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Life Sciences 81 (2007) 1479 1488

Myricetin, a naturally occurring flavonol, ameliorates insulin resistance

induced by a high-fructose diet in rats
I-Min Liu a,, Thing-Fong Tzeng b , Shorong-Shii Liou a , Ting-Wei Lan a
Department of Pharmacy, Tajen University, Yen-Pou, Ping Tung Shien, Taiwan, ROC
Department of Internal Medicine, Pao Chien Hospital, Ping Tung City, Taiwan, ROC
Received 25 May 2007; accepted 19 August 2007


The present study was conducted to explore the effects of myricetin on insulin resistance in rats fed for 6 weeks with a diet containing 60%
fructose. Repeated intravenous (i.v.) injection of myricetin (1 mg/kg per injection, 3 times daily) for 14 days was found to significantly decrease
the high glucose and triglyceride levels in plasma of fructose chow-fed rats. Also, the higher degree of insulin resistance in fructose chow-fed rats
as measured by homeostasis model assessment of basal insulin resistance was significantly decreased by myricetin treatment. Myricetin increased
the whole-body insulin sensitivity in fructose chow-fed rats, as evidenced by the marked elevation of composite whole-body insulin sensitivity
index during the oral glucose tolerance test. Myricetin was found to reverse the defect in expression of insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) and the
p85 regulatory subunit of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase) in soleus muscle of fructose chow-fed rats under the basal state, despite the
protein expression of insulin receptor (IR). Increased basal phosphorylation of IR and IRS-1 as well as Akt was observed in parallel. The reduced
level of insulin action on phosphorylation of IR, IRS-1 and Akt in soleus muscle of fructose chow-fed rats was reversed by myricetin treatment.
Furthermore, myricetin treatment improved the defective insulin action on the translocation of glucose transporter subtype 4 (GLUT 4) in insulin-
resistant soleus muscle. These findings indicate that myricetin improves insulin sensitivity through the enhancement of insulin action on IRS-1-
associated PI 3-kinase and GLUT 4 activity in soleus muscles of animals exhibiting insulin resistance.
2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fructose; Insulin resistance; Myricetin; Oral glucose tolerance test

Introduction management of obesity and cardiovascular diseases as well as

prevention of insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes mellitus (Hu
Insulin resistance is a metabolic disorder whose prevalence is et al., 2006). Thiazolidinediones (TZD), agonists of the
increasing alarmingly in populations worldwide. It is a condition peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor , are a class of oral
wherein the body tissues become resistant to insulin, resulting in a antidiabetic agents that enhance insulin sensitivity and improve
marked decrease of glucose metabolism in response to insulin. metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes (Gervois et al.,
Recent studies suggest that insulin resistance results from 2007). Despite their proven efficacy, a number of deleterious side
complex interactions between genetic and environmental factors effects such as weight gain and the documented aggravation of
and is associated with common diseases such as type 2 diabetes, advanced heart failure through fluid retention have been noted
hypertension, obesity, and coronary heart disease (Grundy, 2007). with the use of TZDs, including rosiglitazone and pioglitazone
It has been demonstrated that the use of pharmacological (Granberry et al., 2007). Accordingly, a significant research effort
intervention in combination with lifestyle modifications that in laboratories worldwide is being directed towards generating
include diet and moderate exercise is particularly useful in the modulators that retain the beneficial clinical effects of TZDs while
avoiding their adverse side effects. It seems, therefore, that
Corresponding author. Department of Pharmacy, Tajen University, Yanpu
developing new agents without side effects would definitely be
Shiang, Ping Tung Shien, Taiwan 90701, ROC. Tel.: +886 7 346 0961; fax: helpful in the therapy of diabetic patients with insulin resistance.
+886 8 762 5308. Currently, there is also an enormous increase in the use of
E-mail address: (I.-M. Liu). herbs and other alternative medicines in the treatment of
0024-3205/$ - see front matter 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
1480 I.-M. Liu et al. / Life Sciences 81 (2007) 14791488

diabetic disorders. There is growing interest in the therapeutic obtained from LINCO Research, Inc. (St. Charles, MO, USA; Cat.
applications of bioflavonoids and other naturally occurring #EZRMI-13K). The kit for protein assay was purchased from
polyphenols for the treatment and prevention of diseases in Bio-Rad Laboratories (Hercules, CA, USA). Anti-insulin
humans. Myricetin (3, 5, 7, 3, 4, 5-hexahydroxyflavone) is a receptor (IR) -subunit antibodies (Cat. #MS-634 for immuno-
naturally occurring flavonoid that is commonly found in tea, precipitation; Cat. #MS-636 for Western blotting), anti-insulin
berries, fruits, vegetables and the medicinal herb Abelmoschus receptor substrate (IRS)-1 antibody (Cat. #MS-630), anti-p85
moschatus (Miean and Mohamed, 2001; Harnly et al., 2006). regulatory subunit phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase antibody (Cat.
Myricetin is reported to have many therapeutic applications, #RB1625) and anti-phosphotyrosine antibody (Cat. #MS-445)
such as anticarcinogenic action (Ko et al., 2005), antiviral and were obtained from NeoMarkers (Fremont, CA, USA). Anti-
antimicrobial effects (Ono et al., 1990), and the prevention of phosphoserine (Ser473) Akt antibody was from Cell Signaling
platelet aggregation (Landolfi et al., 1984; Tzeng et al., 1991). It Technology, Inc. (Beverly, MA, USA; Cat. #9271). Anti-glucose
has also been demonstrated that myricetin possesses antiox- transporter subtype 4 (GLUT 4) antibody was purchased from
idative properties (Robak and Gryglewski, 1988; Robak et al., R&D Systems Inc. (Minneapolis, MN, USA; Cat. #BAM1262).
1988) and cytoprotective capacity (Mira et al., 2002; Dajas ECL Western Blotting Systems were obtained from Amer-
et al., 2003). The therapeutic benefit of myricetin in sham Corp. (Braunschweig, Germany). Human recombinant
cardiovascular diseases associated with diabetes mellitus has insulin (Humulin R) was obtained from Eli Lilly and Company
also been reported (Ong and Khoo, 1997). Additionally, an (Taiwan), Inc. Bovine insulin was obtained from Novo Nordisk
insulinomimetic effect of myricetin on lipogenesis and glucose (Bagsvaerd, Denmark). All other reagents were obtained from
transport in adipocytes of rats with noninsulin-dependent dia- standard sources.
betes mellitus has been observed (Ong and Khoo, 1996). We
have observed that myricetin has the ability to improve glucose Animal models
utilization for the lowering of plasma glucose in streptozotocin-
induced diabetic rats, the type 1 diabetes-like animal model (Liu Male Wistar rats aged 8 weeks were obtained from the Animal
et al., 2005, 2006). Studies indicate that myricetin plays a role in Center of National Cheng Kung University Medical College.
glucose homeostasis, the mechanism of which is not clearly They were maintained in a temperature-controlled room (25
understood at present. Additionally insufficient information is 1 C) and kept on a 12:12 lightdark cycle (light on at 06:00 h).
available regarding the effect of myricetin on insulin resistance. Food and water were available ad libitum. The rats were divided
The present study was undertaken to clarify whether myricetin into two experimental groups. One group of rats was randomly
is effective in improving insulin resistance in rats. The con- assigned to receive the fructose chow for 6 additional weeks to
sumption of fructose worldwide has substantially increased, due induce insulin resistance (Hyakukoku et al., 2003). The remaining
to an increased consumption of soft drinks and other beverages group receiving standard chow during the 6-week period was
that are high in fructose, and due to the consumption of breakfast designated as the control group. All animal procedures were
cereals, baked goods, and prepared desserts sweetened with high- performed according to the Guide for the Care and Use of Labo-
fructose corn syrup (Basciano et al., 2005; Le and Tappy, 2006). ratory Animals of the National Institutes of Health, as well as the
Studies in rats have demonstrated that a high intake of fructose guidelines of the Animal Welfare Act.
produced a decline of insulin sensitivity in the liver and peripheral The homeostasis model assessment of basal insulin resis-
tissues (Basciano et al., 2005; Le and Tappy, 2006). Hence tance (HOMA-IR) was used to calculate an index from the
fructose has been implicated as a useful tool in inducing insulin product of the fasting concentrations of plasma glucose (mmol/
resistance in animals. Thus for the present study, insulin resistance l) and plasma insulin (U/ml) divided by 22.5 (Matthews et al.,
in rats was induced by a diet containing 60% fructose. 1985). Lower HOMA-IR values indicated greater insulin
sensitivity, whereas higher HOMA-IR values indicated lower
Materials and methods insulin sensitivity (insulin resistance).

Materials Repeat treatment of fructose chow-fed rats with myricetin or

Standard rat chow containing 60% vegetable starch, 5% fat
and 18% protein (Cat. #2018) and fructose-rich rat chow The rats fed with fructose chow for six weeks were used as
containing 60% fructose, 5% fat, and 18% protein (Cat. # TD insulin-resistant animals. It is well documented that a fraction of
89247) were obtained from Harlan Teklad (Madison, WI, USA). orally-administered myricetin is absorbed by the gastrointestinal
Myricetin and protein A-Sepharose beads were purchased from tract, whereas the remainder is degraded by gastrointestinal micro-
Sigma-Aldrich, Inc. (St. Louis, MO, USA). Rosiglitazone flora (Griffiths and Smith, 1972).Hence, in order to circumvent
maleate (Avandia) was supplied by GlaxoSmithKline (Research these pharmacokinetic considerations, myricetin was injected into
Triangle Park, NC, USA). The diagnostic kits for determination the lateral tail vein of the fructose chow-fed rats every 8 h, 3 times
of plasma levels of glucose (Cat. #COD12503), cholesterol (Cat. daily (at 06:00, 14:00 and 22:00 h) at the desired doses. The
#COD11539) and triglyceride (Cat. #COD11529) were pur- injection volume was controlled such that 1 ml/kg was routinely
chased from BioSystem (Costa Brava, Barcelona, Spain). Rat administered. The injection was given slowly to avoid as much
insulin enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) kit was pain and shock as possible and thereby exclude non-predictive
I.-M. Liu et al. / Life Sciences 81 (2007) 14791488 1481

outcomes. The effect of myricetin was determined for 14 glycogen, hepatocytes were transferred to fresh incubation flasks
consecutive days in subsequent experiments. Another group of containing [U-14C]-glucose (0.25 Ci/ml) after the 30 min pre-
rats was treated similarly but with the same volume of vehicle incubation period in KrebsRinger bicarbonate buffer (KRBB) at
(70% ethanol: saline = 1:19) as was used to dissolve myricetin (Liu 37 C, and then incubated with 1.0 nmol/l bovine insulin at 37 C
et al., 2005, 2006). Myricetin- or vehicle-treated rats continued to for 1 h under continuous shaking. Glycogen was precipitated with
be fed with fructose chow during the 2-week treatment period. 70% ethanol overnight on ice. Precipitated glycogen was
Additionally, rosiglitazone was given by oral gavage (4 mg/kg per centrifuged at 10,000 g for 10 min. Pellets were washed once
day) for 14 days to separate groups of fructose chow-fed rats. This with 70% ethanol, resuspended in 0.5 ml water, and counted by
dose was selected since it was comparable to the dose found to scintillation counting. The incorporation into glycogen was
rapidly induce PPAR-dependent genes (Pearson et al., 1996). The expressed as nmol/mg of cell protein in 1 h. Protein content was
rats were maintained on a fructose chow diet during the 2-week determined using the Bio-Rad protein dye binding assay.
rosiglitazone treatment period. Water was available ad libitum
throughout the experiment. In vivo insulin receptor activation

Oral glucose tolerance test To assess the effect of myricetin on insulin receptor activation
in vivo, rats in the fed state were anesthetized with sodium
An oral glucose tolerance test (OGTT) was performed using an pentobarbital at the end of the 2-week treatment period. Then, a
oral dose of glucose (1 g/kg) for 2 h after 14 consecutive days of bolus of insulin (10 units/kg) was injected into portal vein of rats,
myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment. Animals were food- as described previously (Li et al., 2005). Approximately 120 s
restricted and were given only water to drink throughout the after insulin injection, rats were sacrificed and the soleus muscle
night prior to the OGTT procedure. Plasma glucose and insulin was immediately extirpated, washed with cold phosphate buffer,
concentrations were measured before and 30, 60, 90, and 120 min and cut into 200300 mg portions, which were then stored
after the glucose load. separately at 70 C for subsequent immunoprecipitation and
Insulin sensitivity was calculated using the composite whole- immunoblot analyses.
body insulin sensitivity index (ISIcomp) during the OGTT
(Matsuda and DeFronzo, 1999). ISIcomp was estimated with Muscle processing
the following formula: ISIcomp = 10,000/square root of [(mean
plasma insulin mean plasma glucose during OGTT) (fasting Cytosol and membrane fractions were prepared according to a
plasma glucose fasting plasma insulin)]. previously described method (Rodriguez et al., 2004). Briefly,
muscles used for measuring insulin signaling were weighed while
Plasma analysis still frozen and then homogenized (Polytron, Brinkmann Instru-
ments, Inc., Westbury, NY, USA) in 0.4 ml homogenizing buffer
Blood samples were collected from the lateral tail vein of rats containing 250 mmol/l sucrose, 20 mmol/l Tris (pH 7.5), 2 mmol/
anesthetized with sodium pentobarbital (30 mg/kg) administered l EDTA, 0.5 mmol/l EGTA, 20 g/ml leupeptin, 10 g/ml
intraperitoneally (i.p.). Samples were centrifuged at 2000 g for aprotinin, 174.2 g/ml phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride, and
10 min at 4 C; aliquots of plasma were removed for the respective 20 mmol/l dithiothreitol. The homogenate was centrifuged at
analytical determinations. Plasma glucose concentration was 100,000 g for 1 h at 4 C. The supernatant (cytosolic extract) was
measured by glucose oxidase method (Hitachi 717 autoanalyzer; transferred to a tube kept on ice, whereas the pellet was resus-
Hitachi Ltd., Tokyo, Japan). Levels of cholesterol and triglycer- pended in 0.45 ml homogenizing buffer containing 5% Triton X-
ides in total plasma were analyzed enzymatically (Hitachi 717 100. The resuspended pellet fraction was then centrifuged at
autoanalyzer). The ELISA technique was employed to quantify 14,000 g for 5 min at 4 C, and the pellet was discarded. The
plasma levels of insulin using a commercially available kit. The supernatant from this spin constitutes the membrane extract.
test compounds used in the present study did not affect the Protein concentrations were determined by the Bio-Rad protein
binding of peptide with antibodies. All samples were analyzed in dye binding assay. The supernatant was stored at 80C until used
triplicate. in immunoprecipitation and Western immunoblotting.

Measurement of glycogen synthesis in hepatocytes Immunoprecipitation and Western immunoblotting

Hepatocytes were isolated from rats at the end of the 2-week Muscle homogenates (1 mg protein) were subjected to
treatment period by collagenase perfusion of the liver (Agius et al., immunoprecipitation with anti-IR -subunit antibody or anti-
1996). The hepatocytes were suspended in Dulbecco's modified IRS-1 antibody at 4 C overnight, followed by shaking with
Eagle's medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum, 10 mmol/ protein A-Sepharose beads for 1 h. The bead-Protein A-
l glucose, 100 nmol/l insulin, 100 nmol/l dexamethasone and antibodyantigen complexes were precipitated by brief centri-
inoculated in 24-well plates at a density of 5 104 cells/cm2. They fugation. The pellets were washed three times in ice-cold buffer
were cultured at 37 C equilibrated with 5% CO2, 95% air. (0.5% Triton X-100, 100 mmol/l Tris, pH 7.4, 10 mmol/l EDTA
Approximately 7 h was allowed for cell attachment in the serum- and 2 mmol/l sodium vanadate, resuspended in Laemmli sample
containing medium (Agius et al., 1996). For determination of buffer, and boiled for 5 min. The sepharose beads were
1482 I.-M. Liu et al. / Life Sciences 81 (2007) 14791488

precipitated by brief centrifugation and the supernatant prepared Results

for sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE, 10% acrylamide gel) using a Bio-Rad Mini- General characteristics of fructose chow-fed rats repeatedly
Protein II system (55 V and 130 V during the stacking and treated with myricetin or rosiglitazone
separation phases, respectively). Protein was transferred to a
polyvinylidene difluoride (PVDF) membrane using the Bio-Rad At the end of 6-week high-fructose diet feeding, body
Trans-Blot system (2 h at 20 V in 25 mmol/l Tris, 192 mmol/ weights were similar between standard chow-fed and fructose
l glyceine and 20% MeOH). Following transfer, the membrane chow-fed rats (Table 1). However, animals maintained on the 6-
was probed with anti-IR -subunit antibody, anti-IRS-1 week high-fructose diet exhibited significant hyperglycemia
antibody or anti-phosphotyrosine antibody according to the compared with the standard chow-fed group for the same
manufacturers' instructions. feeding period (Table 1). Meanwhile, the plasma concentrations
For detection of the p85 regulatory subunit of PI3-kinase, of insulin and triglycerides were significantly higher in the
Akt serine (Ser473) phosphorylation, and GLUT 4 content, group eating high-fructose diet than in the standard chow-fed
equal amounts (50 g) of protein were prepared from muscle group (Table 1). Conversely, the plasma cholesterol level was
homogenates, subjected to SDS-PAGE, transferred to PVDF not different between standard chow and fructose chow-fed
membrane as described above, and blotted with anti-PI3- animals (Table 1).
kinase p85 subunit antibody, anti-phosphoserine (Ser473) Akt Following the injection of myricetin (1 mg/kg per i.v.
antibody or anti-GLUT4 antibody according to the manufac- injection; 3 injections per day) for 14 consecutive days, plasma
turer's instructions. After three 5-minute washes in TBST glucose levels in fructose chow-fed rats fell to a value
(20 mmol/l TrisHCl (pH 7.5), 150 mmol/l NaCl, and 0.05% significantly lower than the vehicle-treated counterparts
Tween 20), membranes were incubated with the appropriate (P b 0.05), showing a plasma glucose-lowering activity of
peroxidase-conjugated secondary antibodies. The membranes 16.5 3.1% (Table 1). Similarly, plasma glucose levels in
were then washed three times in TBST and visualized on X-ray fructose chow-fed rats in rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg per day)-
film using the enhanced chemiluminescence detection system. treated rats were significantly decreased to near those observed
Densities of the obtained immunoblots were quantified using a in the standard chow-fed group after 2 weeks of treatment
laser densitometer. The mean value for samples from vehicle- (Table 1). In addition, fructose chow-fed rats that received the 2-
treated lean rats on each immunoblot, expressed in densitom- week rosiglitazone treatment exhibited significantly lower
etry units, was adjusted to a value of 1.0. All experimental plasma insulin levels as compared with their vehicle-treated
sample values were then expressed relative to this adjusted counterparts. Actually, myricetin influences neither the plasma
mean value. insulin levels nor body weight of fructose chow-fed rats;
whereas the rosiglitazone-treated animals gained more weight
Statistical analysis compared with all other groups at the end of the 2-week
treatment period (Table 1).
Data are expressed as the mean SEM for each group of Plasma levels of triglyceride were also significantly reduced
animals at the number indicated in tables. Statistical differences in fructose chow-fed rats after 14 days of treatment with
among groups were determined by using two-way repeated- myricetin (1 mg/kg per i.v. injection; 3 injections per day);
measures ANOVA. The Dunnett range post-hoc comparisons similar results were obtained in fructose chow-fed rats that
were used to determine the source of significant differences received a 2-week treatment with rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg per
where appropriate. A p-value b 0.05 was considered statistically day; Table 1). At the termination of 2-week treatment, the total
significant. plasma cholesterol in fructose chow-fed rats tended to be

Table 1
General characteristics of fructose chow-fed rats after 14 consecutive days of myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment
Standard chow-fed Fructose chow-fed
Vehicle Vehicle Myricetin (mg/kg per injection) Rosiglitazone
0.1 0.5 1.0
Body weight (g/rat) 286.4 10.8c 290.2 9.6 288.3 11.2 287.9 12.3 288.6 10.7 326.4 11.3a,c
Plasma glucose (mg/dl) 93.8 5.7c 134.5 6.2a 127.4 5.8a 120.3 4.9a 112.4 5.2b,c 106.7 4.7b,c
Plasma insulin (U/ml) 23.2 5.6d 53.4 5.4b 52.7 6.3b 50.4 4.9b 49.6 6.1b 30.6 5.9d
Plasma triglyceride (mg/dl) 106.4 11.2d 351.2 14.3b 307.2 11.8b,c 256.7 13.6b,d 214.5 12.7b,d 176.4 10.2b,d
Plasma cholesterol (mg/dl) 81.3 6.1 84.6 5.3 82.4 4.9 80.5 5.7 79.5 5.2 76.8 6.4
HOMA-IR score 4.9 0.8d 18.1 1.7b 16.8 2.1b 14.8 2.3b,c 12.6 1.9b,c 8.6 1.4a,d
After 6 weeks of standard chow or fructose chow feeding, rats received i.v. injection of myricetin at the indicated dosage, 3 times daily for 14 days. Rosiglitazone was
also given by oral gavage (4 mg/kg per day) for 14 days to separate groups of the fructose chow-fed rats. The vehicle used to dissolve the tested drugs was given at the
same volume. Values (mean SEM) were obtained from 7 rats. aP b 0.05 and bP b 0.01 compared to the values of standard chow-fed rats treated with vehicle,
respectively. cP b 0.05 and dP b 0.01 compared to the values of fructose chow-fed rats treated with vehicle, respectively.
I.-M. Liu et al. / Life Sciences 81 (2007) 14791488 1483

reduced by myricetin or rosiglitazone, although no significant the HOMA score in fructose chow-fed rats markedly fell to 50%
differences were found between any treatment and those in of that in their vehicle-treated counterparts (Table 1). Although
standard chow-fed group. the effect was not as large as in rosiglitazone-treated animals,
Additionally, the HOMA score in fructose chow-fed rats was the HOMA score in fructose chow-fed rats that received
higher by 3.6-fold times that of the standard chow-fed group. 2 weeks of myricetin treatment showed a significant decrease
Following 14 days of rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg per day) treatment, (approximately 70% of the score observed in the vehicle-treated
counterparts) (Table 1).

Effects of repeated myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment on the

insulin sensitivity of fructose chow-fed rats

The response to an oral glucose tolerance test at the

termination of 2-week treatment is shown in Fig. 1. Plasma
glucose levels were significantly elevated during the OGTT in
fructose chow-fed rats compared to the standard chow-fed
group at all time points tested (Fig. 1A). In the vehicle-treated
fructose chow-fed rats, plasma glucose concentrations increased
from fasting levels of 132.5 4.3 mg/dl to nearly 212.6
5.9 mg/dl by 30 min and were still greatly increased over
baseline levels 2 h after the oral glucose challenge. The fructose
chow-fed rats treated for two weeks with myricetin (1 mg/kg per
i.v. injection, 3 times daily) showed a significant elevation in
plasma glucose concentrations at 30 min but returned to basal
levels by 2 h after the oral glucose administration; similar results
were obtained in the group treated with rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg
per day) (Fig. 1A).
Also, fasting plasma insulin concentrations were significant-
ly greater in fructose chow-fed rats compared to the standard
chow-fed group and remained higher at all time points
throughout the OGTT study period (Fig. 1B). The plasma
insulin concentrations in both myricetin- and rosiglitazone-
treated fructose chow-fed rats increased 30 min after the oral
glucose challenge, but returned to their respective fasting levels
by 2 h (Fig. 1B).
The ISIcomp was also significantly lower in the fructose
chow-fed group as compared to that in standard chow-fed
group. Repeated myricetin (1 mg/kg per i.v. injection, 3 times
daily) treatment for 2 weeks increased ISIcomp of fructose
chow-fed rats to 1.5-fold of the value in their counterparts
receiving vehicle (Fig. 1C). Additionally, 2-week rosiglitazone
(4 mg/kg per day) treatment raised ISIcomp in fructose chow-
fed rats to nearly 2.4-fold that of their vehicle-treated counter-
parts (Fig. 1C).

Fig. 1. A: Plasma glucose responses during an oral glucose (1 g/kg) tolerance

test (OGTT) in fructose chow-fed rats receiving an i.v. injection of myricetin at
0.1 mg/kg (), 0.5 mg/kg () or 1.0 mg/kg ( ), 3 times daily for 14 days. B:
Plasma insulin responses during OGTT determined in these rats. C: Insulin
sensitivity was calculated using the composite whole-body insulin sensitivity
index (ISIcomp) after a 2-h OGTT. Rosiglitazone was given by oral gavage
(4 mg/kg per day) for 14 days to the separate groups of the fructose chow-fed
rats (). The vehicle used to dissolve the tested drugs was given at the same
volume. Values (mean SEM) were obtained from each group of 7 animals.
P b 0.05 and bP b 0.01 compared to the values of vehicle-treated standard chow-
fed rats () at the indicated times, respectively. cP b 0.05 and dP b 0.01 compared
to the values of vehicle-treated fructose chow-fed rats () at the indicated times,
1484 I.-M. Liu et al. / Life Sciences 81 (2007) 14791488

Effects of repeated myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment on the

hepatocytic glycogen synthesis of fructose chow-fed rats

At the termination of the 2-week treatment, insulin

(1.0 nmol/l) markedly enhanced glycogen synthesis in isolated
hepatocytes of the vehicle-treated standard chow-fed rats to 3.3
0.2 nmol/mg protein/h (Fig. 2). In isolated hepatocytes of
fructose chow-fed rats receiving 2-week rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg
per day) treatment, insulin (1.0 nmol/l) increased the level of
[14C]-glucose incorporation into glycogen (2.8 0.2 nmol/mg
protein/h) to about 2.4-fold the value in the vehicle-treated
counterparts (1.4 0.1 nmol/mg protein/h) (Fig. 2). Also, insulin
(1.0 nmol/l) increased the glycogen synthesis in isolated
hepatocytes of 2-week myricetin (1 mg/kg per i.v. injection, 3
times daily)-treated fructose chow-fed rats to nearly 1.7-fold the
value of the vehicle-treated counterparts (Fig. 2).

Effects of repeated myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment on the Fig. 3. Representative immunoblots of protein expression and insulin-stimulated
protein levels and the degree of tyrosine phosphorylation of phosphorylation of insulin receptor-related signaling mediators in the soleus
insulin receptor (IR) in soleus muscle of fructose chow-fed rats muscles of fructose chow-fed rats following i.v. injection of myricetin (1 mg/kg
per injection, 3 times daily) for 14 days. Rosiglitazone was given by oral gavage
(4 mg/kg per day) for 14 days to the separate groups of the fructose chow-fed
Following 2-week treatment, there were no differences in the rats. Rats that did not receive any treatment were given in the same volume of
expression of IR protein in soleus muscle of standard chow-fed vehicle used to dissolve the test medications. Findings were reproduced on 4
and fructose chow-fed rats. Additionally, the expression of IR separate occasions. Quantification of the data is shown in Table 2.
protein in soleus muscle was similar in fructose chow-fed rats
and standard chow-fed rats after stimulation with insulin; rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg per day) treatment elevated the extent
treatment with rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg per day) or myricetin of tyrosine phosphorylation of IR in soleus muscle of fructose
(1 mg/kg per i.v. injection, 3 times daily) for 2 weeks did not chow-fed rats, which could further increase to 2.4-fold that in
modify these values. muscle from their vehicle-treated counterparts (Fig. 3). Also,
Furthermore, the data indicated that not just the basal level, the degree of tyrosine phosphorylation of IR in soleus muscle of
but the degree of insulin-stimulated increment in tyrosine fructose chow-fed rats was ameliorated by 2-week myricetin
phosphorylation of IR in soleus muscle was clearly lowered in treatment, while the level of insulin-stimulated tyrosine
fructose chow-fed rats relative to muscle from standard chow- phosphorylation of IR in the same group markedly increased
fed group (Fig. 3). Under insulin stimulation, 2-week to 2.1-fold that of their vehicle-treated counterparts (Fig. 3).
Quantification of immunoblots is summarized in Table 2.

Effect of repeated myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment on the

protein levels and the degree of tyrosine phosphorylation of
insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 in soleus muscle of fructose
chow-fed rats

The expression of IRS-1 protein in soleus muscles of

fructose chow-fed rats was close to 60% of that in standard
chow-fed group (Fig. 3). At the end of the 2-week rosiglitazone
(4 mg/kg per day) treatment, the expression of IRS-1 protein in
soleus muscles of fructose chow-fed rats resembled that of the
standard chow-fed group (Fig. 3). Two-week myricetin (1 mg/
kg per injection, 3 times daily) treatment also raised IRS-1
protein expression in soleus muscles of fructose chow-fed rats
Fig. 2. Insulin-stimulated hepatocytic glycogen synthesis of fructose chow-fed
to 1.4-fold of that of their vehicle-treated counterparts.
rats following repeated myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment. The fructose chow- However, insulin administration did not change the protein
fed rats received i.v. injection of myricetin (1 mg/kg per injection, 3 times daily) levels of IRS-1 in soleus muscles of any group (Fig. 3).
for 14 days. Rosiglitazone was given by oral gavage (4 mg/kg per day) for The data indicated that the degree of IRS-1 tyrosine
14 days to the separate groups of the fructose chow-fed rats. Values (mean phosphorylation increased in soleus muscles of fructose chow-
SEM) were obtained from each group of 10 animals. aP b 0.05 and bP b 0.01
represents the level of significance compared to the values with vehicle-treated fed rats after 2-week rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg per day) treatment
standard chow-fed rats, respectively. cP b 0.05 and dP b 0.01 compared to the when compared to their vehicle-treated counterparts; similar
values of vehicle-treated fructose chow-fed rats, respectively. results were obtained in the group treated with myricetin (1 mg/kg
I.-M. Liu et al. / Life Sciences 81 (2007) 14791488 1485

Table 2
Quantification of the expression and insulin-dependent phosphorylation of specific insulin signaling proteins in soleus muscles of fructose chow-fed rats receiving 14
consecutive days of myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment
Relative units Non-insulin stimulation Insulin stimulation
Standard chow-fed Fructose chow-fed Standard chow-fed Fructose chow-fed
Vehicle Vehicle Myricetin Rosiglitazone Vehicle Vehicle Myricetin Rosiglitazone
IR 1.01 0.05 0.99 0.05 0.98 0.06 1.01 0.04 1.02 0.04 0.96 0.06 0.97 0.05 1.01 0.06
IR-pTyr 1.02 0.04 0.43 0.06b 0.62 0.06a 0.73 0.05a 1.56 0.05a 0.57 0.07b 1.26 0.05a 1.35 0.04a
IRS-1 1.01 0.03 0.64 0.05a 0.72 0.04a 0.89 0.06 1.01 0.04 0.63 0.06a 0.78 0.06a 0.93 0.07
IRS-1-pTyr 1.03 0.05 0.49 0.04b 0.82 0.07a 0.94 0.04 1.48 0.06a 0.58 0.05b 1.21 0.05a 1.33 0.05a
PI 3k (p85a) 1.02 0.06 0.75 0.07a 0.84 0.06a 0.92 0.06 1.02 0.05 0.80 0.06a 0.88 0.08 0.94 0.06
pAkt (Ser473) 1.01 0.02 0.46 0.07b 0.74 0.04a 0.91 0.06 1.52 0.07a 0.49 0.06b 1.17 0.04a 1.35 0.08a
The fructose chow-fed rats received i.v. injection of myricetin at 1 mg/kg per injection, 3 times daily for 14 days. Rosiglitazone was also given by oral gavage (4 mg/kg
per day) for 14 days to separate groups of the fructose chow-fed rats. All values are presented relative to the average of values from samples of vehicle-treated standard
chow-fed rats without insulin stimulation for each immunoblot. The vehicle used to dissolve test drugs was given at the same volume. Values (mean SEM) were
obtained for each group of 5 animals. aP b 0.05 and bP b 0.01 compared to the values from samples of vehicle-treated standard chow-fed rats in the absence of insulin
stimulation, respectively.

per i.v. injection, 3 times daily) for the same treatment period. affect the degree of Akt serine (Ser473) phosphorylation in
Additionally, insulin-stimulated IRS-1 tyrosine phosphorylation soleus muscles of the fructose chow-fed group, the value was
in soleus muscles of fructose chow-fed rats following rosiglita- significantly increased following 2-week treatment with
zone treatment returned to levels comparable to those of standard rosiglitazone or myricetin (Fig. 3). Quantification of immuno-
chow-fed animals (Fig. 3). Insulin-stimulated IRS-1 tyrosine blots data is summarized in Table 2.
phosphorylation in soleus muscles of fructose chow-fed rats
receiving 2 weeks of myricetin treatment, increased to 2.1-fold the Effect of repeated myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment on the
value in their vehicle-treated counterparts (Fig. 2). The data are insulin-stimulated translocation of glucose transporter subtype
presented in Table 2. 4 (GLUT 4) in soleus muscle of fructose chow-fed rats

Effect of repeated myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment on the Under insulin-stimulated conditions, GLUT 4 protein
level of p85 regulatory subunit of PI3-kinase in soleus muscle expression in the membrane fraction of soleus muscle from
of fructose chow-fed rats fructose chow-fed rats was about 40% of that in standard chow-
fed rats, but the same protein content in the cytosolic fraction of
The basal level of p85 regulatory subunit of PI3-kinase in the same sample was about 170% of that observed in the
soleus muscle of fructose chow-fed rats was depressed to 75% standard chow-fed group (Fig. 4). However, in fructose chow-
of that in standard chow-fed group. However, 2-week treatment fed animals under insulin-stimulated conditions that received 2-
with rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg per day) improved the expression of week treatment with rosiglitazone (4 mg/kg per day), GLUT 4
p85 regulatory subunit of PI 3-kinase, but no change was protein expression in the membrane fraction of soleus muscles
observed by insulin stimulation (Fig. 3). Similarly, the was increased nearly to the same level as in the standard chow-
expression of p85 regulatory subunit of PI 3-kinase increased fed group, whereas the GLUT 4 protein level in the cytosolic
after the fructose chow-fed animals received 2-week treatment fraction of same sample remained at 60% of the level of their
with myricetin (1 mg/kg per i.v. injection, 3 times daily). Insulin vehicle-treated counterparts (Fig. 4). At the termination of 2-
stimulation in this case too made no difference (Fig. 3). week myricetin (1 mg/kg per i.v. injection, 3 times daily)
Quantification of immunoblots is shown in Table 2. treatment, insulin-stimulated GLUT 4 protein expression in the
membrane fraction of soleus muscles from fructose chow-fed
Effect of repeated myricetin or rosiglitazone treatment on the animals increased to about 76% of the level of the standard
degree of Akt serine phosphorylation in soleus muscle of chow-fed group, while the protein level in the cytosolic fraction
fructose chow-fed rats of the same sample decreased to 75% of that observed in their
vehicle-treated counterparts (Fig. 4).
In the absence of insulin stimulation, a marked reduction of
Akt serine (Ser473) phosphorylation, (approximately 46% of Discussion
that observed in the standard chow-fed rats), was detected in
soleus muscles of the fructose chow-fed group (Fig. 3). It was Increasing consumption of dietary fructose could be one of
observed that after 2-week treatment with rosiglitazone (4 mg/ the factors responsible for the development of obesity and the
kg per day) or myricetin (1 mg/kg per i.v. injection, 3 times accompanying insulin resistance syndrome (Basciano et al.,
daily), the degree of Akt serine (Ser473) phosphorylation in 2005; Le and Tappy, 2006). It has been established that feeding
soleus muscles of fructose chow-fed animals improved rats a high-fructose diet induces insulin resistance, hyperinsu-
significantly (Fig. 3). Although insulin administration did not linemia, hypertriglyceridemia, and multiple metabolic
1486 I.-M. Liu et al. / Life Sciences 81 (2007) 14791488

insulin resistance was found to be higher in fructose-fed rats as

indicated by a higher HOMA-IR, a marker of insulin resistance
(Matthews et al., 1985). Moreover, insulin's activity to stimu-
late disposal of ingested glucose into peripheral tissue was
markedly reduced in the 6-week fructose-fed rats, as evidenced
by the marked reduction of ISIcomp, an index of insulin
sensitivity obtained from the OGTT (Matsuda and DeFronzo,
1999). Compared to HOMA-IR based on measurements of
basal glucose and insulin, the ISIcomp provides a reasonable
approximation of whole-body insulin sensitivity that represents
a composite of hepatic and peripheral tissues and takes into
consideration insulin sensitivity both in the basal state and after
the ingestion of a glucose load (Matsuda and DeFronzo, 1999).
Thus, rats fed 6-week fructose chow could serve as a reliable
model for the investigation of insulin resistance.
Similar to rosiglitazone treatment, the 2-week treatment
regimen with myricetin (1 mg/kg per i.v. injection, 3 times daily)
was found to significantly decrease the high plasma glucose
concentration in rats fed fructose chow for 6 weeks. Conversely,
the same treatment with myricetin had no effect on plasma glucose
level in standard chow-fed rats, showing the beneficial action of
myricetin in rats with insulin resistance. Although the reduced
HOMA-IR could support the fact that insulin resistance in fructose
chow-fed rats was ameliorated by 14-day myricetin treatment, in
contrast to the effect of rosiglitazone, myricetin treatment made no
difference to hyperinsulinemia in fructose chow-fed rats. These
results imply that the major action of myricetin in insulin-resistant
rats is related mainly to improvement of the whole-body insulin
sensitivity. ISIcomp which is an index of composite whole-body
insulin sensitivity, was measured for the entire OGTT period to
ascertain whether myricetin possessed the capacity to increase
insulin sensitivity in insulin-resistant animals. Myricetin treatment
was found to increase the whole-body insulin sensitivity in
fructose chow-fed rats as evidenced by the marked elevation of
ISIcomp in these animals after repeated i.v. injection, as did
rosiglitazone treatment. Clearly, these results imply that myricetin
has the ability to reverse impaired responsiveness to insulin in
insulin-resistant rats demonstrating the insulin-sensitizing effect of
the drug.
Fig. 4. The autoradiograph resulting from Western blot analysis of representative
protein levels for glucose transporter subtype 4 (GLUT 4) in the membrane (A) Insulin resistance is a general metabolic disorder attributable to
and cytosolic (B) fraction of soleus muscle from fructose chow-fed rats the inefficient functioning of insulin in skeletal muscle, liver and/
responded to insulin stimulation following i.v. injection of myricetin (1 mg/kg or adipose tissue. A common abnormality associated with
per injection, 3 times daily) for 14 days. Rosiglitazone was given by oral gavage diabetes is hypertriglyceridemia (Schwartz, 2006). Myricetin
(4 mg/kg per day) for 14 days to the separate groups of the fructose chow-fed
has been documented to stimulate lipogenesis and to enhance
rats. Rats that did not receive any treatment were given in the same volume of
vehicle used to dissolve the test medications. Similar results were obtained with insulin-stimulated lipogenesis in isolated rat adipocytes (Ong and
an additional 4 replications. Quantification of protein levels expressed as mean Khoo, 1996). The flavonol has also been found to reduce hyper-
with SEM (n = 5 per group) in each column, is indicated in the lower panel. glycemia in diabetic rats, possibly through its ability to increase
P b 0.05 and bP b 0.01 represents the level of significance compared to the hepatic glycogen synthesis and to normalize hypertriglyceridemia
values with vehicle-treated standard chow-fed rats, respectively.
(Ong and Khoo, 2000). We observed myricetin to be as effective
as rosiglitazone in the modification of hypertriglyceridemia and in
syndromes observed in humans (Basciano et al., 2005; Le and enhancing hepatic glycogen synthesis in fructose-induced insulin
Tappy, 2006). The duration of high-fructose feeding and the resistance. The beneficial effects of myricetin on plasma glucose
lipid content and type of the diets lead to alterations in the regulation are thought to be linked to the observed enhancement
degree of insulin resistance and in the metabolic parameters. In of hepatic glycogen synthesis and control of lipid metabolism
the present study, an increase in plasma glucose level associated (Ong and Khoo, 1996, 2000). However, it was unclear whether
with hyperinsulinemia definitively suggests impaired insulin myricetin influenced the insulin responsiveness of skeletal
action in 6-week fructose-fed rats. Additionally, the degree of muscle. It has been documented that insulin action on glucose
I.-M. Liu et al. / Life Sciences 81 (2007) 14791488 1487

uptake and metabolism is much greater in skeletal muscle down-stream of IR that ultimately leads to GLUT 4 translocation
composed primarily of oxidative fibers (e.g., the soleus) as in order to maintain glucose homeostasis in fructose-induced
compared to glycolytic fibers (e.g., the epitrochlearis and extensor insulin-resistant states.
digitorum longus), even though the soleus muscle represents a An amelioration of the impaired insulin signaling pathway by
small portion of the total muscle mass (Song et al., 1999). myricetin treatment in this nutritional model of insulin resistance
Actually, the increase in insulin action on skeletal muscle is likely clearly indicates that this flavonol displays the characteristics of
to be related to increased protein expression and/or functional rosiglitazone, retaining its insulin sensitization potential but, un-
activity of several key components of the insulin signal trans- like rosiglitazone, does not cause any increase in body weight.
duction cascade. Defects in the insulin signaling cascade leading The data suggest that that intravenous administration of myricetin
to impaired glucose utilization are believed to play a key role in may be a suitable therapeutic adjunct for the treatment of insulin-
the pathogenesis of insulin resistance (Shulman, 2000). It is resistant patients and/or patients who are particularly sensitive to
conceivable that insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1 tyrosine phos- the common TZD-induced side effects of weight gain and edema,
phorylation in response to insulin stimulation generally increases while oral administration of myricetin would be feasible give the
the association of IRS-1 with the p85 subunit of phosphatidyli- high i.v. dose needed be worthy of valuation. Given the high i.v.
nositol 3-kinase (PI 3-kinase), resulting in increased PI 3-kinase dose of myricetin, the oral route of administration could be
activity, which in turn leads to activation of serine/threonine considered but this would require extensive prior evaluation.
kinase protein B (PKB or Akt) and, ultimately, to an enhancement While it has been documented that in addition to being an
in insulin-stimulated glucose disposal (Carvalho et al., 2000). The insulin sensitizer, rosiglitazone can also sensitize AMP-activated
detailed mechanisms for the induction of insulin resistance in protein kinase (AMPK) mediated glucose disposal in peripheral
carbohydrate-fed animals are still not clear. It seems that excess tissues in insulin-resistant states (Ye et al., 2006), there is no report
fructose may interfere with insulin action by altering the intrinsic to date of the interaction of myricetin treatment with AMPK
activity of insulin signals, that are similar to the defect caused in activation. Although further studies are needed to determine
genetically obese Zucker rats, but not the change of IR protein whether the insulin-sensitizing effect of myricetin is mediated
content, leading to the impairment of insulin sensitivity in through the action of the AMPK pathway, our findings provide a
peripheral tissue (Carvalho et al., 2000; Su et al., 2004). There- new insight to the pharmacological benefits of myricetin, which
fore, we proposed that any observed increases in IRS-1 related could be used as a model substance for the development of new
signals in soleus muscles of fructose chow-fed rats after myricetin antidiabetic compounds.
treatment would provide strong evidence for the beneficial effects In conclusion, myricetin treatment has the potential to
of the flavonol on impaired insulin action. With this aim in mind, reverse the inability of insulin to act on soleus muscle of rats
soleus muscle samples were prepared from all animals after receiving fructose-rich chow. The beneficial effects of myricetin
insulin stimulation. are associated with amelioration of defective insulin action on
Similar to the effect of rosiglitazone treatment, we observed specific post-receptor insulin signaling related to IRS-1-
that 2-week myricetin treatment reversed the defect in expression associated PI 3-kinase IRS-1 step and GLUT 4 translocation.
of IRS-1 and p85 regulatory subunit of PI 3-kinase in soleus From this point of view, myricetin and its derivatives could
muscle of fructose chow-fed rats under the basal state, but the become a promising category of therapeutic agents for in the
protein expression of IR was not influenced by the same treat- treatment arsenal for insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.
ment. Additionally, increased basal phosphorylation of IR and
down-stream signaling molecules including IRS-1 and Akt in the Acknowledgements
soleus muscle of fructose chow-fed rats has been observed by
repeated treatment with this naturally occurring flavonol. Our data The authors would like to thank Miss S.J. Liao for her kind
indicate that repeated myricetin treatment improved the impaired assistance with the immunoblotting analyses. The present study
insulin action on the phosphorylation of IR and IRS-1 as well as was supported by a grant from the National Science Council
Akt in insulin-resistant soleus muscle. Considering that the (NSC 94-2320-B-127-005) of Taiwan, the Republic of China.
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