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The Land Owns Us Questions

Question One: Describe what the relationship with the land involves for
Aboriginal people

Question Two: What is the definition of land relationship?

Question Three: What does the land do for people?

Question Four: Note 3 similarities and differences between your idea of

liveability and what liveability looks like in an Aboriginal community
Question Five: What is the responsibility of Aboriginal people with the land?

Question Six: Describe what living in the community of Uluru means to Bob

Question Seven: List emotions that are mentioned throughout the video and
why Bob wont change where he lives
Learning Map Activity:


While you are watching the video My country consider the various points the young boy mentions on why he is lucky to live where
he does. You are required to complete a learning map this is a type of mindmap used in Aboriginal education. The goal of a
learning map is write down new ideas and then find the connection between those ideas.


1. Write down ideas that the young boy mentions regarding his country this can include feelings, descriptions of the land,
2. You are then to find a connection between one of the young boys ideas and your own. For example: One theme mentioned
throughout the video he mentions is beautiful landscape, if you feel this relates to your own perception you are to draw a
line and write how it relates, for instance beautiful views of Sydney harbour

Aim: To fill the whole page with ideas from the video and connections to self.
My Country

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