EME2146 Definitions and Concepts PDF

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Definitions and Concepts for the Subject EME2146 Applied Thermodynamics

Students are expected to remember the following definitions and relations:

Enthalpy = +
Helmholtz function =
Gibbs function =
Specific heat (constant pressure)
= =
Specific heat (constant volume)
= =
Specific heat ratio =
Compressibility (Isothermal) 1
Compressibility (Adiabatic) 1
Expansivity (Isobaric) 1
Reduced temperature
Reduced pressure =
Compressibility factor =
Absolute humidity =
is the mass of the mixture (excluding water vapor) if the
water vapor is not mixing with atmospheric air.
Relative humidity = =
, ,

= (For ideal gas)


Students are also expected to remember the following commonly encounter relations:

Change of exergy (steady flow system) = ( ) ( )

Change of exergy (close system) =( ) ( )
Isentropic efficiency small
= ; Ex: = , =
Thermal efficiency (first-law) output
= ; Ex: = , =
Thermal efficiency (second-law) output ( )
= ; Ex: = , =
input ( )
( )
= , =
( ) +
Ideal gas equation of state = , =
Absolute temperature scale 0 C = 273 K
Dry air (4.76 mol) contains 1 mol of O2, 3.76 mol of N2
Isentropic relation for ideal gas = constant
Constant specific heat for ideal gas =

Apart from the above definitions and relations, students are also expected to understand the following
concepts, definitions or keywords:

Mass conservation, mole conservation, energy conservation, first law of thermodynamics, equilibrium states,
thermal equilibrium (temperature), pressure equilibrium, internal energy, entropy, thermodynamics properties,
dew-point temperature, critical temperature, critical pressure, departure properties, availability, exergy,
irreversibility, exergy destruction, reversible work, molecular weight or molar mass, universal gas constant,
mass or mole or volume fraction, partial pressure, psychometric chart, dry air, moist air, complete combustion,
stoichiometry, excess air, enthalpy of formation, thermal efficiency, isentropic efficiency, Carnot cycle, Otto
cycle, Diesel cycle, Stirring cycle, Ericsson cycle, Brayton cycle, regeneration, heating and intercooling, ideal
vapor-power cycle, ideal refrigeration cycle.

Students are NOT expected to remember the following commonly encounter thermodynamic relations
as they will be given as appendix in the examination or test.

Clayperon Relation
= =
Maxwell Relations

Change in internal energy
= +

Change in enthalpy
= +

Change in entropy
= +

Enthalpy departure ( )

Entropy departure )
= 1+

Virial equation ( ) ( ) ( )
= =1+ + + +

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