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There is an array={1,3,4,6,} we have to sort like even numbers at first half and odd numbers

at second half.the output should be {4,6,1,3}

We have to reverse a String without any inbuilt functions of string

data structure specially from the linked list.

difference betwen c and c++

Stage 3: Client interview

This is the tough part. Here you will have two interviews. Based on your skills and
requirement in Huawei you will face First interview with a team lead. Here it doesn't matter
how you performed at Ionidea. They will take interview as per their requirement. You would
be asked about Unix, SQL(brush up the basic topics) and C++ programs(3-4). If you do
even average you will face second interview with your going-to-be-reporting-manager. They
will again ask you some Unix, SQL and C++ questions(basic level). The you will have to
write 2-3 programs on data structures. Then you will be asked few puzzles(4-6) which pretty
regular which you can get just by a google search. Its good to know a thing or two about
Huawei(what it does) in advance. If you are uptill here, you are pretty much selected

Accepted Offer
Neutral Experience
Easy Interview


The process took 3 days. I interviewed at IonIdea.


Its a 3 stage process.

Stage 1: Aptitude Round
Its a very basic aptitude round with common questions that float around in all companies.
There are in total 29 questions from aptitude and on C++ program which is generally on string
handling. You just need to have 15 apti questions correct and the program to get through.

Stage 2: Technical Round

It will take a lot of waiting. When your turn comes be confident and tell your strength as C++(not C).
Nothing else required. They will ask you very basic C++ questions like OOPs concept and difference
b/w C & C++. Then they will ask you to write one program(only one) on Data structures(
Singly/Doubly LL or Queues at max), you get that correct, or just write the code and explain the
logic correctly and you are through.

Then you will be approached and be told you are selected and will have one final interview at client
location(Huawei). You will be told about the bond(2 years, 1.5 lakhs) and you have to submit your
marksheets. You will be told about the salary(pretty low). If you agree you will then have to wait for
a client interview call(one week).

This all was the easy part and the process will take one full day.

Stage 3: Client interview

This is the tough part. Here you will have two interviews. Based on your skills and requirement in
Huawei you will face First interview with a team lead. Here it doesn't matter how you performed at
Ionidea. They will take interview as per their requirement. You would be asked about Unix,
SQL(brush up the basic topics) and C++ programs(3-4). If you do even average you will face second
interview with your going-to-be-reporting-manager. They will again ask you some Unix, SQL and
C++ questions(basic level). The you will have to write 2-3 programs on data structures. Then you
will be asked few puzzles(4-6) which pretty regular which you can get just by a google search. Its
good to know a thing or two about Huawei(what it does) in advance. If you are uptill here, you are
pretty much selectedShow Less

Interview Questions

Simple Aptitude question.

Simple english questions(3-4). 1 Answer
Common C++ questions.
Common SQL questions(very basic, but don't mention in CV).
Commom UNIX questions(very basic again, don't mention in CV) 1 Answer
Google out this also.
Common interview puzzles. 1 Answer
<span 1 Answer</span
Show More
Write a code for multithreading in C++
Huwai interview question

Interview Questions

Ion idea -
1. how to find a loop in a circular link list.
2. find middle node and delete.

Huawei ---

1. create a doubly linklist.

2. string palindrome.
3. string reverse.
5. scheduling algo (LRU, RR,LFU ) which one better.
6. OOPS concept with example.
7. Virtual function and keyword

Program they asked find missing num in 2 arrays linked list

OOP concept, Pollymorphism

1. Middle element of Linked list?

2. how to delete node in Linked list if pointer to first node is not provided?

3. Reversed the sentence?

----- reserved the words in string program.

java program to remove all the white spaces from the given sentence by using regular
My question was- a string was given like &#034;i love
programming&#034;.we have to find the output as &#034;programming love i&#034;.
Delete the middle element from stack(program). Go through your project with coding

1st round was written test related to some logical question in java (Related to threading,
Collection, String)
2nd round was f2f and it was very basic question Servlet and JSP and some core java
concept .if they considered then that day itself they let you know related to feedback


First was the wriiten test. Questions were based on software testing skills - objectives and 2
case studies
Next was technical round on same day
- SQL queries
- SDLC models
- Role in pervious company
- Test case document and attributes of it
- What things u mentioned when u log a bug
- What is test plan doc
- What documents does manager or tl prepare?
- SQL joins
- What is primary, foreign and unique key?

After 2 days was a technical round with client in Huwaei Technologies India Private Limited
- Explain V model with diagram
- White box testing and black box testing techiques
- SQL queries
- Sanity testing vs Smoke testing
Since I had development background
- Program to add 2 nos without using 2 variable
- Program to find the factorial of numberShow Less
Interview Questions

What things does u have in test cases? Answer Question


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