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CITY OF ALHAMBRA AGENDA ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL JULY 24, 2017 MISSION STATEMENT The City of Atlamnbra ts Joicaled to responsive, cuative leaders and qually services, ensuring desirable neighborhoods and a ‘supportive business environment, while being sensitive to the diversity of our community. Gateway ‘othe Sion Gabriel Valley VISION STATEMENT. The Gily of Alhambra shail be the premier family-oriented and economically prosperous ‘community inthe San Gabriel Valley. ‘Addressing the Counc: Secton 2.04210 of the Alhambra. Muncgal Cade eslabenes the prosedues for ‘saresing he Counc Any person wishing to area the Coun aig the meeting must complete a Speaker Requcdl td end auto the ly Cesk ‘nen called upon by the Mayor, tease stop tothe poium and give your nama, adoss and ergarizaton or ethar pat you proce fan, an aude tone ofvace ete reo. Remarks re eo § minutes. ‘Aromat shall be acrossed o tho Counc as a body and eto any momberthereot. No person, ote han the Cour ae the porn having ts foo, shal be permed to eter io any ecveion, ether dre trough 8 pormisson ofthe Mayer. Ne queston shal be akad a Couneerson except ‘Standards of Decorum: Any perton making personel, impertinent or sanderus rerarks or who shal become bottorou whe addesting he Counel shal be forth, bythe Majer, aed om he meng, Enforcement of Decorum: The Chie of Pace, ois desiree, shal be Segara Ams ofthe Couns meatings ‘na Seigert Armes cary outst erders sd satons ven bythe Mayr forth purpose of martian ‘rds end decor at th Councl mesg, Persons Authorized 9 be Within Rall Wo person, excpt Cty offal, ther ropresntatos, and nowspaper reporters, ebal ba peed witin a alin fone he Counel Chamber wou te expres consent of he Counc ‘Agen Trackin Nombere: lumber stdin bod arth ils ofeach Agenda tem re Cty Cle acting rmber that are usb fo ng and reearch purpobe. TAT AGENDA Rogular Meeting ALHAMBRA CITY COUNCIL. City Council Chambers 111 South First Street Suly24.2017 230 pm. oa BOLL cALL src uy COUNEIE Sam, Mesina, Maloney, Ayala, Mea ELAG SALUTE: Led by Mayor Mejia CLOSED SESSION & CITY ATTORNEY ANNOUNCEMENT re SAME -F2M17-16 ‘The City Council wil move into a closed session pursuant to applicable law, including the Brown ‘Act (Government Code Sec, 54950, of seq.) forthe purposes of conferring withthe City's Real Property negotiator, andior conferring with the City Attomey on potential andfor exsting ligation, andlor discussing matters covered under Government Code Section 54957 (Personnel, andlor conferring with the City’s Labor Negotiators as folows; provided, however, Prior fo so moving Into closed session, the City Attorney shall make any announcements required by the Brown Act pertaining to such closed session matters: Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54956.8): None Conference with Legal Counsel-Existing Litigation (Govt. Code Section £54956,9(0)(1): Henty's Towing and Recovery Inc. v. City of Alhambra, LASC ‘Case No, BS169585 Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant exposure toltigation pursuant fo Govt, Code Section 54956 9(¢)(2): 2 matters. Initiation of HWigation pursuant to Govt. Code Section 54986 9(4)(4): 2 matters. Discussion of Personnel Mattors (Govt. Code Section 54957): None Conference with City’s Labor Negotiator (Govt. Code Section 54957.6): Tara Schull, Assistant City Manager re: Management Employees, Alhambra Police Miscellaneous Association, Alhambra Police Officers’ Association, Alhambra Polen Management Association, Alhambca Fire Fighters’ Association, and the ‘Alhambra City Employees’ Association RECONVENE & CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: In the event the City Council moves into a Closed session, the Cily Counc shall reconvene at 7:00 pm. and the City Attomey shall Feport upon the closed session if required 72447 CEREMONIALS 1 COMMENDATIONS: EAST ALHAMBRA LITTLE LEAGUE SEMINOLES 2017 MINOR LEAGUE CALIFORNIA DISTRICT 18 CHAMPIONS- F2M17-3, Mayor Mejia and the Alhambra City Council, on behalf of the citizens of Alhambra, wish to congratulate and commend the 2017 East Alhambra Little League Minor League Baseball Team, the Seminoles, for their Championship victory. Mayor MEJIA will present the commendations to team members of the Seminoles Winor League “Team, District 18 Tournament of Cnampions victors, THE SEMINOI Minor League Tournament of Champions Winners District 18 Jacob Rodriguez Luke Castellanos Brianah Alejandro ‘Danny Ramirez ‘Jacob Mora “ako Solis Vincent Marichi Christian Ortega Isaac Pena Aydan Hayes Ronnie Carmona ‘Manager Ignacio Alejandro ‘Coach Shamar Carmona ‘Coach David Solis Coach Carlos Rodriguez PUBLIC HEARING 2. AFFIRMATION THAT ALHAMBRA SENIOR RIDE IS THE ONLY PROGRAM READILY AVAILABLE TO PROVIDE COORDINATED TRANSIT SERVICE FOR ‘SENIORS AND INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES - F2M14-29, N2M17-70, R2M17-28 ‘This is the time and place set by Notice No. N2M17-70 for the City Council to hold a public hearing to eansider affirming, by resolution, that there is no non-profit organization Teadly available inthe area lo provide coordinated transit service forthe elderly and individuals with disabities. The Communty ‘Services Department, Senior Services Division which oversees the Senior Rida Program applied for the Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Federal Section 5310 Program Grant (Section 5310) to offset the cost of replacing the Senior Ride fleet vehicles. The Section 6310, Grant funds are administored by the Los Angeles Counly Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) and, a contingency to receiving an award, the City must conduct a public hearing affiming that no nonproft agency is readily avalable in the area to provide similar transi services thal the Senior Ride Program delivers. The notice for this Faring and a 30-day review of te affirmation was placed in the Pasadena Star-News land was avalible for review at City Hall and on the City’s website, No comments were received 3 72447

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