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Tomcat Cache Clear Process

Reference: 1879431 - How to clear the Tomcat cache directory?

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pbopsapp1 and pbopsapp2 servers individually and do the following as root user:

# top -u pboadm

Make sure a single java process is shown

# service tomcat7 stop

# top -u pboadm

Make sure NO java process is shown

If Java process is shown, kill the process using following command:

# kill -9 <process-id>

# top -u pboadm

Make sure NO java process is shown

# rm -rf /usr/bipinst/sap_bobj/tomcat/work/Catalina/localhost/*

# service tomcat7 start

# top -u pboadm

Make sure a single java process is shown

Do the above steps in both pbopsapp1 and pbopsapp2 servers.

The Tomcat cache has been successfully cleared now.

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