Once More: There Was A Time: Chapter 1: The Murder Underground

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Once more : There was a time

Chapter 1 : The murder underground
Zara is murdered. But her memory of the murder is very fragmented. She can
only remember the grasshopper patronum, touching a mans heart and died.

Chapter 2 : Second chance

In the garden of heaven, it is raining mildly (the meaning of her mothers name: Beth),
Zara runs to an Olive tree ( represents her father ) to take cover from rain. She meet a
It says to her that she have the ability to travel back in time to solve the murder.

Chapter 3 : Liam
Zara goes back to the snowy winter of 2017, when she was murdered. Since she can
only interact with the first person she sees, she wears a hoodie to cover her eyes on the
way to her fathers house. She struggles to ask her father to help due to their poor
relationship. She sits on the doorstep frustratedly.

Meanwhile, Liam also goes to Professor Olivers house because of a school project with
his friends, Isaac and Hannah. When Liam arrives, there is nobody.
He is hit by snowballs. He thinks their friends are pranking him.

He sees a girl in hoods, assumes it is Hannah. He sneaks and pulls down her hoods,
says HA ! Caught you ! Stop being stupid Hannah

Zara is caught off guard and she opens her eyes, stares straight into Liams.

Zara is shocked. She doesnt expect a stranger in front of her would be the only person
to help her to investigate the murder. She cries. She is worried if he cant help her. But
she is relaxed too since she doesn't have to face her father.

Of course, Liam is shocked too. He blushes embarrassedly. The first reason : He has
just pumped into a stranger. The second reason : the stranger is crying. The third
reason : the crying stranger is stunning. Liam sits still without a clue to comfort a cryer.

Hannah and Isaac walk to him from a distant,

Hey Liam, I am right here, who are you talking to? They ask.

Hey, I have just seen a gur.

Liam says awkwardly
Zara panics when Liam is about to leak her existence to the other. And she is not fast
enough to unzip the hand pocket of the hoodies and cover his mouth by hands. So she
tiptoes and kisses Liams to seal his mouth in no time.

Zara, my name is Zara Myosote from the future. Only you can see me. Dont tell other
about my existence or I will vanish forever. Find me next morning in the greenhouse.
Zara whispers to him ,

Liam stands jaw-droppingly with burning face.

Hannah and Isaac have climbed down and approach Liam,
What have you seen just now ?
No...nothing. What took you so long?
A men pumped to us to sell cookies

Zara nods at Liam to thank him. She peeks through the window. She sees Olivers
second wife, Hazel, Olivers second wife is making teas. Hazel kisses Oliver when
placing the pot. It reminds Zara the dislike to her dad disloyalty. What she cant see is a
small family picture on the bedside, where her mother and her father is kissing baby
Zara happily.

Chapter 4 : Investigation stage one

Chapter 5 : Investigation stage two
Chapter 6 : Friends
Liam is hiding a secret of Zara from his friends. He lies to them and has no time to hang
out with them. His relationship with Isaac and Hannah is not as close as before.

In a Isaac first quidditch match, Liam and Hannah have promised to cheer for him.
However, Liam finds a hot lead and doesnt show up.

During the investigation, Liam discovers the name list of wizard with grasshopper as
patronum. The murderer found out and attack him. Liam is severely injured..

Hannah and Isaac run to his hospital bed. Liam wakes but refuses to explain. Therefore
there is a cold war between the three.

Zara is sorry for worsening Liams friendship. She wants to help to restore the

Chapter 7 : Nearly
In a morning, Hannah and Isaac give him truth serum. They give Liam to choose to drink
and tell the secret or they break off relations. They do this from a good intention as they
worry about Liams safety.

Zara thinks she shouldnt be so selfish and mess up Liams life. She wants to see him
happy. So she decides to accept her death and make him tell the truth.

When Liam is about to push the glass of serum to the floor, Zara shouted the freezing
charm. Immobulus ! She immobilizes Liam, Hannah and Isaac. Zara tells Liam to live
on and forget her. She kisses him goodbye in tears and pours the serum to his mouth.
Liam cannot move to stop her and tears stream down his face. Zara runs away ,
avoiding Liam from seeing her vanish by 0:00.

Then, the charm dismisses. Liam sobs and chases her even he hasnt recovered yet.
Hannah and Isaac follow him and ask him questions. Liam tells all the truth due to the

They find Zara in the garden of Professor Olivers. She is halfly transparent. Liam is
upset and furious. He scolds her being selfish to not care his feeling. Liam confesses his
love to Zara. They hug and cry very hard. the three promises to save her.
12 hours left.
Hannah and Isaac come to meet Liam and apologize. They decide to erase their
memory to save Zara.

To do so, they need to spy into the Ministry of Magic to trick the obliviators to perform
memory erasing charm.

They succeed and the time travel Customs and Excise Department officers checked
nothing at 0:00..

Who are you ? Liam asks Zara.

Chapter 8 : fix them

Zara writes a diary to his father with an earlier date ,pretending it is written by the
younger her.
She asks question about restoring and hiding memory in a childish handwriting and
places it on Olivers desk. As a father who loves and misses his daughter, he is
surprised that there is a new page. He replies with the formula as a gesture a missing
his sweet daughter in the old days.

Zara then successfully restore their memory by making the myosotis perfume.

Chapter 9 : The battle---For him

They find the place where the murder take place. It is a hole deep underground. The
murderer appeared in a mask.

The murderer calls himself Eraz. From the research, they acknowledge that their
memory will be wiped off after the battle There is one cocoon which has one gem to
protect one persons memory.

Liam fights him with spells but Eraz seems to have predicted them and rebounds them
all without a miss. Liam is severely injured.

Zara on the other hand is climbing to get the gem while Eraz and Liam are fighting each
other. Eraz uses Expecto Patronum, a giant grasshopper Patronum appears to defends
Liams charms..

Zara gets the gem at last. She wants Liam to keep the memory and restore everything.
She doesnt care her death anymore. She jumps and throws the gem to Liam.

When she is going to hit the ground from 10 meters high, Liam , who lies on the floor
weakly, uses Expecto Patronum to protect Zara. It is also a grasshopper. It catches

Liam is hit by the gem. A strong light is given out by the gem.

When Liam wakes, he remembers everything. However he never know if Zara is alive or
Chapter 10 : lost in blue

Liam can never forget her. He dreams about her every night. He graduates and
becomes a obliviator in the Ministry of Magic. Maybe, part of him wants to erase the
endless thought of Zara , part of him are not willing to. He becomes decadent and never
lay eye on other female


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