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Spellcasting SHADOWRUN 5
1. Choose Spell 2. Choose Target
Multiple Spells: split Dice Pool before Modifiers Range
max Spells = Magic LOS: optically or with Essence
Touch: no LOS needed;
perhaps successfull Melee Attack needed
3. Choose Force LOS(Area): radius (Force) meters

Max Force = Magic x 2 only Targets on the same plane

( except if Assensing)

4. Cast Spell
Spellcasting+Magic[Force]; Complex Action
Reckless Spellcasting Simple Action &
+3 Drain Value

5. Effects Image source: deviantart Shadowrun by acemcgregor

Combat Spells
Direct: Indirect: Area Indirect:
Mana: vs. Body vs. Reaction + Intuition Spellcasting + Magic(3)
Physical: vs Willpower 2D6 (-Net Hits) metres Scatter
DV: Net Hits DV: [Force] + Net Hits AP: - [Force] DV: [Force] + Net Hits
Resistance: none Resistance: Body + Armor - AP Resistance: Body + Armor
Elemental Spells cause extra Damage

Detection Spells Manipulation Spells

Range: [Force] x Magic metres / Mental: Physical:

Extended: (Force) x Magic x 10 metres vs. Logic + Willpower vs. Body+Strength /
then 1 Complex Action / Round, Object Resistance
Logic + Willpower [-Force],
vs. Willpower+Logic (+Counterspelling)[Mental] /
until Caster Net Hits reduced to 0
Force x 2 (for Magical Objects) /
Object Resistance (for Mundane Objects) Damaging Spells: Damage=Force
Passive: Health Spells
Net Hits = Limit with new sense;
no Spell Defense; only Dispelling Dice Pool Modifier:
(Essence-6) round up
Illusion Spells

Mana Illusions: Physical Illusions:

vs. Logic+Willpower vs. Intuition+Logic /
Assensing shows falsehood Object Resistance
Technology detects falsehood

Spell Characteristics:
6. Drain Mana only living targets
Physical only on physical plane
Minimum: 2
if Hits > Magic: Drain is Phsysical
Sustained Dice Pool Modifier -2 per Sustained Spell;
moving Sustained Area Spell:
Complex Action
Permanent after [Force] Combat Turns of sustaining
Shadowrun book "Native American Nations Volume One", FASA7202, 1994 p.27

Ritual Spellcasting SHADOWRUN 5

1. Choose Ritual Leader Ritual Characteristic

if target of Ritual is moved; effect ends
2. Choose Ritual
only leader needs to know Ritual (& Spell) Material Link
targets blood or other tissue sample

3. Choose Force of Ritual bound to leader
max. (Charisma) minions
also determines Force of woven-in Spell
requires Spell; Mentor Spirit bonus of Master applies

4. Set up Foundation Spotter

if leader has no Assensing-LOS to target: designate Spotter
Lodge of leaders Tradition member of group or Spirit bound to member
min. same Force as Ritual must be present in Foundation when ritual begins
if participant leaves, Ritual fails must be able to assense target
does not contribute to Teamwork test; resists Drain

5. Give the Offering

expend (Force) drams
for every (Force) drams after that,
reduce Drain by 1 (to min. 2)

6. Perform Ritual
duration based on Spell & Force
Shadowrun book "Prime Runners", FASA7116, 1994 p.89

7. Seal the Ritual

Spellcasting + Magic [Force] + Teamwork vs. (Force x 2) Ritual Failure
Participants of different Tradition receive -2 Dice Pool Modifier Drain as usual
Drain for everybody = Hits of opposition x 2 Reagents wasted
if Leaders Hits > Leader Magic: Drain is Physical

Spell Defense
Free Action / Interrupt Action w. -5 Initiative
Counterspelling Level as Dice Pool per Round
Protects max. [Magic] people at once
Defender chooses each time how many
dice to add to Dice Pools

used to counter Sustained or Quickened Spell
Counterspelling+Magic[Astral] vs. Force+Magic
(+amount of Karma used for Quickening)
Net Hits reduce casters Net Hits
Drains as if casting the Spell
Or 2 x Hits of enemy in Ritual
if Force > dispellers Magic: Drain is Physical

Image source: deviantart Ritual Circle by Br0uHaHa


Summoning SHADOWRUN 5
1. Choose Spirit & Force Spirit Basics

Complex Action Astral Form

only Spirit of type in Tradition Materialized: dual-natured
max. Force = Magic x 2 Condition Monitor filled:
Spirit has 1 optional Power per 3 Force Disruption all services lost
communicate with Summoner telepathically
max. distance: (Magic x 100) metres

2. Attempt Summoning
Summoning + Magic [Force] vs. Force Spirit Services
Teamwork: -2 for different Traditions
Reagents can change Limit Unbound
Spirit arrives in Astral Space & owes Combat: fight =1 service
(Net Hits) Services Power Use
Physical task
Remote service: if Service more than (Magic x 100)
metres away, all remaining Services lost

3. Resist Drain Bound

Any unbound service: remote does not cost extra
whether successful or not Aid Alchemy; Sorcery; Study: adds Force to Dice Pool
Drain Value = (Hits x 2) Spell Sustaining: (Force) Combat Turns per Service
Force > Magic: damage is Physical Spell Binding: Force reduced by 1 each day

1 hour & 25 drams per Force
Summoning + Magic [Force] vs. Force x 2
Net Hits add to Services
Drain Value = (Hits x 2)
max. (Charisma) bound spirits
calling bound spirit: Simple Action

Complex Action
Banishing + Magic [Astral] vs. Force
(+ Summoner Magic if bound)
Net Hits reduce owed services
freed Spirit departs on its next action
can be summoned before that
Drain Value: (Hits x 2)
Force > Magic: Drain is Physical

Image source: deviantart Elemental Woman 03 by Fastfood


1. Choose Spell Using a preparation

must be the Alchemical version full Potency for (Potency x 2) hours,

then -1 per hour
Potency + Force [Force] as Spellcasting Test
2. Choose Force Sustained Spell lasts (Potency) minutes
no Drain, no Edge
max. Magic x 2 targets must be on Physical Plane.

+ Touch: affects the living being touching the Preparation

3. Choose Lynchpin if more than one target is random or chosen by Magician
(if command trigger)
small enough to lift, and manipulate + LOS: target chosen by Magician if command, otherwise
can not have an Aura it hits the nearest viable target within LOS, range max.
Object Resistance has no effect Potency x Force meters
+ Area: Preparation is the center, radius is Potency
in meters
4. Choose Trigger
Preparations recognizable with Arcana+Intuition[Mental]
+ Comand: +2 Drain, triggered by you, you Aura carries Astral Signature of creator, fades like spells
must be on physical plane or manifested, Preparations are dual-natured while active
Simple Action to activate, only trigger for
healing spells
+ Contact: +1 Drain, next living being who
touches the Preparation activates spell
+ Time: +2 Drain, Countdown starts at the
end of the Preparation, max. (Potency) hours
(time > Potency activates prematurely)

5. Create Preparation
Alchemy + Magic [Force] v. Force
(Force) minutes uninterrupted to
craft Lynchpin,
spent drams of Reagents become Limit
Net Hits become Potency
no Net Hits means failure time and
drams wasted, Drain happens anyway

6. Drain
Spells Drain + Trigger,
if (Hits on Alchemy Test) > Magic,
damage is physical Shadowrun book "Corporate Security Handbook", FASA, 1995 p.35
Models: Ryan Slemko and Steve Lyons

+ Deactivating Focus: Disenchanting + Magic [Astral] Disjoining
vs. Force + owners Magic Rating + Disspelling of Preparation:
+ Breaking Down Focus: Disenchanting + Magic [Astral] Complex Action
vs. Force (+ owners Magic if bonded to someone else) object needs to be identified as preparation (Assensing)
gain (Success) Reagents (max.(Force/3)) needs to be touched to make the attempt
Disenchanting+Magic [Astral] vs. Force+Magic
(+Karma from Fixation)
Net Hits reduce Potency
Drain as if casting Spell

Artificing SHADOWRUN 5
1. Choose Formula
dram of orichalcum: 1.77 - 5 grams
Formula of own Tradition Reagents can only be used for a specific Tradition
researching Formula: Uses
Arcana + Magic [Astral] (Force x2, days)
Alchemical Preparations: can replace Force as Limit, with spent drams
translating Formula to own Tradition Artificing: needed to create Foci
Arcana + Magic [Astral] (Force, 1 day) Banishing: can replace Astral Limit, with spent drams
Binding: needed to bind spirits
Counterspelling: can replace Astral Limit, with spent drams
2. Obtain Telesma Disjoining:
Ritual Spellcasting:
can replace Astral Limit, with spent drams
drams can be used to offset Drain
Spellcasting: can replace Force as Limit, with spent drams
Telesma specified by Formula Summoning: can replace Spirit Force as Limit, with spent drams
Temporary Magical Lodge: (dram) Force / hours to set up; lasts until sunrise/-set

3. Prepare Lodge Harvesting Reagents

buy for 20 Nuyen per dram
min. Lodge Force = Formula Force search an hour with Astral Perception;
has to be of same Tradition Alchemy + Magic [Mental];
1 dram per 2 hits (per 4 hits if unsuited environment);
hectar becomes viable for harvesting after (drams x 2) days
4. Spend Reagents Foci
(amount of Bonding Karma) drams bonding takes (Force) hours
min. (Force) drams Foci can only be bound to one person
bonding overwrites previous bonding
activating is a Simple Action
Foci deactivate automatically at lost consciousness or lost
5. Craft Focus possessionof Focus
if deactivated while astrally projecting Magician has to
spend (Formula Force) days return to body to reactivate
can not leave Lodge max. (Magic) bonded Foci
Artificing + Magic [Formula Force] max. sum of bonded Foci's force Magic x 5
vs. Force + Object Resistance only 1 bonded Focus may add Force to dice pool
no Karma
Net Hits = Focus Force Foci Types
Glitch: no Drain Resistance Enchanting Foci
Critical Glitch: -1 Essence Alchemical focus: adds Force to Alchemical Skill tests
Disenchanting focus: adds Force to Disenchanting test
(when in contact with the artifact)
6. Drain Metamagic Foci
Add Force to Mages Initiative Grade when using Metamagics
Centering Focus: adds to Drains when centered
DV=(Formula Cost x 2)
Flexible signature focus: adds Force when increasing
+2 per Opposing Hit in Crafting Test Threshold
if Focus Force > Magic, Drain is Physical Masking focus: adds Force to resisting Assensing
spend (Focus Force) Karma to finish Spell shaping Focus: heightens Magic rating when
(optional) determining how much you can shape spells
Power Foci
Increse effective Magic rating
Qi Foci
Artifact Assensing Brings Adept power levels
Spell Foci
Artificing + Magic [Astral] vs. (Force x 2) to
attuned to one category of spells
assense creators Aura Counterspelling: add to test & defense pool
Ritual Spellcasting: adds Force to dice
Spellcasting: adds Force to dice
Sustaining: sustains spell for caster; Force of spell may not
be greater than Force of Focus
Spirit Foci
Must be attuned to type of spirit
Summoning: adds Force to dice
Banishing: adds Force to Limit
Binding: adds Force to dice
Weapon Foci
Image source: deviantart Phys_Adept by Br0uHaHa
Adds Force to dice; Astral damage same as physical
Astral World SHADOWRUN 5
Auras & Astral Forms Astral Tracking
living things cast Auras Spells, Spirits and Preparations have links to their Magician
non-living things cast gray reflections following Astral Link: Assensing+Intuition (5,1 hour) [Astral]
astrally active beings are real (Astral Forms) Threshold: +1 per passed hour since link was active; + (Force
of barrier) if target is behind mana barrier; +2 for Bound Spirit

Astral Signature
Mana Barriers
left on anything touched by Magic Skills
and Abilities invisible on physical plane; -(Force) on Perception Tests; solid
detected by Assensing for Spirits, active Foci, manifesting entities and Spells
(Force) hours after effect adds Force to Spell Defense/Resistance; if Spell wasn't an
detectable at point of origin and point of effect Opposed Test before, it becomes one against Barrier Force
Spirits, Watchers, Foci, etc., always have Adept- & Critter-Powers are unaffected
Signatures dual-natured Barriers act like Mana Barriers on both planes
reading Signature:
Assensing + Magic [Astral] (3), can be
recognized again, Getting around Mana Barriers
wiping clean Signatures: Breaking through:
Complex Action; 1 hour reduced; Structure and Armor Rating = Force;
may be done multiple times regains full Structure Rating at the end of every turn;
creator instantly aware of attacks
Pressing through:
Astral Perception Magic + Charisma [Astral] vs. Force x 2;
seeing Auras Net Hits success
bring (Net Hits) friends / Spirits / Active Foci / Sustained
Assensing: Spells, through
type of Aura is clear without Assensing
interpreting Auras; makes dual-natured; Astral Intersections
Actions on Physical Plane done with -2 if Astral Forms move through each other (f.e. active Foci
to learn more about Auras: through Mana Barrier)
Assensing + Intuition [Astral] Magic + Charisma [Astral] / Force x 2 [Force]
objects absorb emotions of their surroundings
Opposed Test
looser gets disrupted, on tie: both
Astral Projection Spells&Rituals end
Preparations loose spell and become mundane
Movement: 100 metres / 5 kilometres per turn Mana Barriers collapse
only Astral Forms / Mana Spells affect Foci deactivate
Astral Forms Spirits are banished
max. (Magic x 2) hours of Astral Projection or living creatures get full Stun Monitor
body dies; clock does not reset until time permanent Mana Barriers regain full Structure at the end
spent in body at least as long as time out of the turn
of it was destroying source of Barrier destroys it as well
Manifesting: Complex Action; max. (Magician, Lodge etc.)
(Magic x 5) minutes per session; can't interact
physically, not seen by technology

Astral Combat
Agility = Logic Damage:
Body = Willpower Magician = Charisma
Reaction = Intuition Focus = as Weapon
Strength = Charisma (Charisma instead of Strength)
Astral Initiative = Intuition x 2 Spirit = Force
Initiative Dice: +2D (3D6 total) Watcher = 1
Unarmed Attack Astral Combat + Willpower [Astral]
vs. Intuition+ Logic
Weapon Focus Attack Astral Combat + Willpower [Accuracy]
attacker chooses Damage Type
vs. Intuition + Logic Astral Barriers are only affected by Physical Damage

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