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Topical Bible Study: LORDSHIP

Summarizing Table
Verse Key points of observation Implications (can be general and personal, what i should
know or consider)
(1) Col - Heaven and Earth God is the owner of everything - God is the owner of everything and his control is over all things, so
- Visible and invisible God is the owner of everything we cannot be compared to him, yet He created us as His image. As
1:16-17 - Thrones, dominions, principalities, powers Represents his we created for him so that naturally, everything in our live is His.
control of everything
(2) Rom - Sacrifice our body as a living live is sacfrife - This is how we must deal with our live living for him by not
- Be not conformed ( suschematizo) conformity = something become same with the world
12:1,2 that can drag us to become same or copy the world/
(3) John - If any man all man including us - What we must do is not just passive ly living without same to the
- Serve (diakonos) some one to attend for anything, to make word but by activly following him, try to attend near Him
12:26 someone interes come true
- Let him follow (akulutheo) accompany, follow
- My Father honour Praise, different state with we honour
(4) Luke - To them all his disciples - How to following him is the hardest thing because it means we
- Come after me (echomai) follow, to become must deny ourself and take our cross which is the shame for the
9:23 - Deny (apernomai) have no connection at all world. We must live as His disciples not just follower
- Daily literally everyday
- Take up the cross take our burden, take something that
against ourself, something shameful for the world, but precious
for us
(5) Luke - Son of man hath nowhere God is didnt have place to feel - He is first live for us in the world and that must be encouragement
comfort for us to be like him and focus on preach the kingdom of God in
9:57-62 - Go preach the kingdom of God our live ( which can be our cross)
- Hand to the plough and looking back looking = gaze, staring - We cannot focus on our past live so we can aalways go forward
at cant do anything if we focuse to look back pleasing Him
(6) Luke - If any man whoever - This is can be the parameter if we following God, may be we will
- Hate nor pursue with hatred ( to put second) father, be hated by our relatives but God is expecting us to do so.
14:25-34 mother, wife, children, brethern, sister, his own life ( worldly Everything must put him first
relation )
(7) Mat - Serve (doulos) slave - We can be worry, but worry in God ( in good terms), we are His
- Despise (kataphroneo) think little or nothing at all and he will provide us ( espcially in basic needs) evenmore he is
6:24, 33 - Mammon treasures adding to us.
- Hold to (antechomai) withstand, endure, hold firmly - But the condition is in everthing seek Him first not the wealth.
- Seek (zeteo) to aim at, strive after, to demand
- His righteousness (diakusne) doctrine, correctness, thinking
and feeling
(8) Mat - Saith (lego) speak - The prime condition to following Him is not our speaking but our
- Doeth to act rightly, do well life itself and our deep relation with Him. We must focus doing
7:21 - Will of God directly in the bible (his Word) what is he want us to do (his will)

Categorizing Table
Categorization Descriptions Verse
Who is the Lord ? God is Lord, he is the owner and controller of everything in this - Col 1:16
Earth and Heaven for any visible and invisible htings
Why we must follow Him ? Because everyhting is craeted for Him - Col 1:17
How we can be his follower and his discple? Sacrife our body as living sacrifice - Rom 12:1,2
/How to Submit to Lord ? By following him actively
- John 12:26
Preach the kingdom of God
Focus on do whatever he wants in our live
- Luke 9:57-62
- Mat 7:21
What is the cost of following him ? We must deny ourself daily and take up our cross - Luke 9:23
We must put everyhing in His control ( realtives )
- Luke 14:25-34
IS there any guarantee for following him ? He will provide our needs, even more he will take care our life - Mat 6:24, 33

Conviction station:
I believe that Jesus is God and he is our Lord means that everything that i have is belong to him. My life is solely created for His purpose only. By doing his will in
every aspect of my life and to take up may cross is the way that i can follow hip and become his disciples. And the end, as his as my master i believe he will also
provide me for everything that i need.

Personal application: _
I will do my coass job with courage and surrender to God, especially next week for internal medicine, ill
study for 1 week to preparation my new station
I will pray for my decision to keep contact with my small group, and for the next meeting plan during this
week ______________________________________________________________________
Have I submitted to Jesus as my Lord my only Lord 100 percent?
If theres anything that holding up me?

If do submit.. Is there any cross that i willing not to carry? What is that cross?

Q to Christian people ?
Is they really believe?
Is they really submit Lord 100 % ?

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