Degree Questionnaire

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ENG 114 Degree and Career Questionnaire Name:

1) What is your first choice of major? What degree are you working toward? (AA, AS, AFA, AAS,
Diploma, Certificate, etc.) In other words, what discipline do you hope to earn a degree in?
Business Administration Degree, AA

2) If you are not completely certain that your first choice is the major in which you will earn a
degree, what is your second choice of major? I do not have one. This is probably short sighted
of me.

3) Based on your answer to #1 and/or #2, name two careers you are considering pursuing in the

1- Administrative Assistant

2- Start my own business

4) Name two individuals you know that have a career in your discipline of choice. Provide names
and job title. These individuals can be instructors at a college or individuals that earned the
degree you are pursuing and now work in a field that requires that degree.

1- Martin Holloway, Administrative Assistant Juniper Springs Center

2- Kimberly Newkirk, Doll House Collections

5) Name and describe six areas of concern or problems within your discipline or career
choice that appeal to you. These can be global, national, local, professional, educational,
medical, industrial, personal, commercial, cultural, social, environmental, etc. Be very
specific/narrow. Your future writing project will come from this list. If you need to do
some research to gather ideas, do so.

1- My vision, while I know it is illegal to discriminate against me for that reason , I am aware
of how the real world works. Some employers will be apprehensive about hiring me.
ENG 114 Degree and Career Questionnaire Name:
2- My age could also be a mark against combined with my vision impairment. I feel this will be
a limited number of employers, but I woory about it.

3- Technology, while I have the bare bone skills to accomplish the job , I am ignorant of the
latest tech and of the lingo or terms used.

4- Experience while I have experience supervising and running a shift invoices, inventory,
payroll, etc. I have not held the position of administrative assistant or ran my own business.

5- Health issues are another concern. If the job requires a lot of physical labor It might be
beyond my capabilities.

6- Reading or rather extensive reading. I usually read in increments but I worry that about how
much reading would be required in a day. In college I control how much I read at one time.

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