Ce6306 Strength of Materials Int 3

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1. State the expression for maximum shear stress in a cylindrical shell. (NOV/DEC-2015-R13)
2. Define hoop stress and longitudinal stress(NOV/DEC-2015-R13)
3. Distinguish between thin and thick shells? (APRIL/MAY-2015-R13)
4. State the assumptions made in lames theorem for thick cylinder analysis? (APRIL/MAY-2015-R13)
5. What is meant by circumferential stress? (NOV/DEC-2014-R13)
6. Define circumferential and Hoop stress. (MAY/JUNE 2013- R8)
7. On what basis, a cylinder is considered as thin one? (NOV/DEC 2012- R8)
8. List out the stresses induced in thin cylindrical shell due to internal pressure. (MAY/JUNE 2012- R8)

1. A boiler is subjected to an internal steam pressure of 2N/mm2 .The thickness of boiler plate is 2.6 cm and
permissible tensile stress is 120N/mm2 .find the maximum diameter, when efficiency of longitudinal joint
is 90%and that of circumference point is 40%. (16) (NOV/DEC-2015-R13)
2. Calculate : ( i) the change in diameter ,(ii) change in length and (iii) change in volume of a thin cylindrical
shell 100cm diameter ,1cm thick and 5m long when subjected to internal pressure of 3 N/mm 2 take the
value of E=2x105N/mm2 and Poissons ratio=0.3 . (16) (NOV/DEC-2015-R13)
3. Derive relations for change in dimensions and change in volume of a thin cylinder subjected to internal
pressure P. (16) (NOV/DEC-2014-R13)

4. A thin cylinder is 3.5 m long. 90 cm in diameter, and the thickness of metal is 12mm. it is subjected to an
internal pressure of 2.8 N/mm2. Calculate the change in dimensions of the cylinder and the maximum
intensity of shear stress induced. Given E= 200 GPa and Poissons ration = 0.3. (MAY/JUNE 2013- R8)

1. What are the methods of determining slope and deflection at a section in a loaded beam? (NOV/DEC-
2. What is the equation used in the case of double integration method? (NOV/DEC-2015-R13)
3. What are the advantages of Macaulays method over other methods for the calculation of slope and
deflection? (APRIL/MAY-2015-R13)
4. What are the limitations of double integration method? (NOV/DEC-2014-R13)
5. Define strain energy (NOV/DEC-2014-R13)
6. Describe the double integration method. (MAY/JUNE 2013- R8)
7. Give the expression for deflection of a simply supported beam carrying a point load at the centre.
(MAY/JUNE 2012- R8)

1. A beam of length 6 m is simply supported at its ends and carries two point loads of 48 kN and 40 kN at a
distance of 1 m and 3 m respectively from the left support. Using Macaulays Method , Find: (NOV/DEC
-2015,MAY/JUNE 2012- R8)
i) Deflection under each load.
ii) Maximum deflection, and
iii) The point at which maximum deflection occurs.
Given E = 2 x 105 N/mm2 and I = 85 x 106 mm4
2. A beam 6m long ,simply supported at its end , is carrying a point load of 50 kN at its centre .the moment of
inertial of the beam is given as equal to 78X 106 mm4 .If E for the material of the beam =2.1x105 N/mm2
calculate : (i) deflection at the centre of the beam and (ii) slope at the supports (16) (NOV/DEC-2015-R13)

3. The stiffness of a close coiled helical spring is 1.5 N/mm of compression under a maximum load of 60N .the
maximum shearing stress produced in the wire is 125N/mm 2.The solid length of the spring (when the coils are
touching) is given as 50mm find.
(i) The Diameter of wire (ii) The Mean Diameter of the Coils
(iii)Number of Coils Required Take C=4.5 x104 N/mm2 (16) (NOV/DEC-2014-R13)
4. A cantilever beam of 2m long which carries a point of 20KN at free end and also it carries a another point
load of 20KN at its centre. Determine the slope and deflection at free end. Use Moment area method.
Take E = 1x105 N/mm2 and I = 1 x 108 mm4

Concept Questions

1. Two close-coiled concentric helical springs of same length are wound out of the same wire of 10 mm
diameter support a load of 1000 N. The inner spring consists of 20 turns of mean diameter 16 cm and the
outer spring has 18 turns of mean diameter 20 cm. Calculate the maximum shear stress in each spring.

2. A thin cylindrical shell 2.5m long has 700mm internal diameter and 8 mm thickness of the shell is
subjected to an internal pleasure of 1MPa find.
i) The hoop and longitudinal Stresses developed. ii) Maximum shear stress induced and
iii) The changes in diameter length and volume. Take modulus of elasticity of the wall material as 200GPa
and positions ratio as 0.3

3. Using Moment area method, determine the Slope and Deflection under each load for the beam given in fig

Take E=2x105 N/mm2 and I =108 mm4

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