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A N N A L S O F C L IN IC A L A N D LA BOR ATO RY S C IE N C E , Vol. 20, N o.

C o p y rig h t 1990, I n s titu te for C linical S c ien c e , Inc.

P2Microglobulin: Its Significance

and Clinical Usefulness
and DO NA LD T. FORM AN, Ph.D .

Division o f Clinical Chemistry,

North Carolina Memorial Hospital,
University o f North Carolina,
Chapel Hill, NC 27599


P2-Microglobulin (P2M), an interesting and underutilized m etabolite,

can be used in assessing renal function, particularly in kidney-transplant
recipients and in patients suspected of having renal tubulointerstitial dis
ease. It also can serve as a nonspecific b u t relatively sensitive m arker of
various neoplastic, inflammatory, and infectious conditions. Early hopes
that it would be a useful serum test for malignancy have not been fulfilled,
b u t it does have prognostic value for patients with lymphoproliferative
disease, particularly m ultiple myeloma. More recent reports have sug
gested a role for (J2M as a prognostic m arker in hum an im m unodeficiency
virus (HIV) infection.

Introduction proliferative disease and its prognostic

value in HIV infection.
Since its isolation in 1964 from the P2-Microglobulin has been identified
u rine of patients w ith W ilsons disease as th e lig h t c h a in c o m m o n to th e
and workers exposed to cadm ium , 3 2- HLA-A, -B, and -C m ajor histocom pati
M icroglobulin (|32M) has elicited interest bility complex antigens, and, as such, is
both as an indicator of renal function and expressed on the surface of virtually all
as a relatively sensitive though nonspeci n orm al n u c le a te d cells as w ell as by
fic m a rk e r o f c e rta in m a lig n a n c ie s , m any tum or cell lines. A low concentra
autoim m une diseases, and viral infec tion of free p2M, about 0.9 to 2.5 mg per
tions, m ost recently acquired im m uno L, is found in the serum of healthy sub
deficiency syndrom e (AIDS). An over jec ts, a p p a re n tly re fle c tin g its sh e d
view is provided of the current status of ding from the cell m em brane as a con
f$2M assay w ith particular em phasis on sequence of the turnover of H LA .26 The
its role in the m anagem ent of lympho- surfaces of lymphocytes and monocytes
are particularly rich in (32M, and lym
phocytic synthesis and expression are
* Send reprint requests to Donald T. Forman, further augm ented by stimulation with
Ph.D ., Division of Clinical Chemistry, 1067 Patient
Support Tower, North Carolina Memorial Hospital, m itogens or w ith interferons.2 Although
University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC 27599. th e fu n ctio n of surface P2M rem ain s
0091-7370/90/0600-0163 $00.90 Institute for Clinical Science, Inc.

o b sc u re , in c re a se d c o n c e n tra tio n s of filtration. O f the filtered 32M, 99.9 p er

(32M in serum have b e e n consistently cent is then taken up by endocytosis into
observed in conditions characterized by proxim al tu b u lar cells and catabolized
lym phocyte activation and (or) prolifera into its constituent amino acids. Serum
tion. (32-M icroglobulin m ay th ere fo re (32M determ inations have been used to
serve as a useful nonspecific marker, in follow changes in glom erular filtration
the absence of renal insufficiency, of sys rate (GFR); urinary excretion above the
tem ic lymphocytic activation. In table I norm al maximum of approxim ately 370
a re d e s c rib e d various im m unological jxg p e r 24 h o u rs is tak e n to in d ic a te
p ro p e rtie s of |32M. In th ese settings, tubular dysfunction.
high serum (32M values can be thought of Both of these variables have been uti
as a re s u lt o f in creased sy n th esis lized in the m anagem ent of renal-trans-
w hether owing to increased expression, plant patients, a setting in which rapid
increased HLA turnover, cell prolifera changes in G FR may be se en .13 In the
tion, cell lysis, or some combination of presence of acute rejection, serum (32M
these - and not of decreased renal clear c o n c e n tra tio n s ty p ic a lly b e c o m e in
ance.14 creased days b efore serum c re a tin in e
in c re a s e s ; f u rth e rm o re , s e ru m p 2M
Significance of in Renal D isorders
values are in dependent of body mass or
The unique features of the renal han sex. A stable serum (32M in the face of
dling of 02M have prom pted investiga postsurgical oliguria m ay h e lp d istin
tion into its role in evaluation of renal guish acute renal failure from rejection,
function, p articu larly in kidney tra n s and its increased urinary excretion may
p la n t re c ip ie n ts an d in p a tie n ts su s signify cyclosporin A toxicity.22 The use
p ected of having tubulointerstitial dis of 02M determ inations m ust take into
e a se .24 By v irtu e of its low m olecular account th e ir nonspecificity; how ever,
mass (11800 Da), (32M is easily filtered because an increased serum (32M in this
through the glom erular basem ent m em setting may be seen in system ic cyto
brane. Its rapid elim ination is accom m egalovirus infection, it could prom pt
plished almost exclusively by glomerular inappropriate high-dose steroid therapy
if used as the sole criterion of rejection.3
P2-Microglobulin has also been d e te r
m ined in urine as an early indicator of
Immunologic Characterization of
Beta-2-MicroglobuIin (8 2 M) am inoglycoside or lithium toxicity; to
screen for heavy m etal (cadmium, m er
32M is non-covalently associated with cury) poisoning in appropriate popula
histocompatibility antigens.
tions; to help differentiate infections of
B2m may control the expression of antigens on the the upper urinary tract from those of the
cell surface and possibly their biosynthesis.
lower urinary tract; and as an adjunct in
B2M has an amino acid homology and structural th e diagnosis of acute tubular necrosis.24
similarity to the CH3 region of IgG.

S2M is antigenically distinct from IgG. Significance of (i2M in N eoplasia

82M does not bind to antibody-coated protein
A-bearing Staphylococcus aureus. An association betw een increased (32M
$2M appears to inhibit phytohemagglutinin (PHA) in serum and the presence of malignancy
induced lymphocyte transformation.
was n o te d by sev eral o b se rv e rs soon
Mitogen-induced lymphocyte stimulation in vitro a fte r th e p ro te in was c h a ra c te riz e d ,
results in marked increase of 02M production.
prom pting a flurry of reports concerning
its possible use as a tum or m arker (fig


Plasms Cell i
Tumors 8
9 I
CHR Lymphocytic
| 5 j j
O i
Lymphosarcoma 27 F i g u r e 1. Concentra
Reticulum Cell tion of serum P2M in var
11 io u s B -c e ll n e o p la sia s ,
solid m alignancies, m is
OTHER cellaneous malignancies,
and various benign infec
Solid Tumors* 77 ? ? tious disorders. Gray stip
?S* pled area on figure repre
Monocytic sents a number of subjects
Leukemia w ith in th e r e fe r e n c e
Hodgkins interval (0.9 to 3.0 mg per
Disease 1) in the population stud
Infectious 15 M IM ied .14
Viral ,
Hepatitis m

Chronic Active
7 1 M
Primary Biliary
Cirrhosis iisS
1 1 1 1 1 1 1 \ I I 1 1 1 " 1 "
0 <3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

Serum /32-rnicroglobulin ( m g / L )
^includes head, neck, hepatoma, colon, pancreas, stomach, lung, breast, and cervix

u re I ) .14,25 p 2-M icroglobulin has since mg per L had a dramatically longer sur
fallen p rey to th e difficulties en c o u n vival tim e (m ed ian , 52 m onths) th an
tered with o ther serum tests for cancer: th o s e w ith v a lu e s > s ix m g p e r L
disappearance of predictive pow er w hen (m e d ia n , 26 m o n th s ). S u b s e q u e n t
applied to unselected populations, unac- reports, w ith one exception,28 confirm
ceptably low specificity, and the like.23 It the predictive pow er of serum (32M assay
has retained some favor as an adjunct in an d n o te sig n ifican t c o rre la tio n w ith
the staging of m ultiple m yeloma (MM) stage and tum or cell m ass.1 Garewal et
and to a lesser degree in B-cell chronic al.16 found that, in some patients, serum
lym phocytic leukem ia (B-CLL), how (32M appeared to correlate b e tte r w ith
ever, and may be of use in selected cases observed response to treatm ent than did
in other lym phoproliferative disorders.19 changes in the concentration of the M-
Bataille e t a l.4 c o rre la ted p re -tre a t- component. Serum (32M values m ust be
m e n t serum (32M values for 115 MM in te rp re te d w ith caution in MM; how
patients w ith o th er prognostic features ever, although a statistically significant
and with subsequent course. They found difference can be dem onstrated betw een
serum (32M to have powerful predictive (32M values in p a tie n ts w ith b e n ig n
value independent of the effect of dim in monoclonal gamm opathies and patients
is h e d c r e a ti n i n e c le a r a n c e . T h o se w ith stage I m yelom a, th e re is a not
patients with pre-treatm ent values <six inconsiderable overlap betw een the two

g roups.19 M ore im portantly, th ere is a malignancies and have been observed in

subset of patients with MM (eight of 90 som e solid tum ors as w ell (figure 1).
in a 1987 prospective study5) who never The clinical utility of this observation is
show an increase in serum (32M. questionable, however. Lotzniker et al18
T he v a lu e o f d e te rm in in g 3 2M in published a surprising result based on a
patients w ith B-CLL is less well-estab study of 186 carcinoma patients. Those
lished. Melillo e t al19 showed a consis w ith stage IV disease had significantly
tent increase in pre-treatm ent values for low er serum (32M values than those in
a group of 34 patients, as well as signifi stages II or III (P < 0.01). Im m unohisto-
cant correlation with clinical stage (Stage logical studies w ith use of antibodies to
I vs III or IV, Stage II vs III or IV; P < surface (32M have shown a tendency for
0 .0 5 ) a n d a s ig n if ic a n t (P < 0 .0 1 ) decreased expression in m ore poorly dif
decrease in values for patients respon ferentiated carcinomas.2429 Lotzniker et
sive to therapy. However, the study con a l18 s p e c u la te d th a t seru m |32M may
firm ed earlier reports of a wide overlap serve as an interesting m arker of differ
b e tw e e n p r e - t r e a tm e n t v a lu e s a n d entiation rather than a tum or m arker per
values in responders and also failed to se; decreased serum (32M m ight directly
show a retu rn to normal concentrations reflect less tum or cell HLA turnover or
in any patient. The latter likely reflects a m ay in d ic a te an im p a ire d im m u n e
tru e phenom enon, because com plete re s p o n s e d u e to a lte re d re c o g n itio n
eradication o f th e neoplastic clone in sites.
C LL is rare. Ellegaard e t al11 concluded
th a t re p e a te d 2M d eterm in atio n s in Significance of Serum p2M in Chronic
serum may be of value in estim ating the Inflammatory Conditions and in AIDS
residual tum or mass after therapy, a con
clusion shared by other investigators.19 Serum |32M values are in creased in
S ev eral stu d ie s have a tte m p te d to some chronic inflamm atory or possibly
define a role for (32M assay in the m an autoim m une conditions, including sys
a g em en t of non-H o d g k in s lym phom a tem ic lupus erythem atosus, rheum atoid
(NHL) or in H odgkins disease (HD). a r t h r it is , S jo g re n s s y n d ro m e , a n d
A ltho ugh sta tistic a l co rre la tio n s w ith C r o h n s d is e a s e , a m o n g o t h e r s . 14
stage at diagnosis and histological grade Reviews of the utility of (32M as a m oni
have been shown, the wide dispersion of tor of disease activity have been mixed.
values lim its th e usefulness of serum Dixon e t al10 pointed out the difficulty of
(32M as a m arker of disease activity.19 In a s se s s in g th e c o n tr ib u tio n o f re n a l
a d d itio n , H D p a tie n ts in fre q u e n tly im p a irm en t to an in creased value for
exhibit a significantly increased serum (32M in serum , particularly in patients
(32M unless they have w idespread dis who m ay have subclinical glom erular
ease. M easurem ents of (32M in cerebro and tu b u lar dysfunction resulting from
spinal flu id (CSF) m ay have value in chronic non-steroidal anti-inflam m atory
detecting th e presence of lymphom a or dru g use. p 2-M icroglobulin has b een
leukem ia in the central nervous system, m easured in synovial fluid and saliva in
a lth o u g h r e p e a t te sts for re c u rre n c e rheum atoid arthritis and Sjogrens syn
m u s t ta k e in to a c c o u n t n o n s p e c ific drom e, respectively, and suggested as
increases in CSF-fS2M owing to intrathe indices of lymphocyte turnover.
cal chem otherapy.21 A 32M response has been shown in
S ig n ifica n tly in c re a s e d v alu es for certain viral infections, including infec
s e ru m a re n o t lim ite d to ly m p h o id tious m ononucleosis, cytom egalovirus,

non-A non-B hepatitis,8 and A ID S.15 The use of serum p2M determ inations, C 0 4 -
n o n sp e c ific ity a n d v a ria b ility of th e positive lym phocyte counts, and m ea
response ren d er it of little value for diag surem ents of anti-p24 and p24 antigen.20
nostic purposes, although a high value in In table II is shown the relative risk of
an im m u n o su p p re sse d p a tie n t m ight d e v e lo p in g C D C G ro u p IV d ise a se .
prom pt the clinician to consider the pos A nother p resen tatio n suggested th at a
sibility of opportunistic viral infection.8 decrease or normalization of serum (32M
(32-Microglobulin may also play a role in during th e first eight to 12 weeks of aza-
ev a lu a tin g p rogn osis and m o n ito rin g thioprine (AZT) therapy was predictive
tr e a tm e n t in H IV -in fe c te d p a tie n ts . of a stable clinical status for 14 to 18
Bhalla et al6 reported above-normal con m onths.17 An additional report showed a
centrations in 29 of 31 AIDS patients as strongly positive correlation b e tw e en
well as five of 11 asymptomatic homosex clinical severity of A ID S-dem entia com
ual m en. Zoila-Pazner e t al30 prospec- plex and p2M concentrations in the cere
tively studied 40 asym ptom atic hom o brospinal flu id .7
sexual m en from New York City, whose
cases w ere followed for two years. Six of M easurem ent of (J2M
th e seven subjects w ith in itial serum
value > 2 .5 mg p er L developed AIDS, T h e re are several reliable m ethods
whereas none of the rem aining subjects quantifying pi2M, including laser nephe-
p ro g re s s e d to A ID S d u rin g th e tw o lo m e tr y ,9 ra d io im m u n o a s s a y ,27 a n d
years. Recent reports at the Fourth and enzym e immunoassay.12 The last two are
F ifth In te rn a tio n a l C onference(s) on the m ore sensitive and widely used tech
AIDS (Stockholm, June 1988 and M on niques. These two m ethods allow detec
treal, June 1989) continue to substantiate tion of trace am ounts of P2M in normal
that serum (32M is a useful surrogate test serum and urine and effectively distin
for predicting the developm ent of AIDS. guish norm al from high concentrations.
One paper, based on a prospective study 32-M icroglobulin is stable in serum ,
of 215 H IV -antibody-positive subjects and samples can be stored at 20C for
whose cases w ere followed for a m edian as long as a year. U rinary assays are
period of 30 m onths, suggested a m ulti problem atic, how ever, because (32M is
variate m odel for predicting AIDS by rapidly degraded at pH s < 6.0. Although
some investigators simply add alkali to
the specim en, Schardijn24 recom m ends
giving the subject four g of sodium bicar
Use of Serum Beta-2-Microglobulin, Urinary Neopterin bonate on the evening before collection
and T-Cell Subsets in Predicting the Progression
of HIV Disease in Hemophiliacs and an additional divided dose of four g
d u rin g th e 24 h o u r p eriod to obviate
Relative Risk of degradation w ithin the bladder.
Developing CDC Group IV
Test Result Disease in Four Years

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