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MINUTES OF _______________________________


The structure of the minutes of a meeting of the school council should reflect the agenda of
the meeting.

The _______________________ School Council met in regular session on ________(day),

__________(date), __________(time), _____________(location),
__________________________ (address).

School Council Members Present: (list members present)

School Council Members Absent: (list members absent)

______ (number) members were present, representing a quorum.

The following visitors attended the meeting: (list visitors)

1. Call to Order
Chairperson____________ (name) called the meeting to order at _________ (time).

2. Inspiration

Chairperson____________ (name) recognized ____________ (school council member),

for the inspirational message.

3. Pledge of Allegiance

Chairperson________ (name) led the pledge of allegiance to the United States flag.

4. Approval of Agenda
Chairperson_____________ (name) distributed the agenda posted pursuant to the Open
Meetings Act.
Moved, seconded, and carried that the school council approve the agenda as presented.
MOTION: _______________ (name); SECOND: _______________ (name);
VOTE: Unanimous 7:0

5. Approval of Minutes
Chairperson__________ (name) distributed the minutes of the _________ (date) meeting
of the school council.
Moved, seconded, and carried that the school council approve the minutes of the
_________________ (date).
MOTION: _______________ (name); SECOND: _______________ (name); VOTE:
Unanimous 7:0
6. Recognition of Visitors

Chairperson______________ (name) recognized visitors to the school council meeting.

7. Presentation to School Council

Chairperson ____________________ (name) called upon ________________ (name,

title) who gave a report to the school council on _____________ (topic).

8. Report of Principal

Principal ____________ reported to the school council on ________________ (topic).

(A student attendance report should be included at each school council meeting.)

9. Unfinished Business

10. New Business

11. No Executive Session Was Held

12. Developed Agenda for Next Meeting

13. Adjournment

With no further business to come before the school council, the meeting was adjourned at
_____________ (time).
MOTION: _______________ (name); SECOND: _______________ (name);
VOTE: Unanimous 7:0

[The next meeting of the ____________________ School Council

will be held on _____________ (date)
at ________ (time) at __________________ (location).]

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