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23/7/2017 Lscher color test in details

Home DH-Debate
7. Lscher's Color Personality Test
6. TAT and Test af Ambition level
8. Practical Test Behavior It is believed that man's relationship with colors was founded during
the development of the human race, once upon a time in the end of the
tertiary period. It has been shown that the sunset colors have a soothing
effect on humans. The sunrise colors have the opposite effect.

When our distant ancestors sat in front of the cave in the dusk and viewed the sunset, they relaxed. The
sunset colors, dark blue, dark green, orange and violet made the heart rate and blood pressure to fall.
Another day they had managed to find food and avoid the saber cat's sharp teeth.


colors of the sunset.

Right: The golden sky of the sunrise.

In the morning when it brightened in the east, and the sky was colored yellow, they felt that a new day was
threatning, their pulse and blood pressure rose, and they looked vigilantly around. That's why yellow is used
as warning color.

The color red, as blood, is associated with commitment, passion and struggle.

Green represents tough endurance. People who prefer green, can compromise, but they never let their goal
out of sight.

Traditionel Lscher Color Test

The Lschers colors for the ordinary Lscher test.

The ordinary Lscher test is carried out by placing the eight

cards of different colors in front of the test subject. He is
asked to choose the color, he likes best and take this card off.
Then he chooses among the remaining cards the color, which
he now like best, and thus he continues, until all the cards
have been taken.

Then all the cards are placed on the table again, and the whole
procedure is repeated.

In case of doubt the psychologist will emphasize the second time, because it is considered to be more

A test result, where first and second time are exactly identical or almost identical, will be interpreted as
"emotional inflexibility and rigid attitude to life".

There is also an extended Lscher color test, which includes many more cards and probably more complex 1/16
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rules of interpretation. But we think that if you are able to pass an ordinary Lscher test as described below,
you will also be reasonably well prepared to pass the extended test.
Basic Colors and Auxiliary colors
The Lscher test distinguish between basic colors and auxiliary colors. The basic colors represent mainly
good personal features, while the auxiliary colors represent less good personality features.

The basic colors are blue, green, red and yellow, while the auxiliary colors are grey, violet, brown and black.

If a test person does not have the four basic colors among his five first choices, it will indicate some
psychological problems. According to Lscher, a person who is healthy, normal balanced and free of
conflicts and repressions, necessarily must have the four basic colors among his first five choices.

For example, if he does not have yellow among his top five colors, it will indicate that he is short of
spontaneity or the possibility of spontaneity, may be he believes that spontaneity will not benefit him in his
present situation.

Preference for the so-called achromatic auxiliary colors, grey, brown or black, indicates a negative attitude
toward life. If one of these colors appears as one of the first three choices, it will suggest a special form of
anxiety compensating behavior that is not normal.

The test subject must not be influenced by the colors of clothes, which he thinks would suit him, or what
color of car he prefers. He must only consider the colors that lies in front of him.

It can not be denied that colors affect our psyche. There is something about it.

But the problem with the test is probably that in general it is not possible for test subjects to abstract
completely from the colors of their favorite clothes, cars and furniture and colors that represent their dreams
and aspirations. For example, someone wants to support efforts to preserve the rainforest, what makes them
pick green. Someone is active in the home defense army or dreaming about a military career, which causes
them to pick out typical camouflage colors, green, grey or brown. A yachtsman might prefer blue. Some
dream of a business career and envisions black suits and black Mercedes, which causes them to choose
black. One is in love with a girl, last seen in a red dress, and therefore prefer red, and so on.

It must be said that the Lscher colors are some pretty muddled colors, which it is difficult really to like.
Basic Colors
- Lscher blue is a very dark shade, as it is imagined the night sky looks like just after sunset, a mixture of
blue-black and violet.
- The green is also a fairly dark shade, it is also called grey-turquoise. It is far from the color of the newly
sprouted beech forest that we love.
- Lscher red is actually not at all red. It is orange, and so it is also called so in much Lscher literature. In
no way it is red as blood.
- Only yellow is a clear and beautiful color.
Auxiliary Colors
- Violet is a shade between blue-red and violet-red.
- Brown is a light reddish brown.
- The grey color contains a little brown.
- Black is truly black.

Each color is identified by a number, which will be used as input for interpretation tables provided. The
numbers are thus very important for the understanding of the test.

Grey Blue Green Orange Yellow Violet Brown Black 2/16
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You can try to remember them, that first comes grey, which signifies indifference, either plus or minus, of
course it has number 0. Then come the four important basic colors, first the noble blue and then the three
working eager colors, green, orange and yellow; and the line is ended with violet, brown and black. Black of
course comes last, as it's not a true color.

The numbers allow a very systematic and mathematical treatment of test input, and this enables computer
programming. Therefore we will most likely come to hear more to color test in the future. It has the
properties that a test should have, quick and inexpensive. Simply place test person in front of a computer,
and a few minutes later a result can be printet out.
The Significance of the Chosen Sequence
Let us first imagine that a test person chooses only one time and comes to the following sequence from left
to right:

3 1 5 4 2 6 0 7
+ + x x = = - -

For a start the test-input is divided in 4 groups market +, x, = and -.

The first group, labeled +, represents what the test person strives for. We see that orange (3) and blue (1) is
in the + group. It means that the test person is striving against that activity (orange) will lead to peace and
good cooperation (blue).

The second group, labeled x, represents the test subject's condition right now. It appears that the group is
composed of violet (5) and yellow (4). It will imply that the test subject right now is in a state of sensitivity
and intuitive understanding (violet), where he unfolds fantasy (yellow) together with like-minded.

The third group, labeled =, represents the personal qualities that the test person does not use right now, and
towards which he is indifferent. They stand so to speak in reserve. Green (2) and brown (6) are in this
group. It implies that he feels that tough endurance (green) and physical well-being (brown) are not relevant
for him right now.

The fourth group marked -, represents the characteristics that the person actively rejects. In this position he
has grey (0) and black (7). It means that he rejects the anonymous and neutral role, as represented by grey
(0) and the total emptiness and negation of life that is represented by black (7).
The Work Group
Three of the four basic colors have connection with the ability to maintain optimal activity over a longer
period. These are green (2), red (3) and yellow (4). Any combination of these three colors in succession is
called a work group. If those 3 colors are chosen in succession and in the beginning of the sequence, it
would indicate that this person will do his job properly and well integrated.

Lscher work group.

The basic color blue(1) is a more laid-back color that is not connected with work.
It represents peace and harmony, it is passive and calming.

The personal motivation, with which a person solves his tasks, can be seen by the
color that he chooses first in the work group.

- If green is chosen first, then the person wants to complete the task in order to increase his self-respect and
his reputation among other. 3/16
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- If orange is selected first in the working group, the person wants to win the victory, it is to complete a task,
he has set himself as a goal and experience the satisfaction, which it is to change something so that it better
suits one self.

- If yellow is selected first in this group the person wants to experience the spontaneous joy that it is to
throw himself into something that interest him.

If a work group moves further to the right or become dissolved by the second choice, it would indicate that
the person may not be very persistent in connection with work.

Rejection of Basic Colors - Anxiety and Compensation

The four basic colors represent basic psychological needs. At a normal test person they should therefore
show up at the beginning of the sequence or at least within the first five places. If this is not the case, it
indicates a certain mental or physical deviation. The further back the basic color is, the more severe is the

A basic color, which in this way is located further back than a fifth place, represents a not satisfied need,
which will be a source of a feeling of loss and deprivation, which leads to anxiety.

A feeling of anxiety due to unsatisfied psychological needs are often suppressed as emotional disagreeable,
so that it only recognizes as a vague unrest.

Within the disciplin of psychology, it is fundamental that where there are unsatisfied needs, there's anxiety,
and thus compensatory behavior that is excessive and obsessive. The compensatory behavior will in such
cases be represented by the colors of the first places. The compensatory behavior will be in accordance with
the color, but it will be excessive and obsessive.

As mentioned above, preference for the achromatic colors, grey, brown and black will be suggesting a
negative attitude to life. If any of these colors occurs on one of the first three places, it will suggest a special
form of anxiety compensating behavior that is not normal.

Let us take an example - An executive vice president in a large international company, 54 years, he is
married. Making it simple for the sake of teaching, we consider only his second choice. It is considered to
be the most impulsive and thus the most true:

1 0 2 3 6 5 7 4
+ + x x = = - -

Note that yellow(4) has been selected on the eighth place, which indicates that he actively rejects
spontaneity. Perhaps he believes that spontaneity may harm him in his current position, he might accidently
come to say what he meant. Grey(0) on the second place suggests that he wants to stay a little in the
background and not invoke too much attention.

Rejected yellow leads to discouragement, irritability, and distrust of others motifs. The rejected yellow gives
him a sense of loss and thus anxiety, which leads to compensatory behavior, which is here represented by
blue(1), which is his first choice.

Rejected yellow and compensating blue indicates that he is longing for a peaceful and quiet enviroment and
a harmonious relationship to others. He is perhaps too agreeable and tolerant in situations that require a firm
hand; he sticks to the familiar, and he clings to his stuff and to a traditional way of doing things. He is not
willing to engage in any kind of risk or gamling. If it goes really bad at work or at home, he will most likely
become sick.

It only takes a few minutes to fill out a color test, but as you can see, it can lead to very extensive 4/16
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interpretations. The above mentioned are only a small selection of the psychological report on the
interpretation of the executive vice president's color test.

All this he could have avoided, if he had taken care choosing the basic colors within the first five places and
had kept grey more in the background.
The Significance of each Color

Grey occurs statistically most frequently in sixth position. It can occur also in the fifth or 7 position without
being abnormal, but in all other positions, it will be psychologically significant.

A prvat detective in grey.

Grey is not a color, it is neither light nor dark, it is completely free of stimulus and
psychological tendencies. The color grey signals emotional coolness.

Whoever chooses grey in the first position wishes to remain free of obligations, and
not involved. He attends only mechanicaly and artificially in social contexts. Grey on
the first place is completely compensating, which arises from the anxiety that comes
from the rejected colors.

A person who chooses grey in second place, divides the world. One part consists of
the compensating and exaggerated area represented by the color on the first place.
The second part consists essentially of all the other options, as represented by the
colors that he defends himself against or suppress for anxiety that he could become
involved in them. However, it is like this that the color on third position following the
grey at the second position, represents the only way he wants to experience. He is
short of ability to act on immediate experiences and has a feeling of inner meaninglessness.

Even with grey on the third position is the imbalance between the favorite colors on the two first places and
the colors after the grey so loaded with tension, that the first two colors should be interpretet as
compensations and thus obsessive substitutes for imperfections or defects, and the anxiety arising from
them. For example, if the first two colors are 3 - 4 (orange - yellow), then it means that he compensates for
his anxiety through expansive activity. He will have to continuously expand his radius of action and still
experience something new in order to convince himself that something is happening. Basically there is
nothing that really means something for him, but he does not know, and he has the greatest aversion to find
out. In order to soothe his anxiety and uneasiness he seeks continuously new experiences.

The person, who choses grey in eighth position rejects not-involvement. He wants to participate in
everything, with the result that others find him curious and intrusive. He is not afraid to commit himself,
because he does not want to miss anything.


Blue is psychologically significant, if it not occurs on any of the the first four places.

Blue represents depth of emotions and concern for the self. It is a conservative color that indicates a
preference for the well-known.

A dark blue sky after sunset.

Dark blue represents total peace. Blood pressure and pulse rate drops and your body prepares itself to
relaxation and recharging. The need for this color increases with disease and exhaustion. Blue represents 5/16
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social ties, social cohesion and sense of belonging. "Blue is

loyalty, " it is said.

Dark blue is a slightly leaned back color. It is often preferred

by overweight persons.

The person who chooses blue in the first position wants

emotionel peace, harmony, contentment, peace in his soul and
an ethical attitude to life. He needs to feel confidence in
people, who are close to him, and feel that they trust him. A
person who chooses blue, want calmness and orderly
surroundings. He may also choose blue in the first position
from a physical need for rest and relaxation and the
opportunity to regenerate.

When blue is rejected, that is selected in the sixth, seventh or eighth position, it would indicate that the need
for peace of mind and trust in close relations are not satisfied, which is cause of anxiety. Maybe the person
rejects close relationships with colleagues and family because he finds them boring, restrictive, depressing
and oppressive. He wants to escape. Perhaps he does it in real life, changes jobs or gets a divorce. However,
if he can not escape physically, he can do it mentally by fleeing into one or another compensatory activity.
Rejected blue means therefore a desire to "liberate one self from the shackles", which can result in
restlessness and emotional turmoil.

Rejected blue can result in a compensatory choice of green. It is often seen at young people, who want to
free themselves from family.

Rejected blue can also mean that the person chooses orange in the first position as compensation. This
choice may indicate that the person wants to escape from his dull life by passionate behavior and or by
sexual promiscuity, it's called the Don Juan complex. If the person can not accept sexual promiscuity as
compensation, he may choose to embark on perilous activity for example, mountain climbing, racing or

A person can reject blue and choose yellow as compensation. This choice will indicate that the person is
restlessly searching for a solution to his problems. He can search for practical solutions or seek
philosophical and religious ways to relieve his situation.


Green is psychologically significant, when it not occurs in second, third or fourth position.

Green expresses itself psychologically as the will in action, as endurance and perseverance. Passion for
green indicates stable attitudes and constant self-consciousness and in particular resistance to change.

A green forest.

A tendency to choose green represents a sense of self-controlled superiority, a feeling of having control over
things. He may have many ways to exercise control. For example particular care in checking and confirming
facts, very accurate memory and a strong demand for logical consistency. He places his own opinions in
focus and justifies them as fundamental and immutable principles. He is inclined to moralize and teach
others. He can compromise, but he will never forget his goals.

A person who chooses green on the first position, wants to maintain an idealized image of himself through
the recognition, he expects because of his wealth, his superior physique, his intellect or his superior cultural
level. He needs credit for sticking to his opinions and principles and get it in his way despite resistance.

The person, who chooses green on the sixth, seventh or eighth position wants the same, but he feels weakened by the resistance, he has met and feels weak due to6/16
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weakened by the resistance, he has met and feels weak due to

lack of recognition. Rejected green means "fear of breaking
away from the tensions caused by lack of recognition". Loss
of self-resilience and endurance, fear of loss of reputation and
even the ability to confirm himself, all of this creates such a
concern for possible failure, that he places all the blame on
others and can therefore show a biting and disparaging
attitude towards the outside world.

Rejected green can be compensated with blue in the first

place. Persons, who choose this, are searching for a peaceful
haven, where they no longer have to strain themselves in
order to maintain their position and reputation.

A person can reject green and compensate with orange on the first position. Rejected green in itself
indicates an irritated state of mind with high tension, which can lead to loss of self control. Choosing
compensating orange in the first position will further mean a desire for excitement and stimulation. This can
together lead to violent uncontrolled temperament outbreak, high blood pressure and change in cardiac
functions, at worst, incoherent speech and partial loss of consciousness.

Rejected green can also be compensated with yellow on the first place. This combination represents an
"escape to freedom," an attempt to divert attention from an imminent collapse of health, with travels, new
hobbies and so on.


Orange is psychologically significant, if it not occurs in one of the first three positions.

Orange represents willpower and strong emotions, also for others.

Orange is an expression of vital force, it increases heart rate, blood pressure and breathing. Orange
represents the desire for results and success, it reflects a strong desire for activities that gives intensity and
rich experiences. It represents the impulse to action and the will to win in sports, combat, and love and
enterprising productivity.

Acryl painting by Gnther Roth -

The person, who chooses orange in the first position, wants intensity in
experiences and wholeness in life. What forms these activities will take -
cooperation, leadership, artistic and creative expression, eroticism or
excessive activity is mainly determined by the color following the

Where orange is choosen in the first place, when it is selected for its own
sake and not as compensation for other rejected basic colors, it suggest a
controlled sexual desire with occasional outbreaks of impulsive sexual
activity - the reasonable faithful partner, who yet sometimes gives in to
temptations without meaning anything special.

However, where orange is selected in the first position as compensation

for the anxiety, which other rejected basic colors represent, the sex drive
is very strong, but also the ability to find satsfaction is limited by the
selfishness that in a obsessive way requires conquests, which can offer
varying experiences; which leads to sexual experimentation, promiscuity and regular infidelity. As
nymphomaniacs and satyrs, they can be very active, but they never ever get really deep satisfaction in
sexuality. 7/16
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When orange is chosen in third or fourth position, sexuality is more restricted, the person wants to limit
intercourses to a partner, who has come to understand his needs and wishes.

When orange is chosen in fifth position sexuality has been restricted.

Rejected orange, which means orange chosen on the sixth, seventh or eighth position, indicates that
sexuality largely has disappeared or become strictly monitored, or the individual has become impotent or

The person, who rejects orange, is already in a state of overstimulation, he becomes easily irritated, either
because he lacks vitality or because he feels burdened by almost insurmountable difficulties. He feels that
the surroundings are dangerous and out of control. In this situation orange does not seem strengthening but
threatening. Rejected orange means therefore: "seeking protection against anything that can excite, annoy or
weaken further."

Normally blue is chosen in the first position as compensation for denied orange, because peace and harmony
are needed as a "nerve pill". Often this combination is accompanied by a masochistic clinging to a sexual
partner, with an experience of not being loved. This combination of rejected orange and blue compensation
also occurs frequently at leaders in business, who are suffering from frustration and anxiety and is about to
incur a heart problem.

The combination of rejected orange and compensating green is rare. A person who tries to get through
physical and mental fatigue using only willpower, will compensate with green on the first position.

More frequently it is seen that yellow is chosen in the first position as compensation for rejected orange. In
which case it indicates a desperate search for a way out.


Yellow is psychologically significant, when it not occurs on the second, third, fourth or fifth place.

Yellow represents spontaneity and concern for others.

Yellow expresses unlimited expansiveness, a relaxation or loosening up. Yellow symbolizes cheerfulness,
relief from burdens, problems, pesterings and restrictions.

Green is the perseverance, yellow is change. Green is tension, yellow is relaxation. Between these two poles
there is a conflict that arise out of their incompatibility. Here green's ambitions, narcissism and demands for
prestige with yellow's hopeful search for happy experiences and adventures. The "yellow" person can be
like an enterprising whirlwind, but the whirls come in unpredictable pulses.

Yellow submarine by the Beatles.

When yellow is chosen in the first position, it indicates a desire for relaxation and hope or expectation of
greater happiness, and it suggests some conflicts that need to be resolved. This hope for happiness in all its
numerous forms, ranging from sexual experiences to philosophies that offer information and perfection, is
always directed toward the future. Yellow presses forward toward the new, modern and developing.

A person, who rejects yellow and places it in the sixth, seventh or eighth position, has been disappointed in
his expectations and feels empty, isolated and lonely. He sees the spontaneity and quest for adventure, which
yellow represents, as irrelevant and superficial. Rejected yellow suggests that disappointment has led to a
simmering rebellion. This rebellion can express itself as irritability, pessimism and suspicion towards others
and their intentions. Rejected yellow means therefore: "trying to protect oneself against isolation and further
losses and disappointments." Usually blue is selected in the first position as compensation for 8/16
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Usually blue is selected in the first position as compensation for

rejected yellow. This combination indicates a desire for peace and
calmness and a clinging to the familiar.

A person, who rejects yellow, can also choose green on the first
position. It can then suggest that he tries to escape his hopeless
situation by striving for the security that can be offered by
prestige and position.

If rejected yellow is compensated with orange on the first

position it will indicate that he seeks to escape his feelings of
disappointment and isolation by seeking intense experiences and
adventures - especially exaggerated sexual adventures.


Violet is psychologically significant when it occures in the first or eighth position. It does not apply to
pregnant women and teen-agers.

The person who prefers violet, wish for a magic relation to reality. He wants to abolish the difference
between subject and object, between cause and effect, and make his world a magical and intuitive
wholeness. He feels that everything that can be imagined and dreamed are also a form of reality.

Passion for violet can indicate a desire for an intimate erotic fusion with another or a desire for an intuitive
and mystical mutual understanding.

Violet represents deep introvert religiosity. The color is preferred by teenagers, pregnant women,
homosexuals of both sexes and people who have problems with the thyroid gland.

Violet - Le Monde de Samara - Love.

Out of 1600 school children 75% preferred violet. That children

choose violet shows that they think the world is a magical place,
where everything is possible. Teen-agers prefer violet because of
their emotional confusion and immaturity.

Surveys have shown that the hormonal activity during pregnancy

often leads to a passion for violet.

Homosexuals often show their emotional insecurity by preferring

violet as compensation for rejected basic colors. Their emotional
fear causes them to create a fairytale world around them, which they
hope will last as long as they have each other.

Persons, who have problems with the thyroid gland, often prefer
violet. This is especially true, when the problem is psychosomatic
and not caused by shortage of iodine. Too much activity in the
thyroid gland is for such persons caused by long time-stress, shock, or that they during their childhood,
where the emotions were very unstable, have been exposed to excessive fear and anxiety. Such persons need
special understanding and tenderness that can relieve their fears.

In the case that a person prefers violet on the first place, it must be investigated closer. Is it caused by
immaturity, sexual deviations or gland problems? If it is immaturity, then this person must be expected to
have trouble distinguishing the real practical world from his wishful imaginations.

People who prefer violet, want to be accepted because of their charm and charisma, for their wonderful 9/16
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behavior and because of their winning personality. They are sensitive and appreciative, but they have no
desire to engage in excessive responsibility in relation to other.

When Violet occurs on the eighth place, the person has totally rejected any desire for a mystical intimacy
with another person, because it is not possible or appropriate in his present situation. This will result in an
immediate reluctance to commit himself in relation to other people or tasks, until he knows more exactly,
what that relationship will imply. On the same time the need for an intuitive and immediate understanding
with another person is transferred to ideas and objects that are not human, which promotes the aesthetic
sense and scientific interest.


Brown is psychologically significant if it does not occur on the fifth, sixth or seventh place.

Brown represents physical sensitivity. Its position in the row gives a clue about, what the test person feels
on her body. In case of physical discomfort or illness brown begins to move forward in the rank.

Painting by Vasiliy Polenov - a sick girl.

Refugees and other uprooted persons, who have no place to

relax and no prospect of physical satisfaction, will often place
brown in the beginning of the series. This was especially true
for those, who were refugees during and after WWII. Not
because they were especially physically sensitive, but
because they could not find peace and security anywhere.

Brown represents the need for roots, a home, a family or

other social affiliation.

If brown occurs in the first half of the sequence and

especially in one of the first two places, it indicates an
increased need for physical rest and satisfaction, and relief from a problem, which causes concern. It may be
a physical disease or defect, it may be an atmosphere of conflict and insecurity or other problems, which the
the person feels that he is unable to manage.

When Brown is placed in an eighth place, the need for relaxed comfort has been completely suppressed. In
this situation the person will consider physical wellbeing and sensual satisfaction as weaknesses that he
presently can not afford.

The person, who in this way rejects brown, wants others to see him as a steel man having no need for
sociability, delicious food, good wine and a good long sleep in a warm bed. Such a reckless oppression of
the ability to enjoy the sensual pleasures of life can lead to anxiety, which will require compensation,
including the possibility of obsessive and exaggerated sexual activity.


Black is psychologically significant, when it occurs in any other places than the eighth place.

Black represents the absolute limit of life, its final. That a person prefers black means that he rejects
everything in a protest against a situation he considers as hopeless, a protest against life and fate.

Landscape in black and white.

Black represents emptiness and annihilation, it represents denial, absolute giving up or abandonment. 10/16
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The person, who chooses black in the first position, wants to deny
everything. He is stubbornly protesting against status quo, which
in his opinion is not, as it should be. He protests against fate,
certainly against his own, and behaves probably prematurely and
and unwise in this protest.

If black is chosen in the second position, it indicates, that the

person is willing to give up everything, provided he gets, what is
represented by the color of the first position.

- If orange is chosen before black, it suggests that if the person

will have fulfilled his exaggerated wishes, then he will renounce
everything else.
- If, for example, blue is in first position before black, it indicates
that only if the person gets peace and harmony, he will renounce everything else.
- If yellow appears on the first position with black on the second, it will suggest that the person expects that
a dramatic and disaster-like action will put an end to his problems.
- With grey in the first position before black it indicates that the person expects to find protection against the
intolerable situation through total non-commitment.

With black in third position is indicated that the person will refrain from everything else, if only he gets,
what is represented by the two colors on the first and second position.

Black in eighth position is the psychologically most normal and represents a desire not to reject anything
and keep control of own actions.
Lschers Color Pair
Lscher color theory operates with something called "pair". That means two colors chosen after each other
in both first and second round.

Just to take a few examples:

The pair "Green - Orange" represents meaningful activity and controlled initiative. With green as the first
selected color, actions will lead to greater authority and prestige for the self, leadership, management and
excercise of control.

The pair "Blue - Orange" represents cooperative enterprise and emotional fullness. It characterizes the
ability of a good cooperation with colleagues for the common good in favor of the organization. In the
private sphere the pair is representing a harmonious mixture of sexuality and care. When blue is selected
prior to red, it characterizes greater emphasis on harmony and cooperation than on activity.

The second choice would probably mean that some of the colors are swapped around, while others move
further forward or backward in the series.

If two or more colors in the second round still lies beside the color that they were adjacent to in the first
round, although they may change position and internal order, so there exists a pair, and this or these pairs
must be marked with a circle and their relevant function symbol.

Above we showed how a selection (8 cards - once) very simply could be divided into four groups, each with
2 numbers, labeled + x = and -. However, due to the introduction of pairs, we now have to make the
allocation of function symbols a little more complicated. 11/16
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It can be seen that besides the single color 3(orange) exist here the pairs: (5-1)/(1-5), (4-2), (2-6) and (0-

In case of doubt, the result from the second selection may be used, resulting in the row: 3, (5-1), (4-2), (2-6)
og (7-0).

In the presence of pairs the allocation of function symbols to be done according to the following algorithm:

1. The first pair (or single number) to be marked: +

2. The second pair (or single number) to be marked: x

3. The last pair (or single number) to be marked: -

4. The rest to be marked: =

If it happens that two pairs with different function symbols have a

number in common, this number to be labeled with both symbols.

Interpretation of the Lscher Color Test

The interpretation of the test result goes from left to right.

First his first choice of the single color, 3(orange), to be interpreted according to the description of each
color above. His choice of orange indicates that he wants to be a winner type, who wants to create results.
He wants to see his plans become reality. He wants to be energetic and industrious.

Then you can enter the appropriate tables in literature for each pair labeled with each function symbol. This
means that for a given pair, say (5-1) will in the literature exist four possible lookup in four different
function tables, namely: (+5 +1), (x5 x1), (=5 =1) og (-5 -1), which represents:

+ Strong passion - that is something he strives against.

x Passion - that is his actual state right now.

= Indifference - that is attributes, which he does not care about right now.

- Antipathy - attributes which he actively rejects.

It would be too extensive to reproduce all these tables on this page, and it is also not necessary.

For all practical purposes it will be enough to enter the first table, namely the + table, which is shown
below, and then "transfer" the outcome to the other functions.

The example above gave the pairs (x5 x1), (=4 =2), (=2 =6) og (-7 -0), following the single color.

(+5 +1) i tabellen nedenfor giver: "wants to share an intuitive and understanding intimacy with another (5)
in an atmosphere of peace and harmony (1)".

If we transform this to x function that means what he presently does, it makes: "Presently he shares an 12/16
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intuitive and understanding intimacy with another (5) in an atmosphere of peace and harmony (1)". This
indicates a possibility of homosexuality. But who knows, maybe retrieves his strength from a close
relationship with his wife.

(+4 +2) gives: "wants to show that he is curious and observant and seeks new paths (4) in order to achieve
power and prestige (2)".

If we transform this to = function (=4 =2), which means, what he does not care about, it makes: "he does not
care to show that he is curious and observant and seeks new paths (4) in order to achieve power and prestige
(2)". This suggests that he has his attention directed to the actual problems and does not care so much to
demonstrate his ingenuity and creativity towards his superiors.

(+2 +6) gives: "wants stubbornly to attempt to preserve his reputation (2) by meeting expectations despite a
feeling of fatigue (6)."

If we transform this to = function (=2 =6), it makes: "he is not very concerned about his reputation, but wil
try to get the best of the situation (2) even there is not much he can do (6)".

And the last pair in the example:

(+7 +0) in the table below gives: "wants to get away from the disgusting situation (7), he wants to retreat
and protect himself (0) against everything."

If we transform this to - function (-7 -0), which means what he actively rejects, it makes: "he does not want
to get away from any disgusting situation (7), he does not wants to retreat and protect himself (0) against
anything." This indicates that he is fully responsible and determined to stay at his post in spite of
difficulties, and he is not afraid to face the problems.
Table of + Functions

Grey Blue Green Orange Yellow Violet Brown Black

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
wants to
wishes to wants to
wishes to remain make a
wishes to remain wants to wants remain in the remain in the
in the background discreet pass
Grey -
in the background
(0) to achieve
(0) in order not to
solve the
problems by a
discreetly (0)
to search for a
(0) to obtain
background (0) background (0)
to give the in order to
0 peace and
undermine his
superior position
discrete (0) solution to the
an intuitive
body avoid any
harmony (1). action (3). problem (4). opportunity to commitment
(2). ation with
regenerate (6). (7).
someone (5).
wants rest,
relaxation and
longing for peace, wishes want to be free loving
wants through through
yearns for harmony and through of any conflict understanding
harmony, harmony and
peace, contentment (1) cooperation (1) and thus (1), which,
cooperation cooperation
Blue harmony and
contentment -
and would like to
and (1) to merge
obtain a
however, he
believes, he did
1 (1) and needs systematically and (1) to be able
(1) to be able
into one
convenient and not get, and
to relax after cautious to to achieve the comfortable therefore he is
to find the right beautiful and
stress (0) accomplish this desired goals place to stay angry, and
solutions (4). aesthetic
(2) (3). (6). considers the
unity (5).
situation as
unbearable (7).

Green wants to
wants to make a
good impression
- wants to
wants to
impress and be
wants to
make a good
stubbornly to
wants to
profile himself
2 himself and and gain success admired (2) by impression attempt to by his strong
gain a recognition (2), despite seeking to being preserve his and
position and a being part of a obstacles and creative regarded as a reputation (2) independent
reputation harmonious and resistence (2) solutions in very special by meeting personality (2),
(2), to get out well cooperating by taking cooperation person (2) by expectations and indirectly
of his present team (1). initiative and with others (4). seeking despite a demonstrate
anonymity making his original, feeling of that even
(0). own alternative or fatigue (6). though
decisions aesthetic everything is
independently solutions (5). hopeless and
of other (3). meaningless
(7) he will with
his strong 13/16
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personality do
his duty to the
wants to take
wants to shake wishes to
of the shackles pursue his
decisions and wishes that he wants to live
of the feeling interests (3)
get cleaned could decide to intensely (3),
of infiority, to in intense
up in the want to pursue the put his in order to
wants win and live and exciting
problems (3), goals he has set ambitions on catch up what
uncompromisingly intensely (3) in experiences
he does not himself without hold (3) in he has missed.
Orange want to
to pursue the goals
he has set (3)
deviations (3), in
the same time
seeking good
and thus
favour of In that way, he
3 scrutinize
more in the
thereby he wants
this way he wants
to achieve power
relations with considered
taking things
leisurely and
thinks he can
break out of
to come to peace others and as an
problems and recognition indulge in his everything
and harmony (1). open up for interesting
although (2). longing for which
new and
something comfort and oppresses him
impressions charming
maybe hiding security (6). (7).
and inspire personality
under the
others (4). (5).
surface (0)
wishs to be wants to make
wants to excitement
relieved of a dramatic and
experiment in and
wants to show that heavy perhaps ill-
wants to search of new interesting
by helping others he is curious and problems (4) considered
search for (4) and exciting experiences
Yellow a discrete
(4), he wants to
observant and
seeks new paths
things and
(4) in order
and thereby
reversal or
decision in his
4 solution to
the problems
recognition and (4) in order to
(4) in order to
to be
admired as
security and life (4) for in
understanding (1). achieve power and physical this way to
(0). gain more an
prestige (2). comfort and escape
control over interesting
the posibility insurmountable
his life (3). personality
to recover (6). problems (7).
wants to make a
wants to find favorable yearns for
an intuitive impression as a exciting and wants to be
want intensely,
and wants to share an special person interesting stimulated by
wants intense almost
understanding intuitive and through his charm experiences piquant
excitements obsessive, (7)
intimacy with understanding (5) and he and wants to be experiences
Violet another (5) intimacy with observers
(5), which are
erotic or
admired for his
(5), in an
to achieve a
5 but to
another (5) in an
atmosphere of
constantly any
sign of succes in
charm (5),
wants to
sensuel and
stimulating binding or
carefully (0) peace and this, which would devote himself luxurious
(3). merging with
in order to harmony (1). give him a feeling to his dreams atmosphere
another (5).
avoid getting of having control and fantasies (6).
hurt. over the situation (4).
have burning
wants to forget
desire to get
wants to his
rest and wants caring and
wants to enjoy life in disappointment
relaxation considerate
wants relief for his longing for indulge in a a sensual and and recover in
and the treatment for his
physical problems physical and comfortable luxurious a comfortable
opportunity physical problems
Brown for (6) in an
(6), but only after sensual living here and atmosphere
having coped with pleasures (6) now (6) and to (6) and there -
(6) and turn his
6 regeneration
(6) into an
characterized by
the immediate at the table abandon his to find back to life in
situation using his and in the bed ambitions and stimulating tired self-
atmosphere security and
willpower (2). (3) aspirations for and piquant contempt (8) as
without friends without
the future (4). adventures he feels that he
problems and problems (1).
(5). can not achieve
his lofty goals.
by he considers
wants to turn
unpremeditated the whole
wishes to his back to life
wants to get wants certain actions he situation
have fulfilled in bitter
away from demands satisfied, wants to unacceptable
wants to protest his disappointment
the disgusting which he regards escape from a (7), he
against the exaggerated and tired self-
situation (7), as absolutely situation he demands that
Black he wants to
situation in
general (7), and to
minimal and
demands in
the situation
finds deemed ideas and
contempt (7),
he want to -
7 retreat and
be left alone
necessary (7),
demands, which
(7) if not he
intolerable (7),
with the risk of
must fit
forget it all and
without will react recover in
himself (0) he stubbornly and reckless perfectly
interuptions (1). with violent comfortable
against uncompromisingly conduct he together (5)
and extreme problem-free
everything. sticks to (2). searches and refuses
behaviour (3). surroundings
desperately a to
way out (4). compromise.

Above I have as loyally as possible reproduced the + table from the book "Lschers Farve Test" (danish). However, it has been necessary to
shorten and simplify the statements, to fit them into the more brief tabulated form above. I have also sought to clarify a logical connection with
the rest of the theory, as good as possible.

The +/- Funktionen 14/16
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Lscher color test has another function that shortly should be mentioned. It is called the plus-minus
function, (+ / -). The psychologists behind the test believe that the first and last color give much information
about the person; this means the color that the person likes most put together with the color that the person
can not stand.

In the literature is available tables of the + / - function, but again, it will be too extensive to display them on
this page. It is also completely possible to draw our conclusions in light of the descriptions of each single
color above.

In the example above is + / - function (+3 -7) in the first selection and (+3 -0) in the second choice. As the
second choice is considered the most impulsive and thus the truest, we choose to interpret (+3 / -0).

(+3 -0) (+ orange / grey) suggests, according to the table in "Lscher Color Test" that the person is nervous
about not achieving his goals, causing him to take action with eager and hectic intensity. It is not entirely
obvious from the description of each color, but it seems to be the author's meaning.
How to pass a Lscher Color Test
We assume that the test is used in connection with job applications and not for example in relation to dating.

As a fundamental rule no basic colors must occur more far back than a fifth place.

Since job search has something to do with work, it will be appropriate to keep the work group together. We
can choose the work group first, followed by blue, or blue first, followed by the work group.

It's probably a good idea to start with blue to signal that we give reasonable high importance to peace and

Then one must decide the internal sequence within the work group. Orange must not be the last one. With
orange first in the work group signals a leader in his infancy, green first will signal a dutiful workhorse and
yellow first a creative type engaged in the basic matter. What is best, must depend on the individual
applicant and the situation. It is not certain that the company is interested in future managers, maybe they
only want to find somebody, who can solve their problems and do the job.

Black must unconditionaly be held on last place, everything else will signal a BZ type or suicide candidate.

That leaves grey, violet and brown on the fifth, sixth and seventh places. Grey and brown must absolutely be
restricted to these places, otherwise it will be psychological significant. If grey is brought forward, it will
give psychological indications of anxiety and compensation. If brown is brought forward, it will indicate a
preference for expensive restaurants, cigarettes, whiskey and naked girls (from trad. danish song), and who
knows a high absence percent from work.

Violet has more degrees of freedom, but it's not a good color. If there is no pregnancy or problems with the
thyroid gland, the color suggests an aesthetic personality with fear of contact with the cruel and
unpredictable reality; and who knows, maybe homosexuality.

So summa sumarum, the sequence must be:

- Blue on the first place.

- Work group (orange must not be the last one).
- Violet, brown og grey should be restricted to the 5., 6. and 7. places.
- Black as the last one.

If you want to vary the sequence between first and second selection, you must make sure that the sequence,
you really want to be assessed, is the second selection.

A little variation could be a good idea, as you otherwise may be labeled with "emotional inflexibility and 15/16
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rigid attitude to life".

Color Test disguised as Abstract Paintings

Left: This abstract painting
represents the pair red-green.
Mid: Note the pair red-blue in the
center of the picture and and green
a little in the background - a good
Right: Violet represents deep
introvert religiosity - it is not a good

A cunning way to make a

color test is to ask the test person choose between some abstract
paintings, which are dominated by individual colors or color pairs.

The color pair red-green in Carl Henning Pedersen's painting is a good choice. The color pair red-blue with
green little background in the other abstract painting is also a good choice. The violet color in the third
painting is not a good choice.

Illusion Pictures
There are some types of images with built-in optical illusions. Although the details of the images do not
move at all, our eyes or rather our brain will see that they move.

In general we will see that they might move a bit.

But it said that for rapists, bank robbers and the like, a certain type of images will move lively. So whatever
you see, it's probably best to say that it moves perhaps a little bit.

Now imagine that sly consultants have got produced some programmed images that really moves in order to
detect cheaters. To counter this, one can focus on a single small detail in the image and thereby obtain an
unambiguous decision, whether it moves or not.

Literature: "Lschers Farvetest" by dr. Max Lscher og Ian Scott. Publisher SphinX Publishers
Copenhagen - 1991.

Try a Lscher color test on Color Quiz Com

See some illusion pictures on: Personality Test Center

This article is a contribution to the debate on personality tests and Dalum Hjallese Debate Club assumes no liability for a use of the article in real life.

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