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Food Hydrocolloids 14 (2000) 253257

Species widely disseminated in Venezuela which produce

gum exudates
C. Clamens, F. Rincon, A. Vera, L. Sanabria, G. Leon de Pinto*
Centro de Investigaciones en Qumica de los Productos Naturales, Facultad de Humanidades y Educacion, Universidad del Zulia, Apartado 526,
Maracaibo, Venezuela
Received 13 October 1999; accepted 7 January 2000

Venezuela, a tropical country, has many species, widely disseminated, that are able to produce gum in good yield. We have been
working on gums from species belonging to many families. It has been demonstrated that 29 species located in different counties of
Zulia State, Venezuela, South America, produce gum easily. The gum produced from the studied species was collected a week after
the injury was made at trunk level. Most of these gums are very soluble in water and are produced in high yield. The analytical data of gums
from Mimosaceae species were determined. The properties of the gums from Acacia macracantha, A. tortuosa, A. glomerosa, Enterolobium
cyclocarpum and Samanea saman are very interesting. The gums from A. macracantha and A. tortuosa have high solubility, comparable to
that reported for A. senegal. This behavior contrasts with that of A. glomerosa which forms a gel easily. The viscosity of E. cyclocarpum
(100 ml/g), comparable to some Combretum gums, is higher than that reported for the Acacia gums studied so far. 13C NMR spectra of the
polysaccharides isolated from these gums showed interesting structural features. The properties of these Mimosaceae gums may have
potential economical interest. The proven presence of native species, adapted to the precise ecological conditions, capable of yielding
good quality gum offers an opportunity for attention to be given to increasing agroforestry development within Venezuela based on those
species. The climatological conditions of hot arid areas are suitable for commercial gum production in high yield. q 2000 Elsevier Science
Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Gums; Hydrocolloids; Mimosaceae; Analytical data

1. Introduction 2. Material and methods

Venezuela, a tropical country of South America, has 2.1. Origin and purification of the gum specimens
many species that are able to produce gum (Clamens,
Leon de Pinto, Rincon & Vera, 1999, in press). These Gum specimens from Acacia macracantha Humb. &
species belong to different families, i.e. Anacardiaceae, Bonpl. (cuj hediondo), Acacia tortuosa (L.) Willd.
Araucariaceae, Bombacaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, Cacta- (uveda), Acacia glomerosa Benth. (tiamo), Enterolo-
ceae, Combretaceae, Mimosaceae, Sapindaceae and bium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb (caro-caro) and Sama-
Sterculiaceae among others. A census of botanical nea saman (Jacq.) Benth. (saman) were collected from
species, that are able to produce gum, was made in trees located in different counties of Zulia State, Venezuela,
Maracaibo, Zulia State in 1992 (Clamens, 1995). The South America. The identification of voucher specimens
results obtained in this first study were confirmed later. were confirmed by Professors Lourdes Cardenas de Guevara
This work shows the species that produce gum easily, and and Carmen Clamens, botanical taxonomists of Universi-
the analytical data of five Mimosaceae species, located in dad Central de Venezuela, Caracas and La Universidad
Venezuela. del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela, respectively. Botanical
vouchers from each of these species were also collected and
deposited in the Herbarium, Botany Department, Universi-
dad Central de Venezuela and La Universidad del Zulia.
The gum exudates, collected by the authors two weeks
* Corresponding author. after incisions were made at the trunk level, during Janu-
E-mail address: (G. Leon de Pinto). aryMarch, 19951998, were dissolved readly in H2O, and
0268-005X/00/$ - see front matter q 2000 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S0268-005 X( 00)00 004-7
254 C. Clamens et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 14 (2000) 253257

Table 1 at 25.0 ^ 0.18C. The isoionic dilution method was used. The
Species, disseminated in Venezuela, that produce gum nitrogen contents were determined by the Kjeldahl method.
Family Species Neutral sugar compositions were determined by the
phenolH2SO4 method (Dubois, Gilles, Hamilton, Rebers
Anacardiaceae Anacardium occidentale L. & Smith, 1956). The equivalent weight and uronic acids
Spondias purpurea L.
were measured by direct titration with standard sodium
Spondias dulcis Parkinson.
Spondias mombin L. hydroxide solution on exhaustively electrodialysed samples.
Spectra of the original gum were recorded with a 13C NMR
Araucariaceae Araucaria excelsa (Lamb.) R. Br.
Bruker AM-300 spectrometer and were calibrated by the
Bombacaceae Ceiba pentandra Gaertn. addition of 1,4-dioxane to the samples. Data points were
Caesalpiniaceae Caesalpinia coriaria (Jacq.) Willd. accumulated overnight at 378C with complete proton decou-
Caesalpinia granadillo Pittier. pling. The polysaccharides (100200 mg) were dissolved in
Cercidium praecox (R. & P.) Harms. D20 (1 ml).
Delonix regia (Bojer) Raf.
Hymenaea Courbaril L.
Cactaceae Rhodocactus guamacho (Weber) Kmith.
3. Results

Combretaceae Laguncularia racemosa (L.) Gaertn A census of species, included in 11 families, located in
Dilleniaceae Curatella americana L. Maracaibo, Zulia State, Venezuela, South America, was
carried out in order to know their ability to produce gum.
Meliaceae Cedrela odorata L.
Swietenia mahagoni Jacq. It was demonstrated that 29 species produce gum easily;
Swietenia macrophylla King. Table 1. Analytical data for gums from five Mimosaceae
species are shown in Table 2. 13C NMR spectra of the
Mimosaceae Acacia glomerosa Benth.
Acacia macracantha Humb. and Bonpl. original gums from Acacia macracantha and Samanea
Acacia tortuosa (L.) Willd. saman; Figs. 1 and 2; and its interpretation (Tables 35),
Albizia niopoides Britton. are included.
Enterolobium cyclocarpum (Jacq.) Griseb
Pseudosamanea guachapele Dugand
Samanea saman (Jacq.) Benth 4. Discussion
Pithecellobium mangense
Prosopis juliflora DC.
The results obtained in the first census, carried out in
Sapindaceae Melicocca bijuga L. 1992, were confirmed later in the period from 1995 to
Talisia olivaeformis (H.B.K.) Radlk. 1998; i.e. 29 species, belonging to different families,
Sterculiaceae Sterculia apetala (Jacq.) Karsten produce gum easily; Table 1. The Mimosaceae species
Acacia macracantha, Acacia tortuosa, Acacia glomer-
osa, Enterolobium cyclocarpum and Samanea saman
the solutions were first filtered through a muslin and then
produce gum in good yield; Table 2. These gums are
through Whatman No. 1 and No. 42 filter papers. They were
very soluble in water, except that from A. glomerosa,
dialysed against running tap water for two days and the
(Vulgares) which has the ability to produce a gel when
gums were recovered by freeze-drying.
the original gum has suitable conditions C 3%; T 258C
pH 7).
2.2. Analytical methods The gums from A. macracantha and A. tortuosa, Vene-
zuelan Gummifeare spp., produce solutions clear brown in
The standard methods of analysis used have been colour. The solubility of these gums is comparable to that of
described (Anderson & Bell, 1975). Paper chromatography Acacia senegal (.50%) (Anderson & Dea, 1971). It has
was carried out on Whatman No. 1 and 3 MM papers with been observed that this parameter increases greatly when
the following solvent systems (v/v): (a) benzene:butan-1- the gum is collected as soon as was exuded. The analytical
ol:pyridine:water (1:5:3:3, upper layer); (b) acetic acid:ethyl data of these Gummiferae gums (Table 2) show many inter-
acetate:formic acid:water (3:18:3:9); (d) butan-1-ol:etha- esting similarities and differences. The limit viscosity
nol:0.1 M hydrochloric acid (1:10:5). Before solvent (d) number is relatively low but comparable with those reported
was used the paper was pretreated with 0.3 M sodium dihy- for others Acacia gums (Anderson & Farquhar, 1979;
drogen phosphate solution and allowed to dry. Tannins were Mhinzi & Mrosso, 1995). The negative specific rotation is
determined by Porters method (Porter, 1989). The specific an atypical feature within Gummiferae Series but it has been
rotations of aqueous solutions were measured at 208 in a observed in the gum from A. ehrenbergiana (Anderson et
PerkinElmer Polarimeter, Model 343 at 589 nm. Viscosity al., 1984). The nitrogen content is relatively high in com-
determinations were carried out in 1 M sodium cloride solu- parison with the values reported for other Gummiferae spp.
tion in an Ubbelohde suspended-level dilution viscosometer but lower than that of A. hebeclada gum. (Anderson &
C. Clamens et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 14 (2000) 253257 255

Fig. 1. 13C NMR spectrum of the original gum from Acacia macracantha. G b-d-galactopyranose; U uronic acids; Ue 4-0-methyl-a-d-glucuronic acid;
Af a-l-arabinofuranose; Ap b-l-arabinopyranose; 0 carbon involved in the glycosidic linkage.

Table 2
Analytical data a of gums from Mimosaceae species located in Venezuela

Acacia glomerosa Acacia tortuosa Acacia macracantha Enterolobium cyclocarpum Samanea saman

Yield (g/specimen/week) 17 36 31
Moisture (%) 11.29 8.25 12 11.25 12.8
Ash (%) 7 3 4 3.95 5.3
Tannin (%) 0 0 0.2
Specific rotation (8) 213 227 211 270 1 33
Nitrogen (%) 2.82 6.05 4.54 0.19 0.21
Hence protein (%) (N 6.25) 17.63 37.81 28.37 1.18 1.31
Intrinsic viscosity (mL g 21) 15 8.8 13.2 100 75
Equivalent weight (g) 1475 1035 828 765 797
Hence uronic acids (%) 12 17 21 23 22
Neutral sugar composition. After hydrolysis (%)
Galactose 43 67 43 46 50
Arabinose 31 15 33 19 17
Rhamnose 14 3 12 11
Xylose 1
Corrected for moisture content.

Table 3
C NMR spectral data a,b of b-d-galactopyranose residues from some Mimosaceae species

Type of linkage Species C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6

! 3)b-d-Galp(1 ! c
103.80 71.80 82.40 69.30 75.20 61.00
A.m. 103.80 71.65 82.13 69.67 74.73 61.10
S.s. 103.58 71.28 82.00 69.52 75.17 60.98
! 6)b-d-Galp(1 ! c
103.00 70.30 72.10 67.70 72.80 68.70
A.m. 102.60 70.5 72.63 66.3 73.35 68.575
S.s. 102.50 70.12 72.63 67.95 72.89 68.43
Values relative to the signal of 1,4-dioxane (d 66.67 ppm). A.m. Acacia macracantha, S.s. Samanea saman.
The same resonances are observed in the spectra of A. tortuosa, A. glomerosa and E. cyclocarpum gums.
Leon de Pinto et al. (1998), pp. 205213.
256 C. Clamens et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 14 (2000) 253257

Fig. 2. 13C NMR spectrum of the original gum from Samanea saman. G b-d-galactopyranose; U uronic acids; A a-l-arabinose. 0 carbon involved in
the glycosidic linkage.

Farquhar, 1979; Churms, Stephen & Steym, 1986). The many Vulgares gums (Anderson & Farquhar, 1979; Mhinzi
absence of rhamnose and the unusual presence of xylose, & Mrosso, 1995).
as traces in the gum from A. tortuosa, are very interesting C NMR spectra of the original gums from the five
features which may be useful to distinguish the two Vene- Mimosaceae, located in Venezuela, showed many similar
zuelan Gummiferae spp. structural features; the spectra of the gums from A. macra-
The gum from A. glomerosa showed analytical data that cantha and Samanea saman are included; Figs. 1 and 2.
are in close agreement with those reported for gums from They contain the resonances due to 3-O and 6-O-b-d-
Vulgares spp. Although the nitrogen content is higher than galactose residues (Leon de Pinto, Gutierrez de Gotera,
Martnez, Ocando & Rivas, 1998) (Table 3) terminal and
3-O-a-l-arabinofuranose residues (Leon de Pinto, Mart-
Table 4 nez, Ludovic de Corredor, Rivas & Ocando, 1994) (Table
C NMR spectral data a,b of a-l-arabinofuranose c residues for Samanea
4) and those due to uronic acid residues (Leon de Pinto et
al., 1998) (Table 5). The unequivocal signal of methyl group
Type of linkage C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 of rhamnose (16.66 ppm) (Leon de Pinto, 1991) is observed
in both spectra; Figs. 1 and 2. The signal due to acetyl group
a-l-Araf (1 ! d 109.20 81.80 77.50 84.90 62.40
109.43 81.28 76.50 83.90 61.20 (21.37 ppm) (Leon de Pinto et al., 1998) is also observed in
the spectrum of the original gum from A. macracantha; Fig.
! 3)a-l-Araf(1 ! d 108.20 80.70 83.20 83.60 62.00
1. 13C NMR spectroscopy is a good tool for the rapid char-
107.34 80.19 83.90 83.90 61.20
acterization of a gum.
Values relative to the signal of 1,4-dioxane (d 66.67 ppm) S.s. It is necessary to do toxicological studies of the Venezue-
Samanea saman. lan gums and to test their functionality in the food industry.
The same resonances are observed in the spectra from A. macracantha,
The climatological conditions of hot areas are suitable for
A. tortuosa, A. glomerosa and E. cyclocarpum gums.
There are some signals due to b-l-arabinopyranose residues. The spec- commercial gum production. On the other hand, it is impor-
trum of A. macracantha gum showed mainly signals due to these residues. tant to increase agroforestry development within Venezuela,
Leon de Pinto et al., 1994, 13111315. based on species that produce gum in good yield.
C. Clamens et al. / Food Hydrocolloids 14 (2000) 253257 257

Table 5
C NMR spectral data a,b of uronic acid residues for some Mimosaceae species

Type of linkage Species C-1 C-2 C-3 C-4 C-5 C-6 4-0Me

b-d-GlcpA(1 ! c
104.1 74.90 77.20 72.90 77.20 176.65
A.m. 104.1 75.60 76.10 73.00 76.30 173.50
S.s. 104.11 75.75 76.25 73.42 76.90 175.50
4-0Me-a-d-GlcpA(1 ! c 99.70 72.40 72.90 81.90 70.90 60.80
A.m. 99.6 72.15 73.00 82.90 70.75 59.85
S.s. 100.55 71.80 73.42 82.00 70.70 59.95
Values relative to the signal of 1,4-dioxane (d 66.67 ppm) A.m. Acacia macracantha, S.s. Samanea saman.
The same resonances are observed in the spectra of A. tortuosa, A. glomerosa and E. cyclocarpum gums.
Leon de Pinto et al., 1998, pp. 205213.

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