Arb011 - Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy: You Are Logged in As Abdul Hafeel (DP 10183743)

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Course: Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy (ARB 011) Page 1 of 7

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Home / My courses / Level One / ARB 011


ARB 011 is aimed at teaching the basics of Arabic reading
and writing to students with little or no background in
Arabic. The course is uniquely structured so that the
student does not need to memorize all 28 Arabic alphabets
Course administration
Unenrol me from ARB 011 and 112 vowel variations before learning to read and write.
My profile settings It builds on the older ARB 011 Diploma course with new
dynamic videos and simpler testing methodology.
The course focuses on teaching proper articulation of all
My home Arabic letters and vowels so that even beginner students
Site pages
My profile can recite the Qur'an correctly. In each module, students
Current course
ARB 011
will be given adequate time and training to read and write
practice words in addition to examples from the Noble
General Qur'an.
MODULE 2 News forum
MODULE 4 Student's Discussion Forum
Quiz Forum
MODULE 7 Online Resources
MODULE 9 Qur'anic Recitation - Sheikh Husary and Sheikh Basfar
Miscellaneous Arabic Reading
The Arabic Alphabet - Writing and Pronunciation
My courses Writing and Connection of the Arabic Letters

Online users

(last 5 minutes) MODULE 1

abdul hafeel

ARB 011 Course Text Information and Intro

Module 1 Material
Forums Quizzes Resources
Latest news
Module 1 A Video - Introduction to Course
Noha Facilitator 29 5 Jun, 09:53 Module 1B Video - History of Arabic Language
June 2017 Agenda
Noha Facilitator 29 16 May, 11:16 Module 1C Video - Introduction to the Arabic Letters and the Point of Articulation
May 2017 Agenda
Kashif Facilitator 27 1 May, 10:21
Please do not post Module Questions in the
Module 1D Video - Letters Daal and Raa
Kashif Facilitator 27 19 Mar, 11:58 Module 1E Video - Letters Seen and Nun
A Few Considerations!
Masood Ahmed R. 24 Aug, 22:37

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Course: Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy (ARB 011) Page 2 of 7

Congratulations to our first batch of

graduates Module 1F Video - Reading and Writing Practice of Letters
Older topics ... Module 1G Video - The Long Vowels
Module 1H Video - Reading and Writing Practice with Long Vowels
Upcoming events
Module 1I Video - Reading Practice from the Qur'an - Letters
There are no upcoming events
Go to calendar... ________________________________________________________________________________
New event...
Module 1A Audio
Recent activity Module 1B Audio
Activity since Wednesday, 7 June 2017, 11:01 Module 1C Audio
Full report of recent activity... Module 1D Audio
New forum posts:
Module 1E Audio
Fathima Dhaslima 8 Jun, 08:44
"Re: June 2017- Quiz 1"
Module 1F Audio
Mohammad Haque 8 Jun, 10:09
"ARB 011 Course Material" Module 1G Audio
Joko Riyadi 9 Jun, 11:15
"Re: ARB 011 Course Material" Module 1H Audio
Joko Riyadi 9 Jun, 12:25 Module 1I Audio
"Re: June 2017- Quiz 1"

Module 1 Quizzes
Module 1a and 1b Quiz
Module 1c Quiz
Module 1d, 1e, and 1f Quiz
Module 1 Dictation Quiz
Module 1 Tajweed Quiz


Module 2 Material

Module 2A Video - The Letter Baa

Module 2B Video - The Letter Meem
Module 2C Video - The Letter Taa
Module 2D Video - The Letter Kaaf
Module 2E Video - Review Of Letters
Module 2F Video - Practicing Letters from the Qur'an -

Module 2A Audio
Module 2B Audio
Module 2C Audio
Module 2D Audio
Module 2E Audio
Module 2F Audio

Module 2 Quizzes
Module 2a and 2b Quiz
Module 2c and 2d Quiz
Module 2 Dictation Quiz
Module 2 Tajweed Quiz

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Course: Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy (ARB 011) Page 3 of 7


Module 3 Material

Module 3A Video - The Letter Faa

Module 3B Video - The Letter Sheen
Module 3C Video - The Letter Khaa
Module 3D Video - The Shaddah
Module 3E Video - Practice from the Qur'an

Module 3A Audio
Module 3B Audio
Module 3C Audio
Module 3D Audio
Module 3E Audio

Module 3 Quizzes
Module 3a, 3b, and 3c Quiz
Module 3 Dictation Quiz
Module 3 Tajweed Quiz


Module 4 Material

Module 4A Video - The Letter Laam

Module 4B Video - The Letters Waaw and Yaa
Module 4C Video - The Letters Hamza and Alif
Module 4D Video - Letters Hamza and Alif (Continued)
Module 4E Video - Distinguishing between Hamza and Alif
Module 4F Video - Distinguishing between Hamza and Alif (Continued)
Module 4G Video - The Double Vowel (Tanween)
Module 4H Video - Practicing from the Qur'an

Module 4A Audio
Module 4B Audio
Module 4C Audio
Module 4D Audio
Module 4E Audio
Module 4F Audio
Module 4G Audio
Module 4H Audio

Module 4 Quizzes
Module 4a and 4b Quiz
Module 4c and 4d Quiz

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Course: Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy (ARB 011) Page 4 of 7

Module 4 Dictation Quiz

Module 4 Tajweed Quiz A
Module 4 Tajweed Quiz B


Module 5 Material

Module 5A Video - The Letter Zaa -

Module 5B Video - The Letter aa
Module 5C Video - The Letter Qaaf
Module 5D Video - THe Letter Ain
Module 5E Video - The Letter Ain ( Continued)
Module 5F Video - Practice from the Qur'an

Module 5A Audio
Module 5B Audio
Module 5C Audio
Module 5D Audio
Module 5E Audio
Module 5F Audio

Module 5 Quizzes
Module 5a and 5b Quiz
Module 5c and 5d Quiz
Module 5 Dictation Quiz
Module 5 Tajweed QuizA
Module 5 Tajweed Quiz B


Module 6 Material

Module 6A Video - The Letter aa

Module 6B Video - The Letter aad
Module 6C Video - The Alif Maqsoorah
Module 6D Video - The Moon Letters and the Definite Article
Module 6E Video - The Definite Article (Continued)
Module 6F Video - The Sun Letters and the Definite Article
Module 6G Video - Reading and Writing Practice with the Definite Article
Module 6H Video - Practice from the Qur'an

Module 6A Audio
Module 6B Audio
Module 6C Audio
Module 6D Audio
Module 6E Audio
Module 6F Audio

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Course: Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy (ARB 011) Page 5 of 7

Module 6G Audio
Module 6H Audio

Module 6 Quizzes
Module 6a and 6b Quiz
Module 6c and 6d Quiz
Module 6 Dictation Quiz
Module 6 Tajweed Quiz A
Module 6 Tajweed Quiz B


Module 7 Material

Module 7A Video - The Letter Dhaal

Module 7B Video - The Letter Jeem
Module 7C Video - The Letter Haa
Module 7D Video - The Taa Marbuah
Module 7E Video - Practice from the Qur'an

Module 7A Audio
Module 7B Audio
Module 7C Audio
Module 7D Audio
Module 7E Audio

Module 7 Quizzes
Module 7a and 7b Quiz
Module 7c and 7d
Module 7 Dictation Quiz
Module 7 Tajweed Quiz A
Module 7 Tajweed B Quiz


Module 8 Material

Module 8A Video - The Letter au

Module 8B Video - The Letter Thaa
Module 8C Video - The Letter aad
Module 8D Video - The Letter Ghain
Module 8E Video - Additional Practice with Arabic Letters
Module 8F Video - Additional Practice with Arabic Letters (Continued)
Module 8G Video - Practice from the Qur'an -

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Course: Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy (ARB 011) Page 6 of 7

Module 8A Audio
Module 8B Audio
Module 8C Audio
Module 8D Audio
Module 8E Audio
Module 8F Audio
Module 8G Audio

Module 8 Quizzes
Module 8a and 8b Quiz
Module 8c and 8d Quiz
Module 8 Dictation Quiz
Module 8 Tajweed A Quiz
Module 8 Tajweed B Quiz



Module 9A Video - Introduction to Tajweed

Module 9B Video - The Principle of Ikhfaa
Module 9C Video - The Principle of Ihaar
Module 9D Video - The Principle of Idghaam (Part 1)
Module 9E Video - Idghaam (Part 2)
Module 9F Video - Idghaam (Part 3)
Module 9G Video - Idghaam (Part 4)
Module 9H Video - The Rules of Beginning and Stopping (Part 1)
Module 9I Video - The Rules of Beginning and Stopping (Part 2)
Module 9J Video - The Rules of Madd

Module 9A Audio
Module 9B Audio
Module 9C Audio
Module 9D Audio
Module 9E Audio
Module 9F Audio
Module 9G Audio
Module 9H Audio
Module 9I Audio
Module 9J Audio

Module 9 Quizzes
Module 9a Quiz
Module 9b and 9c Quiz
Module 9d, 9e, 9f, and 9g
Module 9h, 9i, and 9j Quiz

Miscellaneous Arabic Reading

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Course: Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy (ARB 011) Page 7 of 7

Arabic Reading Supplement


Reading Passage 1 -
Reading Passage 2 -
Reading Passage 3 -
Reading Passage 4 -
Reading Passage 5 -

adith 1-4
adith 5-8
adith 9-12
adith 13-16
adith 17-20
adith 21-24

Surah Fatiah
Surah Feel
Surah Quraish
Surah Maun
Surah Kawthar
Surah Kaafirun
Surah Nar
Surah Masad
Surah Ikhlaa
Surah Falaq
Surah Naas
No Module Quiz


Final Exam
Arabic Reading and Writing Made Easy Certificate
Not available unless:
You achieve a required score in Course total
You achieve a required score in Final Exam

Request Hard Copy of the Certificate

Not available unless:
You achieve a required score in Course total
You achieve a required score in Final Exam


Home 21 Kanifing Mosque Road, P.O. Box 2340,

Registration Kanifing South, KMC, The Gambia.
+220-4379687 / +2203214700
IOU Main

All rights reserved | Islamic Online University 2007-2017

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