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Name: ______________________

Practice End Marks

Part One: Correctly put a period, exclamation point, or question mark after each sentence.

1. There are three days left 16. Put that down right now
2. Their cat is black 17. Which one is yours
3. Isnt it Monday 18. I dont know which one is mine
4. Help, a clown is chasing me 19. Do you know how to do this
5. Do you live in the South side 20. To whom should I give this
6. Homework is boring 21. He does his homework; doesnt he
7. I wonder what time it is 22. Dont shut the door
8. Did she do it 23. Id hate to have not done my homework
9. Wow 24. Who cares
10. How many pickled peppers did he pick 25. Africa is not a country; its a continent
11. I am too tired 26. Wherefore art thou, dear Juliet
12. I wonder how far that bus goes 27. Theres a big project due; isnt there
13. Are you sure that goes there 28. Leave me alone, you dolt
14. I think this may be getting harder 29. I wish I knew what time is was
15. You probably wonder when this will end 30. Wouldnt you like to know

Part Two: Write the correct end marks on the blank lines.

Have you ever wondered where your gas money goes ____ The biggest portion goes to the
manufacturers of crude oil, the people who get the oil out of the ground ____ They take a whopping
72% ___ The people who refine the crude oil, turning it into gasoline, earn about 9% ___ The
distributors, people who move the oil around, make 7% ___ You may wonder who the rest goes ___
Well, taxes account for the other 12% ___ Do you know how much the station owners make ___ They
make as little as a few cents A GALLON ___ Shocking, isnt it ___

Part Three: Write five declarative, five exclamatory, and five interrogative sentences. Use the bottom
and back of this sheet.

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