) 50%

b) 100%

c) 75%

d) The losses cannot be regained as the investment is too risky

Answer: b

Question 8:

The global insurance company that was effectively bailed out by U.S. taxpayers money during the
financial crisis of 2007-08 was:

Answer: AIG

Question 9:

In August 2007, this bank signalled the beginning of the financial crisis of 2007-08 by blocking
withdrawals from three hedge funds citing a complete evaporation of liquidity.

Answer: BNP Paribas

Question 10:

What happened to Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae after 2007-08 financial crisis?

a) They files for bankruptcy

b) They were given $ 10 million by the federal government

c) They celebrated 25 years in business

d) They were seized by the federal government.

Answer: d

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