Iso 5211-2001

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MSS SP-102 89 MM 5770640 GOOO024 b mm ee STANDARD PRACTICE SP-102 MULTI-TURN VALVE ACTUATOR ATTACHMENT e FLANGE AND DRIVING COMPONENT DIMENSIONS AND PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS Developed and Approved by the Approved July 1989 > ——_— NSS SP-302 69 MM 5770640 0000025 6 mm MSS STANDARD PRACTICE, SP-102 ‘An MSS Standard Practice is intended as a basis for common practice by the manufacturer, the user, and the general public. The existence of an MSS Standard Practice does not in itself preclude the manufacture, sale, or use of products not conforming to the Standard Practice. Mandatory conformance is established only by reference in a code, specification, sales contract, or public law, as applicable. Dimensions and performance characteristics are shown in both U.S. customary and SI units. American product dimensions are shown in inches with the metric equivalent in parenthesis. The conversion factors are: Conversion Factor Inches to Millimetres 25.4 Pound Feet to Newton Metres 1.356 Pounds to Kilonewtons 0044 Psi to Newton/mm? 006895 Other standards documents referred to herein are identified by their most recent date of issue that was applicable to this standard at the date of issue of this standard, See Section 2. Any part of this standard may be quoted. Credit lines should read ‘Extracted from MSS SP-102, 1989, with permission of the publisher, the Manufacturers Standardization Society.’ Reproduction prohibited under copyright convention unless written permission is granted by the Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Ine. Copyright ®, 1989 by Manufacturers Standardization Society of the Valve and Fittings Industry, Inc Printed in U.S.A. MSS SP-102 89 MM 577040 OOOGG2b T mw MSS STANDARD PRACTICE P-102 FOREWORD This MSS Standard Practice is based, in part, on ISO International Standard 5210, Multi-turn Valve Actuator Attachment, It also reflects the common practice of the valve and valve actuator industries in North America today. ‘Therefore, the ratings, sizes, and/or number of flange types in the MSS Standard Practice for the North American market may differ from those of ISO. The MSS flange types use the ISO designation, with the addition of an “A”, to distinguish them as American product When assembling an actuator to a valve, a user is concerned with performance and mechanical interface. In regards to performance, he needs in part: © Adequate output torque for valve breakaway and seating loads, and for dynamic loads at rated flow. © A specified speed so closing and opening can be accomplished in a prescribed time. © Sufficient power rating of the actuator so the valve may be cycled as required, © Input power requirements. For mecha terface, he is concerned in part with: © The dimensional mating of the actuator’s mounting surface to the “valve” mounting flange. ‘© The dimensional compatibility of the actuator’s driving components to the valve stem, © Size and location of electrical and/or pressure connections, © Sufficient space and capability to install and service the actuator. This Standard Practice will only concern itself with lange and driving component dimensions and performance characteristies. MSS SP-102 89 MM S?770640 OO00027 1 mm Mss STANDARD PRACTICE SP-102 CONTENTS: SECTION PAGE 1. SCOPE .eessseee 2. REFERENCES . 3. DEFINITIONS . 4. FLANGE SIZE DESIGNATION ....s60sssseeeeseessseeeeserssseeesees 5. ACTUATOR/VALVE INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ......+++ 6. FLANGE SIZE AND PERFORMANCE, 7. BASIS OF FLANGE PERFORMANCE SELECTION 8 ACTUATOR DRIVING COMPONENTS ........++ TABLE 1 — FA MOUNTING FLANGE TORQUE VALUES AND FLANGE DIMENSIONS 2 — GROUP A — DRIVING COMPONENT DIMENSIONS. : 3 — GROUP B — DRIVING COMPONENT DIMENSIONS .......++ FIGURE I — ACTUATOR FLANGE . 2— GROUP A — DRIVING COMPONENTS |. ‘i 3 — GROUP A — COMPONENTS - RISING VS. NON-RISING STEMS 4 — GROUP B — DRIVING COMPONENTS MSS MSS SP-102 89 MM 577040 GOO0028 3 mm STANDARD PRACTICE SP-102 MULTI-TURN VALVE ACTUATOR ATTACHMENT FLANGE AND DRIVING COMPONENT DIMENSIONS AND PERFORMANCE CHARACTERISTICS SCOPE This standard practice is intended to provide a basi for the standardization of multi-turn actua- ing dimensions and performance necessary for their attachment to general purpose industrial valves. It covers only those actuators supplied by manufacturers as separate components. REFERENCES ANSI B4.1-1979, American National Standard for Preferred Limits and Fits for Cylindrical Parts, ANSI BI7.1-1973, American National Standard for Keys and Keyseats, ISO 5210-1977, Multi-turn Valve Actuator Attachment, DEFINITIONS Actuator: Any device designed for attachment to general purpose industrial valves in order to provide for the operation of the valve, Motive energy to the actuator can be electrical, pneu- matic, manual, etc., or a combination of these. The movement is limited by travel, torque, thrust, or a combination of these. Multi-Turn Actuator: An actuator which trans- mits a torque to the valve for at least one revolution. Torque: A turning moment transmitted through the mounting flanges and driving components, Do) 03—>| expressed in Pounds Foot or Newton Metres, Thrust: An axial force transmitted through the mounting flanges and driving components, ex- pressed in Pounds or Kilonewtons. 4, FLANGE SIZE DESIGNATION Flange sizes are designated by the letters “FA”. The next two digits in the classification represent diameter, expressed in millimetres, appropriately rounded and divided by ten, As an example, a flange designated “FA30” represents: ‘A) One intended for the American market. B) One with a bolt circle diameter (BCD) (D3) of approximately 300mm (exactly 298.5mm or 11.75 in.) 5. ACTUATOR/VALVE INTERFACE REQUIREMENTS ‘When mating an actuator with a valve flange, the primary features of concern are the bolt pattern, type of bolt, the pilot, the performance (both thrust and torque), and driving component dimensions, Care must be taken in defining the driving components as there are numerous configurations. 6. FLANGE SIZE AND PERFORMANCE. 6.1 Typical actuator flanges (tapped or through bolting) are shown in Figure 1 Paneer! ACTUATOR lh GAP_SHOWN FOR PICTORIAL # cH KDp N PURPOSES ONLY Le-D, (REFER To 6.2.2 AND 6.2.3) FIGURE | — ACTUATOR FLANGE *Refer to 6.24, MSS HSS SP-102 69 MM 5770640 0000029 5 mm STANDARD PRACTICE SP-102 6.2. The torque, thrust, and flange dimensions for FA mounting flanges can be found in Table 1. 6.2.1 The torque and thrust values listed in Table | represent the maximum values which can, be transmitted through the mounting flanges and driving components. 6.2.2 ‘The mounting holes (Dg) shall be equi- spaced and the hole pattern must straddle the centerline of the actuator and the valve. Depth of threaded holes shall be consistent with the strength limitations of actuator material, 623 For cases where the actuator flange design incorporates through bolting (refer to mounting holes (D4), the diameter of the clearance holes shall provide clearance consistent with ANSI or {0 requirements for the bolt sizes listed as D4. 62.5 Dimension Dj. provides minimum land area for nuts and bolt heads. The shape of the actuator and valve outside of these areas is optional BASIS OF FLANGE PERFORMANCE SELECTION 7.1 In determination of the torque values, shown in Table 1, the following design considerations were made: ‘A) The stress limits for flange bolting is as follows: Material: ASTM A 449 (equal to or better than) Yield Strength: 92,000 psi min. (less than 1”) 81,000 psi min. (1” and larger) Working Stress: 30,000 psi 6.2.4 The counterbore in the mounting surface of the valve, corresponding to Dy is mandatory: B) however, the pilot on the actuator (D3 and H) is, optional on ISO and is required on American products, Dimension D2 refers to both the actua- ° tor and valve flange, Clearance shall conform to ANSI B41, Class F7. Coefficient of friction between mounting flanges is assumed to be 0.3. Bolts in tension only; no allowance is made for stresses induced by bolt tightening, TABLE | — FA MOUNTING FLANGE TORQUE VALUES AND FLANGE DIMENSIONS (Gee Figure 1) Flange] Thrust “Torave Dy Min D; Dy Dy | w Mex. [No of type | up kN | uper NM | wn) MM | IN| oMM | IN MM IN MM| Bots Faor] 4500] a | 3% | an] 354 | Goo | 2166 | 50 | 275) wo.) nal] 4 Fai | 9000] 40) | 100 | (136) | 492 | «1250 | 2312 | sn | 400| (to. 2 a] 4 Fai) 25000] cio) | 400 | (542) | 6a | (1750) | 3.750 | 525 | 5:0 | (39. 6 w] 4 Fai | 35000] (154 | 300 | oss) | 825 | 00. | $000 | c22 | 650 | (6s. 1 | 4 F425] sao00} (220) | 1200 | can | 11.38 | @9.) | 6000 | «1324 | 1000] @s4a| sie-t1 | 19 | 8 Fa30 | 75000} G30) | 2000 | ania | 1350 | Ges) | 2000 | e728) | 1125 | @85)| 3410 | 19 G)) 8 ¥a35 | 140000 | (16) | 4500 | x02) | 1600 | 4054) | aso0 | eis) | 1400/ ass] 18 | 19 | 8 Fad | 230000 | c1.012) | 8.500 | «sas | 18.20 | (475.0) | 9.000 | 228.6) | 16.00 | e464] 11/47) 32 (8 ‘| *Refer to text for clarification of alternate clearance hole dimensions. WSS SP-102 89 MM S?70b40 0000030 4 mm Mss STANDARD PRACTICE SP-102 @ « actuator privinc components 8.1 Some valves require torque and thrust, while others require torque only, The geometry of the specific connection design will vary in diameter, thread detail, key size, etc. Care must be taken to properly define the interface details. To simplify the identification of the connection, the driving components are categorized as follows: A) Group A Actuators — Multi-turn actuators which produce torque and thrust. B) Group B Actuators — Multi-turn actuators which produce torque only. 8.2. Group A Actuators 8.2.1 Figure 2 illustrates a typical driving component configuration for an actuator which delivers both thrust and torque. | ACTUATOR Yop : ! h Ly in MAX. a i. $<, @ Lt oo, FIGURE 2 — GROUP A — DRIVING COMPONENTS 8.22 Group A actuators can be defined more completely by separating them between applications with non- rising stems and rising stems (See Figure 3). NON-RISING STEM RISING STEM rot Ds AcTUATOR | VALVE, | PONE sb. SI 2=1-Dg /Dy 05 7D 05/0 ]ROUP_A — COMPONENTS - RISING VS. NON-RISING STEMS WSS SP=102 89 Ml 5770640 000003) 3 ml Mss STANDARD PRACTICE SP-102 8.2.3. The dimensions for Group A driving components can be found in Table 2 The actuator driving component shall accept a diameter up to and including Dg. Even though not a requirement of this standard practice, the driving component may accept larger diameters up to Dx. Note that Dg and Dx are derived from ISO 5210, while Dx reflects the present American Practice Dimension Ds, Figure 3, shall equal or exceed 1.05 times either valve stem diameter or largest stem attachment, Diameter Ds, allows for clearance between rising and non-rotating valve stems and any device intended to restrict the downward travel of the valve stem, Also, it permits clearance for locking and thrust absorbing devices used with non-rising and rotating stems. TABLE 2— GROUP A — DRIVING COMPONENT DIMENSION: (See Figures 2 and 3) Flange Fao? | FAto | Fats | Fale | FA2s | FA30 | FAS) FAdO ‘Type | Ds wl] o» | io | 12 | ims | 2a | ais | 304 (MM) (20) (28) (36) (44) (60) (80) (100) Dy w{ 102 | 157 | 217 | 295 | 33s | 394 591 am} 9 | a@ | 6 | ay | @) | doo | aso) L ww} ov | 157 | 217 | 27% | 354 | 433 sot | 709 am} @ | a | 65 | Go | @o) | ain | caso) | crs h max Fortop- yy] 2.36 4.04 62 1 800 | 93 104 13.0 tum] | cosy) | sy | cm =| ay | 5 | eo | G30) For boom iy) 2.36 ais | 4.33 531 sor | 689 934 | 1280 stem nut (MM)] (60) (8) | (iio) | (135) |] 50) | (175) 250) | 25) 8.3 Group B Actuators 8.3.1 Multi-turn actuators, which produce torque only, are categorized as Group B type. In this application, the valve absorbs thrust (typically through thrust bearings) prior to the actuator, The actuator driving component is normally a keyed bore. 8.3.2 180-5210 further classifies the Group B actuators into four types (ie. B|-B4). Since Bj and B3 types do not represent current practice in America, they are not included in this standard practice. For details on By and B3 type, refer to ISO 5210. 83.3 Further, Group B actuators are defined as Type Bp, applicable to rising stem valves, and Type By. applicable to non-rising stem valves. Refer to Figure 4. HSS SP-102 84 MM 5770640 OOD0032 5 a MSs STANDARD PRACTICE SP-102 bts ACTUATOR: | F f 1 1 G Lin. iS wy ey Eat ore wh opel mH it | i be vaye 2 YZ FLANGE GROUP °B' TYPE Be GROUP 'B TYPE 84. RISING STEM VALVES. NON-RISING STEM VALVES FIGURE 4 — GROUP B — DRIVING COMPONENTS 8.3.4 The dimensions for Type By and Bg driving components are found in Table 3. ‘The driving component for Type By, Figure 4, shall have a bore diameter up to and including Dy. For Type Bg, the driving component may accept larger diameters up to D7. It is intended that new products have bore diameters up to Dy. 8.34.3 The length of L shall be limited so there is no interference between the driving and driven components. TABLE 3 — GROUP B — DRIVING COMPONENT DIMENSIONS (See Figure 4) Flange Fao7 | FAO | FAld | FAI6 | FA2s | FA30 | FA35 | Fado Type Ds (Min) IN| 087 1.18, 1.57 197 2.56 3.35 4.33 5.12 (mm)| 22) 30) (40) (50) 5) 85) (110) | (130) D7 IN| 1.10 1.65 2.35 3.15 3.94 4n 6.30 7.09 (MM) | (28) (42) (60) (80) (100) (120) (160) (180) Dy IN| 098 1.38 un 2.36 2.95 3.54 4 6.30 (mm)} @5) | G5) 45) (60) 75) (60) (120) | 60) by (Max) IN| 0.12 | 0.2 0.16 a1 | 01 | 019 0.19 on | (MM) @) @) (4) 6) 6) 6) 6) @®) L1 (Min) IN| 1.38 77 2.56 3.15 433 5.12 7.09 787 (m)| G5) (45) (55) (90) (iio) | 130) | (180) | G00) “HSS SP-102 89 MM 5770640 0000033 7 ml LIST OF MSS STANDARD PRACTICES ee Seinen eran tenant cea eee ‘SP-25-1978 (R 1983, 88) ‘Standard Marking System for Valves, Fittings, Flanges and Unions erence ree Beecrtaaee io ston aes ae eee ele Soscentseetaes nese anise oe el pote deen rapeipe sen ae Soc aes) ciate eres ee ‘SP-75-1988 Specifications for High Test Wrought Butt Welding Fittings: oe Sgeeatere gy Tat rat a eg es Seen ata | aces ort ee ce ee ae eee eetaad eres on hem centage ee e ae See ae ee eee 6 an sat Si ota a oy aie Fete ey Scarica tera ass acral Characteristics *npproved by ANSI ‘Year — nceates year standard eatimed without substantve change. Prices eal upon request. {Atarge numberof onner MSS Praclons have bean approved by the ANS! {8 ANSI Slanderd, pushed by cor. n order fo mann angle source ot ‘uthortatvelformation, the MOS withdraws Rs Standard Prats In such esta MANUFACTURERS STANDARDIZATION SOCIETY OF THE VALVE AND FITTINGS INDUSTRY, INC. 127 PARK STREET, NE eee VIENNA, VRGiNA 2100 (

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