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Name : Dionisius Paskalino (DIO)

Reg. Numbers : A1B213068

Just One More Time

I hate my hometown, my home town has so much memory that I want to
forget. Because of that, I ended up here, in this city. Here, I wish that I can restart
everything. But Day after day nothings change, every day I just go to school, hang
out with my friends and go home. Everything is still the same. Is there something
would be happen in my life?

The warmth of the morning sun gives me the courage to live in this new city.
Since I go to this new school, I think I can move on from my past, from my

One morning I heard some of my classmate talks about the nightmare they
have and how they feel glad after wake up. When I heard their conversation I just
thinking ha ah, If I were you, I will hope to not wake up anymore, I was having a
much better time asleep, and that really sad. It was like a reverse nightmare, like
when you wake up from a nightmare youre so relieved, but I woke up into a
nightmare. But, even if I tell another person, can it change everything? The answer
is a big NO, so better to keep it in my own thought.

Yeah better to save it for myself, and lets thinking about future.

Its been a week since school has been started, I still dont get any friend,
maybe its because I dont know anybody in my class. There is a student named
Steve, he is our chairman, he is a handsome and diligent student, he is an easygoing
person, and lately, he always starts the conversation with me. I think it doesnt matter
he become a friend of mine, right?
Since three days ago, Steve and I start to have lunch in canteen, we had the
same interest in astronomy and we always talk about it. Because his house is near my
apartment, he often comes to my place. He also invites me sometimes to visit his
house, what we usually do is just like what ordinary teenagers would do, like read
some books about Astronomy and play some video games, not just that, he also
introduces me to his friends in our school. Wow I think it can be a good chance to me
to start a new life here in this city.

This morning, I go to school alone because Steve has some business with our
homeroom teacher, so he goes early than usual. I walk alone and see many students
walk to school around me, near school gate, I tie my shoe and that time I saw a girl,
the girl with long black hair. But from here, I cannot see her face clearly, but she
wears our uniform, she also wears tie that has same color with mine, so its mean the
she is also a first year student, but I think that I never see her, I wonder who she is.

When I enter my class, there is Steve talking about something with the boys,
when he sees me, he wave his hand and ask me to join with their discussion. Im
curious about what they talking this early, so I join their discussion. Steve says that
he saw a beautiful girl with long black hair in teachers room. He thinks that she is a
transfer student because he never sees her face before, when I hear what Steve said, a
thought come into my mind, Is she the same girl I saw this morning?

Class starts and I hate it, why? Because todays first course is mathematic and
I hate mathematic, maybe it is the reason why I always get red score. Better to sleep
than pay attention to something that is not really interest me, Im sure that Mister
Alex will not know it because I sit at the back, moreover, there is Michael, the biggest
guy in our class, so I prefer to save my energy by sleep. I sleep in a moment when
Steve suddenly wake me up by calling my name, Its really annoy me, so I ask him
why, why he wakes me up, and he is not answer my question, he just point his finger
to the front of the class, to be precise, to a girl, the girl that I saw before. Wait? Dont
tell me that she is a transfer student and she is chosen to move to our class.

She introduces herself in front of the class and she tells us that her name is
Maria Gratia. After that, Mister Alex said that she may sit at left corner at the back,
she walks to her seat, and guess what? Her seat is behind me. Just after she sit down,
Mister Alex says this, I want you to do something for me, please never take your
eyes off from the one in front of you, he always sleep in my class, so I want you to
wake him up if he sleeps again, she answers with yes sir and that answer makes
my classmate laugh, laugh out loud. But something bothers me about this Maria, I
dont know what bother me, so I dont think about that so much. From what I see
about Maria is a beautiful and brilliant girl, but somewhat a loner person, its been a
week since she join in our class but I never see her chat with another classmate,
especially to another girls in the class.

This afternoon I want to go home early but because I got thirty in

mathematics, I cant do that, I need to do this remedial test by my own because Im
the only one who failed the course.

Haah~ why I must bring this classroom key to the teachers room? I said,
and why Mr. Alex could become so clumsy to forget bring this key? and I just keep

I walk through the corridor and there is no other student here, of course no, it
is around six in the afternoon right now. Need to be hurry huh? So, after I give the
key to teacher, I decide to go home. But on my way out of the school, suddenly a girl
comes out of the library. Maria? Why is she still here?

Why you still here alone this late, Maria? she is silent for a moment, and
then she answers me with her gentle voice.

I am studying at library she said.

Suddenly, I ask her with something rude.

Why alone, dont you have any friends?

She just bows her head and says this.

I dont have any friend

Her answer reminds me of my first time move to this school; it is so hard to

get close to anyone in the class, just like her. So how about I become her friend, it is
no harm for her, right?
So how about I become your friend, so we can study together in the library. I
also still need to study because I take remedial in some subjects, how about that?
She looks confused, but her answer really satisfies me.

Yeah lets be friend.

After that I walk with her until we arrive in her home, after that I continue
walk to station and go back to my apartment. The next day, I go to school alone, yeah
maybe there are times we need to be alone; it is good for some reasons, right? While I
walk, still half asleep by the way, suddenly I heard a girls voice calling my name.

Is there a girl just call my name?

No it cant be, because I dont that friendly with girls in my class.

I heard the same girl voice calling my name again and again, it cant be just a
misheard if I heard again and again, so I look back and I saw Maria smiles to me.
After that, we walk to school together. There, I tell her that I also just move to this
city, so in the beginning, I dont have any friend to talk with, except Steve. After be
friend with him, I can mingle with our classmate.

After she heard my story, she smiles to me and says

I guess that is just me that make everything harder, huh?

I just smile when I heard this.

So, how about me, Im one of your friend, right? I said.

She looks at me at the time I said it, and then she answer softly.

O-of course Dion is my friend

Looks like she is almost crying, I think that I my joke is too excessive. Maybe
I need to apologize to her, so I speak to her.

Yeah I know it, sorry I dont mean it.

After heard that she is smiling to me, the moment she smile to me makes my
heart beats so hard. What is it? There is no way I fell in love with her, she just remind
me to my little sister, and I just want to help her.
Its been more than a month since she joint our class, and now she starts to get
along with girls in our class, I dont know why, but Im feeling glad when I saw it,
but why I feel lonely without her around? But I think it is better this way, I dont
want to get involve to her life because someday I will hurt her and I dont want to see
that beautiful smile change into sad tears. Now, I do realize that Ive fallen to that
girl, Maria.

After school, she come to my desk and said

Lets go to library, Dion! I will teach you really hard today.

And then I reply her

Yes, mam

After that, we go to library and she really helps me with these study things.
We do study together for a whole week. Eventually, the remedial day is come, it is
today. She said that she will be waiting for me in school garden and wish me luck.

The remedial ends and my homeroom teacher give me the scores, and great, I
pass all subjects. But why I feel bad, is it because all time we spend together will
come to its end? When I walk to school garden, I keep thinking about this and when I
arrive, I give my score to her and she smiles to me, and said.

Well done, lets celebrate this moment.

After that we go to a caf and I treat her because she really helpful for make
me able to pass my remedial tests. We chat about many things, I dont know why but
I dont want this moment pass by. Later on, after we finish enjoying our dishes, we
walk through the silent and empty street, and when we arrive in her house I said this
to her.

Lets do it again

And she replies me with her beautiful smile

Hmm I will be waiting, and thanks for escort me

I reply her again.

No problems, good night Maria, see you tomorrow

Yeah see you tomorrow she said.

For entire night Im awake keep thinking about everything, about Maria and
about my past, I would never forget about my past when i live in my hometown, I
like another person live happily, but everything changed when I lost my twin Diana
and David also my mother in my birthday, after we celebrate our birthday that day,
the car we are ride fall to cliff and I becoming the only survivor from that incident
because the two of my twin push me to get off from the car, I hated myself why must
me the one who survive it would be better if one of my twin or my mother that
survive rather than me.

In the time I feel let low, and she came like a river for an empty soul, she give
me the new meaning about my life and because of her I stop hated myself and fill my
day love, everything feel so perfect for her and me.

But that happiness did not less long, I must let her from my side for Eternity. I
never thought the day I must separate from her, She died because her heart disease,
we try search heart donor but we cant find in the time,

Before she died she speak to me

You know what love is? Love is nothing, to be loved is something, to love
and be love is everything, thanks for everything I love you

No you cant go I need you to be my side I replied her.

But not long after that conversation end she leaves this cruel world.

The next day the sky looks dark, I came to the graveyard there I just stood see
her in white dress she look beautiful, just before she buried the sky is crying but I still
try to hold back my tears, one by one person left her final resting Im still there until
no one left, I come close and finally Im crying under the rain.

Lose four persons that really important in just three years is too hard for me is
like The Earth lost its own gravitation, I didnt had any word to describes how much
my heart that been hurt except the tears that came down when I saw her buried, I
becoming the last person that leave from her grave Im crying under the attack of the
rain. Im tired about love if lose someone those important to you is feel so sad and
desperate I dont want to feel it anymore.

When you lose someone close to you, the smile will fade away, tears will fall
until theres none left, but you must move on, I know its hard but you must try.
That word speak by my old man that word give that make me ended here,
because of that word give me the courage to start again in this place right now. But
this time I found a girl that maybe I fall in love with but when I thinking someday I
must lost her that make me scared, I dont want to feel that pain again. I kept thinking
about what should I do about my feeling but the end its no result, so better I sleep
maybe I can get the answer in my dream.

Today we has art class and in today class we need to sing a song, we can
choose freely, so I choose nothings gonna change my love for you, I sing that song
as best as I could one by one my classmate sing the song they choose, but there a
song that sing by Steve caught my eye that song is If I let you go maybe because
the lyric of that song, when I heard that make my heart beating so hard. Those
symphony make me thinking is it better if everything always be same or I try my
heart again for a new love.

After school I go to minimarket to buy some stuff, just after paying my

purchase item the hand phone in my pocket vibrate I take a look and it turns out that
calling me is Maria, I hurry up answer her call.

She said she been followed by a man since her leave the city library, she said

Im scared I try to calling my parents but there no answer, youre the only
one who can help me please hurry up,

I reply where are you?

Im in book store around shopping center, she said

Wait me there do not go from there okay I reply,

I run as fast as I can and after twenty minutes I arrive there and I hurry up
search her, I see Maria hold a book so approach her while call her name, she look at
me and told me about what happen, after heard her story I suggest to her to go home
with me and she agree with it, without thinking I hold her after we leave the book
store I saw a man that looking at us with scary gaze at front of book store.
The time we away from book store, I finally realize that I hold her hand and
immediately I took off my hand from her. She tries to smile but Im still feeling her

I ask her how long it was happening?

She reply its been one week

After heard that I ask her to going home together with me from now on, she
nodded, we chat along the way to her house. I continue my walk to station, after that I
go off the train, I walked to my apartment when I arrived at my place, I sit down and
drink some of tea while watch television.

Around 10pm an incoming email from Maria that wrote

Thanks for today I dont know what would happen,

I reply never mind, but did you mind if we walk together tomorrow?

She reply again ok I will be wait in my home,

Nice see you tomorrow, I reply,

She reply again yeah see you tomorrow, and after I often going home with
Maria never come again.

Today I go to city library, to search some books, in the library I saw a man
since last week I feel he was following me. The sky becoming dark and the library get
closed, I hurry up to go home but those men keep following me. He getting closer and
closer and lucky me there is a store book. Im try call my parents by they didnt

Who else can I call?

Who will come if I call them?

That moment, I remember I have Dion number I feel glad I know he may be
busy but I dont know why, I know he will come. So I decide to call him. He said just
wait in this book store. It is been twenty minutes, he doesnt come yet, is he really
come, I heard someone call my name and look behind me there Dion standing, he
looks in mess. After I told everything to him, he grabs my hand and he gently escorts
me in that time my heart beat so hard. He is escorting me to my house, when I came
to home. I feel glad but also feel lonely. I saw his back when he walking away from

In my room I keep thinking about the incident that happen before, not about
the creepy men but about what Dion do, I know he doesnt mean to hold my hand yet
it still the first time a guy hold my hand like he was do. Thinking about that make my
heart beating so hard, and I finally remember I forget to thanks to Dion before so I
send E-mail to him, we chat for a while and he ask me to go to school and going
home together? I think its good. After that we ended our chat, better I go sleep
because I cannot wait for tomorrow.

Later that day we always go to school together, and go home together too, its
been more than enough for me to just can be close her, day by day we do everything
together such study at school library after the school, go to caf, even In day off we
usually go to book store and some time we go to zoo and aquarium never think it
would happen after I live in this town, slowly I found a new meaning of my life. But
lately my head often feels dizzy; I dont know the reason still there nothing dangerous
happen though.

There is something I know that I want to hear her voice, I want to see her
smile, I want to hear her laugh when thinking I walked to open my window, I can feel
the night aroma, who the one who you thinking of? Why just you, that always give
me the strength, no matter how, I want to be with you, lose my heart never feel this
painful because you all the reason of my happiness and sadness that I feel right now.
Why I never true to my own feeling in front of the one that I love and everything,
always ended with loneliness and sadness, when I look up the stars, I wish I could see
it together with you.
The world reflected in your dreaming eyes seemed so beautiful, but just
remembering my doubts, will I become cowardly? Back when we laughter together,
thinking we were alike, you gently forgave my small lies. As many meetings and
partings as there are stars in the sky, and all things I dont want to lose, now I dont
want to feel any of them, I just want to be by your side, and see all the joy and
sadness, and everything else. As I grew up, I gradually ended up forgetting to always
be true to my own heart. You gave me some piece of courage, so Ill give you all my
heart to you. You told me about my overflowing tears and about the things I mustnt
lose, and how they are still within my heart, just like they were back then. Your
smile, which is as bright as the sun is the reason why Ive become this strong.

On the Monday I pick her up, while I wait her I whistle my favorite song like
usual, and after she came we walk to our school like another days.

What song are you usually whistling when you waiting me? she suddenly
ask me.

Nothings gonna change my love for you, an old song from George Benson
I answer her.

Do you want that song, I have it in my phone I continue my word

She nodded, I send the song to her phone and after that we continue our steps
to our school. She look so happy, she listen the song and repeated it over and over
during our break. I look to her even when I gather with my friends that make Steve
whisper to me.

What you see, till you smile like that? he whisper to me

No, nothing at all I reply him

After hear my reply he looks at the place I look all the time and he smile at me
just like an idiot.

Its not like you thinking I said to him.

He still smiling at me while he answer yeah, I know it.

Like I say, Its not like you thinking I try to make him believe in me.

School over Maria and me back home, in the way home I saw something
unusual sight, there in front on toy store, stood someone uses costumes and seem he a
mascot from an amusement park. When we passed him, he suddenly approaches us
and gives me two tickets.

These tickets I gave you this, as a promotion of our amusement park so please came
with your girlfriend he said

When heard what he said I look to Maria and I saw Marias face looks flushed

She not my girlfriend!!! I said

forgive me, I though you two are a couple because you two look so match, and I
hope you two can come to our amusement park this weekends he replied a tone of

After that we leave that man and from afar I heard he said please come I will be
waiting you two. In the way to back home, I look her and her faces still looks flushed.

Im sorry for what happen before I said

She shook her head and said that not your mistake

Heard her answer make me feel happy and after some steps I ask her again.

Do you want to come with me this weekend but if you have something ? before I
finish my question she answering me.

I will come she replies me with her soft voice.

After I took her home I came to Steve house, its been awhile for me came to
Steve home, while we playing video game I tell him about what happen today and ask
him for advice.

Today we got amusement park tickets, so I and she will come to that
amusement park, do you have any advice for me?

Her? Who do you mean? he answer and smiling at me.

Maria, who else I said

Nah, I didnt have any advice for you beside be you self and enjoy your
date he answer my question.

Its not a date I said while leave his room.

Days passed quickly and here I am standing in front of an entrance gate
waiting for her. Finally she came, when I saw her using white dress my heart beat so

Sorry for make you wait so long? she said with gentle voice

No, Ive just arrive I replied her.

Are you ready, Maria?? I said.

Yeah she answers while nod her head.

We enter the Amusement park we enjoy it our self, we do many thing such
ride, Roller Coster, ride merry go round, and many more.

Do you want to rest while we wait for fireworks I ask her while pointed to
caf near arcade game center.

Hmm she nodded slowly.

We go the caf and suddenly she stops her step in front of arcade game, I
wonder she doesnt looks like person who like play arcade game. Oh I see she want
something in the crane game, in front of it.

Do you want play that crane game I ask her.

Yeah, but I dont bring any coin she looks blue.

How about we play it, my treat I said while my coins.

She try it, over and over I even dont how long its been and how many times
she tries to get the doll from it. She look in trouble, she look at me likes she ask for

Do you want some help, Maria? I ask her.

Yes, please she answer me eagerly

Which one do you want? I ask her again

That, cat doll she answer

Since I good with something like this, I get the cat doll in first try, I give it to
her she hold that doll firmly. After that we continue to the caf, we order juices and
some cakes. But her faces look sad somehow, and suddenly.

Sorry, Im waste your coins she said with guilty tone.

Its fine, just say its a given from me while I continue eat the cake.

Hmm, if you say so and thank for it she answer

Nah, never mind I answer while pat her head.

Not so long we heard the sound of fireworks, we hurry up to finish our dinner,
and after that we continue our walk to see the fireworks. The fireworks look so
beautiful and its feel so fun, maybe it because there Maria beside me. After that we
going back we chat about the fun we did in amusement park, and finally we arrived in
her home.

Were here suddenly she said

I wish we could stay together a little longer. She continues her word.

I see Marias face in the night. Her smile with a little sadness intrigues me.

We have school tomorrow, right? I said

Do you want to go somewhere afterward? I said again

Really? she answer me

I dont have any plans and its fun being with you I reply her

Then how about my room. She said

Your room? I wonder

Yeah, just the two of us together she said

You dont think so? she continues

Well, if that what you want, sure. I replied

Marias face brightens up immediately, when she heard my answer.

Okay, then, Ill wait you after school. She said

Sure, Ill be there.

Hmm, see you tomorrow then she smiles

Where is her sadness I saw until just a few minutes ago? Maria goes through
the door with such light steps.

The next day, I pick her up, she looks happy; I wonder its about our promise?
I wonder about it. Although its a school day, there isnt anything special happening.
The day ends after a usual conversation and some warning. As I expected, it was a
meaningless day. I look up for Maria but I didnt find her, so ask the girls in our
class, they said she was going back early. So she waiting me in her home rather that
walk together. I ring the doorbell on her room door. Marias voice welcomes me. Her
voice sound more cheerful than at the school. She invites me into her room.

Thank you for waiting! Maria comes in with a tray in her hands.

She put a cup in front of me and I take a sip. The fragrant aroma fills my mouth.

Is this rose? I thought it was a regular black tea. I say.

No, its rose tea. Also, I made some cinnamon cookies. She reply

Actually, I hardly bake cookies. She continues.

But, theyre good. The color and the flavor are great. I tell her.

I wont tell you how much I messed up before those decent ones she said.

Its you were talking, so it could have been that bad. I try to cheer her.

Well theyre still edible, so they are being taken care of downstairs. She

We continue our chat while eat her cookies and drink the tea. She left me to
help her mother make a dinner. And after moment she tells me to get a dinner with
her family. After get dinner, she told me to go her room, a few moments a go she
Sorry to stay for dinner too. I said.

Dont mention it. Thank you for staying! she said

Im so happy that you liked it. She continues.

Liked it? I loved it!! It was delicious. I reply her

Another dream of mine came true! she said

A dream? I wondered

It was my dream to cook a meal for you as a thank of course. She said

But dont you think thats too small dream though? I asked

Not really. I had many dreams, luckily. She smiled.

I wanted to meet you. I wanted to talk to you. I wanted to eat with you. I
wanted to go to amusement park with you. I want to cook a meal for you she said.

Most of them already come true she continues.

I see her smile turns little sad.

So maybe its about time she try said something.

About time? For what?

Nothing she replied

Her sad face makes me extremely concerned about her. I almost feel so fearful, I
cant let go of her. My feelings toward Maria were vague until now. But its starting
to become clearer rapidly. At the school, outside, and this room, all kinds of her
expressions come to my mind. If I stay here, I probably wont be able to control
myself. I wouldnt want to let go of her and Ill be out of control. I cant stay here any
longer. If I care about Maria, I cant stay.

Its getting late, so Ill get going now. I said

While trying to control myself, I stand up slowly.

Oh yeah, I didnt notice the time. She replied

Dion, thank you for today. She continues.

Maria stands up to see me off.

Same here, thank you! I said.

Were both looks forcing to smiles. With fake smiles on our faces, we a part, my hand
on the door starts to open the door quietly.

Dion! she suddenly calls my names.

What? I look to her.

She calls me suddenly, I turn around and Maria grabs onto my hand as its in the air,
her small hand is holding onto my hand. Then, seeing my face, Maria realizes what
shes doing.

Sorry its nothing. She sound sad

She looks down feebly. Her hand loosens, but she doesnt let go of my hand.

Your hand is warm. She speak

Her sad mutter, its clearly not hers.

Maria whats the matter? I ask her.

Its really warm. She mumbles.

She puts my hand on her cheek and mutters lovingly. Then.

Dion! she said.

She embraces me while calling me with a shaky voice. She embraces my body firmly
as if she trying to get away from her fear, shes grabbing on to me.

Maria, did something happen? I ask her.

Nothing its nothing she replies.

Her body is trembling, yet she wont talk. She just shakes her head while grabbing on
to my body. I dont see her usual cheerfulness or her smile. She looks weak and
fragile. I feel like if I look away, she might disappear. Shes just trembling.

I dont want to . She says

I dont want to . Lose it she continues

Youre so warm youre so gentle. She says again

I want to stay here forever. She said

But if I did. She continues

I dont see tears, but Maria is crying, I dont know why shes sad, but this girl desires

Maria. I said

All of a sudden, I feel scared. Im scared this girl, whos holding on to me, is going to
disappear without even a sound. Its same like before, I clearly scared to lose Maria
like her. So its my turn now. I embrace her body firmly; I embrace her as one who
feels this girl is precious. I love her. After that I smile to her.

I love you I said

Do you love me, Maria? I continue

I love you she nods

I really love you she continues

After that we kisses, never to come to my mind today would end like this, after that.

Maria I said

Im going back okay and thanks for today. I continue

Yeah, youre welcome Dion. She replies

She nods, with smile. Her smile is shining, as if she found her answer.

I dont know why, but I cant get my mind off it, actually, I guess its normal. I was
thinking about it until now, but the amount of space the subject takes in my mind has
definitely changed.

I guess things change once we actually do it. I speak to myself


Ah!! I cant stand this. Im going to get some fresh air.

This is bad. I cant get Marias smile out of my mind, I get off the bed and leave the
room. Im going to City Park.

Dion I heard Maria voice.

This cant be just coincident

Hey. I reply her.

I give her a toneless greeting.

Ah, ha, ha we meet again, huh? she says

She responds with dry laugh. I guess were thinking about the same thing.

Eh, ahh, eh you know. I say.

Ah, we can just say that it was a dream, you know. Maybe thats better.
She replies.

I dont think its a good thing for you that you kisses with me she

It was actually me who invited you. She says.

Shes trying to make it sound casual. Her sad smile tells me that shes trying to hide
her honest feelings.

Is that what you want? I ask her.

If youre going to be in trouble. She replies

So that means, if Im not going to be in trouble, then its okay, right? I ask

But Ill probably cause a lot of trouble. She answers me.

It wasnt one night stand; at least I didnt think so. I did it because I truly
love you. I reply.

So since we did it, I want us to be a couple. I say

Dion, okay she replies

Maria nods while looking as if shes about to cry, but with a happy smile.

Okay, then how about our first date as a couple? I ask her

Itll be a very special one, Ill pay for everything! I continue it

Sure. She replies with a bright smile.

Hmm, maybe it was a declaration, a declaration of destroying our friendship and

moving on to a new relationship. I declared clearly, Im proud of myself.

After the small walk turn into a date, we are dating at a park.

I like the little park over there too, but when Im with you, I like this one
better. She says.

I know. That one is more for reminiscing than having fun. I reply her.

Hey, that sounds good. Lets go to the amusement park! she says

The amusement park is open, isnt it? she asks me.

Thats true, maybe we should go in few days. I reply her.

What about tomorrow hmm? she asks

What? I ask her

Maria stops, and then starts to wave her hand big.

Rika, good morning!! suddenly she calls a girl.

Rika is surprised and turns around.

Hmm? Mariaand Dion? Rita looks confuses.

Rita!? I yell cause surprise hear Rita voice.

Shit. She the last person I wanted to see, I didnt think she come this far! Maria! How
could you!?

Dont you take trains to this park? What are you doing here? I ask Rita.
Your apartment is pretty far too. 20 minutes by walk, isnt far at all!! she
arguing me.

Lately, I cant find anything interesting, so I was walking around trying to

find some juicy stuff Rita continues.

Wow, what a shitty timing happen here. I mumble.

But, I think I found it already! Rita looks happy.

Her eyes are sparkling. She looks like the hunter that ready to shot her pray.

Okay, Maria. How far have you two gone? she asks to Maria.

She gets closer to Maria.

Eh? Ah ah Maria looks confuse.

She gets even closers

Was it the flavor, strawberry, lemon? she ask again.

Ri, Rita youre scary. Maria looks scares

Looks like about the kisses huh? Rita is even closer to Maria.

Dont be afraid!! There nothing to be afraid of so tell me everything!! she

try to convince Maria.

Just stop it already I said it to her while throw an empty can from my hand
to her head.

Ouch hey, dont be violent on girls! she says

It was just an empty can! I tell her.

Besides, you werent even a human asking such questions, so theres no

problem! I continue.

Hey, that was cruel!! Rita says

Shut up! Go home already!! I yell at Rita.

I see, youre keeping quiet, huh? Fine, Im not that stupid to interrupt on a
couple in loves. Ill as you wish she says while smiling.
See ya! She says while walk away.

She winks once and leaves, the she stops.

By the way, I took some pictures of you two enjoying yourselves. She says

Looks forward to the next Monday! she continues

Damn it I reflect say it.

Rita is something . Maria says while smiling at me.

Everyday feel amazing, while I with him, every morning she pick me up so
we can go to school together. All the times at classroom I do is studying but if I
didnt understand, I just look at him, how he try so hard and seriously with a text
book, how he try he looking out the window because he bored, and how him trying to
resist the sleepinessand how he sleep in the end. He sure shows many different

Today is just usual I pick her up and after I arrive I greet my classmates, but
on the way to my desk, I hear an eerie voice.

Di-On!! a girl voice come from my back.

Whats with that sweet voice? I say.

Theres something I want you to take a look at. Rita says.

Here she says while give me a photo.

She hands me a picture with a huge smile. As soon as I see it, turn white. Shit, I
completely forgot.

Great picture, huh? Its a digital camera, but it takes great pictures! she
looks proud to herself

Its a picture of you and Maria being extremely friendly! she says

You didnt show it to Steve, did you? I ask her

I wouldnt do that before our negotiations. She replies with smile.

School cafeteria, lunches for three days. I give an offer to her.

Make that for one week. She says.

Alright than I reply her.

What a misfortune, I really forget about what happen yesterday, so this is how my
memorable first day of the month began.

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