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254 Conference on Our World in Concrete & Structures: 23-24 August 2000, Singapore Tying in precast framed buildings made with hollow core floors - specific problems of design A Cholewicki, Building Research institute, Poland Abstract Hollow core units, widely manufactured in the world, offer possibilities for construction of very attractive modem structures composed of floor diaphragms, framed elements and shear walls. The tying of the individual units into one integrated superstructure is the main objective of this contribution. Ties of the hollow core units often are dimensioned according to certain general principles (e.g. recommendations based on Eurocode 2). The author's concept is to show the calculation procedures for dimensioning of the tying steel bars in order to improve the interaction of those hollow core slabs in the over-all behaviour (diaphragm action, alternative model action) and as the members of the composite beams. Some of these procedures has been already published (e.g. Chapter 4 of the newest document [1] of FIB Commission “Prefabrication’). keywords: hollow core floors, diaphragm and composite action, shear connections 1. Introduction In a modem precast framed building, like the one shown in Fig.1 with floors made of hollow core slabs, very typical is the connection at the slabs support on the internal beam, Fig. 4 Multistorey skeletal structure (2};1-internal supporting beam, 2-hollow core floor siabs 253 eg orc an Fig. 2 Composite concrete sections with different shapes of the internal supporting beam [3] ‘The shape of upper part of the beam cross section (Fig. 2) determines the location of the main tying reinforcement which is necessary to achieve the diaphragm action of the precast floors and of the position of the coupling ties (Fig. 3). Fig, 3 Tying in a floor diaphragm In the present European practice there is a strong tendency to reduce the height of the total composite internal beam (see examples in Fig.4) a) ») °) Fig. 4 Examples of the composite internal beams with a reduced height of the section {4] « [6] ‘Tying and coupling ties (Fig. 3) placed into joint gapes of the floor diaphragm can be either: = dimensioned according to general principles settled in several international (like EC2 [7] and [12) or national documents or = calculated in order to achieve the desired effects of the structural interaction. This second approach has been the objective of author studies in recent years, particularly concentrated on = diaphragm action = composite action, ~ _ alternative model action (aimed at prevention against progressive collapse). Some of author's concepts have been briefly presented in this contribution, It should be marked however that even within mentioned here three groups of the structural functions the particular 254 demands can be contradictory (as an example it can be mentioned the position of the coupling ties which is determined for the transmition of supporting moments and for an accidental situation to ensure the interaction of the floor in secondary bearing system) 2. Diaphragm action Hollow core siabs connected together into one large size diaphragm can be subjected to various in plane loads appearing due wind and also due to accidental situations like fire or an external explosion All these loads and situations generate the occurrence of the shear force V along the longitudinal joints of the floor slabs (Fig. 5). Following formula for the tie force F, in the main tying reinforcement crossing a longitudinal joint was proposed by A. Cholewicki and K.S. Eliott in [1]: v-v, mae (a) Fy where: Ver - part of the shear force transferred directly by the concrete in the connection (acting as @ shear key) fn, = total number of the tying bars in all perimeter and internal tie beams, which can be reckoned as transferring the shear force V 41 - friction factor (observe, not friction coefficient) The model experiments carried out by Chalmers University of Technology [8] have showed that only the reinforcement bars laying in the diaphragm plane can be reckoned as the effective ones for the tying function. The experimental works conducted by KS. Elliott [9] gave the background for the specification of the values of friction factor u.. The information about j1 and the general shear wedging mechanism were presented in [1] According to [1] the tying reinforcement should be dimensioned to satisfy following shear displacement limitation 05mm 2) { (Cs fay Tiesteel (6) Fig. 5 Definitions of shear transfer mechanism 2) Initial precracked condition, b) Aggregate interlock mechanism where: K,~ axial stfiness ofthe tie beam (see [1]) 3,— intial crack width ymax limiting crack width for aggregate interlock [1] The condition (2) leads to application of relatively high values of u, even higher than y= 5 (see calculation example in [1)). The limitation ofthe crack width influences the global shear stiffness of the floor diaphragm, because the shear displacements of the individual longitudinal joints are negligible small (see Fig. 6). The very effective shear-friction mechanism was also observed in tests reported by Moustafa {10}. On their background in PC! manual [11] so called effective coefficient of friction sue = 2,2 was recommended. 255 Stomima4 S drstosheg fore vs // Reaction Fig. 6 Shear displacements in the floor diaphragm action 3. Composit In the newest draft of ENV document [12] following motto is expressed “In addition to satisfying the requirements of cross-section design, the analysis of precast concrete structures shall take into account the behaviour of the connections between elements". This fits well just to the point below discussed, whereas the role of the stiffress C. of the shear subjected connection has been here Particularly emphasized. In [13] and [14] author presented a solution according to two-beamis mode! Which describes the effects of the shear deformability of the interface connection on the distribution of the unit shear forces V; and the sum of those force along the half a length of the beam (Fib. 7a). The diagram of the unit shear forces V(é) is governed by the 77(¢) coefficients (Fig. 7b) and given by a) 1@ (alji2=10 oe (qLy2s 08 (@ pom Ly oe oe qly2=2 o4 (qL)2=1 0.2 1 t e=2uL 0.2 O4 06 08 LO Fa, 7 Sear senses tion von tne 2 valu 2) two-beam model of the composite structure, b) diagram of unit shear forces V.. 4- connection with stiffness C. following formula: mast? (6) @) 256 where: V.gy. is the maximum unit shear force calculated under assumption of non-deformable shear connection Ine aur soliton nal retains te characteristic vee 2 apears whch expresses erect ofthe src paral an ths ab a ae + o 2 ale A,” gay” Eg, +E ) a where: E,1,Eco- respectively, concrete elasticity modulae in parts © &, Ax, Aa fespectively, cross section areas of parts © 2) Iu Ia ~ respectively, moments of inertia of parts © &, 2 ~ distance between the central points of parts © and @ In (13] and [14] was proved that when at. 3s ; 6 the composite structure can be considered as @ homogenous one with the shear connection as an undeformable (under shear) medium, b) J horizontal connection 2 — vertical shear connection Fig. 8 Distinguished parts of © and @ in the composite floor a) case of horizontal connection b) case of vertical connection ‘The presented two-beams model and derived according to it formulae can be applied in order to answer several important questions in considerations of the effectiveness of tying reinforcement Projected to the connection. These questions are e.g, 1° minimum shear stiffness C, of the ties projected to joint gape in order to guarantee the fulfilment of condition (5),in cosideration of the shear deformability along the horizontal (Fig 8a) and vertical (Fig, 8b) shear interfaces. 2 Detailing provisions necessary to be fulfilled in case of the structural topping (not discussed here) interaction in the composite floor. 4. Alternative model action The principles of the tying in order to limit the consequences of the damage of one bearing member like column recommended in [7] and [12] it is a general guidance only. In the numerical studies, recently completed by author, concrete beam ‘cut’ from a multistorey frame structure, was subjected to an accidental situation, which was a failure of one supporting column, The purposes of analysis were to determine 1° the effects of the technically and economically realistic modifications in the system of reinforcement of supporting beam (a precast or cast in situ one), 2° participation of the main tying reinforcement (placed in the tie beam as in Fig. 2) and of the floor slabs (with the help of coupling ties ~ Fig. 3) in the altemative bearing system 257 ‘The obtained results showed that due to the large values of displacements of the main beam the imposed interaction of the floor laying being perpendicular to that beam can be very effective; the interaction of those slabs depends however much upon the arrangement of the coupling ties. The most interesting results of study will be commented during the presentation of paper. 5. Conclusions 1° In case of madem framed systems built wth hollow core floors there is a necessity of a very precise dimensioning and detailing of ties, because the floor elements have relatively large spans and the gapes for the in situ grouting conerete are small. 2 The same ties fulfil very differentiated structural functions, author has discussed them fon examples of three models and particulary emphasized the effects of the stiffness of connections (diaphragm and composite action models) 3° The recommendations for tying formulated in a group of documents authorized by Eurocode 2 seem to be not satisfactory in confrontation with the tendencies in design of present moder framed structures. References: [ 1] "Special design considerations for precast prestressed hollow core floors’ Chapter 4 "Diaphragm action” FIP Guide to Good Practice 2000 [ 2] Eliot KS. “Multistorey precast concrete framed structures": Blackwell Scientific Oxford, May 1996 [ 3] "Structural precast concrete handbook" Construction Industry Development Board, Singapore, March 1999 [4] “Planning and design handbook on precast building structures" FIP Commission “Prefabrication* 1994 [5] "Delta ~ composite beam’ Information paper by Deltatek OY, Lohti Finland [ 6] Della Bella B. "Precast prestressed hollow core slabs in continuous floor: design and detailing of composite and restrained support’ The 4” International Symposium Developments. in Prestressing & Precasting, July 1997. Singapore [ 7] ENV 1992-1-3, “Eurocode 2 ~ Design of concrete structures" Part 1-3 :Supplementary rules for precast conerete elements” [ 8] Cederwall K., Svensson S., and Engstrom B., Diaphragm Action of Precast Floors with Grouted Joints. Nordisk Betong, Feb 1986, pp123-128 [ 9] Elliott K'S., Davies G. And Wahid Omar, Experimental and Theoretical Investigation of Precast Hollow Cored Slabs Used as Horizontal Diaphragms, The Structural Engineer, Vol. 70, No.10, May 1992. [10] Moustafa S.E., Effectiveness of Shear-fiction Reinforcement in Shear Diaphragm Capacity of Hollow-core Slabs, Journal of the Prestressed Concrete Institute, 26, No.1, January-February 4981, 118-132 [11] "Manual for design of hollow core slabs” Prestressed Concrete institute, Chicago 1985 [12] ENV 1992-1-3 (1 st Draft 2001) Chapter 12 [13] Cholewicki A., Bobulska |. “Interaction in precast composite floors" International Symposium “Prefabrication facing the new century", Helsinki October 1997 [14] Chotewicki A. "Structures composed of precast elements" (in Polish), Building Research Institute, Warszawa (in printing) 258

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