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Recruitment: A company first have to reqruit potential employees to his company. This is the
called recrutment which is primary & most important task of HR.
Training: Then it is time to train them.
Labor relation- Pran establishes Tread Union for their labor to build communication with the
owner party.

Employee relation- Pran has also employee union for the employees.

Incentives: Job enrichment, for instance, can offer employees intrinsic rewards by making
work seem more meaningful Benefits.

Finantial Rewards: These rewards are aligned with organizational goals. Some of them are,

a, Incentive Scheme for All Employees

b, Commission
c, Piecework
d, Performance bonuses

Non- Financial rewards-

Canteen Facilities
Work Environment
Assigned parking spaces
Business cards
Impressive titles

Merit Pay: It gives each of the individual working in the company to have an equal
opportunity to receive the incentives.

Group Incentive: When a whole team deserves an incentive together doing something
great, they are rewarded by Group Incentive Scheme. It improves relations in between

Golden Handshake: When company discharges a senior executive before his contact
expires, it pays a large amount of money to the employee. And it is called Golden Handshake.

Research: For the research perpose, the marketing team might visit the markets directly or might
collect feedbacks from sales managers.

Environment: The marketing team analyzes the market environment based on the report from
the markets.

Situation: The current demand and expectation of the consumers is the situation of the

Target Market: Although their main target is young generation, PRAN also produce a lot of
products for the adult people too.

Product: Unique quality & taste is the main characteristic of PRAN products, specially juices.

Pricing Strategy: They mainly depend on "Cost plus" & "Overhead expenses". Overhead
expenses of per month are calculated and divided to each product of PRAN with its original cost.

Market Place: PRAN has its own distributors which is increasingly expanding all over the country.

Advertisement & Promotion: Since Products of PRAN are being exported in more than 100
countries, it follows advertisement in all possible ways. They use television media, road side
banners, sponsorship of games etc.

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