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Peer groups among children started on various social complexities.

means that they interact with different people which affect the different
developments that occur during childhood. There are several theories
regarding peer groups. These are represented through models such as the
ones created by Piaget, Sullivan a social theorist. (Rubin, Bukowski and
Bowker, 2015) This is relevant to our study mainly because it states that at
an early age, children are already exposed to peer groups. During this time,
various changes may occur and could affect the childs development. These
are the things that we would like to find out in our study.

Rubin, K. H., Bukowski, W. M., & Bowker, J. C. (2015, March 23). Children in
Peer Groups. Retrieved July 18, 2017, from

Peers can be defined as the locale where a child undergoes development.

They are related to both the positive and the negative effects during the
development of the child in his childhood and adolescence stages. There are
a number of various peer signals that may indicate anxiety and other mental
disorders. (Prinstein and Giletta, 2016) This is relevant to our study because
we aim to know the causes of these effects. By undergoing this study, we
will know how peers are perceived. This may be linked to other researches
that focus on the adverse developments of children in a given situation.

Prinstein, M. J., & Giletta, M. (2016, February 10). Peer Relations and
Developmental Psychopathology. Retrieved July 18, 2017, from

Peer groups are formed when children have close relationships with each
other. In these peer groups; there is belief in each other, openness and
faithfulness to the group. Although during the adolescent stage, they
experience changes. This includes being able to see situations in a different
perspective. This could also result to the formation of peer groups or
addition of members in the group. (Miami University, n.d.) This relevant to
our study because it gives us a background on how these peer groups were
formed. It also allows us to see the root cause of such peers. This will enable
us to make better decisions and find new ways in investigating the reasons
behind the peer groups.

Miami University. (n.d.). Retrieved July 18, 2017, from

During high school, peer pressure is prevalent. This has both positive and
negative effects on the academic performance of the student. In a positive
perspective, this will serve as a performance boost. On the other hand, it
can also serve as a source of bad habits as well as problems inside and
outside the school. This means that peers have a vital effect on the
academic performance of the student. (NCES, 2012) This is relevant to our
research because it shows the effects of the peer groups to the academic
performance of the student. It will also aid us in determining the long term
effect of the peer groups. This shows us that peer groups do have an
important role in the educational development of students.

NCES. (2012, June). Students Peer Groups in High School: The Pattern and
Relationship to Educational Outcomes1. Retrieved July 18, 2017, from

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