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1. Mastication muscle are masseter muscle, medialis pterygoid muscle, lateralis

pterygoid muscle, and temporalis muscle. Mandibularis movement to

occlusion position happens by masseter, temporalis, and medialis pterygoid

muscle contraction. Masseter muscle also contribute to condylus head

moving, so it lies oblique to fossa mandibular anterior. Posterior side of

temporalis muscle do a one side retraction and contraction for contralateral

mandibular movement.

Mastication muscle consist of:

a. Masseter muscle

The masseter is the most superficial. It covered by the parotid

gland on the side of the face, it has an origin which is partly tendinous and

partly fleshy. It arises in two parts: (1) superficially from the inferior

border of the zygomatic arch in its anterior two-thirds, and (2) more

deeply from the deep surface of the zygomatic arch in its whole length.

The superficial fibers are directed downwards and backwards towards the

angle of the mandible; the deeper fibers are directed vertically downwards.
b. Medial pterygoid muscle
It is a thick muscle of mastication. It arises from the deep head of

the lateral pterygoid plate, and from the maxillary tuberosity and inserted

on the medial angle of the mandible.

The function of this muscle are elevation of the mandible, closing

of the mandible and side to side movement. Medial pterygoid muscle can

be palpated only intraorally. It is also involved in MPDS.

c. Lateral pterygoid muscle
It is a small muscle which is divided into 2 heads, the upper head and the

lower head. Upper head originates from infratemporal surface and crest of

greater wing of sphenoid bone and the lower head from lateral pterygoid

plate. Insertion is in the pterygoid fovea on the anterior margin of the

articular disc and capsule of TMJ.

d. Temporalis muscle
The temporal muscle is a fan-shaped muscle arising from the

whole area of the temporal fossa, as well as from the temporal fascia

which covers it. Its converging fibers pass medial to the zygomatic arch.
The muscle is inserted into the deep surface and apex of the

coronoid process, and into the anterior border of the ramus of the

The origin of the muscle is concealed by the temporal fascia. As it

passes to its insertion the muscle is concealed by the zygomatic arch, the

masseter muscle, and the coronoid process of the mandible. Its separated

from the external pterygoid in a majority of the cases by the internal

maxillary artery. The masseteric nerve and vessels appear at its posterior

border; the buccinators nerve and vessels at its anterior border.

2. Blood vessel and nerve supply
TMJ Innervation: Sensory nerve supply to TMJ is from auriculotemporal

nerve and masseter nerve which is the branch from mandibularis nerve.

Blood vessel tissue for the joint is from artery temporalis superficialis which

is the branch of artery carotis externa.

Nutrition: Blood supply from internal maxilla artery through auriculair

branch. Diffused from the bones that located on synovial fluid.

John, Pramod (ed). 2014. Textbook of Oral Medicine, 3rd edition. New Delhi:


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