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William Mount
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Showing posts sorted by relevance for query cia drugs. Sort by date Show Blog Archive
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2017 (325)
May (13)
Thursday, July 7, 2016 Huge French Voter Fraud
Elects Macron President
French Voter Fraud Elects
Clinton Death Count Rises - Pray Macron President
Video: Clinton Death Toll Rises - Pray - YouTube Dems Funded By Russian
With the death of Gucifer toll rises again. Intel reports indicated he had his throat
Dying Veteran Tells All
crushed because he was going to speak out against Hillary.
Mall-A-Geddon -- See For
Gucifer, as you recall, just released the hidden Emials that indicate Hillary is guilty of
Treason Mall-A-Geddon
Trump Stomps Elite Plans For
Julian Assange released enough enough Emails on Wikileaks to hang Hillary 7 years ago - World Conflict
we read many of them on TV.
India, China, Russia Bypass US
As you recall - the former Director of the United Nations was found dead a few days ago
Puerto Rico (US) Files For
with a crushed throat because he was to testify against Hillary the next day.

What Really Happened covers the hundreds of people found dead who opposed the Puerto Rico (US) Files For
Clintons - or should we say the Rockefellars
Trump Stomps Elite Plans For
These recent Presidents are not who you think they are: World Conflict
US Running Out Of Bombs???
..George Bush Senior was renamed after being adopted from a high ranking NAZI
official and was renamed Bush April (61)
March (85)
..William Jefferson Blyth (Rockefellar) was renamed Clinton
February (82)

..Barry Soetorro was renamed Barrack Obama January (84)

2016 (920)
See the pattern?
-------------------- 2015 (438)
2014 (479)
Despite all the Murders the Clintons are connected to and all the treason they are both
2013 (10)
guilty of they are both still walking around arent they?

Senator Riegle implicated Hillary and the La Farge Company of treason in a Senate
Report 21 years ago - and now one went to jail or was even prosecuted
About Me
Even the FBI and US Department of Justice have bowed the these Elites when the FBI
Director claims Hillary was not guilty of any treason?
Please keep in mind that all of the people who were killed surrounding the Clintons
signed non-disclosure agreements to get to where they are and all of them worship

If You Sleep With The Dogs You Get The Fleas

---------------------------------------------- William Mount
Also keep in mind that: Follow 997

1) The Clintons are merely Pawns in a huge Chess Game and Bill has enough on every View my complete
politician to hang them.. Blackmail. This is how it is played at the top. profile
Never remove your clothes for anyone, never take bribes and they will still will make
stuff up about you so they can control you.

Murders, lies, worshipping Lucifer by human sacrifice - its all there

GOD is your only refuge.

2) Keep in mind also that it is not the Clintons ordering the murders but their CIA
Handlers - who - on many occasions - have not exactly appeared to be human. The
Clintons are trapped and around them circles huge amounts of Evil

3) Even when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas protecting the Mina Air Force Bases
Main Drug Distribution Center is was the CIA/FBI that killed the people - thousands of
them - who opposed these murdering drug dealers in these Foreign Agencies like the CIA
- Owned by the English Crown and the FBI - owned by the IMF in France

4) So both the CIA and FBI are foreign mercenaries selling drugs, counterfeiting, etc.

5) If you sign a non-disclosure agreement and decide to come out and speak out - you
are dead

6) The CIA and FBI transport, and sell, over $3.5 Billion Dollars of Illegal drugs per day

7) The CIA/FBI force on the world about $7 Billion dollars of Legal drugs per day.

8) To do as Benjamin Fulford Proposes - to offer $5 million per person to capture 52 key

Players - that is not even one hour of Rothchilds Drug Sales for these Monsters on top.
But we all pray Fulford is successful and the White Dragons take down these evil folks,
but it is not likely

9) The FBI was set up to take over the Mobs Drug Trade and they have been competing
with the Black Dragons (White Dragons Now) for over 80 years.

10) Three nukes would destroy their Command Structure: One under Langley, one under
the Brazilian Jungles in their underground city, and one in the Congo at their third base -
but that will not be allowed to happen will it???
Rather than getting angry and feeding into their world wide web through their satellites
we can pray

Let it go - take a deep breath - and let it go. The Demons feed off of your anger.

Despite what You Tube shows we have around 1 million people hitting our You Tube
channel daily and YOUR PRAYERS ARE making a difference

First - their Empire is being exposed

Second - it is unwinding

Third - the leaders are finding out this week that their entire system is about to unwind
and these Banking Elites are now targets by those they trusted - they are the ones to be
killed first.

So what can you do to change all this?

a) Keep praying with us that those on top either leave or turn back to the Living GOD

b) Prepare your family for at least 3 months of no grocery stores or electricity. That
makes you less controllable and more independent.

c) Keep in mind that GOD is now in charge


YOU DO make the difference

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Survival Foods We Eat Daily:


Tea we drink daily to clean our bodies



Clinton Threat To Destroy Everyone Throws Washington Into Chaos



President UN General Assembly:

Admiral Jeremy Boorda:

Chairan, DNC Ron Brown:

CIA Director: William Colby

Clinton Fund Raiser Hershell Friday:

Penthouse "Pet":

John F Kennedy Jr:

Mary Mahoney, White House Intern:

Lieutenant General McCloud:

The list goes on and on

Pray that Billary and Hillary are freed from this Tyrannical Control they are now under.
Posted by William Mount at 11:09 AM 1 comment:
+6 Recommend this on Google

Labels: Billary, Clinton, Death, Hillary, march

Clinton Death Count Rises - Pray


Video: Clinton Death Toll Rises - Pray - YouTube

With the death of Gucifer toll rises again. Intel reports indicated he had his throat
crushed because he was going to speak out against Hillary.

Gucifer, as you recall, just released the hidden Emials that indicate Hillary is guilty of

Julian Assange released enough enough Emails on Wikileaks to hang Hillary 7 years ago -
we read many of them on TV.

As you recall - the former Director of the United Nations was found dead a few days ago
with a crushed throat because he was to testify against Hillary the next day.

What Really Happened covers the hundreds of people found dead who opposed the
Clintons - or should we say the Rockefellars

These recent Presidents are not who you think they are:

..George Bush Senior was renamed after being adopted from a high ranking NAZI
official and was renamed Bush

..William Jefferson Blyth (Rockefellar) was renamed Clinton

..Barry Soetorro was renamed Barrack Obama

See the pattern?


Despite all the Murders the Clintons are connected to and all the treason they are both
guilty of they are both still walking around arent they?

Senator Riegle implicated Hillary and the La Farge Company of treason in a Senate
Report 21 years ago - and now one went to jail or was even prosecuted

Even the FBI and US Department of Justice have bowed the these Elites when the FBI
Director claims Hillary was not guilty of any treason?
Please keep in mind that all of the people who were killed surrounding the Clintons
signed non-disclosure agreements to get to where they are and all of them worship

If You Sleep With The Dogs You Get The Fleas

Also keep in mind that:

1) The Clintons are merely Pawns in a huge Chess Game and Bill has enough on every
politician to hang them.. Blackmail. This is how it is played at the top.

Never remove your clothes for anyone, never take bribes and they will still will make
stuff up about you so they can control you.

Murders, lies, worshipping Lucifer by human sacrifice - its all there

GOD is your only refuge.

2) Keep in mind also that it is not the Clintons ordering the murders but their CIA
Handlers - who - on many occasions - have not exactly appeared to be human. The
Clintons are trapped and around them circles huge amounts of Evil

3) Even when Bill Clinton was Governor of Arkansas protecting the Mina Air Force Bases
Main Drug Distribution Center is was the CIA/FBI that killed the people - thousands of
them - who opposed these murdering drug dealers in these Foreign Agencies like the CIA
- Owned by the English Crown and the FBI - owned by the IMF in France

4) So both the CIA and FBI are foreign mercenaries selling drugs, counterfeiting, etc.

5) If you sign a non-disclosure agreement and decide to come out and speak out - you
are dead

6) The CIA and FBI transport, and sell, over $3.5 Billion Dollars of Illegal drugs per day

7) The CIA/FBI force on the world about $7 Billion dollars of Legal drugs per day.

8) To do as Benjamin Fulford Proposes - to offer $5 million per person to capture 52 key

Players - that is not even one hour of Rothchilds Drug Sales for these Monsters on top.
But we all pray Fulford is successful and the White Dragons take down these evil folks,
but it is not likely

9) The FBI was set up to take over the Mobs Drug Trade and they have been competing
with the Black Dragons (White Dragons Now) for over 80 years.

10) Three nukes would destroy their Command Structure: One under Langley, one under
the Brazilian Jungles in their underground city, and one in the Congo at their third base -
but that will not be allowed to happen will it???
Rather than getting angry and feeding into their world wide web through their satellites
we can pray

Let it go - take a deep breath - and let it go. The Demons feed off of your anger.

Despite what You Tube shows we have around 1 million people hitting our You Tube
channel daily and YOUR PRAYERS ARE making a difference

First - their Empire is being exposed

Second - it is unwinding

Third - the leaders are finding out this week that their entire system is about to unwind
and these Banking Elites are now targets by those they trusted - they are the ones to be
killed first.

So what can you do to change all this?

a) Keep praying with us that those on top either leave or turn back to the Living GOD

b) Prepare your family for at least 3 months of no grocery stores or electricity. That
makes you less controllable and more independent.

c) Keep in mind that GOD is now in charge


YOU DO make the difference

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Survival Foods We Eat Daily:


Tea we drink daily to clean our bodies



Clinton Threat To Destroy Everyone Throws Washington Into Chaos


President UN General Assembly:

Admiral Jeremy Boorda:

Chairan, DNC Ron Brown:

CIA Director: William Colby

Clinton Fund Raiser Hershell Friday:

Penthouse "Pet":

John F Kennedy Jr:

Mary Mahoney, White House Intern:

Lieutenant General McCloud:

The list goes on and on

Pray that Billary and Hillary are freed from this Tyrannical Control they are now under.
Posted by William Mount at 11:09 AM No comments:
Recommend this on Google

Labels: Billary, Clinton, Death, Hillary, march

Sunday, September 13, 2015

Where Have All The Holistic Doctors Gone?

Where have all the Holistic doctors gone?

Last week I received a call form someone who was going to a Holistic Doctor in Florida
and he ended up dead so she began to research it. She said that there were over 18
dead Holistic Doctors in Florida alone in the last few months that were murdered.

Multiplying this by 50 we can see that there are a whole lot of Holistic Doctors dying all
over the country.

These doctors are dying of Mysterious Circumstances, such as being run over by a Semi
Truck, having a mysterious heart Attack when they had NO Heart Disease, etc.

They are not just being murdered here in america. The long arm of the FBI/CIA Murdering
Jesuit Scum runs across the globe.

Just a few days ago 30 people at a Holistic Seminar in Germany were poisoned by a US
Army LSD-Type Drug called "2CE." This drug acts like a combination of LSD and Speed,
which is exactly what the CIA Handed out at Evans Hall at University of California
Berkeley back in the early 1970's with the permission of the head of Regents for all
California Colleges.

(((2CE, Ecstasy, and a whole host of Pshychodelic Drugs were developed at UC Berkeley
and San Francisco by Dr Alexander Shulgin and Timothy Leary and passed out at UC
Berkeley and UC Santa Barbara in the late 60's and early 70's and placed in certain
water supplies around Berkeley at the time. The Police, FBI, CIA never even tried to arrest
two people. I lived there and watched the results. )))

So this poisoning sounds pretty suspicious to, does it not - CIA ish?

This poisoning was actually not only a Jesuit warning to Holistic Doctors in Europe but to
the Cowards who run the Germany Government that they can kill whoever they want
whenever they want and no one is Man enough to stop them: Not Merkel, not "Wimpy
Gimpy Putin" (What the Head of the Jesuits call Putin) not the head of China. They are all

So now we know who killed them and we can pretty much figure out why - they cut into
the Vatican's Profits in Big Pharma - but what can you do about it?

We could kill every Jesuit on the planet and take our countries back - but the powers that
be are all cowards and would never allow it. Even the FBI and CIA are little coward punks
who would never do what is right in the eyes of GOD.

Do not expect any kind of investigation on these holistic doctors being killed and do
expect these murders to skyrocket.

That is what Jesuits do - they murder.

That is what the FBI and CIA do - they mass on old men and children with SWAT teams
and usually hide in their cubicles at work behind locked doors and bullet proof glass you
the tax payer paid for like little children.
They kill Veterans at the VA Hospital, they order strange repairs on roads to kill people,
many practice Human Sacrifices at Satanic Rituals, and now they are killing Holistic
Doctors to kill more people by forcing them to go to "Regular Doctors."

Please keep in mind that the average doctor dies at 56 years old.

Yup - Doctor's die very young after prescribing drugs that kill the people.

So we pray - we visualize - that all Jesuit Scum are completely and totally and
permanently immobilized for life.

We challenge these Demon Possessed Murdering FBI Agents, CIA Agents, NOAH Hit Men,
and Jesuit Scum (Etc) and bind them in the name of the Living GOD through HIS Number
One Son Yeshua that they stop all murders and theft. When GOD is ready to kill them HE
will but we need to pray.

If you want to get these Jesuit Murdering Scum angry then post my videos on Face Book

Like Hanz Kovlenback (Chief Murdering General of the Jesuit Scum) said in an interview
4/15/2000: "If any man challenges the Jesuits in the name of Jesus (Yeshua) our order will
collapse and any man who touches this man will be killed on my orders."

I am that man who challenges them in the name of Yeshua, Number One Son Of The
Living GOD.

Once dead a Jesuit Scum will spend an eternity in Hell, end of story according to the King
of Kings and Lord of Lords.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

30 Holistic Doctors Poisoned With Powerful Psychedelic at Health Conference | The Free
Thought Project

8 Doctors Now Dead (Holistic & Alternative) Authorities Point To Murder & Suicide, But
Why? | Collective-Evolution

The Bizarre Anti-Vaxxer Holistic Doctor Murder Conspiracy, Explained

5 Holistic Health Doctors Found Dead In 4 Weeks, 5 More Go Missing After Run-Ins with
Feds | The Free Thought Project

Explosive: The real Reason Holistic Doctors Are Being Killed and Vanishing! | Health

Alexander Shulgin - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Timothy Leary - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Posted by William Mount at 8:55 PM 3 comments:

+2 Recommend this on Google

Labels: dead, Doctor, Hole, holistic Doctors, Murder

Thursday, May 29, 2014

Hemp - The Crop Of The Future

There is a very strong and valid argument to start growing Hemp in America today.

((((Please pray - visualize - that the US Corporation goes away and is replaced with our
Republic Immediately))))

Today there is a very strong argument to begin now only using existing crops of Hemp
(Canibis Sativas) in America for industrial uses.

We are not talking about the Dope that make you a Dope - with THC components as high
as 33%

We are discussing the original Hemp, averaging .5% THC

Here are the arguments in favor of this:

1) It would employ thousands of Americans.

Why should we in America be forced to buy foreign made Hemp rather than growing it
here employing Americans.

Jobs that would be, if fully utilized, in excess of 50,000 directly invloved in hte trade.

2) The crop grows naturally and would not destroy the Ecology of the land.

When I lived in Kansas I noticed it grew every where as thick as Blackberries and over 7
feet tall. It is a weed that a farmer simply must tolerate.

3) It comes back over and over again - thus avoiding the need for replanting.

4) Hemp os a Pioneer Plant - It is easy to grow no marginal land - thus allowing farmers
to grow crops in areas that other crops will not grow.

5) Hemp can be made into all sorts of products, such as:

a) Cloth, almost equal in quality to cotton.
b) Animal Feed - containing a complete animal protein for cattle, sheep, chickens, dogs
and cats.
c) Paper - being of superior quality than many woods and not needing as much
bleaching in the process.
d) Oil for running auto,mobiles.
e) Rope.
f) Thousands of other uses.

6) Obstacles to legalizing Hemp today:

The biggest obstacle to legalizing Hemp for commercial use comes form both the CIA and

The CIA imports illegal drugs and funds it's Black Ops Programs (Murders, political pay-
ofs, and Underground Base Construction) with the profits and the FBI runs Fusion Centers
to sell the drugs all across America.

If the CIA and FBI leadership was not so stupid they would realize that growing large
Hemp Fields (.5% THC) across America would cross breed (Cross Pollinate) with the
Illegal Hemp (10-22% THC) and make them worthless to the local illegal Dope Buyers.

In fact - is these Brain Dead FBI and CIA Directors really had any brains they would get
the US Corporation to not only to pay to genetically modify Hemp to have no THC
(HEMPTY) they would plant these crops all across America.

No locally grown Hemp means more income for the CIA and FBI, more dead America's
and more money for the Sandanista Drug Lords (Obama Allies) in Mexico, and more rifle
and pistol sale to the Mexican Drug Lords by US Corporate Attorney General Eric Holder.

FBI - think about it. You would not have to send in FBI Snipers into China to kill Chinese
Soldiers - you could pay off Chinese to kill Chinese soldiers.

CIA - rather than trying to kill Putin by small bribes to key people in the "third tier" under
his Russian DOD, you could pay off key leaders to do the killing themselves.

Vodka and Caviar for every one.

Let the Declaration of Independence stand on it's own merits - it was written on paper
made of Hemp ---- outlawed by the English Owned US Corporation.

Please pray - visualize - that the US Corporation is abandoned and our Republic returns.

A message to Chinese and Japanese Intelligence: When I see Immusist and Kelp being
used in Chinese and Japanese hospitals in mass quantities then I will know you tell the
truth. Until then - all you say to me is pure garbage and you only passify me with your

English: You Lie,

Japanese: "Uso Tsuku, "
Chinese: "Luangtong."
The News You Are Not Supposed To Know

Dr William B. Mount

Posted by William Mount at 9:32 PM No comments:

+1 Recommend this on Google
Labels: Brownies, Hemp, Marijuana, Mary Jane

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Harry Reid and John Kerry Have thir Faces Rearranged

Both Senator Harry Reid (Dirty Harry) and Secretary of State John Kerry have recently
had their faces re-arranged. It has something to do with the Land Theft of the Bundy Land
in Nevada, and the murder of an Ambassador named Christopher Stevens.

Dirty Harry claimed he fell of an Exercise machine, although he has a Broken Face Bone,
5 Cracked Ribs and a bruised left leg and sprained ankle - - - yea - he fell off of a Rowing

John Kerry ran into a Door Knob, right?

(((Please pray that those who would do Humans harm or harm planet Earth become
violently sick when within 1 Million Miles of Planet Earth. Please also pray that all their
Mechanical Toys break when within 1 million miles of Planet Earth)))



Harry Reid is about to have another stroke (SO is Nancy Pe'lousey') and John Kerry is
about to run into a whole lot more doors unless they stop their evil killing and thievery,
so says the I AM That I AM, who was and is and is to come. The Red Dragon Family has
ZERO patients.

GOD directed you both what to do, you though you were so High and Might you could
ignore the Living GOD, and now you will pay. HE has spoken, so it shall be.

As a side note - Nancy Pelosi just plain smells bad and has terrible bad breath.
So here is what these Freaks are planning. Apparently you did not hit wither of them hard
enough. Put me in a room with these Cowardly Freaks:

1) Watch the Swiss - they have all Banking Codes and are padding their accounts ever so

2) Red Dragon Family - you were told what to do by GOD, you are too high and mighty to
listen, so the Rothchilds have been given permission by GOD to double cross you at every
instance. Stupid is as Stupid Does.


3) School shooting False Flag heavily published 11 Feb 2015. It will be fake but look real,
again along with a Fake Mall Shooting in Atlanta - but the time frame on this is weak. Too
much interference here in Tacoma - sorry.You disobey GOD, I stay in Tacoma, you get
sketchy info.

4) Four highly publicised school shooting this year planned by the CIA/Rothchilds.

5) April/May GOD will hit the US West Coast with earthquakes all up and down the coast.

6) Japan will begin rolling to the right eve so slowly beginning around Mid Year 2015.

7) US will begin to interfere in Chinese Politics next month in a strong way. They did not
do as GOD directed to the Chinese Red Dragon Family will be vulnerable to bribes and
double crosses.

8) Riots - the CIA is planning to bring forth many White Cops shooting Blacks all over the
nation so Paid Agitators like AL Sharpton (A Real Jerk) will be used to stir up riots by mid-
summer and the rounding up of Dissident Black should begin by September.Jessee
Jackson has become lazy and also had a stroke - so he is now ineffective. A side effect of
all the drugs he is currently using.

9) April - forces loyal to the Traitor Obama will begin interfering with food distribution for

10) By June the US Republic will be touted as coming on line - it will be a lie. A Republic
means no property taxes and that is not happening therefor the Republic is a complete
lie and General Ham is a fake.

We shall see. I get a bad feeling about this "New Republic."

As long as the Red Dragon Family ignores GOD - they will be double crossed at every
level, so HE has said it, so it shall be.

11) The US Submarine Fleet will begin to sabotage Chinese Tankers headed East just
south of NAHA (Okinawa). The US will be sitting at the bottom of a large ledge and test a
New Weapon that allows frequencies to be transmitted thousands of feet through the
water. The ships will literally begin to tear apart - the structure of the metal will
dissolve.There will be no survivors.

Chinese Trade Ships should avoid deep trenches or face being sunk as a test.

12) Old Man Rothchilds drinks a Tan Colored Liquid with alcohol in it and just had a Minor
Stroke. He is not long for this world and I hold the key to his longevity. When he dies he
must then face GOD.

13) Violence agianst cops is up 24% over last year. Already within a month 4 New York
Cops have been shot. This will accelerate this year.

CIA - runs druhgs into America to build underground bases. They use Buffalo Airlines and
the USAF - and use bases like Mina Arkansas (Bill Clinton ring a bell?) to bring in these
drugs They are all tagged with the Verichip.

FBI - Runs the Fusion Centers to distribute these drugs. They also give away hundreds of
thousands of pistols to the Drug Guns to run these drugs.

Local Police - ensure the drugs sell.

Police - Policy Enforcer. Except they run drugs.

14) The US DOD is planning a Carrier Attack off of Yemen for June but may move it up to
March. The Carl Vincent looks like it will be hit and a propeller will be damaged and a
Shaft bent, along with a hole ion the side of the carrier. A different carrier maybe
substituted - but I see a freshly rebuilt carrier with a Bird Mascot.

It is all set up by the DOD. The US wants war in Yemen/Oman to seize their wealth to
extend their empire a little longer. Blood for money.

15) US Corporate Carriers need to be rebuilt to handle refugees considering what US

Corporate Made, and Natural disasters, are coming. These are the only ships (Along
with the 200 US Corporate Submarines) they will be able to get in and out considering
the severity of the coming storms.

16) Eight years ago I flew with a guy who was going to the Ukraine to look for oil. He told
me the oil in that region was all dries up. Dirty Harry Reid sent his son in not to extract
more oil but to push Benzene into the Ground Water (Fracking) to kill Ukrainians.

GOD calls it murder.

Fracking is a type of Murder - this is the real reason oil prices dropped - to stop the
Murders put forth by the Rockefellars world wide for no reason other than to destroy the
Earth and murder it's people.

This is why Oil Prices have fallen - to stop the murders.


For Fun: The worlds first 3-D Printable AK 47 Magazine: The Fienstein.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount



Posted by William Mount at 11:47 PM No comments:

+1 Recommend this on Google

Labels: Ham, Kerry, Mount, Reid, republic

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Destruction Of Russia 2015

Recently revealed documents on 'The Saker" clearly exposed what we wrote about way
back in Early January of 2014 on APFN and here.

(Please pray - Visualize - that those planning more wars are immediately immobilized for

The documents clearly show that the Take Down of Russia will be done just like it was
done way back in 1917 - same Operational Orders, or Oporders.

Fast forward to where in the Late 1980's Ambassador Wanta was given about $25 Trillion
(Trillion) by President Ronald Reagan to destroy the Soviet Union and break it apart.

We traced where that money is and as an Ambassador I officially requested the now
$76.4 Trillion be returned to the US Treasury - enough to pay off all the US Home Loans,
Credit Cards and National Debt. Further - a Treasury Form 211 was filed to document the
where abouts and demands for a 15% reward were made to futher document this theft.
Goto TOMFLOCCO.COM to verify this.

To date the US Treasury refuses to take these finds back or pay any reward - so they
must be destroyed - so says the I Am That I Am. The Department must be completely
dismantled and rebuilt from the bottom up and it's employees dismantled from head to

Vice President Richard Cheney took $8 Trillion Dollars of these $76.4 Trillion Dollars
(According to Wanta) and has it in a personal fund.

As of today the CIA plans on spending around $1 Trillion Dollars of this $8 Trillion to
directly take down President Putin and PM Medvedev of Russia. An easy task considering
they have ignored their Mantle Feo - GOD may just let it happen - all 3 of Putin's Doubles
and Medvedev's 2 doubles.

Further - as of 1 October 2012 the Federal Reserve System has access to all banks and
bank accounts world wide and plans on seizing assets of all of President Putin's Buddies
and if Russia nationalizes it's currency the American Ambassador to Russia recently
stated he would order all of Putin's Staff to be killed, along with all of Russia's Billionaires.
See my previous reports.

This type of Boldness at this point could backfire CIA - and you are charged with
maintaining the United States Corporation as an asset of the Rothchilds, as the CIA is
owned by the Queen of England and her assets are controlled by the Rothchilds, which is
run by the German Banks in Frankfurt, which works for the Vatican Bank, whose leaders
worship Lucifer - see the Pope's recent mass to Lucifer.

At this point in time the implementation of these plans would lead to the total destruction
of the United States Corporation and it's employees - including all members of the CIA.

The goals here is the Preservation of Feedom, America and the US Corporation, and in
that order.

Wantant destruction of the United States Corporation by the Scummy Jesuits must be
stopped and the Jesuit Order terminated or Planet Earth will cease to exist. May I remind
you of Planets: Adama, Marduk, Mars and now planet Earth. The same Lucifarian Scum
was present there and they caused the destruction of those planets.

May I suggest Russian Leadership you read this very carefully as your lives are now on
the line and I am required to tell you as an American, US Corporate Officer and Passport
Holder aa-00029 of Russia. The destruction of Planet Earth would not be good for the
preservation of any of these entities, would it?
For You Intel Geeks:

On 14 April 1865 the Jesuit Scum killed President Abraham Lincoln for delaying the
implementation of the Organic Constitution. If you have not read Hanz Kovlenback's
Interview 14 April 2000 - read it.

Obama claims to be Abraham Lincoln and a Rogue sector of the CIA made up of 30 men
and 1 woman (Acts and looks like a man) is planning on shooting Obama in the back of
the head 14 April at the exact time the Jesuit Scum shot President Lincoln in Ford Theater
150 years ago.

Obama and his handlers have agreed to go to a Gold Standard and bow to the Chinese
and have signed the US Corporation over to the Red Dragon Family lock, stock and

Not only is this the 150th anniversary of the end of the American Civil War and the Jesuit
killing of a President, it is also (In the minds of this 30 +1 Committee) a great time to kill
Obama and start a Civil War to destroy both North America and the US Corporation.

FBI - the Secret Service has proven to be, under Obama, a worthless bunch of scum, loyal
to prostitutes and violence. As much as you are scum and run drugs and steal wherever
you can you may be the only outfit that can keep one of Obama's 5 doubles for\\rom
being killed in public in 2 days.

FBI - Protect the G.D. President NOW from a close encounter from behind.
If he does get killed - let this record stand. You allowed it.

Russian Federation and Red Dragon Intel Agencies - if Obama dies your Bankstas are
dead. You would do well to help in this arena.
The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

From Fourwinds10 - a great website:

Retired CIA Agent Confesses on Deathbed: 'I Killed Marilyn Monroe' >> Four Winds 10 -
Truth Winds

Form The Saker

Documents showing how the Empire plans to overthrow Putin | The Vineyard of the Saker

From m discussing the coming destruction of Russia 16 months ago as GOD laid it out -
they will either do as GOD states referring to their Mantle Feo or be destroyed.


Posted by William Mount at 7:48 PM No comments:

+4 Recommend this on Google

Labels: Death, Jesuit, PUTIN, Russia. Destruction, Russian Federation

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Its Been A Long Road

It has been a long road. Eight years ago yesterday I stepped into a world I knew nothing
about but knew that if I were going to continue to fight for veterans it was absolutely
necessary to go down this road.

On 2 January 2007 I purposely withdrew a Law Suit against the US Corporation for selling
US Military Records around the world for profit - in violation of the Espionage Act. USC 8,
Sec 793, 794 and 796.

The withdrawing of my case meant that the Federal Judge would send out a couple of US
Marshals to "Beat Me Up."

These Federal Marshals came, presented me with the letter, I asked them to read it, and
then I explained to them that the senior Enlisted folks form the U1st US Special Forces
had informed me that the US President was to be assassinated 4 April and a Nuke placed
a few blocks south of the Salt Lake Convention Center to be detonated 6 April 2007.
SInce they stepped on my property as an Active Ambassador this was an Act of War but
more importantly please sav eth President's Life.

These Marshals read the letter and went back and read the judge the riot act, withdrew
my case, and years later I learned that Bill Kirkpatrick (Chief US Marshall for the area,
knighted by the Queen of England) had to inform Bush Jr personally of the attempt on his
life and on Salt Lake City. despite the threats om me personally - we owe them our lives
for their quick and corageous actions.

After 14 October when the US Special Forces General found the Nuke headed for the
Next False Flag I outlined) and Russia confirmed the $750 Million in Fake Bonds the FBI
tried to sell Putin (Using money they stole from me) and then further confirmed the 350
Nuke the US Corporation gave Iran and Putin read my letter on international TV the
criticism began to calm down.

Of course - the FBI refused to return my stolen money claiming (In a face to face) they
were broke. If the two were not Nam Vets I would have flattened them.

Then when a car form the Iranian Embassy, License Number 987-JFK, pulled up to the
Lincoln Memorial on 21 April 2008 and left a Russian Nuclear Briefcase on the Memorial
set to go off to kill Bush Jr that I had described in detail on TV 6 months earlier (Including
hte Briefcase Serial Number) - the criticism really calmed down.

I suppose the Nuke the NCIS found 21 September 2014 in DC exactly where I told them it
would in DC in June (the NCIS published the results in their own documents) be set to go
off this year - well, things really calmed down for me then.

So eight years later I am broke (Thanks to the FBI/CIA) and hold allot of titles - including
Mantle Feoo - a title ALL Masons should respect given their teachings ----- but most
Masonic Leaders now follow Lucifer not GOD. Apparently not even the Russian Leadership
respects this position they gave me - a position critical to their economic survival
according to both Masonic Writings and to of GOD

Eight years is GOD's number for completion and those of you who know me know I often
times give messages for the Living GOD. SO after 8 years of calling assassination
attempt on politicians (Bush Jr 4, Obama Over 80, Putin about 7 or 8, Etc) and stopping
over 50 Nuclear False Flags and other shootings in America one must wonder what
comes next?

(((((Pray - Visualkize - that the Evil (Those wishing us harm) beings that are within 1
million miles of Earth get violently sick))))

Recognition and assistance by any Foreign Intel would be nice - but that would mean
they would have to admit there is a GOD, right?

Guess that ain't happening in this life time, or will it?

Maybe - just maybe - some world leader like Putin will get some Guts and to as GOD has
directed him to do - maybe?

So here is what I was given several days ago, all glory goes to the Living GOD:

1) If you have been following the earthquakes in the Central Atlantic you realize they are
moving South. This is caused by US Drilling Rigs trying to create a major earthquake
along the Atlantic Ridge useing Nuclear Drilling Rigs. No one is Man enough to stop them.

Similar to what Senator Nelson revealed about a year ago - the FBI/CIA is planning to
move another 12 Nukes into the Atlantic Volcano Chain no later than 3 June, but this may
be moved up to 15 March. The Syncapetic Detonation would cause a huge Earthquake
and Title Wave, killing millions along the coast lines of Brazil and Africa.
2) The 17 February assassination on Obama (Maybe 17 January depending on how long
this current double lasts) will be accompanied by 3 Nuclear Brief Case Blasts - Cincinatti,
Atlanta, and perhaps Richmond(?).

In Sorcha the last story was about a Dirty Bomb factory that was uncovered in relation
to this plot. We shall see how successful the Russian and Red Dragon Intel Boys and Girls
are in stopping this plot.
3) Bird flu in China and Hong Kong is coming from Poultry infected in the United States.
This is purposely being done to force foreign nations to stop purchasing food from
America - a way to destroy this nation.

Poultry Production Facilities need to kill US Agents or go broke as their overseas markets
dry up.
4) Governors like Rick Scott of Florida need to be arrested for displaying in their foyers
Satanic Displays or this economy will continue to fall drastically, so says the I AM that I
5) It has been reported conclusively that Cell Phones cook you brains and give you
cancer. Their wavelengths are almost equal to that of your Microwave Oven.This cancer
will accelerate as frequencies are added to your cell phone conversations to fry your
brain - a gift from your local CIA/FBI Boys and Girls.

They are your friends.

So - either use headphones or use Speaker Phones and please read: APFN THE CURE FOR
6) Cuba is being brought into the US Corporate influence because the US Corporation
wants to convert their $4 Trillion Dollars of Government and Personal Savings into US
Treasury Bonds - a robbery so to speak.

Further - it is now set for the US to sell cheap food to Cuba and put the farmers out of
Business and large US Corporations take control of the Bankrupt Cuban Farm Land so in
the end Castro gained nothing from the revolution.His people will have their wealth
stolen and their farmers destroyed.

If you go to Cargill's Website they state the opening of Cuba is to: "It Will Give Us A new
Market For US Farmers, Ranchers and Food Companies, and Give the Cuban People
Access To Affordable Food."

Imagine: The US Seizes ALL Cuban Wealth, takes over their farmland, forces GMO Foods
onto the people and thus can create a Welfare Panacea where drugs will be fed to the
people to counter the effects of Poisoned Food grown by US Companies.

Over 12 Million new people to steal from and then make permanently sick.The US
Corporation will then blame it of Russian Chemicals and Viruses left behind during 60
years of occupation. by the evil Communists in Moscow. A New Cold War.
7) Over $63.5 Billion for war in Afghanistan and Iraq and thus Khazakstan. A new
Kurdistan will also be created - making Turkey shrink to almost nothing.

Permanent War - a Fascist Pig's Dream. Lead on Rothchilds - lead on.

8) What we are looking at is a the US with over 65,000 Active Nukes:

January: Weird News about every thing.

February: US $ beginning to hit the fan
March: US $ beginning to be not accepted world wide. War or $ crash.
April: US Corporation begins to purposely break down supply chains in certain areas.
Remember - Janet Nepalatano is the Chancelor of US Berkeley - you know who planned
this and where she lives.
9) The goal is for the SS (Homeland Security) to begin filling FEMA camps with Blacks and
other dark colored minorities by September in mass. Expect allot of "White Cops shooting
Blacks" to be broadcast all over CNN, FOX, ABC, NBC, CBS.........

The 550 murders last year in Detroit where 95% were Black On Black do not count.

Since guns kill people we all know that no one ever makes it out of a gun show alive,
10) The storms on the Sun and Earth will increase, so HE has said it so it shall be. That
begins NOW. Any questions?
11) The sale of GMO corps will fall in hte US so the farmers will set fire to many of their
crosp to collect on US Corporate sponsored insurance programs.
12) Grain being sent around the world - especially China - will be spiked with GMO grain
to destroy their people and crops. The Carlisle Group came up with this one so the
CIA/FBI (SS) will do these dirty little deeds.

Again - kill the Government Inspectors or face bankruptcy.

13) By the years end only 20% of all people in the US will decide GMO crops are poison
as the CIA controlled Media will continue to pump out lies.

The only way to stop it is to kill all Jesuits (Per the Jesuit General 4/15/2000) and buy all
American Media outlets and begin telling the truth.
14) Unless I get assistance there will be several Nuclear Detonations by June - specifically
to create a Permanent War the American People will swallow. Kill the Jesuits and the
Detonations stop.

I am not sure living in Tacoma I can keep up with the False Flags the CIA/FBI have set up.
They really demand a Full Scale Nuclear War as their underground bases are now
15) By June we will see another huge set of Layoffs from areas in the economy targeted
for shut down by the White House as the US Corporation Grows.

The hiring of illegal Aliens to displace Blacks in government Agencies will accelerate. As
these untrained minorities displace trained and hard working whites, they will now be
displaced by those who speak very little English and have criminal records.

Discrimination of any kind always leads to a very bitter end.

16) We are now seeing the New GMO Rice DNA modifying Human DNA. This use of
Human Modifying DNA imbedded in grains to kill Humans will accelerate in this nation
until most Americans are permanently sick, both mentally and physically, unless the Red
Dragon Family begins to kill these Jesuits.

This is called Murder but most Americans will welcome it with Open Arms.

Just watch the sale of White Bread at your local grocery store - most Americans are now
clueless about anything but what is on TV.

(((Please pray - Visualize - the Red Dragon Family destroys those who are creating GMO
foods Very Soon)))
17) We will see an increase of local power outages - created by both the sun and the SS
(CIA/FBI Pigs).
18) Earthquakes will increase as the Sun and Earth begin to enlarge ever so slightly.
Large ones, however, will be created by the same old Fascist Pigs - the CIA and NASA.
19) George Noory has improved as an interviewer beyond anyone I have ever heard - he
is great. Unfortunately - many of his guests are sort of - well, not so very good, So we
shall see advertisers begin to pull away form Coast to Coast as his numbers have already
gone form 15 Million to under a million listeners.

Please pray that -visualize - that those he interviews become ever more interesting and
that George continues to be a great host of Coast to Coast. George really is a cool
person and we really do pray for his success.
The NEws You Need

Honorable Grace
Ambassador, Dr WIlliam B. Mount
Knight of Malta - Russian Passport aa-00029, Mantle Feoo
Captain (Ret) US Army Combat Engineer
Posted by William Mount at 9:14 PM No comments:
+2 Recommend this on Google

Labels: CIA, Long Road, Nuke, PUTIN, why

Friday, March 17, 2017

Obama On The Run After Drugs Busts Have Begun


It is over for these Left Wing Nut Case Satanic NAZIs Whos Elevators Do Not Go Up All
The Way.

Obama On The Run After Drug Busts Have Begun - YouTube

(((((Before we begin please note that as a matter of fact - most of the agents in the FBI
and CIA are not in favor of being part a Huge Illegal Drug growing, processing and
distribution centers world wide run by King Carlos of Spain nor are they in favor of any
type of Nuclear War that would lead to the complete and utter destruction of Planet
Earth - which is why I am still alive today.))))

So what are President Obama and his handlers up to and are they really running away
from potential prosecution after the drug busts began???

Are they running from the Potential Economic Collapse and coming riots in DC or are they
running from potential prosecution for running Illegal Drugs into the US????

Do you have any idea what the DC Rioters would do to President Obama when they
realize what they have done to them????

Here is what President Obama #4 has recently done:

First - President Obama #4 traveled to New York City to meet with his attorneys about
his illegal status here in the United States.

Second - The former President and his handlers flew to meet with Warren Buffet - who
being one of the Council of 45 + 1 used to be able to fix anything. Warren Buffet is now
86 years old and given the severe consequences of the Obamas administrations
attempt to destroy Planet Earth, may not be able to fix anything.

Keep in mind that Warren Buffet cannot even get the Age Reversal Drugs from his
handlers and his heart is in bad shape, as is the degrading of his nerve cells in his brain.

Unless he does as GOD directs him to do his legacy will be that of a greedy, old man who
horded money and wealth and died way too young.

Third - President Obama #4 flew to Silicon Valley where he met with the leaders of the
Tech Industry to try and protect his Legacy of Destruction.

Fourth - He made a short trip to the Caribbean here he checked in with his Drug Lords
there after the seizure of 4.2 Tons of Cocaine on the Lady Michelle.

At $30,000 a Kilo in New York City - 1000 Kilos per ton roughly - thats worth well over
$125 Million - ouch.

If you buy 1/8th of a gram of Cocaine - an 8Ball - thats $150 bucks so $150 times 8 times
28 g/ounce times 16 ounces per pound times 2,000 pounds per ton times 4.2 tons - thats
allot of cash. That is a Street Value of around $4.5 Billion Bucks. Ouch.

Fifth - President Obama #4 flew to Hawaii for a Photo Op with Mike Ramsey - known
today as Michelle Obama.

Finally - The Obama #4 flew to Tahiti (French Polynesia) where he will spend a month on
vacation where he cannot be interviewed or brought back to America under the
Extradition Treaties.

You decide if he is running form prosecution.

One last note - If the economy in the US crashes due to the last 8 years of manipulation
by the Obama Administrations Handlers those who will get hit the hardest will be those
on the Island Nations as the US Dollar has been holding up these economies for years.

When the island people realize that is was the Obama Regime that systematically
destroyed their island economies they will be furious.

In other news:

President Trump is meting with German Prime Minister Angela Merkel and they will either
work to stabilize the economy or she is done. The Council of 45 + 1 will be forced to
replace her. Period.

Keep in mind that every thing she has said, or was said to her, over the last 4 years is
sitting on President Trumps Real Office Desk - not the one in the Oval Office.

No hand shakes there.

These Satanic NAZIs (Stazis) will either cooperate or go away.

Second - US Attorneys General Jeff Sessions has discussed making Dope (Marijuana)
illegal in every state once again.

Finally - Two Secret Service Agents took Selfies with President Trumps 8 year old
Grandson Donald Trump 3rd. When he woke up he went into a Tyrate

As they were driving him home to New York this little 8 year old fell asleep so the Secret
Service Agents on either side of him began snapping Selfies in the back seat. He woke up
and started screaming.

Well - there go another 2 Secret Service Agents. I am sure they meant no harm - but they
should have been more careful.

By the way - another Secret Service Lap Top was stolen which contains allot of Top
Secret Info. They seem to loose one every month - big whoop.


I awoke to tea with Chocolate Colostrum added to it from Get The Tea (And Immusist) to
start my day - this way I do not need to buy cream or use Sugar as it is sweetened with
Stevia - the good kind of Stevia.


Thank you - this week we were able to send Patch Adams and the Grandmama of the 8
kids and a gal in Montana who is broke another check today. They all say thank you for

Further - we are not the only ones involved in this anti-aging, tooth re-mineralization, and
hair restoration studies.

When you watch our videos we give you feed back from allot of people who are now
testing these techniques so YOU get the benefits of the results first hand immediately -
un censored.

We just tell you what is going on in language we can all understand. Either it works or it
does not work, right????

Please pray that those in the Council of 45 come forward to do as GOD has directed them
to do before they get replaced. His way they will be protected. Better to repent that be
turned into Dog Food - Not kidding.

Please also pray that President Trump is protected and is able to unite the world before it
is too late.

The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

France Refuses FBI Request To Interview Obama Over Drug Bust Link To Lady Michelle

Barack Obama to spend a month in French Polynesia


Are Collapsing Pensions "About To Bring Hell To America"? | Zero Hedge

Barack Obama gets lunch with Warren Buffett in Omaha | Daily Mail Online

Confirmed: Treasury Says Obama Stole From Fannie, Freddie Investors to Fund
Obamacare Alex Jones' Infowars: There's a war on for your mind!

"Can We Get A Handshake?" The Press Asks As Trump Meets Merkel (Spoiler Alert: No) |
Zero Hedge

Secret Service Agents Under Investigation for Taking Photos of Donald Trump's Sleeping
Grandson | Mother Jones

How much does cocaine cost (gram, ounce, pound)? | Yahoo Answers

a gram is usually between 20-60 dollars depending on quality of cocaine.

an ounce is usually around 1,000-1,400 bucks. If you buy 1/8 of a gram, usually called
"8ball", it is usually around 120-150 bucks. If you buy 1/4 of a gram, it is usually 250-350
Obviously, a pound would cost a lot of money. I'm not sure how much a pound cost
because I never carried it myself.

Posted by William Mount at 12:11 PM 10 comments:
+1 Recommend this on Google

Monday, January 9, 2017

Trump Adds Jobs As Retail Collapses


VIDEO: Trump[ Adds Jobs As Retail Collapses - YouTube

President Elect is to add another million jobs to America as Retail across the nation falls

First - The Trumpster has convinced Toyota to invest $10 Billion in America to create 1
Million Manufacturing Jobs in America.

For years there has been 6 jobs for every manufacturing job - so currently 12 Million Jobs
would sustain 72 Million Jobs.

So now - over a 5 year period - Toyota has agreed to create one million jobs in America.

With the current Tax Load and Tax Structure - nothing makes sense.

As for the IRS - they are a Foreign Owned Corporation and are not licensed in any state to
operate and therefore taxes are voluntary --- but do not test this unless your taxes are all
paid up and you have a billion dollars off shore to fight this.

Second - The Trumpster has just negotiated a deal with Fiat-Chrysler to invest $1 Billion
Dollars into the plant in Warren Michigan where they make the New Jeep Wrangler and
Large SUVs.

Yup - the New Jeep Wrangler will be 100% American Made.

Third - The Trumpster has asked the Chinese to make parts headed for America in
America or face tough tariffs.

China - You charge 100% tariffs on American made products - we will charge 100%
tariffs on Chinese made products coming into America

Tit for tat - equalize the playing field.

In other news:

Fourth - There is another Retail Apocalypse across America. Apparently Santa did not
bring companies like Sears and Macys a very nice present. Macys has announced
another 10,0000 layoffs, Chicos may close over 100 stores, and Sears is closing another
100 stores.

The only stores that do net seem to be effected are those that are owned by CIA:
Walmart, Costco and Home Depot - all built with Steele Girders and capable of
maintaining a fleet of vehicles, have a Cafeteria, have walled off areas to capable of
dispensing drugs and have an Ammo Locker. They also use almost identical Logistics
Programs I was trained on.

Fifth - there have been several Major Earth Quakes at the site in the Arctic where the
Magnetic Polls shifted to. The significance to you and I is that this Very Cold Winter
should be around for the next 2 years as the Planet re-stabilizes and the effects of this
Rogue Planet Niburu are eliminated.

Sixth - Mexico is headed into a full blown crisis. The Elites have just pulled the Mexican
Credit Lines of dozens of food distribution centers. What this means is food shipments
have ceased in many large Mexican Cities.

This is a test and if it works these Satanic NAZI Elites will try this here in America.

Be forewarned President Elect Donald Trump.

Seventh - In a test of Donald Trumps will the State of California Incorporated Governor
has just purposely defaulted on an Unemployment Loan from the US Inc. This clearly puts
Governor Brown into a position of violating both State and Federal Laws and is therefore
subject to arrest by US Marshals for Felony Charges and 20 years to life under USC 18 for

What Donald Trump does on 20 January is up to him - but there are actually 25
Governors that now are testing the Trumpster and need to be arrested for Treason.

Eighth - we need to pray for those who have lost their power between Eureka and
Redding that the Power Companies ignore Governor Brown the Murderer and restore
power within 24 hours. Yes - due to his Lack of Response to this emergency he is now a
Murderer and needs to be dealt with as appropriate.

Finally - here is the report about Russian Hacking. It only states that 2 million people
watched Russian TV and that may have swayed the election. This makes the Director of
National Intelligence and CIA irrelevant.

The only way to stop their Shenanigans and Treason against America is to cut off their

Put me into the White House - I will have no problem crossing out all of their funding.
Over 78 Intelligence Agencies in America and the only one that is stopping the Nuclear
terrorism in America is a few Rogue CIA and FBI Agents, the NSA, and the Russian KGB.

It has gotten so bad that the Trumpster had to hire over 300 Russians to finds the latest
Nuke under New York City.

OK - Enough

Please pray that the Trumpster does as GOD directs him to do As Soon As Possible.

Pray your family is ready. The weather has gone nuts - be ready.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount



The closing stores may have some real killer deals

Please also concentrate your purchases on

1) Food - including medications and Immusist, Citricare, Get The Tea Life Change Tea,
Sea Weed, Etc. Stay tuned and learn how to cook and save money as well.

2) Water and filters - 1 Gallon Per Day Per Person

3) Toilet Paper

4) Ammunition (Tear Gas, Tactical Flashlights)

5) Heat (Mr Heaters from the Feed Stores, Wood Stoves)

6) Communications with your neighbors.


California DEFAULTS on Unemployment Insurance Loan from Federal Government; All

Employers Get Walloped by the Bill!

Fiat-Chrysler to Invest $1 Billion; add 2,000 new U.S. Jobs

Arctic Earthquake! M5.8 Strikes Near North Pole!

Mexico Heading into Full Blown Crisis

Residents Told "Six-Weeks NO ELECTRICITY" after Storms Knock-Down Power Lines in

Northern California

Its A Retail Apocalypse: Sears, Macys And The Limited Are All Closing Stores

Read the US Intelligence Report on Russian Hacking | Mother Jones

Toyota To Invest $10 Billion In America As Jack Ma Meets Trump To Discuss Creation Of 1
Million US Jobs | Zero Hedge

Word from Trump Tower: "Companies Receiving Parts or Products Made in China should
quickly find a U.S. Source -- or Create one"

Retail Apocalypse: 2016 Brings Empty Shelves And Store Closings All Across America |
Zero Hedge

Its a Retail Apocalypse: Sears, Macys and the Limited Are All Closing Stores Financial
Survival Network




Posted by William Mount at 12:29 PM 7 comments:
+1 Recommend this on Google

Labels: Default, Jobs, Money, Trump, unemployment

Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Hillary's Phone Calls Hacked


Video:...Hillary, One Ringy Dingy, Her Phone Calls Released - YouTube

This is correct. All of Hillarys phone calls are being released.

What a News Day - so follow along closely and prepare to be wowed:

AA) Emails Released

The Emails of the following were released

1) Hillary
2) Traitor John McCain
3) George Soros
4) NSA
5) Obamas Emails are about to be released as his Facebook and Twitter Accounts were
just hacked.

This means the details of every Hillary weapons sale, from the First Gulf War in Iraq to
the last war in Syria - it is all begin exposed.

Her Funneling of $100 Billion through her nonprofit Corporation is also about to become
Public Knowledge - who got what money and why.

Nothing is Sacred and there is NO HONOR among thieves

The evils of the United States Corporation are being laid bare for the public to see.

Senator Reigels Report pointing a finger at Hillary for killing 200,000 Veterans with
Microplasma Ingognitas from the Gulf Wars - Exposed in her calls


You know what is so funny about this release of phone calls is that - if the CIA or FBI
forced my Supreme Court Case they could plug the hole and maybe re-secure the Emails
and Phone Calls.

The CIA/NSA/FBI and Army Intelligence are powerful, but not Street Smart.

By the way - I had leaned how to hack any Facebook or Email program - it is all in the
Autobatches. I had to learn because the CIA/FBI and Army Intelligence out of Afghanistan
12 miles south of Kabul hacked my Emails and Facebook and Twitter Accounts and
changed my passwords so I had to get in and change them.

It more fun to watch some one else release the Info though.

Hacking Phone Calls - well, that technology was given to Russia by some Out Of Towners I
am only aware of.

BB) Yet another Hillary Murder

Unfortunately - Hillarys Handlers are still murdering openly as Julian Assanges Attorney
has been found dead

CC) California Governor Moon Beam is going nuts with FASCIST Laws that are allowing his
citizens to be openly Raped and Murdered

1) First - SB 277 Forces all children attending Public Schools to be vaccinated. If you are
on Welfare you must send your children to Public Schools and they will be dumbed down
by the Drugs in the Mandatory School Lunches and Vaccinations.

2) Second - California is about to pass the California Pedophile Protection Act making it
a crime to expose the Beating, Rapping and Murdering of Patients in any Rest Home or

So you get your welfare Check but condemn your children to a Life of Hell.

What this means is that if you film or tape a rape, murder or beating and expose it YOU
go to jail.

However - as an Ambassador I may expose it so if you film a Rape, Murder or Beating

send the Video to me and I will expose it.

You forgot about that, didnt you Governor Moon Beam?


DD) One million Dollar Bounty offered for Hillarys Real Medical Records by True
Pundit and a Catheter Tube was just filmed running down Hillarys right Leg during a
Campaign Speech.

OK - Enough Information

Pray that those murdering Hillarys Opponents are either removed form Planet Earth or
they turn towards GOD.

Pray also that your family is prepared for what is coming.


The News You Need

Dr William B. Mount

Hillary Clinton wears a catheter? | Fellowship of the Minds

Hillary's Pace Maker and Catheter

Catheter and Hyped Up On Uppers

One Million Dollar Award For Hillary's Health Records

True Pundit: Unprecedented $1 Million Bounty For Hillary Clinton Medical Records | True

First Seizure - or Short Circuit

Doctor With Injection Pen

Hillary Being Walked Up Stairs:

Notice Her Doctor:

My Veterans Hillary's Handlers Killed:

Lesbian Legislator Promotes Pedophile Protection Act in California: Schwarzenegger
Presented Bill for Signature - Research - Chalcedon

Bill Text - SB-277 Public health: vaccinations.

Posted by William Mount at 10:20 AM 1 comment:

Labels: Hillary, McCain, Obama, Soros, Trump

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