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CE140-0P (Fluid Mechanics) Problem Set # 1

Name: __________________________________
Student No.: _____________________________

1. One cubic foot of glycerin has a mass of 2.44 slugs. Find its specific weight in both pounds per cubic foot
and kilonewtons per cubic meter.

2. A quart of a certain fluid weighs about 2.1385 lb. Compute its density in kg/m3 and determine the liquid
referring to the table.
Liquid , kg/m3 Liquid , kg/m3
Ammonia 608 Glycerin 1260
Benzene 881 Kerosene 804
Carbon tetrachloride 1590 Mercury 13550
Ethylene glycol 1117 Methanol 791
Freon 12 1327 Water 998
Gasoline 680 Seawater 1025

3. A certain gasoline weighs 46.5 lb/ft3. What are its mass density, specific volume and specific gravity?

4. Determine the height of the free surface if 0.8 ft3 of oil is poured into a conical tank 20-in high with a
base radius of 10 in. How much additional oil is required to fill the tank? Determine the density of the
oil if the cone holds 30.5 kg before the addition of oil.

5. Calculate the density of water vapor at 350 kPa abs and 20 C.

6. A volume of 2 cubic meter of water is subjected to a pressure increase of 10 MPa.
a. Compute the change in its volume if the bulk modulus is 2000 MPa.
b. Compute the percentage of volume decreased.
c. Compute the coefficient of compressibility.

7. A glass tube is used to measure pressure P1 in a water tank. The tube inner diameter is 1 mm and the
water is at 20 C. After correction for surface tension, what is the true height in the tube if the
reading is 17 cm? Assume surface tension for water as 0.0712 N/m.

8. Determine the wetting angle for a liquid with specific gravity of 13 from the positive y direction
expected in a 0.08-in diameter tube if the surface tension is 0.0352 lb/ft and the capillary depression
is 0.01908 ft.

9. Air at 15 C forms a boundary layer near a solid wall. The velocity distribution in the boundary layer
is given by:
u 2
= 1 e
where U = 30 m/s and = 1 cm. Find the shear stress at the wall (y=0). Use density of air as 1.22 kg/m3
and the kinematic viscosity, as 1.46 x 10-5 m2/s.

10. A rigid container is partly filled w ith a liquid at 1520 kPa. The volume of the liquid is 1232 liters. At a
pressure of 3039 kPa, the volume of the fluid is 1231 liters.
a. Compute the average bulk modulus of elasticity of the liquid.
b. Compute the coefficient of compressibility.
c. If the liquid has a density of 1593 kg/m3, what is the speed of sound in the medium?

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