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Reflection of the DLP

As I go through each lesson, there were lines that had struck me and from these lines
my reflections of the lessons will be taken.

Public service is not a privilege but rather a responsibility. It is not about position and
power but of service and public interest.

Lesson 1. Trust is the basis of your employment and tenure in public service. Once this
trust is broke through misdeed or misconduct, you are held liable p.7.
On the other hand, most of our locally or nationally elected public officials also consider the
public positions they occupy as personal possessions and major sources of wealth and power that
should be kept within the family and handed down from generation to generation. Undoubtedly,
we are the only democratic country where political dynasties exist and continue to grow despite
the constitutional provision banning them. Apparently the ban does not work because our
Congress that is called upon to enact the enabling law to make it effective is likewise under the
control of political dynasties. While a bill has already been submitted by the Lower House
committee for approval of the entire body, its leaders still doubt that it will be passed precisely
because the political dynasties therein will block its enactment into law.

Indeed, being in the government service under our present system is one way of making a lot of
money and getting rich quick. Hence so many people are aspiring and spending lots of money
just to be elected or gain appointments to public offices. Our present political system has really
enabled the culture of corruption to thrive especially because of the wide latitude of discretionary
powers given to our officials from the President down to the Barangay Captain particularly in the
disbursements of huge public funds and in granting favors or closing deals, not to mention the
multi-layered bureaucratic red tape now in place.

Opinion ( Article MRec ), pagematch: 1, sectionmatch: 1

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