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DESIGN SHEET a” [Designed WPA lose: | 6-May-13 checked wea lose: | é-May-13 on CALOOCAN - NAVOTAS rme;_[Paverent Analysis, of C-3 PAVEMENT DESIGN ANAYSIS A. GENERAL “The intent of the pavement design is to provide a pavernert capable of carrying the traffic Tena that would pass over the road throughout its performance period and permitting Graient, rapid and safe flow of traffic withthe least appropriate total cost. “The design performance period is 20 vears: “The pavement design analysis was based on AASHTO Guidelines for Design of Pavement Structures 1993. B. DESIGN CONSIDERATION tn determining the design thickness of rig pavement structure, the following design inputs are needed: 1. Roadbed Sol a. Resilient Modulus of subgrade, Ma b, Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, k c. Composite Modulus of Subgrade Reaction, K. 2, Design Traffic Loed, Wis 3, Reliability, R-Table 4 4, Design Serviceabilty Loss, APS! 5, Drainage Coefficient, Cd 6. Load Transfer Coefficient, J 7, Overall Standard Deviation, S: 8. Concrete Modulus of Rupt 9, Concrete Modulus of Elasticity 2, Sic PAVEMENT DESIGN CALCULATION Coleulation results or PCCP thickness PCCP thickness is calculated using Formula, Page 1of 11 | pest ALA The basis eque ons developed by [ARGHTO for rigid pavements are in the same form as those for flexible pavements but with diferent values for the regression constant. . tog (APSt + GS 15)] Jogio (Wis) Ua X So + 735 * Toga (#39) — 0.06 + logue fapst + G2 1.624 X 107 + (pes f_Sxcu (O08 1492) 1 Sx Cx Oe 4 (4.22 - 0.32) * (0930 | ee | \Gsaoo"- oe | L ees J Where: Wya = Predicted number of 18-Kip equivalent single axle load applications J, =. standard normal deviate combined standard error of the trafic prediction and performance prediction. thickness (inches) of pavement slab- Difference between the initial design serviceability Index, Po and the design terminal serviceability Index Modulus of rupture (psi) for Portland Cement Concrete used on a specific project Load transfer coefficient used to adjust for Joad transfer characteristics of a specific design. C= Drainage coefficient Modulus of elasticity (psi) fr Portiand Cement Concrete =. Modulus of subgrade reaction (ec!) (Gourse : AASHTO Guide for Design of Pavement Structure 1993) pag ott factor ig a function of the overall steniderd ceviation (2) aiity level, the reliabillty affic prediction and normal variation In pavernent + both chance variation in te adiction for a given Was, THE gacetermined by AASHTO 8 fo ce pavement is 0.38 Reliability | 80%? | Standard normal deviate [_-o.sat | Standard deviation (.) 0.35 TABLE 2 responding to the Percent of Strength (PS) distribution that STANDARD NORMAL VARIATE Za tals below the Speciic Flexural Strength (So) Standard Normal Deviate (Za) Percent of Strength Drop G_ PAVEMENT PEREORMANCE CRITER A (SERVICEABILITY) “The serviceability of pavernent is defined 25 its abity to serve the type of traffic which uses the road and is measured by the Present Serviceability Index (PSE), which ranges from 0 to 5. | This obtained from measurement of roughness ancl distress of the paverient. | “The inital serviceability index (Po) 1s 2” estimate by the user of what the PST will be immediately serviceability index (Pt) Is the lowest acceptable level before after construction. The terminal Toss in PST is expressed by the equation: resurfacing or reconstruction becomes necess21Y The pst gua g boat Where: iceabity ofthe facility which 25 per AASHTO Road Test is 4.2 p, = original or initial se for flexible pavement and 4.5 for rigid pavements: ablty index is 2.5 oF highest for design of moor highways and 2.0 lesser traffic volume. ‘or highways with aes page 4 of TL Initial and terminal serviceability indexes were established to compute the change in serviceability APSI, used in the design equations. The initial serviceability index is @ function of pavement type and construction quality. The typical value for rigid pavement in the AASHTO. design is 4.50. P, = initial serviceability = 4.5 The terminal serviceabilty index is the lowest Index that will be tolerated before rehabilitation resurfacing or reconstruction becomes necessary. An index of 2.5 or higher is suggested by the AASHTO design guide for design of major highways. Py = Terminal Serviceability index is 2.5 APSI = P,- Py 45-25 2.0 RESILIENT MODULUS OF SUB-GRADE CBR - California Bearing Ratio, result done by Materials Quality Control, DPWH-NCR TEST PIT HEIGHT CBR 1 80 30.00 2 95 10.20 3 | 65 14.00 4 35 | 18.60 5 90 12.60 6 75 5.70 7 85 52.00 8 8 36.00 Page $ of 11, DETERMINATION OF DESIGN CBR DESIGN CBR: = X - 435 - : P x x oxy 1 30.00 58.06 2 10.20 148.35 3 14.00 70.22 4 1.60 1428 5 12.60 95.64 6 5.70 278.22 7 52.00 877.34 8 36.00 185.50 179.10 22.38 ‘Ss (x-k) 5 - fC DESIGN CBR = X - 23S n-1 nn Aree = X + 2/3 (15.71) 81 22,38-2/3(15.71) S$ = 15.71 = 11.91% say = 12% mR = 15000 = 15,000/19.40 = 773.20 pci > 200 pci Keogrecren = 225 pci Therefore: Used treated base of 300mm CALCULATION OF THICKNESS OF SUB-BASE ‘The sub-base course plays an important role in distributing and transferring the traffic load safety to the sub-base. THICKNESS OF SUB-BASE FOR CEMENT CONCRETE ROAD [—“SUBGRADE CBR. UNDER 2% 2-4% | 4-6% | 6-15% | OVERIS% SUB-BASE 2g0mm | 180mm 130 1 a qurceness | 22 1m mm | 100mm 100mm Tn which Mis the resilient modulus 10 psi, Page 6 of 11 TABLES STANDARD NORMAL DEVIATE VALUE CORRESPONDING TO SELECTED RELIABILITY, (R PERCENT), [___ STANDARD NORMAL DEVIATE (a) : 50 = 0.000) 60 =0.253 70 =0.524 75 =0.674 80: =0.8417 35 [ = 4.037 90 = 1.282 3 T340 92 = 1.405 3 = 1476 [ 34 = 1.555 5 =1645 36 = L751 | 97 | = 1.881 98 [ = 2.054 99 = 2.327 39.9 = 3.090 99.9 = 3.750 Page 7 of 11. TRAFFIC DATA ‘The AADT based on the traffic count data provided by DPWH-NCR is presented below. cto Tuc es Total 1013.00 | 156700 | 107100] 3058.00 ‘TRAFFIC GROWTH RATE In traffic analysis, the adopted traffic growth rate is 4.0% ating the number of commercial vehicles esign Trafic = Pil HE x 365 where: Pi = Annual Average Daily Traffic (AADT) of initial year Traffic Growth Rate Design Life Period [ TANE DISTRIBUTION (OL) FACTOR ch Direction % of 18 TONS ESAL IN DESIGN LANE 4 80 -100 DESIGN TRAFFIC LOAD Wig = Dy xD. x Wig where: Dy _—_-= a directional distribution factor, expressed a factor ratio, that accounts for the distribution of ESAL units by direction, Dd lone distribution factor Wis he cumulative two-directional 18-kip ESAL units (CESAL) predicted for 2 specific section of highway during the analysis period. CESAL = 5 [ DESIGN TRAFFIC x ESAL ] er category of commercial vehicles ‘Axle Load Equivalent Factor Page 8 of 11 TRUCK TYPE : ow ZAKLE :* FRONT AXLE REAR AXLE = = [ 0.029 = = 7355 BSA = 7.384 | ESAL TRUCK TYPE : aww AXLE FRONT AXLE 4PAXLE: MIDOLE A REAR AXLE = Fe = 0.195 eF = ef = 3.122 eat as ESA = 356 ESAL 6.439 ESAL DAKLe: Wg = 853 x 85x 738 x 04S x 080 = 24,641,885.56 3AMLE: . Wig = 1,019 ee) x 365 x 6439 x 045 x 080 = 25,873,474.40 4-5 AXLE Wg = 2638 (e009 | x 365 x 080 = 24,655,700.26 3.08 Wis = L Page 9 of 11 I PCCP Elastic Modulus Ec 57,000 (fe)? fe = 3,500 psi ) 57,000 (3,3500)"* : 3,372,165.48 ' say 34x 10° PCCP MODULUS OF RUPTURE : The flexural strength of conrete for 14 days = 550psi the DPWH Standard Specifications (1995) Volume II Seinen = SC + Z (SD,) 1 where: S'c = estimated mean value for PCC Modulus of Rupture - SC = construction specification on concrete modulus of Rupture 550 psi for 14 days = flexural strength @ 28 days is 690psi SD, = flexisral strength @ 28 days multiplied by the corresponding Percent Strength Drop (PS) Z = Standard normal deviate: 50 x 02 = 110 psi 550+ ( O84L)x (110) = 642.51 psi 4251 psi j say 643 psi Page 10 of 10. iL 12, 2B. 14, 15, 16, v7, 18. 13, SUMMARY OF DESIGN REQUIREMENT OF PCCP DESIGN THE PERFORMACE PERIOD DESIGN TRAFFIC DESIGN RELIABILITY NORMAL DEVIATION PERCENT OF STRENGTH OF DROP STANDARD DEVIATION DESIGN SERVICEABILITY LOSS PCCP MODULUS OF RUPTURE PCCP MODULUS OF ELASTICITY SUBGRADE DESIGN CBR EFFECTIVE ROADBED RESILIENT MODULUS SUB-BASE ELASTIC MODULUS ‘TREATED BASE MODULUS OF SUBGRADE REACTION DRAINAGE COEFFICIENT LOAD TRANSFER COEFFICIENT LOSS OF SUPPORT TERMINAL SERVICE INDEX GROWTH RATE i 20 years ESAL = | 72X10 80% “0.841 2 = 20 643 og 3.40 x 10° psi 12% 15,000 18,000 psi 300mm 225 10 38 10 25 4% Granular Sub-base Page 11 of 11

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