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Nuclear Physics News

Volume 23, Issue 3
JulySeptember 2013

The Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil (RIBRAS) Facility
Double Beta Decay Experiments: Beginning of a New Era

Nuclear Physics News
Volume 23/No. 3

Nuclear Physics News is published on behalf of the Nuclear Physics European Collaboration Committee (NuPECC), an Expert Committee of the
European Science Foundation, with colleagues from Europe, America, and Asia.

Editor: Gabriele-Elisabeth Krner

Editorial Board
Maria Jos Garcia Borge, Madrid (Chair) Eugenio Nappi, Bari
Rick Casten, Yale Klaus Peters, Darmstadt and EPS/NPB
Ari Jokinen, Jyvskyl Hideyuki Sakai, Tokyo
Reiner Krcken, Vancouver James Symons, Berkeley
Yu-Gang Ma, Shanghai Marcel Toulemonde, Caen
Douglas MacGregor, Glasgow and EPS/NPB

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Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 1

Physics Volume 23/No. 3

The International Dimension of FAIR
by Boris Sharkov...................................................................................................................................... 3
Laboratory Portrait
The Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil (RIBRAS) Facility
by A. Lpine-Szily, R. Lichtenthler, and V. Guimares........................................................................... 5
Feature Articles
Double Beta Decay Experiments: Beginning of a New Era
by Alexander Barabash and Fabrice Piquemal....................................................................................... 12
Facilities and Methods
Pushing In-Beam Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy to the Shores of the Island of Stability
by Benot Gall and Paul Greenlees.......................................................................................................... 19
Impact and Applications
Neutron Capture Therapy: A Highly Selective Tumor Treatment
by Saverio Altieri...................................................................................................................................... 24
Crystal Deflectors for High Energy Ion Beams
by W. Scandale and A. M. Taratin............................................................................................................ 29
Meeting Reports
Nuclear Structure 2012
by F. G. Kondev and T. Lauritsen............................................................................................................. 33
FB20: The 20th International Conference on Few-Body Problems in Physics
by Kenshi Sagara..................................................................................................................................... 34
VI International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei EXON-2012
by Yu. Penionzhkevich.............................................................................................................................. 35
News and Views
IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in Nuclear Physics, 2013
by Hideyuki Sakai..................................................................................................................................... 37
Nuclear Physics Research: An International Perspective
by Willem T. H. van Oers.......................................................................................................................... 38
In Memoriam: Enrico Farnea (19702013)
by Dino Bazzacco and Andres Gadea...................................................................................................... 40
Calendar................................................................................................................................ Inside Back Cover

Cover Illustration: The RIBRAS facility is installed in the Open Laboratory for Nuclear Physics. The stable beam comes from the
left, the production target is located on the left side of the first solenoid. Between the two solenoids one can see the intermediate
scattering chamber. At the right extremity, after the second solenoid, the new, large scattering chamber can be seen (see article on
page 5).

2 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013


The International Dimension of FAIR

The starting shot for the construc- alleled intensity and quality. When Group were mandated by the Interna-
tion of a new international accelerator completed, FAIR will comprise eight tional Steering Committee in 2007 to
facility for the research with antipro- ring accelerators of up to 1,100 meters prepare a proposal for a start version
tons and ions in Europe (FAIR) was in circumference, two linear accel- accounting for recent cost estimates
been given on 4 October 2010 in Wies- erators, and around 3.5 kilometers of and the firm funding commitments
baden, wherethe international owners beam-lines. The existing GSI accel- while securing top scientific excel-
founded the FAIR GmbH. On this day erators will serve as pre-accelerators lence and outstanding discovery po-
science ministers and state secretaries for the new facility. tential of the facility. This Modular-
from Germany, Finland, France, India, FAIR will make it possible to con- ized Start Version (MSV) secures a
Poland, Romania, Russia, Slovenia, duct a wider range of experiments than swift start of FAIR with outstanding
and Sweden signed the international ever before, enabling scientists from science potential for all scientific ar-
agreement on the construction of the all over the world to gain new insights eas of FAIR within the current funding
accelerator facility FAIR, which will into the structure of matter and the commitments.
be located in Darmstadt, Germany. The evolution of the universe since the Big The outstanding scientific value of
United Kingdom joined FAIR later as Bang. It will be a host laboratory for the research program within the MSV
an associated partner. basic research for about 3,000 scien- was recently reevaluated thoroughly
FAIR is being built in cooperation tists from about 50 countries all over and confirmed by the Scientific Coun-
with an international community of the world who are already working on cil of FAIR.
countries and scientists. The participat- the preparation of the experiments and The FAIR facility construction pe-
ing countries contribute their technical the development of accelerator com- riod will last several years, with the
and scientific expertise to the project, ponents. Therefore FAIR becomes a completion of construction projected
in addition to their financial and in-kind new and fascinating opportunity for for 2018. However, the commence-
input. The construction of the facility is qualified science and international co- ment of research on several subsys-
financed by a joint international effort operation. tems of the accelerator complex is
of so far ten member states. The inter- FAIR will provide worldwide planned for 2017.
national agreement has cleared the way unique accelerator and experimental The start of the real construction
for its realization. Germany together facilities allowing for a large variety activities on the FAIR construction
with the State of Hesse is the major of unprecedented fore-front research site end of 2012 has constituted a very
contributor to the construction; other in physics and applied science. Indeed, important and highly visible signal to
international partners bear ca. 30% of it is the largest basic research project the scientific community worldwide.
the total construction costs of approxi- on the roadmap of the European Strat- Partner countries are involved in
mately 1.6 billion EUR. egy Forum of Research Infrastructures making contributions to the project in
The Mission of the FAIR GmbH is (ESFRI), and it is a cornerstone of the the form of delivery of high-technol-
to coordinate the construction of the European research area. FAIR offers ogy equipment and components of ex-
accelerator and experiment facilities to scientists from the whole world an perimental facilities, as well as in the
and their subsequent exploitation dur- abundance of outstanding research op- form of cash payments.
ing the operation phase after. portunities, broader in scope than any In the course of wide international
The FAIR accelerator center is one other contemporary large-scale facil- co-operation in the framework of the
of the largest projects for fundamental ity in the world. FAIR project, the main investments by
research in physics and the most so- In order to enable an expeditious the partner countries will be made in
phisticated accelerator center world- start of the FAIR construction, the the support of the national research in-
wide. FAIR will generate antiproton FAIR Joint Core Team and the Sci- stitutes involved in the project, as well
and ion beams of a previously unpar- entific and Technical Issues Working as in the national high-technology in-

The views expressed here do not represent the views and policies of NuPECC except where explicitly identified.

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 3


dustry. During the construction of the the development of high technology tion for both scientists from re-
accelerator complex, numerous Rus- in various sectors of the economy, the search laboratories and for staff
sian, Indian, Polish, Slovenian, and training of young scientists, engineers, and students from universities;
French research institutions and in- development of IT-technologies, and Support for masters and Ph.D.
dustrial companies received contracts further the active integration into the students as well as for post-docs
for the development and manufactur- world and European scientific and from excellent Russian univer-
ing of high-technology components of technological space. sities in various fields of funda-
experimental detectors and accelerator It provides also a unique scientific mental and applied sciences and
components. and technological environment for technology;
The FAIR core facility embraces educating the next generations of stu-
Funding for Russian students in
the 14 experiments that have been dents and preparing them for careers
the form of grants in addition to
approved by the International Steer- in basic research and industry. In view
their salaries, offering flexible
ing Committee already in 2006. of tough international competition,
pay schemes, and promoting sci-
These approved experiments form this is of great importance for all FAIR
entific excellence.
the four scientific pillars of the FAIR partners. In this context the German
research program and allow for am- Helmholtz Association and the Rus- Many FAIR-related workshops
bitious fore-front studies in hadron, sian State Atomic Energy Corporation were organized or supported. Espe-
nuclear, and atomic physics and ap- (ROSATOM) created the FAIR- cially important were: international
plied sciences. Already today, over Russia Research Centre (FRRC) in workshops on physics programs
2,500 scientists and engineers are 2008, at the site of the Institute of of CBM, NUSTAR, PANDA, and
involved in the design and prepara- Theoretical and Experimental Phys- SPARC collaborations, on Heavy Ion
tion of the FAIR experiments. They ics (ITEP) in Moscow. An ambitious Stopping, High energy Proton Mi-
are organized in the experimental community of ca. 60 highly qualified croscopy and Non-Ideal Plasma re-
collaborations and coordinated by the young Russian scientists involved searches; Meetings of Russian groups
Board of FAIR Collaborations (BFC) in FAIR-related research has been of CBM and PANDA collaborations;
in close contact with the research di- formed through the program of FRRC. and seminars for young researchers.
We intend to use the FRRC as a
vision of the FAIR GmbH. Members Several of these young scientists have
role model that should be emulated
of international collaborations are great potential to become leaders in
by other member countries of FAIR.
widely involved nowadays in design Russian FAIR science.
India, for example, has expressed her
and development of the components The main strategic aims of FRRC
interest in a similar national center. It
for experimental detectors. Respec- are approved and will remain valid
is quite difficult to organize coherent
tive Technical Design Reports (TDR) in the future for other FAIR partner and consistent research efforts in large
are being evaluated by the newly es- countries: countries like Russia and India due to
tablished Expert Committee Experi- large distances. Bundling the minds of
ments. Coordination of national FAIR-
research activities and work bright young scientists will optimize
The FAIR project is of significant the science output as well as the edu-
scientific and practical interest to the packages, such as development
of new detectors and accelerator cation of themselves.
international scientific community
and opens the possibility for acquiring technologies and contributions
new fundamental knowledge about toward physics issues to be ex-
the structure and properties of mat- plored at FAIR;
ter, educating young scientists and Spreading the scientific atmo-
engineers, and developing computing sphere and spirit from the FAIR
technologies. site to Russia in order to generate
The FAIR project is of great sci- a creative environment similar
entific and practical interest for the to the one at other research and
international scientific community, teaching beacons, promoting Boris Sharkov
giving a new impetus/momentum to cross-fertilization and competi- FAIR Darmstadt

4 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

laboratory portrait

The Radioactive Ion Beams in Brazil

(RIBRAS) Facility

Introduction one in Latin America. A picture of this protons, deuterons, Li, Be, B, C, O, F,
The availability of radioactive facility is shown in the cover photo. Si isotopes and heavier ions up to Cu,
beams provides new opportunities in The OLNP is the main nuclear with typical intensities around Ae.
nuclear physics [1]. On the one hand, physics laboratory in Brazil. It has The maximum energies are between
they provide a probe of the nuclear about a dozen active local researchers 25 MeV/nucleon. The OLNP has a
structure in unusual conditions of ex- and about the same number of techni- superconducting LINAC in installa-
citation energy and isospin. Many ex- cal staff. It has also a large number of tion, which will raise the energy of
periments have been performed with undergraduate and graduate students the stable beams to 10 MeV/nucleon.
beams such as 6He, 8He 11Li, 11Be, as well as post-doctoral fellows. The Pulsed beams of Li, Be, B, C, O iso-
among others (see references in Ref. average number of Ph.D. and masters topes and heavier beams will be
[1]). At energies near the Coulomb bar- theses realized in the OLNP is about available with the completion of the
rier or above, these experiments provide 5 theses/year. Seven Ph.D. and two LINAC post-accelerator.
valuable information on the structure masters theses have been defended For the production of unstable
of exotic nuclei and on the dynamics using the RIBRAS facility and the beams, the RIBRAS system uses the
of the nuclear reactions between them. number of post-docs is similar. The so called in-flight method. In this
On the other hand, recent experiments RIBRAS is open to local and exter- technique, the radioactive beams are
involving radioactive beams have been nal users. The number of external us- produced on-line by a nuclear reaction
very successful in nuclear astrophysics, ers of OLNP from other institutions (one- or two-nucleon transfer reac-
where many stellar scenarios involve of Brazil or Argentina, but also from tions), triggered by a stable primary
short-lived nuclei [2]. other countries, such as India, Italy, beam on a stable target. Usually, many
The Radioactive Ion Beams in is about 20 persons. The OLNP has a different species are produced with
Brazil (RIBRAS) [3] system was con- Program Advisory Committee (PAC) similar intensities and the beam of in-
ceived in a workshop organized in Sao which meets once a year: 264 days terest has to be selected and focused
Paulo in 1998 to extend the capabili- were proposed and 212 days were ap- by an electromagnetic selector device.
ties of the Pelletron Tandem accelera- proved by the PAC during the latest If the production reaction occurs in
tor by producing secondary beams of meeting in 2012. The Users Group is inverse kinematics with a heavier pri-
unstable nuclei. The decision for the composed of all users with approved mary beam hitting a light production
solenoid solution was partly taken by proposals in the two latest PAC meet- target, the kinematic focusing is bet-
the successful example of the TWIN- ings, including students. The OLNP is ter. The main advantages are: (i) this
SOL facility [4] installed at Notre organized around the 8MV Pelletron production mode can be used for very
Dame University. However, due to the Tandem, installed in 1972 [5]; it is the short lived species; (ii) depending on
future perspective of a LINAC post- first large Pelletron Tandem built by the reaction mode, intense beams can
accelerator of maximum energy of 10 the National Electrostatic Corpora- be produced; (iii) the secondary beam
MeV/nucleon, the superconducting tion (NEC). Since its installation, the can be of very low energy, depending
solenoids were designed to cope with accelerator has been running continu- on the energy of the primary beam,
ion beams of this higher energy. ally. Recently, resistors were installed which is an advantage for nuclear as-
In operation since 2004, RIBRAS in the charging system, improving trophysics. The disadvantages are the
is the most recent experimental facil- its performance, stability, and beam beam quality and purity, which are not
ity of the Open Laboratory of Nuclear intensities, at the maximum terminal excellent, and the limitation to radio-
Physics (OLNP) at the Physics Insti- potential of 8 MV. active species not very far from the
tute of the University of Sao Paulo stability valley.
(IFUSP), in Sao Paulo, Brazil. It is the Facility Description The secondary beams already pro-
first radioactive ion beam facility in The 8UD Pelletron Tandem ac- duced with RIBRAS are presented in
the Southern Hemisphere and the only celerates continuous stable beams: Table 1, together with the nuclear re-

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 5

laboratory portrait

Table 1. Secondary beams produced at the RIBRAS facility together with the the second solenoid. The experimental
nuclear reaction used for their production. Their intensities obtained in the in- set-up, with the production target, the
termediate chamber, the FWHM of the beams and their energies are also shown. W beam stopper, the two solenoids,
Resolution and both scattering chambers is pre-
Secondary beam Production reaction Intensity (pps) (keV)/energy sented in Figure 1.
8Li 9Be(7Li,8Li)8Be 105106
The first solenoid makes an in-
500/25.8 MeV
6He 9Be(7Li,6He)10B 105 flight selection by the magnetic rigid-
1,000/22 MeV
7Be 3He(6Li,7Be)d 104105 800/18.8 MeV
ity of the reaction products emerging
7Be 7Li(6Li,7Be)6He 104 600/21 MeV from the primary target in the forward
8B 3He(6Li,8B)n 104 >1,000/15.6 MeV angle region. As the first magnet fo-
10Be 9Be(11B,10Be)10B 105 1,000/23.2 MeV cuses all ions with the same magnetic
rigidity, the beam of interest can be
accompanied by many contaminant
action used for their production. Their which consists of a gas cell, mounted beams of the same magnetic rigidity,
intensities obtained in the intermediate in an ISO chamber, before the first but different charges, masses and en-
chamber, between the two solenoids solenoid. The primary target can be ergies. A collimator at the entrance of
and their energy resolutions are also a gas, or a solid target, such as a 9Be the first solenoid limits the maximum
indicated in the table. The energy reso- foil, which is mounted on the gas cell angular acceptance to 6 degrees, so
lution quoted depends also on the beam window. A few centimeters behind the in this set-up the angular acceptance
energy and target thickness, since it gas cell there is a tungsten rod with of the first solenoid is 4 degrees, be-
was determined from the full width at electron suppression and a cylindrical tween 2 and 6 deg. The beam profile
half maximum (FWHM) of the elas- hole to stop and collect the primary in the center of the intermediate cham-
tic peaks on a gold target, measured beam particles (Faraday cup). The W ber was measured using an x-y posi-
at forward angles. The table gives the beam stopper cuts the primary beam, tion sensitive parallel plate avalanche
FWHM of the beam and its energy. but also the secondary beams in the counter (PPAC), and more recently by
The most important components of angular region between zero and 2 de- using a position sensitive (PSD) Si de-
this facility, which provide the selec- grees. The system has an intermediate tector. The beam spot has a diameter
tion and focusing of the beam of inter- target chamber (25 cm diameter ISO between 3.5 and 4 mm. The angular
est, are two superconducting solenoids chamber) between the two solenoids. divergence of the secondary beam in
that were manufactured by Cryomag- Recently a new, large (70 cm diame- the intermediate chamber is 3.2 de-
netics Inc. (USA). They have a 6.5 T ter) target chamber was installed after grees, between 1.3 and 4.5 degrees.
maximum central magnetic field (5 Tm
axial field integral) and the supercon-
ducting coil is immersed in a vessel,
which contains a maximum of 250 l of
liquid Helium (LHe), with a boil-off
rate of 23 liters/day. The LHe ves-
sel is surrounded by a liquid Nitrogen
vessel of 130 l. The solenoid has no
external iron choke, so there is a weak
external magnetic field. The second-
ary beam passes through an evacuated
tube with 27 cm diameter, installed in
the 30 cm clear warm bore of the so-
lenoids. The solenoids are installed on
the 45 degree beam-line in the experi-
mental area of the Pelletron Tandem. Figure 1. The experimental set-up, from the left, with the production target,
The primary beam accelerated by the W beam stopper, the first solenoid followed by the intermediate scattering
the Pelletron Tandem arrives at the chambers, with the secondary target and detectors installed in it, followed by
production system (primary target), the second solenoid and the large scattering chamber.

6 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

laboratory portrait

conditions, our research program was

mainly directed to the measurement
of the elastic scattering of radioactive
beams on different targets, the analy-
sis of the angular distributions using
optical model (OM) or continuum dis-
cretised coupled channels calculations
(CDCC) [6].
Radioactive nuclei that have small
separation energies have a large prob-
Figure 2. Bidimensional energy spectra obtained using a Si telescope at ability of breaking up when the collid-
lab =10, in the large chamber after the second solenoid, with the secondary ing nuclei approach each other. Halo
beams focused on a gold target. Spectrum A was obtained without a degrader nuclei (6,8He, 11,12Be, 11Li, etc.) pres-
and spectrum B with a degrader. ent not only low separation energies,
but larger radii, which can lower the
The presence of the two magnets is beam-line before the solenoids. The Coulomb barrier. Also, important cou-
important to produce pure secondary measurement of the time of flight plings to the continuum, that may be
beams. With two solenoids it is pos- (TOF) could help to clean the sec- present in the case of halo nuclei with
sible to use a degrader at the crossover ondary beams. We have built a time quite different proton and neutron dis-
point between them, where the differ- detector, based on a micro-channel tributions, do not occur for normal nu-
ent ions have different energy losses plate (MCP), which is installed in the clei. The correlation between the two
and their magnetic rigidities change. intermediate target chamber. The ef- neutrons of the halo is also an impor-
Choosing the magnetic field in the ficiency of the detector is 85%, using tant feature as recent measurements on
second solenoid to focus only the 5.486 MeV alpha-particles of a 241Am the Coulomb dissociation of 11Li have
secondary beam of interest, the con- source. demonstrated [7]. Break-up effects
taminant ions are no longer focused. The large scattering chamber has are also expected to play an important
The system also has several blockers, two plates, where detectors can be role in the scattering mechanism, af-
which are circular obstacles, which mounted, and they move indepen- fecting the imaginary part of the inter-
can be moved along the beam axis. dently, allowing angular distribu- action potential. One of the important
The position of the blocker is chosen tion and kinematical coincidence questions is whether the effect of the
at the crossover point of the main con- measurements. Recently, large area break-up is essentially to increase the
taminant beams. Several collimators (5050 mm) double sided strip de- total reaction cross-section, instead
can also be installed along the beam- tectors were purchased. This makes of affecting the fusion cross-section
line, allowing only the beam particles it possible to mount simultaneously [8]. When investigating the break-up
that hit the degrader and the secondary three large area telescopes, with seg- process of weakly bound nuclei, one
target. A recent measurement shows mented Delta E detectors of 20 and 40 of the important questions that can be
that the purity of the 8Li beams after m and E detectors of 1,000 m. addressed is about the nature of the
the second solenoid was about 99%, main interaction that produced the
to be compared with a purity of 65%, break-up: the Coulomb or the nuclear
Research Program interaction and the importance of the
without the use of degrader (Figure 2).
The beam profile was measured after Elastic Scattering and Total Reaction interference between them [9]. We
the second solenoid with a PSD detec- Cross-Section Measurements expect that nuclear break-up would
tor mounted in the center of the large The first radioactive beams from be dominant for a lighter target, while
chamber and the diameter of the beam RIBRAS were delivered in February Coulomb effects are expected to be
spot was 6.57 mm. 2004, during the XIII J. A. Swieca dominant for heavier-mass targets.
The vacuum in the system is 106 Summer School on Experimental Therefore, it is essential to investigate
torr, obtained using a turbo pump be- Nuclear Physics. At that time only the the dependence of the break-up and
fore the first solenoid, a cryogenic- first solenoid was used, and contami- total reaction cross-sections on the
pump between the two solenoids nant beams were focused together with break-up threshold energy of different
and an orbitron pump on the stable the selected beam of interest. In these projectiles and on the target mass.

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 7

laboratory portrait

The 6He nucleus has a two-neutron pling to unbound states, resonances, using the Sao Paulo Potential (SPP)
halo, and its elastic scattering has been and continuum, which describe the [16]. The real part of the SPP is a pa-
studied previously on several targets break-up of the projectile. rameter-free, double-folding optical
[1]. Some works were aiming to ob- We have performed elastic scat- potential, where the non-locality due
tain detailed information on the inter- tering measurements of 6He on 27Al to the Pauli exclusion principle is taken
action potential and the halo, while [10], 51V [11], 120Sn [1214], and 9Be into account and transformed into en-
others were seeking spectroscopic [15] targets at several energies near ergy dependence. The nuclear densi-
information. In our measurements, we the Coulomb barrier. The results com- ties of the colliding partners are taken
obtained angular distributions at sev- pared to theoretical calculations can from systematic Dirac-Hartree-Bogo-
eral energies near the Coulomb barrier be observed in Figure 3. liubov calculations and thus the poten-
and analyzed them with optical model For the 6He + 27Al system [10], the tial can be used for any system over
(OM) and Continuum Discretised angular distributions, measured at Elab any energy region. It has been tested
Coupled Channels (CDCC) calcula- = 9.5, 11.0, 12.0, and 13.4 MeV, were for many systems and energy regions
tions. These latter include the cou- fitted by optical model calculations with very good agreement between
the data and the calculations. Usually,
3b-CDCC the imaginary part has the same form
4b-CDCC E=16.2 MeV
1 3b: no continuum
factor with a normalization factor
NI = 0.78, but it can also be a Woods-
Saxon potential obtained from fits to


the data.
For the 6He + 120Sn system, the
(a) angular distributions measured at
10 0
30 60 90 120 Elab = 17.4, 18.0, 19.8, and 20.5 MeV
E=21.3 MeV
[12] were fitted by optical model
calculations using Woods-Saxon po-
tentials and also compared to CDCC

10 calculations. The OM analysis indi-
cated long range absorption. Both ex-
10 act four-body CDCC (target + 3-body
(b) 6He ( + n + n)) and the 3-body CDCC
10 0 30 60 90 120 (two-body projectile plus a target) cal-
c.m. (deg)
culations were performed. In the case
of 3-body CDCC, 6He is assumed as
( + 2n) but its binding energy was
adjusted to reproduce the rms radius
of 6He [17]. They gave quite similar
results, reproducing well the experi-
mental angular distributions at all four
energies. The -particle production
was also measured [13] and its cross-
section compared to a direct 2n-trans-
fer process and to CDCC break-up
calculations. The energy spectra and
the cross-section seem to indicate that
the main source of -particles is the
2n-transfer reaction.
For the 6He + 9Be system, the elas-
Figure 3. The elastic scattering angular distributions of 6He + 27Al [10] (top tic scattering angular distributions
left), 6He + 120Sn [12] (bottom), and 6He + 9Be [15](top right) systems com- were measured at Elab = 16.2 and 21.3
pared to OM and CDCC calculations. MeV [15]. The couplings to the low-

8 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

laboratory portrait

lying rotational states of 9Be and the

low-lying 2+ resonance of 6He were
included in coupled channels calcula-
tions, with the SPP for the real part of
the interaction. To take into account
all couplings including the continuum,
3-body and 4-body CDCC calculations
yielded good agreement with the data.
Both OM and CDCC calculations
yield total reaction cross-section val-
ues for all systems measured and
analyzed. These can be compared to
values obtained for other projectiles,
which can be: no-halo, stable, weakly
or tightly bound. In order to eliminate
size and charge effects, when compar-
ing total reaction cross-sections of dif-
ferent projectiles, such as 6He, 6,7Li, Figure 4. Comparison of the reduced reaction cross-sections of different projec-
9Be, 16O, we make the transformation tiles on targets with A ~ 120. The dotted lines are to guide the eye. The tightly
sred = sreac/(Ap1/3 + At1/3)2 and Ered = bound projectiles, 4He and 16O are below, the weakly bound stable or non-halo
Ecm(Ap1/3 + At1/3)/ZpZt, where Zp (Zt) radioactive projectiles ( 6,7,8Li) in the middle, and the 2n-halo nucleus 6He has
and Ap (At) are the charge and mass the highest reaction cross-section. The ref. for (a) is [12] and (b) is [24].
of the projectile (target), respectively.
This reduction procedure was sug- sion partners are weakly bound. The light target do not produce an impor-
gested by Gomes et al. [18]. enhancement seems to be mainly due tant enhancement in the total reaction
The reduced reaction cross-sec- to nuclear break-up. In Figure 4, we cross-section compared to the tightly
tions for the 6He + 27Al system were present a comparison of reduced reac- bound nuclei. The strongly bound nu-
similar, within experimental errors, to tion cross-sections for the mass region clei (4He and 12C), on the other hand,
those of stable, weakly bound projec- Atarget ~ 120. present a reduction of the total reac-
tiles and larger than the tightly bound Besides 6He, other light radioac- tion cross-section, probably due to
16O. This result is very different from
tive beams have been produced by their alpha structure that causes reac-
the conclusions of the 6He + 120Sn and RIBRAS, such as 7Be, 8Li, 8B, and tion channels to be closed. We have
6He + 51V systems, where the reduced 10Be. The reactions used to produce also performed CDCC calculations to
total reaction cross-sections were these beams and their respective in- investigate more explicitly the role of
higher than those of stable, weakly tensities are listed in Table 1. Using the continuum in the scattering. In all
bound, non-halo projectiles, such as these beams we have performed the the works, it was shown that nuclear
6,7Li,9Be, or of tightly bound projec-
following elastic scattering measure- break-up and/or transfer reactions are
tiles such as 4He or 16O. These phe- ments: 7,10Be + 12C [25] (Figure 6), relevant for these systems in the en-
nomena have been observed also for 8Li + 12C [26], 7Be + 51V [27], 8Li + ergy region measured but not respon-
6He both on heavy targets (i.e., 197Au, 51V, and 8Li + 9Be [28]. sible for enhancement of total reaction
209Bi,208Pb) [1921] and on interme-
As for 6He, the idea of the above cross-section when compared with
diate mass (i.e., 64Zn, 65Cu) [22, 23] measurements was to explore the in- tightly bound nuclei. In particular, a
targets. This enhancement was attrib- fluence of nuclear dynamic effects, comparison of break-up for 6He and
uted to 1 and 2n transfer reactions and such as break-up. Optical model 8B on 12C was performed by Paes et
to break-up of the projectile. The lack analysis with the Woods-Saxon and al. [29] and the conclusion was that
of enhancement with the 27Al target Sao Paulo Potentials were applied in the break-up of the proton halo nu-
(Z = 13) was credited to lower Cou- these works and total reaction cross- cleus 8B is significantly different from
lomb break-up cross-sections. For the sections were derived. The conclusion the break-up of the neutron halo pro-
6He + 9Be system, some enhancement of this systematic is that the exotic and jectile 6He. It would be interesting to
is verified but in this case both colli- weakly bound nuclei scattered on a investigate whether the same holds for

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 9

laboratory portrait

break-up, or transfer reactions, us-

ing radioactive projectiles, becomes
feasible. The installation of the new,
large area (5050 mm), double sided
strip detectors, constituting three
large area telescopes, with segmented
Delta E detectors of 20 and 40 m
and E detectors of 1,000 m will in-
crease our detection efficiency and
reduce the angular dispersion of our
Figure 5. The elastic scattering angular distributions of 7Be + 12C [25] (left) data. In the OLNP, we also have two
and 10Be + 12C [25] (right) systems compared to OM and CDCC calculations. large area, position sensitive neutron
walls, not used for some time, which
are being renovated and will be in op-
the elastic scattering cross-section of -particles represents the excitation
eration soon.
neutron rich isotopes of boron projec- function of the reaction and peaks in
With a second time detector, based
tiles such as 12B and 13B on 12C and the energy spectrum correspond to
58Ni targets. These measurements are on a micro-channel plate (MCP), in-
resonances in the excitation function.
stalled at the entrance of the large
being planned. We present in Figure 6 the excitation
chamber, the TOF of the secondary
function measured at cm = 156 with
beams will be measured in an effi-
Resonant Transfer Reaction and an R-matrix fit to the data. This result
cient way, improving the beam selec-
Elastic Scattering indicates that the 8Li(p, )5He reaction
tion purity. New production reactions
The measurement of the 1H(8Li, is much faster than the 8Li(,n)11B re-
5 are being tested also, to increase the
) He cross-section [30] at low ener- action. The reaction 8Li(,n)11B [31] available radioactive beams. All these
gies was performed at RIBRAS with could have importance in the nonstan- improvements, summed with the fact
a 8Li beam. This transfer reaction dard primordial nucleosynthesis [32] that we have plenty of beam time
could be measured in the intermedi- and could also affect the r-process nu- available, indicate a bright future for
ate chamber due to its very high posi- cleosynthesis [33]. RIBRAS in the field of low-energy,
tive Q-value (Q = +14.42 MeV). We In our more recent measurements, light radioactive ion beams.
have obtained the excitation function we are using both solenoids, a de- The LINAC post-accelerator will
of the 8Li + p 4He + 5He reaction grader, and the secondary target and raise the energy of the stable beams to
[30] between Ecm = 0.22.1 MeV in detectors installed in the large cham- 10 MeV/nucleon and pulsed beams of
inverse kinematics, by detecting the ber [34]. The resonant elastic scat- Li, Be, B, C, O isotopes and heavier
energetic -particles at forward angles tering of, respectively, 6He and 8Li beams will be available with its com-
with four Si telescopes. We used a beams, on proton targets ((CH2)n
thick polyethylene target (CH2)n of polyethylene foil) was measured re-
6.8 mg/cm2 and a secondary beam of cently in these conditions. Good beam
8Li at four different incident energies:
purity was guaranteed and the recoil-
13.2, 14.5, 17.4, and 19.0 MeV. The ing protons could be measured with-
contribution of the -particles from out contamination. These data are still
the decay of the 5He was calculated being analyzed.
by a Monte-Carlo simulation and was
subtracted from the energy spectra; it
mainly contributed to the background. Future
The reaction populated high lying The installation of the large scat-
resonances in the compound nucleus tering chamber following the second
9Be. The thick target method allows solenoid opens a new and bright fu-
the simultaneous measurement of all ture for RIBRAS. With the purifica-
9Be resonances populated while the tion of the secondary beam, by the Figure 6. The excitation function of
projectile is slowing down in the tar- use of a degrader between the two the 8Li(p,)5He reaction [30] with the
get. Thus, the energy spectrum of the solenoids, the realization of fusion, R-matrix fit.

10 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

laboratory portrait

pletion. At the present time, the tems will further improve the beam 17.A. M. Moro, K. Rusek, J. M. Arias, et
RIBRAS system is installed in the ex- purity and the detection efficiency. al., Phys. Rev. C75 (2007) 064607.
perimental area of the Pelletron Accel- With these improvements the re- 18.P. R. S. Gomes, J. Lubian, I. Padron,
and R. M. Anjos, Phys. Rev. C71
erator, on the 45 beam-line; however, search program will be extended to
(2005) 017601.
it was designed to cope with higher fusion, break-up, and transfer reac- 19.O. R. Kakuee, M. A. G. Alvarez, M.
energy beams. After the completion of tions, making use of the beam purity, V. Andres, et al., Nucl. Phys. A765
the LINAC it can move to the LINAC the better detection systems, and the (2006) 294.
experimental area, to make use of the beam availability. 20.E. F. Aguilera, J. J. Kolata, F. D. Bec-
higher beam energy, more beam vari- chetti, et al., Phys. Rev. C63 (2001)
ety, which can produce a much larger 061603(R).
list of more energetic radioactive References 21.O. R. Kakuee, J. Rahighi, A. M. Sn-
1.N. Keeley, N. Alamanos, K. W. Kem- chez-Bentez, et al., Nucl. Phys. A728
beams. With all these perspectives,
per, K. Rusek, Prog. Part. Nucl. (2003) 339.
we are optimistic about the future of Phys. 63 (2009) 396 and references 22.A. Di Pietro, P. Figuera, F. Amorini, et
RIBRAS. therein. al., Phys. Rev. C69 (2004) 044613.
2.K. Langanke and M. Wiescher, Rep. 23.A. Navin, V. Tripathi, Y. Blumenfeld,
Conclusions Prog. Phys. 64 (2001) 1657. et al., Phys. Rev. C70 (2004) 044601.
3.R. Lichtenthler, A. Lpine-Szily, V. 24.J. M. B. Shorto, P. R. S. Gomes, J. Lu-
The RIBRAS system is the most
Guimaraes, et al., Europ. Phys. Jour. bian, et al., Phys. Lett. B678 (2009) 77.
recent experimental facility of the A25 (2005) 733. 25.J. C. Zamora, V. Guimares, A. Bari-
OLNP at the IFUSP, in Sao Paulo, 4. M. Y. Lee, F. D. Beccheti, T. W. oni, et al., Phys. Rev. C84 (2011)
Brazil. It is the first radioactive ion ODonnell, et al. Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 034611.
beam facility in the Southern Hemi- (1999) 536. 26.A. Barioni, V. Guimares, A. Lpine-
sphere and the only one in Latin 5.O. Sala and G. Spalek, Nucl. Instr. Szily et al., Phys. Rev. C80 (2009)
America. The most important com- Meth. 122 (1974) 213. 034617.
ponents of this facility, which pro- 6.G. H. Rawitscher, Phys. Rev. C9 27.R. Lichtenthler, P. N. de Faria, A.
vide the selection and focusing of (1974) 2210. Lpine-Szily, et al., Eur. Phys. Journ.
7.T. Nakamura, A. M. Vinodkumar, T. Spec. Top. 150 (2007) 27.
the beam of interest, are two super- 28.S. S. Mukherjee, N. N. Deshmukh, V.
Sugimoto, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 96
conducting solenoids with 6.5 T (2006) 252502. Guimares, et al., Eur. Phys. Jour. A45
maximum central magnetic field (5 8.L. F. Canto, P. R. S. Gomes, R. Donan- (2010) 23.
Tm axial field integral). The beams, gelo, and M. S. Hussein, Phys. Rep. 29.B. Paes, J. Lubian, P. R. S. Gomes, V.
which have already been tested and 424 (2006) 1. Guimares, et al., Nucl. Phys. A 890
used, are 6He, 8Li, 7,10Be, 8B with 9.M. S. Hussein, R. Lichtenthler, F. M. (2012) 1.
intensities around 104106 pps. The Nunes, and I. J. Thompson, Phys. Lett. 30.D. R. Mendes Jr., A. Lpine-Szily, P.
radioactive beams produced by the B640 (2006) 91. Descouvemont, et al., Phys. Rev. C86
10.E. A. Benjamim, A. Lpine-Szily, D. (2012) 064321.
in-flight method can be purified by
R. Mendes Jr, et al., Phys. Lett. B647 31.M. La Cognata, et al., J. Phys. G37,
the use of a degrader between the two 105105 (2010) and references therein.
(2007) 30.
solenoids. Several elastic scattering 32.J. F. Lara, T. Kajino, and G. J. Mathews,
11.V. Morcelle, Ms. Thesis, USP, 2007.
reactions have been measured, us- 12.P. N. de Faria, R. Lichtenthler, K. C. Phys. Rev. D73 (2006) 083501.
ing 9Be, 12C, 27Al, 51V, 58Ni, 120Sn C. Pires et al., Phys. Rev. C81 (2010) 33.T. Sasaqui, K. Otsuki, T. Kajino, and
targets and the above-quoted beams 044605. G. J. Mathews, Astrophys. J. 645
[1015, 2528, 30, 34]. The mea- 13.P. N. de Faria, R. Lichtenthler, K. C. (2006) 1345.
surement of the Coulomb excitation C. Pires et al., Phys. Rev. C82 (2010) 34.R. Lichtenthler, R. Pampa Condori,
P. N. de Faria, et al., AIP Conf. Proc.
of 8Li is one of the planned experi- 034602.
14.P. Mohr, P. N. de Faria, R. Lichten- 1529 (2012) 197.
ments. The excitation functions of the
resonant elastic scattering and trans- thler, et al. , Phys. Rev. C82 (2010)
fer reactions such as 1H(8Li,p)8Li A. Lpine-Szily
15.K. C. C. Pires, R. Lichtenthler, A.
and 1H(6He,p)6He, and 1H(8Li,)5He Lpine-Szily, et al., Phys. Rev. C83
R. Lichtenthler
[30], were measured using inverse ki- (2011) 064603. V. Guimares
nematics and the thick target method 16.L. C. Chamon, B. V. Carlson, L. R. Instituto de Fsica,
and are being analyzed. TOF mea- Gasques, et al., Phys. Rev. C66 (2002) Universidade de So Paulo,
surements and new detection sys- 014610. So Paulo, Brazil

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 11

feature article

Double Beta Decay Experiments:

Beginning of a New Era
Alexander Barabash
Institute of Theoretical and Experimental Physics, B. Cheremushkinskaya 25,
Moscow 117218, Russia
Fabrice Piquemal
CNRS/IN2P3, CENBG, UMR 5797, Gradignan F-33175, France

Introduction Current Large-Scale Experiments

Interest in neutrinoless double beta decay (0) In this section the current large-scale experiments are
has seen a significant renewal in the recent 10 years discussed. The running CANDLES III using CaF2 scintil-
after evidence for neutrino oscillations was obtained from lating crystal is not included in this review because the de-
the results of atmospheric, solar, reactor, and accelerator tector performances and results are not yet presented.
neutrino experiments. These results are impressive proof
that neutrinos have a nonzero mass. The detection and NEMO 3
study of 0 decay may clarify the following problems Since June of 2002 and to January of 2011, the NEMO 3
of neutrino physics: (i) lepton number non-conservation, detector has been operated in the Frejus Underground Lab-
(ii) neutrino nature: whether the neutrino is a Dirac or oratory (France) located at a depth of 4,800 m w.e. The final
a Majorana particle, (iii) absolute neutrino mass scale, analysis is ongoing. The detector has a cylindrical structure
(iv) the type of neutrino mass hierarchy (normal, inverted, and consists of 20 identical sectors (Figure 1). A thin (30
or quasidegenerate), and (v) CP violation in the lepton 60 mg/cm2) source containing double beta decaying nuclei
sector (measurement of the Majorana CP-violating and natural material foils is placed at the center of the de-
phases). tector. NEMO 3 can accomodate up to 10 kg of isotope. The
Progress in the double beta decay is connected with in- central source foil is sandwiched by drift chambers working
crease in mass of a studied isotope and sharp decrease in in Geiger mode (6,180 cells) to reconstruct the tracks of the
a background. During a long time (19481980) samples electrons. The energy of the electrons is measured by plas-
with mass of isotope ~125 grams were used. So the first tic scintillators coupled to photomultipliers (PMT) (1940
observation of a two neutrino double beta decay in direct
(counting) experiment was done in 1987 when studying 14
g of enriched 82Se [1]. And only in the 80thbeginning of
the 90th the mass of studied isotope increased to a hundred
grams and even to 1 kg. In the 90th Heidelberg-Moscow
[2] and IGEX [3] experiments, containing 11 kg and 6.5
kg of 76Ge, respectively, were started. They were followed
at the beginning of the 2000s by the NEMO 3 [4] and CU-
ORICINO [5] detectors, containing approximately 10 kg of
In 2011 the EXO200 [6] and KamLANDZen [7] in-
stallations in which hundreds of kilograms of 136Xe are
used already were started. Soon it is planned to carry out Figure 1. (left) The NEMO 3 detector without shielding.
the start of several more installations with mass of stud- (right) Typical event in NEMO 3. The electrons are emit-
ied isotopes ~100 kg (SNO+ [8] and CUORE [9]). And it ted from the source foil, the circles correspond to the hit
means the beginning of a new era in decay experiments in the tracking volume, the curved line to the recontructed
when sensitivity to effective Majorana mass of neutrino trajectories with the magnetic field, and the large squares
will reach for the first time values m < 0.1 eV. to the hitted calorimetric counters.

12 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

feature article

Mo, 7 kg, Phase 2, 3.49 y 100
Mo, 7 kg, Phase 2, 3.49 y 100
Mo, 7 kg, Phase 2, 3.49 y
Number of events / 0.1 MeV

40000 60000

Number of entries / 0.05 MeV

Number of events
NEMO 3 NEMO 3 40000 NEMO 3
Data Data Data
100Mo 100
Mo 100Mo
30000 Tot bkg Tot bkg Tot bkg



0 0 0
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 1
ETOT(MeV) Ee(MeV) cos()
(a) (b) (c)
Figure 2. Total energy, individual energy, and angular distributions of the 100Mo 2 events in the NEMO 3 experiment for
the low radon data phase (3.49 years).

individual counters) surrounding both source and tracker No evidence for 0 decay was found for all seven iso-
volume. topes. The associated limits are presented in Table 1. Best
The unique feature of electron identification and track- limit has been obtained for 100Mo, T1/2(0) > 1.1 1024yr (90%
ing combined with time and energy measurements makes it C.L.). Corresponding limit on the neutrino mass is m <
possible to suppress drastically the background. A typical 0.290.7 eV.
event is shown in Figure 1. Using the NEMO 3 detector, Data analysis proceeds and Collaboration hope for re-
7 isotopes 100Mo (6.9 kg), 82Se (0.93 kg), 116Cd (405 g), ceiving final results for all seven isotopes in the near future
150Nd (36.6 g), 96Zr (9.4 g), 130Te (454 g), and 48Ca (7 g) are (20132014).
Figure 2 displays the spectrum of 2 events for 100Mo EXO200
collected over 3.49 years. The angular distribution and EXO200 (Enriched Xenon Observatory) has been op-
single electron spectrum are also shown. The total num- erating at the Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP, 1,585 m
ber of events exceeds 700,000, which is much greater than w.e.) since May 2011. The experiment consists of 175 kg
the total statistics of all of the preceding experiments with of Xe enriched to 80.6% in 136Xe housed in a liquid time
100Mo (and even greater than the total statistics of all pre- projection chamber (TPC). Both ionization and scintilla-
vious 2 decay experiments!). The NEMO 3 results of tion are used to measure the energy with a resolution of
2 half-life measurements are given in Table 1. For all 3.9% (FWHM) at 2,615 MeV. The detector is capable of
the isotopes the energy sum spectrum, single electron en- effectively rejecting rays through topological cuts. EXO
ergy spectrum and angular distribution were measured. The 200 has recently claimed the first observation of 2 in
100Mo double-beta decay to the 0+ excited state of 100Ru 136Xe (Q = 2458.7 keV) [8]. Initial results on 0 decay
has also been measured by NEMO 3. together with new result for 2 mode are published in

Table 1. Preliminary results from NEMO 3 (only part of full statistic has been analyzed).
Isotope T1/2(2), yr T1/2(0), yr
100Mo (7.11 0.02 0.54) 1018 >1.1 1024
100Mo (5.7+10..39 0.8) 1020 >8.9 1022
100Ru (0+1)
82Se (9.6 0.3 1.0) 1019 >3.6 1023
130Te (7.0 0.9 1.1) 1020 >1.3 1023
150Nd (9.11+00..2252 0.63) 1018 >1.8 1022
96Zr (2.35 0.14 0.16) 1019 >9.2 1021
116Cd (2.88 0.04 0.16) 1019 >1.3 1023
48Ca (4.4+00..54 0.4) 1019 >1.3 1022

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 13

feature article

35 from 25 m thick transparent nylon film and is suspended

30 MS at the center of the KamLAND detector by 12 film straps
of the same material. The IB is surrounded by 1 kton of liq-
counts /20keV

uid scintillator (LS) contained in a 13 m diameter spherical

Outer Balloon (OB) made of 135 m thick composite film.
15 The outer LS acts as an active shield for external -rays
10 and as a detector for internal radiation from the XeLS or
5 IB. The XeLS contains (2.52 0.07)% by weight of en-
riched xenon gas (full weight of xenon is ~330 kg). The
8 isotopic abundances in the enriched xenon were measured
SS by residual gas analyzer to be (90.93 0.05)% of 136Xe.
Scintillation light is detected by 1,325 17-inch and 554 20-
inch photomultiplier tubes (PMTs). The energy resolution
counts /20keV

is 9.9% (FWHM) at 2.458 MeV. The energy spectrum of

decay candidates is shown in Figure 5. Unexpectedly
detected background (BI 104 counts/keVkgyr) is ~ two
order of magnitude higher than estimated background using
previous data of KamLAND detector. Nevertheless, the 2
0 decay of 136Xe has been measured corresponding to a 136Xe
2000 2200 2400 2600 2800 3000 3200
energy (keV) 2 decay half-life of [11]:
Figure 3. Energy spectra in the 136Xe Q
region for mul-
T1/2 (2 , 136Xe) = [2.30 0.02(stat) 0.12(syst)] 1021 yr
tiple-site (top) and single-site (bottom) events. The 1 (2)
regions around Q are shown by solid (dashed) vertical
lines [10]. This is consistent with the result obtained by EXO200. For
0 decay, the data give a lower limit of T1/2 (0, 136Xe) >
6.2 1024 yr (90% C.L.) [11], which corresponds to limit,
Ref. [10]. The fiducial volume used in this analysis contains
m < 0.22 0.6 eV.
79.4 kg of 136Xe (3.52 1026 atoms), corresponding to 98.5
Now the Collaboration undertakes efforts to understand
kg of active enriched liquid Xe. Background index in the 0
and decrease the background. In principle, it could be low-
region is 1.4 10-3 counts/KeV kg yr (Figure 3). Results
ered approximately by 100. If it will be done, the sensitivity
obtained after 2,896.6 h of measurements are the following:
of the experiment will essentially increase and for 3 years
T1/2 (2 , 136Xe) = [2.23 0.017(stat) 0.22(syst)] 1021 yr
T1/2 (0 , 136Xe) > 1.6 1025 y (2) Corrugated Tube

The last result provides upper limit m < 0.140.38 eV Film Pipe
depending of NME values. With the present background, Suspending Film Strap
the predicted EXO200 sensitivity after 5 years of data tak-
Photomultiplier Tube
ing will be T1/2 ~ 4 1025 yr (m ~ 0.090.24 eV).
ThO2W Calibration Point
This project is also a prototype for a planned 1 ton
sized experiment that may include the ability to identify the
daughter of 136Ba in real time, effectively eliminating all
Xe-LS 13 ton
classes of background except that due to 2 decay. (300 kg 136Xe) Buffer Oil
Outer Balloon
Outer LS
KamLANDZen 1 kton (13 m diameter)
The detector KamLANDZen (Figure 4) is a modifica- Inner Balloon
tion of the existing KamLAND detector carried out in the (3.08 m diameter)
summer of 2011. The source/detector is 13 tons of Xe-
loaded liquid scintillator (XeLS) contained in a 3.08 m di- Figure 4. Schematic diagram of the KamLANDZen detec-
ameter spherical Inner Balloon (IB). The IB is constructed tor [7].

14 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

feature article

104 Data 90% C.L. upper limit

2 + B.G. 0
2 (n=5) 00 (n=1)
10 3
Total B.G. 00 (n=2)
00(0) (n=3)

000 (n=7)


1 2 3 4
Visible Energy (MeV)
Figure 5. Energy spectrum of selected decay candidates (a)
(data points) together with the best-fit backgrounds (gray
dashed lines) and 2 decay (purple solid line), and the
90% C.L. upper limit for 0 decay and Majoron-emitting
0 decays for each spectral index. The red line depicts
the sum of the 2 decay and background spectra. Figure
is taken from Ref. [11].

of measurements will be T1/2 ~ 2 1026 yr that corresponds

to a sensitivity to the neutrino mass, m ~ 0.04 0.11 eV.
After the end of the first phase of the experiment a second
phase is planned.

GERDA is a low-background experiment that searches
for the neutrinoless double beta decay of 76Ge, using an (b)
array of high-purity germanium (HPGe) detectors isotopi- Figure 6. First results from GERDA-I.
cally enriched in 76Ge [12]. The detectors are operated na-
ked in ultra radio-pure liquid argon, which acts as the cool-
of HPGe crystals will be added and the experiment will be
ing medium and as a passive shielding against the external
transformed to Phase II (GERDA-II). Description of the full-
radiation. The experiment is located in the underground
scale GERDA experiment is done later in the article. Very re-
Laboratori Nazionali del Gran Sasso of the INFN (Italy,
cently, data obtained by GERDA-I were analyzed and limit
3500 m w.e.). The Phase I of GERDA recently started
on 0 decay of 76Ge was obtained, T1/2 > 2.1 yr [16].
using eight enriched coaxial detectors refurbished from
Heidelberg-Moscow and IGEX experiments (correspond-
ing to approximately 18 kg of 76Ge). The energy resolution Future Large-Scale Experiments
is 4.5 KeV (FWHM) at 2.039 MeV. GERDA-I measure- Here seven of the most developed and promising ex-
ments were started in November 2011. Results of the first periments that can be realized within the next few years
measurement are presented in Figure 6 (6.1 kgyr of data). are discussed (Table 2). We note the existence of an R&D
The 2 decay signal of 76Ge is clearly visible with a half- project for the development of scintillating bolometers or
life T1/2 1.88 1021 yr, preliminary result. Background in- Xe TPC that is not included in this review due to article
dex in 0 region is ~0.02 c/keVkgyr. Blind analysis will size contraints.
be applied to the 0 region (which is closed now). The first
result will be reported in the beginning of 2013. Expected CUORE
Sensitivity of GERDA-I with present background is ~2 This experiment is installed at the Gran Sasso Under-
1025 yr for one year of measurement. In 2013 new ~20 kg ground Laboratory. The plan is to investigate 760 kg of

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 15

feature article

Table 2. Seven most developed and promising projects. Sensitivity at 90% C.L. for one (GERDA-I), three (1-st step of
GERDA and MAJORANA, SNO+, and KamLANDXe) five (EXO, SuperNEMO and CUORE), and ten (full-scale GERDA
and MAJORANA) years of measurements is presented. M mass of isotopes.
Sensitivity Sensitivity
Experiment Isotope M, kg T1/2, y m, meV Status
CUORE 130Te 200 1026 50130 in progress
GERDA 76Ge 18 2 1025 200700 current
40 2 1026 60200 in progress
1000 6 1027 1040 R&D
MAJORANA 76Ge 2030 1026 90300 in progress
1000 6 1027 1040 R&D
EXO 136Xe ~175 4 1025 90240 current
1000 8 1026 2055 R&D
SuperNEMO 82Se 100200 (12)1026 40110 constraction of first module; R&D
KamLANDZen 136Xe ~330 21026 40110 current
1000 61026 2560 R&D
SNO+ 130TE 80 ~1026 50130 in progress
8000 ~1027 1540 R&D

natTeO 130Te. One thousand low

2, with a total of ~200 kg of ment) will be T1/2 ~ 2 1026 yr. This corresponds to a sensi-
temperature (~8 mK) detectors, each having a weight of tivity for m at the level of ~0.060.2 eV.
750 g, will be manufactured and arranged in 19 towers. The The first two phases have been approved and funded.
expected energy resolution is 57 kev (FWHM) at 2.6 MeV. The first phase will be finished in the end of 2013. The sec-
The challenge is to reduce the background level by a factor ond phase setup is in an advanced construction stage and
of about 15 in relation to the background level achieved data taking is foreseen for 2014. The results of these steps
in the detector CUORICINO. Upon reaching a background will play an important role in the decision to support the
level of 0.01 c/keVkgyr, the sensitivity of the experiment full-scale experiment.
to the 0 decay of 130Te for 5 y of measurements and at 90%
C.L. will become approximately 1026 yr (m ~0.050.13 MAJORANA
eV). The experiment has been approved and funded. A gen- The MAJORANA facility will consist of HPGe detec-
eral test of the CUORE detector, comprising a single tower tors made of 1,000 kg of enriched 76Ge. The facility is de-
and named CUORE0, will start to take data in 2013. The signed in such a way that it will consist of many individual
full-scale CUORE will start in ~2015. supercryostats manufactured from low radioactive copper,
each containing HPGe detectors. The entire facility will be
GERDA surrounded by a passive shield and will be located at an
The experiment is located in the Gran Sasso Underground underground laboratory in the United States. The use of
Laboratory. The strategy to reduce the background is to place HPGe detectors, pulse shape analysis, anticoincidence, and
naked HPGe detectors in highly purified liquid argon (as pas- low radioactivity materials will make it possible to reduce
sive and active shield). The liquid argon dewar is placed into the background to a value below 2.5 104 c/keVkgyr and
a vessel of very pure water. The water plays a role of passive to reach a sensitivity of about 6 1027 y within ten years
and active (Cherenkov radiation) shield too. The proposal in- of measurements. The corresponding sensitivity to the ef-
volves three phases. The first phase was described earlier. In fective mass of the Majorana neutrino is about 0.01 to
the second phase, ~40 kg of enriched Ge will be investigated. 0.04 eV. In the first step ~2030 kg of 76Ge will be investi-
In the third phase the plan is to use ~1,000 kg of 76Ge. The gated. It is anticipated that the sensitivity to 0 decay for
sensitivity of the second phase (for three years of measure- 3 years of measurement will be T1/2 ~ 1026 yr. Sensitivity

16 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

feature article

to m will be ~0.090.3 eV. The first module of MAJO- liquid enriched xenon. To avoid the background from the
RANA (demonstrator) is under construction now and mea- 2 decay of 136Xe, the energy resolution of the detector
surements are planned to begin in 2013 in Davis Campus. must not be poorer than 3.8% (FWHM) at an energy of 2.5
MeV (ionization and scintillation signals will be detected).
SuperNEMO In the 0 decay of 136Xe, the TPC will measure the energy
The NEMO Collaboration develops a tracking detector of two electrons and the position of the event to within a
able to measure 100 kg of 82Se to reach a sensitivity for the few millimeters. The Ba ions will be extracted from the liq-
0 decay mode at the level of T1/2 ~ (1 2) 1026 y. The cor- uid with a special stick and then will be identified in a spe-
responding sensitivity to the neutrino mass is 0.04 to 0.11 eV. cial cell by resonance excitation. The authors of the project
In order to accomplish this goal, it is proposed to im- assume that the background will be reduced to one event
prove the experimental techniques of the NEMO 3 detector. within five years of measurements. Given a 70% detection
The new detector will have planar geometry and will con- efficiency it will be possible to reach a sensitivity of about
sist of 20 identical modules (57 kg of 82Se in each sector). 81026 yr for the 136Xe half-life and a sensitivity of about
A 82Se source having a thickness of about 40 mg/cm2 and a 0.02 to 0.06 eV to the neutrino mass. As the first stage of
very low content of radioactive admixtures is placed at the the experiment EXO200 use 175 kg of 136Xe without Ba
center of the modules. The detector will again record all ion identification.
features of double beta decay: the electron energy will be
recorded by counters based on plastic scintillators coupled KamLAND-Zen2
to PMT, while tracks will be reconstructed with the aid of The KamLANDZen experiement was described ear-
drift chambers working in Geiger. The same device can be lier. The second phase KamLAND-Zen2 will use 1,000
used to investigate 150Nd, 48Ca, and other isotopes. The use kg of the enriched xenon. It is planned to upgrade the exist-
of an already tested experimental technique is an appeal- ing detector. It is supposed that in the new inner balloon
ing feature of this experiment. The plan is to arrange the more bright liquid scintillator will be used and the number
equipment at the new Frejus Underground Laboratory. The of PMTs will be increased. All this will allow to improve
construction and commissioning of the Demonstrator (first essentially energy resolution of the detector and, thereby, to
module) will be completed in 2014. increase sensitivity of experiment to double beta decay (see
Table 2). KamLAND-Zen2 will start in ~2015.
In this experiment the plan is to implement Moes pro- SNO+
posal of 1991 [13]. Specifically it is to record both ioniza- SNO+ is an upgrade of the solar neutrino experiment
tion electrons and the Ba+ ion originating from the double SNO (Canada), aiming at filling the SNO detector with
beta decay process 136Xe 136Ba++ + 2e. In Ref. [14], it natTe loaded liquid scintillator to investigate the isotope

is proposed to operate with 1t of 136Xe. The actual techni- 130Te. With 0.3% loading SNO+ will use 2.3 ton of tel-

cal implementation of the experiment has not yet been de- lurium and contain 800 kg of 130Te with no enrichment.
veloped. One of the possible schemes is to fill a TPC with SNO+ is in construction phase with natural tellurium. Data

Table 3. Best current results concerning the search for 0 decay. All bounds are given with 90% C.L.
Isotope Q, keV T1/2, yr m, eV
48Ca 4262.9 >5.8 1022 <14
76Ge 2039.0 >2.1 1025 <0.19 0.66
82Se 2997.9 >3.6 1023 <0.77 2.4
96Zr 3350 >9.2 1021 <3.9 13.7
100Mo 3034.4 >1.1 1024 <0.29 0.70
116Cd 2813.5 >1.7 1023 <1.16 2.16
128Te 867 >1.5 1024 (geochemistry) <1.8 4.2
130Te 2527.5 >2.8 1024 <0.35 0.77
136Xe 2458.7 >1.6 1025 <0.14 0.38
150Nd 3371.4 >1.8 1022 <2.2 7.5

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 17

feature article

taking is foreseen in 2014. After 3 years of data taking sen- tons and to provide almost zero level of a background in the
sitivity will be ~1026 yr (or 0.050.13 eV for m). studied area (see discussion in Ref. [15]).

Conclusion References
Best present limits on 0 decay and on m are pre- 1.S. R. Elliott, A. A. Hahn, and M. K. Moe, Phys. Rev. Lett. 59
sented in Table 3. It is visible that the most strong limits (1987) 2020.
are received in experiments with 136Xe, 76Ge, 100Mo, and 2.H. V. Klapdor-Kleingrothaus et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 12 (2001)
130Te. Considering existing uncertainty in values of NME 147.
it is possible to obtain conservative limit m < 0.4 eV. It 3.C. E. Aalseth et al., Phys. Rev. D 65 (2002) 092007.
4.R. Arnold et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A 536 (2005) 79.
is possible to expect that in the next few years sensitivity to 5.E. Andreotti et al., Astropart. Phys. 34 (2011) 822.
m will be improved by efforts of experiments of EXO 6.N. Ackerman et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 107 (2011) 212501.
200, KamLANDZen, GERDAII, MAJORANADemon- 7.A. Gando et al., Phys. Rev. C 85 (2012) 045504.
strator, CUORE0 several times and will reach values ~0.1 8.J. Hartnell, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 375 (2012) 042015.
eV. Start of full-scale experiments will allow to reach in 9.P. Gorla, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 375 (2012) 042013.
20152020 sensitivity to m at the level 0.010.1 eV that 10.M. Auger et al., arXiv:hep-ex/1205.5608.
will allow to begin testing of inverted hierarchy region (~50 11.A. Gando et al., Phys. Rev. C 86 (2012) 021601R.
12.I. Abt et al., arXiv:hep-ex/0404039.
meV). Using modern experimental approaches it will be 13.M. Moe, Phys. Rev. C 44 (1991) R931.
extremely difficult to reach sensitivity to m on the level 14.M. Danilov et al., Phys. Lett. B 480 (2000) 12.
of ~35 meV (normal hierarchy region). For this purpose 15.A. S. Barabash, J. Phys. G 39 (2012) 085103.
it is required to increase mass of a studied isotope to ~10 16.M. Agostini et al., arXiv:nucl-ex/1307.4720.


18 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

facilities and methods

Pushing In-Beam Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy

to the Shores of the Island of Stability
Introduction nuclei [2], and high-K isomeric states In-Beam Spectroscopy
One hundred years after the discov- have been observed and their configu- of Heavy Elements
ery of the atomic nucleus by Ernest rations deduced [3]. Heavy elements are subject to the
Rutherford, the nuclear chart has been Gathering all these results gives strong influence of the Coulomb force
extended far from stability, providing a reasonable picture of the evolution and are subject to high fission prob-
more and more stringent tests for nu- of single-particle states with N or Z ability during the process of synthesis.
clear models. Nuclei at the extremes in these nuclei, though discrepancies The principle of in-beam and de-
of the chart are produced with ex- and inconsistencies still exist[4]. layed spectroscopy employed in so-
tremely low production cross-sections Nuclei in the region of 254No are de- called tagging studies is illustrated
and one has to ingeniously upgrade formed, and the deformation-driven in Figure 1. One can see that, due to
the best experimental devices in order down-sloping effect brings single- their deformation, nuclei in the region
to reduce the observational limits. particle orbitals from Fermi level of of 254No exhibit interesting rotational
Nuclear spectroscopy is a very spherical SHE down to the Fermi behavior that can be studied via in-
powerful tool to give access to nuclear level in the very heavy elements beam spectroscopy. These nuclei may
structure and properties at excitation (VHE) deformed nuclei. Of special also exhibit high-K isomerism that can
energies up to several MeV. Spectro- importance are the high-j orbitals that be studied by means of delayed spec-
scopic techniques can probe the single- are strongly influenced by rotation. troscopy. The figure also illustrates the
particle states around the Fermi level The observation of such orbitals con- major influence of the fission process
enabling a fruitful dialogue between stitutes valuable information on the (through quasi-fission or fusion-fission)
experimentalists and theoreticians that details of the shell correction in SHE on the synthesis of heavy elements.
aims to improve predictions of nuclear [5]. Such data can help define the ex- Because of the high cross-section
properties in nuclei at the ultimate tent and location of the SHE Island for fission with respect to the evapo-
level of sensitivity of experimental of Stability and provide new high- ration channels, in-beam spectroscopy
techniques. Unfortunately, until now, mass experimental anchor points for can only be performed when the ger-
manium array is associated with a re-
it has not been possible to study su- theoretical descriptions of the atomic
coil separator or spectrometer. Several
perheavy elements (SHE) by means nucleus. It is therefore essential to
combinations of germanium detectors
of in-beam spectroscopic techniques. employ in-beam g-ray spectroscopic
and separators over the world have
New generations of instruments will techniques on SHE and to push the
had a significant influence on in-beam
have open access to detailed in-beam corresponding observational limit
spectroscopic studies of heavy ele-
spectroscopy of SHE, complementing down to the nano-barn level in the
ments. Of note are the germanium ar-
the nuclear structure information on coming years.
ray GAMMASPHERE [6] coupled to
ground states and low-lying levels ob- In order to achieve this limit, sev-
the Fragment Mass Analyser (FMA)
tained in alpha decay studies. eral major improvements in present-
[7] at Argonne National Laboratory
In-beam and decay spectroscopy day experimental techniques and and the JUROGAM array [8] at the
has given access to single-particle instrumentation must be made. The gas-filled separator RITU [9] and
states around Fermi level in nuclei observation of such rare events re- GREAT focal-plane detection system
close to 254No, thanks to their rela- sults from the conjunction of prompt [10] at the University of Jyvskyl.
tively high production cross-sections gamma-ray detection, a high perfor-
(up to the level of a few microbarns). mance recoil separator and focal plane
Several rotational structures extending detector systems which allow exploi- Spectroscopy at the 10 nb
up to 24 in spin were observed [1], tation of tagging techniques. There- Level in 246Fm
the configuration of some structures fore, improvement of each of these The instrumentation associated
could be assigned through B(M1)/ instruments will directly affect the ob- with the K=130 cyclotron at the Ac-
B(E2) measurements in odd-mass servational limit. celerator Laboratory of the University

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 19

facilities and methods

with a sampling rate of 100MHz.

The data were then pipeline threaded
through a Jordanov algorithm [15].
Depending on the trapezoid shaping
time used, these cards can handle an
event rate of up to 100 kHz per chan-
nel with reasonable energy resolution
and pile-up rates (marked during rise
time + plateau) [16]. In the first test
phase, the JUROGAM array ran with
both analogue and digital signal pro-
cessing in parallel. This first validation
phase showed a much better linearity,
lower threshold and 36% higher over-
all collection efficiency through the
digital cards, as illustrated in Figure 2
[16]. An automatic offset adjustment
was implemented in order to counter
the rate dependence of the clover de-
Figure 1. Illustration of heavy element production including the dominating fis- tector dynamic range induced by their
sion process. The principle of prompt and delayed spectroscopy is illustrated capacitive coupling. Full use of the
with a typical level scheme of a deformed heavy nucleus. fADC range was therefore preserved
and event loss due to over-ranging
of Jyvskyl has played a significant gamma-ray detection efficiency from was avoided.
role in the spectroscopy of heavy el- 4.2% [1] to 5.2% [13] at 1.33MeV. Under these conditions 246Fm
ements. A major improvement in tag- The JUROGAM array was instru- (Z=100) could be studied by means
ging techniques was achieved with mented with fully digital electronics, of the 208Pb(40Ar,2n) reaction at a
this set-up through implementation whereby the preamplifier output is dig- beam energy of 186 MeV. The 446g/
of the Total Data Readout (TDR) data itized directly. Initial measurements cm2 208Pb target was covered by car-
acquisition system [11]. Any single were made using four-channel TNT2 bon layers (30 g/cm2 upstream and
detector event is time-stamped with a digital cards [14]. The preamplifier 10 g/cm2 downstream). The bom-
resolution of 10ns and the energy is signals were digitized by 14 bit flash barding energy was chosen in order to
recorded, resulting in a time-ordered Analog to Digital Converters (f ADC) ensure the maximum of the excitation
stream of data from the whole ex-
periment. The approach removes the
problem of common dead time and
the need to employ surrogate reac-
tions to set up timing and triggering of
In order to enable experiments
with higher intensity beams, a com-
pact rotating target system was devel-
oped[12]. In parallel, the JUROGAMI
germanium detector array (43tapered
detectors from the EGRSP and EU-
ROGAM loan pool) was upgraded to
the JUROGAM II array consisting of
24clover and 15 tapered Ge detectors Figure 2. Illustration of the lower threshold and higher statistics of digital elec-
from the EGRSP and EUROGAM tronics as compared to the analogue system. The non-linearity of the systems is
loan pool. This increased the absolute shown in the insert (adapted from Ref. [16]).

20 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

facilities and methods

function corresponded to the mid-tar- cally doubles the detection efficiency. (50Ti,2n) reaction at a beam energy of
get energy. The digital instrumenta- One now observes in Figure 3b the 242MeV. The experiment was again
246Fm rotational band with improved
tion of JUROGAMII enabled rates as performed at the Accelerator Labo-
high as 40kHz per channel to be used statistics, but also with worse peak- ratory of the Department of Physics,
with a maximum beam intensity on to-background ratio. One clearly sees University of Jyvskyl, at the end
target of 71 pnA. Ten days of continu- six transitions that could be assigned 2011 using the JUROGAMII/RITU/
ous running enabled the detection of through the Harris method [18] as be- GREAT instrumentation. The 50Ti
276 recoil-alpha pairs unambiguously ing transitions decaying in a cascade beam was provided by the K=130 cy-
attributed to 246Fm [17]. from the 16+ state. It is worth pointing clotron fed by the ECRIS2 ion source
The observed 246Fm alpha decay out that the two lowest transitions are using a MIVOC compound developed
energy (82447)keV and half-life unobserved due to the strong internal and synthetized at IPHC Strasbourg
(1.60.2)s were consistent with pre- conversion for these low energy tran- [19].
vious measurements. A total of 190 sitions. The germanium detectors were in-
single gamma-rays could be extracted The fusion-evaporation cross-sec- strumented with fully digital electron-
by means of delayed coincidence with tion was measured to be (112)nb
ics in the form of Lyrtech 100MHz
the 246Fm recoils. The correspond- [17], corresponding to one of lowest
14-bit VHS-ADC cards. The 256Rf nu-
ing spectrum has limited statistics but cross-sections in studies using the
clei were identified by correlation to
shows a sequence of regularly spaced recoil-decay tagging technique. This
spontaneous fission events occurring
peaks (Figure 3a) on a very low back- result paved the way for an attempt at
after recoil implantation in the focal
ground. This suggestion of a rotational in-beam spectroscopy of 256Rf with its
plane DSSDs. The high spontaneous
cross-section of 17 nb.
band and corresponding X-rays are fission branching ratio (>98%), short
clearly attributed to 246Fm. As the al- lifetime and high efficiency to detect
pha-particle detection efficiency is of First In-Beam Spectroscopy fission fragments makes 256Rf an ideal
order of 55%, a higher statistics spec- of a SHE: 256Rf case for recoil-decay tagging. A to-
trum can be obtained selecting recoils The nucleus 256Rf (Z = 104) was tal of 2210 recoil-fission pairs were
of the basis of Time-of-Flight (ToF) studied for the first time in in-beam found and unambiguously attributed
and implantation energy, which basi- spectroscopy by means of the 208Pb to 256Rf implanted in the DSSDs. The
256Rf half-life of (6.90.2)ms was

measured and the fusion evaporation

cross-section was determined to be
(173)nb [13].
A total of 745 prompt gamma rays
could be associated with these cor-
related pairs through delayed coinci-
dence. The corresponding spectrum is
shown in Figure 4 where a rotational
structure clearly appears on a very low
background, demonstrating the effec-
tiveness of the fission tagging method
[13]. This rotational band, observed
up to a tentative spin of 20, could
unambiguously be attributed to the
Z=104 nucleus 256Rf. As in the case
of 246Fm, the two lowest transitions
could not be observed due to internal
conversion. This represents the first
such measurement in a superheavy
Figure3. Prompt g-ray transitions (a) correlated to a 246Fm alpha decay (b) in nucleus using state-of-the-art gamma-
coincidence with a recoil selected on the basis of E-ToF (adapted from Ref. [17]). ray spectroscopic techniques.

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 21

facilities and methods

opments made possible the first such

measurement of a superheavy nucleus
whose stability is entirely derived
from the shell-correction energy. The
study of rotational properties such
as the kinematic and dynamical mo-
ment of inertia revealed subtle effects
believed to be related to changes in
alignment and pairing correlations.
The experiments can be seen as a
key step in the field enabled by tech-
nological developments. It will be fol-
lowed by spectroscopy of other SHE
on the shores of the long-sought Island
Figure4. Recoil-fission tagged prompt g-ray spectrum of 256Rf observed in JU- of Stability. Moreover, complemen-
ROGAMII (adapted from Ref. [13]). tary and valuable data will come from
new techniques such as the simultane-
ous measurement of gamma-rays and
The observed rotational properties This is interpreted as being a direct internal conversion electrons using the
can be compared to those of neigh- consequence of the high-j orbital con- SAGE spectrometer [20] and, at focal
bouring nuclei. Indeed, the similarity tent around Fermi level [13]. planes of separators, the use of laser
between the N=152 isotones 256Rf and spectroscopic techniques for spin de-
254No is remarkable. Consequently, terminations or other instruments such
they exhibit quite similar kinematic mo- as SHIPTRAP [21] for precise Heavy
State-of-the-art in-beam gamma-
ments of inertia (1) (Figure 5, inset). Elements mass measurements.
ray spectroscopic techniques now en-
On the other hand, differences in (1) able access to nuclei produced at the
for 252No and 250Fm (N=150 isotones) cross-section level of ten nanobarns, Acknowledgments
were interpreted as a signature of a re- as demonstrated with the experiment This work has been supported
duction in the pairing correlations and to study 246Fm. The required devel- by the EU-FP7-IA project ENSAR
subsequent increase of (1), due to the
Z=100 deformed shell gap. The simi-
larity of (1) for 256Rf and 254No was
therefore interpreted [13] as a sign that
there is no significant deformed shell
gap at Z=104, at variance to what is
predicted in a number of current self-
consistent mean-field models.
The dynamical moment of inertia
(2) provides a sensitive test of shell
structure and the evolution of pairing
due to alignment processes. The align-
ment effects can be emphasized by
plotting the ratio of the experimental
(2) to that determined from the Har-
ris fit: (2)exp./ (2)Harris as a function Figure5. Experimental dynamical moment of inertia as a function of rotational
of rotational frequency (Figure 5). frequency for N=150 and N=152 isotones normalized to the one calculated
While both N=150 isotones exhibit with the fitted Harris parameters for each isotope. (Experimental kinematic mo-
alignment at a frequency of around ment of inertia as a function of rotational frequency for N=150 and N=152
0.15MeV, the N=152 isotones align- isotones is shown in the inset; the lines correspond to the Harris fits (adapted
ment occurs at different frequencies. from Ref. [13])).

22 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

facilities and methods

(No. 262010), the Academy of Fin- al., nature 442 (2006) 05069; S.Eeck- 21.M. Block et al., Eur. Phys. J. D 45
land (CoE in Nuclear and Accelera- haudt et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 26 (2005) (2007) 39; M. Block et al., Nature 463
tor Based Physics), the European Re- 227; S.K.Tandel et al., Phys. Rev. (2010) 785; Minaya Ramirez E. et al.
search Council through the project Lett. 97 (2006) 082502. Science 337 (2012) 1207.
5.M. Bender et al., Phys. Lett. B 515
SHESTRUCT (Grant Agreement No.
(2001) 42; M.Bender et al., Nucl.
203481), and the UK STFC. The Eu-
Phys. A 723 (2003) 354.
ropean Gamma-Ray Spectroscopy 6.I. Yang Lee, Nucl. Phys. A 520 (1990)
Pool (EGRSP) is thanked for the loan 641c.
of detectors for JUROGAMII. The 7.B.B. Back et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth. A
PhD students Julien Piot and Jrme 379 (1996) 206.
Rubert who performed the analysis, 8.R. Julin, Nucl. Phys. A 834 (2010)
Zouhair Asfari who prepared the 50Ti 15c.
MIVOC compound, the JYFL cyclo- 9. J. Uusitalo et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth.
B204 (2003) 638. Benot Gall
tron group, the IPHC nuclear chemis-
10.R.D. Page et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth. Institut Pluridisciplinaire
try group, the IPHC workshop and the
B204 (2003) 634. Hubert Curien,
input of our colleagues Olivier Dor-
11.I. Lazarus et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl. University of Strasbourg, France
vaux, Farid Khalfallah, Panu Rahkila,
Sci. 48(3) (2001) 567.
Rodi Herzberg, Juha Uusitalo, Mikael 12.F. Khalfallah, PhD Thesis, Strasbourg
Sandzelius and Pete Jones are grate- University, IPHC 07-010 / ULP 5425.
fully acknowledged. 13.P.T. Greenlees et al., Phys. Rev. Lett.
109 (2012) 012501.
14.L. Arnold et al., IEEE Trans. Nucl.
References Sci. 53 (2006) 723.
1.R.-D. Herzberg and P.T. Greenlees, 15.V. Jordanov and G. Knoll, Nucl. Inst.
Prog. Part. Nucl. Phys. 61 (2008) 674. Meth. A345 (1994) 337.
2.A. Chatillon et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 30 16.J. Piot et al., to be published and PhD
(2006) 397. Thesis, Strasbourg University IPHC
3. For example A. Lopez Martens et 10-013 / UdS 760. Paul Greenlees
al., Eur. Phys. J. A32 (2007) 245; K. 17.J. Piot et al., Phys. Rev. C 85 (2012) JYFL, Physics Department,
Hauschild et al. Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 041301(R). University of Jyvskyl, Finland
021302(R); P. T. Greenlees et al., 18.S. Harris, Phys. Rev. 138 (1965) B509.
Phys. Rev. C 78 (2008) 021303(R); R. 19. J. Rubert et al., Nucl. Inst. Meth.
M. C. Clark, Nucl. Phys. News 21(3) B276 (2012) 33.
(2011) 13. 20.P. Papadakis et al., Journal of Physics:
4.D. Seweryniak et al., Nucl. Phys. A Conference Series 312 (2011) 052017,
834 (2010) 357c; R.-D. Herzberg et INPC 2010.

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access with Taylor & Francis Open Select. For more
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Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 23

impact and applications

Neutron Capture Therapy:

A Highly Selective Tumor Treatment
The ability to selectively kill the tolerance of healthy tissues with the total of 298 patients that demonstrated
tumor sparing the normal tissue is an possibility to draw some conclusions the tolerability of BNCT and its po-
essential characteristic required for ra- on the efficacy in tumor reduction [1]. tentiality also in terms of quality of
diotherapy, especially when the tumor The first target to be treated was life improvement. In particular, these
is close to very radiosensitive tissues Glioblastoma Multiforme (GBM) and studies [35] have led to a median sur-
or when it spreads inside vital organs. it was the only one for many years vival time of 15.6 months in patients
Boron Neutron Capture Therapy [2]. The first attempts were conducted with newly diagnosed GBMs (95%
(BNCT) is an experimental radio- by Sweet at the Massachusetts Gen- confidence interval (CI): 12.223.9
therapy that is selective at a cellular eral Hospital (MGH) and Brownell months), significantly longer than
level, and for this reason it can be very at MIT and Farr at the Brookhaven 10.3 months of historical controls
effective in treating disseminated tu- National Laboratory (BNL) in New treated with surgery followed by ra-
mors. It is based on the neutron cap- York employing non-selective boron diation therapy and chemotherapy [6].
ture reaction 10B(n,)7Li, with a posi- carriers and thermal neutron beams More favorable responses were ob-
tive Q-value (2.78 MeV) and with a poorly effective for deep-seated tu- tained in patients treated with surgery
high cross-section at thermal energies mors. Starting from the 1990s, BNCT and BNCT followed by fractionated
(3840 b). The treatment is delivered trials have been carried out using X-ray irradiation; the median survival
by the energy emitted in the reaction more selective boron formulations time was 23.5 months in this case.
and transported by the alpha particles and epithermal collimated neutron More recently, attention has been
and the recoiling lithium ions; these beams in the United States at BNL focused on other tumors, in particu-
light ions have a range in tissues com- Medical Research Reactor (BMRR) lar recurrent cancers of the head and
parable with a cell diameter (10 and 6 and at Harvard-MIT using the MITR neck region, which had failed all
m) and thus they deposit their energy (79 patients), in Japan at JRR-4 and at other therapies. From 2001 to 2011,
with a high stopping power (hundreds KURR (89 patients), in Europe at the 165 patients [2] have been treated at
of keV/m) inside the cell where the High Flux Reactor, JRC Petten, The KURR, JRR-4, THOR, and FIR-1. In
reaction occurs. Netherlands (30 patients), at FiR-1, this last center, which with almost 300
The treatment takes place in two VTT Technical Research Centre, Es- patients with different pathologies [7]
phases: first a substance able to carry poo, Finland (52 patients), at LVR-15 is the most active BNCT center in Eu-
10B selectively into the tumor cells is Reactor, Nuclear Research Institute rope, 45% of head and neck patients
administrated to the patient, and then Rez, Czech Republic (5 patients), achieved a complete clinical response,
the tumor target is irradiated with ther- at R2-0 Reactor, Studsvik Medical, 31% achieved a partial response, re-
mal or epithermal neutrons, according Nykping, Sweden (43 patients) for a sulting in an objective response rate
to the depth of the area to be treated.
The selective destruction of the tumor
depends primarily on the selective ab-
sorption of boron into the tumor cells
and does not require a particular neu-
tron beam configuration.
The clinical application of BNCT
has been conducted in different cen-
ters in Japan, the United States, Ar-
gentina, Taiwan, and Europe and
there are presently active clinical tri-
als in Finland, Japan, Argentina, and
Taiwan. They are essentially Phase I/ Figure 1. Pavia BNCT physicists group with David W. Nigg from INL, USA
II trials dedicated to the study of the (third from left).

24 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

impact and applications

of 76%; 21% had disease stabilization a thermal neutron fluence of the or- dedicated to other research or to radio-
for a median of 8.5 months (range, der of 1013 cm2. Higher concentra- isotope production, thus the beams for
5.120.3 months) and only 3% pro- tion would allow a lower fluence (and BNCT are obtained exploiting exist-
gressed. In general, the trials con- therefore a desirably lower non-selec- ing access ports and reshaping part of
ducted to date show that BNCT is ef- tive background neutron dose) for the the laboratory structures to make them
fective for the treatment of inoperable same result. To perform a neutron irra- suitable to receive patients. In these
locally recurrent, previously irradiated diation in time intervals acceptable for centers, BNCT represents only a part
patients with head and neck cancer; the patient (tens of minutes) the col- of the activities performed and when
with some responses durable and with limated neutron flux at the entrance of the centers are closed due to various
progression in other cases. the target must be of the order of 109 unrelated reasons, BNCT activity also
Another field of clinical applica- cm2s1. In case of superficial tumors suffers a sudden stop, even if the treat-
tion of BNCT is the malignant mela- the neutrons must be thermal, while ments are successful. It is important
noma, started by Mishima at the Kobe for deep seated tumors epithermal that a BNCT center is started ex-novo,
University, Japan [8] who stimulated neutrons are required, with energies of designing the beams on purpose to-
the initiation of various trials among the order of 1 keV. The ideal situation gether with the other patient facilities,
which the BNCT of skin melanoma would be the possibility to combine and that it is integrated in a hospital
in extremities conducted at the RA-6 both the components in order to opti- environment in a way that the source
reactor in Bariloche, Argentina [9] in mize the thermal flux distribution as a is completely independent from other
a cooperative effort of the Argentine function of the depth of the treatment. experiments.
Atomic Energy Commission (CNEA) To date, these conditions have been Technically it is possible to em-
and the Oncology Institute Angel H. obtained only in facilities built in re- ploy a small nuclear research reactor
Roffo (IOAHR). search centers equipped with thermal as a neutron source totally dedicated
BNCT can be also applied to dis- nuclear reactors of low or medium to BNCT, tailored from the beginning
seminated tumors; an example is the power (from hundreds of kW to some for this use. However, nuclear reactors
treatment performed in Pavia, Italy, MW) [11], as for example: Musashi are not well accepted in the hospital
to a liver completely invaded by me- Institute of Technology reactor in Ja- environment, and for this reason there
tastases from colon carcinoma, thanks pan; Brookhaven Medical Research has been a significant effort by the sci-
to research funded by INFN [10]. The reactor at the Brookhaven National entific community to design and con-
organ, after the administration of the Laboratory (BNL) in Upton, Long Is- struct neutron sources with intensities
boron agent, was explanted and irradi- land, NY; Massachusetts Institute of (~10131014 s1) and energy ranges
ated for about 10 min in a dedicated Technology reactor (MITR); Studsvik (few keV) suitable to obtain thermal-
neutron field obtained in the thermal Medical AB in Sweden; FiR1 reactor epithermal collimated neutron beams
column of the reactor TRIGA Mark in Helsinki, Finland; R2-0 High Flux with fluxes of at least 109 cm2s1
II of the University of Pavia. At the Reactor at Petten in the Netherlands; using charged particle accelerators
end of the irradiation the organ was Kyoto University Research reactor in [1213]. The reactions exploited are
re-implanted in the patient. Due to Kumatori, Japan; JRR4 at the Japan primarily 7Li(p,n) and 9Be(p,n).
the selective uptake of boron in the Atomic Energy Research Institute, In order to reach the required in-
tumor, also the small nodules with RA-6 CNEA reactor in Bariloche, tensity (~1014 s1) the proton cur-
dimensions lower than 1 mm and that Argentina; Triga Mark II, Pavia, Italy rents needed are of the orders of tens
could not be diagnosed by the imag- [10]; South Korea; and Beijing, China. of mA, thus among the technological
ing methods were also treated. The pa- A peculiar example is the Tapiro reac- problems to be solved there is also the
tient, who had undergone all possible tor, at ENEA (Casaccia, Rome, Italy), necessity to cool the target (the power
conventional treatments and whose which is a fast reactor where an epi- density to be dissipated is of the order
life expectation was only few months, thermal beam has been built for the of kW cm2) and to deal with the dam-
was able to live a normal life for 44 treatment of patients despite the low age caused by proton bombardment
months after the BNCT treatment. power (5 kW). This beam has not been of the target itself. With the reaction
In order to deliver a therapeutic employed for clinical trials yet. on Li the neutrons produced are in an
dose to the tumor it is necessary to The present facilities for BNCT energy range more similar to the one
achieve a 10B concentration in tumor treatment have the disadvantage of required for BNCT, but the disad-
of the order of 30 g/g (30 ppm) and being hosted in multipurpose centers, vantages are the low melting point of

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 25

impact and applications

Li and the production of radioactive almost completed [18]. An agreement has involved incorporating them into
7Be, which emits an undesired back- between National Institute of Nuclear tumor targeting molecules, such as
ground. To overcome these difficulties Physics (INFN) and University of Pa- peptides, proteins, antibodies, nucleo-
studies for the realization and test of via foresees that such an accelerator sides, sugars, porphyrins, liposomes
liquid Li targets as a windowless flow- will be installed in Pavia close to the and nanoparticles [2]. The low mo-
ing lithium jet are underway. Another National Centre for Hadrontherapy lecular weight boron delivery agents
path that may be worth investigating (CNAO). In this way there will be a include boronated natural amino acids
is to exploit the reaction (Li,p) using a national reference center for the treat- (i.e., BPA derivatives with higher per-
beam of Li ions as a hydrogenus target ment of tumors: the localized ones centage of boron by weight) as well as
(i.e., water). can be treated by hadron (proton and boronated derivatives of other amino
Various projects are being devel- Carbon ions) beams at CNAO, while acids, such as aspartic acid, tyrosine,
oped in Russia, the United Kingdom, the disseminated ones as pulmonary cysteine, methionine, and serine. Of
Italy, Japan, Israel, and Argentina metastases or mesothelioma will be particular interest are peptide ligands
based on electrostatic or electrodin- addressed to BNCT. for overexpressed receptors on tumor
amic machines or cyclotrons. Kyoto A crucial component of BNCT cells, such as the vascular endothelial
University and Sumitomo Heavy In- treatment is the boron carrier. The sub- growth factor receptor (VEGFR), so-
dustries have developed a cyclotron stances presently used in clinical trials matostatin receptors and the epidermal
(HM-30) neutron source for BNCT [19] were developed in the 1960s: the growth factor receptor (EGFR), en-
(30 MeV proton at 1 mA on Be) [14], sodium mercaptoundecahydro-closo- zyme substrates, and intracellular de-
an RFQ+DTL type Linac (J-PARCs dodecaborate Na2B12H11SH, com- livery sequences. Among the high mo-
Technology and Mitsubishi heavy in- monly known as sodium borocaptate lecular weight boron delivery agents,
dustry Co.) as proton accelerator was (BSH) and (L)-4-dihydroxy-boryl- monoclonal antibodies (MoAbs), lipo-
designed and developed by High En- phenylalanine, an amino acid known somes, and nanoparticles are the most
ergy Accelerator Research Organiza- as boronophenylalanine or BPA. GB- common. MoAbs are a very promising
tion (KEK) (8 MeV proton at 5mA on 10 (Na2 B10H10) is a formulation de- class of tumor-targeting agents due to
Be) [15]; the BNCT facility is being veloped in the 1950s and synthesized their high specificity for molecular
installed in Tokai. In Israel a super- under an improved process developed targets such as EGFR and VEGFR.
conducting linac is under construc- by the INL in the 1990s. It is an FDA- Also in Pavia, NETTUNO (Neutron
tion at the Soreq research center (2 approved (for biodistribution research Capture Therapy of Thoracic Tumors
MeV, 24 mA on a liquid Li target). only) delivery agent in the United with New fOrmulations) collabora-
The Argentinian project is based on States, even if is presently out of pro- tion, funded by INFN, is working on
a Tandem Electrostatic Quadrupole duction [20]. With BPA and BSH the this field ( [2123].
(TESQ) accelerator (2.4 MeV proton concentrations obtained in tumor are Figure 1 shows the Pavia BNCT phys-
at 30 mA on Li) [16]. BNCT R&D is on the order of 3060 ppm with con- icists group.
conducted with a 3 MV Dynamitron centration ratios between tumor and A characteristic that a good carrier
accelerator operating at the School healthy tissues ranging from 2 to 6 [1]. should exhibit is a mechanism for im-
of Physics and Space Research at the Another important branch of aging of its biodistribution directly in
Birmingham University [17]; the high BNCT research is the development vivo. The measurement of boron con-
voltage is generated through recti- of new boron delivery agents, able centration is in fact fundamental to the
fied RF power (2.8 MV, 2mA on Li); to ensure higher tumor to normal tis- design of the treatment plan and pre-
a current upgrade to 20 mA is needed sues boron concentration ratios, hav- scription of the dose. The most impor-
to start clinical research. Electrostatic ing higher selectivity than BPA and tant component of BNCT dose is due
systems are under development at the BSH. Higher boron concentration in to the capture reaction 10B(n,)7Li. It
Budker Institute of Nuclear Physics in tumor would allow shorter irradiation is thus necessary to know the spatial
Novosibirsk (1.9 MeV, 10mA on Li) or less intense neutron fluxes to obtain distribution of the neutron flux and
and at Obninsk, Russia. the same therapeutic effects, with a of the boron concentration at the mo-
In Italy at the INFN-National smaller background neutron dose as ment of the irradiation. On-line moni-
Laboratories of Legnaro (LNL) a ma- noted earlier. toring of the reaction rate would allow
chine based on a high-intensity RFQ Recent efforts to improve the se- on-line dosimetry: such monitoring
(5 MeV proton at 30 mA on Be) is lectivity of boron delivery agents could be based on the 478 keV prompt

26 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

impact and applications

gamma ray emitted by 7Li in 94% of undergo scattering and capture reac- tal role. The young researchers are
the capture reaction, or 511 keV anni- tions whose cross-sections can vary strongly encouraged by the scientific
hilation gammas of a + emitter (PET between elements and also between community and every two years a
imaging) previously bound to the bo- isotopes. For these reasons TPS dedi- Young Researcher Meeting is orga-
ron carrier. Today the molecule 18F- cated to BNCT employ Monte Carlo nized. The next one will be held in
BPA is already employed for a pre- methods for neutron transport. The Granada (Spain) in September 2013
liminary evaluation of the eligibility dose distribution not only depends on (
of the patients for a BNCT treatment. the primary radiation field, but it is ybnct.html).
Meanwhile, new agents are being la- strictly connected to the spatial distri- Activities related to NCT are pro-
beled with Gd to be visualized through bution of 10B. Moreover the radiation moted by the International Society for
MRI. field is constituted by alpha particles, Neutron Capture Therapy (ISNCT),
When preclinical research is per- Li ions, protons, and photons, thus it is which organizes a biennial Interna-
formed, a fundamental aspect is the far more complex than that produced tional Congress alternating with the
availability of a method for the mea- by photons, which consists principally Young Researcher Meeting. The next
surement of boron concentration in of electrons. International Congress on Neutron
biological samples taken from animal The principal TPS for BNCT are Capture Therapy (ICNCT-16) will be
models or patients. Today different NCTPlan, JCDS, SERA, THORplan organized by the current president of
methods [24] are recognized and em- [2629]. NCTPLAN and JCDS recon- ISNCT (Leena Kankaanranta) in Hel-
ployed with different sensitivity, pre- struct the geometry through voxeliza- sinki (June 2014). The most recent
cision and spatial resolution: Induc- tion; the former creates fixed dimen- past president is Akira Matsumura,
tion Coupled Plasma Atomic Emission sion voxels while the second creates who organized ICNCT-15 in Tsukuba,
Spectrometry (ICP-AES), Inductively voxels of variable dimensions. The Japan (September 2012) and the next
Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry materials associated with the vox- president will be Satish S. Jalisatgi
(ICP-MS), Secondary Ion Mass Spec- els are determined on the basis of (Missouri University) who will orga-
trometry (SIMS), Prompt Gamma the Hounsfield numbers from the CT nize the congress in 2016.
Neutron Activation Analysis (PG- scans. A collaboration between INEEL
NAA), charged particles spectroscopy and MSU (Montana State University) Acknowledgment
and neutron autoradiography [25]. In resulted in the development of SERA, The author acknowledges Dr. Eng.
clinical trials, blood samples taken at which reconstructs the geometry by David W. Nigg, secretary of Interna-
different times after the administration associating to each image pixel a so- tional Society for Neutron Capture
of the boronated drug are taken from called UNIVEL (Uniform Volume Therapy, for his valuable help in re-
the patient and measured; the boron Element) with a fixed material, and viewing the article.
concentration in tumor and normal tis- then employs a specific Monte Carlo
sues are then inferred basing on previ- ray tracing algorithm developed for References
1.W. J. A. Sauerwein et al., NCT Prin-
ous pharmacokinetics studies. this type of geometry. Another TPS
ciples and Applications (Springer-
Before the treatment, the irradiation is MultiCell, which is being set-up in Verlag, Berlin, 2012).
modalities are designed and optimized Argentina and builds the geometry by 2.R. F. Barth et al., Radiation Oncology
by calculation of the dose distribution a combination of multiple-sized paral- 2012, 7 (2012) 146.
by means of a treatment planning sys- lelepiped bodies (or cells) suitable for 3.S. Miyatake et al., J. Neurosurg. 103
tem (TPS). To date, various TPS have MCNP analysis [30]. (2005) 1000.
been set-up for BNCT. The reconstruc- Even if presently the conditions 4.S. Kawabata et al., J. Radiat. Res. (To-
tion of the anatomical structures to be for the clinical application of BNCT kyo) 50 (2009) 51.
irradiated is accomplished using CT or exist in many countries, the research 5.S. Miyatake et al., J. Neurooncol. 91
MRI scans of the patients as usual for to increase BNCT applicability and (2009) 199.
6.S. Kawabata et al., Appl. Radiat. Isot.
TPS dedicated to photon or charged dissemination is pursued with many
69 (2011) 1796.
particles therapy. The dose is then cal- efforts. The research is highly in- 7.L. Kankaanranta et al., Int. J. Radiat.
culated using a completely different terdisciplinary and needs the col- Oncol. Biol. Phys. (2012) 82:e67.
approach: the interaction of photons laboration between medical doctors, 8.Y. Mishima, Pigment Cell (1973) vol.
with matter is well estimated knowing radiotherapists, physicists, chemists, 1, edited by V. J. McGovern, Basel,
the Z of the material, while neutrons biologists, each with a fundamen- pp. 215221.

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 27

impact and applications

9.P. R. Menndez et al., Appl. Radiat. 19.A. H. Soloway et al., Chem. Rev. 98 29.T. Y. Lin and Y. W Liu, Appl. Radiat.
Isot. 67(Suppl) (2009) S50. (1998) 1515. Isot.69 (2011) 1878.
10.A. Zonta et al., J. Physics: Conference 20.M. F. Hawthorne and M. W. Lee, J. 30.R. O. Faras and S. J. Gonzlez, 15th
Series 41 (2006) 484. Neurooncol. 62 (2003) 33. ICNCT Tsukuba, Japan, 1014 Sep-
11.O. Harling and K. Riley, J. Neuroon- 21.S. Altieri et al., J. Med. Chem. 52 tember 2012.
col. 2 (2003) 7. (2009) 7829. doi:10.1021/jm9007
12.D. W. Nigg, Hatanaka Award Lecture 63b
in Proceedings of the 12th ICNCT 22.A. Cappelli et al., Bioconjugate Chem.
2006, Takamatsu, Kagawa, Japan. 21 (2010) 2213.
13.T. E. Blue and J. C. Yanch, J. Neu- 23.S. Geninatti-Crich et al., Chem. Eur.
rooncology 62 (2003) 19. J. 17 (2011) 8479. doi:10.1002/chem.
14.H. Tanaka et al. Appl. Radiat. Isot. 69 201003741
(2011) 1631. 24.A. Wittig et al., Critical Rev. in Oncol-
15.H. Kumada et al., 15 ICNCT Tsukuba ogy/Hematology 68 (2008) 66.
Japan, Program and abstract, 109. 25.S. Altieri et al., Appl. Radiation and
16.A. J. Kreiner et al., Appl Radiat Isot. Isotopes 66 (2008) 1850.
69 (2011) 1672. 26.R. Zamenhof et al., Int. J. Radat. On-
17.S. Green, Radiat. Phys. Chem. 51 col. Biol. Phys. 35 (1996) 383. Saverio Altieri
(1998) 561569. Elsevier Science 27.H. Kumada et al., Phys. Med. Biol. 49 University of Pavia and
Limited. (2004) 3353. National Institute of
18.A. Pisent, J. Phys. Conf. Ser. 41 28.F. J. Wheeler et al., Trans. Am. Nuc. Nuclear Physics (INFN),
(2006) 391. Soc. 80 (1999) 66. Pavia, Italy


28 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

impact and applications

Crystal Deflectors for High Energy Ion Beams

The motion of charged particles en- influenced by the average electric deflected by the crystal and directed
tering a crystal at small angles with re- field of the ordered nuclei [1]. If the onto the secondary collimator-ab-
spect to a crystalline plane is strongly impact angle is smaller than the criti- sorber. In contrast to a more standard
influenced by the average electric cal channeling angle c = (2Uo/pv)1/2, amorphous primary collimator, a bent
field of the ordered nuclei. For suffi- where p and v are the particle momen- crystal deflects the channeled par-
ciently small angles the particles can tum and velocity, and Uo is the depth of ticles far from the absorber edge de-
be captured in channeling states, thus the planar potential well, the incoming creasing the probability of their scat-
performing quasi-harmonic oscilla- particle can be captured into the pla- tering back into the circulating beam.
tions in the potential well between the nar channeling regime oscillating be- Channeled particles have a reduced
crystal planes. Channeled particles in tween two neighboring crystal planes. probability of nuclear interactions in
a bent crystal are deflected along the Silicon crystals are widely used for the crystal and thus a smaller irradia-
bent planes of the crystal. This pro- beam steering because of their crystal- tion occurs for sensitive areas of the
vides a powerful method to steer and lographic properties. Along the (110) accelerator, in particular those with a
control particle trajectories that has planes where the inter-planar distance high-dispersion downstream the col-
been investigated and occasionally dp is 1.92 A, the average electric field limation system [10]. The efficiency
exploited for some decades already. Em approaches the value of 6 GV/cm of halo extraction is improved by
The channeling parameters and the and the potential well depth is about the so-called multi-pass mechanisms
deflection efficiency are the same for 23 eV. Particle channeling is still pos- that in a circular accelerator allow a
protons and ions with the same par- sible if the crystal is bent with a radius particle not channeled in its first hit
ticle momentum per unit charge pz. larger than the critical one, R > Rc [2]. to interact again with the crystal and
Channeled particles have a reduced In a bent crystal channeled particles to be eventually channeled in a later
probability of close collisions with the are deflected by the bend angle. passage [11].
crystal atoms, thus a reduced probabil- Channeling in a bent crystal has
ity of nuclear interactions. In the case been observed for the first time in the Channeling Peculiarities
of channeled heavy-ions, fragmenta- JINR synchrophasotron [3]. System- of Multi-Charged Ions
tion and electromagnetic dissociation atic experiments have been performed The interactions of multi-charged
are reduced as well. Heavy-ions not at CERN, IHEP, and FNAL (see the ions entering a crystal at small angles
captured in channeling regime pro- reviews [46]). Bent crystals are rou- with respect to a crystal plane have
duce higher loss-rate with respect to tinely used at the IHEP to extract pro- distinctive peculiarities. The force
protons because the cross-section of ton beams from the synchrotron U70 due to the average electric field, the
nuclear interactions is considerably and for beam splitting between the depth of the potential well, and the
larger. experiments [7]. critical transverse energy for chan-
The UA9 Collaboration, supported The UA9 Collaboration inves- neling are proportional to the charge
by CERN, INFN, Imperial College, tigates crystal-assisted collimation Z1. The critical channeling angle, the
LAL, PNPI, IHEP, and JINR, investi- process in view of improving its ef- oscillation wavelength in the channels
gates how tiny bent crystals could be ficiency in high-intensity high-energy and the probability of capture into
used to assist and improve collimation hadron colliders, such as LHC. In the the channeling regime Pc are invari-
process in modern hadron colliders, UA9 experiment at the CERN-SPS ant with respect to the ratio pz = p/Z1.
such as the LHC, in view of exploiting [810], a bunched beam with an in- Channeled particles may leave the
ultra-high luminosity operation with tensity of 1011 to 1013 particles is channeling regime because of scat-
protons and heavy-ions. stored at fixed energy to reproduce the tering with the crystal electrons and
beam dynamics of a hadron collider. nuclei (dechanneling process). The
Channeling in Bent Crystals A bent silicon crystal and a tungsten transverse momentum acquired by a
Charged particles entering a crystal absorber are used as a two-stage col- scattered particle is proportional to its
at small angles with respect to a crystal- limation system. Halo particles sur- charge, while the scattering angle is
line plane follow trajectories strongly rounding the circulating beam are inversely proportional to pz ( ~ Z1/p).

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 29

impact and applications

The dechanneling length is thus in- CERN SPS using 4 cm long silicon
variant with respect to pz, as well as crystal bent along the (110) planes by
the critical radius Rc, below which the angle 8.5 mrad [13]. The extrac-
channeling is impossible tion efficiency was about 10%, which
pv is about two times smaller than for
Rc = . the extraction of the SPS proton beam
with the same crystal [11]. The an-
The invariance with pz of channeling gular width for ion extraction was of
and dechanneling parameters leads to about 50 rad, considerably smaller
the invariance with pz of the deflection than that for the extraction of protons. Figure 1. Crystal collimation of the
efficiency. Both these circumstances were caused CERN SPS beam of Pb ions with 270
Experiments at JINR, BNL, and by the reduction of the contribution of GeV/c per charge. (1) The dependence
CERN have shown that bent crys- multiple passages of nuclei through of beam losses observed in the crystal
tals may successfully deflect multi- the crystal because of the increase of on its angular position normalized to
charged ions. The CERN experiments losses due to nuclear interactions for the value for the amorphous orienta-
on the SPS beam halo collimation particles not captured into the chan- tion of the crystal (dot-dashed line).
have demonstrated that the usage of neling regime. (2) The dependence of the number of
short crystals may increase the deflec- The good performance of ion ex- inelastic nuclear interactions of nuclei
tion efficiency by an order of magni- traction in RD22 was one of the steps in the crystal on its orientation angle
tude [10]. toward the use of bent crystals for obtained by simulation.
Heavy-ions have cross-sections beam collimation in hadron colliders.
for nuclear interactions significantly In this case, a few millimeters long
larger than for protons. The interac- crystal can provide a small deflection be provided only when about 90%
tion may induce fragmentation or angle of the order of 100 rad required of particles hitting the crystal are de-
electromagnetic dissociation (ED), to direct particles on the absorber. In flected in channeling regime by the
which becomes possible even for such short crystals, only particles with bend angle (channeling efficiency).
well-channeled heavy nuclei [12]. large oscillation amplitudes in the On the right of the minimum there
Because of this, heavy-ions not cap- planar channels can be lost from the is the angular region with reduced
tured into channeling regime have channeling regime mainly because of losses caused by the volume reflec-
larger losses in the crystal than pro- Coulomb scattering by the crystal nu- tion of particles in the crystal (10 and
tons. The difference is particularly clei. refs. therein). The beam loss monitors
visible when a bent crystal is used In the UA9 experiment on the installed in the first high dispersion
for extraction or collimation of the study of the crystal collimation at area behind the absorber showed the
accelerator beam. Besides, the large the CERN SPS one of the 2 mm same reduction of the off-momentum
ionization energy losses of heavy long silicon crystals with the bend beam fraction. This provides another
ions in the crystal collimator, pro- angle about 170 rad was used as a strong evidence of the high efficiency
portional to Z12, increase the fraction primary collimator. The studies were of the crystal collimation. It should
of particles with large momentum performed both with protons and Pb be noted that the studies of the crys-
reduction. This should increase the tal radiation resistance are required to
nuclei with pz = 120 GeV/c and 270
loss rate in the dispersive regions be- resolve a question about possibility to
GeV/c [910]. Figure 1 shows the de-
cause of the large shift of the particle use a crystal primary collimator for
pendence of the Pb nuclei losses in
orbits. the heavy nuclei beams.
the crystal on its orientation observed
in the experiment [10]. The losses
Crystal-Assisted Extraction were reduced more than 7 times in ED Probability for
and Collimation of Heavy the aligned case (a deep minimum Channeled Nuclei
Ion Beams at CERN near zero). The simulation results The cross-section of inelastic nu-
The RD22 experiment was inves- (curve 2) well describe this reduction clear interactions for Pb nuclei with
tigating the extraction of Pb nuclei in the aligned crystal. The simulation 270 GeV/c per charge in silicon crys-
with 270 GeV/c per charge from the shows that this reduction value can tal is h = 4.3 b [10], which is about 10

30 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

impact and applications

times larger than for protons. Already of 0.01%, which should not visibly The plans to test crystal-assisted col-
for this energy the ED cross-section change the collimation efficiency. limation in LHC are well assessed and
cannot be neglected, ed = 1.37 b. This in progress. More recently, crystal-
leads to an attenuation crystal length Conclusive Remarks assisted extraction was again sug-
for Pb nuclei of about 3.5 cm. Since 2010, the LHC has been suc- gested as a possible way of extending
For nuclear interactions the impact cessfully operating in collider mode at the physics reach of LHC by means
parameter of nuclei collisions should 7 and later at 8 TeV in the center-of- of fixed-target experiments [22]. The
be smaller than the sum of the nuclei mass for protons and at 2.76 TeV per cooperative existence of crystal-colli-
radii, R = RSi + RPb 10 fm. Well- nucleon for lead ion beams produc- mation and crystal-extraction in LHC
channeled particles with the whole ing an outstanding luminosity in the is eventually the new challenge for
trajectories situated in the central part four large-scale experiments CMS, short bent crystals in particle accelera-
of the planar channels outside the nu- ALTAS, LHCb, and ALICE. tors.
clear corridors cannot have nuclear in- During the LHC project definition
teractions with the crystal nuclei. The and optimization already, the option References
minimal energy required to exciting was considered of producing extracted 1.J. Lindhard and K. Dan, Vidensk.
the giant dipole resonance of Pb nu- beams in an underground experimen- Selsk. Mat. Fys. Medd. 34 (14) (1965).
clei with the emission of one neutron tal area as a possible alternative to 2.E. N. Tsyganov, Preprint TM-682,
is En1 = 7.4 MeV. A maximal energy of investigate B-physics in collision TM-684, Fermilab, Batavia (1976).
virtual photons in collisions with the mode [15, 16]. Because of the lack 3.A. S. Vodopianov et al., JETP Letters
impact parameter b can be estimated 30 (1979) 474.
of aperture and of the quite large field
according to Ref. [14] as 4.V. V. Biryukov, Yu.A. Chesnokov, and
imperfections expected in the LHC
V.I. Kotov, Crystal Channeling and its
Em = c/b, (1) magnets, a classical resonant extrac- Application at High-Energy Accelera-
tion was considered not feasible, even tors (Springer, Berlin, 1997).
where is the relativistic factor of in a dedicated mode of operation. A 5.A. M. Taratin, Phys. Part. Nucl. 29
particles. Em reaches the value of En1 non-standard scenario was proposed (1998) 437.
for Pb nuclei with pz = 270 GeV/c ( in alternative, based on the usage of a 6.A. Baurichter et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth.
= 114.3) at b = 0.03 . Thus, in this bent monocrystal, located at the edge B 164165 (2000) 27.
case the electromagnetic dissociation of the circulating beam to parasitically 7.A. G. Afonin et al., Nucl. Instr. Meth.
can occur only for a small fraction of extract the diffusive halo, otherwise B 234 (2005) 14.
channeled nuclei. On the contrary, at useless for collisions. The possibility 8.W. Scandale et al., Phys. Letters B 692
the LHC energies for Pb nuclei with (2010) 78.
of extracting a flux of at least 108 halo
pz = 7 TeV/c ( = 2963) the ED is 9.W. Scandale et al., Phys. Letters B 703
particles per second, with no visible (2011) 547.
possible even for channeled particles perturbation for the beam core was 10.W. Scandale et al., Phys. Letters B 714
moving along the center of the (110) experimentally demonstrated first in (2012) 231.
channels in silicon crystals when the RD22 at CERN [17, 11] and then in 11.X. Altuna et al., Physics Letters B 357
impact parameter b = dp/2 = 0.96 , E853 at FNAL [1820]. Shortly after, (1995) 671.
where dp is the channel width. In the the key technology of short bent crys- 12.W. Scandale, A. M. Taratin, and A.
effective planar potential for Pb nuclei tals was developed, on which crystal- D. Kovalenko, Phys. Rev. ST AB 16
with pz = 7 TeV/c in the (110) silicon assisted collimation for modern had- (2013) 011001.
channel bent with the radius R = 100 ron colliders could have been based 13.G. Arduini et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 79
m the ED probability per 1 mm path [21]. Nonetheless, crystal-assisted ex- (1997) 4182.
averaged over the ensemble of well- 14.U. I. Uggerhoj et al., Phys. Lett. B 619
traction and collimation were not fa-
(2005) 240.
channeled particles remains close to vored as a base-line solution for LHC 15.W. Scandale, Experimental insertions
the value for the straight crystal, Ped = and kept as study cases. for the LHC, CERN 90-10 Volume
2.8 105. In the silicon crystals with The deeper understanding of the III, pp 760764, ECFA Workshop,
the length of 35 mm, which should crystalparticle interaction recently Aachen, 3 December 1990.
be used for the LHC beam collima- obtained in the frame of the UA9 Col- 16.B. N. Jensen et al., A proposal to test
tion, the fraction of well-channeled laboration opens a new opportunity beam extraction by crystal channeling
Pb-ions lost due to ED is of the order for proposing practical application. at the SPS: A first step towards a LHC

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 31

impact and applications

extracted beam, CERN DRDC 91-25, 21.A. G. Afonin, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 87 W. Scandale
Geneva, 15 July 1991. (2001) 9. CERN, European Organization for
17.H. Akbari et al., Phys. Lett. B 313 22.J. P. Lansberg et al., Prospectives for Nuclear Research
(1993) 491. a fixed target ExpeRiment at the LHC: Laboratoire de lAccelerateur
18.C. Murphy et al., Nucl. Instr. Methods AFTER@CERN, 36th International
Lineaire (LAL), Universite Paris
Phys. Res., B119 (1996) 231. Conference on High Energy Physics,
Sud Orsay
19.R. Carrigan et al., Phys. Rev. STAB 1 Melbourne, Australia, 411 July 2012,
(1998) 022801. SLAC-PUB 15304. INFN Sezione di Roma
20.R. Carrigan et al., Phys. Rev. AB 5
(2002) E043501. A. M. Taratin
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research,
Dubna, Russian Federation
For the UA9 Collaboration


32 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

meeting reports

Nuclear Structure 2012

The Nuclear Structure 2012 Con- of graduate students and post-docs were presented. The conference pro-
ference was held at Argonne National were among the participants and, for gram and copies of the presentations
Laboratory on 1317 August 2012. some, financial support was provided are available at the Nuclear Structure
This was the 14th in the series of bien- by the organizers. The Scientific pro- 2012 website:
nial conferences organized by one of gram continued in the general spirit The next conference will be orga-
the North American National Labo- of this conference series and covered nized, for the first time, by TRIUMF,
ratories. Previous conferences were the latest research and development in Canadas National Laboratory for
hosted by Argonne National Labora- experimental and theoretical Nuclear Nuclear and Particle Physics,on the
tory, Lawrence Berkeley National Physics. Some of the topics covered campus of the University of British
Laboratory, Chalk River Laboratories, were: nuclear structure and reactions, Columbia from 2025 July 2014. Fur-
the National Superconducting Cyclo- physics with rare isotope beams, ther information is available at http://
tron Laboratory, and Oak Ridge Na- heavy and superheavy nuclei, gamma-
tional Laboratory. ray spectroscopy, nuclear astrophys-
The Conference was attended by ics, nuclear masses and moments,
200 participants (Figure 1), repre- recent developments of gamma-ray
senting 19 countries from Africa, tracking arrays, and nuclear physics F. G. Kondev and T. Lauritsen
Asia, Australia, Europe, and North instrumentations and facilities. A total Argonne National Laboratory,
and South America. A large number of 72 oral and 81 poster contributions Argonne, Illinois, USA

Figure 1. Participants of the Nuclear Structure 2012 Conference.

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 33

meeting reports

FB20: The 20th International Conference on

Few-Body Problems in Physics

The 20th International Conference At FB20, 35 plenary talks in the and 25 posters. Many of them may be
on Few-Body Problems in Physics morning sessions, 157 parallel talks due to financial problems.
(FB20) was held in Fukuoka, Japan, including 19 key talks in the afternoon In the evening of 20 August after
2025 August 2012. The first FB con- sessions in 4 rooms, and 59 posters in all the parallel sessions were closed,
ference was held in London in 1959, a poster session were presented and a memorial session was held for Pro-
and recent FB conferences have been discussions were made. Proceedings fessor Walter Gloeckle, who passed
held every three years. FB20 was ap- of FB20 will be published as special away on 1 August 2012. In the after-
proved by IUPAP as a type-B confer- issues of Few-Body Systems from noon of 22 August, some participants
ence, and had 303 participants from Springer. enjoyed a bus tour for an old shrine,
29 countries. Intimate discussions were made Dazaifu. In the evening of the same
At FB20, theoretical and experi- also in lunch times of 1.5 hours, be- day, a public lecture about Higgs and
mental studies on 3-, 4-, and 10-par- cause all the participants enjoyed on the ILC (International Linear Col-
ticle systems, not only in stable nu- lunch boxes in a wide lobby in front lider) was made to about 200 citizens.
clei but widely in unstable nuclei, of the main hall and in a wide waiting At the conference dinner on Thursday,
in hyper nuclei, in cluster-systems, room. Many discussions by few-body 34 participants wore yukata (summer
in atoms and molecules, and others persons were made during the lunch kimono) and attendants enjoyed a
were reported and discussed. Topics time every day. summer night in Japan.
were 3-nucleon forces other than pp- It was regrettable that there were We thank sponsors of FB20, IU-
exchange 3NF, baryon interactions many cancellations45 registrations PAP, RCNP, Nishina-Center RIKEN,
based on QCD, structure of exotic JIC Fus, Kyushu University, Fukuoka
baryons, hyper nuclei, 3-body calcu- City, and JEC fund (Expo 70). The
lations and precise experiments on next conference, FB21, is to be held in
atomic and molecular systems, and 2015 at ANL, USA.
so on. Studies of physics in few-body
systems are developing and expand-
ing its boundaries. There were many
young participants in FB20. About a
half of the participants were in their Kenshi Sagara
twenties and thirties. Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan

34 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

meeting reports

VI International Symposium on
Exotic Nuclei EXON-2012

Figure 1. Participants of the VI International Symposium on Exotic Nuclei EXON-2012.

The International Symposium on out at large-scale accelerator facilities abnormally large neutron or proton
Exotic Nuclei EXON-2012 took requiring enormous financial invest- number (neutron- or proton-rich nu-
place on 16 October in Vladivostok, ments can be realized only through clei), and super-heavy nuclei with the
Russia. It was dedicated to one of the the combined efforts and cooperation atomic number Z > 110. The studies
most important and rapidly developing of the leading scientific centers. As an of the properties of nuclear matter in
areas of nuclear physicsthe phys- example we can mention the creation extreme states provide important infor-
ics of exotic nuclear states. The Sym- of the Large Hadron Collider at CERN mation on the properties of the micro-
posium was jointly organized by five and of the heavy ion accelerators at the cosm, and thus allow the modeling of
major research centers, where the dis- Joint Institute for Nuclear Research the different processes in the Universe.
cussed topics are of high prioritythe (Dubna), which has about 20 member- The leading world centers studding
Joint Institute for Nuclear Research states. Thus the research is done in col- the nuclei in exotic states are the Joint
(Dubna), the Large Heavy Ion Na- laboration with the research centers of Institute for Nuclear Research (Dubna),
tional Accelerator GANIL (France), several countries. Each country makes the Large Heavy Ion National Accel-
The Institute of Physical and Chemi- its financial and intellectual contribu- erator GANIL (France), The Institute
cal Research RIKEN (Japan), The tion to the creation of the large-scale of Physical and Chemical Research
GSI Helmholtz Centre for Heavy Ion facilities, allowing to penetrate deeply RIKEN (Japan), The GSI Helmholtz
Research (Germany), and the National into the mysteries of matter and to Centre for Heavy Ion Research (Ger-
Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory obtain new information not only for many), and the National Supercon-
NSCL (Michigan, USA). This Sympo- nuclear physics, but also for other sci- ducting Cyclotron Laboratory NSCL
sium, having become a traditional one, entific fields such as astronomy, con- (Michigan, USA). The Leaders of
was dedicated to the results of the re- densed matter physics, and current these five centers were the co-chairmen
cent experimental and theoretical stud- technologies. The fundamental inves- of the Symposium organizing com-
ies on the synthesis and properties of tigations and methods used in these mitteeAcademician Yu. Oganesyan
nuclei far from the valley of stability centers are of great importance for the (JINR), Professor S. Gales (GANIL),
from the lightest to the super-heavy interdisciplinary fields of science and Professor H. Enyo (RIKEN), Profes-
elements. In recent years, this area of technology, such as nanotechnology, sor K. Stoecker (GSI), and Profes-
research is rapidly developing, neces- medicine, and microelectronics. sor K.Gelbke (USA). This is the sixth
sitating the regular organization of such Nuclei in exotic states are these, Symposium on Exotic Nuclei taking
scientific meetings. The previous Sym- which have high angular momentum place in Russia. The first one was held
posium EXON-2009 was held in So- (madly rotating nuclei), high excita- in 1991 in Foros (the Crimea), and then
chi in 2009. tion energy (hot nuclei), large defor- there was a Symposium at the Baikal
At present the most sophisticated mation (super- and hyper-deformation, Lake, in Peterhof, in Khanty-Mansiysk,
physical experiments that are carried nuclei with unusual shape), nuclei with and in Sochi. All these events aroused

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 35

meeting reports

interest not only among the scientists cussed, that indicates a high efficiency sented by the physicists from GANIL,
of the institutesorganizers, but also of international collaborations. In- GSI, MSU, and RIKEN.
of other research centers of the world. teresting results were obtained in the One day of the Symposium was en-
In addition to discussions of scientific joint experiments of FLNR (JINR), tirely devoted to the present and future
issues and questions on cooperation, GSI (Germany), and the Paul Scherrer heavy-ion accelerator complexes and
the participants have an opportunity Institute (Switzerland). These experi- radioactive nuclei complexes at the
to get acquainted with the most inter- ments on the chemical identification leading research centers of the world.
esting places in Russia while the local of elements 112 and 114 were carried Five laboratoriesorganizers of the
authorities and universities receive the out in the beams of FLNR cyclotron Symposium are now in the process of
latest information about the scientific U-400. A notable example of such constructing a new generation of ac-
achievements of nuclear physics and cooperation is an experiment on the celerators that will make significant
about its possible application in the re- synthesis of element 117. It is done in progress in the direction of synthesis
lated fields of science and technology. collaboration with the scientists from and study of new exotic nuclei prop-
About 130 scientists from 24 coun- the U.S. Laboratories that provided the erties. The projects SPIRAL, RIKEN,
tries participated in the Symposium target material of 249Bk. The ongoing FAIR, DRIBs, NIKA, and RIBF were
EXON-2012. A lot of leading scien- experiment is carried out at JINR by a presented by the project directors.
tists of the institutions making research large group of physicists and chemists Since the realization of such large-
in the field of nuclear physics were headed by Academician Yu. Oganes- scale projects is only possible through
among them. The most represented sian. In October this year, right after the the joint efforts of the leading research
countries were Germany (10 del- Symposium, the inauguration of two centers of the world, it was an extremely
egates), France (12 delegates), Japan elements discovered in Dubna114 important aspect of the Symposium to
(10 delegates), and the United States (Flerovium) and 116 (Livermorium) discuss the possibilities of various col-
(8 delegates). The scientific centers of took place in Moscow. laborations in order to create the physi-
Russia were represented by 28 partici- Many interesting results have re- cal facilities and to develop the joint
pants. cently been obtained in the studies of research programs. It was basically the
The scientific program included the the interaction of weakly bound nu- main objective of the Symposium that
invited papers on the most important clei, such as 6, 8, 6Li, 11Li, and explains the support of this event by the
areas in the physics of exotic nuclei and so on. The phenomenon of sub-barrier leading research centers of Europe. The
on the new projects of the largest accel- nuclear fusion was discovered and also organizational issues in this area were
erator facilities and experimental facili- the effect of strengthening of sections discussed and in particular the possi-
ties. In addition the questions on fun- of exchange reactions in the subthresh- bility of cooperation of JINR with the
damental physics and applied research old energy region was obtained. Inter- European physical communities.
were discussed at the Symposium. The pretation of these results was presented There were about 80 oral presenta-
representatives of the Far Eastern Fed- in the theoretical presentations. The tions and about 40 poster presentations
eral University took an active part in experimental results of search of reso- at the Symposium.
the discussions. This relatively young nance in the 7 system were presented The extensive scientific program
University at the Far East of Russia has for the first time at the session. These was combined with an equally rich
powerful scientific potential and good experiments carried out at FLNR JINR cultural program. There were trips to
prospects for scientific research. There give new interesting results indicating Vladivostok and to the surrounding
are also plenty of institutions in the Far that the reactions with weakly bound area, a boat-trip to the numerous bays
East that are members of the Far East- nuclei look promising for the obtain- of the Pacific Ocean, and also interest-
ern Branch of the Russian Academy ing of information on the boundaries ing folk concerts organized for the par-
of Sciences under the direction of V. I. of nuclear drip-line in the lightest ele- ticipants.
Sergienko. This explains the choice of ments. The experimental results of the The next Symposium (EXON-
place for the Symposium and the par- search of the tetraneutron (4n), 6H, 7H, 2015) is expected to be held in the West
ticipation of local institutions in it. and 10, obtained in different research of Russia in Kaliningrad.
During the Symposium the results centers, were presented at the Sympo-
of the recent experiments on the syn- sium. A large amount of new informa- Yu. Penionzhkevich
thesis and properties of the nuclei of tion on the properties of nuclei at the Chairman,
new super-heavy elements were dis- borders of nuclear drip-line was pre- Organizing Committee EXON-2012

36 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

news and views

IUPAP Young Scientist Prize in

Nuclear Physics, 2013
The International Union of Pure Conference (INPC2013) in Florence, Citation for Stefano Gandolfi
and Applied Physics (IUPAP) prize Italy, the main conference in the field For developing
was established in 2005 to recog- of Nuclear Physics. Each winner re- a new method of
nize and encourage very promising ceived a monetary prize, a medal, a calculating many
experimental or theoretical research certificate and gave an invited talk on body observables
in nuclear physics, including the ad- their work to their international peers from ab-initio two
vancement of a method, a procedure, a (Figure 1). body and three
technique, or a device that contributes body interactions,
in a significant way to nuclear physics Citation for Rabia Burcu Cakirli which allows one to predict observ-
research. For innovative use able interactions in nuclei beyond 12C
The Commission on Nuclear Phys- of precise nuclear and for extending this work to neutron
ics (C12) of IUPAP received 32 nomi- mass measure- and cold atoms systems.
nations by the deadline of 1 Novem- ments in critical
ber 2012. After a critical evaluation regions of the nu-
Citation for Bjorn Peter Schenke
of these outstanding candidates, the clear chart to ac-
For key contribu-
C12 members chose to give the prizes cess correlations
tions to the theo-
to Rabia Burcu Cakirli, Stefano Gan- that are used to extract empirical sig-
retical understand-
dolfi, and Bjorn Peter Schenke. natures of collective degrees of free-
ing and modeling
The award ceremony was held 5 dom and of shell closures. For stimu-
of the quark gluon
June 2013 during a dedicated session lating a large body of new theoretical
plasma state of
of the International Nuclear Physics and experimental work in these areas.
matter and for pro-
viding an explana-
tion to the observed jet quenching
in relativistic heavy ion collisions that
triggered new theoretical and experi-
mental work in this field.

Hideyuki Sakai
Chair C12

Figure 1. Hideyuku Sakai (Chair C12),

Stefano Gandolfi, Bjorn Peter Schenke,
Rabia Burcu Cakirli, and Jean-Michel
Poutissou (Vice-Chair C12) (from
right) at the IUPAP Young Scientist
Prize Session.

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 37

news and views

Nuclear Physics Research:

An International Perspective

Introduction nuclear physics facilities (four each of the societal benefits stemming from
A working group set up under the from Asia, Europe, and North Amer- the basic advances in nuclear physics
auspices of the International Union of ica, plus one from South Africa); and with its underlying high technology
Pure and Applied Physics (IUPAP) is the chair of IUPAP C12. The IUPAP developments required towards ex-
taking a forward look from an inter- WG.9 working group meets every perimentation and of the energy ques-
national perspective at nuclear physics year just prior to the Annual General tion of such great importance for the
and the facilities it uses. IUPAP was Meeting (AGM) of IUPAP C12. In evolution of society.
established more than 90 years ago (in addition, IUPAP WG.9 has the task to IUPAP WG.9 is operating follow-
1922) to foster international co-oper- organize the triennial two-day Sympo- ing a mandate given by the Organisa-
ation in physics. It does this through sium on Nuclear Science and Nuclear tion for Economic Co-operation and
the activities of a number of commis- Physics Facilities. Development (OECD) Global Science
sions for different areas of research, The chief tasks of IUPAP WG.9 are Forum (GSF). In 2008, IUPAP WG.9
including the Commission on Nuclear to answer the three specific questions: gave expert advise to the OECD GSF
Physics (C12), established in 1960. Working Group on Nuclear Physics.
What constitutes nuclear science
In addition, through various commis- It became apparent that for science
from an international perspec-
sions working groups were set up with policymakers in many countries it is
specific mandates. Well known are the essential to understand how proposals
Which are the facilities that are
International Committee for Future for future large nuclear physics facili-
used to investigate nuclear phys-
Accelerators (ICFA) formed in 1976 ties fit within an international context.
ics phenomena?
with a link to the Commission on Par- The OECD report provides a global
Which are the scientific ques-
ticles and Fields (C11) and the Work- roadmap for nuclear physics in the
tions that need to be addressed at
ing Group on International Coop- current decade in a format suitable to
these and future facilities?
eration in Nuclear Physics formed in science administrators.
2005 with a link to Commission C12 The answers to these questions ap-
(Working Groups WG.1 and WG.9, pear in IUPAP Report 41, published
respectively). in hard copy in 2007 and posted on The 2013 Nuclear
The membership of IUPAP WG.9 the website ( Science Symposium
was chosen to constitute a broad rep- hosted/IUPAP/icnp/index.html). In response to the mandate given
resentation of geographical regions However, the document requires to IUPAP WG.9 by the OECD GSF, a
and nations with expertise in the regular updating. IUPAP Report 41 second two-day nuclear science sym-
various subfields of nuclear physics, contains entries for all nuclear phys- posium was organized at the Labora-
as one would expect for a working ics user facilities that agreed to sub- tori Nazionali di Frascati, 31 May
group of the IUPAP. Its membership mit data. The 92 entries range from 1 June 2013. The symposium pro-
consists of the working groups chair, smaller facilities with more restricted vided the opportunity for proponents
immediate past-chair, and secretary; regional usage to the large nuclear of nuclear science across the world to
the chairs and immediate past-chairs physics accelerator laboratories with learn about and discuss present and
of the Asia Nuclear Physics Associa- a global users group. The report also future plans for research in nuclear
tion (ANPhA), of the Nuclear Physics contains an overview of the major sci- physics, as well as upgraded and new
European Collaboration Committee entific questions facing nuclear phys- research facilities that will be required
(NuPECC), and of the Nuclear Sci- ics today, together with a summary to realize these plans. Three half-day
ence Advisory Committee to the US of how these questions are being ad- presentations were arranged by the ex-
DoE and NSF (NSAC); the chair of dressed by the current nuclear physics ecutive of IUPAP WG.9.
the Latin-America Association for facilities or how these questions will The presentations at the sympo-
Nuclear Physics and Applications be addressed by future and planned sium focused on seven main topics of
(ALAFNA); the directors of the large facilities. There is also a short account nuclear physics today:

38 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013

news and views

1.Can the structure and interac- complementarity of LHC and RHIC is prevalent in and essential and critical
tions of hadrons be understood is an essential resource in efforts to for modern medicine.
in terms of QCD? quantify properties of the Quark-Gluon
2.What is the structure of nuclear Plasma. Nuclear Energy
matter? Nuclear energy is still perceived as
3.What are the phases of nuclear Electroweak Physics and a clean and economical source of en-
matter? Fundamental Symmetries ergy, but a new approach to safety and
4.What is the role of nuclei in Fundamental symmetry tests probe sustainability is needed. Developing
shaping the evolution of the uni- new physics at the PeV scale and al- countries have taken the lead role in
verse, with the known forms of ready severely constrain the flavor the construction of new nuclear power
matter only comprising a meager and CP structures of any scenario ad- plants. The future of the nuclear fuel
5%? dressing the hierarchy question. If a cycle is a most important issue. Accel-
5.What is the physics beyond the positive signal is found it would not erator driven systems for power gen-
Standard Model? point to a specific theory or model. It eration and nuclear waste management
6.What is the role of nuclear phys- is therefore of paramount importance has a major window of opportunity.
ics in serving society? to pursue as many different types of But economics will drive the future of
7.What is the role of nuclear en- symmetry tests as possible (B, L, LF, nuclear energy and nuclear waste man-
ergy in the global energy ques- CP, P conservation) and then within agement.
tion? each type of symmetry test study vari-
Nuclear Physics Facilities
The presentations are available at ous kind of processes, like m e g,
The present and near completion
h t t p : / / w w w. t r i u m f . i n f o / h o s t e d / m 3e, m e. conversion, and where
nuclear physics facilities plus those
IUPAP/icnp/index.html and are briefly possible deduce final state information,
presently under construction give
summarized below: like spin, flavor, energy. The subfield
great promise to answer the ques-
is moving toward being the primary
tions outlined in the above-listed pre-
QCD and Hadronic Nuclear Physics search vehicle for new physics if noth-
sentations. For hadrons and nucleons
(Hadrons and Nucleons) ing (except for the Higgs) is discovered
and QCDJlab (12 GeV), J-PARC,
Since the last symposium in 2010, at the LHC.
and FAIR. For quark matterLHC-
considerable progress has been made ALICE, RHIC, FAIR. For nuclear
in elucidating the intricate structure of Low Energy Nuclear Structure
and Nuclear Astrophysics structure and nuclear astrophysics
the nucleon, but there is a wealth of ex- FRIB, RIKEN-RIBF, GANIL-SPI-
citing, fundamental questions that need The study of atomic nuclei provides
the connection between the fundamen- RAL2, LNL-SPES, CERN-HIE-
to be addressed in turn. Experiment, ISOLDE, TRIUMF-ISAC, ALTO at
phenomenology, and lattice QCD ap- tal building blocks of matter, complex
nuclear systems, and the cosmos. The IPNO, as well as rare isotope beam facil-
pear to be working together beauti- ities under construction in ChinaCSR
fully. It needs to be emphasized that last three years have seen consider-
able progress in the physics of nuclei in Lanzhou, BRIF in Beijing, HIAF in
appropriate investments are needed to Lanzhou, and in Korea (RAON-RISP).
exploit the facilities now operating and and the interconnection with nuclear
astrophysics. Existence of the super There is also the planning stage EURI-
nearing completion. To further the field SOL. Tests of fundamental symmetries
an electron-ion collider requires being heavy elements with atomic numbers
between 112 and 118 has been found range from table-top experiments to ex-
built and high power computers are tended experiments at the large nuclear
necessary for lattice QCD. and confirmed. Great progress has
physics facilities.
been made in a comprehensive and
QCD and Quark Matter The presentations led to extensive
validated theory of nuclei from the
The higher priority for quark matter discussions among the various rep-
light nuclei to medium-weight nuclei
research is the full exploitation of the resentatives. At the symposium, two
to heavy nuclei.
physics potential in colliding heavy separate in camera meetings were
ions at the LHC. At lower energies Nuclear Physics Serving Society arranged for science administrators/
where the highest baryon densities are Nuclear technology, nuclear pro- government representatives.
reached, there are opportunities for a cesses, and nuclear data play an es-
new generation of precision measure- sential role throughout modern society. Willem T. H. van Oers
ments that address central questions The use of radioactive nuclei for diag- Secretary of IUPAP WG.9,
about the QCD phase diagram. The nostic purposes or treatment purposes TRIUMF

Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013, Nuclear Physics News 39


In Memoriam: Enrico Farnea (19702013)

fellowship between 1998 and 2000 first at LNL. As Local Project Man-
and made a Ph.D. at the University ager and as a member of the AGATA
of Surrey (UK) in 2001 with the the- Management Board (AMB) Enrico
sis Spectroscopic studies of Isospin was in charge of the installation of the
Mixing in 64Ge based on experi- Demonstrator at the target point of the
ments performed with EUROBALL PRISMA spectrometer and of the en-
using instrumentation he contributed suing 20102011 experimental cam-
to build. The results of this work have paign. First result of this campaign
been a substantial contribution to the have been reported by him in several
complex topic of isospin mixing in conferences and in a recent issue of
nuclear states. this journal (The AGATA Demonstra-
At the end of 2001 Enrico got a tor Array at LNL, Nuclear Physics
permanent position at INFN Padova, News Vol. 22, No. 3, 2012).
reinforcing considerably the strength Besides the efforts to develop
of the Padova/LNL Nuclear Spectros- AGATA, Enrico has been for many
copy group. years the representative of the Padova
In parallel with the experimental group in the INFN Nuclear Physics
Enrico Farnea activity at LNL with GASP, EURO- Scientific Committee. Since last year
BALL, and later on with CLARA, En- he was Group Leader of the GAMMA
rico was involved since the beginning experiment, which involves physi-
Not yet aged 43, Enrico Farnea has in the efforts of the AGATA collabora- cists of the INFN sections of Firenze,
died on 14 April 2013, after a tough tion to develop the gamma-ray track- Legnaro, Padova, Milano, and Peru-
fight against a malignant disease, ing paradigm, which is based on the gia/Camerino.
which was diagnosed shortly after precise identification of the energy-re- An excellent physicist and a won-
summer last year. lease points inside large-volume high- derful person with many interests in
Born in Verona on 29 August purity segmented germanium crystals literature, music, and movies, Enrico
1970, Enrico studied Physics at the and the reconstruction of individual was fully committed to his research
University of Padova and gradu- gamma transitions that generated work and always ready to help, in
ated in 1995 with a thesis done at them. In particular, he developed the particular the younger colleagues.
the Laboratori Nazionali di Legnaro Monte Carlo simulation codes used to His premature passing away is a ma-
(LNL) on the development of ISIS, a define the geometrical structure and jor loss for our community both from
4p light charged particle detector for the basic performance figures not only the human point of view and for the
the gamma-ray detector array GASP. of AGATA but also of the US project activities to which he so strongly and
After the thesis he continued work- GRETA. successfully dedicated his life.
ing with the gamma-ray spectroscopy Considering the amount of innova-
group on the EUROBALL project, tive features, the complexity, and the
taking care in particular of the devel- cost of a gamma-ray tracking array the
opment of the light charged particle AGATA collaboration decided to pro- Dino Bazzacco
detector ISIS, which was very much ceed in phases, starting with a Dem- INFN, Padova, Italy
used in the Physics campaigns at LNL onstrator composed of 15 crystals (out
and at IReS (Strasbourg). He was at of the 180 needed for the complete Andres Gadea
IFIC Valencia with a Marie Curie array) to be constructed and operated IFIC, Valencia, Spain

40 Nuclear Physics News, Vol. 23, No. 3, 2013


2013 November 68 February 1922

Messina, Italy. International Sym- Bormio, Italy. Second Topical
October 611 posium Entrance Channel Effect on Workshop on Modern Aspects in Nu-
San Francisco, CA, USA. 14th In- the Reaction Mechanism in Heavy clear Structure: Advances in Nu-
ternational Conference on Accelera- Ion Collisions clear Structure at Extreme Condi-
tor and Large Experimental Physics tions
Control Systems (ICALEPCS 2013) ECHIC2013/index.html Milano2014/
November 1315
October 711 Bern, Switzerland. 2nd Int. Work- March 1013
Sao Sebastiao, SP, Brazil. Fourth shop on Antimatter and Gravity Sevilla, Spain. 7th Workshop on
International Workshop on Com- (WAG 2013) Shape-Phase Transitions and Criti-
pound-Nuclear Reactions and Re- cal Point Phenomena in Nuclei
lated Topics (CNR*13) workshops/wag2013.html qpt/
December 16
October 812 Montevideo, Uruguay. X Latin May 2530
Moscow, Russia. 63d Interna- American Symposium on Nuclear San Antonio, TX, USA. CAARI
tional Conference on Nuclear Phys- Physics and Applications (X-LAS- 2014
ics Nucleus2013 NPA)
php?go=203&lang=ENG May 2730
December 26 Nis, Serbia. Second International
October 1315 Cape Town, South Africa. The Conference on Radiation and Do-
Messina, Italy. Lepton and Had- first African Symposium on Exotic simetry in Various Fields of Re-
ron Physics at Meson-Factories Nuclei (IASEN-2013) search (RAD 2014)
LHPMF2013/ welcome.php
December 813
October 1317 Dallas, TX, USA. 27th Texas May 29June 3
Berkeley, CA, USA. 11th Inter- Symposium on Relativistic Astro- Cracow, Poland. MESON2014
national Conference on the Health physics
Effects of Incorporated Radionu-
clides (HEIR 2013) June 16 Tokyo, Japan. ARIS2014
January 1218
October 28November 2 June 913
Kolkata, India. Third Interna-
Somerset West, South Africa. Kyiv, Ukraine. 5th International
tional Conference on Application
iThemba-SASc Spring Workshop Conference on Current Problems in
of RadiotraCers and Energetic
on GEANT4 in low-energy nuclear Nuclear Physics and Atomic Energy
Beams in Sciences (ARCEBS-14)
physics (NPAE-Kyiv2014)
November 58 py?confId=232642
Acireale (Catania), Italy. IX July 2025
January 2731
Workshop on Particle Correlations Vancouver, Canada. Nuclear
Bormio, Italy. 52nd International
and Spectroscopy WPCF-2013 Structure 2014
Winter Meeting on Nuclear Physics

More information available in the Calendar of Events on the NuPECC website:

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