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Basic Structural Element Design to BS 8110-1:1997

1.0 Slab Design

1.1 One Way Spanning Slab Design

Figure 1.1: General Arrangement

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Basic Structural Element Design to BS 8110-1:1997

Reference Calculation Out Put

Design of One Way Spanning Slab
Cover to Reinforcement
BS 8110- For durability requirements: Assume mild exposure conditions.
1:1997 Nominal Cover required is 20mm.
Table 3.3
BS 8110- For fire requirements: Assume 2 hour fire resistance
1:1997 Nominal Cover required is 25mm
Table 3.4
Hence Select a cover of 25mm. Cover 25mm
Slab load evaluation
Assume 125mm thick slab.

Self weight of the slab = 0.125 24 = 3kN/m 2

Finishes = 1kN/m 2

Total Dead Load (gk ) = 3 + 1 = 4kN/m 2

BS 6399:Part 1
Imposed load (qk ) = 3kN/m 2

= 1.4g + 1.6q n = 10.4kN/m2

k k
Hence Design load (n) = 1.4 4 + 1.6 3

= 10.4kN/m2

ly = 7425mm

lx = 3225mm

ly 7425
= = 2.3 > 2
lx 3225

Hence Slab Panel is one way spanning slab.

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Basic Structural Element Design to BS 8110-1:1997

Reference Calculation Out Put

According to Table 3.12 of BS 8110-1:1997 maximum sagging moment
is at the middle of end span and maximum support moment is at first
interior support and in both case maximum bending moment is
Consider a 1m wide strip of the Slab.
F = 10.4 3.225 = 33.54kN/m
Maximum moment = 0.086FL = 0.086 33.54 3.225 = 9.30kNm/m

Assume T10 is to be used as main reinforcement.

Effective depth (d)
d = 125 25 = 95mm

M 9.30 106
K= = = 0.034 < 0.156
fcubd2 30 1000 952

Hence section can be designed as a singly reinforced section.

z = 0.5 + 0.25 d

z = 0.5 + 0.25 d = 0.96d > 0.95d

Hence Area of reinforcement required ,

M 9.30 106 mm2

A s,req = = = 235
0.87fy Z 0.95 460 0.95 95 m

Table 3.25 Checks for minimum area of reinforcement

= 0.13

0.13 1000 125 mm2

A s,min = = 162.5
100 m
Provide T10 @ 200mm C/C

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Basic Structural Element Design to BS 8110-1:1997

Reference Calculation Out Put

mm2 T10 @ 200 B1

A s,provided = 393
Checks for maximum spacing
Clause Maximum spacing is lesser of 3 times effective depth or 750mm. 3d = 3 95 = 285mm
Hence provided spacing of 200mm is satisfactory.
Distribution Steel
Distribution steel needs to satisfy the minimum area of reinforcement

0.13 1000 125 mm2

A s,min = = 162.5
100 m
Hence provide T10 @ 300mm C/C.

A s,provided = 262
Maximum spacing is lesser of 3 times effective depth or 750mm.
3d = 3 95 = 285mm
Hence provided spacing of T10 @ 300mm spacing is satisfactory T10@ 300 B2

Checks for Deflection

For deflection check end span slab panel is critical.
Span =3225mm
Table 3.9 For simply supported slab panel

Basic = 20
Effective Depth
For a Continuous slab panel

Basic = 26
Effective Depth

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Basic Structural Element Design to BS 8110-1:1997

Reference Calculation Out Put

In an end slab panel one edge is simply supported and the other end is
continuous. Hence,

Span 20 + 26
Basic = 2 = 23
Effective Depth

Span 3225
Actual = 95 = 33.94
Effective Depth

Span Span
Allowable = Basic F1 F2
Effective Depth Effective Depth
F1 Modificati on Factor for Tension Reinforcem ent

F2 Modificati on Factor for Compressi o n Reinforcem ent

2 A s,req 1
fs = fy
3 A s,pro b

b = 1

2 235 1
fs = 460 = 183.38N/mm2
3 393 1

M 9.30 106
= = 1.03
bd2 1000 952
(477 fs ) (477 183.38)
F1 = 0.55 + = 0.55 + = 1.82 < 2
M 120(0.9 + 1.03)
120(0.9 + 2 )
No Compression reinforcement is provided.
Hence F2 = 1

Span Span
Allowable = Basic F1 F2
Effective Depth Effective Depth

Allowable = 23 1.82 1 = 41.86
Effective Depth

Span Span
Allowable > Actual
Effective Depth Effective Depth
Hence deflection check is satisfied Deflection Ok

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Basic Structural Element Design to BS 8110-1:1997

Reference Calculation Out Put

Checks for Shear
Clause Shear is critical at first interior support.

0.6F = 0.6 33.54 = 20.12N/mm2

Clause Maximum possible shear , lesser of Maximum shear 0.8 fcu or 5N/mm2 Ok

0.8 fcu = 0.8 30 = 4.38N/mm2

Clause V 20.12 103

v= = = 0.21N/mm2 < 4N/mm2 bvd 1000 95

Hence applied shear stress is less tan maximum allowable.

Table 3.8 1 1 1
100As 3 400 4 1 fcu 3
v c = 0.79
b v d d m 25

100As 100 393

= = 0.413 < 3
b v d 1000 95
1 1
400 4 400 4
d = 95 = 1.43 > 1

m = 1.25
1 1 30 3
v c = 0.79 [0.413] 3 1.43 = 0.72N/mm2
1.25 25

v < vc
Hence shear check is satisfied. Shear is Ok

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