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TEI of Western Greece

Assignment - Presentation

For this assignment you will need to make an oral presentation. You are at
liberty to choose any topic you wish to explore as it relates to Culture,
Communication and Museology. Some ideas are provided below.

1) Choose a museum and talk about the following:

Museum you chose (type)
Why you chose this museum
Actual Description of the museum
Facts & Figures
What this museum has contributed on a global scale

2) Choose a tourist destination and talk about the following:

Destination you chose (type)
Why you chose this destination
Actual Description of the destination (what it also has to offer from a
cultural point of view)
Facts & Figures
What this destination has contributed in the economic development of the
country, but also in tourism in general.

Your presentation will be judged on:

Organization/Recognizable structure
Poise and Enthusiasm
Use of visual/audio aids
Eye Contact
Use of Voice
Use of Time

Note: Make sure you have the following:

8 slides minimum (examples of contents of some slides follow):

1 slide introduction
1 slide preview
1 slide with a graph/photo
1 slide with references (bibliography)


2-3 people (everyone must have his/her turn in speaking)

10-12 minutes MAX (depending on the number of speakers in each group)
PowerPoint presentation is recommended
Use other audio/visual aids if necessary

Good Luck!

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